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Page 1: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak


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Page 2: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

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Page 3: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

04. Funs fact about crabs

06. World's Priciest Steak

07. Steak grilling tips

08. Eating steak or salmon

09. Decor in a plate

10. Michelin Guide

12. What about your steak?

21. Angelina Jolie

22. Broadway

23. Mamma Mia

24. Kampot Pepper

26. Michelin Star

28. Prison meal

30. The worst questions asked to a server

Page 4: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak


Fun Factsabout Crabs

● Both crabs and lobsters are decapods, or crustaceans with 10 limbs. Other decapods include

crayfish, prawns, and shrimp.

● While lobsters have a long, segmented abdomen that sticks out at the back of their bodies,

crabs have a similar but smaller abdomen that is curled up underneath the main shell.

● A crab's shell is really a skeleton on the outside of its body. Insects and spiders also have

external skeletons.

● The largest crab in the world is the giant Japanese Spider Crab, which can measure up to 13

feet across.

● Crabs are also known as “spiders of the sea” because, like crabs, spiders have legs that bend

at joints.

● All crabs have claws on their two front legs.

● All crabs have one pair of pincers (chelipeds) and four pairs of walking legs.

● A crab can use its claws as a vice for crushing or like scissors for cutting. They can also be

used like chopsticks to pick up food.

● Crabs live in more different places than any other sea animal. They are found almost

everywhere in the ocean, including smoking volcanic vents thousands of feet below the

surface. They also live under the ice in Antarctica. One type of crab even lives on land and

climbs trees.

● The word “cancer” is related to the word “crab” in Latin. Greek physicians Hippocrates and

Galen, among others, noted the similarity of swollen tumors with veins to crabs.

● The coconut crab is a giant hermit crab that lives on islands in the Pacific Ocean and the

Indian Ocean. It weighs up to 10 pounds, making it the world's largest land


● Crabs communicate by flapping their pincers or drumming their claws.

● While early research declared that crabs feel no pain, new research suggests crabs not only

suffer pain but they also remember it. Consequently, scientists say crustaceans should be

treated with the same care as vertebrates.

Page 5: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

Fun Factsabout Crabs

● True crabs can walk slowly in any direction, but when they need to hurry, they usually move


● Humans eat about 1.5 million tons of crab every year. Crabs make up 1/5 of all creatures

that are caught from bodies of water around the world.

● Crabs have eyes that are set on eyestalks. Eyestalks can move in different directions and

allow a crab to see all around. The stalk helps a crab see while hiding under water, rock, coral,

sand, or mud.

● Crabs are omnivores. They are usually not picky eaters and will eat bits of dead plants and

animals, algae, worms, detritus, or other crustaceans.

● Crabs have several predators, including seagulls, sea otters, octopuses, and humans.

● A crab may lose a claw or leg in a fight. In time, the claw or leg grows back.

● Crabs are invertebrates, which mean they don't have a backbone. More than 95% of all

kinds of animals are invertebrates.

● Crabs often work together to get food and to protect their families.

● While crabs do not have teeth inside their mouth, some crabs—such as the decorator and

brown crabs—have teeth in their stomachs. These grind against one another when the

stomach contracts to mash up food.


Page 6: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

World's Priciest Steak


Cost More than Your Mortgage

Here's something for red meat-loving one-percenters to ask Santa for this year: the world's

most expensive steak, brought to you by a hoity-toity French butcher.

A 2000 vintage usually refers to a pricey bottle of wine, but in this case, it's a slab o' beef:

Meat specialist Alexandre Polmard hawks steaks that hail from a couture brand of cattle

known as Blonde Aquitaine, and slaughters just four cows a week. (Said cows may or may

not enjoy daily massages, psychotherapy, and personal Netflix accounts.) The resulting

steaks undergo a high-tech, proprietary aging process known as "hibernation," in which meat

is held at sub-zero temperatures while air is blown across its surface at speeds of nearly 75

miles per hour.

The result? A 15-year aged cote de boeuf that costs a whopping $3,200. If you can't forego

a couple mortgage payments in order to sample this delicacy, fret not: Just get yourself a

plane ticket to Hong Kong, where diners at the two Michelin star Caprice can savor a few

bites of the precious protein as part of a $700 lunch tasting menu — a relative bargain,

surely. And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's

mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000.

