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  • 8/11/2019 21801-810 Drafting Rules


    3GPP TR 21.801 V8.1.0 (2008-03)Technical Report

    3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects;

    Specification drafting rules(Release 8




    The present document has been developed within the 3rdGeneration Partnership Project (3GPPTM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.

    The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented.

    This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPPonly. The Orani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this

    "pecification."pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPPTMsystem should be obtained via the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.

  • 8/11/2019 21801-810 Drafting Rules


  • 8/11/2019 21801-810 Drafting Rules




    4 "cope......................................................................................................................................................

    * /eferences..............................................................................................................................................

    3 5efinitions and abbreviations.................................................................................................................3.4 5efinitions...........................................................................................................................................................3.* bbreviations.......................................................................................................................................................

    6 General principles...................................................................................................................................6.4 Objective..............................................................................................................................................................6.* 7omoeneity.......................................................................................................................................................6.3 1onsistency of 3GPP T"s and 3GPP T/s...........................................................................................................6.6 28uivalence of official lanuae versions...........................................................................................................6.9 itness for implementation as a national- reional or international standard......................................................

    6.: Plannin...............................................................................................................................................................6.; (void)...................................................................................................................................................................

    9 "tructure.................................................................................................................................................9.4 "ubdivision of the subject matter........................................................................................................................9.4.4 General...........................................................................................................................................................9.4.* "ubdivision of the subject matter within a series of parts............................................................................9.4.3 "ubdivision of the subject matter within an individual 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/...........................................

    9.* 5escription and numberin of divisions and subdivisions................................................................................9.*.4 Parts and sub

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    :.6.3 &nde............................................................................................................................................................:.6.6 1hane history.............................................................................................................................................:.9 Other informative elements...............................................................................................................................:.9.4 'otes and eamples interated in the tet...................................................................................................

    :.9.* ootnotes to the tet.....................................................................................................................................:.: 1ommon rules and elements..............................................................................................................................

    :.:.4 ?erbal forms for the epression of provisions.............................................................................................:.:.* "pellin and abbreviation of names of orani!ations- and style..................................................................:.:.* @se of capital letters.....................................................................................................................................:.:.*0 Paination.....................................................................................................................................................

    :.:.3 @se of trade names.......................................................................................................................................:.:.6 iures..........................................................................................................................................................:.:.6.4 @sae......................................................................................................................................................:.:.6.* ormat....................................................................................................................................................:.:.6.3 'umberin..............................................................................................................................................:.:.6.6 =ayout of title.........................................................................................................................................

    :.:.6.9 1hoice of letter symbols- style of letterin- and labellin......................................................................:.:.6.: Technical drawins.................................................................................................................................:.:.6.; 5iarams................................................................................................................................................

    :.:.6., 'otes to fiures......................................................................................................................................:.:.6.> ootnotes to fiures................................................................................................................................

    :.:.9 Tables...........................................................................................................................................................:.:.9.4 @sae......................................................................................................................................................:.:.9.* 'umberin..............................................................................................................................................:.:.9.3 =ayout of title.........................................................................................................................................:.:.9.6 7eadins.................................................................................................................................................:.:.9.9 1ontinuation of tables............................................................................................................................

    :.:.9.: 'otes to tables........................................................................................................................................:.:.9.; ootnotes to tables..................................................................................................................................:.:.: /eferences....................................................................................................................................................:.:.:.4 General...................................................................................................................................................:.:.:.* /eferences to the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ as a whole in its own tet......................................................

    :.:.:.3 /eferences to elements of tet...............................................................................................................:.:.:.6 /eferences to tables and fiures.............................................................................................................:.:.:.9 /eferences to other documents..............................................................................................................:.:.:.9.4 General..............................................................................................................................................:.:.:.9.* "pecific references............................................................................................................................:.:.:.9.3 'on

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    1.* &ndependent terminoloy deliverables..................................................................................................1.*.4 rranement......................................................................................................................................................1.*.* =anuaes other than official lanuaes...........................................................................................................

    1.3 Presentation..........................................................................................................................................1.3.4 /ules..................................................................................................................................................................1.3.* =ayout................................................................................................................................................................1.3.3 "ynonyms..........................................................................................................................................................1.3.6 Grammatical form of terms...............................................................................................................................1.3.9 "ymbol for missin terms..................................................................................................................................1.3.: Multiple meanins.............................................................................................................................................

    1.3.; 1odes for countries and for lanuaes..............................................................................................................1.3., Parentheses and brac#ets...................................................................................................................................1.3.> 2amples and notes...........................................................................................................................................

    Annex " (normative): "raftin# of t&e tit'e of a G TS or G TR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5.4 2lements of the title..............................................................................................................................5.4.4 The introductory element...................................................................................................................................5.4.* The main element..............................................................................................................................................

    5.4.3 The complementary element..............................................................................................................................

    5.* voidance of unintentional limitation of the scope...............................................................................

    5.3 Bordin................................................................................................................................................

    Annex E (normative): *er+a' form% for t&e ex$re%%ion of $rovi%ion%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Annex F (informative): C&e,-'i%t ,on,ernin# ./antitie% an /nit% to +e /%e in G TS% or

    G TR%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Annex G (informative): Exam$'e 'a0o/t of a t0$e%,ri$t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Annex 1 (informative): G %t0'e% an vario/% information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7.4 The 3GPP styles....................................................................................................................................

    7.* Pae numberin- pae headers and footers...........................................................................................

    7.3 1onfiuration of the Bindows environment.........................................................................................

    7.6 "e8uence numberin.............................................................................................................................

    7.9 "upported file formats..........................................................................................................................

    7.: Auic# tips to wor#in with your document...........................................................................................

    Annex I (normative): Text ,ontainin# S"L2 $ro#ram ,oe2 ICS an TTCN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    &.4 "5= diarams.......................................................................................................................................

