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Page 1: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020



• SECTION 15000 – MECHANICAL PLUMBING has been divided into:


• 220000 – PLUMBING

• 230000 – HVAC


A. A/E Coordination

1. For design of Clinical Facilities with Negative Pressure Rooms refer to Appendix


2. For design of Evidence or Forensic Rooms in Law Enforcement or Public Safety

Facilities refer to Police Station Design Manual.

3. Mechanical Room General Design Criteria:

a. Mechanical equipment shall be located on the ground floor and provided

with double doors, or doors sized to be able to remove the largest piece of

mechanical equipment. When conditions require roof mounted mechanical

equipment, units shall be mounted on 18” high curbs and never placed

directly on roof. Additional clear height is required for larger equipment

and shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the American

Roofing Contractors Associations latest reference manual. Fans ventilating

kitchen hoods: At least 24 inches (610 mm), or more if required to place

discharge of fan 40 inches (1016 mm) above roof surface. In addition, all

roof mounted mechanical equipment required to be screened (refer to

Division 010000) shall be designed to allow required access and airflow.

b. Paved access for maintenance vehicles shall be as close as possible to the

mechanical room access.

c. Rooms shall be of sufficient size for all required clearances and all

proposed piping and duct layouts and must accommodate replacement of

each piece of equipment without removing any other piece of equipment or

any part of the building Sufficient space shall be shown on the plans and

designated in the room by striping, for the replacement of the largest piece

of equipment in the room to allow assembly and testing of the replacement

piece of equipment prior to switch over and removal of the piece of

equipment being replaced.

Page 2: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

d. Travel paths shall be clearly indicated which present no to minimal

obstacles for equipment replacement and servicing.

e. Where it is not practical to design equipment rooms on the ground floor

level, the room design, and if necessary adjacent spaces, shall incorporate

clearly defined provisions for equipment replacement and servicing.

Necessary adjacent spaces shall not include spaces critical to the operation

of the building function.

f. Mechanical rooms that serve as air plenums shall be designed according to

prevailing code, shall be void of combustible materials, and shall not permit

untreated outside air delivery into the room.

g. Mechanical room floors shall be painted or otherwise treated with an

industrial grade, slip resistant, water-proof type coating of a light gray color

and curbs and equipment pads painted/trimmed out in yellow color slip

resistant, industrial grade treatment.

h. Rooms shall have proper drainage depending on the type of equipment


i. Where there is equipment to be cleaned, etc., there shall be a ¾” hose bib

with backflow protection.

j. Noise attenuation measures shall be incorporated into the design of the

mechanical room(s). Provide an NC of 35 for office spaces. A lower value

of NC-30 is appropriate for classrooms and sleeping rooms.



Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz)

63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

Sound Pressure Levels (dB)

NC-30 57 48 41 35 31 29 28 27

NC-35 60 52 45 40 36 34 33 32

NC-40 64 56 50 45 41 39 38 37

k. Equipment rooms must be weatherproofed and have secured locking


l. A/E must clearly show HVAC equipment and screening located on the roof

and/or on the site on all renderings and elevations to show accurate

representation on the overall design.

4. Roof Guards:

Page 3: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

a. Refer to the Mechanical Code for requirements to provide guardrails at the

edge of roof areas adjacent to rooftop equipment that require maintenance

access at the roof level.

b. If guard rails are unavoidable, the A/E is to indicate and specify railing that

is compatible with the building’s structure and aesthetics.

5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment:

a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions. Provide

OSHA approved safety tie-off/anchor points on all roofs without code

minimum railing /parapet wall.

b. Roof walkways must be provided in all expected travel areas and around

roof mounted equipment.

c. Provide platforms around cooling towers and other HVAC units elevated

above roof surface. Provide permanent ladders to access platforms.

d. Ladders must be provided to all roof levels and interior ladders are preferred

where practical. Provide a ship’s ladder with straight steps (no alternating

treads) to the main roof levels.

e. Refer to Accessibility and Maintainability section (I.E.2) for detailed access


f. Kitchen exhaust fans must be provided with proper access in accordance

with NFPA 96

6. Ceiling Access to HVAC Equipment:

a. In ceiling areas where HVAC equipment, such as VAV boxes, need to be

located, A/E shall provide appropriate ceiling space such that equipment,

dampers, valves, etc., can be easily accessed for maintenance. Where

access to equipment is required maximum ceiling height shall be 9’-0”.

b. Ceiling access shall be accessed no greater than that required from 8’ step

ladder. For ceiling spaces only requiring junction boxes, cabling and other

miscellaneous items the ceilings can be up to 10’-0”.

If there is nothing (including junction boxes) in the ceiling requiring

service/maintenance, ceilings can be higher in special areas but shall be

specifically requested to FMD in writing no later than the design

development submission and the design must illustrate that access above

such higher ceilings is not required. VAV boxes and similar equipment can

be located in lower ceiling areas (9’-0”), if need be, to allow for limited


Page 4: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

higher ceiling areas, but specific parameters for this accommodation must

be detailed on the drawings.

c. For inaccessible ceilings, the A/E shall indicate and specify compatible

access panels of sufficient size that have been coordinated with the

Engineering layout and requirements.

d. It is permissible to specify cable operated volume dampers for individual air

devices where access panels may be less desirable.

e. Equipment shall be a minimum of 3’- 6” from a wall.

NEC requires 42” to grounded sources from live electrical components.

NEC defines walls, ceiling grids, sprinkler piping etc. as grounded source.

f. Where built-in systems (furniture and/or shelving) are planned and basic

layout can be determined, VAV boxes/AC equipment shall be located above

the walkways and not directly over furnishings that cannot be easily moved.

