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2018 StudyGuide


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2 | 2018 Study Guide

Reading the Bible

old testament studies

Introducing the Hebrew BibleMark Brett

Introduces the history and diversity of the Old Testament, particularly in relation to key themes like creation, covenant, government, suffering, ethnicity and hope.

old testament studies

Promised Land and ExileMark Brett

Explore two of the most central themes in Old Testament theology, and relate these to contemporary struggles today.

new testament studies

Galatians:Faith, Law and the Love-Centred Community

Siu-Fung Wu

Grapple with the text of Galatians in its social and political context, focusing on the themes of faith, the law and community. Explore the implications of key themes for the life and mission of the church today.

old testament studies

JeremiahVal Billingham

Critically examine the book of Jeremiah, paying particular attention to theological themes within the book (such as justice and righteousness, loyal love, knowledge of God, divine suffering) and ecological themes and consider the relevance of these themes within current ‘prophetic voices’.

old testament studies • ministry

Preaching and Teaching the Old Testament Mark Brett

Explore the most effective and responsible ways to teach and preach the Old Testament in church contexts.

sem 2 night + online sem 1 int sem 1 day

sem 1 day + online sem 1 day + online

Gain an overview of scripture, insight on particular issues, equip yourself with tools for interpreting the Bible within your own context, or learn the original biblical languages.

new testament studies

Asian Biblical HermeneuticsOh-Young Kwon

Explore inter-cultural and cross-cultural readings of the Scriptures and especially of the New Testament from Asian Christian, cultural, religious, social and political contexts.

sem 2 night + online

sem 1 Semester 1 sem 2 Semester 2 int Intensive day Day Class night Night Class Location

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new testament studies

Interpreting the New TestamentKeith Dyer (Semester 1) Oh-Young Kwon (Semester 2)

Experience the insights and limitations of different ways of reading and analysing selected New Testament texts, with a focus on doing interpretation.

sem 1 night + online or

sem 2 day + online

new testament studies

MarkKeith Dyer

Experience the challenges of a thorough study of Mark’s Gospel. This is the Gospel of following Jesus ‘on the way’ to the ‘other side’, containing the most vivid and instructive story of the joys and failures of discipleship in the New Testament.

new testament studies

World of the New TestamentOh-Young Kwon

Explore the New Testament and gain an understanding of the individuals and communities in the first century CE – their lifestyles and cultural, social, educational, political and religious systems and practices.

new testament studies

Paul:The Cross-shaped Church and its Mission

Siu-Fung Wu

Studying key passages in Paul’s letters, this unit examines the call of the church to participate in the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus and surveys the outworking of the corporate life of cruciform Christ-communities in the first century.

new testament studies

The Spirit and the ChurchSiu-Fung Wu

Begin to develop an understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit as expressed in the New Testament. Examine the roles of the Spirit, as well as the Spirit’s empowering work, as taught by Jesus and Paul and discuss the implications of the work of the Spirit for the life and mission of the church today.

biblical studies • ministry

Use of the Bible in EthicsMark Brett & Keith Dyer

How does the Bible inform our ethical lives and struggles today? Consider, including through case studies, the diversity of biblical material related to particular ethical topics and examine similarities and differences between biblical cultures and our own multicultural contexts.

sem 2 day + online

sem 2 day + online

sem 2 night dip

sem 1 day + online

sem 1 day

Fun, open and intellectually stimulating – this has been my experience of study at Whitley. This is made possible because of a diverse, multicultural student community and supportive network of staff (academic and administrative), which has enabled this season of study to be enriching and intensely challenging as we grapple together with what it means to live out our faith with integrity, coherence and faithfulness in this present time and place.


sat Saturday Class dip Diploma Only ug Undergraduate Only + online Also Available Online

Contact Dorothy Morgan (03) 9340 8100 [email protected]

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languages of the bible

Introduction to Biblical LanguagesStephen Field & Megan Turton

Learn basic skills in biblical Hebrew and New Testament Greek, which will enable you to utilise language tools within commentaries and other resources.

sem 1 day

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4 | 2018 Study Guide

english language studies for theology

Oral Communications for TheologyLynne Dyer

This unit focuses on improving ability to communicate theological concepts in English.