    &.* Proram code........................................................................................................................................

    &.3 &mplementation 1onformance "tatement (&1") proforma tables..........................................................

    &.6 Tree and Tabular 1ombined 'otation (TT1').....................................................................................

    Annex 3 (normative): Enor%ement of o,/ment% from ot&er %tanar% or#ani4ation%!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    C.4 General.................................................................................................................................................

    C.* Title......................................................................................................................................................

    C.3 /e8uirements........................................................................................................................................

    C.6 nne...................................................................................................................................................

    Annex 5 (informative): C&an#e &i%tor0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$3Release 8

  • 8/11/2019 21801-810 Drafting Rules



    This Technical /eport has been produced by the 3rdGeneration Partnership Project (3GPP) "ecretariat on behalf of the3GPP Technical "pecification Groups (T"Gs).

    The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chane followin formalT"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document- it will be re

  • 8/11/2019 21801-810 Drafting Rules


    1 S"o$e

    The present document specifies rules for the structure and draftin of documents intended to become a 3GPP Technical"pecification or Technical /eport. These rules are intended to ensure that such documents are drafted in as uniform a

    manner as is practicable- irrespective of the technical content.

    The present document is based on the &"OF&21 5irectives- Part 3- but is a self>:- definition ;.3H

    normative e'ement:an element settin out provisions to which it is necessary to conform in order to be able to claimcompliance with the Technical "pecification

    $rovi%ion:epression in the content of a normative document- that ta#es the form of a statement- an instruction- arecommendation or a re8uirement &"OF&21 Guide *D4>>:- definition ;.4H

    'OT2D These types of provision are distinuished by the form of wordin they employE e.. instructions areepressed in the imperative mood- recommendations by the use of the auiliary IshouldI andre8uirements by the use of the auiliary IshallI (see anne 2).

    re,ommenation:provision that conveys advice or uidance &"OF&21 Guide *D4>>:- definition ;.6H

    re./irement:provision that conveys criteria to be fulfilled &"OF&21 Guide *D4>>:- definition ;.9H

    %tatement:provision that conveys information &"OF&21 Guide *D4>>:- definition ;.*H


    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$3*Release 8

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    3.2 &e#%t#o'

    or the purposes of the present document- the abbreviations iven in 3GPP T/ *4.>+9 3H and the followin applyD

    &1" &mplementation 1onformance "tatementP5 Portable 5ocument ormat

    "5= "pecification and 5escription =anuaeT/ Technical /eportT" Technical "pecificationTT1' Tree and Tabular 1ombined 'otation

    / Ge'e%l $#'"#$le

    /.1 9:e"t#e

    The objective of a 3GPP Technical "pecification or Technical /eport is to define clear and unambiuous provisions in

    order to facilitate international trade and communication. To achieve this objective- the 3GPP T" or T/ shallD

    < be as complete as necessary within the limits specified by its scopeE

    < be consistent- clear and accurateE

    < provide a framewor# for future technoloical developmentE and

    < be comprehensible to 8ualified persons who have not participated in its preparation.

    /.2 ;omoge'e#ty

    @niformity of structure- of style and of terminoloy shall be maintained not only within each 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/- butalso within a series of associated 3GPP T"s or 3GPP T/s. The structure of associated 3GPP T"s or 3GPP T/s and the

    numberin of their clauses shall- as far as possible- be identical. naloous wordin shall be used to epress analoousprovisionsE identical wordin shall be used to epress identical provisions.

    The same term shall be used throuhout each 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ or series of 3GPP T"s or 3GPP T/s to desinate aiven concept. The use of an alternative term (synonym) for a concept already defined shall be avoided. s far as

    possible- only one meanin shall be attributed to each term chosen.

    These re8uirements are particularly important not only to ensure comprehension of the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ but also toderive the maimum benefit available throuh automated tet processin techni8ues.

    /.3 +o'#te'"y o 3GPP TS %'d 3GPP TR

    &n order to achieve the aim of consistency within the complete body of 3GPP T"s and 3GPP T/s- the tet of every

    3GPP T" and 3GPP T/ shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of eistin basic 3GPP T"s and 3GPP T/s.This relates particularly toD

    < standardi!ed terminoloyE

    < principles and methods of terminoloyE

    < 8uantities- units and their symbolsE

    < abbreviationsE

    < biblioraphic referencesE and

    < raphical symbols.


    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$38Release 8

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    &n addition- for specific technical aspects- the relevant provisions of eneral 3GPP T"s or 3GPP T/s dealin with thefollowin subjects shall be respectedD

    < limitsE

    < tolerancin of dimensions and uncertainty of measurementE

    < preferred numbersE

    < statistical methodsE

    < environmental conditions and associated tests.


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    &n particular- the aspects of a product which will be of separate interest to different parties (e.. manufacturers-operators- certification bodies- leislative bodies) shall be clearly distinuished- preferably as parts of a 3GPP T" or3GPP T/ or as separate 3GPP T"s or 3GPP T/s.

    "uch individual aspects are- for eampleD

    < performance re8uirementsE

    < maintenance and service re8uirementsE and

    < 8uality assessment.

    The terms that shall be used to desinate the divisions and subdivisions that a 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ may have areshown in table 4.

    Ta,le "- .ames of divisions and su,divisions

    Term /0ample of num,ering



    3GPP TS 21.2-111.1


    5.1.2 Sud###o' o the u:e"t m%tte 4#th#' % e#e o $%t

    There are two systems in use for subdividin into partsD

    a) 2ach part deals with a specific aspect of the subject and can stand alone.

    b) There are both common and specific aspects to the subject. The common aspects shall be iven in part 4.

    "pecific aspects (which may modify or supplement the common aspects and therefore cannot stand alone) shallbe iven in individual parts.