7. Return Air Paths:

a. Buildings with tall, vaulted attic spaces require close coordination between

Architect and Engineer.

b. Use of attic space as an air plenum is not permissible.

c. Design and specify ducted supply/return systems where ductwork must

traverse through an attic space or within vaulted elements. Ducts shall be

insulated as required by the Energy Code for exterior ductwork in all

unconditioned spaces.

d. For “flat” ceiling applications, plenum returns are preferred unless there are

compelling reasons for ducting back to the air mover(s). Extreme caution

must be taken when creating a return air plenum in an existing building as

all materials within the plenum must be confirmed by the design team in

advance of issuance of the design documents to be safe and plenum rated as

required by code. This requires observation and testing, and complete

removal of materials not allowed per code for plenum use. Do not make it

the responsibility of the contractor to determine the suitability of the above

ceiling area to meet the code requirements related to return air plenum.

e. Where ceiling return air plenums are utilized, coordinate the design intent

and use of return air light fixtures and other architectural return air measures

with the BDCD Project Manager. Ensure replacement light fixtures are

equipped with equal return air capacity of the fixtures being replaced (this is

particularly important with LED fixtures which are much more compact and

Page 5: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

do not always have as much room in the housing for return air openings).

Add appropriate sizes and quantities of return air grilles if replacement light

fixtures reduce the net opening for return air flow.

f. The A/E shall coordinate all full height walls, obstructions, and prevailing

code requirements such that the return air plenum is viable. Provide

transfer ducts or openings where necessary with appropriate fire dampers

and/or smoke dampers. If the full height wall/partition is sound attenuated,

then “Z” or “U” type sound-lined transfer air ducts as appropriate shall be


B. Submission Requirements

1. The A/E shall send building load letters and plans to the electric and gas

companies with copy to BDCD Project Manager at appropriate times during


2. A/E shall submit cut sheets for the major equipment components which form the

basis for design, at the Design Development phase. The cut sheets must identify

equipment dimensions. The construction drawings shall include detailed part

plans and section views (1/4" = 1' or larger scale) dimensioned to show the major

equipment, duct work, and piping located within the mechanical spaces. Detailed

plans must reflect that adequate space and clearances are provided for inspection,

maintenance and replacement access, and all major mechanical equipment. These

clearances, along with those required by code, NEC etc., shall be indicated by

light dashed lines on all plans for all equipment.

3. A/E shall use eQuest, Trane Trace, DOE-2 or other pre-approved equivalent

building simulation programs to conduct energy modeling to aid in preparing a

life-cycle cost analysis for mechanical system selection, optimized building

orientation, architectural shading methods, building envelope characteristics, and

day lighting options during the Schematic/ Design Development phases. The

BDCD Project Manager and A/E shall meet with the Using Agency to determine

actual building operations plan and schedule and what options shall be evaluated

and to review costs/benefits of various design alternatives. The A/E shall provide

the Owner an annual energy budget model based upon the computer simulation.

Report shall include the program outputs and list of input assumptions.

4. A/E shall conduct a Life Cycle Cost Analysis of alternate HVAC systems at

Schematic Design Phase. Owner’s selection shall be subject to FMD approval,

based on considerations such as reliability, energy consumption, maintenance

cost, etc. For maintenance costs, A/E shall request to BDCD Project Manager for

FMD to complete applicable equipment maintenance costs in Exhibit 230000-A.

Page 6: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

Where specific costs are unavailable, RS Means cost data shall be used. The

following parameters shall be used for evaluating life-cycle cost analysis.

a. 5% discount factor for capital costs.

b. Current utility rates should be confirmed with FMD and the escalation rate

should be discussed at the time of the study as they can vary widely and have

a big impact on life cycle analysis. 3% escalation rate has been used recently.

c. Study period shall be for 30 years. Use the following for life cycles for

replacement for the below listed equipment:

o Packaged roof top equipment – 15 years

o Boilers – 15 years for condensing, 25 years for steel, 35 for cast iron.

o DX equipment – 15 years.

o Air handling units with water coils – 17 years.

o Control Systems – 10 years

o Piping – 30 years

o Ductwork - 30 years

d. All life cycle costs shall be in “Present Worth” format. 5. The A/E shall confirm design conditions early in the project and submit all

heating and cooling load calculations for review by the end of Design

Development. Revised load calculations shall be resubmitted to the Owner as

required to reflect revised loads based on Owner & HVAC Peer Reviewer


6. Provide a points list and sequence of operations for each project.

a. Within the Sequence of Operations, the A/E shall clearly separate the

sequences between those performed by the Energy Management System

and those performed by packaged equipment controllers.

b. Where there is communication between the EMCS and packaged equipment

the hard wire points shall be specified and a separate list of points provided

for all BACnet mapped points.

c. Sequences shall be provided at the DD phase.

7. Show true North arrow on all Mechanical plan sheets for all submissions. Provide

graphic scales on all sheets including scaled drawings.

Page 7: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

8. For building footprints too large to fit on a single plan sheet, provide a key plan

on all plan sheets. Provide a key plan on any sheet where partial plans are utilized

and indicate in a light hatch pattern for the area(s) of work. Where feasible,

maintain same building orientation for all plans and include column lines even on

key plans, as applicable.

9. Provide outside air calculations to the BDCD Project Manager by no later than the

Design Development review. Calculations to be performed in accordance with

the Virginia Mechanical Code, ASHRAE 62.1 and ASRAE 90.1. A-E shall verify

any additional requirements from LEED. Fairfax County LDS provides a

spreadsheet for Mechanical Ventilation which shall be submitted with each set of

permit application drawings.