sem 2 day

sem 1 Semester 1 sem 2 Semester 2 int Intensive day Day Class night Night Class Location

english language studies for theology

English for Theological StudiesSteve Smith

A good way for students for whom English is a second language to learn the language of theology.

sem 1 day

languages of the bible

Ruth (Biblical Hebrew Part 2)

Megan Turton

Continue to develop your Hebrew language skills through a focused study of the book of Ruth.

sem 2 day

languages of the bible

New Testament Greek BStephen Field

Develop your Greek translation skills further in this advanced unit, which builds on the skills acquired in New Testament Greek A.

languages of the bible

New Testament Greek AStephen Field

Delve into the basic grammar and vocabulary of the language in which the New Testament was first written.

sem 1 day

sem 2 day

Reading the Bible (continued)

I was encouraged to study at Whitley after I had completed an internship with Global Interaction. My experience has been very rewarding, not only from an academic perspective but also in the relationships that have grown with students and lecturers. I enjoy the culture of learning. It has helped me to understand that others have devoted their time and energy to think about what it means to explore theology in a modern context. My studies have opened opportunities to explore what God has in store for my future.


languages of the bible

Biblical HebrewMegan Turton

Learn the basics of the language of the Old Testament.

sem 1 day

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What does it mean to live as a Christian in today’s world? It is about living, caring and leading in communities of faith and mission. Units in pastoral care, ministry, mission and spirituality provide insights, practical skills and challenges for everyone wanting to grow in Christian life and service.

Living, caring, leading

pastoral care

Responding Pastorally to Critical Issues in Contemporary MinistryRené Erwich

Thoughtfully engage with issues in contemporary life – mental health, violence and abuse, family dynamics. Discover pastoral responses that enable Christian communities to become places of nurture and healing.

pastoral care

Introduction to ChaplaincyGary Heard

Develop a biblical, theological and pastoral underpinning for the ministry of chaplaincy, explore the relationship between pastoral and spiritual care and learn the art of reflecting theologically on ministry practice outside of the church.

pastoral care

Theology and Practice of Pastoral CareAnne Mallaby

Explore the biblical, theological and practical aspects of pastoral care as an expression of Christian life and ministry.

sem 1 day sat sem 1 day

sem 2 day

pastoral care

Supervised Theological Field Education (Part 1)

Anne Mallaby

Reflect with a group of peers and work on the way your personality and strengths impact your ministry.

pastoral care

Supervised Theological Field Education (Part 2)

Anne Mallaby & Jun Tan

Reflect with a group of peers on your ministry experience and develop greater awareness of how your personality and strengths impact your ministry.

sem 2 day sem 1 day

pastoral care

Supervision FoundationsAnne Mallaby

Develop your skills as a supervisor to students preparing for ordination, particularly through Supervised Theological Field Education.

sem 2 day sat

Contact Dorothy Morgan (03) 9340 8100 [email protected]

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Theology and Practice of Christian WorshipGeoff Leslie, Jude Waldron & Steve Lyall

Study the range of ways in which worship is understood and practised in Christian churches, in order to prepare and evaluate worship services.

sem 2 day sat

sem 1 Semester 1 sem 2 Semester 2 int Intensive day Day Class night Night Class Location

ministry • theology, faith and life

Theology, Poetry and ImaginationJason Goroncy & Anne Mallaby

Join a conversation between the resources of Christian theology and those of poetry, exploring and practising ways that these two fields of human action both inform and are informed by each other.

sem 2 int

ministry • biblical studies

Use of the Bible in EthicsMark Brett & Keith Dyer

How does the Bible inform our ethical lives and struggles today? Consider, including through case studies, the diversity of biblical material related to particular ethical topics and examine similarities and differences between biblical cultures and our own multicultural contexts.

sem 2 day + online

ministry • theology, faith and life

Youth SpiritualityRowan Lewis

Explore the significant developments in youth spirituality research and pastoral responses to the needs of youth.

sem 2 night ug

When my life started to ask some pretty big questions that didn’t seem to be answered in the depth I needed in my church context alone, I was pointed in the direction of Whitley. I wasn’t ready to enter into a full Bachelor Degree, and Whitley has a variety of pathways and diploma level subjects, which were a great way to dip my toes in the theological pond. I’m now in my second year at Whitley, completing my Bachelor of Theology and with such a diverse range of subjects on offer, I can honestly say it has been the best decision of my life.



