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Because We’re Working for America


Dear payroll professional,National Payroll Week®, September 4-8, is one of the most exciting weeks of the

year for me and for the thousands of payroll professionals across the country. As a payroll professional, you deserve to be recognized for the important role you play to ensure that “America Works Because We’re Working for America®.”

This year’s NPW campaign is full of fun and exciting ways for you to become involved and help spread the NPW message. We’ve put together this helpful how-to guide filled with tried and true tips from both the APA and your payroll peers to help you achieve successful NPW celebrations in your office, chapter, and community.

Kick off your celebration with the “Getting Paid In America®” survey. The annual survey is vital to helping the APA understand the trends impacting payroll and America’s workers. Once you complete the survey, you’re entered to win a trip for two to Las Vegas, as well as a free paycheck! Find out more about the survey on page 2.

Join hundreds of your fellow payroll peers to teach teens in your community important paycheck basics for Money Matters National Education Day this September 7. Learn more about this fantastic community program and how you can get involved on page 14.

Teaming up with sponsors for your NPW festivities is a decision you won’t regret. Get advice on page 4 for creating these mutually beneficial partnerships with businesses that care about payroll as much as you do.

Reach out to your local government to receive a proclamation recognizing September 4-8 as National Payroll Week in your town, city, or state. Learn the proper steps to follow that will ensure you receive as many proclamations as possible on page 10.

The APA offers eight opportunities for you to win big prizes just for celebrating NPW. Learn about the different contest categories the APA offers to find the perfect one to enter, individually or as a chapter, on page 12.

Finally, explore the opportunities for your employer or company that can be gained as an NPW Supporter! It’s free for your company to become a Supporter, and the rewards are huge. Get the details on page 3.

Together we can make National Payroll Week 2017 your best yet!


Table of Contents2. NPW Survey

3. Become an NPW Supporter

4. Partner With Sponsors

5. Thank You 2017 Sponsors

6. Celebrate NPW at Work

7. Reach Out to Local Media

8. NPW Social Media 101

10. Receive Local Government Proclamations

11. Celebrate in Your Community

12. Enter NPW Contests

14. Money Matters Volunteer Program

15. NPW 2017 Calendar

16. NPW Merchandise

NPW Guide by APA’s Brandy Gaskins, Public Relations and Social Media Specialist, and APA’s Arianna Theodoss,

Public Relations and Social Media Coordinator.

September 4-8www.NationalPayrollWeek.com

Dan Maddux, Executive Director American Payroll Association

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Because We’re Working for America

Dear APA member,

The annual “Getting Paid In America” survey is a crucial part of the National Payroll Week® (NPW) campaign that enables the APA to understand America’s workers’ concerns and preferences about payroll and their paychecks.

In 2016, more than 27,000 people completed the survey, thanks largely to survey promotion from APA members and chapters. The 2017 survey is available between May and September. One lucky survey participant will be the grand prize winner of a free paycheck and a trip for two to Las Vegas.

Justin Bencomo, Engineer for LG&E and KU, was the 2016 grand prize winner. Bencomo learned about the survey when his payroll department posted about it on the company intranet.

“It seemed well worth the few minutes that it would take me to complete the survey,” Bencomo said. “I knew my odds would be better than winning the lotto.”

So, how can you get involved with spreading the word about the “Getting Paid In America” survey in 2017? It’s easy! Follow these steps:• Promote the survey and its prize on your company’s intranet.• Post NPW fliers with information about the survey and

its importance around your office or neighborhood.• Pass out mini PayDay candy bars to your friends and

coworkers that include a sticker with information on the survey.

• Post about the survey on your various social media accounts, letting your followers know that 10 minutes of their time could score them a big prize.

• Add a short message about the survey and its URL to your email signature line.

The options for sharing the survey are endless, and creativity can take you a long way. To complete and share the survey today, go to www.nationalpayrollweek.com.

Don’t forget to chronicle your efforts and enter them in the Online Survey Promotion Contest for APA members and chapters. This contest recognizes the efforts of those who go above and beyond in promoting the survey within their company and community. Learn more details about the NPW Online Survey Promotion Contest on page 13.

Complete NPW Survey to Spread Payroll Awareness

Don’t forget to chronicle your efforts and enter them in the Online Survey Promotion

Contest for APA members and chapters. This contest recognizes the efforts of those who

go above and beyond in promoting the survey within their company and community.