10. Equipment schedules shall contain capacities required by load calculations and

capacities of proposed equipment. This applies for heating and cooling BTUH’s

and GPM. This will allow the county to more easily verify that equipment has not

been oversized (requirement of IECC) and facilitate future equipment

replacements based on actual required capacities instead of what was installed.

C. Main Fuel Tank, Day Tank & Piping for Diesel Generators duplex fuel oil pump

arrangement is preferred.

1. Primary tanks and day tanks shall not be located or mounted on the same frame as

the emergency generator. The Day Tank shall be mounted on a slab on grade,

independent of the emergency generator. Simplex Day and Pryco Day Tanks are

preferred. For an exterior Day Tank, provide Day Tank heater and heat tape on

fuel lines, as necessary. A secondary fuel pump shall be provided for the return

line from the Day Tank to the Main Fuel Tank as an integral part of Day Tank, as


Delete the day tank if an Above Ground Storage Tank is located immediately

adjacent to the generator.

2. Packaged units with main fuel tanks, sub-base fuel tanks, belly tanks, on-board

tanks or rail mounted tanks are not acceptable. All fuel piping and fuel tank

designs should be approved by the system manufacturer of the generator set.

Copper piping is not to be used for fuel supply or return. Fuel oil return piping

must be provided from the generator to the Day Tank and from the Day Tank to

the Main Fuel Tank.

3. The main fuel tank shall be a separate component, and shall either be a buried

double wall tank or an approved above ground storage tank (AST) mounted on a

slab independent of the generator in accordance with UL listing. The AST shall

be securely bolted to the slab and properly grounded.

Page 8: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

4. Fuel system piping shall be black pipe and painted with Corrosion-resistant black

paint. Fuel return line piping must be properly sized as per manufacturer’s

recommendations. The fuel piping and the electrical conduit between the

generator and the Day Tank and fuel piping between the Day Tank and the Main

Fuel Storage Tank shall be routed to allow easy access around these items without

conflict. In the event the fuel piping has to be elevated, provide a set of check

valves and a shut-off valve in each of the sections (from main tank to day tank

and day tank to generator) in order to be able to maintain the prime at all times.

5. Where a buried fuel tank is used, a foot valve shall be installed at the tank’s

lowest point, to prevent air from entering the system.

6. Where a diesel generator set is specified, provide a foot valve in the tank at the

lowest point in the piping to prevent the possibility of air getting into the system.

7. The minimum size for the diesel fuel tank to support only the generator shall be

sufficiently sized to fuel the generator for a period of 96 hours at full load

capacity assuming the tank to be full at ¾ capacity at all times. The installer shall

provide a minimum of half tank of fuel at the time of generator startup. The A/E

shall include in the specifications that the contractor is required to provide a 4-

hour step load bank test and that the contractor is responsible for providing the


8. The Day Tank shall be specified with a hand pump for emergency operation. The

day tank piping shall be provided with unions so that the Day Tank may be

isolated and replaced without redoing the piping. The return lines shall have no

valves, as required by code.

9. Above ground Fuel Storage Tanks shall be located at or near grade and shall be

easily accessible for ease of maintenance and repair. There shall be no obstacles

to accessing the generator with dollies and 55-gallon drums.

10. Main fuel tank, Day tank and fuel lines shall be installed by a certified contractor

in accordance with manufacturer’s installation requirements and the requirements

of the NFPA, IBC, NEC. The main fuel tank and Day Tank may be painted with

the same color as that of the generator.

D. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning System Selection (Refer to Energy

Efficiency section I.E.1 for additional information)

1. The A/E shall coordinate with DPWES and FMD prior to selection of the

mechanical system.

Page 9: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

2. Where building size and use (generally greater than 100,000 sf and of a

Government Center or other major function) require complex multi-zone comfort

systems, central plant configurations are preferred. In such cases, the basis of the

heating and cooling system shall incorporate the following:

a. Centrifugal chillers above 120 tons and scroll or screw type chillers below 120

tons supplying chilled water, with VAV air handling units are strongly


b. A four-pipe system is preferred.

c. Firetube hot water boilers supplying hot water to perimeter baseboard or VAV

terminal mounted heaters and air handlers (use hot water coils for morning

warm-up) should be used for the heating system. For VAV systems, the

decision to use terminal unit electric reheat will be made on a case by case


d. The use of condensing boilers is preferred for new installations. For retrofits,

the use of condensing vs. non-condensing boilers will be made on a case by

case basis. Multiple boilers should be incorporated for redundancy and shall

use cascading controls between the boilers. A minimum of two boilers shall be

used and each sized such that when a boiler is out of service, remaining

capacity shall produce a minimum of 75% of the total heating load.

e. Temperature controls shall be Direct Digital Control (DDC).

f. Chillers should be located in an enclosed mechanical room. Avoid locating

chilled water units above the roof line. Specify glycol and for piping to enter

the unit directly below the unit, when no other acceptable options are available.

Provide refrigerant monitoring, detection, alarms, and ventilation as required to

meet Mechanical Code requirements and ASHRAE standards. Smaller chillers

that use scroll compressors can be packaged units located outdoors but must be

designed to include glycol to prevent freeze-ups and/or the need to drain/fill

the system seasonally. Glycol feeders shall be included for such systems

instead of make-up water connections. Heat tracing of the exterior piping shall

be included, and the heat tracing shall be monitored through the EMCS. CFC

and HCFC refrigerants are not to be used in mechanical equipment on County

projects. The County goal is to achieve the LEED Enhanced Refrigerant

Management Credit, and the use of HFC refrigerants is strongly encouraged.

g. AHUs located in mechanical rooms are the owner’s preference to achieve

extended AHU life cycle. Mechanical rooms shall be sized such that

replacement units can be assembled adjacent to the existing operating unit and

readily ducted into the existing duct system to allow minimal down times for

Page 10: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

systems replacements. These added costs shall be accounted for in the Life

Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA).

h. Avoid designs that require boiler operation in the summer. County boilers,

typically, are not run during the summer months.

i. Avoid designs that require chiller operation during the winter. Any space that

requires 24/7 cooling should use a DX system. County chillers typically, are

not run during the winter months.

