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Parent Guide to 4th Grade


In the Brighton Central School District, parents are highly regarded as important

partners in education. The “Fourth Grade Parent Guide” provides valuable information to

help you guide and reinforce your child's learning. Within these pages you will find

helpful suggestions, which will contribute to your child's success. As you follow your

child's learning development, please keep two things in mind: all learning progresses

through stages which cannot be rushed and no two children learn in the same way or

at the same pace. Parents are encouraged to join educators in recognizing and

celebrating the individuality of each child.

It is our hope that all children will eventually become responsible for their own

learning in the classroom and beyond, just as they become responsible for the

routines and chores in which they participate at home. Expecting children to

complete chores and assignments, as well as giving them choices and holding them

responsible for the choices they make, serves them well.

Most nine-year-olds enter fourth grade able to work independently. They are also able

to give feedback and accept suggestions from their peers.


The goal of FOURTH GRADE Language Arts is to support students as they continue to

develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The Common Core Learning

Standards provide a roadmap for instruction throughout the year.

Our goal in 4th Grade reading is to help students read quickly and accurately in a

variety of texts, for a variety of purposes. Students also learn from books on topics in

science and social studies. Fourth grade children are expected to plan and direct their

own learning. They learn to adjust their rate of reading according to text difficulty and

their purpose for reading. They exercise more and more decision making in their

choice of books and report topics. Encourage your child to describe himself or herself

as a reader and writer.

The writing progress of fourth graders is closely monitored by your child’s teacher,

who chooses compatible instructional strategies that lead to increased achievement.

Children who need additional reading support meet with Academic Support

Instructors/teachers who are trained to address targeted student needs. This support

may be provided within the classroom or in the Academic Support room.

Children's writing development continues to progress through stages. Children at this

stage gain control over a variety of writing forms: persuasive, informational, and


We expect to see:

• Conventional spelling

• Longer sentences and more complex idea development, reflecting the child’s

growth in language and ability to maintain focus.

• Children who continue to set goals and evaluate their progress

• Children who gain in their ability to be reflective and find ways to improve

The writing progress of fourth graders is closely monitored by your child’s teacher,

who chooses compatible instructional strategies that lead to increased achievement.

Reading progress is closely monitored using a variety of assessments. In the fall

and spring students will take the MAP test (Measures of Academic Progress) to

monitor comprehension. Fluency progress is also monitored throughout the year

through the use of DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills).

Classroom teachers use the Fountas and Pinnell benchmark assessment system to

gather valuable information used in daily classroom instruction.

Students in grade 3-5 will be involved with a Word Study program. This is a student

centered approach to phonics, spelling & vocabulary instruction that engages the

learner in constructing concepts about the ways words work. Three times a year

students will be given a short assessment called the Developmental Spelling

Analysis which will help teachers to target instruction to match the student’s

instructional learning level. The goal of word study is for students to generalize what

they learn not memorize.

In the Spring, children take the NYS English Language Arts Test to monitor their



The goal of fourth grade mathematics is to help students continue to develop problem

-solving skills that serve lifelong learning. The New York State Learning Standards

provide a roadmap for instruction throughout the year. The mathematics program

builds upon skills previously learned, and also develops a student's ability to

communicate, explore, conjecture, and reason logically. It is important that students

see the value of mathematics and its relationship to everyday life. The emphasis

should be on "doing" math rather than "knowing" math.

Fourth grade students learn:

Number Sense and Operations


Fractions and Decimals




Probability and Data Analysis

Problem solving

Practicing Math Facts

As we go through elementary school, gaining math fact fluency is always something

we ask our students to work on. Practice certainly makes perfect when it comes to

fact fluency. Whether it be addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, students

should be comfortable with all facts from 0 to 12. While we don’t expect all of our 3rd

grade students to have mastered multiplication and division facts by mid-year, our

expectation is that they should be able to complete at least 20 addition and

subtraction facts in one minute. For our 4th and 5

th grade students, our expectation

is that they should be able to complete at least 20 facts per minute in each of the

four areas. Again, practicing facts will help with fluency and will ultimately assist with

all areas of mathematics. Please contact your child’s math teacher if you have any


For more detailed information about the math curriculum for fourth grade, see the

BCSD website referring to curriculum maps.

