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NEC, Birmingham

2016Discovering innovation at the heart

of the facilities industry

22 – 24 March 2016



Principal media partnerCo-located with

Organised by

Book now www.fm-birmingham.com g

Facilities Management is placed at the heart of the industry, attracting a nationwide audience of industrial FM professionals.

The event brings together visitors from all over the country and allows them to keep up-to-date with the industry and more importantly to see the most innovative products and services to help meet the growing demands of their business.

91% of visitors are involved in the

decision making process

Our time at the show was an enjoyable experience with the ability to generate new business. The show provides the opportunity to target specific industries and gain great exposure and brand awareness.Michelle Rice, Marketing Manager, Fieldmotion Ltd

Book now g g Contact Chris Collins +44 (0)20 8843 8825

[email protected] | www.fm-birmingham.com

Why exhibit?


If you offer any of the following products or services, then make sure you exhibit at Facilities management 2016 and be seen by an audience of facilities buyers.

Access security & control asbestos removal Asset tracking aV equipment BIM Building maintenance Building management systems Building material products Business continuity planning Cable management & network

installations CAFM/CAD Cashless payment systems Cleaning services & equipment Disaster recovery Document management Doors & windows Electrical & data energy management Environmental monitoring exterior maintenance Facilities cleaning Filing & storage Fire protection First aid equipment & training Furniture

Hazardous waste Health & safety Heating, air conditioning & ventilation Interior design It software/development and solutions Janitorial supplies Landscaping services Lift consultants Lighting Mobile communications Pest control Property management & maintenance Recruitment Recycling Removals & re-locations Renovation Security equipment and services Signage Space management Sustainability telephony service TFM Vending supplies Washroom hygiene Waste management Water services

Carpet & Upholstery cleaning

Chemicals & Dispensers

Food hygiene services

Hard floor cleaning

Infection control

Janitorial suppliers

maintenance services

Paper & textile Wipes

Pest Control

Pressure Washers

this Cleaning Zone will bring together professionals from the contract and industrial cleaning industry. If you provide any of the following products and services, make sure you don’t miss out on the opportunity to exhibit in 2016:

WhO shOuld exhiBiT?

71% of exhibitors

are likely to return in 2016

cleaning cleaning

WhO ViSitS?


Amey Innovation manager

AQA Education Fm manager

BP Operations Support manager emea

Carillion PLC Senior Facilities manager

Cheltenham Ladies College Facilities manager

DHL Head of Procurement

Harrods Ltd Project manager

Howdens Facilities team Leader

Kelloggs Food Safety & Sanitation manager

Mitie Facilities manager

NHS Property Services Facilities Co-ordinator

Northern Devon Healthcare energy and Compliance NHS Trust manager

Oxford University Facilities manager

Royal College of Paediatrics Facilities & Hospitality & Child Health Coordinator

Siemens plc Plant & Facilities engineer

The AA Facilities manager

TSB bank engineering & energy

University Hospitals Bristol estates manager NHS Foundation Trust

Virgin Trains estates manager

Vodafone Business Development manager

Volvo Group UK Ltd UK Facilities manager

Walkers Snack Foods Facilities engineer

WhO visiTed FaCiliTies ManageMenT 2015

TOP jOB FunCTiOns 21% Facilities manager

8% Operation manager/ Director

4% maintenance manager

4% Director

3% Building maintenance Personnel

2% Office manager

2% estates manager

2% Health & Safety Officer

75% of exhibitors were

happy with the quality of visitors who attended

the show

Book now g g Contact Chris Collins +44 (0)20 8843 8825

Facilities Management 2015 was great as i could meet a number of suppliers gathered in the same place and saved a lot of time rather than visiting them individually.

Pete Derry, Business Solutions Director, Interserve

tOp iNDuStRy SeCtORS We make a targeted effort to attract business professionals from all sectors, take a look at some of the representatives that attend the show in 2015:


Cheltenham Ladies College

Derby University

Kirklees College

manchester University

Oxford University

Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health


Corby Borough Council

nottinghamshire City Council

Oxfordshire County Council

Wiltshire Council




emerson management Services

Ingersoll Rand

Kelly engineering


Siemens PLC

Volvo group UK Ltd

As well as our top industry sectors we also target facilities professionals in the following:

Building/ Construction/ engineering It/ telecommunicationsLeisure/HotelsLogistics / DistributionRetailtransport


Cofely group

gSS Facilities management Limited


mainstay Facilities management




Black Country Partnership nHS Foundation trust

HPC Healthline

nHS Property Services

Spire Healthcare



[email protected] | www.fm-birmingham.com

hOW We ReACh yOuR tARGet MARKet

Print and online advertising campaigns in: Tomorrow’s FM B4e BFM Building Better healthcare

energy Management FM World FMO FMuK

iFM Tomorrow’s Cleaning Tomorrow’s Flooring viva healthcare

iN the NeWSFacilities management news announcements and press releases have been featured in leading industry press outlets reaching over 500,000 decision makers and thousands more in online news channels.