3. In small, less complex buildings, VAV or constant volume roof top units with

fully modulating natural gas heat and DX cooling are preferred as they minimize

floor space required for mechanical rooms.

4. Hot water systems designed to be outside the building envelope are not permitted.

5. Where commercially available, DX units shall have multiple compressors or

unloading capabilities to avoid excessive cycling of compressor(s). Provide at

least one inverter driven fully variable compressor to ensure that humidity is

controlled in low load, high OA humidity conditions.

6. VAV systems are preferred for indoor comfort control (humidity). Variable

volume and temperature (VVT) systems are not permitted. Constant and variable

air volume systems shall utilize modulating hot gas reheat for humidity control. In

single zone spaces a space humidity sensor may be used. In multiple zones, a

return humidity control system shall be integral with the unit controls.

a. Ensure that discharge temperature (DAT) reset is coordinated with the hot

gas reheat (HGRH) so that the reset is lowered to the point required to

maintain humidity levels and minimize any heating required at the VAV

boxes; i.e. it shall not automatically set back to the lowest DAT when

dehumidification mode is enabled if a higher DAT will dehumidify

sufficiently. This will prevent/at least minimize using new energy to reheat

any zones that become overcooled.

b. For conference rooms and other high cooling load spaces, the VAV box(s)

serving these spaces and their air distribution system shall be sized for a

DAT reset condition of 62 degrees F. vs. the typical peak cooling day DAT

(+/- 55 degrees F).

c. Where constant volume systems are deemed appropriate, design and

implementation of a “single zone VAV” approach is preferred.

7. Where natural gas is not available, packaged air to air heat pump units with 100%

electric back up are acceptable.

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Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

8. If the motor operated damper is in series with a gravity damper, it can be in two

positions (open/close). Packaged equipment shall only be specified with a motor

operated damper or a barometric backdraft damper, not both.

10. Supply air shall be directed away from thermostat/sensors. Thermostat/sensor

locations must be shown on the drawings. Before locating, coordinate

thermostat/sensor locations with loose and fixed furniture plans to avoid conflicts

and poor sensing capabilities. For exterior zones, avoid locating thermostat/sensor

too far from the exterior wall.

11. Interlock exhaust fans with associated AHU to assure they are included in

controls package and don’t run continuously. This will also save control points.

12. Provide telecom and elevator machine rooms with independent split system units

where appropriate to the facility’s operations. The unit shall be wall mounted,

located above the door to maximize wall space available for the intended use of

the room.

13. An evaluation of the building criticality shall be completed to determine required

redundancy of the heating system. Criteria such as the need for continual

occupancy and risk of pipes freezing in event of an equipment failure shall be

considered. The system shall be designed to address these concerns.

E. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design Criteria

Optimal design will emphasize energy efficiency, accessibility, and maintainability.

1. Energy Efficiency

a. The HVAC system shall meet all building code requirements for heating and

cooling loads and shall be designed to meet project target for LEED. The use

of VRF systems may be considered but will be subject to approval by the

Environmental and Energy Coordination Committee (EECC). Refer to section

010000 General Design Requirements. Building envelope components shall be

designed for energy efficiency in compliance with ASHRAE, IMC, and other

applicable building and energy codes. Special attention shall be paid to the

International Energy Conservation Code requirements for equipment sizing


b. The HVAC designer shall pay close attention to actual building occupant load

patterns and anticipated actual building loads to ensure that the system

efficiently meets these requirements. Fairfax County has had problems with

systems that meet the code requirements but do not effectively heat, cool or

dehumidify the building in actual loading conditions. A/E shall:

Page 12: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

i. Use all code approved methods to reduce occupant loads to match actual

conditions and to reduce fresh air quantities to lowest possible levels

ii. In buildings with fixed shelving and stacks, such as libraries, such

shelving and stack floor areas, must be deducted from the net square foot


iii. Use occupant averaging, room volume, transfer air techniques or other

approved code methods to reduce fresh air requirements. This is

mandatory for all meeting rooms, conference rooms, or other assembly

areas. Use LDS occupancy load program to calculate outside air quantity

reductions for variable and intermittent occupancies where possible.

Coordinate with the BDCD Project Manager or contact Building Plan

Review in County’s Land Development Services to obtain the most

current copy.

iv. In renovation projects, ensure the remaining portions of any mechanical

systems that are to be reused are coordinated with the new/planned use of

the building. This shall include a detailed evaluation of the exhaust

systems to ensure they are not oversized for the new/planned use.

Otherwise oversized exhaust systems will often dictate an increase in the

amount of fresh air required (buildings overall must be designed to be

positive) and drastically affect energy use and potentially humidity levels.

v. Size cooling equipment to match actual building occupant load


vi. HVAC loads shall be based on actual lighting loads wherever possible. If

actual lighting loads are not available at the time HVAC loads are

calculated, lighting load shall be estimated by maximum lighting power

density permitted by space type according to IECC. Do not use 2 W/SF

as standard lighting load for all spaces.

vii. Central plant equipment shall be sized for the building peak, not the sum

of the zone peaks.

viii. If packaged DX equipment is used, they shall have multiple/variable

cooling and heating stages to meet part load conditions for proper

humidity control. Design CFM range for DX equipment that serves

occupied spaces shall be in the range of 340-360 CFM/Ton. Design

CFM/ton for equipment that primarily serves equipment such as server

rooms shall be at the equipment manufacturer’s rate to adhere to the

cataloged cooling capacity.

ix. HVAC systems shall be designed to limit indoor humidity levels in the

cooling mode to an average 50% with an upper limit maximum of 55%

per OSHA requirements and recommendations, as levels above 60%

promote and support mold growth.