Learn more details about the NPW Online Survey Promotion Contest on page 13.

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Because We’re Working for America


Do you celebrate National Payroll Week® (NPW) within your company every year? Join companies such as General Motors, the Kansas City Royals, T-Mobile, and many others by signing up your company as an NPW Supporter.

NPW Supporters spread the word of NPW and recognize the achievements of payroll professionals through email blasts, office celebrations, and more. In return for supporting your payroll pros, your company will receive several big benefits, including: • Your company’s corporate website featured on the

NPW website.

• A special NPW Supporter packet mailed to you containing a pack of NPW posters and tips to get the NPW festivities started at your company.

• Recognition in PAYTECH magazine’s January NPW issue, mailed to the APA’s 20,000-plus members.

• Recognition in the NPW video shown at the APA’s Annual Congress in May, which thousands of payroll and HR professionals attend.

So what are you waiting for? To sign up your company go to www.nationalpayrollweek.com today.

Show Your Support for the Payroll Profession

Becoming an NPW Supporter is quick and easy and can be accomplished in three steps:1. Visit the NPW website at www.nationalpayrollweek.com and select “How To Celebrate” from the menu at the

top of the web page.2. Click the “Become an NPW Supporter” option that drops down from the “How To Celebrate” tab.3. Complete the NPW Supporter Commitment Form.

How to Become an NPW Supporter

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Because We’re Working for America

National Payroll Week® (NPW) provides chapters and payroll professionals around the country the ideal opportunity to reach out to businesses to form partnerships built on a mutual respect of the payroll industry. Sponsors can help you accomplish NPW goals you may not otherwise be able to reach on your own.

If you’ve never considered seeking sponsorship for your NPW festivities, here are the top three reasons you should:1. Takes your event to the next level: Ask businesses

to help sponsor your local NPW event by donating raffle items or providing speakers. This can take your event to a new level and potentially increase your attendance.

2. Garners more media coverage: Reach out to their marketing and public relations staff for help getting local media coverage for your NPW events and efforts. Invite your sponsors to join you when you receive proclamations from your local government. It provides a great photo opportunity for everyone involved and could make for a possible news story or blog post.

3. Makes a larger charitable impact: Ask sponsors to donate materials to an area school or charitable cause of your choice to make a larger impact with your NPW charity events.

Always remember to say thank you to sponsors by calling them or sending them a thank you letter or email. Forming successful relationships with your sponsors can provide you with new professional connections as well as open the door for future collaborations with your chapter all year long.

Visit the NPW website at www.nationalpayrollweek.com for a full list of national 2017 sponsors. These sponsors make for a great place to begin your sponsor outreach efforts as many have offices throughout the country.

Team Up With Sponsors

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Media Partners

Thank You 2017 NPW Sponsors*

Diamond Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

* as of press time.

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Because We’re Working for America

National Payroll Week® (NPW) is your time to shine, payroll pro! The workplace, where the payroll magic happens, is the perfect starting point for your NPW celebrations. The payroll festivities don’t have to be limited, though, to just your payroll department. NPW provides the perfect opportunity to educate your coworkers on their paychecks and all of the hard work that goes into ensuring they get paid accurately and on time, every time.

Here are our top ways for you to bring the NPW party to your workplace:• Keep PayDay candy bars on hand and invite the rest

of the company to visit the payroll department for a “second payday.”

• Get the whole company involved by hosting daily payroll- and NPW-themed contests and games with NPW gear as prizes.

• Encourage your company to become an official NPW Supporter or Sponsor. The company will receive free publicity from the APA as well as other fun perks.

• Share info about the “Getting Paid In America” survey on your company intranet. Encourage your coworkers to spend five minutes sharing their opinions on their paychecks for a chance at a fabulous vacation and extra paycheck.

• Host an NPW luncheon complete with an NPW-decorated cake for your awesome payroll team.

• Decorate the payroll department with the official NPW poster as well as with balloons and streamers in the NPW colors of green, purple, and gold.

The party doesn’t stop with these ideas, though. Visit www.nationalpayrollweek.com for many more tips. Click on the “How To Celebrate” tab and select “In Your Company.”

Remember to share photos of your workplace festivities on social media by tagging all of your posts with the official NPW hashtag—#PayrollWeek.