ON the phONeOur experienced telemarketers have spent over 450 hours spreading the word of Facilities management 2015 and registering visitors over the phone.

ViA eMAiLmore than 52,000 email addresses have been sent regular email updates with the latest show news highlighting relevant topics and interests. Our partners have also communicated their presence at the show to their own audiences reaching almost 240,000 facilities management professionals.

thROuGh the pOStOver 60,000 pieces of printed promotional materials have been distributed in publications and sent through the post to prospective visitors.

ONLiNeOver 1 million unique users have been reached with our online advertising campaign spanning over our Facilities management partners’ websites.

beiNG SOCiAL the Facilities management team loves being social; using Linkedin and twitter to provide daily show news and information about exhibitors.

exhibitors at Facilities management benefit from being part of an extensive marketing and PR campaign promoting the show to the facilities industry. Covering all aspects of the marketing mix, the campaign ensures we reach the end users who rely on industry products and services every day.


Book now g g Contact Chris Collins +44 (0)20 8843 8825

pACKAGeS AND pRiCeS Your complete stand package at Maintec 2016 includes:

Stand build (12m2), name board, carpet, two spotlights and one twin 500W power point One table and two chairs One literature rack Entryintheofficialshowcatalogue(inpartnershipwithIP&E) Inclusioninvisitorpromotionalactivity AccesstoavarietyofmarketingtoolstopromoteyourpresenceatFacilities

Management 2016

Maximum exposure ONLINE365 PackGenerateleadsandraiseyourmarketprofileyearround!YourONLINE365Packwillallowyoutocreateyourownmicrosite within www.maintecuk.com, creating a bespoke space to display your company information and promote your products&services.PartofyourONLINE365PackincludesourVisitConnectApp which allows you to use your smartphone and tablets to captureleadinformationlive!!

Marketing tools

SponsorshipBespoke OpportunitiesStandoutfromthecrowdatFacilitiesManagement2016!SponsorshipaddstoyourbrandpresenceandhelpsachieveyouroverallshowobjectivesatFacilitiesManagement2016.Whether you want to reach new markets, meet new prospects, raise your brand presence, or launch a new product; our team canoffernumerousopportunitiespre,duringandpostevent.

MaxiMuM exPOsure

As part of your stand package, we will offer you personalised marketingtools,tohelpyoupromoteyourstandandinviteyour clients to the show, these are completely FREE.

This includes:PR Exposure WehaveadedicatedPRteam,whocanhelpyougetfreeeditorialcoverageforanythingyouwishtopromote.Secure Mailing Wewillsendoutacustomisedinvitationaswellasalettertoyour client database. Telemarketing Wewillcallandinviteyourclientstotheshowonyourbehalfto see you at your stand.Personalised Buttons and Banners Wehaveawiderangeofbuttonsandbannersavailablefor you to use for any online marketing. You can add these to your website and emails, to let people know that you are involvedintheshow.Personalised Invitations Youwillautomaticallyreceive100+invitationsforyoutodistribute to your database. Unique Registration Link and Databuild Track those who register, download the registration data of thosewhoregisterviathefreemarketingtools.

[email protected] | www.fm-birmingham.com

Organised by

Book now www.fm-birmingham.com g

Maintec is the UK’s leading show for maintenance, plant and asset management.MainteccontinuestobeTHEeventforvisitorstoseethelatesttechnologyprovidingcost-cuttingsolutions,increasingproductivityandhigherROIfortheirbusiness.

Findoutmore www.maintecuk.com


Findoutmore www.healthandsafetyevents.co.uk



Chris Collins: +44 (0)20 8843 [email protected]


We have had some great leads at the show. The quality of visitor to the stand has as always been fantastic and we feel that the whole easyfairs package has been excellent.Julia Pons, Director, EMP

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