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    April 2016

    American Public Transportation Association 1300 I Street, N.W.

    Suite 1200 East Washington, DC 20005

    (202) 496-4800


    APTA’s Vision Statement

    Be the leading force in advancing public transportation.

    APTA’s Mission Statement

    To strengthen and improve public transportation, APTA serves and leads its diverse membership through

    advocacy, innovation and information sharing.

    APTA’s Policy on Diversity

    APTA recognizes the importance of diversity for conference topics and speakers and is committed to increasing the awareness of its membership on diversity issues. APTA welcomes ideas and suggestions on how to strengthen its efforts to meet these important diversity objectives.

  • Published by American Public Transportation Association

    Michael P. Melaniphy, President and CEO

    Written by

    John Neff, Senior Policy Researcher (202) 496-4812 [email protected]

    Matthew Dickens, Policy Analyst

    (202) 496-4817 [email protected]

    APTA Policy Department

    Arthur L. Guzzetti, Vice President-Policy

    American Public Transportation Association Washington, DC

    April 2016

    Material from 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A: Historical Tables may be quoted or reproduced, with proper reference, without obtaining the written permission of the American Public Transportation Association. Suggested Identification: American Public Transportation Association: 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A: Historical Tables, Washington, DC, April, 2016.

  • 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 4

    About the Fact Book The American Public Transportation Association is a nonprofit international association of over 1,500 public and private member organizations including public transportation systems; planning, design, construction and finance firms; product and service providers; academic institutions; transit associations; and state departments of transportation. APTA members serve the public interest by providing safe, efficient, and economical transit services and products. Over ninety percent of persons using public transportation in the United States and Canada are served by APTA members. The Public Transportation Fact Book (formerly the Transit Fact Book) was first published in 1943. This is the 67th edition of the Fact Book published by the American Public Transportation Association and its predecessor organizations. Data in the Public Transportation Fact Book have been calculated following statistically rigorous procedures since the data were first accumulated. All Fact Book data from the beginning of its collection represent the entire transit industry for those modes for which data were collected and reported for the year of the data. Beginning in 2008 the Public Transportation Fact Book has been published in three parts. This format allows greater detail in statistical content and at the same time allows data to be easier to find and access. The 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book presents statistics describing transit service in the entire United States in 2013. The 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A: Historical Tables, presents primary data items for the entire time period they have been reported in Fact Books and other statistical reports prepared by APTA and its predecessor organizations. Many data items are reported for every year beginning in the 1920s and ridership is reported from 1890. The 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix B: Operating Statistics and Rankings presents six operating statistics for 2014 for each transit agency in size order, totaled for all service modes operated by the agency and in size order for each individual mode. Data are also summed and ranked for urbanized areas, both all modes totaled and for individual modes. In addition, all rural transit agencies are ranked for four operating statistics for individual modes and agency total. Rural data is also total and ranked for states by mode and for all modes combined. These lists greatly expand similar data in previous Public Transportation Fact Books and allow a simple method to determine comparably sized transit agencies -- a difficult task when using existing data sources. Data for Appendix B are taken from the Federal Transit Administration's National Transit Database (NTD) and include only agencies reporting to the NTD. The 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix C: Historical Data Files includes large data files on specific subjects. This appendix is being added to the Fact Book data set in 2016. The first two files are (1) data comparing the growth of each urbanized area from the 1950 Census through the 2010 Census and (2) a list of the opening dates and basic statistics concerning the opening of new fixed-guideway segments form 2000 through 2016. APTA produces additional data reports that provide detailed information about individual transit agencies that is not available from other sources. These reports, or information for obtaining these reports, are on the APTA web site at www.apta.com. The Public Transportation Fare Database, published annually, report details of individual transit agency fare structures, fare collection practices, and fare collection equipment. The Public Transportation Vehicle Database, published annually, lists all vehicles owned by participating agencies in fleets, that is, groups of identical vehicles manufactured in the same year. Extensive

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    information is included on their propulsion plants, dimensions, and equipment such as communications and passenger amenities. The Public Transportation Infrastructure Database, published in alternating years, lists all fixed-guideways and stations operated by participating transit agencies. Equipment in stations is detailed. The Public Transportation Ridership Report is published quarterly. Each edition presents ridership for each of three months plus quarterly and year-to-date amounts for all participating transit agencies. The reported data are used to estimate total ridership for individual modes and an aggregate total. This report presents a quick indicator of the state of the transit industry shortly after the close of the period being reported. The APTA Primer on Transit Funding presents a detailed explanation of programs in federal laws authorizing funding for the transit industry. Detailed statistics report amounts of funds available and the text describes the uses to which those funds may be put and the methods by which they are distributed. A new Primer is prepared for each authorization of transit law and is updated annually to reflect annual appropriations of federal funds for transit. A Profile of Public Transportation Passenger Demographics and Travel Characteristics Reported in On-Board Surveys is an extensive investigation of the demographic characteristics and travel behavior of transit passengers based on surveys conducted by transit agencies of their passengers while traveling on-board their vehicles. Extensive data for individual transit agencies can be found at the Federal Transit Administration's National Transit Database web site at http://www.ntdprogram.gov/ntdprogram/.

    Methodology The procedure for estimating total data in the 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, and prior issues of the Fact Book, is to expand available data by standard statistical methods to estimate U.S. national totals. It includes only public transportation data and excludes taxicab, unregulated jitney, school, sightseeing, intercity, charter, military, and services not available to the general public or segments of the general public (e.g., governmental and corporate shuttles), and special application systems (e.g., amusement parks, airports operating only within the airport, and the following types of ferry service: international, rural, rural interstate, and urban park). The Fact Book can be indirectly traced to the U.S. Bureau of Census Report on Transportation in the United States at the Eleventh Census: 1890, Part II - Street Railway Transportation, published in Washington, DC by the Government Printing Office in 1895. This volume listed data for individual street railways and aggregate data for the entire street railway industry. The Census was conducted again in 1902, 1907, and 1912, but a report with data for individual railways was not published during World War I. Following World War I, an APTA predecessor organization, the American Electric Railway Association (AERA), began publishing annual operating reports with data for individual member transit systems. The last APTA Public Transportation Operating Report was published in 1992. Data for individual transit agencies is now published by the Federal Transit Administration in the National Transit Database report series. The Census of Electrical Industries: 1917, Electric Railways, published by the Government Printing Office in 1920, provided summary data only; no data for individual electric railways were included. Summary data were published by the Census every five years through 1937. Beginning for the year 1922, the APTA predecessor American Electric Railway Association began publishing annual summaries of data for agencies participating in their surveys. The census of transit operations was not conducted in 1942. An APTA predecessor, by then named the American Transit Association (ATA), published The Transit Industry of the United States: Basic Data and Trends, 1942 Edition in March 1943. The following year the summary of transit data, titled the Transit Fact Book 1944, was published and dated for the year in which it was published, which has been continued as the Fact Book dating policy since then.

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    Federal transit data summaries from 1890 through 1937 were simple totals of data for all transit agencies reporting to each Census. Because transit agencies were required by law to report their data, it can be assumed that the Census data represented nearly the entire transit industry for those vehicle modes for which data were collected. When the ATA began compiling the Fact Book, data were obtained by survey from ATA member organizations. There was not, of course, a legal requirement for ATA members or non-member transit agencies to report data. In order to estimate data for the entire U.S. transit industry, the ATA expanded the sample data from their survey to represent the entire transit industry using statistical methods. In 1984 APTA members began providing APTA with copies of their submissions to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) National Transit Database (NTD) rather than completing special surveys. The NTD began collecting data in 1979. The NTD data then provided the basis for estimates of national data. Beginning in 1997, NTD data in electronic formats, available directly from the FTA, were used rather than data taken from paper copies of report forms. Amounts for the earliest years for data series beginning 1926 or earlier were first reported in the 1946 Transit Fact Book and were estimated from Operating Reports and data summaries for those years. The definitions of specific data change over time. Data are reported on these tables using the definition that was current when they were collected. For example, prior to the collection of NTD data what is now termed "unlinked passenger trips" was defined as "total trips" and included a count of all persons boarding transit vehicles and paying a fare, using a transfer, or allowed to ride for free for a specified reason. "Unlinked passenger trip" is defined as all persons boarding a transit vehicle and is determined from various counting procedures and statistical expansions required by the federal government. Although these definitions vary, the data can be expected to be nearly identical. All data in this Fact Book calculated by APTA and its predecessors are statistical expansions of sample data designed to represent the total activity of all transit agencies for the modes of service included for a particular year. Base data were from APTA surveys prior to the NTD. Lists were maintained from all available sources for agencies that were not in the APTA or NTD sample. Data were expanded by mode in stratified categories of similar systems based on population and other characteristics. All procedures were adapted to minimize the maximum possible error, a standard statistical method. The number of modes included has increased over time. The year each mode was first included in the Fact Book and in estimated national totals was (year of data, not year of Fact Book title): 1890: Light Rail 1907: Heavy Rail 1922: Bus 1928: Trolleybus 1980: Commuter Rail and Other (Other included aerial tramway, automated guideway transit, cable car,

    inclined plane, and monorail.) 1984: Demand Response 1995: Ferry Boat and Transit Vanpool, reported separately or included in "Other" on some tables. 2000: Regulated Publico included in Bus. 2007: Regulated Publico included in "Other' or reported separately on some tables. 2011: Bus differentiated as Bus, Bus Rapid Transit, and Commuter Bus; Commuter Rail differentiated as

    Commuter Rail and Hybrid Rail; Light Rail differentiated as Light Rail and Streetcar (see discussion "Beginning in 2011 . . ." below). Regulated Publico, Ferry Boat, and Transit Vanpool differentiated on modal tables.

