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Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020


12500 Braddock Drive Los Angeles, CA 90066

310-306-3484 goethecharterschool.org

2 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

WELCOME ~ WILLKOMMEN ~ BIENVENIDOS “There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.” “Zwei Dinge sollen Kinder von ihren Eltern bekommen: Wurzeln und Flügel.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749 - 1832


Welcome to Goethe International Charter School (GICS). It is with eager anticipation that I welcome you to the new school year! As your new Executive Director, I am excited to get started in bringing you the best possible educational experience. I intend to build on our past successes while setting a new course to bring GICS to the next level. Our work will be collaborative, intentional and transparent. There is much to be done and we encourage the support and active participation from our entire school community. At GICS we provide a rigorous curriculum for all students that challenges the mind and nourishes the heart. Our program is based on the International Baccalaureate philosophy and includes dual language options which underscore our world perspective. Our approach to learning is based on Inquiry and encourages critical thinking for all students. Our school values Social Emotional Learning as a major emphasis for our students. This handbook outlines the policies and procedures that are intended to maintain a highly structured, respectful and safe environment for our community of learners. Our behavioral approach is to show mutual respect and to set high expectations. We expect our students to be reflective and learn from their experiences, giving back to our greater community following the guidelines of Restorative Justice. We encourage parents and students to utilize this handbook as an ongoing guide to academic and behavioral expectations. An important part of what makes our school special is parental and community support. We encourage active participation in our many family activities, student-led conferences, Goethe Parent Association, School Site Council, various committee work and fundraising activities throughout the year. Another aspect of support is through the Triadic Agreements for Parents, Staff and Students. Parental support of school rules that relate to attendance, homework and behavior contributes to our students’ success. We appreciate your commitment to Goethe International Charter School. Together we will all make this the best year ever! Thank you,

Chris Jones, Ed.D. Executive Director

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GOETHE INTERNATIONAL CHARTER SCHOOL Background Goethe International Charter School (GICS) was founded by a dedicated group of parent volunteers who sought an International Baccalaureate curriculum combined with dual language immersion program for their children. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) approved the school’s Charter in July 2008, and the school opened in September 2009 with an enrollment of 174 students in grades K-4. The Charter was renewed for an additional five-year term by LAUSD on February 12, 2013. In 2018, a material revision was approved to expand through grade 8. Today, the school enrolls approximately 420 students in grades Transitional Kindergarten (TK)-6. GICS’ enrollment is reflective of an international focus with over sixteen languages spoken in the students’ homes. Preamble - Goethe International Charter School was founded on the premise of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme along with a focus on German language immersion. Mission Statement - Goethe International Charter School’s mission is to foster a multilingual and international educational environment that advances the knowledge and critical thinking of our students and prepares them to be self-motivated citizens who will thrive in the global world. Vision Statement - Goethe International Charter School aspires to be the benchmark institution for multilingual, IB, K-12 education of future global citizens.

Values Statements

Curiosity Creativity, leadership skills, citizenship, strong work ethic, a core value system, and a child’s natural curiosity about the world, its people and cultures are key to the learning environment at GICS. Respect As an internationally minded community that demonstrates the attributes of the IB learner profile, we work to respect and celebrate the racial, ethnic, geographic and socioeconomic diversity of the community in which we learn and live. Knowledge Students become critical and reflective thinkers with a positive attitude toward learning through the exploration of concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance across a broad and balanced range of disciplines. Cooperation Faculty, staff, community and parental participation, committed to high academic standards through collaboration, continuous development, rigorous accountability and individual attention to student needs, are indispensable in a child’s and school’s academic success. Empathy We thrive and contribute best when we are open-minded, reflective and compassionate while we share and learn from our different perspectives and experiences. Courage We approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies.

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PROGRAMS International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme GICS bases its curriculum on the California State Common Core Standards (CSCCS) delivered through the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) methodology (grades TK-5) and the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) methodology (grade 6). The IB Programme is premised on academic rigor as students make connections between traditional subjects and the “real world” to become critical and reflective thinkers with a positive attitude toward learning. The IB Programme incorporates interdisciplinary, inquiry-based instruction in which the concept of the “whole child” includes physical, intellectual, emotional and ethical development in the context of the quest for “international-mindedness.” The IB Programme provides an opportunity for learners to construct meaning, principally through concept-driven inquiry. Traditional academic subjects are part of the program, but there is an emphasis in the interrelatedness of knowledge and skills through a trans-disciplinary program of inquiry. The IB Programme focuses on the heart, as well as the mind, and addresses social, physical, emotional and cultural needs as well as academic ones. The IB Programme aims to develop sensitivity in children through the experiences of others. Explicit characteristics form the “Learner Profile” a list of attributes that promote academic rigor and the establishing of a personal value system leading to international-mindedness. It is expected that IB teachers will assess and report on individual student development regarding each of these attributes. IB Learner Profile IB Learners strive to be: Inquirers Their natural curiosity has been nurtured and they actively enjoy learning. Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to solving complex problems. Communicators They receive and express ideas and information confidently in more than one language. Risk-takers They approach unfamiliar situations without anxiety and have the confidence to explore new ideas. Knowledgeable They have explored themes that have global significance and have acquired a critical mass of knowledge. Principled They have a sound grasp of the principles of moral reasoning and have acquired integrity, honesty and a sense of justice. Caring They show sensitivity towards the needs and feelings of others, and have a sense of personal commitment to helping others. Open-minded They respect the values of other individuals and cultures and seek to consider a range of points of view Well-balanced They understand the importance of physical and mental balance and personal well being Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning by constructively analyzing their personal strengths and weaknesses.

5 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

IB PYP Curriculum At the heart of the IB PYP philosophy is a commitment to structured, purposeful inquiry as the leading vehicle for learning. Six transdisciplinary themes of global significance provide the framework for exploration and study:

1. Who we are 2. Where we are in place and time 3. How we express ourselves 4. How the world works 5. How we organize ourselves 6. Sharing the planet

Teachers are guided by these six transdisciplinary themes as they design units of inquiry that both transcend and articulate conventional subject boundaries. The programme is illustrated by a hexagon with the six transdisciplinary themes surrounding six subject areas: language; social studies; mathematics; arts; science; and personal/social and physical education.

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IB MYP Curriculum The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) provides a rigorous framework for academic scholarship and life skills that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. The programme employs an educational approach that embraces, yet transcends traditional school subjects.

Although the MYP curriculum is challenging, it is meant for ALL students. Our educators focus on each student as a whole person. Thus, the programme addresses not only cognitive development but social, emotional and physical well-being. The aim is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people with adaptable skills to tackle society's complex challenges and who will help to make a better, more peaceful world.

The Lesson Cycle: Lessons are student-centered and student-driven; they begin with Inquiry (asking questions), lead to Action(doing), and result in Reflection (thinking about what has been discovered).

Three Fundamental Concepts Drive Teaching and Learning:

• Holistic Learning - the curriculum meets the needs of the whole person and emphasizes links between academic subjects and real-world issues so that students view knowledge as an interrelated whole.

• Intercultural Awareness - the curriculum and school community encourage and promote international-mindedness by having students engage with and explore other cultures, consider issues from multiple perspectives, and build understanding and respect.

• Communication - students engage in open and effective communication across subject areas, as it contributes to understanding, allows for unique expression and reflection, and is an important 21st century skill.

Academic Subject Groups: Students complete (at least) 50 hours of study in each subject group during each year of the programme.

• Language and Literature • Sciences • Language Acquisition (Spanish/German) • Mathematics • Individuals and Societies (Humanities/History) • Arts • Physical and Health Education • Design (Electives)

MYP Global Contexts: Teaching and learning in the MYP involves understanding concepts in context. Global contexts provide a common language for powerful contextual learning, identifying specific settings, events or circumstances that provide more concrete perspectives for teaching and learning. MYP global contexts provide common points of entry for inquiries into what it means to be internationally minded, framing a curriculum that promotes multilingualism, intercultural understanding

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and global engagement. These contexts build on the powerful themes of global significance that structure teaching and learning in the PYP, creating relevance for adolescent learners Personal and cultural expression An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic Globalization and sustainability An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. Orientation in time and space An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. Fairness and development An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution. Identities and relationships An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. Scientific and technical innovation An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

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German Language Immersion Program Goals All students will achieve competency in German and English (Listening, speaking, reading and writing) in all subject disciplines with an emphasis in the essential elements of the IB PYP Units of Inquiry. Stage III (Planned): Learners understand and produce paragraphs and strings of paragraphs. Stage IV (Extended): Learners understand and produce cohesive texts composed of multiple paragraphs. Model With many successful language immersion models to choose from, GICS has selected different models to meet the curricular demands of different grade levels. Kindergarten through fifth grade is structured to have 50% English instruction and 50% German instruction, alternating every other week as well as morning and afternoon between language specific teachers. In-class differentiation is a key element of the program as students use the inquiry cycle, key concepts and the approaches to learning skills to connect learning across all core subjects. Curriculum The German language arts curriculum has been developed with interdisciplinary learning in mind. It includes oral practice, language, writing skills, spelling, penmanship, phonics, grammar and reading. German Language Acquisition Program Goals All students will achieve competency in English and acquire Stage II competency in German. Stage I (Formulaic): Learners understand and produce signs, words and phrases. Stage II (Created): Learners understand and produce sentences and strings of sentences. Model Students placed in the German Language Acquisition Options Program will be instructed in the core academic subjects in English. German will be the acquisition language. Additionally, all students will participate in 100 minutes per week of instruction in Spanish. In class differentiation is a key element of the program as students use the inquiry cycle, key concepts and the approaches to learning skills to connect learning across all core subjects. Methodology The instructional methodologies and techniques used in the German Language Acquisition Program will remain the same as the current Dual Language Immersion Program: Instruction will be sheltered to enable students to achieve comprehensible input at all times utilizing already familiar Guided Language Acquisition Delivery (GLAD) strategies. Lessons will be planned and implemented with content and language objectives clearly defined. Language learning strategies will be taught explicitly and systematically to support and enhance rapid and efficient language acquisition and content learning. Metalinguistic knowledge will be taught explicitly and systemically to enhance contrastive and analytical abilities across students’ English, German, Spanish or any other languages.