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Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

x. Variable speed compressors, hot gas reheat, dedicated outside air units

and other active humidity control systems shall be used. New energy

reheat shall not be used.

c. Provide HVAC zones for different functional areas and to allow for night use

in appropriate areas.

i. Where design loads for a space may vary significantly from actual

loads, the system shall be designed with capacity reduction capability.

ii. CO2 sensors shall be provided to control amount of fresh outside air


Effort should be made to properly design the outside air intake

boundaries so that the equipment is not oversized. Outside air (OA)

quantity when CO2 is below setpoint shall be half the calculated code

required ventilation. When CO2 exceeds setpoint, OA shall increase

to the calculated code required ventilation rate. If upper and lower

limits for OA intake are included, it will allow the TAB contractor to

properly setup the outdoor air control on AJ+HU’s and RTU’s. The

OA lower limit needs to be calculated based on the amount of exhaust

to always keep the building positive. The maximum OA should be the

calculated code minimum as it is typically more as it based on the

calculated occupancy rather than the actual occupancy.

d. Systems designed shall maintain the following temperature settings:

Type of Area



Occupied 1,2







General Office 72-75 85 72 - 75

Sleeping Areas 71-74 72-75

Corridors 75 72

Building Lobbies6 75 72

Toilets 75 73

Locker Rooms 73 74

Electrical Closets 78 55

Mech. Spaces 95 3 55

Elec. Switchgear 95 3 55

Elevator Mach. Room6 78 55

Page 14: 230000 - HVAC · 230000 – HVAC 230000-3 2020 Version Revised 1/29/2020 5. Roof Access to HVAC Equipment: a. All roof levels shall be accessible for maintenance – no exceptions.

Guidelines for Architects and Engineers

Fairfax County BDCD

230000 – HVAC


2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

Emerg. Gen. Room 953,4 953,4 55

Transformer Vaults 95 3

Stairwells (none) 65

Comm./Tel. Frame Room 75 45 72

Storage Room 74 65

Conference Room7 72-75 72-75

Auditorium6 72-75 72-75

Kitchen6 72-75 72-75

Dining6 74 76

Cafeteria6 74 76

Courtrooms 72-75 72-75

Data Center6, 2 65-72 65-72

Data/Security Equipment Closet2 77 77

Specialty Rooms & Labs6,8 TBD8 TBD8 TBD8

Apparatus Bays Heat Exhaust 56

1. Temperatures are degrees Fahrenheit and shall be adjustable within the provided range.

2. Maximum permissible relative humidity is 50 percent in conditioned areas. Data

Centers and data closets adjustable range shall be 40%-45%.

3. Maximum temperature. Space to be mechanically cooled if necessary.

4. Room must not exceed temperature with generator running.

5. Minimum temperature in a building and all associated spaces to include mechanical

must be 55 °F even when unoccupied.

6. System shall be designed for process cooling. Cooling system shall be a dedicated

independent system.

7. Provide independent temperature control.

8. To be determined by end user and certification/licensing requirements

e. Outside Air Design Parameters (temperatures) for General Building Areas.

Winter 13oF

Summer 95/ 75oF

(Verify design temperatures with ASHRAE Standards.)

f. The building thermal envelope shall be maximized as these items are static

and the added thermal performance does not add maintenance and directly

saves energy no matter the efficiency of the HVAC system. In any case, the

minimum values shall be per the Energy Code or as listed below, whichever

is more stringent:

Window U-Factor Metal Frame 0.50 Max

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2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

Window U-Factor Nonmetal Frame 0.40 Max

Window Solar Heat Gain Factor 0.40 Max

Mass Wall U Factor 0.104 Max (R9.5 c.i.)

Steel-Framed U Value 0.064 Max (R-13 + R-7.5 c.i.)

Metal Building 0.084 (R-19)

Soffit/Floors U-Factor 0.10 Max

Roof Insulation entirely above Deck 0.048 (R-20 c.i.)

Roof Metal Building 0.055 (R-13 + R-13)

Roof Attic and Other 0.027

g. Warehouses, garages and Fire Station Apparatus Bays should be provided with

infrared tube heating systems and should not be air-conditioned. All infrared

heat systems which have more than five burners shall be “Co-Ray-Vac” Class I

serpentine infrared system manufactured by Roberts Gordon or approved

equal. Infrared heat systems with less than five burners can be specified as a

Class II, open to several manufacturers. Whenever possible, eliminate or

reduce the use of make-up air heaters. Use single bulb temperature sensors

(Accustat) set at 65 degrees in lieu of factory infrared controls. Bring in un-

tempered air at the ceiling level, with the infrared systems sized for the

additional load. If make-up air heaters are used, specify modulating burners

with a 65-degree discharge air temperature introduced at the ceiling level.

Exhaust systems shall be automatically controlled by exhaust gas sensors. For

maintenance garages, provide ceiling mounted commercial grade propeller fans

for summer ventilation. For all bay doors provide EMCS interlock to

shutdown conditioning system in bay area(s) when a bay door is open and to

re-energize heat when the space is in danger of freezing if doors remain open

and initiate EMCS or local alarm. Provide Co-Ray-Vac compatible local

temperature controls with EMCS monitoring and override controls.

h. Energy recovery shall be used whenever possible to reduce energy use. The

use of air to air heat exchangers should be used when airstreams cannot be

mixed, otherwise energy recovery wheels shall be used. Energy recovery

devices can be integral to air handling equipment or be separate units to

pretreat the outside air. Generally separate energy recovery units are preferred.

i. All air handling units/cooling equipment (including DOAU/energy recovery

units) with outdoor air intake greater than 20% of the supply air volume shall

be sized to meet both the peak cooling on a 0.4% day and the peak

dehumidification on a 0.4% day. Each of these required capacities shall be

included on the equipment schedules.

j. All control dampers critical to emergency systems operation shall fail to the

position required to allow this system to operate (fail safe operation).