    Bhere the system described in b) is used- care shall be ta#en that the references from one part to another are always tothe latest version. There are two ways to achieve thisD

    < &f reference is made to a particular element- the reference shall be specific (see subclause :.:.:.9.*).

    < "ince the complete series of parts is normally under the control of the same T"G- the use of non

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    5.1.3 Sud###o' o the u:e"t m%tte 4#th#' %' #'d##du%l 3GPP TS o 3GPPTR

    Ta,le !- /0ample of a typical arrangement of elements in a 3GPP TS or 3GPP TR

    Type of element Arrangement of elementsin 3GPP TS or 3GPP TR (note "

    Permitted content ofelement(s in 3GPP TS or 3GPP TR

    (note "

    Title page Title

    Table of contents (generated content, see subclause 6.1.2)

    ='om%t#e $el#m#'%yIntroduction


    *om%t#e ge'e%lScope

    Te0t (no re1uirements#gue()T%le()Note(s)

    Reee'"e() Reee'"e()

    *om%t#e te"h'#"%l

    7e#'#t#o'()Symol %'d %e#%t#o'Re 'om%t#e eleme't? italic t#pe> #'om%t#e eleme't.

    *9T 2 ='om%t#eannexes shall not contain normative elements.

    NOTE 3:Provided by the 3GPP Support Team.NOTE 4:Partly provided by the 3GPP Support Team.

    3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ need not contain all the normative technical elements shown in table * and it may containnormative technical elements other than those shown. 0oth the nature of the normative technical elements and their

    se8uence are determined by the nature of the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ in 8uestion.

    or an eample of numberin of divisions and subdivisions see anne 0.

    3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ may also contain notes to fiures and tables (see subclauses :.:.6.,- :.:.6.>- :.:.9.: and:.:.9.;).

    5.2 7e"#$t#o' %'d 'ume#'g o d###o' %'d ud###o'

    5.2.1 P%t %'d u-$%t

    The number of a part shall be indicated by arabic numerals- beinnin with 4- followin the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/

    number and preceded by a hyphen- for eampleD

    < 3GPP T/ *4.>>>>>

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    2JMP=2 4D &t is necessary to update a 3GPP T". new clause needs to be inserted between the eistinclauses , and >. new clause , may be inserted in preference to re

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    7! 9xxxxxxxxxx

    7! 9xxxxxxxxxx

    ; Te%t re$ort

    K hanin pararaphs


    7!8 9xxxxxxxxxx

    7! 9xxxxxxxxxx

    ; Te%t re$ort

    5.2.5 !#t

    =ists may be introduced by a sentence- a complete rammatical proposition followed by a colon- or by the first part of a

    proposition (without a colon)- completed by the items in the list.

    2ach item in a list shall be preceded by a dash.

    2JMP=2 4D

    < list item 4E

    < list item *.

    &f necessary for identification- a lower

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    The introduction shall not be numbered unless there is a need to create numbered subdivisions. &n this case- it shall benumbered + with subclauses bein numbered +.4- +.*- etc. ny numbered fiure- table or displayed formula shall benumbered normally beinnin with 4 (see also subclause 9.*.4).

    6.2 Ge'e%l 'om%t#e eleme't

    6.2.1 S"o$e

    This element shall be clause 4 of each 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ and define without ambiuity the subject of the 3GPP T"

    or 3GPP T/ and the aspect(s) covered- thereby indicatin the limits of applicability of the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ orparticular parts of it. &t shall not contain re8uirements.

    The scope shall be succinct so that it can be used as a summary for biblioraphic purposes.

    This element shall be worded as a series of statements of fact. orms of epression such as the followin shall be usedD

    "The present document

    - specifies

    the functional requirements for "a method of "

    the characteristics of "

    - establishes

    a system for "

    general principles for "

    - gives guidelines for "

    - gives terms and definitions "

    "tatements of applicability of the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ shall be introduced by the followin wordinD

    "The present document is applicable to "

    6.2.2 Reee'"e

    This is an optional element which shall be provided if references are made to other documents. /eferences shall

    normally be iven to "tandards and /ecommendations issued by reconi!ed standardi!ation bodies. /eferencin ofdocuments other than "tandards and /ecommendations are allowed under the followin conditionsD

    < all referenced tet shall be publicly available in the 2nlish lanuae durin the approval phases and for the

    epected lifetime of the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/- via the oriinatin body or via the 3GPP "upport TeamE

    < if public availability cannot be uaranteed over a period of time as stated above- the oriinatin body of thereferenced tet shall ive 3GPP or its constituent Orani!ational Partners the riht to reproduce the tetE

    < if the referenced tet will not be made publicly available otherwise- areement permittin 3GPP or itsOrani!ational Partners to ta#e over the copyin and distribution rihts will be re8uired- in which case it shall bemade available to 3GPP or its Orani!ational Partners in an areed electronic formatE

    < all copyriht and other &P/ issues shall have been settledE

    < the 3GPP "upport Team shall establish and maintain a list of the referenced documents and the relevant eternalbodies- for document trac#in and cross

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    < documents which are not eplicitly cited in the provisions of the deliverable (such documents may be listed in abiblioraphy (see subclause :.6.*)).

    < @se the E9style- if usin numbered referencesE enclose the numbers in s8uare brac#ets and separate thenumberin from the title with a tab (you may use se8uence fields for automatically numberin references- seeclause 7.6D I"e8uence numberinI).

    < @se the Norma'style- if not usin numbered references.

    2JMP=2 4D

    4H 3GPP T" *4.*>> (?4.4)D ITitleI.

    2JMP=2 *D

    3GPP T" *4.*>> (?4.4)D ITitleI.

    6.3 Te"h'#"%l 'om%t#e eleme't

    6.3.1 7e#'#t#o'

    This is an optional element ivin definitions necessary for the understandin of certain terms used in the 3GPP T" or3GPP T/. The followin introductory wordin- modified as appropriate- iven in the 3GPP T" F T/ template shall beused.