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School Structure and Governance The Organizational Chart is reflective of our current management structure.


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BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees is the governing body of Goethe International Charter School, a non-profit public school. The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the oversight and guidance of GICS, focusing the efforts and resources of the organization on the successful execution of its mission. The Board of Directors ensures proper fiscal oversight of the organization, ensures that legal requirements are met, selects, supports, and reviews the Executive Director, recruits and orients board, task force and committee members, and ensures that the organization's goals, mission, vision, accomplishments, means, and primary constituents served are articulated to the public. As stewards of GICS, the board actively participates with the staff in an overall strategic planning process and assists in implementing and monitoring the plan's goals and objectives. The composition of the board includes two parent representatives elected by parents of currently enrolled students. The Board of Trustees holds regularly scheduled, monthly meetings during the school year. All board meetings are open to the public. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Executive Director is responsible for the administration of the charter school as well as the establishment and implementation of best practices for all school operations, including student achievement, enrollment, marketing, finance, facilities, and fundraising. PRINCIPAL The Principal serves as the instructional leader: ensures student achievement as a top priority for all staff by focusing on results; hires and supervises staff to achieve the educational goals; develops and schedules teacher classes for all students; facilitates parent conferences. ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL, MIDDLE SCHOOL COORDINATOR The Assistant Principal, Student Services supports the implementation of the school wide discipline system, student safety and Special Education. The Middle School Coordinator is responsible for the development and oversight of middle school operations and programming. DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS The Director of Operations leads the school’s office team and oversees the business aspect of the organization: responsible for attendance clerk, accounts, human resources and the main office. INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE COORDINATOR The IB Coordinator is responsible for the whole school implementation and organization of the Primary Years and Middle Years Programmes. LANGUAGE COORDINATOR The Language Coordinator is responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of the GICS Language policy

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School Site Council (SSC) The School Site Council will help ensure that teachers, staff and parents are involved in shared leadership at the school site level. Membership on the School Site Council will be balanced between school and parent representatives. Composition The School Site Council, will be comprised of the following members:

● 1 Administrator ● 3 Teachers ● 1 Other school employee ● 5 Parents or other community members

Roles and Responsibilities

● Measure effectiveness of improvement strategies at the school. ● Seek input from school advisory committees. ● Reaffirm or revise school goals. ● Revise improvement strategies and expenditures. ● Monitor implementation of the LCAP.

The SSC will meet at least once a month during the school year, or more often as the SSC determines necessary. The SSC will post all meeting minutes on the school’s website. GOETHE PARENTS ASSOCIATION (GPA) GICS is founded upon the belief that dedicated and parents and a cooperative community are critical to the successful function of the school. Parents' direct involvement with their child’s education is the lifeblood of a successful school. All parents of enrolled students are members of the Goethe Parents Association. While the GPA is not an established legal entity, the GPA membership annually elects a President, Vice President and other leadership positions to serve a one-year term. The GPA’s primary function is to recruit and organize the parents’ active participation in supporting the school, and to help the school communicate with and educate parents about the school programs. Through monthly meetings open to all parents, the community has the opportunity to learn more about the school activities and educational programming. The GPA quarterly hosts “Parent University” sessions that include faculty, administration and guest speakers discussing the ideas underpinning the curriculum and strategies for parents to strengthen their support of their children. The GPA’s monthly meetings are held on each Friday morning following a Regular Board Meeting on campus at the Valet Gate entrance. Dates and notices are posted in the school’s newsletter and on the website. All parents are strongly encouraged to contribute a minimum of fifty volunteer hours per parent per year. Further details about parent volunteer opportunities are provided later in this Handbook.

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GOETHE INTERNATIONAL CHARTER SCHOOL CALENDAR The 2019-2020 school year begins on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 and ends on Friday, June 12, 2020. Please note that students have a Thanksgiving Recess from November 25 – November 29. They also have a three-week Winter Recess from December 23 – January 10 and a Spring Recess from April 6 – April 10. Family trips should be planned only during these scheduled vacation periods. Important Dates:

Professional Development Institute Monday, August 12 – Monday, August 19

First Day of School Tuesday, August 20

Back to School Night Tuesday, August 27 School Holiday Labor Day Monday, September 2

Parent-Teacher Conferences Tuesday, October 22 – Friday, October 25 School Holiday Veteran’s Day Monday, November 11

Thanksgiving Recess Monday, November 25 – Friday, November 29

Winter Recess Monday, December 23 – Friday, January 10 School Holiday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday, January 20

School Holiday President’s Day Monday, February 17

Parent-Teacher Conferences Tuesday, March 10 – Friday, March 13

Spring Recess Monday, April 6 – Friday, April 10 School Holiday Memorial Day Monday, May 25

Last Day of School Friday, June 12

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Goethe International Charter School Calendar of Events 2019-2020 August 2019 07 (W) – School Uniform Sales on Campus, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM 13 (T) – School Uniform Sales on Campus, 12:00 – 3:00 PM 14 (W) — Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten (TK/K) Parent Orientation, 5:00 – 6:00 PM 15 (Th) — 6th Grade Orientation, 2:30 – 4:30 PM 17 (Sa) — Shine the School, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM 19 (M) — Meet & Greet, 2:00 – 3:00 PM with Popsicle Social, 3:00 – 4:00 PM 19 (M) – School Uniform Pick-Up (ordered uniforms) on Campus, 1:00 – 4:00 PM 19 (M) — Board of Trustees Meeting, 6:00 – 8:00 PM 20 (T) — First Day of School, Meet & Greet with Administrative Leadership and the GPA, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 23 (F) — Coffee Chat with the Administrative Leadership, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 27 (T) — Back to School Night, 6:00 – 8:30 PM 29 (Th) — German Alumni Program Parent Information, 7:00 – 8:00 PM 30 (F) — No School (Unassigned Day) September 2019 02 (M) — No School (Labor Day) 03 (T) – Parent Information Night, 6:00 – 8:00 PM 05 (Th) — School Tour, 8:30 – 9:30 AM 06 (F) — GPA General Meeting, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 08 (Su) – 10 Year GICS Ribbon Cutting Anniversary 9-13 (M-F) — Friendship Week 10 (T) — Community University, 6:30 – 8:00 PM, “Being a Caring School Community” 12 (Th) — School Tour, 9:15 – 10:15 AM 13 (F) — House Spirit Day 13 (F) — Volunteer Training, 8:20 – 9:00 AM 13 (F) — Friendship Dance, 5:30 – 7:30 PM 16 (M) — Board of Trustees Meeting, 6:00 – 8:00 PM 18 (W) — School Picture Day 19 (Th) — School Picture Day 19 (Th) – Volunteer Training, 6:30 – 7:10 PM 20 (F) — Coffee Chat with the Administrative Leadership, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 20 (F) – Volunteer Training, 9:00 – 9:40 AM 26 (Th) — School Tour, 9:15 – 10:15 AM 27 (F) — Free Dress Day 30 (M) — No School (Unassigned Day) October 2019 03 (Th) — School Tour, 8:30 – 9:30 AM 03 (Th) — GPA General Meeting, 2:45 – 3:30 PM 09 (W) — No School (Unassigned Day) 10 (Th) — School Tour, 9:15 – 10:15 AM 11 (F) — House Spirit Day 16 (W) – School Site Council Meeting, 3:30 – 4:30 PM 16 (W) — School Tour, 8:30 – 9:30 AM 17 (Th) -- Great Shake Out Emergency Drill, 10:17 AM 18 (F) – Volunteer Training, 8:20 – 9:00 AM 18 (F) – Due Date Prop 39 Intent to Enroll Forms 21 (M) — Board of Trustees Meeting, 6:00 – 8:00 PM 21-25 (M-F) — Galileo Benchmark Testing #1, 1st Grade through 6th Grade 22-25 (T-F) — Parent Teacher Conferences (MODIFIED SCHEDULE) 25 (F) — Coffee Chat with the Administrative Leadership, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 25 (F) — Free Dress Day 26 (Sa) — Pumpkin Patch, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM 31 (Th) — Halloween, costumes allowed November 2019 01 (F) — GPA General Meeting, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 07 (Th) — School Tour, 9:15 – 10:15 AM 08 (F) — Lantern Festival, 6:00 – 7:30 PM 08 (F) — House Spirit Day 11 (M) — No School (Veteran’s Day) 14 (Th) — School Tour, 8:30 – 9:30 AM 14 (Th) – Volunteer Training, 3:00 – 3:40 PM 18 (M) — Board of Trustees Meeting, 6:00 – 8:00 PM 19 (T) — REGULAR DISMISSAL (FULL DAY SCHEDULE) 19 (T) — 2nd Annual Tony-Thomas Jog-a-thon 20 (W) — School Site Council Meeting, 3:30 – 4:30 PM 21 (Th) — School Tour, 9:15 – 10:15 AM 22 (F) — Coffee Chat with the Administrative Leadership, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 22 (F) — EARLY DISMISSAL (MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE) 22 (F) — Free Dress Day 25-29 (M-F) — No School (Thanksgiving Break) December 2019 03 (T) — Community University, 6:30 – 8:00 PM 05 (Th) — School Tour, 8:30 – 9:30 AM 05 (Th) — GPA General Meeting, 2:45 – 3:30 PM 12 (Th) — School Tour, 9:15 – 10:15 AM 13 (F) — House Spirit Day 17 (T) — REGULAR DISMISSAL (FULL DAY SCHEDULE) 17 (T) — Winter Concert including Toy Drive 18 (W) — School Site Council Meeting, 3:30 – 4:30 PM 19 (Th) — Staff Holiday Lunch 20 (F) — Free Dress Day 20 (F) — EARLY DISMISSAL (MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE) 23-10 (M-F) — No School (Winter Break)