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2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

2. Accessibility and Maintainability

a. Planning and coordination are required during design and construction to

assure accessibility to new mechanical equipment. The long-term equipment

maintenance requirements must be evaluated so that reliable, sustainable,

maintainable and replaceable mechanical systems are installed. This will help

the systems operate efficiently and safely throughout the life of the building.

b. Design shall provide for adequate access and work space to all HVAC

equipment for maintenance, inspections, repairs, cleaning and replacement.

Clearances shall be sufficient so that any piece of equipment can be replaced

without the removal of any other equipment.

c. Mechanical rooms shall, to the degree possible, be located on the ground level,

at an outside wall with maintenance vehicle parking spaces and loading zone

immediately adjacent to the mechanical room door. All major HVAC

equipment shall be located in the mechanical room(s).

d. Maintenance, repair, and replacement requirements must be carefully

considered and evaluated, during the design phase, for all equipment mounted

on the roof or located in the attic to assure reasonable and appropriate access.

e. All HVAC equipment located in the ceiling such as VAV boxes shall have

unimpeded access from an 8’step ladder and the bottom elevation of the

equipment shall be designed to be at 9’- 4” AFF. Maximum ceiling height

shall be 9’-0” in areas with equipment above the ceilings.

f. All HVAC equipment shall have accessibility details noted on the mechanical

and architectural plans and specifications, including, but not limited to: walk-

ways, cat-walks, access doors, maintenance areas, electrical disconnects,

electrical control panels, VAV box maintenance areas, equipment coil, filter

and belt access locations.

g. The manufacturer’s minimum clearance requirements shall be provided. At

least 42 inches of clearance is required for maintenance around all mechanical

equipment, unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer, and allowed

by NEC.

h. Avoid locating ceiling mounted HVAC equipment over areas that would be

adversely affected by daytime service, such as a kitchen or other equipment

and furnishing or office cubicles.

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2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

i. Air conditioning condensate drain piping shall discharge to a storm drain or

directly outdoors by gravity. Liquid combustion byproducts from fuel fired

boilers and furnaces shall discharge to an approved location in accordance

with the appliance manufacturer’s instructions. All condensate piping shall

discharge to a location where it will not cause a nuisance. Piping shall be

properly anchored. Condensate drains from rooftop equipment shall terminate

directly at roof drain and be supported by premanufactured piping supports

compatible and suitable with the roofing. Provide drainable P-traps for

systems subject to freezing.

j. Non-curb mechanical equipment shall be supported by platforms with pipe

columns with umbrella flashings where applicable. Height of column should

be a minimum of 8" above roof membrane. Additional clear height is required

for larger equipment and shall be in accordance with the recommendations of

the American Roofing Contractors Associations latest reference manual.

F. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Specifications

1. Boilers - The specifications shall include:

a. Outside Air Reset - For non-condensing units, provide hot water reset based

on outside air temperature by the use of a three-way mixing valve.

b. Combustion Efficiency Test - Burner shall be tuned up for maximum

performance, including correct nozzle size, flame shape, and air damper

adjustment for minimum excess air. Performance shall be verified via written

results of an instrumented combustion efficiency test, including test data net

stack temperature, percentage CO2 or O2 oil smoke spot or percentage CO,

and total combustion efficiency percentage.

c. Boiler Water Flow - Consider boiler re-circulation pumps or injector pumps

for boilers to maintain water flow. Re-circulation pumps shall maintain

minimum flow in the boilers as recommended by boiler manufacturer. The

water flow can be a problem where three-way valves are used for outside air

reset at warmer OA air temperature when most water is by-passed, and the

boilers have very low flow. Systems shall also be designed to avoid thermal

shock to boilers at start-up.

2. Where removable printed circuit boards are provided, an extra set shall be

furnished including description, manufacturer, and source of supply identified.

3. Provide spare relays for A/C units and identify manufacturer and source of supply

(include in Operations and Maintenance Manual).

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4. Specify direct drive fans when possible as they are more efficient and require less

maintenance/adjusting and replacement of belts.

5. Provide one extra set of belts for each belt driven unit including axial HVAC fans,

centrifugal HVAC fans, and/or HVAC power ventilators.

6. In designs where the number of similar sized VFD units exceeds 10 units, provide

a spare VFD to minimize spare parts and to obtain parts and service from one

source and provide with communication between VFDs similar to Smartlink.

7. Use of lining for ductwork shall be limited and will be determined on a case by

case basis and all ductwork lining shall include perforated metal liner. If possible,

where required for acoustics, use perforated metal liner for inner wall or sound


8. Provide two extra changes for each type filter, 2" pleated are preferred. Install

new filters at Substantial Completion in addition to supplying the two spare sets

for attic stock.

9. Provide proper set of any non-standard test tools/equipment and appropriate

training for installed equipment. Avoid specifying non-standard test

tools/equipment, as applicable.

10. The temperature control system and the energy management control system shall

be provided by one manufacturer.

11. An instructional session shall be held after systems are functional to familiarize

Fairfax County staff (FMD) mechanics with the design and construction of the

system. Time shall be set up during the warranty period for "shake down"

meetings as needed. Total instructional and "shake down" time provided by the

design engineer and installing Contractor shall be coordinated with the Owner

prior to bidding but shall not be less than six hours. Contractor shall video record

all instructional sessions and provide the DVD to the Owner.