    /ules for the draftin and presentation of terms and definitions are iven in anne 1- toether with special rules forterminoloy standards- such as vocabularies- or nomenclatures.

    2ntries in the definition clause may be numbered.

    < Order the terms alphabetically- unless some loical roupin dictates otherwise.

    < The term shall be in +o'- and shall start with a lower case letter (unless it is alwaysrendered with a leadincapital) followed by a colon- one space- and the definition.

    < @se the Norma'style.


    re./irement:a provision that conveys criteria to be fulfilled

    6.3.2 Symol %'d %e#%t#o'

    This is an optional element ivin a list of the symbols and abbreviations necessary for the understandin of the 3GPPT" or 3GPP T/.

    @nless there is a need to list symbols in a specific order to reflect technical criteria- all symbols should be listed inalphabetical order in the followin se8uenceD

    < upper case =atin letter followed by lower case =atin letter (A- a-B- b- etc.)E

    < letters without indices precedin letters with indices- and with letter indices precedin numerical ones (B- b- C-Cm- C*- c- d- det- dint- d4- etc.)E

    < Gree# letters followin =atin letters (-!- - - - - - - etc.)E

    < any other special symbols.

    This list shall contain all technical abbreviationsFacronyms and their correspondin full terms which are used within the3GPP T" or 3GPP T/. "ee also subclause :.:.*.


    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$3"*Release 8

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    or convenience- this element may be combined with the definitions in order to brin toether terms and theirdefinitions- symbols and abbreviations under an appropriate composite title- for eample I5efinitions- symbols andabbreviationsI.

    5o not number the entries in the symbols andFor abbreviations subclause.

    < @se the E style.

    < "eparate the abbreviationFacronym from the full term with a tab.


    d0 decibel55& 5irect 5iallin

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    Test methods may be presented as separate clauses- or be incorporated in re8uirements- or be presented as annees (seesubclause :.3.,) or as separate parts (see subclause 9.*.4). test method shall be prepared as a separate 3GPP T" if it isli#ely to be referred to in a number of other 3GPP T"s.

    The need for specification of test methods shall be evaluated on a case by case basis.

    test specification enables verification that products desined to a standard conform to its re8uirements. Bhen writina 3GPP T" you should consider the need for an accompanyin test specification.

    2very re8uirement of a 3GPP T" specifyin a product (e8uipment- system or service) needs to be testable- and suchre8uirements need to be clearly distinuishable from statements of fact or of supposition.

    2JMP=2D 1omparin the two sentences belowD

    IOn receivin a "T/T1==messae- the terminal shall respond by sendin an 1%'OB=25G2messae within a delay of t4.I

    IOn receivin a "T/T1==primitive- the layer 3 protocol of the terminal shall move to state

    1==1T&?T25and shall start timer t*.I

    &t is clear that conformance to the first re8uirement can be verified by eternal stimulus andobservation- whereas the second puts demands on a conceptual model which cannot be eplicitlytested. Bhilst re8uirements of the latter sort are useful < even essential < for describin operationaldetails- the essential behavioural characteristics (normative provisions) are iven by re8uirementsof the type of the former- and only these are verifiable.

    6.3.6 +l%##"%t#o' %'d de#g'%t#o'


    6.3. M%A#'g, l%ell#'g %'d $%"A%g#'g


    6.3.8 *om%t#e %''ee

    or reasons of convenience it may be decided to place some part of the normative tet in an anne.

    'ormative annees contain provisions to which it is necessary to conform in order to be able to claim compliance with

    the 3GPP T". Their status shall be indicated in the headin of the anne (see subclause 9.*.:).

    'ormative annees shall not appear in 3GPP T/s.

    6./ Su$$leme't%y #'om%t#e eleme't

    6./.1 ='om%t#e %''ee

    or reasons of convenience it may be decided to place some part of the informative tet in an anne.

    &nformative annees ive additional information intended to assist the understandin or use of the 3GPP T" (or 3GPP

    T/) and shall not contain provisions to which it is necessary to conform in order to be able to claim compliance withthe 3GPP T". Their presence is optional and their status shall be indicated in the headin of the anne (seesubclause 9.*.:).

    ll annees in 3GPP T/s are IinformativeI since 3GPP T/s cannot contain normative provisions. Therefore- the wordIinformativeI shall not appear in the title line of annees in 3GPP T/s.

    6./.2 @#l#og%$hyThe 0iblioraphy identifies documents which are not eplicitly cited in the body of the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/.


    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$3"+Release 8

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    ormat references as described in subclause :.*.*.

    6./.3 ='de

    < ormat the inde in a section havin two columns separated by +-9 cm usin the field >IN"E9 ?e ?, @.

    6././ +h%'ge h#toy

    history bo is provided by the 3GPP "upport Team as the final element in a 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ and shows the

    major milestones in the life of a document. "ee also clause 7.:.

    'OT2D The 3GPP "upport Team is responsible for the final preparation of the history bo.

    6.5 9the #'om%t#e eleme't

    6.5.1 *ote %'d e%m$le #'teg%ted #' the tet

    'otes and eamples interated in the tet of a 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ shall only be used for ivin additionalinformation intended to assist the understandin or use of the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/. They shall not contain provisionsto which it is necessary to conform in order to be able to claim compliance with a 3G T".

    'otes and eamples should preferably be placed at the end of the clause or subclause- or after the pararaph- to whichthey refer.

    sinle note in a (sub)clause shall be preceded by I'OT2DI- placed at the beinnin of the first line of the tet of thenote. Bhen several notes occur within the same element (e.. subclause)- they shall be desinated I'OT2 4DI-

    I'OT2 *DI- I'OT2 3DI- etc. (see also subclause 9.*.4).

    The word 'OT2 shall appear in upper case.