January 2020 13 (M) — School resumes 15 (W) — School Site Council Meeting, 3:30 – 4:30 PM 16 (Th) — School Tour, 8:30 – 9:30 AM 17 (F) – Volunteer Training, 8:20 – 9:00 AM 20 (M) — No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) 21-24 (M-F) — Galileo Benchmark Testing #2, 1st Grade through 6th Grade 23 (Th) — School Tour, 9:15 – 10:15 AM 27 (M) — Board of Trustees Meeting, 6:00 – 8:00 PM 30 (Th) — School Tour, 8:30 – 9:30 AM 31 (F) — Free Dress Day 31 (F) — Coffee Chat with the Administrative Leadership, 8:15 – 9:00 AM February 2020 04 (T) – Talent Show Tryouts 06 (Th) — School Tour, 9:15 – 10:15 AM 07 (F) — GPA General Meeting, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 10-14 (M-F) — Spirit Week 10 (M) — Spirit Week (Silly Sock Day) 11 (T) — Spirit Week and 100th Day — 100 Year Dress Up 12 (W) — Spirit Week (Pajama Day) 13 (Th) — Spirit Week (Crazy Hair Day) 13 (Th) — School Tour, 8:30 – 9:30 AM 14 (F) — Spirit Week — House Spirit Day 17 (M) — No School (Presidents' Day) 19 (W) — School Site Council Meeting, 3:30 – 4:30 PM 20 (Th) — School Tour, 9:15 – 10:15 AM 24 (M) — Board of Trustees Meeting, 6:00 – 8:00 PM 27 (Th) — School Tour, 8:30 – 9:30 AM 28 (F) — Free Dress Day 28 (F) — Coffee Chat with the Administrative Leadership, 8:15 – 9:00 AM March 2020 03 (T) – Talent Show, 5:00 – 8:30 PM TK/K – 2nd Grade, 5:00 – 6:30 PM 3rd – 6th Grade, 7:00 – 8:30 PM 05 (Th) — School Tour, 9:15 – 10:15 AM 05 (Th) — GPA General Meeting, 2:45 – 3:30 PM 09-13 (M-F) — Galileo Benchmark Testing #3, 1st Grade through 6th Grade 10-13 (T-F) — Student-Led Conferences (MODIFIED SCHEDULE) 13 (F) — House Spirit Day 16-20 (M-F) — Outdoor Science School 5th Grade 16 (M) — Board of Trustees Meeting, 6:00 – 8:00 PM 18 (W) — School Site Council Meeting, 3:30 – 4:30 PM 18 (W) – LACOE Spelling Bee 19 (Th) — School Tour, 8:30 – 9:30 AM 20 (F) — Coffee Chat with the Administrative Leadership, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 26 (Th) — School Tour, 9:15 – 10:15 AM 27 (F) – Baking Competition 27 (F) — Application Deadline for Public Lottery 27 (F) — Free Dress Day 31 (T) — REGULAR DISMISSAL (FULL DAY SCHEDULE) April 2020 03 (F) — No School (Unassigned Day) 06-10 (M-F) — No School (Spring Break) 14 (T) — Public Lottery, 6:00 – 8:00 PM 15 (W) — School Site Council Meeting, 3:30 – 4:30 PM 17 (F) — GPA General Meeting, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 20 (M) — Board of Trustees Meeting, 6:00 – 8:00 PM 24 (F) — Coffee Chat with the Administrative Leadership, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 24 (F) — Free Dress Day May 2020 04-08 (M-F) — Teacher Appreciation Week 07 (Th) — GPA General Meeting, 2:45 – 3:30 PM 08 (F) — Teacher Appreciation Lunch 08 (F) — House Spirit Day 18 (M) — Board of Trustees Meeting, 6:30 – 8:00 PM 20 (W) — School Site Council Meeting, 3:30 – 4:30 PM 22 (F) — Coffee Chat with the Administrative Leadership, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 25 (M) — No School (Memorial Day) 29 (F) — Free Dress Day June 2020 02 (T) — Whole School Assembly "End of Year Awards", 8:20 – 9:00 AM 03 (W) — Volunteer Appreciation, 3:30 – 4:30 PM 05 (F) — GPA General Meeting, 8:15 – 9:00 AM 05 (F) — International Flair & Family Dance, 5:00 – 7:30 PM 09 (T) — Whole School Assembly "Goodbye 5th Grade", 8:20 – 9:00 AM 09 (T) — REGULAR DISMISSAL (FULL DAY SCHEDULE) 09 (T) — Farewell Tea, 3:30 – 4:30 PM 12 (F) — EARLY DISMISSAL – Last Day of School (MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE) 12 (F) — House Spirit Day 12 (F) — 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony, 9:00 – 10:30 AM 12 (F) — Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony, 12:30 – 1:30 PM 12 (F) – Last Day of School 15 (M) — Board of Trustees Meeting, 6:00 – 8:00 PM (Annual Meeting)

15 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020



StartTime EndTime Length

DropOff 7:50am 8:10am 20min

RunningClub 7:50am 8:05am 15min

TeacherLinePick-Up 8:10am

InstructionBegins 8:15am


TK/K 9:20am 9:40am

20min1st 9:40am 10:00am

2nd-5th 10:00am 10:20am

Lunch Monday&Friday

TK/K-1st 11:30am 12:15pm

45min2nd-5th 11:50am 12:35pm

Wednesday&Thursday TK/K-1st 11:00am 11:45am

2nd-5th 11:20am 12:05pm

TK/KAfternoonRecess 1:40pm 2:00pm 20min


TK/K 2:15pm

1st-2nd 2:45pm

3rd-5th 3:00pm


StartTime EndTime Length

DropOff 7:50am 8:10am 20min

RunningClub 7:50am 8:05am 15min

TeacherLinePick-Up 8:10am

InstructionBegins 8:15am


TK/K 9:20am 9:40am

20min1st 9:40am 10:00am

2nd-5th 10:00am 10:20am

16 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020


TK/K-1st 11:00am 11:45am 45min

2nd-5th 11:20am 12:05pm

Dismissal 1:40pm

MinimumDay:PARENT/TEACHERCONFERENCES (10/21/19-10/25/19)

StartTime EndTime Length

DropOff 7:50am 8:10am 20min

RunningClub 7:50am 8:05am 15min

TeacherLinePick-Up 8:10am

InstructionBegins 8:15am


TK/K 9:20am 9:40am

20min1st 9:40am 10:00am

2nd-5th 10:00am 10:20am



TK/K-1st 11:30am 12:15pm

45min2nd-5th 11:50am 12:35pm


TK/K-1st 11:00am 11:45am

2nd-5th 11:20am 12:05pm

TK/KAfternoonRecess(Mondayonly) 1:40pm 2:00pm 20min

DismissalMonday 2:15,2:45,&3:00

Tuesday-Friday 12:30pm


StartTime EndTime Length

DropOff 7:50am 8:10am 20min

RunningClub 7:50am 8:05am 15min

TeacherLinePick-Up 8:10am

InstructionBegins 8:15am

Recess TK/K 9:20am 9:40am 20min

17 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

1st 9:40am 10:00am

2nd-5th 10:00am 10:20am



TK/K-1st 11:30am 12:15pm

45min2nd-5th 11:50am 12:35pm


TK/K-1st 11:00am 11:45am

2nd-5th 11:20am 12:05pm

TK/KAfternoonRecess 1:40pm 2:00pm 20min

DismissalMonday 2:15,2:45,&3:00

Tuesday-Friday 1:25pm



StartTime EndTime Length

DropOff 7:50am 8:00am 10min

InstructionBegins 8:05am

Nutrition 9:55am 10:05am 10min

LunchMonday&Friday 11:50am 12:35pm

45minWednesday&Thursday 11:20am 12:05pm

Dismissal 3:05pm


StartTime EndTime Length

DropOff 7:50am 8:00am 10min

InstructionBegins 8:05am

Nutrition 9:55am 10:05am 10min

Lunch 11:20am 12:05pm 45min

Dismissal 1:40pm

18 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

MinimumDay:PARENT/TEACHERCONFERENCES (10/23/18-10/26/18)

StartTime EndTime Length

DropOff 7:50am 8:00am 10min

InstructionBegins 8:05am

Nutrition 9:55am 10:05am 10min


Monday&Friday 11:50am 12:35pm

45minTuesday,Wednesday&Thursday 11:20am 12:05pm

Dismissal Monday 3:05pm

Tuesday-Friday 12:30pm

MinimumDay:STUDENT-LEDCONFERENCES (3/12/19-3/15/19)

StartTime EndTime Length

DropOff 7:50am 8:00am 10min

InstructionBegins 8:05am

Nutrition 9:55am 10:05am 10min


Monday&Friday 11:50am 12:35pm

45minTuesday,Wednesday&Thursday 11:20am 12:05pm

Dismissal Monday 3:05pm

Tuesday-Friday 1:25pm

19 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

ATTENDANCE POLICIES Academic progress is dependent on regular attendance that is expected of all GICS students. GICS is required to maintain and report daily attendance for all students. These reports, or the school’s Average Daily Attendance (ADA), then form the basis for the majority of the school’s public funding. Each absence affects the school’s bottom line financially. California Education Code Sections 46010, 46014 and 48205 identify the acceptable reasons for excused absences as follows:

● Illness ● Medical or dental appointments ● Funerals in the family (1 day if in California, 3 days if outside California) ● Religious holidays ● The quarantine of the family by health officials ● Necessary court appearances

All other absences are considered “unexcused” as a matter of state law. As an international school that welcomes families from all over the world, we understand that many of our families travel out of the country from time to time. In order to meet our obligations for providing the required number of instructional minutes to students each year, we expect that families will plan their travel and other scheduled absences for school holidays and vacations. If your child has been diagnosed with a contagious disease, infection or infestation (e.g., strep throat, head lice or chicken pox), please notify the office so appropriate information can be dispensed to other parents. If your child is not well prior to the beginning of the school day, you are requested to keep the child at home. You are responsible for assisting your child in making up schoolwork that is missed. Please call or email the school office by 8:30 a.m. to report an absence and send a note explaining an absence when your child returns to school. In cases of a student’s irregular attendance, the office may require a doctor’s note to verify illness resulting in absences of three or more consecutive days. Tardiness Students are expected to arrive between 7:50 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. each day. Classes begin promptly at 8:15 a.m. Tardiness is disruptive to the class and places a burden on the student and on his/her peers and teacher, and creates an administrative burden for staff. As a public charter school, GICS is required by law to provide a certain number of instructional minutes each year which are carefully calculated and do not include lunch or recess. If a child arrives after the morning valet drop-off gate has locked at 8:15 a.m., an adult must park their car and walk the child to the GICS office and obtain a tardy slip from the office administrator. This is important for the accurate recording of attendance. Children may not enter the campus themselves when tardy.