Share Your NPW Spirit With Your Whole Company

Visit www.nationalpayrollweek.com for more tips and party ideas. Click on the “How To Celebrate” tab at the top of the page and select “In Your Company.”

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Because We’re Working for America


Spread the NPW MessageMedia coverage is one of the best ways to spread the National Payroll Week® (NPW) message and increase public awareness of the payroll profession. A large part of NPW success continues to be the grassroots efforts by local APA chapters to secure local media coverage. There are several different types of media you can choose, including television, print, radio, and even social media.

Don’t fret if you have no experience dealing with the media or reporters. We’ve put together some helpful tips to get you started with your media outreach efforts: • Find your local media contacts: Research your local

media outlets’ (newspapers, radio shows, etc.) contact information online to find the appropriate reporter for your story. You can also email [email protected] for a list of the media in your area.

• Make your story newsworthy: Make sure the story or event you’re pitching is interesting and newsworthy. Local media love receiving human interest stories. Is your chapter holding a big charity drive for NPW? Are you teaching a Money Matters National Education Day lesson to a large number of students? These are the types of stories the media loves.

• Be courteous of reporters’ time: Media people are constantly running to beat deadlines and on the go covering stories. Once you have your list of media contacts ready, reach out to reporters at least two weeks before your events and then follow up with them three days prior to the event to give them plenty of time to get your story on their radar.

For more detailed tips, writing samples, and examples of content to share, visit the NPW website. Once there, click the “Tools” tab at the top of the page and select “Public Relations/Media” from the drop-down menu.

Did your chapter go above and beyond in reaching out to your local media or securing media coverage? Enter the Local Media Outreach Contest to earn great payroll prizes, recognition, and bragging rights. Learn more about the contest on page 12.

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Because We’re Working for America

Social media is a wonderful way to boost awareness of National Payroll Week® (NPW) and enable your NPW activities to reach a large network of people on both a local and national level. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are three extremely popular ways to reach and engage with others in the payroll community using the official NPW hashtag #payrollweek.

FacebookIf your chapter doesn’t already have a Facebook page, NPW is the perfect time to consider creating one. Setting up a page is easy and takes just a few minutes. Here are

some tips to get people excited and involved in your NPW updates once you’ve started your page: • Promote your page: Invite everyone in your chapter

to “Like” your page, and also add a link to your Facebook page in your chapter newsletters and emails. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have a huge number of “likes.” Aim for a fun, active group, and the size of your group will grow with time.

• Keep your followers up to date: Send frequent updates to your followers about all the great things your chapter is doing for NPW. Did you get 10 government proclamations? Share it on your page.

• Build your events: Create Facebook “Events” to promote and invite people to join your NPW celebrations. People can’t attend if they don’t know your event is happening.

• Make your page pop: Upload photos of your chapter’s activities whenever you can to make your page more eye-catching and engaging.

You can also celebrate NPW on Facebook from your personal account by visiting the official NPW Facebook

page at www.facebook.com/NationalPayrollWeek and sharing photos of your festivities. The APA also hosts NPW contests and shares fun and creative NPW-themed memes and videos on the page all year long.

TwitterIf you like sharing content in a fast and concise way, create a Twitter account. Getting started is easy. Just create a unique and easy-to-understand username for your

group or chapter. Once you have a username, here are a few things you can do to get started: • Promote your Twitter account: Invite your chapter

members and friends to “follow” your username, and add a link to your account on your chapter’s website and in any other communication tools for your chapter.

• Get to the point: Twitter limits messages to 140 characters, so being concise is a must when sending out Tweets.

• Share relevant content: Twitter is very content-driven. Find interesting news articles relating to payroll to share that you think your followers will find helpful and interesting in addition to NPW.

• The hashtag is king: Hashtags are the singling out of keywords using the # symbol. By using hashtags, such as #payrollweek, you can get more eyes on your messages. Anyone who is searching for Tweets using your hashtag can potentially find your Tweet and content.

• Follow the APA: Keep up with official NPW news by following the APA on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/Paynews. It’s a great way to pinpoint other active Twitter users to connect with and to keep up with the latest #payroll and #payrollweek news.