Page 7: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak


7 steak grilling tipsFrom a master of meat

1. Make it Thick and Marbled"The best steaks for home grilling are natures perfectly marbled beef rib eye steaks or bone-in rib eye steaks often called Cowboy Steaks. The marbling enhances the flavor of these cuts while basting the meat in the cooking process to ensure a juicy steak. "When selecting your steaks try to get one that is at least a 1-1 ½ thick. The thickness will help in achieving that bull's-eye red center of perfection. I prefer buying a larger thicker cut steak and carving for my friends and family."2. Oil It Up"The oil will allow the surface temperature to get seared fast ensuring a juicier final product as well as greatly aiding the charring of the meat's surfaces. Save your expensive olive oils for salads where their subtle flavors will shine brightest."3. Season Simply"A well-marbled steak needs only coarsely ground black pepper and kosher salt to bring flavor perfection. It really is a case of the sum being greater than the parts. "Be sure to season a bit more than you might regularly season a sautéed item. Some of the steak's seasoning will be lost in the grilling process. You want to be sure to have enough on the steak to get the job done."4. Don't spare the BTUs"It is all about heat. High heat sears the cooking surface of the meat ensuring a juicier steak and allows the charring to happen. With high heat, one can get a nicely charred rare steak. A little flame is your friend; a lot of flame is a definite concern. "Keep two sides of the grill hot and move the steak to the second hot spot if the first grilling area is aggressively flaming up. Dousing with water is a last resort; you want to keep the grill as hot as possible. But if it's between the house going up and a well charred steak, I'd give a nod to keeping the house intact."5. Don't Flip Out"Don't drag the steak over the grill when turning. Once you have started the steak on the hot spot leave it be, allow it the meat to sear evenly and produce a beautiful char. Once the meat is charred pick it up and flip onto the cooler spot of your grill. "Flipping the steak too often can sabotage the charring of the meat and eliminate most of the seasoning on the steak. Pick it up in one motion and place it back with the same motion."6. Rest and Relax"Once you have achieved the desired temperature, remove the steak from the heat and allow it to rest for at least 5 minutes on a grate over a pan before cutting it. You want to make sure there is air all around the steak to stop the cooking process. "The internal juices will redistribute throughout the steak and the steak will relax and become tender. Cutting too soon will allow the juices to spill out turning a medium rare steak into a medium plus steak. I have done this and I was sad."

7. Sizzle and Use Sea Salt "After the steak has rested. Return it to the grill for about 30 seconds on each side just before serving to get a surface sizzle going. A little sprinkle of a grey sea salt on the steak allows for a gentle and focused re-seasoning of the steak. "The only bad news? People will make you do all the grilling from now on."

Page 8: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

Eating steak or salmon


every day ...

... could be 'as good for your heart as giving up smoking'

Eating a 75g portion of steak a day, a 100g fillet of salmon or a pint of skimmed milk would help ward of heart disease, say Norwich researchers Scientists say benefit is down to amino acids - building blocks of proteinsThese help strengthen the cells, tissues and muscles in our bodiesOther foods with beneficial compounds are beans, lentils, broccoli, spinach

Eating a small steak every day could be as good for you as stopping smoking, scientists say.People who eat lots of protein-rich food were found to have lower blood pressure and more healthy arteries, significantly lowering the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Scientists say the benefit is down to amino acids - the building blocks of proteins - which help strengthen the cells, tissues and muscles in our body.People who ate high levels of certain amino acids saw benefits on similar scale to those expected for stopping smoking, reducing salt intake or increasing exercise.

People who eat lots of protein-rich food such as steak were found to have lower blood pressure and more healthy arteries, significantly lowering the risk of heart attack and stroke

The team, from the University of East Anglia, said that protein-rich foods including meat, fish, dairy produce, beans, lentils, broccoli and spinach all contain the beneficial compounds.Their study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, was based on health data from 2,000 British women.

The researchers investigated what foods the women ate, focusing on seven different amino acids.Those who consumed the highest amounts of amino acids had lower measures of blood pressure and arterial stiffness - major causes of heart attacks and strokes.Different food source had different benefits, they found.Amino acids from vegetables and pulses - such as beans, lentils, broccoli and spinach - were associated with lower blood pressure.Whereas amino acids from dairy, meat and fish were linked to lower levels of arterial stiffness.