HomileticsAllan Demond

Discover and practise the techniques for forming and delivering effective sermons.


Living the FaithLuke Bowen

Make the connection between your story and your theology, between who you are and what you believe.

sem 2 day sem 1 night

ministry • old testament studies

Preaching and Teaching the Old Testament Mark Brett

Explore the most effective and responsible ways to teach and preach the Old Testament in church contexts.

sem 1 day

Living, caring, leading (continued)

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Evangelism Outside the BoxAlbert Peck

Explore evangelism and how to do it more effectively in today’s world.


Introduction to Strategic MissionIan Dicks & Global Interaction

Explore what is involved in sharing the gospel with different socio-cultural-religious communities in ways that are culturally appropriate and effective in leading to the establishment of Indigenous communities of faith.


Culture and Language for Cross-cultural EngagementIan Dicks & Global Interaction

Explore how the relationship between culture and language is integral to effective cross-cultural engagement.


Mission in the Australian ContextIan Dicks & Darren Cronshaw

How does our presentation of the gospel reflect our Australian context? Examine the relationship of gospel and culture, mission theory and practice by exploring dimensions of Christian mission in Australian contexts.


Cultural Intelligence:Competence for Life, Work and Ministry in a Multicultural World

Ian Dicks

Learn and explore the complex factors associated with cultural intelligence, which are necessary for appropriate and effective ministry in culturally diverse contexts.

sem 1 int dip Camp Wilkin, Anglesea

sem 1 int Global Interaction, Hawthorn

sem 1 int Global Interaction, Hawthorn

sem 2 int

sem 2 night

Contact Dorothy Morgan (03) 9340 8100 [email protected]

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The Micah MandateSteve Bradbury

Examine biblical texts exploring Christian responses to the needs of marginalised people in a globalised word.

sem 2 int TEAR, Blackburn

mission • theology, faith and life

Rural MinistryGeoff Leslie

Interact with and observe agricultural life as a basis for theological reflection on agriculture, the land, social and family life, the environment and economics in a rural setting. Explore needs, opportunities and appropriate models for ministry in rural Australia, including in times of natural disaster.

sem 2 int Seymour area (Residential)

For as long as I can remember I’ve been asking big questions about my faith and Christian beliefs. A friend encouraged me to check out Whitley and from the first phone call it’s been a great experience. My studies have shown me new methods for studying the Bible, introduced me to theologians from throughout history and given me new perspective on what it means to be human seeking God. One of the greatest things about Whitley is the approachable and understanding lecturers.


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Art of Contemplative Practice (Wellspring)

Peter Bentley

Study the foundational principles of contemplation and its relevance to our life, work and ministry contexts. The formation program will draw on the various contemplative elements of inner silence, solitude, Sabbath, prayer, listening, discernment and the human experience of God.

spiritual direction

Art of Spiritual Direction 1 (Wellspring)

Peter Bentley

Introduces the ministry of spiritual direction in theory and in practice, and provides a context in which to test a sense of call to this ministry.

spiritual direction

Art of Spiritual Direction 3 (Wellspring)

Peter Bentley

Explores significant theological and psychological issues in spiritual direction as well as the student’s developing sense of call to this ministry.

spiritual direction

Art of Spiritual Direction 2 (Wellspring)

Peter Bentley

Builds on the learning done in Art of Spiritual Direction 1. Practical work and supervision continue at a deeper level.


Creativity and SpiritualityJoel McKerrow

Explore and develop your own spiritual practice through the intentional engagement of creative expressions.


Introduction to Personal Spiritual FormationPeter Bentley

Examine a range of personal spiritual formation approaches that contribute to the deepening awareness of how an individual’s spiritual journey impacts their lived experience and engagement with the world.

day ug Unit extends across Semesters 1 & 2

sem 1 int Wellspring Centre, Ashburton and Residential retreat offsite

sem 2 int Wellspring Centre, Ashburton

int Wellspring Centre, AshburtonUnit extends across Semesters 1 & 2

int Wellspring Centre, AshburtonUnit extends across Semesters 1 & 2

int Wellspring Centre, AshburtonUnit extends across Semesters 1 & 2

sem 1 Semester 1 sem 2 Semester 2 int Intensive day Day Class night Night Class Location


Understanding the Different World Religions of Our NeighboursIan Dicks

Examine the historical development of various religions of the world and their interaction with historical Western and Christian traditions. Engage with religious leaders and adherents about their beliefs and practices.

sem 1 night

I chose to study at Whitley for the Global perspective that it brings to my studies. I’ve loved learning about what it means to follow Christ not just in my own context, but also in other world-views, and to engage in the rich heritage and community we have as Christians.


