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Sessions led by the authors of…

The Waldorf Astoria, New York November 10 – 11, 2016

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It’s hard to make time to invest in your professional development. The conferences you canattend have a few high-impact sessions surrounded by “filler” content. Many sessions are“motivational” and give you nothing practical to take away and apply. Topics are delivered by“professional speakers” who don’t know how things get done in the “real world.” That won’t do.

Executive Insight 16 shatters that mold.What you’ll get when you attend the two-day Executive Insight 16 on November 10 – 11:

• 13 sessions of insightful, pragmatic content delivered by experienced executives• Practical, applicable tools on topics that matter: leadership, communications, strategy,

decision making, resilience, influence, negotiating, problem solving, storytelling, and more• Sessions led by real-world practitioners who are accomplished authors. All speakers share

ideas based on experiences running companies, business units, and functions large and small• 6 books based on sessions you’ll attend covering leadership, communications, and influence• Networking opportunities with other executives who also want to dedicate time to learning• A great venue – The Waldorf Astoria New York – including wonderful meals and receptionsWho should attend? The audience is leaders at organizations large and small. It doesn’t matteryour industry or function. Participants include managers up to members of the C-suite.

What’s in it for you? You’ll get access to over 225 years’ worth of experience from our speakers.You’ll leave as a better leader equipped with new tools and ideas. We guarantee you’ll find atleast 3 concepts you can apply right away to have a positive impact on your work.

We’ve also eliminated distractions. There’s no mob of vendors to pester you or clamor for yourtime. There aren’t long “sponsored” presentations disguised as content. You’re coming to learn.We respect that. Our goal is to provide as much knowledge as we can in a timeframe you canmanage. We commit to deliver an outstanding learning experience. Join us. Register now.

About thoughtLEADERSWe’re a premier leadership development and training firm focused on critical business skills.

• We offer high-quality, job-related training focused on skills people need to succeed.• Our instructors create and deliver courses based on our experiences leading organizations.• Our content focuses on how things get done in real-world situations.The best way to learn is by doing. The best people to learn from are those who havesuccessfully applied the concepts they teach. We keep training interesting and relevant whichhelps people learn faster, retain more, and build skills they’ll be able to apply immediately.

The Event

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8:00 Morning Registration

8:45 Welcome & Introductions (Empire Room, 1st Floor)

9:15 Creating Your Leadership Maxims (Mike Figliuolo)Authenticity and trust are keys to leadership success. Mike Figliuoloshares the Leadership Maxims method for creating your personalleadership philosophy. Your maxims are a simple way to strengthen thebond of trust between you and your team members. Mike will explorefour aspects of leadership and how you can create your own practicalleadership maxims to unlock the real leader inside you.

10:30 Networking Break

11:00 Leading With Influence (Joel Garfinkle)Leadership requires you to influence others versus telling them what todo. Joel Garfinkle covers the PVI model: Perception, Visibility, andInfluence. He’ll explain how to increase your influence by being mindfulabout how you’re perceived and by being more visible in positive ways.Influence can’t happen unless you have improved others’ perception ofyou and increased your visibility.

12:00 Lunch and Networking (Vanderbilt Room, 1st Floor)

1:00 Simplified Strategic Planning (Geoff Wilson)Most strategic planning processes can be cumbersome. Geoff Wilsoncovers our simple approach to defining a vision, a mission, and creatingfilters for assessing your initiative or project portfolio. You can evaluateand prioritize your efforts based upon these filters and your corecompetencies. Rigor at the outset of this process yields a focused list ofhigh-value initiatives that enable you to reach your long term goals.

The Agenda – Day 1: November 10thNote: Registration begins 3:00 PM on November 9th with welcome reception to follow at 5:00 PM

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The Agenda – Day 1: November 10th

1:45 Influence Through Storytelling (Paul Smith)Stories can make a leader’s message memorable, contagious, andenduring. Paul Smith explains the art of storytelling and how it can makeyou a better leader. Learn the elements of a compelling story includingstory structure, the power of emotion, the importance of surprise,choosing the right story to tell, and driving action. These are the keys tocrafting your own powerful and influential leadership stories.