    Data from 1890 through 1983 are for calendar years. NTD data, however, are collected for "Reporting (or Report) Years." A Reporting Year is each transit agency's fiscal year that ends during a calendar year. Beginning in 1984 Fact Book data are for Reporting Years, not calendar years.

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    NTD data were first reported for agencies in Urbanized Areas (UZA). UZAs are areas defined during the Decennial Census with at least 50,000 persons including a central city. Prior to 2007, data for systems outside of urbanized areas, rural systems, were not collected or published by the NTD and were estimated by APTA based on other data sources. Beginning in 2007 the NTD collected and made available data for rural agencies. The Federal Transit Administration Rural Transit Assistance Program also sponsored a survey of rural transit agencies. These surveys allowed APTA to more accurately assess the distribution of bus, demand response service, and transit agency vanpool service in rural areas. In association with this, APTA also conducted a survey of other data sources to identify agencies not included in the main NTD report or the NTD rural data. The increase in data available over the Internet from state agencies which oversee transit entities also allows a more accurate estimate of data for agencies eligible for federal transit assistance which provide non-profit service to elderly persons and persons with disabilities and are, therefore, included in demand response data. Data for "bus," "demand response," and "other" are not continuous from 2006 to 2007. Data for other modes and national aggregates are continuous from 2006 to 2007. Bus and demand response in these tables refer to a mode of service, not to a specific vehicle type. Demand response service, defined as roadway service directly from an origin to a destination determined by the rider and not following a fixed-route, is usually provided by vans but is also provided by small buses and in a limited number of cases by large buses. Bus service is a variety of roadway services that share the characteristic of being operated entirely or partially on fixed routes. Bus service data in 2007 included local service, express service, subscription service, diversionary route service, loop service, commuter bus, bus rapid transit, and other types. Although bus service is normally provided by buses, it can be provided by smaller vehicles that may be considered large vans. When the NTD began reporting rural data it became apparent that previous estimates used in the Fact Book for rural data based on other sources were correct in the aggregate but were not correctly distributed between bus, demand response, and vanpool (a part of other on some tables). This is the reason that the data from 2006 to 2007 are labeled as discontinuous for individual modes but not for aggregate amounts. Beginning in 2011 the NTD allowed differentiated reporting of three categories of bus service: "bus" (which is all bus service that is not commuter bus or bus rapid transit), "commuter bus," and "bus rapid transit." The NTD also allowed the differentiation of commuter rail as two modes: "commuter rail" and "hybrid rail." The Fact Book continues a summary value for these two modes beginning in 2011 called "regional railroad." A third new requirement allowed the differentiation of light rail as two modes: "light rail" and "streetcar." The Fact Book continues a summary value for these two modes called "surface rail." A further complication, that some systems now reported as hybrid hail were previously reported commuter rail and others now reported as hybrid rail were reported as light rail, is not adjusted for in previous years' Fact Book data. All three of these modal differentiations were voluntary for 2011 and 2012 NTD reporting but were required beginning with reporting of 2013 NTD data. The inclusion of transit agencies in specific UZA population groups for data estimate purposes was also verified. Many transit agencies provide service to several UZAs, many of which were new in the 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses or dramatically changed size in those Censuses. When UZAs are delineated during each Decennial Census the population categories within which they are included for statistical expansion purposes may change and the growth of the area may include the service areas of agencies that had been rural agencies in the previous Census. UZAs are also combined into larger areas or split into multiple areas during each Census. The UZA data are usually not available until two to four years after the Census. For these reasons APTA does not estimate and report historical data stratified by population size groups. Improved counting methods have resulted from increased use of automatic passenger counters and from the use of new fare media such as magnetic and smart cards, the transactions of which can be counted and summarized. This increased automatic counting is particularly important in determining transfer behavior among service modes within agencies allowing more accurate assignment of data by mode.

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    It is APTA policy to continually seek to improve the quality of data reported in the Fact Book. Data are sought from all available sources and statistical procedures are used to verify that the data presented in the Fact Book are the most accurate possible data. The data source and general methodology for calculation of each table can be determined from the Statement of Scope, the second line of the right-hand heading of each page of each table. The Statements of Scope are: (1) INCLUDES ENTIRE TRANSIT INDUSTRY: Tables identified as "Includes Entire Transit Industry" include data for each mode, subtotals, and totals for the entire transit industry for the modes with data reported for each particular year. Any mode for which data is not reported for a particular year is not included in subtotals and totals. These data are based on APTA Operating Report data until the the early 1980s and on National Transit Database reports since then as described above. These data are expanded using any other available source to estimate values for transit service not included in those base sources. (2) INCLUDES TRANSIT AGENCIES REPORTING TO NATIONAL TRANSIT DATABASE FOR URBANIZED AREAS ONLY and (3) INCLUDES TRANSIT AGENCIES REPORTING TO NATIONAL TRANSIT DATABASE FOR RURAL AREAS ONLY: These data are taken directly from each year's National Transit Database and include only those services reported to the National Transit Database. They are NOT expanded to account for transit agencies which do not report to the National Transit Database. NTD data for urbanized areas include most service in those areas and NTD data for rural areas include most service in rural areas. (4) INCLUDES SAMPLE IN APTA PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE DATABASE ONLY; (5) INCLUDES SAMPLE IN APTA PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE DATABASE ONLY; and (6) INCLUDES SAMPLE IN APTA PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FARE DATABASE ONLY: These data are taken from APTA conducted surveys. They are based on the responses of APTA members that provide data on a voluntary basis. They are NOT expanded to account for transit agencies which do not participate in APTA surveys. Because they are samples and are not expanded, most data taken from these databases are presented as percentages of the sample. In cases where amounts are reported for data items, it is important to remember they represent the amounts only for the sample and may be significantly smaller than the value for the entire transit industry would be.

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    TABLE OF CONTENTS PASSENGER DATA: Table 1: Unlinked Passenger Trips by Mode (Millions of Trips), Part A: Roadway Modes [1890-2014] ..................................................................................... 21 Table 1: Unlinked Passenger Trips by Mode (Millions of Trips), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1890-2014] ......................................... 25 Table 2: Unlinked Passenger Trips by Mode (Percent of Trips), Part A: Roadway Modes [1890-2014] ..................................................................................... 29 Table 2: Unlinked Passenger Trips by Mode (Percent of Trips), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1890-2014] ......................................... 33 Table 3: Passenger Miles by Mode (Millions of Passenger Miles), Part A: Roadway Modes [1977-2014] ..................................................................................... 37 Table 3: Passenger Miles by Mode (Millions of Passenger Miles), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1977-2014] ......................................... 39 Table 4: Passenger Miles by Mode (Percent of Passenger Miles), Part A: Roadway Modes [1977-2014] ..................................................................................... 41 Table 4: Passenger Miles by Mode (Percent of Passenger Miles), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1977-2014] ......................................... 43 Table 5: Average Trip Length by Mode (Passenger Miles Divided Unlinked Passenger Trips), Part A: Roadway Modes [1977-2014] .................................................................................... 45 Table 5: Average Trip Length by Mode (Passenger Miles Divided Unlinked Passenger Trips), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1977-2014] ........................................ 47 Table 6: Boardings per Mile by Mode in Revenue Service (Unlinked Passenger Trips Divided by Vehicle Revenue Miles), Part A: Roadway Modes [1995-2014] .................................................................................... 49 Table 6: Boardings per Mile by Mode in Revenue Service (Unlinked Passenger Trips Divided by Vehicle Revenue Miles), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1995-2014] ........................................ 50 Table 7: Average Passenger Load by Mode in Revenue Service (Passenger Miles Divided by Vehicle Revenue Miles), Part A: Roadway Modes [1995-2014] .................................................................................... 51 Table 7: Average Passenger Load by Mode in Revenue Service (Passenger Miles Divided by Vehicle Revenue Miles), Part B: Fixed Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1995-2014] ........................................ 52 OPERATING DATA: Table 8: Vehicle Total Miles Operated by Mode (Millions of Miles), Part A: Roadway Modes [1926-2014] .................................................................................... 53

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    Table 8: Vehicle Total Miles Operated by Mode (Millions of Miles), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1926-2014] ........................................ 56 Table 9: Vehicle Total Miles Operated by Mode (Percent of Miles), Part A: Roadway Modes [1926-2014] .................................................................................... 59 Table 9: Vehicle Total Miles Operated by Mode (Percent of Miles), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1926-2014] ........................................ 62 Table 10: Vehicle Total Miles Operated per Revenue Vehicle Available for Maximum Service by Mode, Part A: Roadway Modes [1926-2014] ................................................................................... 65 Table 10: Vehicle Total Miles Operated per Revenue Vehicle Available for Maximum Service by Mode, Part B: Fixed Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1926-2014] ....................................... 69 Table 11: Vehicle Revenue Miles Operated by Mode (Millions of Miles), Part A: Roadway Modes [1995-2014] .................................................................................... 73 Table 11: Vehicle Revenue Miles Operated by Mode (Millions of Miles), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1995-2014] ........................................ 74 Table 12: Vehicle Revenue Miles Operated per Revenue Vehicle Available for Maximum Service by Mode, Part A: Roadway Modes [1995-2014] .................................................................................... 75 Table 12: Vehicle Revenue Miles Operated per Revenue Vehicle Available for Maximum Service by Mode, Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1995-2014] ........................................ 76 Table 13: Vehicle Total Hours Operated by Mode (Millions of Hours), Part A: Roadway Modes [1986-2013] .................................................................................... 77 Table 13: Vehicle Total Hours Operated by Mode (Millions of Hours), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1986-2014] ........................................ 79 Table 14: Vehicle Total Hours Operated per Revenue Vehicle Available for Maximum Service by Mode, Part A: Roadway Modes [1986-2014] .................................................................................... 81 Table 14: Vehicle Total Hours Operated per Revenue Vehicle Available for Maximum Service by Mode, Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1986-2014] ........................................ 83 Table 15: Vehicle Revenue Hours Operated by Mode (Millions of Hours), Part A: Roadway Modes [1995-2014] .................................................................................... 85 Table 15: Vehicle Revenue Hours Operated by Mode (Millions of Hours), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1995-2014] ........................................ 86 Table 16: Vehicle Revenue Hours Operated per Revenue Vehicle Available for Maximum Service by Mode, Part A: Roadway Modes [1995-2014] .................................................................................... 87