Share the #PayrollWeek Love

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InstagramIf you are more of a visual person, Instagram is the social media app for you! Follow this simple how-to to get started sharing your NPW photos:

• Start taking photos on your phone: Once you have completed the easy sign-up (which you can integrate with Facebook), it’s time to start taking pictures. The APA loves to see your candid shots and the fun you’re having during NPW, and Instagram is the way to do it. Simply upload your picture, apply your favorite photo filter, and hit upload.

• Don’t forget the hashtag: Much like Twitter, Instagram functions on the hashtag system, so tag all of your photos with #payrollweek. Instagram allows users to use up to 30 unique hashtags per photo, so you can also add other relevant payroll-related tags.

• Build your followers: You can find fellow payroll enthusiasts by doing a search for #payrollweek and other payroll-related hashtags. Follow the users who have used the tags recently. As always, invite your chapter members and friends to “follow” your account.

Don’t be afraid to explore other social media outlets to spread your NPW message in addition to Facebook, Twitter,

and Instagram. Do you like to write? Create an NPW blog to chronicle what you and your chapter are doing and post it to LinkedIn. Are you more of a video star in the making? Upload fun NPW-themed videos to YouTube.

Social media is all about being creative and interacting with the public. We’ll see you online September 4-8!

The social media options are endless! Don’t be afraid to explore other social media outlets to spread your NPW message in addition to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Do you like to write? Create an NPW blog to chronicle what you and your chapter are doing. Are you more of a video star in the making? Upload fun, NPW-themed videos to YouTube or Vine. Social media is all about being creative and interacting with the public. We’ll see you online!

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Because We’re Working for America

Local Government Outreach: Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It—Proclamations

Once you’ve received the proclamations,

you can show off your chapter's

accomplishments by entering the Local

Government Outreach Contest. You

could win one free registration to the

APA’s Annual Congress! Learn more

about this chapter contest on page 12.

Enter to Win!

Proclamations from state and local governments are among the most impressive achievements for a local chapter and payroll professionals. National Payroll Week® (NPW) proclamations are significant because government officials are acknowledging payroll as a crucial aspect of America. In 2016, local chapters received more than 74 proclamations from all over the country.

How can you encourage your local elected officials to recognize the importance of NPW? The APA guides volunteers through the process in four easy steps:1. Contact your mayor’s or governor’s office for the

current procedures in place to request a proclamation.

2. Your request packet should include a letter explaining your goal, sample language for the proclamation, information about NPW, and information about the APA.

3. Ask if any additional information is needed for your request.

4. Frequently check in with your contact to track the progress of your request.

For tips on proclamation requests, sample letters, and proclamation language, go to www.nationalpayrollweek.com and click on “Request a Proclamation” under the “Tools” menu.

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Make a Difference in Your Community This NPWNational Payroll Week® (NPW) is all about expanding awareness of payroll in cities across the nation. While doing so, many participants of NPW appreciate giving back to their communities. Friends, family, co-workers, chapter members—you name it, grab everyone you know and head out to make a difference in your community.

Every year, the APA’s local chapters have an opportunity to give back to the community and educate the leaders of tomorrow about the payroll profession. The Atlanta Chapter of the APA is no stranger to community service during NPW. In 2016, the Atlanta Chapter won first place in the Educational Outreach and Community Service Contest for the sixth year in a row! Its NPW community service projects included:1. A blanket drive

2. Children’s Restoration Network Toy Drive3. The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Shopping The Atlanta Chapter is but one of many APA local chapters that participate in this contest and contribute their time to serve others in their communities. Other chapters, such as the Greater Milwaukee Chapter of the APA, donated school supplies to children, and the chapter officers of the Washington Metropolitan Area Chapter of the APA (WMAC-APA) provided food to more than 300 households within its region.

Are you inspired? Go to www.nationalpayrollweek.com to learn more about how you can make a difference in your community while celebrating NPW. Enter the Educational Outreach and Community Service Contest for a chance to win a free registration to the APA’s Annual Congress.

Showcase your amazing

community outreach efforts

by entering the Educational

Outreach and Community Service

Contest or the Individual Activity

Contest. Learn more about the

contests on page 12.

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Eight Ways to Win This NPWDo you want a chance to win prizes simply by celebrating National Payroll Week® (NPW)? Get rewarded for your efforts by entering the 2017 NPW contests. We know how hard you work, so show it off!

