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Page 1: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .


University Athletic Association, Inc.

2016 - 2017

Page 2: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .



Table of Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3 Revenue & Expenditure Summary .................................................................................... 4 Budget Philosophy ............................................................................................................ 5 2016-2017 Budget Process ............................................................................................... 6 Revenue ............................................................................................................................ 7 Expenditures ..................................................................................................................... 8 Future Trends & Projections ............................................................................................. 10 List of Exhibits Exhibit A Licensing Revenues Exhibit B Budgeted Revenues and Expenses Exhibit C Budgeted Revenue Changes Exhibit D Net Revenue Contribution to Cover Operations Exhibit E Sources of Revenue Breakdown Exhibit F Operating and Nonoperating Revenue Budget Exhibit G Budgeted Revenue – 2016-2017 Exhibit H Budgeted Expense Changes Exhibit I Budgeted Expenses – 2016-2017 Exhibit J Operating Expense Budget-General, Men’s and Combined Exhibit K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items Exhibit M History Football Revenue & Ticket Related Contributions Exhibit N History Basketball Revenue & Ticket Related Contributions Exhibit O Actual Contributions to UF 2006-2016 Exhibit P Facilities & Improvements 2006-2016 Exhibit Q Amortization Schedule for 1990, 2001, 2005, 2007,2011 & 2015 Bonds

Page 3: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

2015-2016Original Actual as 2016-2017

Account Budget of 4/30/2016 Request Variance

Revenue: Operating (110,705,134) (113,062,033) (117,105,230) 5.78%Nonoperating and Other (2,652,260) (7,677,154) (2,698,653) 1.75%Total Revenue (113,357,394) (120,739,187) (119,803,883) 5.69%Expenditures:Operating - Gen., Men's & Comb. 84,828,044 76,219,884 92,065,913 8.53%Operating - Women's 11,018,836 10,215,117 11,506,386 4.42%Debt Service 6,665,822 6,009,500 10,513,000 57.71%Budgeted Capital Items 4,827,727 15,894,820 3,430,200 (28.95%)Contribution to UF 3,500,000 12,264,289 0 (100.00%)Payments to UF 1,955,343 1,557,607 1,816,506 (7.10%)Total Expenditures 112,795,772 122,161,217 119,332,005 5.79%

Excess of Revenue Over Expenditures and Reserves ($561,622) $1,422,030 1 ($471,878) (.11%)

1 Net Increase in projected actual reflects capital project (contributions)/expenditures not included in original budget


Revenue and Expenditure Summary


Page 4: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .


Our budget philosophy is in support the UAA Strategic Purpose: Provide a championship experience with integrity on and off the field for student-athletes and the Gator Nation. As we strive to balance this budget, we focus primarily on the needs of our student-athletes in their academic pursuits, the needs of our coaches and our teams to succeed athletically, and the desire to build and maintain some of the nation’s finest facilities. In the 2015-16 Operating Budget, the UAA has committed to spending $13.9 million to fund student-athlete scholarships and another $27 million to fund the operation of the sports in which they compete. The UAA is in the process of completing construction of over $100 million in capital projects during the last 12 months. These projects will be funded through private contributions and a new bond issue. This includes the renovation and expansion of Farrior Hall which will house the Otis Hawkins Center for Academic and Personal Excellence, the indoor football practice facility and a contribution of $49 million towards the renovation of the O’Connell Center. The fundamental mission is to promote the overall development and graduation of University of Florida student-athletes. Since 2005, the UAA has funded over $140.3 million in construction and enhancements of athletic facilities in which the student-athletes compete. We also recognize our responsibility to the University to run our operation in an efficient manner that uses sound business practices and an ethical decision making process. We approach the development of the budget with a great attention to detail and ensure we commit only to obligations we will be able to fund in the future.


Page 5: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .


The budget process for the UAA continues to reflect our commitment to only obligating the UAA to expenses that can be met in future years. The UAA has been fortunate to maintain a loyal and committed fan base, as well as the support of the SEC. The financial support provided by our booster’s commitment has allowed us to continue to provide the student-athletes and coaches with a level of funding that allows them to compete on and off the field at the highest level. In April, the budget work papers are forwarded to all sports and department heads with the direction to review and submit all budget line items keeping expense increases to a minimum. For any increases requested, a formal justification is required. All supporting documentation is returned to the business office by the end of April for a draft budget to be compiled. The draft budget and all supporting documentation is submitted to the sport or department supervising associate athletic director for review, changes, and approval. Several meetings are held between the Director of Athletics and the associate athletic directors to prioritize all requests and make the necessary adjustments to ensure a balanced budget. The balanced budget is thoroughly reviewed by a budget sub-committee of the Finance Committee. This sub-committee in turn recommends it to the Finance Committee. Once the budget has been reviewed and ratified by the Finance Committee, it is forwarded to the full UAA Board for approval.


Page 6: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .


The revenue budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year increased by $6.4 million from previous year’s budget. The major items that resulted in these increases and decreases are listed in Exhibit C. The significant items on this list are as follows: Football Game Revenue – ($3.5 Million) – a net increase is due to an increase regular and student season ticket prices, and a net decrease in guarantees Football Other Revenue – ($1 million) – a net increase is due to growth of SEC Bowl payouts, SEC television contracts and decrease in booster surplus Basketball Revenue – ($700,000) – a net decrease in tickets sales for shortened season due to O’Connell Center renovation and net increase in booster contributions SEC Network Revenue – ($1.8 million) – a net increase is due to growth of SEC Network. The revenue is reflected in the following sports: Football - $ million, Men’s Basketball - $2 million, Other Men’s Sports - $1 million, Women’s Sports - $1 million Multi-Media Rights – ($619,000) – a net increase reflects contractual increases The ability of our football program and Gator Boosters to generate significant dollars, as well as the additional revenue provided by the SEC Network and other multimedia rights are the key components to our financial stability. Please see Exhibit E to see the impact these four revenue sources have on the UAA’s finances and Exhibit G for the total revenue breakdown. Other significant items relating to the revenue projections for the UAA: 1. Gator Boosters Inc. generates one third of the funds needed to run this program.

This year the transfers to the UAA are projected to be $33.7 million

2. SEC revenue from bowl games, television contract, and championships are

projected to be $34 million in 2016-2017

3. Our equipment contracts pay to the UAA over $1.9 million 4. Football ($24.9 million) and Basketball ($1.7 million) ticket sales generate $26.6

million for the UAA

5. Our multi-media agreement generates the Association over $6 million

6. Our licensing agreement generates the Association over $5 million annually.


Page 7: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .


The expenditure budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year increased by over $6.5 million from the previous year’s budget. The major items that resulted in these increases and decreases are listed in Exhibit H. The significant items on this list are as follows: Football Expenses and Support - $1.1 million – a net increase due an increase in team travel expense, recruiting expenses, and game day expenses Men’s Basketball – ($329,000) – a net decrease due to the change in team travel expenses and operational expenses due to renovation of O’Connell Center Various Team Expenses and Support - $437,000 – a net increase due to increase in team travel expenses such as air travel, hotels, meals, equipment, recruiting, and ground transportation along with game day operation expenses and championship travel Student-athlete Medical, Welfare, Nutrition and Hydration Expenses - $331,000 – a net increase due to the growing cost of medical treatments and consultants, an increase in Gatorade consumption, and the implementation of an Association wide communication and scheduling software Student Athlete Scholarship Expenses - $310,000 – a net increase for room, board and cost of attendance expenses Branding Initiatives: - $234,000 – a net increase for continued marketing and branding initiatives Maintenance and Major Maintenance Projects: - $134,000 – a net increase to cover facility infrastructure projects Golf Course: - $89,000 – a net increase to cover maintenance. Various Support Departments - $302,000 – a net increase due to increases in gatorvision, administrative travel, and pension plan administrative expenses Information Technology - $321,000 – a net increase due staffing of new computer lab for Hawkins Center and new business software for the Association Utilities, Insurance, and Services - $192,000 – a net increase due to the addition of the football practice facility and increases in contractual services IMGL Ticket Sales Fees - $237,000 – a net increase due to the utilization of IMGL as an external marking agent to help generate additional ticket sales