2:45 Networking Break

3:15 Structured Problem Solving (Mike Lynn)We all face challenging problems every day. Mike Lynn covers a simple five-step process for solving problems, leading your organization throughuncertainty, and driving large change efforts. Learn to accurately definethe problem, quickly generate solutions, choose the best solution, andcreate a clear recommendation to solve your issue. See how you can usethis method to solve your biggest and most difficult problems.

4:00 The Elegant Pitch (Mike Figliuolo)Recommendations often get “lost in translation.” Mike Figliuolo providesyou a new method to cut through the clutter and get your ideas approved.He’ll explain how to craft a powerful “core idea" that has solid, logicalsupport. He'll cover how to deliver your pitch as a clear, compelling, andsuccinct story that builds support for even the most difficultrecommendations you have to make.

5:00 Reception and Networking (Vanderbilt Room, 1st Floor)

6:30 Dinner and Networking (Starlight Roof, 18th Floor)

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The Agenda – Day 2: November 11th

8:00 Coffee and Networking (Vanderbilt Room, 1st Floor)

8:30 Day 2 Welcome (Empire Room, 1st Floor)

8:45 thoughtLEADERSHIP (Alan Veeck and Marcy Schwab)Have you been told "think outside the box" but you've neverlearned exactly how to do that? Alan Veeck and Marcy Schwabdefine thoughtLEADERSHIP, share the common characteristicsthoughtLEADERS possess, and give you simple tools you can useto lead the thinking in your organization. You’ll learn why it’spowerful to ask “why?”, say “so what?” and blow up yourbusiness to generate breakthrough ideas.

9:30 Leading Inside the Box (Victor Prince)One of the greatest challenges leaders face is not having enough time toget everything done. A major cause of that issue is the misallocation of aleader’s time in how they interact with the members of their teams.Victor Prince shares how the Leadership Matrix helps leaders solve thisage-old dilemma by being more mindful about where and how theyinvest their scarce “leadership capital.”

10:30 Networking Break

11:00 Everything is Negotiable (John Fisher)Solid negotiation skills help you get what you want while also buildingbetter relationships with coworkers, bosses, business partners, andsuppliers. John Fisher shares simple yet effective negotiating techniquesyou can apply immediately. Learn why sometimes it’s important to takethe pie while other times you should consider serving it.

12:00 Lunch and Networking (Vanderbilt Room, 1st Floor)

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The Agenda – Day 2: November 11th

1:00 Managing Stress to Build Resilience (Jon Wortmann)What do you do when stress takes over, and nothing you do to feel betterseems to work? Jon Wortmann explains how stress changes your brain andwhat you can do about it. In order to reduce stress, you have tounderstand why your brain causes you to feel stress and how you can takeadvantage of it to handle the high-stress people and situations in your life.

1:45 Compelling Executive Presence (Mike Lynn, Alan Veeck, and Paul Smith)Presence requires you to connect with your audienceand convey ideas in a resonant way. Mike Lynn, AlanVeeck, and Paul Smith will explain how to makemeaningful connections with your audience. Thesetechniques will help you be a more genuine leader andget you past your audience’s walls and biases.

2:45 Networking Break

3:15 Time Management Mastery (Joel Garfinkle)All of us have 24 hours a day to use as we choose. The question is whetheror not we use that time effectively. Joel Garfinkle provides approaches andtechniques designed to help you manage your time and achieve thesuccess you desire. Learn how to balance your limited supply of time withthe overwhelming demands that are placed on you every day.

4:00 Deliberate Decision Making (Mike Figliuolo)We rarely think of decision making as a process. Mike Figliuolo outlines thefour decision making styles and which situations they’re best for.Ambiguity surrounds any decision. Learn the types of ambiguity, how toreduce risk, and plan for contingencies. These concepts will help you bemore decisive, assume less risk, and build faster support for decisions.

