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2015 Fall Body Comp ChallengeSept 15th – Nov 13th

The writing on the wall…

Make a note of your starting body fat and where you store it.

Determine priority section(s) from questionnaire. Total all sections for an overall stress load (low,

mod, high). Make note of Coach Chris’ individual instructions

for you. Follow lecture action steps plus coach’s specific


What is health?

Insulin Sensitivity

Gut Health


Food QualitySleep



The Primal Approach

“No-Carb Boot Camp” Males <15% - N/A, 15-20% - 2 weeks, >20% four weeks Females <16% - N/A, 16-22% - 2 weeks, >22% four weeks

Avoid all high glycemic and starchy carbs Allowable carbs include:

Thin-skinned berries, citrus, and non-starchy vegetables Have a “carb day” on the final day of your boot camp

then carbs should be consumed either everyday, every other day or once every 3-5 days depending on BF.

Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin Sensitivity

Emphasize meat-based proteins and non-starchy carbs at each meal

Emphasize high quality fats at each meal Meat and Nut Breakfast Don’t skip meals. Eat every 3-5 hours.

Insulin Sensitivity, cont.

Insulin Sensitivity

Meat and Nut Breakfast Guidelines First thing that touches your mouth in the

morning sets up your neurotransmitters for the rest of the day.

Strive for 20-30g of meat-based protein/meal Follow a 4-5 day rotation for protein and nuts Nuts must be raw. Consider soaking. Substitute berries or citrus 1-2x/week for


Insulin Sensitivity, cont.

Insulin Sensitivity

The gut’s role in your overall health and performance cannot be overstated.

Primary function – digestion & absorption of nutrients while maintaining a barrier between intestinal contents and blood stream.

Immunity – 70% of your immune system is housed in the gut.

Flora - aid digestion and immunity Peptides/hormones/neurotransmitters made in gut.

Gut Health

Gut Health “All disease begins in the gut.”-Hippocrates

Gut Health, cont.

Signs and Symptoms of Gut Dysfunction:

Lower abdominal bloating Frequent loose stools or

diarrhea Constipation Acid reflux, indigestion Burping/belching after meals Poor zinc levels Intense sweet cravings Feeling heavy after a meal

Gas Headaches, especially after meals Weight gain, difficulty losing

weight, especially in your mid-section

Itching in nose, ears, rectum Muscle/joint ache Memory issues or difficulty

concentrating Poor skin quality Waking up at night Fatigue or sluggishness Low energy throughout the day

Gut Health, cont.

Gut Health

Gut Imbalance

Gut HealthPoor food




Food Sensitivity

Dysbiosis / Fungus

Low Stomach



Improve and maintain healthy flora Proper elimination diet Tightening of the inter-epithelial junctions Rebuild mucosal lining Retard propagation of inflammatory and

autoimmune signaling pathways via nutritional and pharmacologic means

Improving Gut Health

Gut Health

Eliminate all grains, dairy, nuts, eggs, soy, beans, and legumes for a minimum of 4 weeks, although 8-12 weeks is recommended depending on severity of gut issues.

Nightshades?? White potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, and peppers, both the

eye-watering chilies and the sweeter bell peppers. The list of edible nightshade plants also includes any spices made from peppers, like paprika, red pepper flakes, and cayenne pepper (although black pepper is a different plant).

Most veggies should be cooked/softened. Consume homemade bone broth DAILY! See recipe on GP


Improving Gut Health

Avoid NSAIDs Proper elimination diet Get to bed on time and sleep throughout the

night. Fish oil, fish oil, fish oil!!! Lime and sea salt shot each morning Green smoothies, daily

Lowering InflammationInflammatio


If you can’t pronounce a word on the label, DO NOT EAT IT!

If a caveman didn’t have access to it, DO NOT EAT IT!

If it’s enriched or fortified, DON’T EAT IT!

The longer the shelf life the worse it is for you.

Avoid the “White Devils” White sugar White flour Table Salt Pasteurized Dairy

Food Quality MattersFood


Soy is for dorks! Especially beware of high fructose corn

syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, ‘natural’ flavors, artificial flavors, food colorings, preservatives, additives, etc.

Avoid GMOs Eat organic whenever possible. Local is best. Eat wild, free-range meat whenever possible. Drink clean, filtered water or spring water


Food Quality, cont.

Food Quality

Body’s primary time to detoxify and repair. Sleep in a bat cave. Eliminate as much radiation/EMS as possible. Keep room cool. Carbs in the evening is best. Wind down in the evenings.

Gratitude log, reading, etc. Supplements that facilitate better sleep

UberMag Plus with Tryptophan RestroRem Serenity 2.0 Zen Mag

See sleep protocol for more details.



A 1% drop in hydration affects everything from brain function to VO2 max.

“The solution to pollution is dilution.” Meet a water goal

1 gallon/day MINIMUM Filtered or spring water. Use glass, not plastic Add a pinch of sea salt, lime or lemon for

flavor and better absorption.


No-Carb Boot Camp for improved insulin sensitivity Re-introduce carbs in 2-4 weeks.

Meet a protein goal. Perfect the Meat and Nut Breakfast.

Follow Anti-Fungal Diet for 4-8 weeks Improve food quality (>50% goal). Dial in sleep. Consume 1 gallon of water a day. Choose a supplement protocol that meets your

health needs.



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