Page 8: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

Salaries - $3,760,000 – a net increase due to guaranteed increases in several coaches contracts along with raises, and a range pool for all UAA coaches and staff OPS - $219,000 – a net increase due to the increase in addition of positions and cost of minimum wage Fringe Benefits - $211,000 – a net increase due to additional health insurance expenses, along with pension and payroll tax increases Debt Service - $355,000 – a net increase due to the 2015 bond issue Capital Improvements and Permanent Equipment – ($1,400,000) – a net decrease due to a decrease in the budgeted capital expenses Other items to note:

1. The 2016-2017 budget once again contains significant funding for the Otis Hawkins Center for Academic and Personal Excellence, as well as our community relations program, the Goodwill Gators.

2. The UAA fully funds over 264.2 scholarships, which is the NCAA maximum,

permitted for the 21 sports we sponsor. The annual budget for this expense is over $13.9 million.

3. To support the health and well being of our student-athletes, the UAA

operates four training rooms and a nutrition department at a budgeted expense of $2.5 million.


Page 9: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .


Keys to the future financial stability for the University Athletic Association are as follows:

1. The financial commitment that our fans have made to our Football and Men’s Basketball programs continue to generate significant revenue for the program. Success in these sports places our program in the elite ranks of college athletics. We will need to continue to capitalize on this success.

2. The launch of the SEC Network has been a huge success and has provided an

increase in our revenue. The success of the SEC Network has increased visibility of our league and will continue to provide a revenue source for the UAA.

3. The UAA’s membership in the strong league, Southeastern Conference, is

important to our financial stability. The bowl agreements the league has entered into under the College Football Playoff format has added significantly to our Conference bowl payout.

4. The NCAA’s culture is evolving to allow institutions to provide more assistance to

student-athletes and has brought student-athlete safety to the forefront. This trend has increased the UAA’s budget and given the opportunity to further support our Strategic Purpose.

5. We must continue to seek donors for major gifts and endowments. The major gifts allow us to have some of the finest facilities in the country and the scholarship endowment (currently at $50.2 million) protects our future. Raising dollars for endowment will be a major priority for the UAA and Gator Boosters.

6. As indicated in Exhibit Q, our current outstanding debt is ($86.4 million) after the

principal payment on October 1, 2016. We are always cognizant of this obligation as we make plans for the future.

The success of the UAA can be attributed to many factors, but certainly financial stability and growth is a primary factor. Our fan base, Gator Booster organization and the SEC will be fundamental to our financial growth. We are excited for the future success of our academic and athletic programs. History has proven the UAA’s ability to consistently grow and shows It’s Great to be a Florida Gator!


Page 10: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .



Page 11: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Licensing Revenue

Exhibit A11

Page 12: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .








2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Budgeted Revenues and Expenses

Revenues Expenses

Exhibit B12

Page 13: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

Revenue is budgeted to increase by more than $6.4 million overthe previous year's budget due to the following:

$ (3,500,000)Other Revenue - Football (1,900,000)SEC Network Revenue - Basketball/Other Sports (1,000,000)Basketball Booster Contributions (100,000)Basketball Game Revenue decrease due to O'Connell Center Renovation 800,150Licensing Revenue (85,000)Multi-Media Rights contractual increase (619,000)Other Revenue (96,000)

Total (Increase) Decrease $ (6,499,850)

Exhibit C


2016 - 2017 Budget

Football game revenue, net


Page 14: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .









Football Men's Basketball Other Sports

Net Revenue Contribution to Cover Operations

Net Revenue 2017 Net Revenue 2016

Exhibit D14

Page 15: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

Football Tickets21%

SEC Revenue28%Booster Contributions



Multimedia Rights5%

Sources of revenue breakdown 2016-2017

Football Tickets SEC Revenue Booster Contributions Other Multimedia Rights

Exhibit E15

Page 16: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

2015-2016Original Actual as 2016-2017

Account Budget of 4/30/2016 Request Variance

Football:Game Revenue, Net (21,439,111) (21,630,083) (24,948,722) 16.37%Other Revenue (53,895,665) (55,690,904) (55,795,665) 3.53%Sales Tax to Women's Athletics 1,585,122 1,585,122 1,695,885 6.99%