Living, caring, leading (continued)

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Spirituality:Transforming Life

Roslyn Wright

Who are you? How can you grow to become the person God is calling you to be? What will help you to discern God’s will?


Leading Contemplative Groups:Exploring the work of Parker J. Palmer

Christopher Page

Focussing on the principles and practices that lead to spiritual growth and authentic action, this unit will critique both the work of Parker J. Palmer and the contemplative group approach to spiritual development.


Mapping the Soul with the EnneagramPeter Bentley & Tim McCowan

This unit explores the relationship between a person’s identity and their spirituality through the Enneagram personal mapping system.

sem 2 night

sem 2 int Wellspring Centre, Ashburton sem 2 int

sat Saturday Class dip Diploma Only ug Undergraduate Only + online Also Available Online

The lecturers and tutors at Whitley College have a deep sense of care for you and your walk with Jesus. They provide a safe space where you can bring your questions, doubts and hopes as you wrestle with and build on your faith. Getting alongside other students from various cultural backgrounds and experiences has enriched my theological studies. Studying at Whitley has refreshed my encounter with the living God.



Table Spirituality:Hospitality, Community and Mission

Simon Holt

Explore the significance of the shared meal to the Christian experience of faith. Visit restaurants and other places of communal eating to engage with and reflect upon the rituals of daily life.

sem 1 day

Contact Dorothy Morgan (03) 9340 8100 [email protected]

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10 | 2018 Study Guide sem 1 Semester 1 sem 2 Semester 2 int Intensive day Day Class night Night Class Location

Making connections

the historical context

Discipleship Through the Time MachineJanine Hunter

Understand and be inspired by the challenges that the followers of Jesus have grappled with in many different times and places.

the historical context

Baptist IdentityMarita Munro

Explore the origins of what Baptists believe and how this affects what they do and how they do it.

the historical context

The Story of Christianity (Part 1)

Marita Munro

Explore the events, personalities, ideas and discoveries that shaped the church from the time of Jesus through to the Middle Ages.

sem 2 int dip Camp Wilkin, Angleseasem 1 night + online sem 1 day + online

What is the relevance of Christian faith to our lives as individuals in society and the world at large? Make connections between the questions ordinary people and great minds throughout the centuries have asked and the way they have found faith in God. These units will assist you in making your own theological response.

the historical context

The Story of Christianity (Part 2)

Marita Munro

Explore the personalities, ideas and revolutions that have shaped the church since the Reformation.

the historical context

Writing Local Church HistoryMarita Munro

This unit will provide an opportunity for students to review and undertake research of selected Christian churches and organisations by learning and applying historiographical and ethical principles.

sem 2 day sat Unit subject to accreditationsem 2 day + online

theology, faith and life

21st Century JesusCarolyn Francis

Explore how Jesus has been portrayed in the Bible over the years and how he is viewed in films, fiction and the media today.

sem 2 int dip

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theology, faith and life

Suffering, Faith and TheodicyJason Goroncy

History is haunted by questions of evil and suffering, such as ‘Why?’ and ‘How long?’. Responses to such questions typically take the form of theodicy. Critically examine some and explore what faith can and must say in the face of suffering.

theology, faith and life

Who is Jesus?Jason Goroncy

Discuss who we think Jesus is, in response to a range of biblical and cultural perspectives and in conversation with people we know today.

theology, faith and life

Faith, Culture and Social EngagementStephen Said

Explore what it means to live out God’s call faithfully in our contemporary setting in practical ways that reflect biblical foundations.

theology, faith and life • ministry

Youth SpiritualityRowan Lewis

Explore the significant developments in youth spirituality research and pastoral responses to the needs of youth.