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Consequences of Unexcused Absences and Tardiness Signing the Parent and Student Agreement page at the end of this handbook assures your accord to comply with GICS attendance policies to include unexcused absences and tardiness. Failure to comply with the school’s attendance policies will result in a meeting with the Assistant Principal, Principal, or Executive Director. Further action may be necessary if attendance, to include excessive tardiness, does not improve. If a child is Absent the following will occur: 3 days Letter home 9 days Letter home/ referral to Assistant Principal/ Parent meeting 18 days Letter home/ referral to Assistant Principal/ Parent Meeting w/Executive

Director/Enrollment review If a child is Tardy the following will occur: 9 days Letter home 18 days Letter home/ referral to Assistant Principal/ Call Parents 27 days Letter home/ referral to Assistant Principal/ Parent Meeting 36 days Letter home/ referral to Assistant Principal/ Parent Meeting w/Executive

Director/Enrollment review Truancy California Education Code §48260 states that a pupil subject to compulsory full-time education or to compulsory continuation education who is absent from school without a valid excuse three full days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than a 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof shall be classified as a truant and shall be report to the Executive Director or designee. Extended Absences A physician must verify all extended absences for illness. It is important to note that our unique curriculum and dual language model make regular and consistent attendance at school imperative for students to progress. If there is not a legitimate excuse for extended absences of five days in a row, or the school office is unable to contact you to confirm the reason for these absences, your child may lose his/her space at GICS and be withdrawn from school. Once your child is withdrawn, there is no guarantee that your child will be re-enrolled. An appropriate explanation of the child’s absence is necessary in order for the child to be considered for re-enrollment. Independent Study The Goethe International Charter School (“School”) Board of Trustees authorizes independent study as an optional alternative instructional strategy for students who will be absent from school for one or more days. Independent study entails a commitment by both the parent/guardian and the student. Requests for Independent Study are made in advance. The Executive Director or designee determines that the prospective independent study student understands and is prepared to meet the School’s requirements for independent study. The Executive Director or designee shall ensure that a written independent study agreement exists for each participating student. The students and the student’s parent/guardian shall sign each written agreement, prior to the commencement of independent study.

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The independent study by each student shall be coordinated and evaluated by a credentialed employee of the School. The duration of the independent study agreement shall include the beginning and ending dates for the student’s participation in independent study. No independent study agreement shall be valid for a period longer than one semester. When any student fails to complete an independent study assignment, the Executive Director or designee shall conduct an evaluation to determine whether it is in the student’s best interest to receive any additional independent study agreements for the remainder of the school year. PICK-UP AND DROP-OFF PROCEDURES Arrival The Valet Gate will open at 7:50 a.m. to begin receiving students. Please make sure that your child enters the school grounds safely and remains in supervised areas. Parents are encouraged to use the valet drop-off, which is under the supervision of GICS staff. Parents need not park or get out of the car, but rather pull into the drop-off zone on Westlawn Avenue. Children must exit their vehicle on the sidewalk side and walk to their designated class line-up inside the fence. Children may not be released from cars across the street unless adults escort them using the crosswalk safely to the gate. As the children enter the gate in the morning, they will be expected to line-up and wait for school to start. The classes are posted on the fence for lining up purposes. Each class will wait at their assigned line up until their teacher comes to pick them up. This is not recess time. A staff member will supervise students for the entire time. Please be advised that during the first week of school only, TK/Kindergarten students will be allowed to have their parents with them beyond the boundary of the first bungalow. Keeping the adult presence on campus during drop-off time to a minimum makes it easier for staff to identify anyone who is not a part of the Goethe community, and thus helps to maintain the safety and security of our students. All families may say their good wishes in the front grassy area and then allow their child to walk with the other students to the line-up area. If a student arrives after the gate has been locked at 8:15 a.m., the parent must park his/her car and walk their child to the school office and sign them in on the tardy log and pick-up a tardy slip. The parent may not walk his/her child to class. Dismissal At dismissal time, students must be picked up promptly unless they are enrolled in the After- School Program. Pick up times are staggered by grade level. Students are escorted to the grassy area by their teacher and wait with their teacher until called. Please do not linger in the pick-up zone or leave your car unattended, as this affects the flow of traffic. Teachers will remain at the gate with the students until

22 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

3:30 p.m., at which time they will be escorted to the aftercare program. Any child not picked up by 3:30 p.m. (or 1:55 p.m. on shortened days) will be taken to the office. In order to help the Valet Line move smoothly, please place a sign on your dashboard with your child’s first and last name and homeroom (class) in large letters facing front. Forms are available in the office for parents to designate an alternate pickup person on a particular day. These can also be used if a child is going home with another child’s parent. Driving Instructions ▪ Turn south off of Braddock Dr. onto Westlawn Ave. Continue south and pull into the clearly marked

Goethe Valet zone to drop off or pick up your child. Staff members will provide valet service to assist your children in and out of the car and walk them safely inside the school fence.

▪ Please, do not attempt to cut into the valet line from Allin St. or from Havelock St. ▪ Do not make a “U” turn under any circumstances. It is critical that you keep moving to avoid

dangerous traffic congestion. ▪ Do not double-park during drop-off or pick-up. ▪ Do not drop children off before 7:45 a.m. because the gate will be locked and your child will be

unsupervised. ▪ Do not park or leave your car in the Valet zone. If you need to speak to a staff member, please find

street side parking. ▪ Cars in violation of the valet loading zone or illegally parked may be ticketed. ▪ Slow down and follow the School Zone speed limits. ▪ Utilize extra caution with pedestrian traffic. ▪ Be respectful of neighbors. Do not block driveways, fire hydrants, etc. ▪ Do not park across the street and let your children dart across the street. ▪ You must always use the crosswalk. ▪ Be Safe, Responsible, and Respectful Traffic Flow Morning drop-off and pick-up may be especially congested. Please use caution and restraint to help keep our students safe. Follow the driving pattern outlined below to keep our students safe:

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Visiting Campus After the gate is locked, visitors will need to enter and exit from the Request Gate (buzzer gate), located along Westlawn to the North of the valet line. All visitors must proceed immediately to the office to sign in and collect a visitor’s badge. All visitors to the classroom must have prior approval from the teacher. It is of utmost importance that anyone other than teachers and staff are signed in at the office. This is for your safety in case of an emergency as well as the school’s liability policies, in order to have an accurate record of who is part of the Goethe campus. Leaving During the School Day Please try to make medical and dental appointments on Tuesday afternoons (shortened days) or after school is out on regular days. If you must pick your child up early for an appointment during the day, please let the office know in the morning. Students will not be released for early dismissal prior to the regular dismissal time unless previous arrangements have been made with the teacher and/or the office. When picking up students early, the parent or authorized adult must walk onto campus and first sign the student out in the office. A staff member will pick up the student in the classroom and bring him/her to the office. Parents may not go to the classroom for their student. In case of an illness or emergency during the school day, your child will only be released to you or onto the custody of those people whom you have previously identified on the emergency card (proof of identity may be required). Those without a GICS pickup card who are not identified on the emergency card can only pick up a child if the parent or guardian has sent a handwritten and signed note to the school or an email to the school’s office to the satisfaction of the school notifying the school of this person’s identity and proof of identification is provided. GICS reserves the right to contact the parent for confirmation of his/her consent to the third-party pick-up. There is a Safe School Plan and a joint Emergency Response Plan in place with Marina del Rey Middle School with very specific procedures defined in case of natural disaster, fire, or criminal activity. There are monthly fire/emergency drills to prepare both students and staff for any future problem. In the case of serious disaster, the children will be supervised at the school until you can arrive. Children will only be released to persons that appear on their emergency cards. It is important for us to be able to reach you in case of illness or an emergency. Before school begins, or at the time of enrollment, each family must fill out a new emergency card. These should be turned in to the main office. Please update your emergency card immediately at any time of the year if any of the following information changes:

● Home, work or cell phone numbers ● Home address ● Doctor’s phone number ● People who are authorized to be contacted in case of an emergency ● People authorized to pick up your child from school

24 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

STUDENT PROGRESS Report Cards Reports cards will be issued twice a year at the end of each semester. These reports can take the form of, but are not limited to, narrative reports, progress reports, and report card format. Multiple measures of assessments are developed for each grade level and are used to monitor each child’s overall progress. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in these reports, please contact your child’s teacher. Parent–Teacher Conferences Parent-teacher conference days will be scheduled twice during the school year (Fall and Spring) to discuss your child’s progress. Please make every effort to keep the designated appointment. However, parent-teacher conferences need not be limited to these times. If you have concerns at any time, feel free to schedule an appointment to discuss your child’s academic progress. Parent-Teacher conferences are designed to give the teacher an opportunity to discuss your child’s overall progress in school. These conferences are specifically scheduled in advance of the end of the semester to provide the student an opportunity for growth and improvement prior to report cards being sent out. Benchmark Administration The Online Assessment Galileo K-12, is used for formative, grade level benchmark and class summative data. Galileo K-12 will be administered 3 times per school year to students in grades 1 – 6. Results from the benchmarks given in ELA and math allow teachers to adjust the level and depth of instruction in a timely manner, creating an individualized learning environment for each student. Standardized Testing GICS administers all standardized testing required by the State of California. The results of testing help to guide individual and school-wide instruction. The California Assessment of Student Performance & Progress (CAASPP) is taken over a two-week period in May. Starting in 3rd grade, CAASPP results are used to track and evaluate student mastery of grade-level academic content standards in English Language Arts and Math. Qualifying students with special needs are offered supports and/or alternative standardized tests. Students who learned a primary language other than English or whose parents speak a language other than English at home are administered the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) to determine English proficiency. This test is required by the State and enables GICS to provide appropriate English language instruction and support to students at all levels. This test is given annually to each English Language Learner until he/she demonstrates the required level of proficiency in English to be reclassified as English proficient. Student Success Team (SST) A GICS Student Success Team (SST) is convened for students with academic or behavioral concerns that are not resolved by initial interventions in the classroom. This team, composed of the referring classroom teacher, an administrator, and the parent, explores the concerns and develops and implements an action plan that targets the specific needs of the student. A follow-up meeting is scheduled to assess whether logged interventions proposed by the team have been successful, and when appropriate, to determine next steps. Parents, teachers or administrators may refer a student to the SST at any time.