Classlink: This can be accessed through the Student portal site on BCSD’s main


Use the following to log in:

*Username: Use your school email ([email protected])

*Click on picture of your math book

ixl: https://www.ixl.com/signin/brightoncsd


The goal of fourth grade social studies is to help students learn about themselves; who

they are, where they fit into the community, and the role that institutions such as

government, family, and schools play in their lives. In addition, social studies engages

students in the study of the social, geographical, political, historical, and economic

aspects of life. Students continue to learn to recognize and appreciate the delicate

balance between rights and responsibilities in a democratic society.

Fourth grade students study local and state history and government, tracing social,

historical, and economic changes. The program aims to provide students with an

understanding of the purposes and functions of local governments, and an

appreciation for the heritage of their community, as well as for those who have

contributed to its development.

Fourth grade students study:

The geography of our region and how it has influenced the development of our


The first settlers of our region, the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee)

Explorers of New York State

New York during the Colonial & Revolutionary War Era

How local governments make laws, provide important services, plan and coordinate

community development

How major events such as the building of the Erie Canal and the Industrial

Revolution affected life in Rochester.

Our communities and the Rochester region provide a wealth of family field trip

adventures which will reinforce the study of local history and local government.

Ganondagan State Historical site, Mendon Ponds County Park, Genesee Country

Museum, Strong Museum, the Rochester Museum and Science Center, the Tinker

Homestead, our town halls, and the Monroe County Office Building are only a few of

the many places which you can visit with your child.


The goal of fourth grade science education is to foster an understanding of scientific

facts, concepts, and methods so that students continue to appreciate and understand

science - how it contributes to their lives and society, and how it impacts decisions

regarding the environment, career choices, and future learning.

The New York State Learning Standards are divided into four areas: Life Science, Earth

and Space Science, Physical Science and Engineering Design. Students use the Science and

Engineering practices to learn about their world.

Fourth grade students study and learn about:

Structure, Function and Information Processing-Construct an argument that plants

and animals have internal and external structures for survival, growth, and behavior

Earth’s systems-Analyze rock formations and fossils and weathering and erosion

Energy – Provide evidence of conservation, of energy and conversion of energy

from one form to another

Waves-Describe patterns in terms of amplitude and wavelength

Fourth grade science helps children to discover what they know and don't know, and

that they possess information, which may need to be corrected. Fourth grade

students are expected to: observe, describe, infer, classify, compare, communicate,

record, predict, and verify.


Brighton Central Schools feels that the family is the primary health educator, and we

assist each student attaining his/her optimal physical, mental emotional and social well

-being. Due to the nature of the ever-changing issues facing children today, our

Health Education program is a prevention-based program. We teach students to be

better informed about a wide variety of topics pertinent to their age and

development. As students become more knowledgeable about issues, they also need

to develop proper decision-making and other skills so they can make choices

consistent with the values of their family and community.


Grade Topics

Mental & Emotional Health: Relaxation Strategies, Feelings & Emotions, Stress,

Friendship & Conflict Resolution

Human Growth & Development: Body Systems i.e., Skeletal, Muscular, Respiratory,


Substance Use, Misuse & Abuse: Tobacco, Alcohol, Medicine, Addiction, & Refusal


Communicable & Other Illness: Illness Prevention, Hygiene, Blood Borne



The goal of fourth grade physical education is to help children develop and maintain

healthy and active lifestyles.

Fourth grade students are taught basic conditioning activities for building strength and

flexibility. Games, skills for sports and gymnastics skills are taught. Cooperation, good

sportsmanship, leadership, trust, and respect are emphasized. Safe use of space

during movement also continues to be a point of emphasis. Children love "P.E." and

are eager to attend these classes which are taught three forty minute sessions per



The goal of fourth grade music education is to help students learn about the music of

various cultures through the through the exploration and celebration of literature and

song. Students participate in activities focusing on beat, rhythm, melody, tone,

musical expression, and creativity. In fourth grade, students learn to conduct simple

pieces, study instruments of the orchestra, use recorders to reinforce rhythm and

note reading skills, and explore chords and simple accompaniment. The students will

learn to play the ukulele at the end of the year.