    < @se the N or NO style.

    < "eparate 'OT2D from the tet of the note with a tab.

    sinle eample in a (sub)clause shall be preceded by I2JMP=2DI- placed at the beinnin of the first line of thetet of the eample. Bhen several eamples occur within the same element (e.. subclause)- they shall be desinatedI2JMP=2 4DI- I2JMP=2 *DI- I2JMP=2 3DI- etc. (see also subclause 9.*.4).

    Bhen there is a daner that it miht not be clear where the eample ends and the normal tet continues- then the end ofthe eample may be desinated by I2'5 of 2JMP=2I.

    The word 2JMP=2 shall appear in upper case.

    < @se the E9style.

    < "eparate 2JMP=2D from the tet of the eample with a tab.

    2JMP=2 4D

    'OT2 4D 'ote tet formatted with the Nstyle will be formatted it&o/ta space after the pararaph.'OT2 *D 'ote tet formatted with the NOstyle will be formatted it&a space after the pararaph.

    2'5 of 2JMP=2 4

    6.5.2 oot'ote to the tet

    ootnotes shall not be used in 3GPP T"s or 3GPP T/s.


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    6.6 +ommo' ule %'d eleme't

    6.6.1 Ve%l om o the e$e#o' o $o##o'

    3GPP T" does not in itself impose any obliation upon anyone to follow it. 7owever- such an obliation may be

    imposed- for eample- by leislation or by a contract. &n order to be able to claim compliance with a 3GPP T"- the userneeds to be able to identify the re8uirements that are obliatory. The user also needs to be able to distinuish thesere8uirements from other provisions where there is a certain freedom of choice.

    1lear rules for the use of verbal forms (includin modal auiliaries) are therefore essential. nne 2 ives- in the firstcolumn of each table- the verbal form that shall be used to epress each #ind of provision. The e8uivalent epressions

    iven in the second column shall be used only in eceptional cases when the form iven in the first column cannot beused for linuistic reasons.

    6.6.2 S$ell#'g %'d %e#%t#o' o '%me o og%'#B%t#o', %'d tyle

    The spellin of the names of orani!ations- and their abbreviations- shall be as used by those orani!ations.

    To facilitate understandin by all readers- the style shall be as simple and concise as possible. This is particularlyimportant for those readers whose first lanuae is not 2nlish.

    The I"horter Oford 2nlish 5ictionaryI and the I1oncise Oford 5ictionaryI are suested.

    bbreviations shall be used with care- and their use shall be limited to those cases where it is not li#ely to causeconfusion.

    n abbreviation shall be defined only if used subse8uently in the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/.

    The eneral rule is that abbreviations consistin of the initial letters of words be printed in lower

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    2JMP=2 *D

    'OT2D I trade name of productH is the trade name of a product supplied by supplierH . This

    information is iven for the convenience of users of the present document and does not constitute anendorsement by 3GPP of the product named. 28uivalent products may be used if they can be shown tolead to the same results.I

    &f it is considered to be essential to ive an eample (or eamples) of commercially available products suitable forsuccessful application of the standard because the product characteristics are difficult to describe in detail- trade names

    may be iven in a note as shown in eample 3.

    2JMP=2 3D

    'OT2D I trade name(s) of product(s)H is (are) an eample(s) of a suitable product(s) available

    commercially. This information is iven for the convenience of users of the present document and doesnot constitute an endorsement by 3GPP of this (these) product(s).I

    6.6./ #gue

    6.6./.1 U%ge

    iures should be used wherever appropriate to present information in an easily comprehensible form. &t shall bepossible to refer to each fiure eplicitly within the tet.

    6.6./.2 om%t

    < @se the T1 style on the pararaph which contains the fiure itself.

    < Maimum si!e for fiures is 4; cm by ** cm.

    Bhere "5=- Proram 1ode- &1"- or TT1' is included in fiures it shall be prepared in accordance with anne &.

    6.6./.3 *ume#'g

    iures may be numbered se8uentially throuhout the document without reard to the clause numberin- e.. first fiure

    is fiure 4 and the twentieth fiure (in- say clause ;) is fiure *+.

    iures may also be numbered ta#in account of clause or subclause numberin.

    2JMP=2 4D irst fiure in clause ; is fiure ;.4- fifth fiure in clause ; is fiure ;.9.

    2JMP=2 *D irst fiure in subclause ;.3.* is fiure ;.3.*.4- fifth fiure in subclause ;.3.* is fiure ;.3.*.9.

    One level of subdivision only is permitted (e.. fiure 4 may be subdivided as 4 a)- 4 b)- 4 c)- etc.). "ee alsosubclause 9.*.4. or the numberin of fiures in annees- see subclause 9.*.:.

    < ou may use se8uence fields for automatically numberin fiures. "ee clause 7.6D I"e8uence numberinI.

    6.6././ !%yout o t#tle

    The fiure title shall be below the fiure. n eplicit fiure name is optional. "ee the followin eamplesD

    2JMP=2 4D

    igure "- 4etails of apparatus

    2JMP=2 *D

    igure "

    < @se the TFstyle.

    < &f applicable- the fiure number is followed by a colon- a space and the fiure name


    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$3!!Release 8

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    6.6./.5 +ho#"e o lette ymol, tyle o lette#'g, %'d l%ell#'g

    < @se rial font.

    < @se a font si!e of at least , points (final si!e)- to ensure leibility.

    6.6./.6 Te"h'#"%l d%4#'g


    6.6./. 7#%g%m


    6.6./.8 *ote to #gue

    'otes to fiures shall be treated independently from notes interated in the tet (see subclause :.9.4). They shall belocated above the title of the relevant fiure. sinle note in a fiure shall be preceded by I'OT2DI. Bhen several

    notes occur in the same fiure- they shall be desinated I'OT2 4DI- I'OT2 *DI- I'OT2 3DI- etc. (see alsosubclause 9.*.4). separate numberin se8uence shall be used for each fiure.

