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Page 1: 21 jump street (conventions of titles)

21 jump street (conventions of titles)

Sabrina Alovisi

Page 2: 21 jump street (conventions of titles)

The opening In this opening they have used clips that have been used in the films, however they have also used clips that aren't from the film but still are related to the film. For example they have used clips of explosions, drugs, money and girls.

In addition they have also used clips that are related to certain areas that help with the production of the film. For example for who made the music, they have used the clip of tape recorders. Another example is the writers of the story 21 jump street, the clip comes up of someone on a type writer.

Using both these aspect of the film so far it adds humour and makes it more interesting to watch, rather than a long list of peoples names.

Page 3: 21 jump street (conventions of titles)

MusicThe rhythm of the soundtrack is very up beat and make the viewer feel more interested and makes it alot more interesting to watch.

The clip also has sound effects, they are mainly gun noises, explosions and a dolphin noise and some parts have a small amount of dialogue. The use of the sound effects help show what they are trying to portray.

The music was also synchronous with the clips, which made the clip flow more.

The use of the music in this clip helps to add effect to make the audience interested and also makes it more fun and interesting to watch as the music is up beat, it make the audience want to dance and puts them in a good mood after watching the film.

The link for the song of the sequence:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WMDeyVPoI4

Page 4: 21 jump street (conventions of titles)

The arrangement In this clip the editor has used a collage arrangement , this is effective as its never boring and it flows into each shot which make alot more fascinating to watch. Also they have used short takes to make it easier for people to watch and it makes sure that there is never a dull moment on the screen.

The arrangement also make the clip have humour and makes it more appealing to watch.

Overall I like this clip as it is very clever the way it has been arranged and how it adds humour. I also like the way it has used certain clips that represent each character and actor. I also like the music that has been used as it adds to the atmosphere and it also make the audience feel happier, this is because the music is upbeat and happy.

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