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    Table 16: Vehicle Revenue Hours Operated per Revenue Vehicle Available for Maximum Service by Mode, Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1995-2014] ........................................ 88 Table 17: Average Vehicle Speed by Mode in Revenue Service (Vehicle Revenue Miles Operated Divided by Vehicle Revenue Hours Operated), Part A: Roadway Modes [1995-2014] .................................................................................... 89 Table 17: Average Vehicle Speed by Mode in Revenue Service (Vehicle Revenue Miles Operated Divided by Vehicle Revenue Hours Operated), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1995-2014] ........................................ 90 Table 18: Public Transportation Agency Operating Employees by Mode, Part A: Roadway Modes [1984-2014] .................................................................................... 91 Table 18: Public Transportation Agency Operating Employees by Mode, Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1984-2014] ........................................ 93 Table 19: Public Transportation Agency Total Employees by Function [1931-2014] ................. 95 Table 20: Public Transportation Agency Employee Compensation (Units as Noted in Parentheses) [1931-2014] ..................................................................................................... 98 VEHICLE DATA: Table 21: Revenue Vehicles Available for Maximum Service by Mode (Number of Vehicles), Part A: Roadway Modes [1926-2014] .................................................................................... 101 Table 21: Revenue Vehicles Available for Maximum Service by Mode (Number of Vehicles), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1926-2014] ........................................ 105 Table 22: Revenue Vehicles Available for Maximum Service by Mode (Percent of Vehicles), Part A: Roadway Modes [1926-2014] .................................................................................... 109 Table 22: Revenue Vehicles Available for Maximum Service by Mode (Percent of Vehicles), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1926-2014] ........................................ 113 Table 23: Revenue Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service by Mode (Number of Vehicles), Part A: Roadway Modes [2003-2014] .................................................................................... 117 Table 23: Revenue Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service by Mode (Number of Vehicles), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [2003-2014] ........................................ 118 Table 24: Revenue Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service by Mode (Percent of Vehicles), Part A: Roadway Modes [2003-2014] .................................................................................... 119

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    Table 24: Revenue Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service by Mode (Percent of Vehicles), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [2003-2014] ........................................ 120 Table 25: New Revenue Vehicles Delivered by Mode [1936-2013] ........................................... 121 Table 26: Average Cost of New Vehicles Delivered by Type [2002-2015] ................................. 124 Table 27: Alternate Fuel Powered Vehicles by Mode, (Percent of Each Mode Alternately Fueled) [1992-2015] ......................................................................... 126 Table 28: Accessible Vehicles (by Lift, Ramp, or Station Access) by Mode, (Percent of Each Mode Accessible) [1990-2015] .................................................................. 127 Table 29: Average Vehicle Age by Mode (Years) and Percent of Vehicles Older Than FTA Minimum Useful Life [1990-2015] ............................................ 128 Table 30: Bus Vehicle and Commuter Bus Vehicle Equipment (Percent of Vehicles) [2001-2015] ......................................................................................... 130 Table 31: Light Rail Vehicle and Streetcar Equipment (Percent of Vehicles) [2001-2015] ........ 131 Table 32: Heavy Rail Vehicle Equipment (Percent of Vehicles) [2001-2015] ............................. 132 Table 33: Commuter Rail Vehicle and Hybrid Rail Vehicle Equipment (Percent of Vehicles) [2001-2015] ......................................................................................... 133 Table 34: Bus Vehicle and Commuter Bus Vehicle Power Sources (Percent of Vehicles) [1996-2015] ......................................................................................... 134 Table 35: Demand Response Vehicle Power Sources (Percent of Vehicles) [2001-2015] ........ 135 Table 36: Commuter Rail Vehicle and Hybrid Rail Vehicle Power Sources (Percent of Vehicles) [2001-2015] ......................................................................................... 136 Table 37: Active Roadway Vehicles by Mode of Service and Physical Type of Vehicle in Urbanized Areas (Number of Vehicles, Percent of Vehicles by Mode of Service) [2007-2014] ........................................................................................... 137 Table 38: Active Bus Vehicles by Mode of Service and Physical Length of Vehicle in Urbanized Areas (Number of Vehicles, Percent of Vehicles by Mode of Service) [2007-2014] ........................................................................................... 142 Table 39: Active Roadway Vehicles by Type of Vehicle and Length, Rural Areas (Number of Vehicles, Percent of Total Vehicles) [2007-2014] ............................................... 146 TRAIN DATA: Table 40, Part A: Commuter Rail Train Operating Data (Units as Listed) [2002-2014] ................................................................................................. 150 Table 40, Part B: Commuter Rail Train Length, Train Speed, and Unlinked Passenger Trips and Passenger Miles per Train Revenue Mile and Train Revenue Hour [2002-2014] ................. 151 Table 41, Part A: Hybrid Rail Train Operating Data (Units as Listed) [2011-2014] .................... 152

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    Table 41, Part B: Hybrid Rail Train Length, Train Speed, and Unlinked Passenger Trips and Passenger Miles per Train Revenue Mile and Train Revenue Hour [2011-2014] ................. 153 Table 42, Part A: Regional Railroad Mode (Commuter Rail and Hybrid Rail Combined) Train Operating Data (Units as Listed) [2002-2014] .............................................................. 154 Table 42, Part B: Regional Railroad Mode (Commuter Rail and Hybrid Rail Combined) Train Length, Train Speed, and Unlinked Passenger Trips and Passenger Miles per Train Revenue Mile and Train Revenue Hour [2002-2014] ............................................. 155 Table 43, Part A: Heavy Rail Train Operating Data (Units as Listed) [2002-2014] .................... 156 Table 43, Part B: Heavy Rail Train Length, Train Speed, and Unlinked Passenger Trips and Passenger Miles per Train Revenue Mile and Train Revenue Hour [2002-2014] ................. 157 Table 44, Part A: Light Rail Train Operating Data (Units as Listed) [2002-2014] ....................... 158 Table 44 Part B: Light Rail Train Length, Train Speed, and Unlinked Passenger Trips and Passenger Miles per Train Revenue Mile and Train Revenue Hour [2002-2014] ................. 159 Table 45, Part A: Streetcar Train Operating Data (Units as Listed) [2011-2014] ....................... 160 Table 45, Part B: Streetcar Train Length, Train Speed, and Unlinked Passenger Trips and Passenger Miles per Train Revenue Mile and Train Revenue Hour [2011-2014] ................. 161 Table 46, Part A: Surface Rail (Light Rail and Streetcar Combined) Train Operating Data (Units as Listed) [2002-2014] ........................................................................................ 162 Table 46, Part B: Surface Rail (Light Rail and Streetcar Combined) Train Length, Train Speed, and Unlinked Passenger Trips and Passenger Miles per Train Revenue Mile and Train Revenue Hour [2002-2014] ............................................................ 163 INFRASTRUCTURE DATA: Table 47: Number of Systems Offering a Mode of Service, Part A: Roadway Modes [1979-2014] .................................................................................... 164 Table 47: Number of Systems Offering a Mode of Service, Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1979-2014] ........................................ 166 Table 48: Rail Transit and Bus Rapid Transit Systems Currently in Operation, Alphabetical Order by Mode, State, and Urbanized Area Name [April 24, 2016] ...................... 168 Table 49: Miles of Track and Directional Route Miles by Rail Mode [2002-2014] ...................... 173 Table 50: Miles of Lane and Directional Route Miles by Non-Rail Mode [2002-2014] ............... 176 Table 51: Number of Passenger Stations by Mode [2002-2014] ................................................ 179 Table 52: Number of Maintenance Facilities by Mode [2002-2014] ........................................... 184 Table 53: Passenger Station Equipment [2000-2014] ................................................................ 189 Table 54: Passenger Station Parking Supply [2000-2014] ......................................................... 191