5:15 Reception and Networking (Vanderbilt Room, 1st Floor)

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Program Leaders

Mike Figliuolo is an honor graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point,where he graduated in the top 5% of his class. He served in the U.S. Army as anarmor officer on M1A1 main battle tanks. Mike spent time as a consultant withMcKinsey & Co. and as an executive at Capital One and Scotts Miracle-Gro. He’s thefounder and managing director of thoughtLEADERS, LLC. He’s been featured onInc.com, Investor’s Business Daily, Success, and The Huffington Post. His booksinclude: One Piece of Paper: The Simple Approach to Powerful, Personal Leadership;Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams to Exceptional Results;and most recently The Elegant Pitch: Create a Compelling Recommendation, BuildBroad Support, and Get it Approved.

Alan Veeck has deep experience in sourcing which he applies every day as a VicePresident with Denali Sourcing Services. Prior to Denali, Alan was a Partner withMeakem Becker Venture Capital where he focused on investing in early-stagecompanies. He also spent seven years at Ariba working with the company’s largestcustomers across many industries and managing acquisition integration activities.Before Ariba, he was an associate at McKinsey & Co. where he worked extensivelywithin the Purchasing and Supply Management practice, serving a range of Global1000 clients in the healthcare and diversified manufacturing industries. Alan holds abachelor’s degree in chemistry from the College of William and Mary, and a Ph.D. inchemistry from the University of California, Berkeley.

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Program Leaders

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Marcy Schwab applies her unusual combination of talents in strategy, analytics,creativity, and leadership to help leaders generate breakthrough ideas. She startedher career as a consultant with Mercer Management Consulting and cut her teeth inthe operations world at Pizza Hut, Inc. as an operations and financial senior analyst.She built several businesses at Capital One including the Card division’s Internetbusiness that became a $1B organization in just 3 years. As a Senior Vice Presidentshe was instrumental in building Capital One’s online bank. She’s also held seniorroles at Sallie Mae where she helped create their deposits business. She’s a certifiedcoach and has attended Georgetown’s Leadership Coaching program. She graduatedwith honors from the University of Pennsylvania and has an MBA from Wharton.

Paul Smith is a former Accenture consultant, executive, and 20-year veteran of TheProcter & Gamble Company. He’s a storytelling expert and the author of threebooks: Sell with a Story: How to Capture Attention, Build Trust, and Close the Sale;Lead with a Story: A Guide to Crafting Business Narratives That Captivate, Convince,and Inspire; and Parenting with a Story. At Procter & Gamble, Paul held leadershippositions in both the research and finance functions, and most recently served asdirector of consumer and communications research. His work has been featured inThe Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Success, Forbes, The Washington Post, andInvestor’s Business Daily. Paul holds a bachelor’s degree in economics, and an MBAfrom Wharton.

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Program Leaders

Geoff Wilson has broad experience in private equity, management consulting, andcorporate strategy leadership roles. He was Senior Vice President of CorporateStrategy and Development at Milliken & Co. where he led corporate strategy, M&A,and special initiatives. Prior to Milliken, Geoff was a management consultant withMcKinsey & Co. where he was a leader of the firm’s Capital Productivity practice.Geoff has also held financial analyst roles with Comerica Ventures, ImperialBancorp, and UBS/PaineWebber. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree and hisMaster of Arts degree from Stanford University. Geoff was a 3 year letter winner and30-game starter as a football player at Stanford. He subsequently received his MBAwith high distinction from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College.

Victor Prince earned his MBA from Wharton and a bachelor’s degree from AmericanUniversity. He has more than twenty years of experience in corporate andgovernment leadership positions in a variety of roles. As a Bain & Companyconsultant, he led strategy engagements with clients in the U.S., U.K., France andSpain. He was an executive at Capital One where he managed internet marketingstrategy. Victor served as a member of Washington DC Mayor Fenty's cabinet andled the CapStat performance accountability program. He was also the ChiefOperating Officer of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau where he built anew federal regulatory agency and led a division of 300 people. He’s the co-authorof Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide Their Teams to Exceptional Results.