    'otes to fiures may contain re8uirements.

    < Brite notes to a fiure usin the word processor rather than embeddin them in the fiure itself.

    < @se the NFstyle.

    < "eparate 'OT2D from the tet of the note with a tab.

    6.6./. oot'ote to #gue

    ootnotes shall not be used in 3GPP T"s or 3GPP T/s.

    6.6.5 T%le U%ge

    Tables should be used wherever appropriate to present information in an easily comprehensible form. &t shall be

    possible to refer to each table eplicitly within the tet.

    table within a table is not permitted. "ubdivision of a table into subsidiary tables is not permitted.

    < 1entre tables hori!ontally.

    < The Ispace between columnsI is +-4 cm.

    < Maimum width for tables in portrait orientationD 4; cm and for landscape orientationD ** cm.

    < "et table columns widths in centimetres (not inches).

    < @se borders to separate the rows and columns of tables- as appropriateE the precise format will depend on thestructure of each table- but be consistent throuhout a deliverable (or series of related deliverables). 0ordersshould be pt sinle line.

    < 2ach table shall be followed by an empty I'ormalI style pararaph (I2nterI #ey). *ume#'g

    Tables may be numbered se8uentially throuhout the document without reard to the clause numberin- e.. first tableis table 4 and the twentieth table (in- say clause ;) is table *+.

    Tables may also be numbered ta#in account of clause or subclause numberin.


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    2JMP=2 4D irst table in clause ; is table ;.4- fifth table in clause ; is table ;.9.

    2JMP=2 *D irst table in subclause ;.3.* is table ;.3.*.4- fifth table in subclause ;.3.* is table ;.3.*.9.

    "ee also subclause 9.*.4. or the numberin of tables in annees- see subclause 9.*.:.

    < ou may use se8uence fields for automatically numberin tables. "ee clause 7.6D I"e8uence numberinI. !%yout o t#tle

    The title shall be above the table. n eplicit table name is optional. "ee the followin eamplesD

    2JMP=2 4D

    Ta,le "- /lectrical properties

    2JMP=2 *D

    Ta,le "

    < @se the T1style.

    < &f applicable- the table number is followed by a colon- a space and the table name

    6.6.5./ ;e%d#'g

    The first word in the headin of each column shall bein with a capital letter. The units used in a iven column shallenerally be indicated under the column headin.


    Type 5inear density (6g7m nside diameter (mm 9utside diameter (mm

    < @se of the table headins tool (Ta+'e2 1eain# ro re$eat) is encouraed for tables that re8uire more than onepae.

    < @se the followin stylesD

    < Table 7eadins TA1

    < Tet =eft justified TAL

    < Tet 1entred TAC

    < Tet /iht justified TAR +o't#'u%t#o' o t%le

    The column headins shall be repeated on all paes after the first (see subclause :.:.9.6). *ote to t%le

    'otes to tables shall be treated independently from notes interated in the tet (see subclause :.9.4). They shall belocated within the frame of the relevant table. sinle note in a table shall be preceded by I'OT2DI. Bhen severalnotes occur in the same table- they shall be desinated I'OT2 4DI- I'OT2 *DI- I'OT2 3DI- etc. (see also

    subclause 9.*.4). separate numberin se8uence shall be used for each table.

    'otes to tables may contain re8uirements.

    < @se the TAN style.

    < &nclude notes to a table within its borders in one cell- at the bottom.


    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$3!'Release 8

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    < Mere all cells to one- as in the followin eampleD


    +olum' 1 "ell +olum' 2 "ell +olum' 3 "ell +olum' / "ell

    *9T Th# "ell # % meged "ell.

    6.6.5. oot'ote to t%le

    ootnotes shall not be used in 3GPP T"s or 3GPP T/s.

    6.6.6 Reee'"e Ge'e%l

    s a eneral rule- references to particular pieces of tet shall be used instead of repetition of the oriinal sourcematerial- since such repetition involves the ris# of error or inconsistency and increases the lenth of the document.

    7owever- if it is considered necessary to repeat such material- its source shall be identified precisely.

    /eferences shall be made in the forms indicated in subclauses :.:.:.* to :.:.:.9 and shall not be made to pae numbers. Reee'"e to the 3GPP TS o 3GPP TR % % 4hole #' #t o4' tet

    The form Ithe present document I shall be used. Reee'"e to eleme't o tet

    @se- for eample- the followin formsD

    < Iin accordance with clause 3IE

    < Iaccordin to subclause 3.4IE

    < Ias specified in subclause 3.4 b)IE

    < Idetails as iven in subclause 3.4.4IE

    < Isee anne 0IE

    < Ithe re8uirements iven in clause 0.*IE

    < Isee the note in table *IE

    < $$see eample * in subclause :.:.3IE

    < Isee note 3 in subclause :.:.4I.

    &t is re8uired to use the terms clauseand annewhere applicable. &t is unnecessary to use the term IsubclauseI.

    &f there is a need to refer to an unnumbered list item in another standard- the followin formulation shall be usedD

    Ias specified in 3.4- second list itemI.

    =ower case letters are recommended (e.. clause 4- anne )- however capital letters are also acceptable (e.. 1lause 4-nne ). @sae should be consistent throuhout the document.

    6.6.6./ Reee'"e to t%le %'d #gue

    2very table and fiure included in the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ shall be referred to in the tet.

    @se- for eample- the followin formsD


    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$3!Release 8

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    < Iiven in table *IE

    < I(see table 0.*)IE

    < Ishown in fiure .:IE

    < I(see fiure 3)I.