Each fourth grade homeroom is scheduled for instrumental music for a period of thirty

minutes two times each six-day cycle. For the first several cycles, teachers will

demonstrate the instruments that are offered in the brass, woodwind, percussion and

string families and students will have the opportunity to try out any instrument that

they find interesting. During this period, the staff keeps a record of the success that

each student has on the various instruments. At the conclusion of this trial period,

teachers will counsel with students to help them find the instrument that is best suited

for them. Students are not required to participate in the instrumental program after

this point, but approximately 98% of the fourth grade students do elect to start an

instrument. A parent meeting will occur after instrument selections are done.


Students in 4th grade will be actively engaged in the creation of art. They will be

introduced to a wide variety of techniques and mediums helping students develop an

understanding of the elements of design and art principles. Students will learn to

respond to and analyze different works of art, as well as learn about and gain a better

understanding of the cultural contributions of the arts. Art 1-12 is based on a spiraling

curriculum in which student’s build upon information and skills learned in prior years.


Through the library curriculum, students experience a wide variety of reading, listening, and

viewing resources for the promotion of literacy and lifelong enjoyment of reading. They learn to

be information literate, applying the research process to access, evaluate, and use

information accurately and effectively. Students learn to recognize the importance of a

free flow of information from diverse sources, viewpoints, and cultural backgrounds as

essential to a democratic society. Students learn to practice ethical behavior in regard to

information and information technology. They practice personal responsibility by checking out

library materials, caring for them and returning them for others to share.


Fourth grade students have access to instructional technology in the classroom plus,

the Technology Lab once per cycle as a "special". There they practice skills that

complement the classroom curriculum including basic iPad care, keyboarding, and

digital safety. As the year progresses, students become proficient creators of digital

content by reading, writing and publishing in the Cloud


The Brighton Central School District provides a range of opportunities for students to

develop special talents and extend learning.

The French Road Extended Studies Curriculum is multidisciplinary and discovery-

oriented, emphasizing higher level thinking skills, problem solving and hands-on

experiences. Extended Studies Services are intended to be flexible to meet the needs

of the children. There are several delivery options that allow for this flexibility and

provide a continuum of services. General classroom enrichment, small groups,

accelerated math, and consultation are some of the services on our continuum.


If a child is experiencing emotional difficulty, he or she may be seen by a mental

health specialist. A social worker, psychologist or counselor are also available to

assist families and children. If you feel that your child is in need of any special

services, please call the Principal/Assistant Principal to discuss the appropriate action

to take.


1. Let your children know that you believe they can succeed.

2. Praise your child for doing what is requested and for being cooperative. “You are a

good kid” is music to a child’s ear.

3. Provide a special place for study, and allow your child to design the space

according to his or her learning style. Some children learn better with the radio

on and sprawled across the floor and others learn best by sitting at a desk or

table in a quiet room.

4. Maintain household routines such as bedtime activities and chores. These help

children to learn about learning. It is through routines that they learn about cause and

effect, sequencing, and predicting.

5. Encourage group study. Open your home to informal study groups. This will be

especially important as your children grow older.

6. Don't expect all homework to be easy. This may sound silly, but it is good to affirm

that the task is difficult. An acceptance that learning Is hard work and that hard work

pays off, is a powerful insight all good learners need to succeed.


Please review the Family and Student Handbook for complete details. FRES

promotes the Star Qualities of Respect, Responsibility, Self Control, Kindness

and Integrity. We also actively promote a Bully Free School through our actions,

discussions, activities, assemblies and through the Purple Hands Pledge of The

Hands and Words are Not for Hurting Project.


I will not use my hands or my words for hurting myself or others.


As a responsible French Road citizen,

I will treat others with kindness.

I will respect the right

and property of others,

And think before I speak or act.

I pledge to do my best,

even when no one is looking

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