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  • 21 st Century Learner Self-Directed Learner Critical Thinker Effective Communicator Responsible Productive Citizen Tami Benham Deal, PED; [email protected]
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  • Self-Directed Learner What National or State Standards in health education reflect these skills? What National or State Standards in physical education reflect these skills? Where could these skills be applied in physical education? Tami Benham Deal, PED; [email protected]
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  • Critical Thinker Source: http://www.p21.org/ What National or State Standards in physical education reflect these skills? Where could these skills be applied in physical education? What National or State Standards in health education reflect these skills? Tami Benham Deal, PED; [email protected]
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  • Effective Communicator Source: http://www.p21.org/ What National or State Standards in health education reflect these skills? What National or State Standards in physical education reflect these skills? Where could these skills be applied in physical education? Tami Benham Deal, PED; [email protected]
  • Slide 6
  • Responsible Productive Citizen What National or State Standards in health education reflect these skills? What National or State Standards in physical education reflect these skills? Where could these skills be applied in physical education? Tami Benham Deal, PED; [email protected]

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