day ug Unit extends across Semesters 1 & 2

sem 1 day

sem 1 day + online sem 2 night ug

sat Saturday Class dip Diploma Only ug Undergraduate Only + online Also Available Online

theology, faith and life • mission

Rural MinistryGeoff Leslie

Interact with and observe agricultural life as a basis for theological reflection on agriculture, the land, social and family life, the environment and economics in a rural setting. Explore needs, opportunities and appropriate models for ministry in rural Australia, including in times of natural disaster.

sem 2 int Seymour area (Residential)

theology, faith and life • mission

Theology, Poetry and ImaginationJason Goroncy & Anne Mallaby

Join a conversation between the resources of Christian theology and those of poetry, exploring and practising ways that these two fields of human action both inform and are informed by each other.

sem 2 int

theology, faith and life

Economics, Justice and TheologyJonathan Cornford & Deborah Storie

How do we understand and evaluate the economic system from a theological perspective. A creative dialogue between two important disciplines.

sem 2 day

theology, faith and life

Beginning Theological StudiesJason Goroncy

What is theology? What is theology for? How is theology even possible? How do we do theology? You are invited to begin to think more responsibly, deeply and constructively about God and the world.

sem 2 day + online

Contact Dorothy Morgan (03) 9340 8100 [email protected]

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12 | 2018 Study Guide sem 1 Semester 1 sem 2 Semester 2 int Intensive day Day Class night Night Class Location

Korean language units

theology, faith and life

Beginning Theological Studies (Korean language)Miyon Chung

What is theology? What is theology for? How is theology even possible? How do we do theology? You are invited to begin to think more responsibly, deeply and constructively about God and the world.

new testament studies

First Corinthians (Korean language)Oh-Young Kwon

Study Paul’s relationship with and message to the church at Corinth, examining the structure of the letters and the context into which they were written.

sem 1 night + onlinesem 2 int Unit subject to accreditation

Introductory units taught in the Korean language allow natural Korean speakers to commence theological study in their own language. This unique opportunity to engage and reflect with the biblical text and theological questions offers an accessible path to further theological education.

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NAIITS units

indigenous theology

History of Christianity I:Origins to Us

Terry LeBlanc / NAIITS Lecturers

Examine Christian history from the perspective of, and with attention to the socio-spiritual location of Indigenous peoples, affirming the importance of local histories for growth in and witness to the gospel.

indigenous theology

Introducing the New Testament NarrativeDanny Zacharias / NAIITS Lecturers

Examine the New Testament texts and traditions describing the continued work of the Creator to redeem the creation and people of God in the ministry, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, as recorded and lived out in the earliest communities of followers.

indigenous theology

Indigenous Theologies and MethodsTerry LeBlanc / NAIITS Lecturers

Investigate unique Indigenous theological contributions to the meaning of Christian faith and life. Explore the intersection of one’s experience with the Creator, the nature of the spiritual, the Gospel story, redemption and redeemer in contrast with customary Western theological methods.

indigenous theology

Indigenous Practical Theology SymposiumJohn McNeill / NAIITS Lecturers

An introduction to a range of issues facing Indigenous peoples in various parts of the world, and to a variety of ideas and points of view in response to these issues. Explore skills, ideas and techniques that will equip you for cross-cultural work.

indigenous theology

Further Methods in Theological DiscourseTerry LeBlanc / NAIITS Lecturers

Extend your understanding of the tasks and tools of Christian theology, and gain insight into Indigenous theological terminology as a bridge to further studies in Indigenous approaches to theology, culture and ministry.

sem 1 int Melbourne

sem 1 int Sydney sem 1 int Sydney

sem 1 int Melbourne sem 1 int Melbourne and Sydney

sat Saturday Class dip Diploma Only ug Undergraduate Only + online Also Available Online

We are delighted to introduce studies in theology, history and the practice of ministry from an Indigenous perspective. Taught by Indigenous scholars, these units are suitable for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, those engaged in ministry with Indigenous peoples and those who are keen to develop an understanding of theology from an Indigenous perspective.

Contact Dorothy Morgan (03) 9340 8100 [email protected]

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Awards available

A range of awards is available through the University of Divinity from Diploma level through to Doctorate. These courses can be funded through FEE-HELP and provide a pathway for beginners through to the most advanced levels of study. Relevant previous studies may be taken into account for credit.


Diploma in Theology

This award introduces students to the key theological disciplines of Biblical Studies and Christian Thought and History. This may be extended by further study in those disciplines or by electives in the area of practical ministry studies.