Page 9: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

Decor in a plate


UselessI still remember Pierre Hermé, a great pastry chef who said that on a dessert nothing should be superfluous, that every element should be at the service of taste. I share his view that one can also adapt to appetizers and dishes.And you, there are things that annoy you in the plates of the restaurants because they do not serve anything?

Reduced balsamicThis is balsamic vinegar which is reduced in a saucepan until it has a syrupy consistency. It has been seen a lot in restaurants in recent years, in small points on the edge of the plate or in fine lines. If it is nice in small touches with foie gras, a salad or a cheese, it is very annoying when it is just there to decorate or bring color to the plate.

Carambola or physalisVery much in vogue in the 80s, I imagine that these two exotic fruits are very good when they are picked at maturity but I find it difficult to understand that they can be placed on or next to a dessert just for make it pretty looking. As the great pastry chefs say, you should never add anything to a dessert if it is not for the taste.

Tomato cherry on a fish dishCertainly, the tomato cherry is all cute and brings color to the plate. The problem is that most of the time, it is not the season and who wants to eat a tomato cherry cold with his fish? We're not eating a salad!

The brush stroke on the bottom of the plateI do not know who launched this fashion. Is it for fear of the white plate? Still, I wonder what it is for, unless I lick his plate. At the restaurant, it's kinda bad, isn't it?

The salad leaf under the steakIf I want a salad with my steak I ask. Frankly, this large unseasoned salad leaf, what is it used for? Same with foie gras, smoked salmon, etc.

The fried SpaghettiTwo fried spaghetti on a risotto or another dish. Have you seen that before? Yes, and frankly, I still wonder what it is.

The icing sugar on the cakeOh that it's nice this cloud of icing sugar on a plate, especially when it is dark in color. If icing sugar is essential for some biscuits or desserts, such as Christmas vanilla croissants, you avoid adding just enough to decorate as it brings sugar to a dessert already sweetened!

The currant bunchDid you know something about the bunch of currants that you put on your dessert? You know what it's used for? It is true that it is pretty but it is often offered off season and who will have fun at the restaurant to spice currants on a dessert whose flavors may not even agree with the currant? Currants are reserved for red fruit desserts.

Spices on the edge of the plateThe spice traps, often paprika on the edge of the plates arrived in the 90s and I still wonder what it is for. The worst part of this story is that most of the time paprika is not going to get married with the contents of your plate.

Page 10: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

Michelin Guide



In 1900, fewer than 3,000 cars graced the roads of France. To boost the demand for cars and, accordingly, car tires, brothers and car tire manufacturers Édouard and André Michelin published the first edition of a guide for French motorists, the Michelin Guide. The brothers printed nearly 35,000 copies of this first, free edition of the Michelin Guide, which provided useful information to motorists, such as maps, tire repair and replacement instructions, car mechanics listings, hotels, and petrol stations throughout France. Four years later, in 1904, the brothers published a guide to Belgium similar to the Michelin Guide.

In November 2005 Michelin produced its first American guide, concentrating on New York, covering 500 restaurants in the city's five boroughs and 50 hotels (Manhattan only). In 2007 a Tokyo Michelin Guide was launched. In the same year the guide introduced a magazine, Étoile. In 2008 a Hong Kong and Macau volume was added to the list of Michelin Guides. The Michelin website in 2013 notes that the guide is published in 14 editions covering 23 countries and sold in nearly 90 countries.

Red Guides have historically listed many more restaurants than rival guides have done, relying on an extensive system of symbols to describe each establishment in as little as two lines. Reviews of starred restaurants also include two to three culinary specialties. Short summaries (2–3 lines) were added in 2002/2003 to enhance descriptions of many establishments. These summaries are written in the language of the country for which the guide is published (though the Spain and Portugal volume is in Spanish only) but the symbols are the same throughout all editions.Michelin reviewers (commonly called "inspectors") are completely anonymous; they do not identify themselves, and their meals and expenses are paid for by the company founded by the Michelin brothers, never by a restaurant being reviewed. In 2009 The New Yorker said.

