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Project Delivery Methods are Evolving. Are You?

Preliminary Agenda

Learn the Fundamentals of CMGC & Design-Build

Increased use of alternative project delivery methods such as Design-Build (DB) and Construction Manager-General Contractor (CMGC) by transportation agencies requires contractors to learn new skills. ARTBA’s comprehensive Project Delivery Academy will help you learn the fundamentals of alternative delivery methods in four core areas:

• Procurement models/contract structure;• Project pricing provision models;• Developing responsive submittals to requests for qualifications

(RFQ) and/or requests for proposals (RFP); and• Post-award contract administration.

Douglas D. Gransberg, Ph.D., P.E.Professor, Iowa State University, Department of Civil Construction and Environmental Engineering

The Academy will be led by Dr. Gransberg, an engineer, professor, designated design-build professional and owner of a construction management/project delivery consulting firm. Before moving to academia in 1994, he spent over 20 years in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He is currently leading the effort to develop the “AASHTO Guidelines for CMGC Project Delivery” and “Guidebook for Alternative Quality Management.” He is also co-author of the “AASHTO Guide for Design-Build Contracting.”

Participants will be eligible for up to 20 Professional Development Hours.

Contact ARTBA’s Kashae Williams at 202.289.4434 with any questions.


PROJECT DELIVERY ACADEMYOctober 15-17ARTBA HeadquartersWashington, D.C.

1219 28th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007 | (t) 202.289.4434 | (f ) 202.289.4435www.artba.org | www.transportationbuilderinstitute.org

October 15 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.• Introduction to Project Delivery

Methods (PDM)• FHWA Oversight of CMGC & DB

—MAP-21• CMGC procurement models• CMGC project pricing provision

models• Developing responses to CMGC

RFQs and RFPs• CMGC Case Study• CMGC Contact Administration

October 16 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.• DB procurement models• DB project pricing provision

models• Controlling cost and scope creep

during the DB design phase• Developing responses to DB RFQs

and RFPs• DB Case Study• DB Contact Administration

October 17 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon• Granite/HDR Case Study:

Mountain View Corridor• Summary/Wrap-up

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