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    Table 55: Airports with Fixed-Guideway Transit Access: Direct, via Automated Guideway Transit, or via Free Bus Shuttle [April 24, 2016] ..................................................................... 193 ENERGY DATA: Table 56: Electric Power Consumption by Mode (Millions of Kilowatt Hours) [1920-2014] ........ 197 Table 57: Fossil Fuel Consumption by Mode (Millions of Gallons) [1945-2014] ........................ 201 Table 58: Non-Diesel Fossil Fuel Consumption by Fuel Type (Millions of Gallons) [1945-2014] ................................................................................................ 203 Table 59: Bus Fuel Consumption (Millions of Gallons) [1995-2014] .......................................... 206 Table 60: Demand Response Fuel Consumption (Millions of Gallons) [1994-2014] .................. 207 Table 61: Rail Vehicle Fuel and Power Consumption [1996-2014] ............................................ 208 FINANCIAL DATA, CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Table 62: Capital Expenses by Mode (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total), Part A: Roadway Modes [1992-2014] ................................................................................... 209 Table 62: Capital Expenses by Mode (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1992-2014] ....................................... 211 Table 63: Total Capital Expenses by Type, Total of All Subtypes (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1992-2014] ............................................... 213 Table 64: Capital Expenses by Type, Rolling Stock Expenses Subtype by Mode (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [2003-2014] .................................... 215 Table 65: Capital Expenses by Type, Capital Facility Expenses Subtype (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [2003-2014] .................................................. 216 Table 66: Capital Expenses by Type, Other Capital Expenses Subtype (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [2003-2014] .................................................. 217 Table 67: Capital Expenses by Type and Mode, Section One: Millions of Dollars [2007-2014] .......................................................................... 218 Table 67: Capital Expenses by Type and Mode, Section Two: Percent of Type of Expenditure by Mode for Each Year [2007-2014] .............. 223 Table 67: Capital Expenses by Type and Mode, Section Three: Percent of Mode by Type of Expenditure for Each Year [2007-2014] ........... 228 Table 67: Capital Expenses by Type and Mode, Section Four: Percent by Type of Expenditure and Mode for Total Expenditure for Each Year [2007-2014] ...................................................................................................... 233

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    FINANCIAL DATA, OPERATING EXPENDITURES: Table 68: Total Operating Expense by Mode (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) Part A: Roadway Modes [1932-2014] .................................................................................... 238 Table 68: Total Operating Expense by Mode (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1932-2014] ........................................ 242 Table 69: Total Operating Expense by Function Class (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1932-2014] ............................................................................................... 247 Table 70: Total Operating Expense by Object Class (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1932-2014] ............................................................................................... 251 Table 71: Operating Expense per Vehicle Revenue Hour by Mode (Dollars), Part A: Roadway Modes [1996-2014] .................................................................................... 255 Table 71: Operating Expense per Vehicle Revenue Hour by Mode (Dollars), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1996-2014] ........................................ 256 Table 72: Operating Expense per Vehicle Revenue Mile by Mode (Dollars), Part A: Roadway Modes [1996-2014] .................................................................................... 257 Table 72: Operating Expense per Vehicle Revenue Mile by Mode (Dollars), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1996-2014] ........................................ 258 Table 73: Operating Expense per Unlinked Passenger Trip by Mode (Dollars), Part A: Roadway Modes [1996-2014] .................................................................................... 259 Table 73: Operating Expense per Unlinked Passenger Trip by Mode (Dollars), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1996-2014] ........................................ 260 Table 74: Operating Expense per Passenger Mile by Mode (Dollars), Part A: Roadway Modes [1996-2014] .................................................................................... 261 Table 74: Operating Expense per Passenger Mile by Mode (Dollars), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1996-2014] ........................................ 262 Table 75: Operating Expenses by Function Class and Mode Part A: Roadway Modes Section One: Millions of Dollars [2007-2014] .......................................................................... 263 Table 75: Operating Expenses by Function Class and Mode Part A: Roadway Modes Section Two: Percent of Type of Expenditure by Mode for Each Year [2007-2014] .............. 266 Table 75: Operating Expenses by Function Class and Mode Part A: Roadway Modes Section Three: Percent of Mode by Type of Expenditure for Each Year [2007-2014] ........... 269 Table 75: Operating Expenses by Function Class and Mode Part A: Roadway Modes Section Four: Percent by Type of Expenditure and Mode for Total Expenditure for Each Year [2007-2014] ...................................................................................................... 272

  • 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 16

    Table 75: Operating Expenses by Function Class and Mode Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total Section One: Millions of Dollars [2007-2014] .......................................................................... 275 Table 75: Operating Expenses by Function Class and Mode Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total Section Two: Percent of Type of Expenditure by Mode for Each Year [2007-2014] .............. 278 Table 75: Operating Expenses by Function Class and Mode Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total Section Three: Percent of Mode by Type of Expenditure for Each Year [2007-2014] ........... 281 Table 75: Operating Expenses by Function Class and Mode Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total Section Four: Percent by Type of Expenditure and Mode for Total Expenditure for Each Year [2007-2014] ...................................................................................................... 284 Table 76: Operating Expenses by Object Class and Mode Part A: Roadway Modes Section One: Millions of Dollars [2007-2014] .......................................................................... 287 Table 76: Operating Expenses by Object Class and Mode Part A: Roadway Modes Section Two: Percent of Type of Expenditure by Mode for Each Year [2007-2014] .............. 291 Table 76: Operating Expenses by Object Class and Mode Part A: Roadway Modes Section Three: Percent of Mode by Type of Expenditure for Each Year [2007-2014] ........... 295 Table 76: Operating Expenses by Object Class and Mode Part A: Roadway Modes Section Four: Percent by Type of Expenditure and Mode for Total Expenditure for Each Year [2007-2014] ...................................................................................................... 299 Table 76: Operating Expenses by Object Class and Mode Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total Section One: Millions of Dollars [2007-2014] .......................................................................... 303 Table 76: Operating Expenses by Object Class and Mode Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total Section Two: Percent of Type of Expenditure by Mode for Each Year [2007-2014] .............. 307 Table 76: Operating Expenses by Object Class and Mode Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total Section Three: Percent of Mode by Type of Expenditure for Each Year [2007-2014] ........... 311 Table 76: Operating Expenses by Object Class and Mode Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total Section Four: Percent by Type of Expenditure and Mode for Total Expenditure for Each Year [2007-2014] ...................................................................................................... 315 Table 77: Operating Expenses Reconciling Items (Millions of Dollars) [2010-2014] ............................................................................................. 319

  • 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 17

    FINANCIAL DATA, TOTAL EXPENDITURES: Table 78: Total Expenses, Capital and Operating Combined, by Type (Millions of Dollars) [1992-2014] ............................................................................................ 320 Table 79: Total Expenses, Capital and Operating Combined, by Mode (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total), Part A: Roadway Modes [1992-2014] .................................................................................... 321 Table 79: Total Expenses, Capital and Operating Combined, by Mode (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1992-2014] ........................................ 323 FINANCIAL DATA, CAPITAL FUNDING: Table 80: Capital Funding Sources (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1988-2014] ............................................................................................... 325 Table 81: Directly Generated Capital Funding Sources (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1994-2014] ............................................................... 327 Table 82: Local Capital Funding Sources (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1994-2014] .............................................................................................. 329 Table 83: State Capital Funding Sources (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1994-2014] ............................................................................................... 331 Table 84: Federal Capital Funding Sources (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1994-2014] ............................................................................................... 333 Table 85: Active Transit Vehicles by Source of Federal Funding by Type, Vehicles in Urbanized Areas Only (Number of Vehicles) (Percent of Vehicles) [2009-2014] ......................................................................................... 335 Table 86: Active Transit Vehicles by Source of Federal Funding by Type, Vehicles in Rural Areas Only (Number of Vehicles) (Percent of Vehicles) [2009-2014] ......................................................................................... 338 FINANCIAL DATA, OPERATING FUNDING: Table 87: Operating Funding Sources (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1926-2014] ............................................................................................... 341 Table 88: Directly Generated Operating Funding Sources (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1994-2014] ............................................................... 346 Table 89: Local Operating Funding Sources (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1994-2014] ............................................................................................... 348 Table 90: State Operating Funding Sources (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1994-2014] ............................................................................................... 350 Table 91: Federal Operating Funding Sources (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Total) [1994-2014] ............................................................................................... 352

  • 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 18

    Table 92: Passenger Fare Revenue by Mode (Millions of Dollars) Part A: Roadway Modes [1926-2014] .................................................................................... 354 Table 92: Passenger Fare Revenue by Mode (Millions of Dollars), Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1926-2014] ........................................ 357 Table 93: Average Passenger Fare per Unlinked Trip by Mode (Dollars) Part A: Roadway Modes [1991-2014] .................................................................................... 361 Table 93: Average Passenger Fare per Unlinked Trip by Mode (Dollars) Part B: Fixed-Guideway Modes and All Modes Total [1991-2014] ........................................ 362 Table 94: Passenger Fare Structures [1926-2015] .................................................................... 363 FINANCIAL DATA, TOTAL FUNDING: Table 95: Total Funding, Capital and Operating Combined by Source (Millions of Dollars) (Percent of Each Row) [1988-2014] ....................................................... 366 U.S. GOVERNMENT POPULATION, COMMUTE, HOUSING, AND TRAVEL DATA: Table 96: Bureau of Census Journey-to-Work by Means of Transportation to Work, All Commuters (Persons and Percent) [1960-2014] ............................................................... 372 Table 97: Bureau of Census Journey-to-Work by Transit Mode, Transit Commuters Only (Persons and Percent) [1960-2014] ....................................................................................... 374 Table 98: American Housing Survey Availability of Transit Service by Householder Characteristics (Persons and Percent) [1987-2014] .............................................................. 376 Table 99: American Housing Survey Availability of Transit Service by Geography of Area (Households and Percent) [1987-2014] .................................................................... 377 Table 100: Bureau of the Census Population of the United State in 10-Year Age Groupings (Persons and Percent) [1900-2014] .............................................................. 378 Table 101: Federal Highway Administration Vehicle Miles of Travel and Energy Information Administration Motor Gasoline Prices [1936-2014] ............................................................... 384 MODAL SUMMARY DATA: Table 102: Bus Statistics [1922-2014] ........................................................................................ 387 Table 103: Bus Rapid Transit Statistics [2011-2014] .................................................................. 391 Table 104: Commuter Bus Statistic [2011-2014] ........................................................................ 392 Table 105: Total All Bus Modes Statistics [1922-2014] .............................................................. 393 Table 106: Trolleybus Statistics [1928-2014] .............................................................................. 396 Table 107: Demand Response Statistics [1984-2014] ............................................................... 399