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Program Leaders

Jon Wortmann is an executive and mental coach, speaker, minister, and author. Agraduate of Harvard Divinity School, Jon works with Fortune 100 companies, non-profits, government, and start-ups. A Huffington Post blogger, he’s been featured inO Magazine, Elle, Fox, The Globe and Mail, Psychology Today, and Fast Company. Joncoaches mental skills for NCAA programs at UCONN and Dartmouth. He alsocoaches Web.com, PGA Latin America, and Canada Tour golfers. His five books,including Hijacked by Your brain: How to Free Yourself When Stress Takes Over,Mastering Communication at Work, and The Three Commitments of Leadership,have been best-sellers in ten categories on Amazon including #2 in leadership,communication, and stress-management.

[email protected]

Mike Lynn has been helping people learn for nearly 25 years via formal and informaltraining, extensive delivery and facilitation, one-on-one coaching, and trainingmanagement. He’s held training and communications leadership roles at ArthurAndersen’s Center for Professional Education and at the Inland Press Association.While at Arthur Andersen, Mike taught partners, managers, and industry teams howto cultivate relationships and close large sales. Mike served as the learning managerfor McKinsey & Co.’s Midwest office where he was responsible for leading trainingprograms for new consultants and engagement managers. After McKinsey, he wasHead of Learning and Development at Prophet, a global marketing and brandingfirm. He is an honors graduate of Loyola University.

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Program Leaders

Joel Garfinkle has over 20 years of executive coaching experience working withsome of the most influential executives at the world’s most respected companies.His business experience includes time as a consultant for top-tier consulting firms:Ernst & Young in Hong Kong and Accenture in San Francisco. He’s written sevenbooks including Getting Ahead: Three Steps to Take Your Career to the Next Leveland Time Management Mastery: Stress-Free Productivity in the 7 Key Areas of Lifeamong others. His work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, ABC News, theNew York Times, Newsweek, Forbes, the Financial Times, BusinessWeek, Fortune,NPR, USA Today, and Fast Company. He holds a bachelor’s degree in psychologyfrom San Diego State University.

John Fisher has over 25 years of experience applying technology solutions to criticalbusiness problems and operating the IT function as a profit center. John served asCIO of SmithBucklin Corporation, the world’s largest association managementcompany. He also held senior IT leadership positions at CNA Insurance andContinental Bank. Computerworld Magazine named him one of the Premier 100 ITLeaders and the AITP Windy City Chapter named him as CIO of the Year. He is anadjunct faculty member at DePaul University where he teaches graduate levelcourses in negotiations, strategy, and project management. John holds an MS incomputer science from DePaul University, a BS in communications from SouthernIllinois University, and a MA in history of religions from the University of Ottawa.

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Our Books

All six books are included in the conference registration fee. Purchased separately, they are a $125.00 value. Books will be distributed to attendees at conference registration.

Receive six great leadership books when you attend Executive Insight 16.

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The Venue

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The venue for Executive Insight 16 is the historic Waldorf Astoria in New York City. It occupies acity block in the heart of midtown Manhattan. Outstanding meals and receptions are includedin the conference fee. This includes lunches, a magnificent dinner on the Starlight Roof,evening receptions, and refreshments and snacks throughout the conference.

Staying at the Waldorf Astoria for the conference is encouraged but not required. A limitedsupply of rooms is available and must be booked individually by participants attendingExecutive Insight 16. Attendees may make other lodging arrangements at their discretion.

Enjoy dinner with us on the Starlight RoofMeals will be served in the Vanderbilt Room

Conference sessions will be held in the Empire RoomMake your reservations early. The hotel fills up quickly.

The Waldorf Astoria301 Park Ave, NY, NYwaldorfastoria3.hilton.com(212) 355-3000

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Area Hotels and Logistics

The Waldorf Astoria301 Park Ave, NY, NYwaldorfastoria3.hilton.com(212) 355-3000

New York Marriott East Side525 Lexington Ave, NY, NYmarriott.com(212) 755-4000

W New York541 Lexington Ave, NY, NYwnewyork.com(212) 755-1200

The Benjamin Hotel125 E 50th St, NY, NYthebenjamin.com(212) 715-2500

DoubleTree by Hilton569 Lexington Ave, NY, NYdoubletree3.hilton.com(212) 752-7000

The Kimberly Hotel145 E 50th St, NY, NYkimberlyhotel.com(212) 702-1600

The Lexington511 Lexington Ave, NY, NYmarriott.com(212) 755-4400

Area HotelsIn addition to the Waldorf, there are many lodging choices near the venue:

Air and Ground TransportationTransportation to New York is easy. Attendees can arrive by air at:- Newark Airport- LaGuardia Airport- JFK Airportor you can arrive by train to GrandCentral Station which is only a fewblocks from the Waldorf Astoria.