Advanced Diploma in Theology and Ministry

This award builds on the Diploma in Theology by enabling students to deepen their understanding of the key theological disciplines of Biblical Studies and Christian Thought and History and in Ministry. This is extended by further study in those disciplines and in the area of practical ministry studies.


Bachelor of Ministry

This award prepares students for the practice of ministry. It establishes foundations for ministry through the study of scriptures, theological traditions, historical and contemporary contexts. It requires concentrated study in ministry praxis. The Bachelor of Ministry provides a foundation for graduates to understand and articulate their identity and place in the world.


Bachelor of Theology

This award critically examines life and faith through the study of scriptures, theological traditions and historical contexts. It aims to broaden self-understanding and facilitate cultural engagement. The Bachelor of Theology assists students to develop knowledge across broad areas of theology and depth in particular areas of interest. It develops research and communication skills, and prepares graduates for further theological study.


Graduate Certificate in Divinity

This award allows students to explore areas of interest in divinity and its associated disciplines. It serves as an introduction to the broad field of study of theology or philosophy and disciplines which are associated with them.


Graduate Certificate in Research Methodology

This award equips students to apply sophisticated research skills to complex issues such as the development of a research proposal, gathering of and conceptual processing of research material, and the presentation of a research artefact, such as a dissertation.

8 units

24 units 3 units 3 units

16 units 24 units

Graduation photo courtesy of Reed Graduations • www.reedgraduations.com.au

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Graduate Diploma in Biblical Studies

This award allows students to explore a range of methodological approaches to the Bible. It develops substantial skills for further study and a means of critically engaging Christian texts and traditions. Graduates are able to articulate insights from biblical studies for Christian practice and identity.


Graduate Diploma in Ministry Studies

This award allows students to develop a personal understanding of vocation, role and identity in ministry through theological reflection on their studies and practice.


Graduate Diploma in Missiology

This award allows students to explore the thought and practice of mission in local and global contexts, and the relationship between missio Dei and Christian identity. It provides a substantial foundation for further study and practice.


Graduate Diploma in Pastoral Care

This award provides students with the opportunity and skills for reflective and critical engagement in the conversation between the texts of human experience, contemporary culture, ministry or service or wider societal context, and Christian scriptures and tradition. The purpose of this engagement is to encourage the development of relevant, flexible strategies for effective pastoral mission and practice in partnership with all those who seek to serve the world through individual or systemic practice.


Graduate Certificate in Spirituality

This award allows students to understand personal spiritual experience through introductory study of themes and approaches in Christian spirituality. It serves as a foundation for further study in spirituality or spiritual direction. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian practice and identity.


Graduate Certificate in Theology

This award qualifies students in theological study by developing or deepening their knowledge and skills in theological disciplines. It serves as a foundation for further study and a means of critically engaging Christian thought and traditions. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian life and social engagement.


Graduate Diploma in Biblical Languages

This award allows students to develop a strong working knowledge of the original and associated languages of the Bible as a basis for translation, biblical interpretation and further research. It develops substantial skills for further study and as a means of critically engaging biblical texts and traditions. Graduates are able to translate the languages of scripture and apply critical tools of analysis for use in biblical studies at a level appropriate for postgraduate research.

The wide range of available awards can be daunting to the prospective student. However, this enables us to tailor a course to your needs and interests. Course advice is based on your reasons for studying and your longer-term goals. At Whitley, we are committed to your formation, not only through academic study, but in the context of a whole-of-life interest and calling.

Rev Dr Gary HeardDean

Contact Dorothy Morgan (03) 9340 8100 [email protected]

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6 units

6 units

6 units

6 units

6 units3 units 3 units

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Master of Pastoral Care

This award enables students to apply an advanced body of knowledge and skill in pastoral care in relation to broader theological studies. Students broaden their knowledge and skills and deepen their engagement with select areas of study to prepare themselves for professional practice and further learning.


Master of Spiritual Direction

This award enables students to acquire advanced knowledge of the theological and scriptural foundations of approaches to spiritual direction in the Christian tradition, and to apply this knowledge in professional practice.


Master of Spirituality

This award enables students to acquire advanced understanding of the theological and spiritual foundations of spirituality, spiritual practice and spiritual growth, and to apply this knowledge of spiritual principles to individual and community life in the Christian tradition.