  • 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 19

    Table 108: Transit Vanpool Statistics (Transit Agency Brokered Service Only) [1995-2014] .... 401 Table 109: Publico Statistics [2007-2014] .................................................................................. 402 Table 110: Total Roadway Modes Statistics [1922-2014] .......................................................... 403 Table 111: Commuter Rail Statistics [1975-2014] ...................................................................... 407 Table 112: Hybrid Rail Statistics [2011-2014] ............................................................................. 409 Table 113: Total Regional Railroad Modes Rail Statistics [1975-2014] ..................................... 410 Table 114: Heavy Rail Statistics [1917-2014] ............................................................................. 412 Table 115: Light Rail Statistics [1890-2014] ............................................................................... 416 Table 116: Streetcar Statistics [2011-2014] ................................................................................ 420 Table 117: Total Surface Rail Modes Statistics [1890-2014] ...................................................... 421 Table 118: Ferry Boat Statistics (Transit Service Only) [1979-2014] ......................................... 425 Table 119: Other Fixed-Guideway Statistics [1980-2014] .......................................................... 427 Table 120: Total Fixed-Guideway Modes Statistics [1890-2014] ............................................... 429 Table 121: All Modes Total Statistics [1890-2014] ..................................................................... 433 RURAL TRANSIT SERVICE DATA Table 122: Rural Transit Service Data by State Section One: Number of Agencies Providing Mode of Service [2007-2014] .......................... 437 Table 122: Rural Transit Service Data by State Section Two: Total Operating and Financial Data for All Modes Combined [2007-2014] ...... 452 APTA ASSOCIATION HISTORY Table 123: APTA and Predecessor Organization History and and Association Ancestry [1882-2016] .................................................................................. 467 Table 124: APTA Chief Executive Officers [1974-2016] ............................................................. 468 Table 125: APTA and Predecessor Organization Chief Elected Officers and Annual Meeting Sites [1882-2016] .................................................................................. 469 Table 126: APTA Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients and Hall of Fame Inductees [1983-2015] .............................................................................. 473 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION DATA Table 127: U.S. Department of Transportation Secretaries, Federal Transit Administration Administrators, and Federal Railroad Administration Administrators [1966-2015] ................ 475

  • 2016 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 20

    INTERCITY PASSENGER RAILROAD DATA: Table 128: Intercity Passenger Railroad Data [2000-2015] ........................................................ 477 DISCONTINUED DATA SERIES: Table 129: Publicly Owned Transit as a Portion of the Entire Transit Industry [1950-1980] ........................................................................................ 478 Table 130: Publicly Owned and Operated Transit Systems Through 1975, Date Began Operation as a Public Agency with Names of Successor Agencies (Not a Complete Listing) [1905-1975] .................................................................................... 479 MILESTONES IN HISTORY Table 131: Milestones in Public Transportation and High-Speed Rail History ........................... 484 CANADIAN DATA: Table 132: Canadian Fixed-Route Transit Summary Statistics [1955-2014] .............................. 495 Table 133: Canadian Fixed-Route Transit Revenue Vehicles by Mode [1955-2014] ................ 497 Table 134: Canadian Fixed-Route Transit Passenger Fares [1955-2014] ................................... 499 Table 135: Canadian Fixed-Route Transit Employees by Type [1965-2014] ............................. 501 Table 136: Canadian Specialized Transit Services Summary Statistics [1991-2014] ................ 503 GLOSSARY: Glossary ...................................................................................................................................... 504

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 21






    Bus Modes

    Trolleybus (a) Demand Response Transit

    Vanpool Publico Total Roadway

    Modes Reported Bus Bus Rapid Transit (#)

    Commuter Bus (#) Total Bus

    1890 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1902 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1907 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1912 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1917 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1918 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1919 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1920 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1921 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1922 (b) --- (b) 404 --- --- --- --- 404 1923 (b) --- (b) 661 --- --- --- --- 661 1924 (b) --- (b) 989 --- --- --- --- 989 1925 (b) --- (b) 1,484 --- --- --- --- 1,484 1926 (b) --- (b) 2,009 --- --- --- --- 2,009 1927 (b) --- (b) 2,301 --- --- --- --- 2,301 1928 (b) --- (b) 2,470 3 --- --- --- 2,473 1929 (b) --- (b) 2,623 5 --- --- --- 2,628 1930 (b) --- (b) 2,481 16 --- --- --- 2,497 1931 (b) --- (b) 2,315 28 --- --- --- 2,343 1932 (b) --- (b) 2,138 37 --- --- --- 2,175 1933 (b) --- (b) 2,077 45 --- --- --- 2,122 1934 (b) --- (b) 2,376 68 --- --- --- 2,444 1935 (b) --- (b) 2,625 96 --- --- --- 2,721 1936 (b) --- (b) 3,188 143 --- --- --- 3,331 1937 (b) --- (b) 3,500 289 --- --- --- 3,789 1938 (b) --- (b) 3,488 395 --- --- --- 3,883 1939 (b) --- (b) 3,866 452 --- --- --- 4,318 1940 (b) --- (b) 4,255 542 --- --- --- 4,797

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 22




    Bus Modes

    Trolleybus (a) Demand Response Transit

    Vanpool Publico Total Roadway

    Modes Reported Bus Bus Rapid Transit (#)

    Commuter Bus (#) Total Bus

    1941 (b) --- (b) 4,948 669 --- --- --- 5,617 1942 (b) --- (b) 7,264 918 --- --- --- 8,182 1943 (b) --- (b) 9,070 1,220 --- --- --- 10,290 1944 (b) --- (b) 9,713 1,292 --- --- --- 11,005 1945 (b) --- (b) 9,946 1,298 --- --- --- 11,244 1946 (b) --- (b) 10,247 1,354 --- --- --- 11,601 1947 (b) --- (b) 10,374 1,398 --- --- --- 11,772 1948 (b) --- (b) 10,759 1,558 --- --- --- 12,317 1949 (b) --- (b) 10,193 1,691 --- --- --- 11,884 1950 (b) --- (b) 9,447 1,686 --- --- --- 11,133 1951 (b) --- (b) 9,227 1,658 --- --- --- 10,885 1952 (b) --- (b) 8,901 1,666 --- --- --- 10,567 1953 (b) --- (b) 8,280 1,587 --- --- --- 9,867 1954 (b) --- (b) 7,643 1,387 --- --- --- 9,030 1955 (b) --- (b) 7,269 1,223 --- --- --- 8,492 1956 (b) --- (b) 7,062 1,163 --- --- --- 8,225 1957 (b) --- (b) 6,903 1,003 --- --- --- 7,906 1958 (b) --- (b) 6,540 843 --- --- --- 7,383 1959 (b) --- (b) 6,498 749 --- --- --- 7,247 1960 (b) --- (b) 6,425 657 --- --- --- 7,082 1961 (b) --- (b) 5,993 601 --- --- --- 6,594 1962 (b) --- (b) 5,865 547 --- --- --- 6,412 1963 (b) --- (b) 5,822 413 --- --- --- 6,235 1964 (b) --- (b) 5,813 349 --- --- --- 6,162 1965 (b) --- (b) 5,814 305 --- --- --- 6,119 1966 (b) --- (b) 5,764 284 --- --- --- 6,048 1967 (b) --- (b) 5,723 248 --- --- --- 5,971 1968 (b) --- (b) 5,610 228 --- --- --- 5,838 1969 (b) --- (b) 5,375 199 --- --- --- 5,574 1970 (b) --- (b) 5,034 182 --- --- --- 5,216 1971 (b) --- (b) 4,699 148 --- --- --- 4,847 1972 (b) --- (b) 4,495 130 --- --- --- 4,625

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 23




    Bus Modes

    Trolleybus (a) Demand Response Transit

    Vanpool Publico Total Roadway

    Modes Reported Bus Bus Rapid Transit (#)