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Individualized Education Programs (IEP) In the case that academic or behavioral issues suggest professional evaluation, the parent will be asked to sign an assessment plan that may include health screening, achievement testing, psycho-educational evaluation, behavioral assessment, speech and language evaluation or testing by an occupational therapist. Parents may also request an evaluation. Students with identified disabilities may be determined eligible for special education services according to a written Individualized Education Program signed by the parents. By law, students are entitled to receive these appropriate services in the least restrictive environment. Parents will be given brochures that outline special education procedures and parent/student rights. GICS employs a full-time Resource Specialist to provide services to qualifying students. 504 Plans Students with temporary or permanent physical and/ or mental disabilities that affect their life functioning (walking, seeing, hearing, breathing) are eligible for special accommodations under Section 504 that protect them from discrimination and safeguard their rights to equal access of educational programs. Pamphlets describing a student’s right to access a Section 504 plan are distributed to all GICS families. Questions about the SST, IEP or 504 processes may be directed to the Assistant Principal, Student Services.

26 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL SUPPORT POLICY GICS Triadic Agreements The GICS Triadic Agreements is the official discipline policy of GICS. They are limits for safe, respectful and responsible behavior for the GICS community (students, parents, and staff). They also outline the consequences for student behavior that is outside of the school’s limits. The Triadic Agreements support the International Baccalaureate Programmes’ PYP attitudes and the IB Learner Profile. You can find the complete Triadic Agreements on the GICS website (www.goethecharterschool.org). At the core of the GICS Triadic Agreements are the Universal Agreements: At Goethe, we are safe, respectful, and responsible citizens of the world. As an internationally minded community, we:

● cooperate by working and playing as a team. ● communicate to solve problems by listening and sharing our feelings. ● listen with open-minds and speak with respect. ● show empathy when we interact with others. ● follow adults’ directions respectfully. ● appreciate our learning environment by using materials in safe and appropriate ways. ● have integrity by following the agreements.

In addition to the Universal Agreements, GICS has expectations regarding appropriate behavior in specific settings (e.g. lunch, recess, and assemblies). When students disregard the Universal Agreements, or other school or classroom limits, teachers utilize Discipline Steps to help students reflect on their actions and adjust their behavior. In case of a serious offense, the teacher may send the student to the administrator at any time. The Discipline Steps are based on the positive discipline philosophy. In a positive discipline environment, the focus is on solutions that are reasonable, related to the concern, and respectful of everyone involved. The goal is to create a safe and caring learning environment, one in which risk-taking, critical thinking, and other attributes of the IB Learner Profile can grow and develop. Parents are encouraged to adapt these strategies for use at home and thereby strengthen the home-school connection. The GICS Discipline Steps are summarized in the following Discipline Matrix. The Discipline Steps are explained thereafter.

27 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

GICS Triadic Agreements (TA)


1. This matrix addresses recurring disregard of school or classroom expectations by a student (i.e., the same or similar disruptive behavior occurs repeatedly over time).

2. This matrix provides recommendations in terms of proceeding from one discipline step to the next (e.g., number of offenses necessary to proceed from positive discipline strategies to Think Cards). Teachers can use their own discretion in determining when to proceed from one discipline step to the next (e.g., giving five Think Cards, not two, before proceeding to Home Think Cards; issuing multiple Home Think Cards before calling a parent meeting).

3. Steps may be skipped in case of a serious cause (e.g., injury of self or others, willful destruction of school property).

GICS Discipline Steps

Step 1 - Positive Discipline Strategies. GICS teachers use strategies that are consistent with positive discipline to solve problems and encourage collaborative, respectful, and pro-social behavior. Examples of strategies are paying extra attention to desirable behavior, ignoring certain behaviors, and using natural and logical consequences. Teachers collaborate with students to solve problems and employ several Step 1 positive discipline strategies before proceeding to Step 2, unless in a case of a serious cause.

28 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

Step 2 - Think Card. If a student is not observing the school’s expectations and several Step 1 strategies fail, the teacher proceeds to Step 2. The teacher then engages the student in a problem resolution process with the help of a Think Card. The purpose of the Think Card is to reflect on IB PYP Attitudes / IB Learner Profile Traits and to help the student adjust the behavior. Different Think Cards exist for grades K-1 and grades 2-6. The Think Card for grades 2-6 reflects eight IB PYP Attitudes (appreciation, commitment, cooperation, empathy, independence, integrity, respect, tolerance). The Think Card for grades K-1 reflects these attitudes in a simplified version (safe learner, respectful learner, caring friend, team player). When issuing a Think Card, the teacher circles the appropriate IB PYP Attitude on the Think Card. For example, for a student who repeatedly disrespects peers, the teacher will circle “respect.” On the Think Card, students write down a plan for re-aligning their behavior with the respective IB PYP Attitude. Younger students may draw a picture. The Think Card represents an opportunity for teachers to connect with children. Think Cards are not punishments, rather tools that help teachers engage students in collaborative problem solving.

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30 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

Step 3 - Home Think Card. For consistent, ongoing disregard of the school’s expectations (e.g., three or more Think Cards regarding the same issue), or in case of a serious cause, students will take home a “Home Think Card.” At home, children reflect on their behavior and generate a plan to stay within the limits of the school or classroom. Parents review and sign the form. Parents should also assist children in filling it out properly. Similar to the Think Card, the Home Think Card should not be viewed as a punishment, rather as an opportunity for collaborative social and emotional problem solving. Students return the completed Home Think Card to the teacher the following day.

Step 4 - Parent Conference or Reflection Circle. In case the problem is not solved after Step 3, or in case of serious violations of the GICS expectations, parent(s) or guardian(s) will be contacted and invited to a conference. During the conference, parents, teachers, administrator and student will review any forms generated by Steps 1-3 (e.g., Think Cards, Home Think Cards, etc.) and develop a plan to address the issue. Alternatively, the issue may be addressed in a Reflection Circle (Restorative Justice). The Reflection Circle is a forum to discuss violations of the school’s expectations in a collaborative, non-threatening manner. A typical Reflection Circle includes the administrator, the student(s), any parents or guardians, teacher(s), and other persons who were involved in the incident or recurrent issue. One member, e.g., the administrator or a teacher, acts as a moderator to guide the group through the process. The purpose of the Reflection Circle is to inspire self-reflection, rebuild broken relationships, and to reach agreements among parties that are consistent with the IB learner profile and PYP attitudes. Upon completion of the Reflection Circle students implement the plans that were established. All parties who participate in the Reflection Circle remain in close communication to follow-up regarding the resolution.

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Step 5 - Reflection Day. If Step 4 fails to resolve the issue, the student’s parents will be invited to school to reflect with the student and the Assistant Principal. The Reflection Day is not an official suspension. Parents are asked to spend time with the student reflecting on the student’s actions. The school will provide the family with a list of outside resources. Parents are encouraged to seek outside assistance to help address issues that may contribute to the student’s challenges at school. The following school day the student and his or her parents are required to attend a “re-entry meeting” with the Assistant Principal or a designee. During the meeting they will review plans and strategies to support the student. Step 6 - Student Success Team (SST). In case the issue is not resolved after Step 5, or in case of serious violations of the GICS limits, a Student Success Team will be created to provide the student with long-term support. The SST may consist of the classroom teachers, the resource teacher, the administrator, and the parents. The SST will meet regularly, with or without the student, to develop specific plans that optimize the student’s success. This step is implemented over an extended period of time before proceeding to step 7. Step 7 - Suspension. If the problematic behavior continues despite the efforts of the Student Success Team, or if the student commits an egregious offense, the student may be suspended. In accordance with California law, the following behaviors may result in immediate suspension:

● Causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical harm to another person ● Fighting ● Biting ● Forgery ● Lying ● Cheating ● Disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defying the valid authority of supervisors,

teachers, or other school officials ● Causing or attempting to cause damage to school property ● Stealing or attempting to steal school property or private property ● Possessing or using tobacco ● Committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity ● Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual

nature ● Causing or attempting to cause harm to individuals through the use of hate language ● The fourth office referral a student receives and subsequently every three office referrals

All suspensions will be served at home unless otherwise noted on the suspension letter. A student who commits one of the above violations will be sent home for the remainder of that school day and for the next consecutive school day(s) depending on the circumstance of the suspension. After a student’s third suspension in one (1) school year, it is up to the discretion of the parent or staff to schedule a meeting with the Student Success Team. If such a meeting is called, the Student Success Team will be responsible for designing an appropriate behavior intervention plan. If the student or the parents fail to comply with the recommendations made by the Student Success Team, the student will become eligible for expulsion. All disciplinary interventions enacted by the School will be done in accordance with the provisions set forth in the School’s approved charter documents and, in the case of special education students, will conform to procedures outlines in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

32 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

After all suspensions, the parent and student must meet with the teacher and/or school administrator before the student is allowed to return to class. School administration has the discretion to suspend a student for up to five days depending on the severity and the frequency of the student’s inappropriate behavior. Expulsion In accordance with California law, the following behaviors may result in an immediate expulsion:

● Causing serious injury to another person ● Possession, use of, sale of, or furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object ● Unlawful possession of, use or sale of any controlled substance ● Robbery or extortion ● Offering, furnishing, or selling any drug paraphernalia ● Criminal behavior and/or other persistent, severe policy infractions ● Suspension for more than ten (10) days in any one school year ● Terrorist threats, hate violence, hate crimes, sexual assault, or battery