Graduate Diploma in Biblical Languages

This award allows students to develop a strong working knowledge of the original and associated languages of the Bible as a basis for translation, biblical interpretation and further research. It develops substantial skills for further study and as a means of critically engaging biblical texts and traditions. Graduates are able to translate the languages of scripture and apply critical tools of analysis for use in biblical studies at a level appropriate for postgraduate research.


Graduate Diploma in Theology

This award allows students to explore areas of interest in theology. It provides a substantial foundation for further study and a means of engaging Christian thought and traditions. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian practice and identity.


Master of Divinity

The Master of Divinity is a primary theological degree for students with a degree in another area. The Master of Divinity enables students to apply an advanced body of knowledge in divinity and its associated disciplines in ministry contexts. Students broaden their knowledge and skills to prepare them for professional practice and further learning.


Master of Theological Studies

This award enables students to apply an advanced body of knowledge in theology and its associated disciplines. Students broaden their knowledge and skills and deepen their engagement with select areas of study to prepare them for professional practice and further learning.


Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction

This award provides formation for the ministry of spiritual direction. Students explore the dynamics of Christian spirituality through reflection on their personal experience and integration of this with insights from the literature. Graduates are equipped for the ministry of spiritual direction in the particular tradition.


Graduate Diploma in Spirituality

This award allows students to explore their own spiritual experience in light of theological scholarship in spirituality. It provides a substantial foundation for further study. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian practice and identity.

Awards available (continued)

6 units

6 units

6 units

18 units 12 units

12 units 12 units 12 units

6 units

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postgraduate research

Master of Philosophy

The Master of Philosophy is a higher degree by research in divinity or one or more of its associated disciplines and is designed for individuals who bring a foundation within this disciplinary range. The purpose of the Master of Philosophy is to qualify individuals to apply an advanced body of knowledge in divinity or one or more of its associated disciplines in a range of contexts and to provide a pathway for possible further learning.

postgraduate research

Master of Theology (Research)

The Master of Theology (Research) is a higher degree by research in divinity, designed for individuals who bring a foundation in divinity. The purpose of the Master of Theology (Research) is to qualify individuals to apply an advanced body of knowledge in divinity in a range of contexts and to provide a pathway for possible further learning.

postgraduate research

Doctor of Philosophy

The Doctor of Philosophy is a higher degree by research. The purpose of the Doctor of Philosophy is to qualify individuals who apply a substantial body of knowledge to research, investigate and develop new knowledge, in one or more areas of investigation, scholarship or professional practice.

postgraduate research

Doctor of Theology

The Doctor of Theology is a higher degree by research. The purpose of the Doctor of Theology is to qualify individuals who apply a substantial body of knowledge to research, investigate and develop new knowledge, in one or more areas of investigation, scholarship or professional practice.


Master of Theology (Coursework)

This award enables students with an undergraduate degree in theology or ministry to apply an advanced body of knowledge in theology and its associated disciplines. Students deepen their engagement with select areas of study to prepare them for professional practice and further learning.

At Whitley, we value research as a way of extending our engagement with God in the world. A number of Postgraduate research programs, accredited through the University of Divinity, offer opportunities to investigate the more complex questions that emerge in our experience, church life and society. Our faculty are committed to supporting students by providing supervision, seminars and research training. Research projects can range from a 12,000 word research essay to a 100,000 word doctoral thesis.

Professor Mark BrettHebrew Bible and Ethics Research Coordinator

Contact Dorothy Morgan (03) 9340 8100 [email protected]

find out


10 units

Graduation photo courtesy of Reed Graduations • www.reedgraduations.com.au

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Whitley College is a College of the University of Divinity, CRICOS Provider 01037A.

International Students

Accredited diplomas and degrees awarded by the University of Divinity are highly respected within Australia and overseas.

Detailed information about particular requirements for overseas students (including the University’s English language requirements and details of how to apply for a student visa) is available from the University of Divinity’s International Student Resources web page: https://www.divinity.edu.au/study/ international-student-resources/.

Closing Dates for International Student Applications

Applying for and obtaining a student visa can take considerable time and may vary depending on the country of citizenship. Special closing dates therefore apply to applications for admission from international students.