Michelin has gone to extraordinary lengths to maintain the anonymity of its inspectors. Many of the company's top executives have never met an inspector; inspectors themselves are advised not to disclose their line of work, even to their parents (who might be tempted to boast about it); and, in all the years that it has been putting out the guide, Michelin has refused to allow its inspectors to speak to journalists. The inspectors write reports that are distilled, in annual "stars meetings" at the guide's various national offices, into the ranking of three stars, two stars, or one star—or no stars. (Establishments that Michelin deems unworthy of a visit are not included in the guide.)

The French chef Paul Bocuse, one of the pioneers of nouvelle cuisine in the 1960s, said, "Michelin is the only guide that counts. In France, each year, at the time the guide is published, it sparks a media frenzy which has been compared to that for annual Academy Awards for films. Media and others debate likely winners, speculation is rife, and TV and newspapers discuss which restaurant might lose, and who might gain a Michelin star, with three stars being the maximum a restaurant can attain.The Michelin Guide also awards Rising Stars, an indication that a restaurant has the potential to qualify for a star, or an additional star.

Page 11: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak


Paris 10 17 50

Chicago 2 5 19

Hong Kong and Macau 5 13 51

Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Nara 15 61 224

Las Vegas (suspended) 1 3 13

London 2 7 46

Los Angeles (suspended) 0 4 16

Main Cities of Europe 15 55 271

New York City 6 10 61

San Francisco and Bay Area 6 7 41

Seoul 2 3 19

Shanghai 1 7 18

Singapore 1 7 30

Tokyo, Yokohama and Shonan 17 57 219


France 27 86 503

Belgium 3 16 99

Germany 10 39 241

Great Britain 5 20 150

Italy 7 38 250

Netherlands 2 16 84

Spain and Portugal 8 17 134

Switzerland 2 18 76

Page 12: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak


What about your steak?Medium Rare

What is medium-rare? Unfortunately, there is no easy way answer to this question. An

internet search for medium-rare turns up a wide range of answers. Anything from a red

center to brownish pink throughout seems to qualify. Instead of declaring a winner, we are

going to look at a range of internal temperatures that should cover the medium-rare

spectrum. The surprising result is that even within the range of what most would consider

medium-rare, there are significant differences in tenderness, juiciness, and flavor.

We have narrowed down the range of internal temperatures for medium-rare to be between

125°F to 140°F. It is fair to ask what we mean by internal temperature. The temperature

across a steak or roast does vary by a

large amount. We always measure the

center of the meat. If there is a bone,

then we measure just off center towards

the bone. If you are using a fast read

thermometer, you'll notice that this is

typically the minimum temperature you'll

observe. (If you cook on high heat you

may find the lowest temperature to be

somewhere along the bone.

If you use this point as a reference you'll

end up overcooking the meat.)

Using a sous vide machine, we cooked

prime tenderloin roasts to precisely

Page 13: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak
Page 14: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

33 % on bone-in steak

The Porterhouse is kind of a composite steak

coming from the point where the tenderloin and sirloin meet

The Bone-in ribeye is the most tender beef cuts.TuesdayBone-in

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Page 15: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak




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Page 16: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak
Page 17: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak
Page 18: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

Enjoy an evening out with your best girlfriends now

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Page 19: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

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Page 20: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak
Page 21: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

Angelina Jolie


Movie maker

It was a filmmaking experience that changed her life as well as the lives of survivors, Angelina Jolie told Telluride Film Festival attendees who screened her new Netflix film, “First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers,” which received a standing ovation. The audience affection seemed split between her movie and another labor of love, her children. Jolie attended the event with her entire brood of six: Maddox, 16; Pax, 13; Zahara, 12; Shiloh, 11 and twins Vivienne and Knox, 9.

The project, which Jolie directed and co-wrote, documents author Loung Ung's experience as a child soldier under the horrific Khmer Rouge regime that seized control of Cambodia in 1975, brutalizing the people in a reign of terror and genocide.

The historical episode has special meaning for the Jolie family, since her son Maddox was adopted from a Cambodian orphanage in 2002. Jolie spoke movingly about her experience screening the film for Cambodian survivors, an effort that involved the cooperation of the king as well as the government.

“We ended up at Terrace of the Elephant in Angkor Wat,” Jolie said, “which is very special to the Cambodian people, screening outside, and it was extraordinary. It was so moving to see everybody watch. A lot of them said that night they were able to talk about it for the first time.” Jolie underscored the global power of film to move hearts and minds.