Serious misconduct in violation of the California Education Code is grounds for suspension or expulsion from school. The decision to recommend expulsion of a student will be made by the administration, and the final decision to expel is at the discretion of the GICS Board of Trustees. A student may be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated in this section. This includes but is not limited to any of the following: while on school grounds; while going to or coming from school; and during, or while going to or coming from a school-sponsored activity. Process for Suspension and/or Expulsion and Rights of Students Ensuring Due Process Notification and Informal Conference When a situation involving a student arises that calls for suspension, an informal conference will be conducted by the administrative staff and will include the student and the student’s parents/guardians. A member of the administrative staff or designated personnel will make reasonable attempts to contact the parent/guardian immediately via telephone. If the parent cannot be reached immediately by telephone, staff will continue to follow up throughout the day or attempt to contact the parent in person. In the case of an emergency situation, where a clear and present danger exists that threatens the health and safety of students or school personnel, the student may be suspended without a conference. Should a student be suspended without a conference, the parent/guardian will be notified of the suspension and a conference will be held as soon as reasonably possible. A written notification will be sent home on the same day. The written notice will detail the incident and specify the grounds for suspension, including the recommended date(s) of suspension. The notice will request a conference with the parents/guardians, if one has not already been conducted, and will require parents/guardians to respond to this request immediately. Length of Suspension The maximum number of days of suspension for a single incident may not exceed a period of five (5) consecutive school days unless the administration and parents/guardians agree to a longer term. For suspensions exceeding five days, a second conference will be scheduled with the parent/guardian upon completion of the fifth day of suspension to discuss the progress of the suspension.

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Provisions for a Student’s Education During Suspension GICS will make all reasonable arrangements to provide the student with classroom materials and current assignments to be completed by the student at home during the suspension. Expulsion Hearing The decision to recommend expulsion of a student will be at the discretion of the administration, while the final decision for expulsion rests with the Board of Trustees. Students recommended for expulsion have a right to a hearing to determine the appropriateness of an expulsion. This hearing will be conducted within a period of thirty (30) days from when the school administrator determines that grounds for expulsion exist. The hearing shall be presided by the Board of Trustees. Parents/guardians will be notified of the expulsion hearing at least ten (10) calendar days before the date of the hearing. The written notification will include:

-Date, time and place of hearing -A description of facts pertaining to the incident that calls for the expulsion -Grounds for expulsion

-An indication that the student and the student’s parents/guardians may appear in person at the hearing, has the right to bring witness, and may present evidence on his or her behalf

Alternative Educational Programs for Expelled Students If a decision is made to expel a student from GICS, the school will work cooperatively with the student’s district of residence (Student Discipline Proceedings Unit for former LAUSD students), county, and/or private schools (if last school of attendance for student) to assist with the educational placement of the expelled student. As permitted by law, GICS will communicate any incident of violent and/or serious behavior to the district/school to which the student matriculates. Non-Discrimination Statement The Goethe International Charter School is committed to providing a working and learning environment that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment. GICS prohibits discrimination and harassment based on an individual’s sex (including sexual orientation or gender identity, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition); ethnicity (such as race, color, national origin and ancestry); religion; disability (mental or physical or reasonable accommodation); age; marital status; or any other basis protected by federal, state, local law, ordinance or regulation. Harassment based on any of the above-protected categories is a form of unlawful discrimination and will not be tolerated by GICS. Harassment, intimidation or abusive behavior toward a student or employee that creates a hostile environment can result in disciplinary action against the offending student or employee. Harassing conduct may take many forms, including verbal remarks and name-calling, graphic and written statements, or conduct that is physically threatening or humiliating. Anti-Bullying Policy Goethe International Charter School is committed to providing a safe learning and working environment. GICS will not tolerate bullying or any behavior that infringes on the safety or well-being of students, employees, or any other persons within the school’s jurisdiction; and will not tolerate retaliation in any form when bullying has been reported. School policy continues to require all personnel to promote among students and staff mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance.

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Bullying is defined as aggressive behavior that involves an imbalance of real or perceived physical or psychological power among those involved. Typically, the behavior is repeated over time and includes the use of hurtful words and/or acts. Bullying behaviors may include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: ● Verbal: Hurtful name-calling, teasing, gossiping, making threats, making rude noises or spreading

hurtful rumors ● Nonverbal: Posturing, making gang signs, leering, staring, stalking, destroying property, using

graffiti or graphic images, or exhibiting inappropriate and/or threatening gestures or actions ● Physical: Hitting, punching, pushing, shoving, poking, kicking tripping, strangling, hair, pulling,

fighting, beating, biting, spitting, or destroying property ● Emotional (Psychological): Rejecting terrorizing, extorting, defaming, intimidating, humiliating,

blackmailing, manipulating friendships, isolating, ostracizing, using peer pressure, or rating or ranking personal characteristics

● Cyber bullying: Sending insulting or threatening messages by phone, e-mail, web sites or any other electronic or written communication

Each instance of hurtful behavior directed at another student is addressed within the GICS Discipline Steps. Teachers and administrators may skip steps depending on the severity of the behavior. Due to the imbalance of power, strategies that involve confrontation between the target and the perpetrator (e.g., Reflection Circle that involves both parties) are avoided. STUDENT HEALTH Immunizations New students cannot be enrolled unless an official yellow immunization record provided by a physician or the health department is presented at the time of enrollment and immunizations are up to date. There are new requirements for Hepatitis B and Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccines (MMR) for new enrollees entering kindergarten. The immunization status of all students will be reviewed periodically. Those students who do not meet the state guidelines must be excluded from school until all the requirements are met. Students who have been exposed to a communicable disease for which they have not been immunized may be excluded from school at the discretion of the school. Please check with a doctor to make sure that your children are up to date with all their vaccinations. Tuberculosis Clearance Effective July 1, 2012, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health rescinded the School TB Mandate for all new students entering a California school for the first time. Thus, for the 2013- 2014 school year, all Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students and students in grades 1 through 12 who are new to California will no longer need to provide proof of a TB skin test or status as a condition of enrollment in school. This does not affect preschool or school district employee TB screening requirements, both of which remain in effect. Chronic Conditions/Medication For your child’s safety, the school must be aware of any special needs your child may have, such as asthma, allergies, or any other persistent medical conditions. You are required to notify the office and your child’s teacher of any acute or chronic condition. In order to dispense medication for chronic

35 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

conditions, the school must have a GICS Medication Form filled out by the prescribing doctor and signed by the parent. The form must state the medical condition requiring medication, the manner in which the medication is administered, the frequency and the dosage. Medication left in the office must be in its original prescription packaging. Please note expiration dates and replace medication stored at school as needed. Health and Medical Accommodations The school office must be notified if a student with a medical or health condition requires accommodations at school in order to participate in the education program. The school administrator will arrange to meet with the parent and necessary school staff to develop an accommodation plan for the student’s medical condition. Students with diabetes, severe asthma and severe allergies should have an accommodation plan at the school (See section on 504 application). Communicable Diseases/Lice Communicable disease inspections will be conducted periodically. A student suspected of having a communicable disease will be excluded from school until guidelines for readmission are met. Outbreaks of head lice are very common. The school follows the suggested preventative routines outlined by the Los Angeles County Health Department. These routines include periodic head checks and disinfecting of all necessary areas in the school. If you discover that anyone in your family has lice, please notify the school immediately. GICS staff and/or a nurse will check students at school. A child with lice eggs and/or lice in his/her hair will be sent home to prevent the spread to other children. An affected child may only return to class when he/she has been effectively treated and the office inspects the child or the family presents a doctor’s clearance. Lice can spread from one person to another and from school to school regardless of good personal hygiene. Prompt treatment is the best way to minimize the spread at school and at home. Other Illnesses A student returning to school with sutures, casts, crutches, brace(s), or a wheelchair must have a physician’s written permission to attend school and must comply with any safety procedures required by the school administration. A student returning to school following a serious or prolonged illness, injury, surgery, or other hospitalization, must have written permission by the healthcare provider to attend school, including any recommendations regarding physical activity. A letter from a medical doctor can excuse a student who is unable to participate in a regular or modified physical education curriculum for a temporary period of time (less than 10 weeks) due to illness or injury. A current emergency information card must be on file at the school so that parents/guardians can be notified promptly in case of an accident, illness or emergency. Treatment of School Related Injuries It is the policy of the school to treat minor injuries (scrapes, paper cuts, bumps, etc.) with ice packs, soap and water and Band-Aids as needed. Parents are notified about minor injuries at the discretion of the administration. When confronted with more serious injuries/illnesses, school staff will contact parent, and, if required, transport the student to the nearest hospital emergency room.

36 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect Any school employee who reasonably suspects that child abuse or neglect has occurred or is occurring is required by law to file a child abuse report. These reports are filed with the appropriate child protective services agency such as the local police, sheriff’s department or the Department of Children and Family Services. The appropriate local law enforcement agency shall investigate complaints filed by parents or guardians of pupils against a school employee or other person that commits an alleged act of child abuse involving any current or former students. If the report is substantiated, the agency will inform the governing board of GICS.

37 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

COMMUNICATION It is very important that the communication between home and school is a continuous process. Please make sure your home, work, and cell phone numbers are current so that the office can contact you during the day if necessary. Our primary method of communicating with families is via email. If your family does not have access to email, it is important that you let us know so that we can provide you with printed information. Translation will be provided. In order to ensure a smooth operation of the school without disruption or distraction, and the compliance with applicable laws and policies, flyers, notices, solicitations or other materials may not be distributed to students or their parents on campus or in the Valet line. All school-related notices (e.g., requests for volunteers, information about community events, etc.) can be submitted to the Executive Director for inclusion in the school’s weekly email blast to families or, as needed, distributed to students to bring home. Parents are asked to use discretion in sending “email blasts” to families at school. Each class has a Room Parent who is asked to coordinate class-related communications between families and the teacher. If you have a question or concern about any incident, problem, or practice concerning the school, please bring that to the attention of the Executive Director. It is inappropriate and disruptive to the school if persons post complaints or gripes about an incident on Facebook, yahoo groups or other listserv-type websites. Questions and concerns about school operations should be directed as follows:

● The School Site Council, as detailed earlier in this Handbook, includes elected parent representatives, along with the elected leaders of the Goethe Parents Association, teacher-elected representatives and the Principal. Parents and faculty are encouraged to discuss their interests and concerns regarding school policies and operations with their elected representatives.