Applications for international coursework students close on 15 November 2017 for Semester 1 2018 and 15 April 2018 for Semester 2 2018. Earlier closing dates apply to international higher degree by research students.

English Language Requirements

The minimum English language proficiency requirement for admission to the University of Divinity is:

1 Undergraduate and postgraduate coursework study: IELTS Academic score of at least 6.5 with no individual band under 6.0.

2 Higher degrees by research: IELTS Academic score of at least 7.0 with no individual band under 6.5.

Alternatives to an IELTS score are detailed in the University of Divinity’s English Language Requirements Policy. Please check the university website or contact us to discuss.

We welcome international students and provide a safe, enjoyable and rewarding place to study. Our college community includes students and staff from many countries, including Korea, China, Myanmar, the Philippines, Samoa, India and Indonesia.

Application Fee International Students

300 aud (plus gst)

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How to enrol

Tuition fees 2018

Student fees are set each year by the University of Divinity and are uniform across all the teaching colleges.

Fees are charged on the basis of a ‘unit fee’, which covers the teaching for one unit of study for one semester. This fee is all inclusive: it covers tuition, library usage, and student facilities.

We would love to meet you in person but, if that’s not practical, the conversation can take place via telephone or email.

Contact Dorothy, our Registrar, on 03 9340 8100 or email [email protected]. Dorothy will connect you with the Dean or relevant program coordinator to discuss your study options and determine what works for you.

> Complete an Application for Admission

> Complete an application for FEE-HELP or authorise payment of fees

Provide necessary supporting documents:

> Proof of citizenship in your current name (e.g. Birth Certificate, Passport or Citizenship Certificate)

> Academic/VCE transcripts

> Tax File Number (for FEE-HELP application)

> IELTS results (International students only)

> Application for Admission approved by the Dean and processed by Registrar

> Receive enrolment confirmation and welcome emails

> Receive access to online Learning Management System (ARK)

> Start the learning journey!

Talk to us

Submit an application Get started!


3 4

Contact Dorothy Morgan (03) 9340 8100 [email protected]

find out


What are your areas of interest?

Use this guide, the timetable and our website to identify a possible starting point for your studies.

Identify your interests1

Undergraduate (Degree/Diploma)

$1,548 per standard 15 point unit


$2,400 per standard 15 point unit

Australian citizens and holders of a permanent humanitarian visa may defer the payment of University of Divinity fees through the FEE-HELP loan scheme. Please see www.studyassist.gov.au for more information.


$500 per unit, payable directly to Whitley College.

This allows you to participate in classes and access learning resources, but not undertake assessment for credit. Audit students are expected to prepare for and participate in class in the same way as students completing the unit for credit.

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Whitley College has made every effort to ensure the information contained in this publication is accurate at the date of printing (Oct 2017). However, sections may be amended without notice by the College in response to changing circumstances or for any other reason. Please check with the College at the time of your application/enrolment for any updated information.

50 The Avenue Parkville vic 3052

T (+61 3) 9340 8100 F (+61 3) 9349 4241

[email protected] whitley.edu.au

A College of the University of Divinity | CRICOS Provider 01037A

Connect with us @WhitleyCollege


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Acknowledgment of Country

Whitley College acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the traditional custodians of the land on which the College stands and is committed to work for reconciliation and justice.

Semester 1Monday 26 February – Friday 1 June

Semester 1 Census DateTuesday 20 March

Non-teaching period (Easter)

Monday 26 March – Friday 6 April

Graduation (Melbourne)

Friday 16 March

Research Day (Staff and HDR Students)

Wednesday 6 June

Study WeekMonday 4 June – Friday 8 June

Examination WeekMonday 11 June – Friday 15 June

Results publishedFriday 13 July

2018 Key Dates

Semester 2Monday 30 July – Friday 2 November

Semester 2 Census DateTuesday 21 August

Non-teaching periodMonday 24 September – Friday 5 October

Study WeekMonday 5 November – Friday 9 November

Examination WeekMonday 12 November – Friday 16 November

Graduation (Adelaide)

Friday 30 November

Results PublishedFriday 14 December

Semester 1> Please enrol no later than

Friday 16 February 2018

> International coursework student applications close 15 November 2017

Semester 2> Please enrol no later than

Friday 20 July 2018

> International coursework student applications close 15 April 2018

Enrolment Dates

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