Subtotal (73,749,654) (75,735,865) (79,048,502) 7.18%Men's Basketball:Game Revenue, Net (2,419,550) (2,197,463) (1,619,400) (33.07%)Other Revenue (8,925,000) (8,850,921) (9,512,500) 6.58%Sales Tax to Women's Athletics 148,987 148,987 87,079 (41.55%)

Subtotal (11,195,563) (10,899,397) (11,044,821) (1.35%)Other Sports:Other Sports Game Revenue (2,576,000) (2,578,151) (2,970,000) 15.30%Sales Tax to Women's Athletics 31,189 31,189 28,727 (7.89%)

Subtotal (2,544,811) (2,546,962) (2,941,273) 15.58%Auxiliaries:Golf Course (1,193,000) (878,254) (1,239,000) 3.86%Facility Rental (185,000) (125,226) (220,000) 18.92%

Subtotal (1,378,000) (1,003,480) (1,459,000) 5.88%Other Revenue:Centerplate (Concessions) (1,301,200) (1,196,496) (1,323,800) 1.74%Licensing (4,945,000) (6,231,924) (5,030,000) 1.72%Marketing (9,142,156) (9,321,008) (9,760,656) 6.77%Auxiliary Services (951,450) (918,126) (959,225) .82%Other Revenue (5,497,300) (5,208,775) (5,537,953) .74%

Subtotal (21,837,106) (22,876,329) (22,611,634) 3.55%Total Operating Revenues (110,705,134) (113,062,033) (117,105,230) 5.78%Nonoperating Revenue & Capital ContributionsNonoperating Revenue (2,652,260) 196,815 (2,698,653) 1.75%Capital Contributions 0 (7,873,969) 0

Subtotal (2,652,260) (7,677,154) (2,698,653) 1.75%Total Revenues ($113,357,394) ($120,739,187) ($119,803,883) 5.69%


Operating and Nonoperating Revenues

Exhibit F 16

Page 17: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .



Nonoperating Revenue2%

Men's Basketball9%

Other Revenue19%

Other Sports3%

Budgeted Revenue 2016-2017

Football Auxiliaries Nonoperating Revenue Men's Basketball Other Revenue Other Sports

Exhibit G17

Page 18: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

Expenses are budgeted to increased by $6.5 million overthe previous year's budget due to the following:

Business Obligations:

General Salaries and Contractual Increases $ 3,760,000Fringe Benefits 211,000Debt Service Principal 855,000Athletics Medical Expense 44,000Men's and Women's Scholarships 310,000Athlete Nutrition 264,718Pension Financial Advisor Fee Increase for 3(38) Advisement 145,000Information Technology Expenses(Business Software/Hawkins Center Lab Staffing) 321,000

Sub-total $ 5,910,718

Operating Increases:

Football Team Expenses $ 730,000Football Support(operations increases) 362,000Women's Basketball Travel and Support 47,000Women's Gymnastics Travel, Recruiting and Support 47,000Lacrosse Travel and Equipment 38,350Women's Soccer Travel and Equipment 106,000Women's Tennis Travel and Operations Expenses 24,000Men's and Women's Championship Expenses 220,000Marketing Branding and Scoreboard Expenses 234,000SEC Production Expenses 178,000Student Athlete Welfare 54,000Universal Association and Student Athlete Communication/Calendar Software 86,000Innovation Committee Reserve 25,000Administration Travel 70,000Increase Contingency 50,000Maintenance Expenses 116,000Major Maintenance Expenses 18,000IMGL Ticket Sales Fees 237,000Golf Course Expenses 89,000OPS 219,000

Sub-total $ 2,950,350

Operating Decreases:

Men's Basketball Team Travel (82,100)Men's Basketball Support (247,000)Football Video (46,000)Aviation Fuel Costs (76,500)Licensing Expenses (90,000)Debt Service Interest (500,000)Permanent and Trackable Equipment (1,400,000)

Sub-total $ (2,441,600)