12. The specifications shall provide for a full one-year warranty period for all HVAC

systems equipment and associated controls, in addition to more extensive standard

warranties carried by the specified systems and equipment. Require a minimum

10-year warranty of gas fired heat exchangers. Additional special or extended

warranties must be evaluated and approved by the Owner during the design

process. Include a separate consolidated list of all warranties including duration,

vendor and contact information in the O&M Manual and in the Mechanical room

framed under glass.

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2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

13. If roof mounted A/C units are used, provide a power receptacle, an interior

stepladder with handrails, steps 12" apart and top step no more than 15" from

opening up of roof hatch.

14. Provide wall mounted control diagrams in all boiler and mechanical rooms. The

diagrams shall be framed and covered with Plexiglas or laminated.

15. Provide engraved equipment labels for the newly installed HVAC equipment.

Lettering on labels shall be ¾” tall for equipment designation and 1/2” tall for the

installation date (mm/dd/yy format), warranty, and contact information. Plastic

laminated engraved labels shall be black with white lettering and be permanently

affixed in a conspicuous location approved by the BDCD Project Manager.

Provide label submittal with full scale drawing(s) of labels for review prior to


16. All valves shall be numbered with brass tags and referenced to operational


17. Provisions shall be made for metering of heating fuel oil consumption. Provide

back flow preventers in fuel lines, as required. Exposed exterior fuel lines must

be insulated/heated.

18. Coordinate with DPWES to notify FMD staff when system balancing is scheduled

so FMD HVAC mechanics can observe the procedure.

19. Access panels or doors must be provided for any equipment located in all wall or

ceiling spaces that may require maintenance, repairs, or modifications.

20. All equipment, smoke detectors, heat detectors, etc., HVAC equipment which are

located above a suspended ceiling must be clearly labeled at the appropriate

location on the ceiling.

21. CFC and HCFC refrigerants are not to be used in mechanical equipment on

County projects. The County goal is to achieve the LEED Enhanced Refrigerant

Management Credit. Use of HFC refrigerants is strongly encouraged.

22. In DX units that have multiple compressors, cooling coils shall be intertwined.

23. All motors are to be NEMA Premium efficiency.

24. A minimum of three-foot- six inches (42”) clearance is required at electrical

elements at VAV boxes, fan coil units, etc. per National Electric Code (NEC.)

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2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

25. All ductwork and piping that will gain or lose energy to/from the surrounding

atmosphere, or may cause condensation, shall be properly insulated per ASHRAE

90.1 2010 to minimize energy costs and condensation. All duct and pipe

insulation joints must be properly sealed. Insulation shall be continuous through

hangers, supports, and building construction elements such as walls, floors and


a. Exterior ductwork shall be completely sealed and waterproofed and tapered

insulation used on any surface, which shall be installed and shall prevent

water from collecting. The entire duct system shall be covered with an

approved weatherproof cladding with overlapping seams, on the underside

of the duct only.

b. Specification shall include requirement for the contractor to request a pre

close-in inspection and sign-off by Owner-M/E/P consultant for duct and

pipe insulation for walls and ceilings.

26. All hydronic piping shall be run in conditioned space to avoid freezing. Where it

is unavoidable to run in spaces subject to freezing, thermostatically controlled

electric heat tape shall be provided on piping. In cases where emergency

generators are specified, the electronic heat tape shall be connected to the

emergency generator. All heat tape shall be monitored by the EMCS and an alarm

sent when a failure is detected.

27. Provide Aegis grounding rings for all motors controlled by a VFD.

28. Fire dampers shall be type B (out of the air-stream) and are to be dynamic type

and shall be mounted in accordance with their UL Listing and per SMACNA.

29. VAV Systems

a. VAV systems are the preferred systems in buildings of any significant size

depending on the size and building layout they can either be chilled & hot

water central air handlers or gas-fired/DX roof-top units.

b. For smaller buildings gas fired single zone RTUs are acceptable.

30. VRF Systems

a. Zone sizes shall be limited, and systems overlapped for some redundancy.

Additionally, valves to isolate parts of the system shall be used as

allowed/recommended by the manufacturer.

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2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

b. The life-cycle cost analysis should factor in the life expectancy of the

equipment i.e. ASHRAE lists DX/Air to Air Heat Pumps as 15 years. VRF

life expectancy should therefore be assumed to be 15 years.

c. If VRF systems are approved, the systems shall have isolation valves so

separate sections can be taken down for repair and testing without

impacting an entire system. In addition, the systems shall be equipped with

a receiver system so the refrigerant can be pumped down quickly without

using external storage tanks. The project must include an attic stock of

spare boards and other parts so that the systems can be repaired quickly.

System testing must be clearly documented and separate and additional to

other testing, balancing or commissioning. An overnight test will not be

sufficient, longer testing (nitrogen or vacuum) is required.

31. For design of Clinical Facilities with Negative Pressure Rooms refer to Appendix


32. For design of Evidence or Forensic Rooms in Law Enforcement or Public Safety

Facilities refer to Police Station Design Manual.

G. Building Automation Systems (BAS)/Energy Management and Control Systems


1. In all buildings, a DDC Energy Management and Control System (EMCS) shall

be installed. Refer to Division 260000 Electrical I.H for the design requirements

of the BAS/EMCS system.

2. The energy management and control system shall control HVAC operations and

conditions, alarm abnormal conditions and index control modes and provide AHU

optimized start/stop operations, AHU/RTU fan optimization options, and provide

reporting and trend logs. The specific system requirements shall be reviewed

with the County during design.

3. The plans and specifications for the mechanical system must include a detailed

points list showing all monitor and control points and must also include a

sequence of operations for all equipment and systems.