Enter any of the eight contests at www.nationalpayrollweek.com. Click on "How To Celebrate," then “NPW Contests” on the left side of the page, and download the contest fliers. The fliers contain contest guidelines, information, and the submission process. Chapters or individuals may enter one or more of the following contests for a chance to become a 2017 NPW contest winner and receive awesome prizes:

1. Chapter Photo ContestCapture the spirit of your chapter’s NPW celebration in a photo and then enter it in the Chapter Photo Contest. Submit the three best NPW-related photos to the Chapter Relations Department. The chapter photo must display the NPW theme, artwork, or logo for a shot at taking home the win. See the contest flier for the guidelines.

2. Chapter Promotion ContestShow your support for NPW and the payroll profession. All you have to do is select your chapter’s name from the drop-down menu when purchasing your NPW merchandise. The chapter that earns the most credits wins great prizes from the APA.

To snag NPW merchandise, go to www.nationalpayrollweek.com and click on the “NPW Store” on the left side of the page.

3. Educational Outreach, Community Service Chapter ContestThis contest recognizes the efforts of chapters that serve their community while promoting NPW. See page 11 to see how other chapters have volunteered in past years.

4. Local Media Outreach Chapter ContestBroadcast NPW to your local media and see what unfolds. You can find tips on how to reach the media, compose press releases, and even write letters to the editor. Go to www.nationalpayrollweek.com and click on “Public Relations/Media” under the “Tools” tab.

5. Local Government Outreach Chapter ContestAsk government officials in your city, county, or state for an official NPW proclamation acknowledging the week dedicated to America’s workers and the payroll professionals who pay them. Once you have the proclamation in hand, share the information with the Chapter Relations Department to win.

Need some advice on how to get started? For sample letters, proclamation language, and more, go to www.nationalpayrollweek.com and click “Request a Proclamation” under the “Tools” tab.

Because We’re Working for America

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6. Individual Activity ContestAll for one and one for all. This contest entry for individual accomplishments can include any combination of categories including Educational Outreach and Community Service, Local Media Outreach, and Local Government Outreach. If you’ve increased NPW awareness on your own, this contest is for you.

7. Online Survey Promotion ContestIncreasing awareness for NPW is a key component for success in this contest. The Online Survey Promotion Contest is designed to acknowledge those efforts, along with recognizing the “Getting Paid In America” survey

in your community and workplace. Both chapters and individuals are eligible to participate in this contest.

Promote the survey to your family, friends, colleagues, and everyone else. Entries that display the most original outreach while being effective will win.

8. National Education Champions Contest Demonstrate how important it is to be acquainted with paycheck basics. The APA region with the most volunteers to teach young adults for Money Matters National Education Day (MMNED)* will take home first place. In addition, volunteers who teach an MMNED lesson will earn one RCH.

Go to www.nationalpayrollweek.com, highlight the “How To Celebrate” tab, and click on “NPW Contests” to fill out the “National Educations Champions Contest” form after you have taught the Money Matters curriculum. *Although there is a day dedicated to Money Matters National

Education, you are able to teach any day in September that

works best for the school.

Helpful TipsWhen completing your NPW contest entries, make sure to:• Answer all the questions on the respective flier• Answer the questions in detail and in the same order as on the flier• Insert photos in each entry you submit to the Chapter Relations Department Following the tips above can make your chapter eligible to receive a free registration to the 36th Annual Congress in National Harbor, Maryland; free APA courses and webinars; a free copy of The Payroll Source®; and recognition in PAYTECHonline. Chapters that submit NPW contest entries will receive a web banner to go on their websites, Facebook pages, or email signatures.

Because We’re Working for America


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Because We’re Working for America

The APA created the Money Matters volunteer program to educate America’s future generation of workers on the fundamentals of their paychecks. For many teenagers, their first paycheck isn’t quite what they expected. They find themselves asking the question, “Where did all of my money go?”

You can be a part of the solution to this ongoing question by sharing your knowledge of payroll with young adults in your area. Money Matters volunteers from across the country teach America’s youth about income tax, Forms W-4, and everyone’s favorite—FICA.

Join hundreds of volunteers throughout September and on Money Matters National Education Day, September 7, to educate the nation’s future workers on financial literacy.