    Commuter Bus (#) Total Bus

    1973 (b) --- (b) 4,642 97 --- --- --- 4,739 1974 (b) --- (b) 4,976 83 --- --- --- 5,059 1975 (b) --- (b) 5,084 78 --- --- --- 5,162 1976 (b) --- (b) 5,247 75 --- --- --- 5,322 1977 (b) --- (b) 4,949 70 --- --- --- 5,019 1978 (b) --- (b) 5,142 70 --- --- --- 5,212 1979 (b) --- (b) 5,552 75 --- --- --- 5,627 1980 (b) --- (b) 5,837 142 --- --- --- 5,979 1981 (b) --- (b) 5,594 138 --- --- --- 5,732 1982 (b) --- (b) 5,324 151 --- --- --- 5,475 1983 (b) --- (b) 5,422 160 --- --- --- 5,582 1984 (b) --- (b) 5,908 165 62 --- --- 6,135 1985 (b) --- (b) 5,675 142 59 --- --- 5,876 1986 (b) --- (b) 5,753 139 63 --- --- 5,955 1987 (b) --- (b) 5,614 141 64 --- --- 5,819 1988 (b) --- (b) 5,590 136 73 --- --- 5,799 1989 (b) --- (b) 5,620 130 70 --- --- 5,820 1990 (b) --- (b) 5,677 126 68 --- --- 5,871 1991 (b) --- (b) 5,624 125 71 --- --- 5,820 1992 (b) --- (b) 5,517 126 72 --- --- 5,715 1993 (b) --- (b) 5,381 121 81 --- --- 5,583 1994 (b) --- (b) 4,871 118 88 --- --- 5,077 1995 (b) --- (b) 4,848 119 88 7 --- 5,062 1996 (b) --- (b) 4,887 117 93 9 --- 5,106 1997 (b) --- (b) 5,013 121 99 10 --- 5,243 1998 (b) --- (b) 5,399 117 95 10 --- 5,621 1999 (b) --- (b) 5,648 120 100 13 --- 5,881 2000 (b) (b) (b) 5,678 122 105 13 --- 5,918 2001 (b) (b) (b) 5,849 119 105 15 --- 6,088 2002 (b) (b) (b) 5,868 116 103 13 --- 6,100 2003 (b) (b) (b) 5,692 109 111 16 --- 5,928 2004 (b) (b) (b) 5,731 106 114 16 --- 5,967

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 24




    Bus Modes

    Trolleybus (a) Demand Response Transit

    Vanpool Publico Total Roadway

    Modes Reported Bus Bus Rapid Transit (#)

    Commuter Bus (#) Total Bus

    2005 (b) (b) (b) 5,855 107 125 18 --- 6,105 2006 (b) (b) (b) 5,894 100 126 21 --- 6,141 2007 (b) (b) (b) (c) 5,413 97 (c) 209 (c) 25 30 5,774 2008 (b) (b) (b) 5,573 101 191 36 29 5,930 2009 (b) (b) (b) 5,452 104 190 32 40 5,818 2010 (b) (b) (b) 5,256 99 190 32 42 5,619 2011 5,191 6 37 5,235 98 191 34 39 5,596 2012 5,301 16 50 5,367 99 211 37 33 5,747 2013 5,190 44 97 5,330 96 223 37 27 5,714 2014 5,113 54 107 5,274 96 233 38 28 5,668

    (#) Includes only agencies reporting specific mode in 2011 and 2012; agencies were not required by the National Transit Database to differentiate these modes until 2013. (a) Trolleybus is a fixed-guideway mode for distribution of FTA Urbanized Area Formula Funds. (b) Included in Total Bus. (c) Data not continuous for modes noted, see Methodology. See Glossary following Tables for complete definitions.

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 25






    Regional Railroad Modes

    Heavy Rail

    Surface Rail Modes


    Other Fixed-

    Guideway Modes (d)

    Total Fixed- Guideway

    Modes Reported


    All Modes Reported

    Total (Parts A and B) Commuter

    Rail Hybrid Rail (#)

    Total Regional Railroad

    Light Rail Streetcar (#)

    Total Surface


    1890 (h) --- --- --- --- 2,023 (f) 2,023 --- --- 2,023 2,023 1902 (h) --- --- --- --- 5,836 (f) 5,836 --- --- 5,836 5,836 1907 (h) --- --- --- 675 9,533 (f) 9,533 --- --- 10,208 10,208 1912 (h) --- --- --- 1,041 12,135 (f) 12,135 --- --- 13,176 13,176

    1917 --- --- --- 1,332 13,193 (f) 13,193 --- --- 14,525 14,525 1918 --- --- --- 1,385 12,876 (f) 12,876 --- --- 14,261 14,261 1919 --- --- --- 1,505 13,430 (f) 13,430 --- --- 14,935 14,935 1920 --- --- --- 1,792 13,770 (f) 13,770 --- --- 15,562 15,562 1921 --- --- --- 1,909 12,688 (f) 12,688 --- --- 14,597 14,597 1922 --- --- --- 1,942 13,413 (f) 13,413 --- --- 15,355 15,759 1923 --- --- --- 2,081 13,593 (f) 13,593 --- --- 15,674 16,335 1924 --- --- --- 2,207 13,130 (f) 13,130 --- --- 15,337 16,326 1925 --- --- --- 2,264 12,924 (f) 12,924 --- --- 15,188 16,672 1926 --- --- --- 2,350 12,895 (f) 12,895 --- --- 15,245 17,254 1927 --- --- --- 2,451 12,469 (f) 12,469 --- --- 14,920 17,221 1928 --- --- --- 2,492 12,044 (f) 12,044 --- --- 14,536 17,009 1929 --- --- --- 2,571 11,804 (f) 11,804 --- --- 14,375 17,003 1930 --- --- --- 2,559 10,530 (f) 10,530 --- --- 13,089 15,586 1931 --- --- --- 2,408 9,191 (f) 9,191 --- --- 11,599 13,942 1932 --- --- --- 2,204 7,662 (f) 7,662 --- --- 9,866 12,041 1933 --- --- --- 2,133 7,086 (f) 7,086 --- --- 9,219 11,341 1934 --- --- --- 2,206 7,404 (f) 7,404 --- --- 9,610 12,054 1935 --- --- --- 2,236 7,286 (f) 7,286 --- --- 9,522 12,243 1936 --- --- --- 2,323 7,512 (f) 7,512 --- --- 9,835 13,166 1937 --- --- --- 2,307 7,174 (f) 7,174 --- --- 9,481 13,270 1938 --- --- --- 2,236 6,552 (f) 6,552 --- --- 8,788 12,671 1939 --- --- --- 2,368 6,178 (f) 6,178 --- --- 8,546 12,864 1940 --- --- --- 2,382 5,951 (f) 5,951 --- --- 8,333 13,130

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 26




    Regional Railroad Modes

    Heavy Rail

    Surface Rail Modes


    Other Fixed-

    Guideway Modes (d)

    Total Fixed- Guideway

    Modes Reported


    All Modes Reported

    Total (Parts A and B) Commuter

    Rail Hybrid Rail (#)

    Total Regional Railroad

    Light Rail Streetcar (#)

    Total Surface


    1941 --- --- --- 2,421 6,085 (f) 6,085 --- --- 8,506 14,123 1942 --- --- --- 2,566 7,290 (f) 7,290 --- --- 9,856 18,038 1943 --- --- --- 2,656 9,150 (f) 9,150 --- --- 11,806 22,096 1944 --- --- --- 2,621 9,516 (f) 9,516 --- --- 12,137 23,142 1945 --- --- --- 2,698 9,426 (f) 9,426 --- --- 12,124 23,368 1946 --- --- --- 2,835 9,027 (f) 9,027 --- --- 11,862 23,463 1947 --- --- --- 2,756 8,096 (f) 8,096 --- --- 10,852 22,624 1948 --- --- --- 2,606 6,506 (f) 6,506 --- --- 9,112 21,429 1949 --- --- --- 2,346 4,839 (f) 4,839 --- --- 7,185 19,069 1950 --- --- --- 2,264 3,904 (f) 3,904 --- --- 6,168 17,301 1951 --- --- --- 2,189 3,101 (f) 3,101 --- --- 5,290 16,175 1952 --- --- --- 2,124 2,477 (f) 2,477 --- --- 4,601 15,168 1953 --- --- --- 2,040 2,036 (f) 2,036 --- --- 4,076 13,943 1954 --- --- --- 1,912 1,489 (f) 1,489 --- --- 3,401 12,431 1955 --- --- --- 1,870 1,207 (f) 1,207 --- --- 3,077 11,569 1956 --- --- --- 1,880 876 (f) 876 --- --- 2,756 10,981 1957 --- --- --- 1,843 679 (f) 679 --- --- 2,522 10,428 1958 --- --- --- 1,815 572 (f) 572 --- --- 2,387 9,770 1959 --- --- --- 1,828 521 (f) 521 --- --- 2,349 9,596 1960 --- --- --- 1,850 463 (f) 463 --- --- 2,313 9,395 1961 --- --- --- 1,855 434 (f) 434 --- --- 2,289 8,883 1962 --- --- --- 1,890 393 (f) 393 --- --- 2,283 8,695 1963 --- --- --- 1,836 329 (f) 329 --- --- 2,165 8,400 1964 --- --- --- 1,877 289 (f) 289 --- --- 2,166 8,328 1965 --- --- --- 1,858 276 (f) 276 --- --- 2,134 8,253 1966 --- --- --- 1,753 282 (f) 282 --- --- 2,035 8,083 1967 --- --- --- 1,938 263 (f) 263 --- --- 2,201 8,172 1968 --- --- --- 1,928 253 (f) 253 --- --- 2,181 8,019 1969 --- --- --- 1,980 249 (f) 249 --- --- 2,229 7,803 1970 --- --- --- 1,881 235 (f) 235 --- --- 2,116 7,332 1971 --- --- --- 1,778 222 (f) 222 --- --- 2,000 6,847

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 27




    Regional Railroad Modes

    Heavy Rail

    Surface Rail Modes


    Other Fixed-

    Guideway Modes (d)

    Total Fixed- Guideway

    Modes Reported


    All Modes Reported

    Total (Parts A and B) Commuter

    Rail Hybrid Rail (#)

    Total Regional Railroad

    Light Rail Streetcar (#)

