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1 Rick KraftScaling: Why mines are investing in mechanized scaling? 2 Selling ScalersNormeeting 20123 he conce!t of scaling is easy:" the removal of loose materialhe !ractise of scaling is diffic#lt:" it can $e challenging to identify loose materialNormeeting 2012% Scaling is dangero#s:" to N& scale is fatal'herefore( scaling is re)#ired for a safe *orking environment:" +fall off gro#nd+ is the n#m$er one killer of e,!erienced #ndergro#nd !ersonnelNormeeting 2012- .ersonal e,am!les1/ 0omestake2/ 1#ll2rog3/ 34%/ 5imestone-/ ro#t 5akeNormeeting 20126 0o* to sell7nderstand the local conditionsA. Rock typeB. Geologic structureC. How are they scaling now?D. What is the roof control plan?E. K!W your custo"erNormeeting 20128 hese men entr#st their safety to yo#'Normeeting 20129 0o* to sell:t is re)#ired to kno* some $asics of geology:#. $ypes of rockA. %gneousB. &eta"orphicC. 'e(i"entaryNormeeting 2012; Rock cycleNormeeting 201210 :gneo#s Rock1/ etamor!hic Rock1/