Total $ 6,419,468

Exhibit H


2016 - 2017 Budget


Page 19: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

Football 18%

Men's Basketball4%

Other Sports16%

Support Svcs14%

Contribution to UF0%

Payments to UF2%

Genl Admin22%

P Eq & Cap Imp7%


Debt Svc5% Scholarships


Budgeted Expenses 2016-2017

Football Men's Basketball Other Sports Support Svcs Contribution to UF Payments to UF

Genl Admin P Eq & Cap Imp Auxiliaries Debt Svc Scholarships

Exhibit I19

Page 20: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

2015-2016Original Actual as 2016-2017

Account Budget of 4/30/2016 Request Variance

Football:Football 3,295,168 3,714,838 4,022,633 22.08%Football Support 5,479,449 5,655,387 5,841,402 6.61%

Subtotal 8,774,617 9,370,225 9,864,035 12.42%Men's Basketball:Basketball-Men 1,483,025 1,250,638 1,400,925 (5.54%)Basketball Support-Men 918,041 871,023 670,650 (26.95%)

Subtotal 2,401,066 2,121,661 2,071,575 (13.72%)Other Sports:Baseball 626,132 585,556 605,230 (3.34%)Baseball Support 150,885 137,531 193,727 28.39%Golf-Men 140,545 128,823 149,375 6.28%Swimming-Men & Women 492,100 433,685 480,356 (2.39%)Swimming Support-Men & Women 30,200 36,604 8,800 (70.86%)Tennis-Men 289,476 262,410 302,604 4.54%Tennis Support-Men & Women 10,944 9,413 10,944 0.00%Track-Men & Women 715,861 627,490 692,475 (3.27%)Track Support-Men & Women 46,922 61,141 40,840 (12.96%)Championship Travel-Men 782,500 892,500 892,500 14.06%

Subtotal 3,285,565 3,175,153 3,376,851 2.78%Scholarships:Scholarships-Men 7,605,049 6,989,013 7,782,541 2.33%

Subtotal 7,605,049 6,989,013 7,782,541 2.33%Support Services:Football Equipment Room 61,662 69,414 70,200 13.85%Lemerand Equipment Room 42,506 34,583 42,506 0.00%Football Video Expenses 364,250 309,276 317,950 (12.71%)Other Video Expenses 128,717 74,033 129,973 .98%Strength & Conditioning 35,659 16,357 41,000 14.98%Baseball Training Room 70,996 67,389 73,435 3.44%SEZ Training Room 480,239 496,504 475,550 (.98%)Lemerand Training Room 318,945 352,856 363,136 13.86%Basketball Facility Training Room 163,599 139,978 163,870 .17%Nutrition Expenses 509,951 415,264 919,302 80.27%Media Relations 25,200 21,561 38,000 50.79%Communications 367,643 283,416 368,081 .12%Marketing & Promotion 1,055,050 890,167 1,289,505 22.22%


Operating Expenses - General, Men's, & Combined


Page 21: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

2015-2016Original Actual as 2016-2017

Account Budget of 4/30/2016 Request Variance


Operating Expenses - General, Men's, & Combined

Gatorvision 722,000 880,462 898,800 24.49%Office of Student Life 109,300 99,663 116,300 6.40%Student Athlete Welfare 970,136 975,361 1,023,408 5.49%

Subtotal 5,425,853 5,126,284 6,331,016 16.68%General & Administrative:Compliance & Sports Administration 31,000 21,853 31,000 0.00%Human Resources 421,583 341,539 367,083 (12.93%)Utilities, Insurance & Services 5,539,174 5,068,075 5,521,010 (.33%)General Administration 1,043,250 1,058,279 1,418,475 35.97%Maintenance 959,995 961,057 1,057,501 10.16%Major Maintenance 481,840 605,905 499,394 3.64%Ticket Office 1,886,923 1,820,411 2,123,145 12.52%Information Technology 1,582,876 1,691,008 1,959,501 23.79%Purchasing & Receiving (Trackable) 239,660 297,626 197,600 (17.55%)Operations 63,700 55,191 81,000 27.16%Licensing 246,531 227,896 156,288 (36.61%)Aviation-Phenom 100 163,167 262,526 154,657 (5.22%)Aviation-Phenom 300 122,649 225,368 55,468 (54.78%)Aviation-Administrative 0 (317,314) (250) (4.03%)