Relaxing onstage in a director's chair alongside Ung after the screening, Jolie admitted that during a visit several years ago she was struck by how “ignorant” she was about what had happened in Cambodia. “I met people who had returned from the border camps, and was warned about land mines,” she recalled. “But most of all I met people whose spirits were high. They're so generous. They're so gracious. Their culture is so strong and I was so impressed by them. And during that trip I picked up a $2 book on a street corner, and it was [Ung's] book. It changed my life.”

Page 22: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

Mamma Mia



As its name would suggest, Broadway is a wide street in New York City that runs the full length of Manhattan, from its southern tip at Bowling Green to its northern tip at Inwood and even on into the Bronx.It's the oldest north-south street in New York City, existing as a Native American path since before the city was first settled and called New Amsterdam.Even though there are many famous sites along the several miles of Broadway, one small stretch comes to mind when most people hear the word “Broadway." It's the part of Broadway between 42nd and 53rd streets — including Times Square — that is considered the home of the American theater industry.This famous section of Broadway is known as the Theater District. You will also often hear it called “The Great White Way."This nickname came about because Broadway was one of the first streets in the United States to be lit with electric lights. The nickname remains popular today because millions of lights on theater marquees and billboard advertisements still light up the night sky along Broadway.The Theater District is home to 40 large professional theaters. Each of these theaters seats 500 or more people. They host a constantly changing variety of productions, including plays and musicals.Many people believe the theatrical productions on Broadway are the best in the world. Each year, the best Broadway shows are awarded Tony Awards.Broadway shows are one of the most popular tourist attractions in New York City. In 2010, Broadway shows sold more than $1 billion in tickets!Because many of the shows are popular and quite profitable, they often run for years and years, only closing when they stop drawing new audiences and become unprofitable.The longest-running musical in Broadway history is The Phantom of the Opera. It opened onBroadway in 1988 and is still going strong today, giving more than 9,500 performances to date.The Broadway production of The Phantom of the Opera has made more than $715 million dollars, making it the most financially successful Broadway show in history. It also won the 1988 Tony Award for Best Musical.Try It Out

Page 23: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak


Mamma Mia


Mamma Mia is a jukebox musical written by Britishplaywright Catherine Johnson, based on the songs of ABBA, composed by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus, former members of the band. The title of the musical is taken from the group's 1975 chart-topper "Mamma Mia".

The musical includes such hits as "Super Trouper", "Lay All Your Love on Me", "Dancing Queen", "Knowing Me, Knowing You", "Take a Chance on Me", "Thank You for the Music", "Money, Money, Money", "The Winner Takes It All", "Voulez-Vous", "SOS" and the title track. Over 60 million people have seen the show, which has grossed $2 billion worldwide since its 1999 debut. A film adaptation starring Meryl Streep, Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan, Amanda Seyfried, Christine Baranski, Stellan Skarsgård and Julie Walters was released in July 2008.

New York City runThe musical opened on Broadway at the Winter Garden Theatre on October 18, 2001, after beginning previews on October 5. The director is Phyllida Lloyd with choreography by Anthony Van Laast. As of February 2017, it is the eighth longest-running Broadway show and the longest - running jukebox musical in Broadway history. On April 18, 2013, it was announced that Mamma Mia! would transfer from its home at the Winter Garden Theatre to the Broadhurst Theatre later that year to make way for the musical adaptation of Rocky. The show played its final performance at the Winter Garden Theatre on October 19, 2013 and began performances at the Broadhurst Theatre on November 2, 2013.

Mamma Mia! has been played in more than 50 countries in all 6 continents, including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Latvia, Lituania, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and United States, and has been translated into 22 languages.

Page 24: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

Kampot Pepper


The World's Best Pepper

"Kampot pepper is very special. It grows best at the foot of the mountains because of the

quartz in the soil,". Cambodia. The region, along the country's southern coast, is famed for

the spice, which was the first Cambodian product to receive a Protected Geographical

Indication (the same certification that protects regional products like Champagne). The

mineral-rich soil and rainy weather in the high-elevation areas near Kampot and Kep are

perfect for pepper production

Peppercorns have been cultivated in Cambodia since the 13th century, but the industry really

boomed under French colonial rule in the 19th and 20th centuries, when European chefs

started appreciating Kampot pepper's notably floral and slightly sweet flavor. The pepper's

most important characteristic, is its tendency to linger on the tongue. The taste of Kampot

pepper stays in your mouth for a long, long time.