● The Executive Director and/or Principal is available to address any parent, student, staff or volunteer questions or concerns, particularly regarding individual students or staff.

● The Board of Trustees, as the governing body of the school, is the ultimate overseer of operations. Each Board Meeting includes a Public Comment during which time any member of the public may speak briefly.

At all times the adults in our community are expected to model the positive communication behaviors we ask of our students and to ensure that communications with faculty, staff and parents are respectful. All members of our school community are also asked to respect the privacy and confidentiality of our individual students, faculty and staff and to attempt to resolve any conflicts via the steps outlined in this Handbook. If at any time any member of this school community (student, teacher, staff, parent or volunteer) has a conflict with another member of the school community that they believe cannot be resolved directly in a one-on-one conversation, the individual should speak with the Executive Director about his/her concerns.

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To Contact Teachers If you would like to speak with your child’s teacher, please either send a note to school, or email your teacher directly. You may also call the school office and leave a message for the teacher to call you. A staff directory is included on the school website. To Contact Administration Call, e-mail or drop by the office to get information, ask questions or make suggestions. Whenever possible, an administrator will meet with you to discuss your immediate concerns. When schedules do not permit an immediate conference, please leave a message so that the appropriate administrator can call or, when appropriate, set up an appointment to meet. To Contact Your Child If you need to communicate with your child during school, call the office and leave a message for your child. A child will only be called to the phone if it is an emergency. Please make all carpool or after school pick-up arrangements with your child before school. Parent Concerns About Staff or Program Teachers are available to discuss any concerns that a parent has regarding their teaching style or content, disciplinary measures, or personal interaction with a child. Questions regarding GICS curriculum, school rules or the professional conduct of any GICS employee can be addressed by making an appointment with the Principal. Procedure for Resolving Parent Conflicts GICS recognizes its responsibility for ensuring compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. Parents/guardians understand that GICS has its own Board of Trustees that is separate from Los Angeles Unified School District’s (LAUSD) Board of Education. Parents/guardians also understand that LAUSD will refer such complaints to the charter school’s administration or Board. Therefore, parents/guardians agree to follow the procedures below to resolve conflicts in a timely manner:

Step 1: First, the parent will make an appointment and meet with the Executive Director. Step 2: If the conflict is not resolved, the parent will meet with a representative of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Director. Step 3: If the previous two steps fail to arrive at a resolution, the parent may submit his/her concern in writing to the Board of Trustees (the parent may receive assistance with writing if desired). The Board will discuss the issue and render a decision. All decisions made by the Board are final.

39 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

Parent Complaint Process

40 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

GENERAL POLICIES After School Program GICS currently offers the Coach Derek after-school program for students. This program provides a safe environment and interesting classes in academics and enrichment. Coach Derek supports programs that instill character building into every facet of their curriculum. Information and enrollment forms are available in the school office and on our website. Birthdays A child’s birthday is a special occasion. Discuss with your child’s teacher his/her special way of celebrating. Some students may wish to donate a book to the library as a gift to the school on their birthday. If you and your child’s teacher agree that you may provide a special treat, please keep them minimal and as healthy as possible with awareness of any food allergies of classmates. Cell Phone Policy We know that, for many parents, a cell phone is a way to be in contact with your child in the event of an emergency. Cell phones/devices are to be stored in the student’s backpack, purse or any other book bag in the “off” position at all times while on campus (Monday through Friday, including during after school). The school takes no responsibility for electronic devices brought to campus. If we see your child’s cell phone or other electronic device on campus (including before and after school), we will confiscate it. If your child needs to use the phone to contact you for emergency purposes, your child may use the main office phone with adult permission. Parents who need to contact their child during the day for emergency purposes must call the main office. Computers and Acceptable Use In order to use school computers and/or the Internet, students must file an Acceptable Use Contract signed by the student and a parent/guardian. All students having access to the Internet must adhere to federally mandated rules for Internet use. Internet access is a privilege. Any behavior that is not acceptable may result in the loss of this privilege. GICS rules include the following:

● Handle the computers and equipment with care and as directed by the teacher. ● Be respectful of the rights, the ideas, the information, and the privacy of others. ● Neither send nor receive information that is not related to schoolwork, or that can be hurtful or

harmful to others. ● Report to teachers any sites or persons that demonstrate inappropriate use of online service.

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Field Trips Field trips provide an opportunity for first-hand experiences that complement classroom learning. In order to participate on a field trip, all students must have a completed permission slip with a parent signature. Field trip slips will be sent home before the trip and must by filled out by a parent or legal guardian. For some recurring trips (i.e. the library or off-site fire drill evacuation) we require just one trip slip for the entire school year. Volunteer chaperones must be approved by the teacher, must have proof of negative TB Mantoux skin test on file, have cleared a Live Scan background check before the trip, be 21 years of age or older, and may not bring other children on the trip. A student may be excluded from a field trip because of disrespectful or unsafe behavior or as a consequence of failing to follow school expectations. Homework Policy Homework is planned to meet the needs of the students and has an essential place in the educational program. The purpose of homework is to reinforce learning that has taken place during the school day. Ideally this work should be at such a level that the student is able to complete the required tasks independently. The amount of homework should vary depending on the age, classes, types of assignments, and student work habits. Parents are empowered to use their judgment to modify homework to increase the level of challenge for their child(ren) as needed or to modify homework which is redundant and does not challenge a student. In order for such homework to be accepted by a teacher, it must have a written rationale and a parent signature attached. Lunches/Snacks Each child should come to school with a nutritional, sugar-free snack and bottled water. GICS offers hot lunch for purchase through LAUSD, including different choices offered each day. Hot lunch menus are posted on the LAUSD website. Invoices for hot lunch purchases will be sent home to parents monthly. Parents may pre-load money to their student’s account at the Main Office through the Accounts Administrator/Director of Operations. A free or reduced price meal application is available at http://café-la.lausd.net. Hard copies are also available in the Main Office. This information is kept confidential. Alternatively, students may bring their own lunches. Please send only nutritious foods for snack time and lunch – soda, gum and candy are prohibited. Students are required to bring a clearly labeled, refillable water bottle to school each day. Please bring it full. The school has purified water for refills, but will not provide disposable cups. Lost and Found We request that your child’s name be clearly marked on all items that come to school with him/her (i.e. pencil boxes, lunch boxes, notebooks, jackets, and school clothing). Lost items that are found will be held in the GPA shed near the GICS entry for 30 days, at which time they will be used in the office for emergencies and/or donated to charity. Personal Property Personal property not related to the school’s programs may not be brought to school, including toys, MP3 players, card collections, etc. If you are not sure what is allowed, please ask your child’s teacher. The school takes no responsibility for personal property brought to campus.

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Textbooks/School Materials Students will be issued books and materials necessary for classroom instruction. These books become the responsibility of the student. Damaged or lost books must be replaced by the parents. Different grades have specific school supply needs; therefore, each teacher has developed a list of requested materials to be provided by the parents. A list of requested supplies will be posted before school starts. Your willingness to supply these items will be greatly appreciated. Families who qualify for free or reduced price lunch may be offered assistance in obtaining necessary school supplies. PARENT VOLUNTEERS Parent involvement is a hallmark of the success of GICS. As a parent founded school, we are firmly committed to ensuring that parents participate actively in supporting our school. Each parent is encouraged to volunteer five hours per month, with a wide variety of activities available to encompass different skills, interests, and schedules. The Goethe Parents Association helps coordinate all parent volunteer activities. Volunteer Clearances In order to ensure the safety and security of our students and staff, and to be in compliance with applicable laws and policies (including newly instituted policies of the Los Angeles County Office of Education), all volunteers who will work on campus with children (in classrooms, in the office, in the play yard, or on field trips), will be required to provide a Live Scan background check to the school before commencing volunteering. Live Scan technology allows digitally scanned fingerprints and related information to be submitted electronically to the Department of Justice within a matter of minutes and allows criminal background checks to be processed quickly, usually within 72 hours. In California, a certified fingerprint roller, or qualified law enforcement personnel, must do fingerprinting. If you would like more information, please visit the California Department of Justice website at: http://oag.ca.gov/fingerprints A listing of the numerous facilities that offer Live Scan fingerprinting can be found at http://ag.ca.gov/fingerprints/publications/contact.php#losangeles. Please bring a valid driver's license or a valid passport and a completed Live Scan form that can be obtained in the school office. Results are directly sent to the school’s Custodian of Records in approximately 3 business days. In order to expedite your clearance, please bring your receipt to the Director of Operations. All reports are handled with strict confidentiality and destroyed in accordance with applicable laws. There is a fee to obtain a Live Scan report. Families who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch and would like assistance in covering the cost of this report should speak with the Executive Director. All volunteers who are in contact with children are required to provide a Mantoux TB test to verify that they are free from tuberculosis as stated in California Health and Safety Code §121545 TB Test School Volunteers. If you had your TB test done in the last four years, please provide the office with that information.

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Confidentiality Volunteers will refrain from discussing individual student’s behavioral or academic challenges. Similarly, volunteers who take on leadership roles with the school, including serving on the Board of Trustees, will be held to standards of conduct appropriate to those roles. Any questions about these obligations should be directed to the Executive Director. Hours Reporting At the end of this Handbook is a Volunteer Hours Report form. An electronic form is found on the GPA page on the GICS website. Families are strongly encouraged to report their volunteer hours. Tracking hours is an important part of our accountability. Sign-In Volunteers must sign it at the office each time they volunteer on campus and obtain an ID badge. Volunteer Opportunities There are numerous ways in which parents can volunteer at GICS: 1. Participate in School Governance and Management

● Run for a parent representative seat on the GICS Board of Trustees; ● Run for a leadership position in the Goethe Parents Association. The President and Vice-

President additionally serve on the School Site Council; ● Run for a position on the School Site Council.