Subtotal 12,782,348 12,319,420 13,621,872 6.57%Auxiliaries:Golf Course 1,564,884 1,444,048 1,651,910 5.56%Facility Rental 48,600 50,745 49,000 .82%

Subtotal 1,613,484 1,494,793 1,700,910 5.42%Salaries, OPS & Benefits:Salaries-General, Men's & Women's 32,450,547 25,908,672 36,397,378 12.16%OPS 1,224,893 1,256,240 1,443,916 17.88%Fringe Benefits 9,264,622 8,458,423 9,475,819 2.28%

Subtotal 42,940,062 35,623,335 47,317,113 10.19%Total Operating Expenses $84,828,044 $76,219,884 $92,065,913 8.53%

Exhibit J 21

Page 22: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

2015-2016Original Actual as 2016-2017

Account Budget of 4/30/2016 Request Variance

Sports:Basketball-Women 1,062,334 1,011,006 1,092,358 2.83%Basketball Support-Women 375,352 364,005 391,477 4.30%Golf-Women 145,725 121,857 153,025 5.01%Gymnastics 284,899 267,115 320,141 12.37%Gymnastics Support 85,600 105,105 97,400 13.79%Lacrosse 395,095 292,105 410,245 3.83%Lacrosse Support 38,800 28,915 38,800 0.00%Soccer 390,752 374,890 496,875 27.16%Soccer Support 26,732 25,138 22,000 (17.70%)Softball 387,616 373,248 394,150 1.69%Softball Support 72,730 39,471 76,100 4.63%Tennis-Women 246,271 237,111 265,190 7.68%Volleyball 562,885 536,553 549,509 (2.38%)Volleyball Support 221,745 182,219 233,953 5.51%Championship Travel-Women 782,500 892,500 892,500 14.06%

Subtotal 5,079,036 4,851,238 5,433,723 6.98%Scholarships:Scholarships-Women 5,939,800 5,363,879 6,072,663 2.24%

Subtotal 5,939,800 5,363,879 6,072,663 2.24%

Total Operating Expenses $11,018,836 $10,215,117 $11,506,386 4.42%


Operating Expenses - Women's

Exhibit K 22

Page 23: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

2015-2016Original Actual as 2016-2017

Account Budget of 4/30/2016 Request Variance

Debt Service:Debt Service-Principal 4,180,000 4,180,000 5,035,000 20.45%Debt Service-Interest 2,485,822 1,829,500 5,478,000 ¹ 120.37%

Subtotal 6,665,822 6,009,500 10,513,000 57.71%Budgeted Capital Items:Permanent Equipment 825,500 1,036,848 430,200 (47.89%)Capital Improvements 4,002,227 14,857,972 3,000,000 (25.04%)

Subtotal 4,827,727 15,894,820 3,430,200 (28.95%)Contribution to UF:Contribution to UF 3,500,000 12,264,289 0 ² (100.00%)

Subtotal 3,500,000 12,264,289 0 (100.00%)Payments to UF:Payments to UF 1,955,343 1,557,607 1,816,506 (7.10%)

Subtotal 1,955,343 1,557,607 1,816,506 (7.10%)

Total Debt Service,Capital Items, Contributions & Payments to UF $16,948,892 $35,726,216 $15,759,706 (7.02%)

1 $3,500,000 reserved for future debt service2 $3,500,000 moved to debt service


Debt Service,Capital Items,Contributions & Payments to UF

Exhibit L 23

Page 24: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

10 Year History Football Revenue & Ticket Related Contributions

Football Game Revenue Ticket Related Contributions

Exhibit M24

Page 25: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

10 year History Basketball Revenue & Ticket Related Contributions

Basketball Game Revenue Ticket Related Contributions

Exhibit N25

Page 26: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .












2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Actual Contributions to UF 2006-2016*(*Current year estimated through May 2016)

Total Contribution Other Contribution Logo Revenue

Exhibit O26

Page 27: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .














2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Facilities & Improvements 2006-2016*(*Current Year through May 2016)

Exhibit P27

Page 28: 2016 - 2017 OPERATING BUDGET K Operating Expense Budget-Women’s . Exhibit L Nonoperating Expenses and Budgeted Capital Items .

Yearly TotalAmortization Outstanding Amortization Outstanding Amortization Outstanding Amortization Outstanding Amortization Outstanding Amortization Outstanding Amortization Outstanding

Date Requirements Balance Requirements Balance Requirements Balance Requirements Balance Requirements Balance Requirements Balance Requirements Balance1-Oct-12 1,300,000 11,900,000 845,000 49,945,000 600,000 5,200,000 500,000 7,500,000 750,000 14,250,000 3,995,000 88,795,0001-Oct-13 1,400,000 10,500,000 835,000 49,110,000 600,000 4,600,000 500,000 7,000,000 750,000 13,500,000 4,085,000 84,710,0001-Oct-14 1,500,000 9,000,000 730,000 48,380,000 600,000 4,000,000 500,000 6,500,000 750,000 12,750,000 4,080,000 80,630,0001-Oct-15 1,600,000 7,400,000 730,000 47,650,000 600,000 3,400,000 500,000 6,000,000 750,000 12,000,000 15,000,000 4,180,000 91,450,0001-Oct-16 1,700,000 5,700,000 735,000 46,915,000 600,000 2,800,000 500,000 5,500,000 750,000 11,250,000 750,000 14,250,000 5,035,000 86,415,0001-Oct-17 1,800,000 3,900,000 740,000 46,175,000 600,000 2,200,000 500,000 5,000,000 750,000 10,500,000 750,000 13,500,000 5,140,000 81,275,0001-Oct-18 1,900,000 2,000,000 750,000 45,425,000 600,000 1,600,000 500,000 4,500,000 750,000 9,750,000 750,000 12,750,000 5,250,000 76,025,0001-Oct-19 2,000,000 0 765,000 44,660,000 600,000 1,000,000 500,000 4,000,000 750,000 9,000,000 750,000 12,000,000 5,365,000 70,660,0001-Oct-20 785,000 43,875,000 1,000,000 0 500,000 3,500,000 750,000 8,250,000 750,000 11,250,000 3,785,000 66,875,0001-Oct-21 3,210,000 40,665,000 500,000 3,000,000 750,000 7,500,000 750,000 10,500,000 5,210,000 61,665,0001-Oct-22 3,350,000 37,315,000 500,000 2,500,000 750,000 6,750,000 750,000 9,750,000 5,350,000 56,315,0001-Oct-23 3,490,000 33,825,000 500,000 2,000,000 750,000 6,000,000 750,000 9,000,000 5,490,000 50,825,0001-Oct-24 3,640,000 30,185,000 500,000 1,500,000 750,000 5,250,000 750,000 8,250,000 5,640,000 45,185,0001-Oct-25 3,795,000 26,390,000 500,000 1,000,000 750,000 4,500,000 750,000 7,500,000 5,795,000 39,390,0001-Oct-26 3,955,000 22,435,000 500,000 500,000 750,000 3,750,000 750,000 6,750,000 5,955,000 33,435,0001-Oct-27 4,120,000 18,315,000 500,000 0 750,000 3,000,000 750,000 6,000,000 6,120,000 27,315,0001-Oct-28 4,295,000 14,020,000 750,000 2,250,000 750,000 5,250,000 5,795,000 21,520,0001-Oct-29 4,480,000 9,540,000 750,000 1,500,000 750,000 4,500,000 5,980,000 15,540,0001-Oct-30 4,670,000 4,870,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 3,750,000 6,170,000 9,370,0001-Oct-31 4,870,000 0 750,000 0 750,000 3,000,000 6,370,000 3,000,0001-Oct-32 750,000 2,250,000 750,000 2,250,0001-Oct-33 750,000 1,500,000 750,000 1,500,0001-Oct-34 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,0001-Oct-35 750,000 0 750,000 0

20,400,000 56,010,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 125,610,000

Exhibit Q


Amortization Schedule for 1990, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2011 & 2015 Bonds

2005 Bonds1990 Bonds 2001 Bonds 2007 Bonds 2011 Bonds 2015 Bonds


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