Page 25: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak


Kampot PepperThe World's Best Pepper

Cambodia's pepper industry went into a major decline thanks to the Khmer Rouge regime's policies in the 1970's, but today it's experiencing a renaissance as the country reopens to the world. The pepper vines take three years to grow to production stage, but "they can grow for twenty years if you care for them," Pests are a major problem in this tropical climate, but growers typically use natural pesticides. We can also uses cow manure and guano collected from the bat filled caves nearby. Peppercorn vines are extremely sensitive to sunlight, so meticulous rows of dried palm branches protect them from the harsh rays.

After reaching maturity, pepper can be harvested every year from February through May. Peppercorns are removed from the stem, boiled for two minutes, and then left to dry in the sun for one week. Black peppercorns are actually green when harvested, but they change color during the drying process. White peppercorns are simply blackpepper with the skin removed, so they aren't quite as spicy. The red peppercorns are green peppercorns that have been left on the vine for four months longer. They retain their color when dried and are the sweetestand most expensive variety because they take longer to mature. All colors of Kampot pepper have the jasmine-like quality that makes them justifiably famous.The peppercorns are left to dry in the sun for a week after boiling. But the best part of visiting a pepper farm is having access to fresh peppercorns, right on the stem. Most pepper is dried, and when you do find fresh peppercorns in the United States, they're usually pickled or

brined. Fresh peppercorns are bracingly spicy at first but then mellow into a sweet herbaceousness.

Page 26: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak



Michelin Star

Dubbed as the “Oscars” for dining, a Michelin star is actually a rating given to a restaurant

in Michelin's Red guide. The chefs flaunt it with pride & these star rating have become an

obsession with the chefs.

Here are the 6 facts about Michelin stars & the Red guide you didn't get to know.

1. Michelin Guide has it's origins in a tyre company called Michelin which introduced these

Red guides in 1900 encouraging people to travel which shall eventually lead to faster wear

out of tyres.

2. The Michelin Guide is present in 24 countries of the world. And, it doesn't cover Vietnam

neither Cambodia

3. The number of inspectors who judge a restaurant's food for Michelin in these 24 countries

is shrouded in secrecy. Michelin star is only awarded for what's on the plate.

4. The 3 star rating system for a restaurant goes like –

a) 1 star : Worth Stopping for

b) 2 star : Worth a detour

c) 3 star : Worth a trip.

5. While judging a dish for Michelin star , the five factors taken into account are quality of

ingredients , skills in preparation & combination of flavours ,level of creativity, value for

money & consistency in cookery.

6. The Michelin guide considers Tokyo to be the food capital of the world with more than 200

Michelin starred restaurants. Paris has 94 .

7. A category called “Bib Gourmand” caters to those restaurants which offer exceptional food

at moderate prices. (“Bib” is a short name for Bibendum , the company's nickname for the

iconic Michelin man )

8. The “Fork & spoon” category is for the decor & ambiance of the restaurant.

9. Such is the obsession of the Michelin star that Chef Bernard Loiseau committed suicide

when he got to know the rumours that his restaurant would be downgraded from 3 Michelin

star to 2

Michelin star. Even Chef Gordon Ramsay cried when his restaurant The London in New York

lost it's 2 prestigious Michelin stars.

Page 27: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak
Page 28: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

A good deal

prison meal


Most prison cafeteria meals are terrible enough to make inmates want to escape.

That's what I hear, anyway. I've never been incarcerated for a felony, so I don't have much

first hand experience (or street cred). Nevertheless, we've all seen glops of sludge flung onto

plastic trays in the movies or indescribable piles of goop described in the pages of novels. But

over 50 years ago, the food in America's most notorious prison wasn't quite so bad. Actually,

scratch that. The food at San Francisco's infamous Alcatraz Prison was pretty damn good.