    Total Surface


    1972 --- --- --- 1,731 211 (f) 211 --- --- 1,942 6,567 1973 --- --- --- 1,714 207 (f) 207 --- --- 1,921 6,660 1974 239 --- 239 1,726 150 (f) 150 --- --- 2,115 7,174 1975 254 --- 254 1,673 124 (f) 124 --- --- 2,051 7,213 1976 260 --- 260 1,632 112 (f) 112 --- --- 2,004 7,326 1977 265 --- 265 2,149 103 (f) 103 --- --- 2,517 7,536 1978 267 --- 267 2,285 104 (f) 104 --- --- 2,656 7,868 1979 279 --- 279 2,381 107 (f) 107 --- --- 2,767 8,394 1980 280 --- 280 2,108 133 (f) 133 --- 67 2,588 8,567 1981 268 --- 268 2,094 123 (f) 123 --- 67 2,552 8,284 1982 259 --- 259 2,115 136 (f) 136 --- 67 2,577 8,052 1983 262 --- 262 2,167 137 (f) 137 --- 55 2,621 8,203 1984 267 --- 267 2,231 135 (f) 135 --- 61 2,694 8,829 1985 275 --- 275 2,290 132 (f) 132 --- 63 2,760 8,636 1986 306 --- 306 2,333 130 (f) 130 --- 53 2,822 8,777 1987 311 --- 311 2,402 133 (f) 133 --- 70 2,916 8,735 1988 325 --- 325 2,308 154 (f) 154 --- 80 2,867 8,666 1989 330 --- 330 2,542 162 (f) 162 --- 77 3,111 8,931 1990 328 --- 328 2,346 175 (f) 175 --- 79 2,928 8,799 1991 318 --- 318 2,172 184 (f) 184 --- 81 2,755 8,575 1992 314 --- 314 2,207 188 (f) 188 --- 77 2,786 8,501 1993 322 --- 322 2,046 188 (f) 188 --- 78 2,634 8,217 1994 339 --- 339 2,169 284 (f) 284 --- 80 2,872 7,949 1995 344 --- 344 2,033 251 (f) 251 47 26 2,701 7,763 1996 352 --- 352 2,157 261 (f) 261 48 24 2,842 7,948 1997 357 --- 357 2,430 262 (f) 262 54 28 3,131 8,374 1998 381 --- 381 2,393 276 (f) 276 52 27 3,129 8,750 1999 396 --- 396 2,521 292 (f) 292 53 25 3,287 9,168 2000 413 --- 413 2,632 320 (f) 320 53 27 3,445 9,363 2001 419 --- 419 2,728 336 (f) 336 54 28 3,565 9,653 2002 414 --- 414 2,688 337 (f) 337 57 27 3,523 9,623

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 28




    Regional Railroad Modes

    Heavy Rail

    Surface Rail Modes


    Other Fixed-

    Guideway Modes (d)

    Total Fixed- Guideway

    Modes Reported


    All Modes Reported

    Total (Parts A and B) Commuter

    Rail Hybrid Rail (#)

    Total Regional Railroad

    Light Rail Streetcar (#)

    Total Surface


    2003 410 --- 410 2,667 338 (f) 338 66 25 3,506 9,434 2004 414 (g) 414 2,748 350 (f) 350 65 31 3,608 9,575 2005 423 (g) 423 2,808 381 (f) 381 66 32 3,710 9,815 2006 441 (g) 441 2,927 407 (f) 407 63 38 3,876 10,017 2007 459 (g) 459 3,460 419 (f) 419 76 59 4,473 10,247 2008 472 (g) 472 3,547 454 (f) 454 75 43 4,591 10,521 2009 468 (g) 468 3,490 465 (f) 465 97 43 4,563 10,381 2010 464 (g) 464 3,550 457 (f) 457 90 38 4,599 10,218 2011 466 6 472 3,647 436 43 479 80 44 4,722 10,319 2012 471 6 477 3,743 449 49 498 79 40 4,837 10,584 2013 480 7 487 3,817 458 52 510 78 44 4,936 10,650 2014 490 7 497 3,928 483 48 531 79 47 5,082 10,750

    (#) Includes only agencies reporting specific mode in 2011 and 2012; agencies were not required by the National Transit Database to differentiate these modes until 2013. (d) Beginning 1980 includes aerial tramway, automated guideway transit, cable car, inclined plane, and monorail. From 1980 to 1994 includes ferryboat. (e) Does not include Trolleybus which is a fixed-guideway mode for distribution of FTA Urbanized Area Formula Funds. (f) Included in Light Rail. (g) Included in Commuter Rail. (h) Data from U.S. Census Bureau. See Glossary following Tables for complete definitions.

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 29






    Bus Modes

    Trolleybus (a) Demand Response Transit

    Vanpool Publico Total Roadway

    Modes Reported Bus Bus Rapid Transit (#)

    Commuter Bus (#) Total Bus

    1890 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1902 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1907 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1912 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1917 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1918 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1919 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1920 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1921 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1922 (b) --- (b) 2.6% --- --- --- --- 2.6% 1923 (b) --- (b) 4.0% --- --- --- --- 4.0% 1924 (b) --- (b) 6.1% --- --- --- --- 6.1% 1925 (b) --- (b) 8.9% --- --- --- --- 8.9% 1926 (b) --- (b) 11.6% --- --- --- --- 11.6% 1927 (b) --- (b) 13.4% --- --- --- --- 13.4% 1928 (b) --- (b) 14.5% 0.0% --- --- --- 14.5% 1929 (b) --- (b) 15.4% 0.0% --- --- --- 15.5% 1930 (b) --- (b) 15.9% 0.1% --- --- --- 16.0% 1931 (b) --- (b) 16.6% 0.2% --- --- --- 16.8% 1932 (b) --- (b) 17.8% 0.3% --- --- --- 18.1% 1933 (b) --- (b) 18.3% 0.4% --- --- --- 18.7% 1934 (b) --- (b) 19.7% 0.6% --- --- --- 20.3% 1935 (b) --- (b) 21.4% 0.8% --- --- --- 22.2% 1936 (b) --- (b) 24.2% 1.1% --- --- --- 25.3% 1937 (b) --- (b) 26.4% 2.2% --- --- --- 28.6% 1938 (b) --- (b) 27.5% 3.1% --- --- --- 30.6% 1939 (b) --- (b) 30.1% 3.5% --- --- --- 33.6% 1940 (b) --- (b) 32.4% 4.1% --- --- --- 36.5% 1941 (b) --- (b) 35.0% 4.7% --- --- --- 39.8%

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 30




    Bus Modes

    Trolleybus (a) Demand Response Transit

    Vanpool Publico Total Roadway

    Modes Reported Bus Bus Rapid Transit (#)

    Commuter Bus (#) Total Bus

    1942 (b) --- (b) 40.3% 5.1% --- --- --- 45.4% 1943 (b) --- (b) 41.0% 5.5% --- --- --- 46.6% 1944 (b) --- (b) 42.0% 5.6% --- --- --- 47.6% 1945 (b) --- (b) 42.6% 5.6% --- --- --- 48.1% 1946 (b) --- (b) 43.7% 5.8% --- --- --- 49.4% 1947 (b) --- (b) 45.9% 6.2% --- --- --- 52.0% 1948 (b) --- (b) 50.2% 7.3% --- --- --- 57.5% 1949 (b) --- (b) 53.5% 8.9% --- --- --- 62.3% 1950 (b) --- (b) 54.6% 9.7% --- --- --- 64.3% 1951 (b) --- (b) 57.0% 10.3% --- --- --- 67.3% 1952 (b) --- (b) 58.7% 11.0% --- --- --- 69.7% 1953 (b) --- (b) 59.4% 11.4% --- --- --- 70.8% 1954 (b) --- (b) 61.5% 11.2% --- --- --- 72.6% 1955 (b) --- (b) 62.8% 10.6% --- --- --- 73.4% 1956 (b) --- (b) 64.3% 10.6% --- --- --- 74.9% 1957 (b) --- (b) 66.2% 9.6% --- --- --- 75.8% 1958 (b) --- (b) 66.9% 8.6% --- --- --- 75.6% 1959 (b) --- (b) 67.7% 7.8% --- --- --- 75.5% 1960 (b) --- (b) 68.4% 7.0% --- --- --- 75.4% 1961 (b) --- (b) 67.5% 6.8% --- --- --- 74.2% 1962 (b) --- (b) 67.5% 6.3% --- --- --- 73.7% 1963 (b) --- (b) 69.3% 4.9% --- --- --- 74.2% 1964 (b) --- (b) 69.8% 4.2% --- --- --- 74.0% 1965 (b) --- (b) 70.4% 3.7% --- --- --- 74.1% 1966 (b) --- (b) 71.3% 3.5% --- --- --- 74.8% 1967 (b) --- (b) 70.0% 3.0% --- --- --- 73.1% 1968 (b) --- (b) 70.0% 2.8% --- --- --- 72.8% 1969 (b) --- (b) 68.9% 2.6% --- --- --- 71.4% 1970 (b) --- (b) 68.7% 2.5% --- --- --- 71.1% 1971 (b) --- (b) 68.6% 2.2% --- --- --- 70.8% 1972 (b) --- (b) 68.4% 2.0% --- --- --- 70.4% 1973 (b) --- (b) 69.7% 1.5% --- --- --- 71.2%

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 31




    Bus Modes

    Trolleybus (a) Demand Response Transit

    Vanpool Publico Total Roadway

    Modes Reported Bus Bus Rapid Transit (#)