2. Volunteer on Campus for Events GPA-led volunteer activities fall into four categories. Contact information for the various activities are provided in the directory at the end of this Handbook, or parents can email [email protected] to be directed to the appropriate contact. ● Outreach & Diversity: These parents work directly with the Executive Director to conduct outreach

at local preschools and community organizations, post fliers, promote the school and encourage applications for enrollment. Outreach & Diversity also includes building community awareness of GICS through participation in neighborhood councils, Rotary, and other organizations, forming partnerships with local service organizations and employers, and more.

● Community Events: Each Event has a Chair, or Co-Chairs, and recruits numerous volunteers to help

plan, set-up, produce and clean up each event.

o Parent Universities/Monthly Meetings: Parent Universities consist of evening class sessions designed to help parents better understand relevant school-related topics. These sessions are taught by staff as well as specialists in various fields. The GPA assists in the planning and hosting of these sessions.

o Family Events: Back to School Picnic, Autumn Festival, Lantern Festival, etc.

o Hospitality: This committee organizes events to help welcome new families to Goethe,

along with organizing summer play dates and answering questions to help new families integrate into the Goethe community.

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● Fundraising: Each event has a Chair, or Co-Chairs, and recruits numerous volunteers to help plan,

set-up, and produce and clean up each event.

o Goethe Café: Each Friday during drop off and pick up, the GPA hosts a bazaar. Each week a class or GPA Committee sponsors the Café, and the proceeds go to that class or committee. The Goethe Café is a weekly tradition that has raised thousands of dollars for our classroom field trips.

o Pledge Drive: Parent volunteers support GICS’s annual pledge drive with a goal of 100%

parent participation.

o Silent Auction: This biggest fundraiser of the year requires many parent volunteers.

o Jog-a-thon: A popular fundraiser where the students solicit sponsors and run for the school.

o Smaller Events/Activities: Spirit Store, Book Fair, Dinner Night Out, Yearbook, Family

Portraits, etc.

● Student Support

o Room Parents, Classroom Helpers and Field Trip Chaperones: These parent volunteers, under the direction of the teacher, help coordinate communication to parents, assist the teacher in the preparation of art projects and homework and provide extra support for safe and successful field trips.

o Green Team: This committee helps plan and oversee activities of the GICS Recycling

Program, the GICS Kids Ocean Awareness Program, Plastics: The Real Sea Monster art project, Kids Ocean Day beach clean-up and aerial art event, the regular Walk/Bike/Roll to School Days, and the GICS environmental assembly, among other things.

o Growing Great Garden Project: This committee maintains the garden and participating in

Growing Great, an educational and nutritional program that is integrated into our classrooms' curriculum. The programs include harvest of the month, nutrition lessons and planting and harvesting.

o Uniforms: This committee helps families obtain used uniforms.

Other events and volunteer opportunities may arise throughout the year.

48 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

2019-2020 Uniform Policies Uniforms will be required on the first day of school. All tops will need to have an embroidered Goethe logo. Lands’ End and Ink & Stitch are the only vendors permitted due to graphic authenticity. There are used uniforms available for families expressing financial need. Please email the GPA at [email protected] or call the GICS school office at 310-306-3484 for assistance. Mail order / online purchases: www.landsend.com Goethe approved logo wear is available for online and phone order. Please enter GICS’ preferred school number: 900138215 in order to access our customized website for Lands’ End. Once you have done so, you will only see items and colors approved by our school's policy and the correct logo for embroidery can be added for polos, jumpers, jackets and cardigans. The school earns up to 3% of all uniforms purchased. Storefront purchases: Ink & Stitch 11619 Washington Place Los Angeles, CA 90066 (424) 228-4805

Boys Girls Tops (choice of one mandatory)

Short or long sleeved mesh polo shirt in light blue or red with embroidered Goethe logo. Short or Long sleeved light blue Oxford style tailored shirts with embroidered Goethe logo. If you choose to only purchase short-sleeved shirts, your child can wear a white or navy long sleeve undershirt or turtleneck under it. No other colors are allowed.

Short or long sleeved mesh (Pique) polo shirt in light blue or red with embroidered Goethe logo. Short or Long sleeved light blue Oxford style tailored shirts with embroidered Goethe logo. Navy Blue Jumper dress with embroidered Goethe logo. Either a light blue or red polo shirt or a white or navy blue turtleneck must be worn underneath. Lands End brand one-piece cotton pique dress (navy) with Goethe logo. If you choose to only purchase short-sleeved shirts, your child can wear a white or navy long sleeve undershirt or turtleneck under it. No other colors are allowed.

49 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

Jacket (choice of one mandatory)

Navy blue zipper hoodie jacket with embroidered Goethe logo. Navy blue fleece jacket with embroidered Goethe logo. Navy blue windbreaker jacket with embroidered Goethe logo. Jackets may be embroidered in white with your child’s name or initials on the right.

Navy blue zipper hoodie jacket with embroidered Goethe logo. Navy blue fleece jacket with embroidered Goethe logo. Navy blue windbreaker jacket with embroidered Goethe logo. Jackets may be embroidered in white with your child’s name or initials on the right.

Bottoms (choice of one mandatory)

Navy blue uniform style pants or shorts that fit at the waist. No “Cargo-style”, denim, sweatpants or yoga pants are permitted.

Navy blue uniform style skorts, skirts, shorts or pants that fit at waist. Manhattan plaid skirts or skorts. Skirts and skorts should be no higher than three inches above the knee. Navy blue bike shorts or leggings should be worn under skirts to ensure modesty. No other color is permissible for the undergarments. No “Cargo-style”, denim, sweatpants or yoga pants are permitted.

Optional items Navy blue cardigan with embroidered Goethe logo. Navy blue long tie can be worn with Oxford style shirt. Navy blue squall parka with embroidered Goethe logo for cold and rainy days. Navy V-neck sweater with Goethe logo. Navy fleece vest with Goethe Logo.

Navy blue cardigan with embroidered Goethe Logo. Navy Blue long tie or navy blue criss/cross tie for girls can be worn with Oxford Style blouse. Navy blue squall parka with embroidered Goethe logo for cold and rainy days. Navy V-neck sweater with Goethe logo. Navy fleece vest with Goethe logo.

Hats Hats are not mandatory, however if students want to wear hats on campus, it must be

Hats are not mandatory, however if students want to wear hats on campus, it must be a Goethe hat, either baseball

50 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

a Goethe hat, either baseball cap or bucket hat style with embroidered Goethe logo. Hats can only be worn outside the classrooms.

cap or bucket hat style with embroidered Goethe logo. Hats can only be worn outside the classrooms.

Shoes/ Socks

Any athletic shoe or other rubber-soled shoe is permissible with the preferred colors being black, white or navy. Please note that shoes must be closed toed, no open toe sandals are permitted. The school prefers that for safety reasons students will not wear “Crocs” closed toe shoes to school. Any color of socks is permissible.

Any athletic shoe or other rubber-soled shoe is permissible with the preferred colors being black, white or navy. Please note that shoes must be closed toed, no open toe sandals are permitted. The school prefers that for safety reasons students will not wear “Crocs” closed toe shoes to school. Any color of socks or stockings is permissible.

Rain Gear Students are permitted to wear non-uniform raingear on top of their regular uniform on rainy days.

Students are permitted to wear non-uniform raingear on top of their regular uniform on rainy days.

51 Goethe International Charter School Family Handbook, 2019-2020

MODIFIED CONSENT DECREE NOTICE TO PARENTS 2019-2020 Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): The Los Angeles Unified School District (based on Modified Consent Decree requirements) established the Complaint Response Unit (CRU)/Parent Resource Network (PRN) in the Division of Special Education to respond to concerns of parents of students with disabilities. CPU/PRN services may be accessed by calling (800) 933-8133, or by visiting the Unit at the administrative offices of the Los Angeles Unified School District, located at 333 South Beaudry, 17th Floor, Los Angeles, 90017. The District utilizes a visitor management security system. In order to gain entrance to the building, visitors will be required to present valid picture identification to security in the lobby. The Unit is responsible for accurately recording all parent inquiries and complaints that are received by telephone or in writing. Through the Unit, the District provides parents with a written response in one of the following ways:

1. A remedy and, where appropriate, the date by which the remedy shall be implemented; 2. Information that an appropriate referral has been made; 3. Recommended course of action for the complaint; or 4. A determination that the complaint has been investigated and determined to be unfounded.

The Unit is responsible for providing accurate information and recording all District and school responses to specific parent inquires. District staff are expected to meet the following performance standards when dealing with parent/guardian complaints:

a. 20% of complaints will be responded to within 5 working days. b. 50% of complaints will be responded to within 10 working days. c. 75% of complaints will be responded to within 20 working days. d. 90% of complaints will be responded to within 30 working days. e. The District will be required to report to the Independent Monitor on the status of each complaint not

resolved within 30 working days, at 5 working day intervals, until the complaint is resolved. The CPU/PRN is staffed by parents of students with disabilities that have been trained in responding to parent concerns and serves as a liaison to District staff regarding complaints. The CPU/PRN also provides monthly parent trainings on the second Wednesday of each month and selected Saturdays. For information or a copy of the CPU/PRN brochure and a list of monthly trainings, please contact your child’s school or the CPU/PRN. The brochure and trainings are available on the Division of Special Education website at http://sped.lausd.net/. Please contact Dr. Chris Jones, Executive Director, with any questions. Thank you,

Dr. Chris Jones Executive Director

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GICS Parent Volunteer Hours Log **This form is to log volunteer hours outside of school. When volunteering at school, please sign-in to the volunteer log in the office. Please log volunteer hours by the month and email/turn in this log to GPA Volunteer Coordinator. Name_______________________ Month/Year______________ Signature____________________ Total Hours Spent_______________ (Total your number of hours below and enter here)

Date Activity Your Role Hours Spent

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Dr. Chris Jones, Executive Director Goethe International Charter School

12500 Braddock Drive Los Angeles, CA 90066

Fax: (310) 306-3484

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