    =ower case letters are recommended (e.. table 4- fiure *)- however capital letters are also acceptable (e.. Table 4-iure *). @sae should be consistent throuhout the document. Reee'"e to othe do"ume't Ge'e%l

    /eferences to other documents may be specific or non

  • 8/11/2019 21801-810 Drafting Rules


    2JMP=2 *D *3Q69: F *Q369 F *-369 F *-369Q: F *-369Q:; but the year 4>>;

    or clarity- the symbol or a lower case (rather than a point or any other symbol) shall be used to indicate

    multiplication of numbers and numerical values.

    2JMP=2 3D write 4-,QQ4+

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    &''e @ (#'om%t#e)(o#d)


    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$33"Release 8

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    &''e + ('om%t#e)7%t#'g %'d $ee't%t#o' o tem %'d de#'#t#o'

    +.1 Ge'e%l $#'"#$le

    +.1.1 Rule o deelo$me't


    +.1.2 Ty$e o t%'d%d

    Terminoloy may ta#e the form of an independent 3GPP terminoloy deliverable (a vocabulary or a nomenclature) or

    be included in a I5efinitionsI clause in a 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ that also deals with other aspects.

    +.1.3 +ho#"e o "o'"e$t to e de#'ed

    ny term which is not self

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    < definition iven without an indication of its applicability may be ta#en as representin the eneral meanin ofthe term. "pecial meanins in particular contets shall be indicated by desinatin the subject field (see"ubclause 1.3.:).

    +.2 ='de$e'de't tem#'ology del#e%le

    +.2.1 &%'geme't

    n independent terminoloy deliverable containin terms and definitions should be preferably classified accordin tothe hierarchy of the concepts. The terms and definitions of eneral concepts shall precede those of less eneral concepts.&f a mied system of concepts is used in which several roupins (accordin to different criteria) appear- each roupinshall be #ept separate and the relevant criteria shall be indicated.

    The roupin of terms shall be evident from their numberin.

    +.2.2 !%'gu%ge othe th%' o#"#%l l%'gu%ge?oid.

    +.3 Pee't%t#o'

    +.3.1 Rule


    +.3.2 !%yout

    The preferred term (set in bold type) shall be placed on a new line- (after its reference number- if used)- startin with alower

  • 8/11/2019 21801-810 Drafting Rules


    2JMP=2 *D

    re%i%tan,e RD electric difference divided by current when there is no electromotive force in the conductor

    'OT2D /esistance is epressed in ohms.

    5eprecated- obsolete and superseded terms (in normal type) shall each be placed after the recommended term- after anysymbols- and shall be followed by an indication of their status- in parentheses.

    2JMP=2 3D

    raixE base (deprecated)D positive inteer by which the weiht of any diit place is multiplied to obtain the weiht of

    the diit place with the net hiher weiht

    +.3./ G%mm%t#"%l om o tem

    Terms shall in eneral be presented in their basic rammatical form- i.e. nouns in the sinular- verbs in the infinitive.

    +.3.5 Symol o m##'g tem


    +.3.6 Mult#$le me%'#'g

    &f a term is used to represent several concepts- the subject field to which each concept belons shall be indicatedbetween anle brac#ets- before the definition.


    ie- nounD etrusionH metal bloc# with a shaped orifice throuh which plastic material is etruded

    ie- nounD mouldinH assembly of parts enclosin the cavity from which the mouldin ta#es its form

    ie- nounD punchinH tool to punch sheet or film material

    +.3. +ode o "ou't#e %'d o l%'gu%ge


    +.3.8 P%e'thee %'d %"Aet

    Parentheses and s8uare brac#ets shall be used only if they constitute part of the normal written form of the term. They

    shall not be used to show alternative terms.


    +i%(imet&0't&io,ar+am0') i%/'fie

    +.3. %m$le %'d 'ote

    2amples of term usae- and notes concernin entries- shall be presented as shown below.

    raixE base (deprecated)D radi numeration systemH positive inteer by which the weiht of any diital place ismultiplied to obtain the weiht of the diit place with the net hiher weiht

    2JMP=2D &n the decimal numeration system the radi of each diit place is 4+.

    'OT2D The term IbaseI is deprecated in this sense because of its mathematical use.


    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$33'Release 8

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    &''e 7 ('om%t#e)7%t#'g o the t#tle o % 3GPP TS o 3GPP TR

    7.1 leme't o the t#tle

    7.1.1 The #'todu"toy eleme't

    "ee subclause :.4.4.

    7.1.2 The m%#' eleme't

    The main element shall always be included.

    7.1.3 The "om$leme't%y eleme't

    The complementary element is necessary if the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ covers only one or a few aspects of the subjectindicated in the main element.

    2perience has shown that the titles of most deliverables benefit from the precision supplied in the complementaryelement.

    &n the case of a 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ published as a series of parts- the complementary element shall serve todistinuish and identify the parts (the introductory element and the main element remainin the same for each part).

    The complementary element shall be omitted if the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ bothD

    < covers all essential aspects of the subject indicated in the main elementE and

    < is (and is intended to remain) the only 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ relatin to this subject.

    7.2 &o#d%'"e o u'#'te't#o'%l l#m#t%t#o' o the "o$e

    The title shall not contain details that miht imply a limitation of the scope of the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/.

    7owever- if the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ pertains to a specific type of product- this fact shall be reflected in the title.

    7.3 Dod#'g



    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$33Release 8

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    &''e ('om%t#e)Ve%l om o the e$e#o' o $o##o'

    'OT2D Only sinular forms are shown.

    The verbal forms shown in table 2.4 shall be used to indicate re8uirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to

    the standard and from which no deviation is permitted.

    Ta,le /#"- Re1uirement

    %er,al form /1uivalent e0pressions for use in e0ceptional cases(see su,clause )#)#"

    shall # to# e

  • 8/11/2019 21801-810 Drafting Rules


    The verbal forms shown in table 2.6 are used for statements of possibility and capability- whether material- physical orcausal.