    Commuter Bus (#) Total Bus

    1974 (b) --- (b) 69.4% 1.2% --- --- --- 70.5% 1975 (b) --- (b) 70.5% 1.1% --- --- --- 71.6% 1976 (b) --- (b) 71.6% 1.0% --- --- --- 72.6% 1977 (b) --- (b) 65.7% 0.9% --- --- --- 66.6% 1978 (b) --- (b) 65.4% 0.9% --- --- --- 66.2% 1979 (b) --- (b) 66.1% 0.9% --- --- --- 67.0% 1980 (b) --- (b) 68.1% 1.7% --- --- --- 69.8% 1981 (b) --- (b) 67.5% 1.7% --- --- --- 69.2% 1982 (b) --- (b) 66.1% 1.9% --- --- --- 68.0% 1983 (b) --- (b) 66.1% 2.0% --- --- --- 68.0% 1984 (b) --- (b) 66.9% 1.9% 0.7% --- --- 69.5% 1985 (b) --- (b) 65.7% 1.6% 0.7% --- --- 68.0% 1986 (b) --- (b) 65.5% 1.6% 0.7% --- --- 67.8% 1987 (b) --- (b) 64.3% 1.6% 0.7% --- --- 66.6% 1988 (b) --- (b) 64.5% 1.6% 0.8% --- --- 66.9% 1989 (b) --- (b) 62.9% 1.5% 0.8% --- --- 65.2% 1990 (b) --- (b) 64.5% 1.4% 0.8% --- --- 66.7% 1991 (b) --- (b) 65.6% 1.5% 0.8% --- --- 67.9% 1992 (b) --- (b) 64.9% 1.5% 0.8% --- --- 67.2% 1993 (b) --- (b) 65.5% 1.5% 1.0% --- --- 67.9% 1994 (b) --- (b) 61.3% 1.5% 1.1% --- --- 63.9% 1995 (b) --- (b) 62.5% 1.5% 1.1% 0.1% --- 65.2% 1996 (b) --- (b) 61.5% 1.5% 1.2% 0.1% --- 64.2% 1997 (b) --- (b) 59.9% 1.4% 1.2% 0.1% --- 62.6% 1998 (b) --- (b) 61.7% 1.3% 1.1% 0.1% --- 64.2% 1999 (b) --- (b) 61.6% 1.3% 1.1% 0.1% --- 64.1% 2000 (b) (b) (b) 60.6% 1.3% 1.1% 0.1% --- 63.2% 2001 (b) (b) (b) 60.6% 1.2% 1.1% 0.2% --- 63.1% 2002 (b) (b) (b) 61.0% 1.2% 1.1% 0.1% --- 63.4% 2003 (b) (b) (b) 60.3% 1.2% 1.2% 0.2% --- 62.8% 2004 (b) (b) (b) 59.9% 1.1% 1.2% 0.2% --- 62.3% 2005 (b) (b) (b) 59.7% 1.1% 1.3% 0.2% --- 62.2%

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 32




    Bus Modes

    Trolleybus (a) Demand Response Transit

    Vanpool Publico Total Roadway

    Modes Reported Bus Bus Rapid Transit (#)

    Commuter Bus (#) Total Bus

    2006 (b) (b) (b) 58.8% 1.0% 1.3% 0.2% --- 61.3% 2007 (b) (b) (b) (c) 52.8% 0.9% (c) 2.0% (c) 0.2% 0.3% 56.3% 2008 (b) (b) (b) 53.0% 1.0% 1.8% 0.3% 0.3% 56.4% 2009 (b) (b) (b) 52.5% 1.0% 1.8% 0.3% 0.4% 56.0% 2010 (b) (b) (b) 51.4% 1.0% 1.9% 0.3% 0.4% 55.0% 2011 50.3% 0.1% 0.4% 50.7% 0.9% 1.9% 0.3% 0.4% 54.2% 2012 50.1% 0.2% 0.5% 50.7% 0.9% 2.0% 0.3% 0.3% 54.3% 2013 48.7% 0.4% 0.9% 50.1% 0.9% 2.1% 0.3% 0.3% 53.7% 2014 47.6% 0.5% 1.0% 49.1% 0.9% 2.2% 0.4% 0.3% 52.7%

    (#) Includes only agencies reporting specific mode in 2011 and 2012; agencies were not required by the National Transit Database to differentiate these modes until 2013. (a) Trolleybus is a fixed-guideway mode for distribution of FTA Urbanized Area Formula Funds. (b) Included in Total Bus. (c) Data not continuous for modes noted, see Methodology. See Glossary following Tables for complete definitions.

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 33






    Regional Railroad Modes

    Heavy Rail

    Surface Rail Modes


    Other Fixed-

    Guideway Modes (d)

    Total Fixed- Guideway

    Modes Reported


    All Modes Reported

    Total (Parts A and B)

    Commuter Rail

    Hybrid Rail (#)

    Total Regional Railroad

    Light Rail Streetcar (#)

    Total Surface


    1890 (h) --- --- --- --- 100.0% (f) 100.0% --- --- 100.0% 100.0% 1902 (h) --- --- --- --- 100.0% (f) 100.0% --- --- 100.0% 100.0% 1907 (h) --- --- --- 6.6% 93.4% (f) 93.4% --- --- 100.0% 100.0% 1912 (h) --- --- --- 7.9% 92.1% (f) 92.1% --- --- 100.0% 100.0%

    1917 --- --- --- 9.2% 90.8% (f) 90.8% --- --- 100.0% 100.0% 1918 --- --- --- 9.7% 90.3% (f) 90.3% --- --- 100.0% 100.0% 1919 --- --- --- 10.1% 89.9% (f) 89.9% --- --- 100.0% 100.0% 1920 --- --- --- 11.5% 88.5% (f) 88.5% --- --- 100.0% 100.0% 1921 --- --- --- 13.1% 86.9% (f) 86.9% --- --- 100.0% 100.0% 1922 --- --- --- 12.3% 85.1% (f) 85.1% --- --- 97.4% 100.0% 1923 --- --- --- 12.7% 83.2% (f) 83.2% --- --- 96.0% 100.0% 1924 --- --- --- 13.5% 80.4% (f) 80.4% --- --- 93.9% 100.0% 1925 --- --- --- 13.6% 77.5% (f) 77.5% --- --- 91.1% 100.0% 1926 --- --- --- 13.6% 74.7% (f) 74.7% --- --- 88.4% 100.0% 1927 --- --- --- 14.2% 72.4% (f) 72.4% --- --- 86.6% 100.0% 1928 --- --- --- 14.7% 70.8% (f) 70.8% --- --- 85.5% 100.0% 1929 --- --- --- 15.1% 69.4% (f) 69.4% --- --- 84.5% 100.0% 1930 --- --- --- 16.4% 67.6% (f) 67.6% --- --- 84.0% 100.0% 1931 --- --- --- 17.3% 65.9% (f) 65.9% --- --- 83.2% 100.0% 1932 --- --- --- 18.3% 63.6% (f) 63.6% --- --- 81.9% 100.0% 1933 --- --- --- 18.8% 62.5% (f) 62.5% --- --- 81.3% 100.0% 1934 --- --- --- 18.3% 61.4% (f) 61.4% --- --- 79.7% 100.0% 1935 --- --- --- 18.3% 59.5% (f) 59.5% --- --- 77.8% 100.0% 1936 --- --- --- 17.6% 57.1% (f) 57.1% --- --- 74.7% 100.0% 1937 --- --- --- 17.4% 54.1% (f) 54.1% --- --- 71.4% 100.0% 1938 --- --- --- 17.6% 51.7% (f) 51.7% --- --- 69.4% 100.0% 1939 --- --- --- 18.4% 48.0% (f) 48.0% --- --- 66.4% 100.0% 1940 --- --- --- 18.1% 45.3% (f) 45.3% --- --- 63.5% 100.0%

  • 2015 Public Transportation Fact Book, Appendix A Historical Tables Page 34




    Regional Railroad Modes

    Heavy Rail

    Surface Rail Modes


    Other Fixed-

    Guideway Modes (d)

    Total Fixed- Guideway

    Modes Reported


    All Modes Reported

    Total (Parts A and B)

    Commuter Rail

    Hybrid Rail (#)

    Total Regional Railroad

    Light Rail Streetcar (#)

    Total Surface


    1941 --- --- --- 17.1% 43.1% (f) 43.1% --- --- 60.2% 100.0% 1942 --- --- --- 14.2% 40.4% (f) 40.4% --- --- 54.6% 100.0% 1943 --- --- --- 12.0% 41.4% (f) 41.4% --- --- 53.4% 100.0% 1944 --- --- --- 11.3% 41.1% (f) 41.1% --- --- 52.4% 100.0% 1945 --- --- --- 11.5% 40.3% (f) 40.3% --- --- 51.9% 100.0% 1946 --- --- --- 12.1% 38.5% (f) 38.5% --- --- 50.6% 100.0% 1947 --- --- --- 12.2% 35.8% (f) 35.8% --- --- 48.0% 100.0% 1948 --- --- --- 12.2% 30.4% (f) 30.4% --- --- 42.5% 100.0% 1949 --- --- --- 12.3% 25.4% (f) 25.4% --- --- 37.7% 100.0% 1950 --- --- --- 13.1% 22.6% (f) 22.6% --- --- 35.7% 100.0% 1951 --- --- --- 13.5% 19.2% (f) 19.2% --- --- 32.7% 100.0% 1952 --- --- --- 14.0% 16.3% (f) 16.3% --- --- 30.3% 100.0% 1953 --- --- --- 14.6% 14.6% (f) 14.6% --- --- 29.2% 100.0% 1954 --- --- --- 15.4% 12.0% (f) 12.0% --- --- 27.4% 100.0% 1955 --- --- --- 16.2% 10.4%

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