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  • 21 Ideas To Get Things Done by Taking Control of Your Time, Tasks & Priorities
  • Idea #1: Do It Now Tackle quick & easy tasks first or the moment you think of it If you use a to-do list, cross it off after completion (this works with household chores, too)
  • Idea #2: Breathe Take a few moments to breathe, relax & gather your thoughts before jumping into your work tasks Smile & say something nice to yourself
  • Idea #3: Planning Make time for planning at the beginning & end of your day At the end of the day, write your top 3 priorities for the next day
  • Idea #4: Organize Your Office A cluttered office often leads to a cluttered mind Take a few short breaks during the day to organize your office Take out whatever doesnt belong in your work space
  • Idea #5: Get a Door Or a nice decorative screen to separate your work space from your living space Consider a Do Not Disturb sign as well
  • Idea #6: Set a Timer Set the timer to 30 or 45 minutes & focus on a single task When the timer goes off, take a short break then reset the timer
  • Idea #7: Set Work Hours Knowing that you have to finish work by a certain time will help you focus & prioritize Dressing for work also helps with productivity
  • Idea #8: Keep a Journal Track your tasks & productivity along with any interruptions Notice any patterns or how you can focus better in the future
  • Idea #9: Start a Book of Achievements Whenever you hit a milestone or achieve something youre proud of, write it down Revisit this list or book when youre feeling down or unproductive
  • Idea #10: Get Out of Your Chair Youll come back to your desk refreshed & ready for more tasks
  • Idea #11: Eat Sensibly Dont skip meals or eat at your desk Pay attention to what youre eating & enjoy it Drink water to avoid dehydration Good eating habits lead to a focused mind
  • Idea #12: Make Use of Goals & Rewards Set daily goals & rewards in addition to long term business goals
  • Idea #13: Hold Google Hangout Meetings Have weekly or twice weekly status meetings with clients or staff Train them to collect questions to be discussed at each meeting
  • Idea #14: Budget Extra Time for Projects Double the amount of time you think a project will take
  • Idea #15: Identify Time Consuming Tasks End of project tasks can be time consuming Budget your time wisely & estimate extra time for these extra tweaks
  • Idea #16: Learn to Ignore Things Schedule your email & IM time Turn off notifications when working on other projects
  • Idea #17: Make Cooking Easier Make double the amount of food & freeze it Use a slow cooker
  • Idea #18: Limit Social Media Use a timer to limit your social media time
  • Idea #19: Exercise Get up from your desk & move Exercise helps eliminate toxins, re-energize the body & mind & oxygenates the blood cells
  • Idea #20: Use a Password Manager No more hunting around for forgotten passwords No more emailing sites to reset your passwords
  • Idea #21: Avoiding a Workaholic Syndrome Working extra hours does NOT equal more productivity Over working poses serious health risks, such as depression, burn out, high blood pressure & more
  • Want More Resources? Home-Study Programs Private Consulting Chat Personally with Deanna www.DeannaMaio.com
  • Meet Deanna Maio, Systems & Implementation Strategist Helping online biz owners doing too much themselves, figure out what to do, what to delegate, and create systems so they know that what they delegate will get done. Systems & Implementation Strategist, Deanna Maios step-by-step strategies and training programs have helped hundreds of online business owners, coaches, consultants, and freelancers have more time and get more done by having the right plan, systems and teams. For more great planning, systems, and team buidling resources to boost your results visit www.DeannaMaio.com

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