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Page 1: 2021 HKDSE Geography Examination Level 2 Exemplar 2
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2021 HKDSE Geography Paper 1 Level 2 Exemplar 2
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Paper 1 Level 2 exemplar 2 comments

- The candidate demonstrated a basic knowledge and understanding of the curriculum but did not communicate

his/her ideas effectively.

- In Question 2, the candidate wrongly identified landform X as a volcanic island arc and the explanation in

part (a) (ii) was mostly irrelevant. He/she only explained briefly the accumulation of energy near a plate boundary

before earthquakes. The candidate drew diagrams as the answer to part (a), but these were neither well-drawn nor

appropriately annotated. In part (b), the candidate interpreted the information and identified some physical and

human factors causing serious damage to town P. However, he/she failed to clearly explain these factors. The

physical constraints on the reconstruction of town P were not mentioned in part (c), and the comments on human

constraints were either too brief or irrelevant.

- In Question 5, the candidate interpreted the information and described the trend in carbon dioxide emissions.

He/she gave a general explanation of increasing emissions in terms of changes in energy consumption but did not

account for this. In part (a) (ii), the candidate compared the carbon dioxide emissions and temperature anomalies

and described their relationship but there was scope for further explanation. The candidate briefly described the

impact of the rise in seawater temperature on coral but failed to explain the adverse ecological and economic

impacts of coral bleaching. The candidate briefly explained how the vast desert area in Australia favours the

development of solar energy. Finally, the candidate briefly explained how solar energy could reduce the burning

of fossil fuels. However, his/her other arguments were unconvincing.

- In Question 6, the candidate only explained briefly the influence of fetch on coastal processes along the

southeastern coast of Hong Kong. He/she cited Ng Fan Chau and Tai Long Beach as examples, explaining the

meaning of the Chinese name of the former and drawing a sketch diagram of the latter. However, he/she should

instead have focused on explaining the factors that affect the coastal processes in these two areas. In the second

part, the candidate briefly discussed some general demerits of a few hard coastal management strategies.

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2021 HKDSE Geography Paper 2 Level 2 Exemplar 2
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Paper 2 Level 2 exemplar 2 comments

- The candidate demonstrated a basic understanding of the curriculum content and communicated this briefly,

occasionally making use of geographical terminology.

- In Question 1 (a), the candidate correctly identified rock type K and described its characteristics. However, the

explanation of zone M was inappropriate as the mineral ‘mica’ is not ‘soluble in rainwater’. He/she did not mention

the presence of joints that help the infiltration of rainwater, or the chemical processes leading to weathering. In

Question 1 (b), he/she wrongly identified reclamation materials P and Q as two types of soil materials. As a result,

the stated advantages of using reclamation material P in the construction of the airport were irrelevant. In

Question 1 (c), the candidate did not provide sufficient justification for the choice of reclamation material Q.

He/she only stated that it brought about less harm to the environment as it came from ‘old buildings’, and stated

briefly that marine sand fill taken from the sea caused more pollution, without giving further explanation.

- In Question 5, the candidate gave only a brief account of how rainwater causes weathering of granite in Hong

Kong, but did not show any understanding of the processes of mass wasting. In the second part, the candidate

wrongly cited hiking as a human activity that might cause ‘leaching’, and gave an unconvincing answer suggesting

that a ‘super typhoon’, which is the result of ‘global warming’ caused by human activities, would cause landslides.

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