Alcatraz, which had the best food in the federal prison system. The cafeteria menu was

actually pretty on par with the lo-fi comfort food we love today. Chili dogs, butter drenched

potatoes, fried pork chops, biscuits and gravy, banana pudding, and a well-balanced

breakfast of cereal, eggs, fruit, and toast to start the day all sound pretty on point. No need

for spending all your cigarettes at Mikey D'Angelo's mysteriously well-stocked snack cabinet.

No need for sneaking in charcuterie or cheese or candy bars.

Now that could be taken lightly, but as a testament to how good the food actually was, the

guards and prison staff ate the same exact meals as the prisoners. Alcatraz's warden

believed, “Most trouble in prison is caused by bad food.” Dinner may not have been on the

level of New York Steakhouse or Ocean Prime Steakhouse, but meals in the Alcatraz mess

hall were definitely worthy of praise. Paired with a little toilet wine, some might even call

them exquisite.

So now the obvious question:

If the food was so outstanding, why did Clint Eastwood need to escape so badly in

Escape From Alcatraz?

Our guess:

The cafeteria probably didn't cater to his gluten intolerance.

Page 29: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak
Page 30: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak




Waiters are used to dealing with a lot of things: incompetent managers, infallible chefs, and,

of course, insane patrons who ask very strange questions, and then go back to their

garden-level apartments to hoard more figurines of kitties dressed as angels.

Behold, some of the worst,

1. "Is our food ready yet?"

You should know that when your food is ready, it will be on the table in front of you. Trust


2. "You don't close for two more minutes, right?"

You don't want to be the ones who are keeping an entire restaurant staff at work longer than

they want to be.

3. "I don't see it on the menu, but can you make me ______?"

The menu has one purpose. Literally, one purpose. Use it.

4. "What's your real job?"

Plenty of people make their living waiting tables, and that makes it a real job.

5. "Can you change the music?"

Your server probably has no control over the music that is being piped in and, if he does, then

he already chose what he wants to listen to. Anyway, do you go into your friend's house and

immediately plug in your iPod?

6. "What's taking my well-done porterhouse so long, did they have to go kill the


Well-done burgers take time, and that joke wasn't funny the first time your server heard it a

million years ago.

7. "What do you have?"

Again, we have a menu. Again, you should be using it.

Page 31: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak




09. "If I'm allergic to gluten, what can I eat?"

You should know your own restrictions, but your server can answer more specific questions.

10. "Can you put a rush on my food?"

You are not more important than the people who ordered before you.

11. "Can I get a little extra liquor in my drink?"

If you're willing to pay for it, you surely can. Because that's basically ordering a second drink.

12. "Can I substitute the tomatoes in my salad for chicken instead?"

There is no restaurant in the world where diced tomato is an equal substitution for grilled

chicken. Accept that.

13. "What should I tip?"

Most servers are not allowed to discuss tips, but if they were they would tell you to tip at least

20% of your bill.

14. "What's the weather like out on the patio?"

Presumably, it's the same weather that you just experienced before you walked into the

restaurant. Five seconds ago.

15. "Can you charge my iPhone for me?"

Your server can do this if you're okay with your iPhone sitting in a random side-stand without

anyone watching it while pitchers of water and dirty plates get thrown around it.

16. "Can I get this teeny, tiny last bite of food wrapped up in a to-go container?"

Save your server the trouble, save the environment from another piece of Styrofoam, and

just eat that last bite.

17. "Do you have a restroom?"

Of course we do. This is a restaurant. What you want to know is "where" it is.

Page 32: 2018 · And if you're feeling extra saucy, the steak would probably pair well with the world's mostexpensive bottle of wine, a Château Margaux 2009 priced at $195,000. 7 7 steak

No. 90 Quoc Huong St, Thao Dien Ward, Dist 2, Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam+84 28 36 36 0160 / ThierryDrapeauSaigon

No. 25 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Dakao Ward, Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam

+84 28 38 23 7373 / NewYorkSteakhouseSaigon

No. 264 Street 63, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Phnom Penh - Cambodia+855 23 987 500 / NewYorkSteakhousePhnomPenh

Ocean Prime Steakhouse Phnom PenhNo. 74 Street 592, Tuol Kok, Phnom Penh - Cambodia+855 23 883 600 / OceanPrimeSteakhousePhnomPenh

www.steakhouse.asia www.restaurant-thierrydrapeau.asia

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