“Volunteering for Money Matters National Education Day provides a great opportunity to educate the future workers of America on employee forms, payroll withholding taxes, and the delivery of their pay,” said

Mary Brumm Holland, CPP, who taught the 2016 Money Matters curriculum to Westmont High School students in Campbell, California. “For me, it also provides a way to showcase the payroll profession as a possible career path to explore. It’s all about paying it forward and providing payroll education to American workers.”

To become a volunteer, visit www.nationalpayrollweek.com and click “Volunteer for ‘Money Matters‘ National Education Day” under the “How To Celebrate” menu. The APA will reward your volunteer efforts with one RCH.

Upon completing the volunteer form, you will receive an email containing the lesson plan, student guide, and a PowerPoint presentation. Volunteers have the creative freedom to customize the presentation to fit state and local laws. Along with teaching materials, the APA will host a training webinar for new or returning volunteers to help them conquer teaching the curriculum.

Money Matters National Education Day Decode Mystery of Paychecks for America’s Future Workers

Go to page 13 to learn

how to gain recognition

for your chapter’s region

in the National Education

Champions Contest.

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Because We’re Working for America

Save the Date(s) for NPW 2017

Chapter Promotion ContestShow NPW support by purchasing and promoting 2017 NPW items

Chapter Photo ContestPhotos by chapters that capture the NPW spirit

National Education Champions ContestA regional competition to actively support financial literacy

Educational Outreach/Community ServiceVolunteer efforts that impact local communities

Local Media Outreach ContestOutreach to local media to promote NPW

Local Government Outreach ContestObtain acknowledgment for NPW from government representatives

August 25, 2017

September 27, 2017

Chapter Contest Deadlines for NPW:

For Individuals & Groups:

Individual Activity ContestSupport the following categories by working in a group or individually from an APA chapter:• Educational Outreach and Community Service• Local Government Outreach• Local Media Outreach

For Everyone:

Online Survey Promotion ContestOpen to anyone who supports and spreads the word about the “Getting Paid In America” survey

September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017

“Getting Paid In America” survey goes live NPW is finally here Money Matters National Education Day (MMNED) “Getting Paid In America” survey closes

May 5, 2017

September 4-8, 2017

September 7, 2017

September 8, 2017


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Some images are enlarged to show detail.

Get Your Hands on the Hottest 2017 NPW Accessories




Diamond Sponsor

September 4-8, 2017National Payroll Week was founded by the American Payroll Association, the nation’s leader in payroll education.

Take the 2017 “Getting Paid In America” survey at www.nationalpayrollweek.com to be eligible to win a free paycheck.


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September 4-82017

Because We’re Working for America

1. Balloons: Ensure your next payroll party is in compliance with these fun NPW-themed balloons. A must for any NPW festivities, each pack contains 25 balloons. $5.99

2. Three-Piece Lunch Shaker Kit: Hungry for payroll perfection? We’ve got you covered with this three-piece lunch shaker set. Includes a lunch container that can hold four cups, a plastic fork, and a sauce container. $4.99

3. Polo: This short-sleeved green polo embroidered with the NPW 2017 logo will keep you comfy and looking professional both in and out of the office. Available in sizes M-XXL. $19.99

4. Lapel Pin: The perfect accessory to any outfit is the official NPW lapel pin featuring the 2017 artwork. The pin measures 1.25” x 1.25” with a butterfly clutch backing. $0.99

5. Insulated Tumbler: Quench your thirst for payroll knowledge with this 24-ounce insulated tumbler. Perfect for the on-the-go payroll professional in your life. $8.99

6. Plush Teddy Bear: Your new plush pal knows how awesome payroll is! The official NPW 2017 collectible teddy bear is 7” tall and imprinted with the phrase, “Payroll pros are awesome as can bee.” $10.99

7. Tote: Never forget your important payroll materials again with this year’s tote. The fun design features a main zippered compartment with a front pocket perfect for storing your phone, pens, and more. 18.5” x 13”. $9.99

8. Poster: Make sure everyone knows your love of all things National Payroll Week® when you proudly display this year’s official 2017 artwork. $4.99

9. Pen: This sleek and stylish pen is a great accessory to help payroll pros produce the perfect paycheck. $1.99

10. Dog Collar: Dress up your payroll pooch with this adjustable dog collar. The collar is wonderful for small to medium-sized dogs and is imprinted with the phrase “Payroll Poochie.” $5.99




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