If you need a ride from the airport,there are many reputable carservices available. Several serviceswe recommend are listed below.Contact them directly for rides toand from area airports.

Luxor Black Car & Limousineluxorlimo.com(866) 998-4111

New York City Limo Servicenewyorkcity-limo.com(800) 560-0157

NY City Limonycitylimo.com(866) 444-8080

Times Square Limousinetimesquarelimousine.com(212) 695-9088

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Resources and Contact Info

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Attire: We request attendees dress in a manner befitting a professional event at a premiervenue. Business casual is strongly encouraged. Feel free to dress it up for receptions and dinner.

Accessibility Assistance: If you would like assistance due to a mobility, hearing, or sightimpairment, you are warmly encouraged to contact us by September 30th so we can coordinatewith the venue to accommodate your needs.

Dietary Needs: If you have special dietary needs, please contact us upon registering for theevent so we can make appropriate arrangements with the venue for suitable meal options.

Should you need to contact us for anything related to Executive Insight 16, you can reach usanytime by email or phone. Our contact information is:Email: [email protected]: 804.241.9757

Please return to the Executive Insight 16 website after the event where you can downloadpresentations from the sessions. These downloads will only be available for a limited time afterthe event. Visit www.executiveinsight16.com and select “Presentations” to download yours.

thoughtLEADERS is a premier leadership development training firm. We work with the world’smost admired and recognized companies to help their associates build critical business skills.Our instructors are all well-seasoned executives and entrepreneurs who teach from a basis ofdeep experience. For more on the programs we teach, visit thoughtleadersllc.com/services. Tomeet the other members of our team, visit thoughtleadersllc.com/team.

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Please print or type. One individual registrant per form. This form may be copied for additional registrants.

Full Name Job Title

Name as You Want it on Conference Badge Organization

Street Address E-mail

City/State/ZIP Phone

Conference: Thursday, November 10 – Friday, November 11, 2016. Indicate which sessions you will attend:□ Registration/Reception November 9th □ Day 1 Sessions November 10th □ Dinner November 10th

□ Day 2 Sessions November 11th □ Closing Reception November 11th

Registration Windows and Rates Postmarked/Paid by September 8th After September 8th

Corporate or Individual Attendee $2,495 $2,795Non-Profit Organization Attendee $2,295 $2,395Please note: Your fee includes the reception on November 9th, conference sessions, event materials, 6 books,and meals including dinner November 10th. For 5 or more attendees, contact us directly for discounted rates.

Two Ways to Register• Mail this registration form and check (payable to “thoughtLEADERS, LLC”) or credit card payment form below

to: thoughtLEADERS LLC, 8202 Timber Mist Court, Dublin, OH 43017• Register online by visiting www.executiveinsight16.com and clicking on “Register”

Payment: Payment must accompany registration. Credit cards will be processed upon receipt.□ Check or money order in the amount of $___________ is enclosed

□ I hereby authorize thoughtLEADERS LLC the use of my credit card account for the following amount

Charge $ to my □ Visa □ MasterCard □ Discover □ AMEXCredit Card Number Expiration Date Security Code (CVV) Cardholder’s NameAuthorized User’s SignatureCancellations must be sent in writing by September 23, 2016 to receive a full refund, less a $200 cancel fee.No refunds will be made thereafter. If you cannot attend for any reason, substitutions can be made at no cost.Registrations will not be processed without payment. If the event is cancelled or postponed for any reason, weare not liable for airfare, hotel, or other travel costs incurred by participants, however your registration fee willbe fully refunded. See our website for full and current terms and conditions. By registering for this event, youhereby accept our event’s terms and conditions.Questions? Contact Mike Figliuolo at 804.241.9757 or [email protected].

Do not email credit card informationbecause security cannot be guaranteed.Mail or phone in credit card information.

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