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Source: Horizon Report Scandinavian 2015www.nmc.org


BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE Any device can be used for learning & creation (subjects/projects) Working together with Växjö University (Math workboards)CLOUD COMPUTING School4You is in the cloud.FLIPPED CLASSROOM The Students can get their lectures before class, while spending time collaborating and working “hands-on”,” real world” problems GAMES AND GAMIFICATION The whole system is gamified, “play to learn” – it motivates and engages by incorporation of game mechanics.LEARNING ANALYTICS Teachers will see statistics of how their student´s perform. Empower students to take an active part in their learning MAKERSPACES You can create your own workboard where there is a shift from students ”as consumers” to students ”as creators” OPEN CONTENT Both open and closed depending on the users private settings SOCIAL NETWORKS In itself it is a social network and it can be used with others. Bring school to the students, meeting them at their “own” platformTHE INTERNET OF THINGS Connects the physical world with the ”world of information” through the web. Project with Blekinge Tekniska Högskola – To decrease CO2 with “Enerfy” – device (connect your vehicle)ROBOTICS AND PROGRAMMINGSPEECH-TO-SPEECH TRANSLATION

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