    Ta,le /#'- Possi,ility and capa,ility

    %er,al form /1uivalent e0pressions for use in e0ceptional cases(see su,clause )#)#"

    can e %le tothee # % $o##l#ty o#t # $o#le to

    cannot e u'%le tothee # 'o $o##l#ty o#t # 'ot $o#le to

    7o 'ot ue "%' #'te%d o m%y #' th# "o'tet.

    *9T M%y #g'##e $em##o' e$eed y the t%'d%d, 4hee% "%' ee to the%#l#ty o % ue o the t%'d%d o to % $o##l#ty o$e' to h#m.

    The verbal forms shown in table 2.9 shall be used to indicate behaviour of e8uipment or sub

  • 8/11/2019 21801-810 Drafting Rules


    &''e (#'om%t#e)+he"Al#t "o'"e'#'g

  • 8/11/2019 21801-810 Drafting Rules


    &''e ; (#'om%t#e)3GPP tyle %'d %#ou #'om%t#o'

    ;.1 The 3GPP tyle

    @se table 7.4 when determinin which style to use for various elements of the deliverable.

    Ta,le #"

    Symol, &e#%t#o', %m$le "o't#'u%t#o' #' tet

    2n !#t eleme't leel '

    P ee $%%g%$h (let :ut##ed)

    .9 *ote #'teg%ted #' the tet

    .> *ote "o't#'u%t#o' #' tet

    . *ote #' #gue

    TA. *ote #' t%le

    T T%le t#tle, #gue

    TA ;e%d#'g 4#th#' t%le

    TA? +e'ted tet 4#th#' t%leTA5 !et :ut##ed tet 4#th#' t%le

    TAR R#ght :ut##ed tet 4#th#' t%le

    T #gue t#tle

    TT +o'te't l#t t#tle

    P5 Pog%mm#'g l%'gu%ge


  • 8/11/2019 21801-810 Drafting Rules


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    < delete 3GPP stylesE

    < use a font other than the one pre

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    &''e K ('om%t#e)'doeme't o do"ume't om othe t%'d%dog%'#B%t#o'

    K.1 Ge'e%l

    &n the case that a 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ would become almost identical to a document from another standardsorani!ation- the T"G may decide to prepare a 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ definin only the differences- if any- between thatdocument (commonly called Iendorsed documentI) and the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/.

    "uch a 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/- commonly called IendorsementI- shall be drafted in accordance with the presentdocument- with the eceptions defined below.

    K.2 T#tle&f the endorsed document is referred to without modifications- the title of the 3GPP T" or 3GPP T/ should be as closeas possible to the title of the endorsed document- but comply with the provisions of anne 5.

    2JMP=2 4D

    2ndorsement of &T@>3)D IPhysical plane for intellient networ# 1">3)D IOptical interfaces for e8uipments and systems relatin to thesynchronous diital hierarchyI- ives the 3GPP T" the titleD

    Tran%mi%%ion an M/'ti$'exin# (TM)

    O$ti,a' interfa,e% for e./i$ment% an

    %0%tem% re'atin# to t&e S0n,&rono/% "i#ita' 1ierar,&0 (S"1)

    ITU6T Re,ommenation G!=7K (8==)2 moifieJ


    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$3''Release 8

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    K.3 Re

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    &''e L (#'om%t#e)+h%'ge h#toy

    ?hange history


    T4oc %ersion ?R PhaseH .e:%ersion


    05-2000 - 0.0.0 #t d%t, #'te'%l to M++.

    06-2000 0.0.0 - 1.0.0 d#to#%l "le%' u$

    SP-08 SP-00028 1.0.0 - 1.0.1 Pee't%t#o' to S&8

    SP-08 1.0.1 Rel-/ /.0.0 &$$oed (Rel-/)

    SP-11 SP-01013 /.0.0 001 Rel-/ /.1.0 &utom%t#" 'ume#'g o eee'"e

    SP-11 SP-010213 /.0.0 0021 Rel-/ /.1.0 +l%##"%t#o' o' ue o %utom%t#"%lly 'umeed#gue, t%le, et".

    SP-13 SP-010/82 /.1.0 003 Rel-/ /.2.0 +oe"t#o' o #'%l#d "l%ue eee'"e

    SP-15 SP-020105 /.2.0 00/ Rel-/ /.3.0 +oe"t#o' o #'%l#d t%le 'ume, %''e ;.

    SP-16 /.3.0 Rel-5 5.0.0 U$g%de to Rel- Rel-5 5.0.1 2002-0-1 +oe"t "oe $%ge.

    5.0.1 Rel-5 5.0.2 2003-05-15 +oe"t "oe $%ge.

    SP-23 5.0.2 Rel-6 6.0.0 U$g%de 4#thout "h%'ge to Rele%e 6

    SP-28 SP-050/01 6.0.0 00 Rel- .0.0 The ue o No#dN

    SP-2 SP-050535 .0.0 013 Rel-


    ='todu"t#o' o MS V##o

    01/1 S$e"##"%t#o' o e#o' o $em#tted ot4%e$%"A%ge

    SP-30 SP-05068 .1.0 015 Rel- .2.0 ='"lu#o' o e#o' #de't#ty o V##o

    SP-3/ SP-0601/ .2.0 01 Rel-.3.0

    &l#g'me't o e"t#o' 6.6./.2 %'d %''e = #'e$e"t o #gue om%t.

    SP-3 SP-0052 .3.0 018 Rel-88.0.0

    U$g%de to Rel-8, %llo4#'g o moe e"e'te#o' o %$$l#"%t#o' #le om%t

    SP-3 SP-08008 8.0.0 020 Rel-8 8.1.0 +oe"t#o' o #lleg%l tet021 l#m#'%t#o' o =PR $o##o'

    3GPP TR !"#8$" %8#"#$ (!$$8&$3')Release 8

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