4. The EMCS must be capable of performing the following functions:

The details and requirements of how the EMCS should monitor and control

equipment shall be elaborated in the specifications based on the specific

building/system requirements. There are differences between hardwire points and

mapping points through BACnet.

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2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

a. Monitor and Alarm Selected Conditions: Temperature; Pressure; Flow;

On/Off, Start/Stop Status; Safety Control Status (Fire, Freeze, Smoke); all

critical applications.

b. Initiate Selected Control Sequences: AHU/Chiller/boiler/pump; Start/Stop;

Occupied/unoccupied modes; Optimized Equipment Start/Stop operation,

unoccupied night set-back/set-up, monitor total building electric usage and

provide demand limiting routines as determined by Owner. The A/E should

note that if required, the sequence of operations should include keeping the

DOAH HW valve open at all outside air temperatures in order to allow the

freeze protection pump to run continuously.

5. Natural Gas Metering: Install gas in-line submeter in addition to the utility

company’s meter and integrate with the building’s EMCS. Where at all possible,

tenant utilities should be directly connected to the utility provider. If this is not

practical due to installation costs, a utility grade submeter must be installed to

allow Fairfax to bill tenants for actual utility consumption and demand.

H. Commissioning

1. Requirements for the HVAC system commissioning process shall be included in

the construction contract. An independent Commissioning Authority may be

hired by the Owner through the Architect’s contract. ASHRAE Guideline 0, or

other industry recognized guidelines for commissioning shall serve as the basis

for all HVAC commissioning and the guidelines will be tailored to the specific

requirements of the project.

2. The Architect and Mechanical Engineer and Commissioning Authority will

perform reviews of the HVAC system design from a commissioning perspective

at all review phases of the design process and will cooperate fully with the

Owner’s Commissioning Authority throughout the design review process as


3. The contract specifications must clearly spell out the responsibilities of the

General Contractor and all appropriate subcontractors relative to commissioning

and shall also define the role of the Commissioning Authority.

4. The Architect and Mechanical Engineer shall coordinate and cooperate fully with

the Owner’s Commissioning Agent and with DPWES representatives throughout

the actual HVAC system commissioning process prior and subsequent to, system

acceptance. The Architect and Mechanical Engineer shall provide all design and

or system information that is requested by the commissioning team members and

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respond to all comments from the Commissioning Authority from design through

system acceptance.

5. The Architect or BDCD Construction Manager shall include the final

commissioning reports and documents provided by the Commissioning Agent in

the Operations and Maintenance Manuals supplied by the Contractor. This shall

include the final Testing and Balancing Report for the air and water of the entire

HVAC system , and the final control drawings and sequences.


I. Mechanical Equipment Preferences

1. Below are listed preferred equipment brands for which supply of repair parts exist

(specifications shall include at least three acceptable equipment options for

competitive bidding, unless a limited source procurement is approved in advance

by the owner):

a. Chillers: Trane, Airstack by Multistack (air cooled) or Carrier (coordinate

with the Owner for the most recent updates) (No Equals or

Substitutions) Provide modular chillers with factory accessories

to allow individual modules to be isolated for servicing and

cleaning, both on the water side and electrically, all while the

other modules remain in full service.

b. Cooling Towers Baltimore Aircoil, Evapco, or Approved Equal

c. Pumps: Bell & Gossett, Taco, Goulds, or Approved


d. Non-Condensing Boilers: Natural gas/#2 oil Fired Burnham 4F or

Approved Equal

e. Condensing Boilers: Lochinvar, Veissmann; or Approved Equals

presented by the A/E during the design phase

(based on technical specs including turndown

ratio and cascading abilities)

f. Air Handlers: Trane, Carrier, Air Enterprises (AEI), Liebert,

Valant or Aaon

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2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

g. VAV Boxes: Titus, Trane, Nailor, or Approved Equal

(Electronically controlled)

h. EMCS: 1. Trane

2. Siemens

3. Automated Logic

4. Delta

(No Equals or Substitutions)

i. Rooftop Units: Trane, Carrier, Valant, Air Enterprises (AEI),


and Innovent

j. Variable Frequency Drives: Yashikawa, Danfoss ABB, or Square-D

k. Baseboard Heaters: Trane without Dampers, or Approved Equal

l. Underground Storage Tanks: Double wall, urethane coated steel. Act 100U,

Type II, and approved by U.L.58 for

underground storage of motor fuel. Double wall

welded steel with a primary (internal) tank and a

secondary (external) tank; as manufactured by

(Highland, General Industries or Approved

Equal). UST shall include quick release filler

neck; 9 watertight raised access to filler neck;

and shall support accessory equipment including

drop tubes, two tank sumps, and submersible

removable pumps. UST design shall allow for

continuous monitoring of the interstitial spaces

between the two walls and the two manways.

m. Fuel Storage Monitoring and

Leak Detection System: Veeder Root Model TLS-350

(No Equals or Substitutions)

n. Submersible Fuel Pump: Redjacket (submerged turbine); or Approved


o. Fuel Dispensers: Gas Boy (No Equals or Substitutions)

p. UST Fill Caps and Overflow

Devices: Ohio Pipe Works (OPW) Model 2100 overfill

containment basin (5 gallon); or Approved


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2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

q. Fire Station Diesel Exhaust

Extraction System: Plymovent (No Equals or Substitutions) A/E to

specify appropriate temperature rating for

pneumatic grabber.

r. Gas Fired Infrared Heaters: Superior Radiant Product “Co-Ray-Vac” Class I

or II

by Roberts Gordon.

s. Airflow Measuring Stations: Ebtron or Kele (No Equals or Substitutions).

t. Gas Sub-Metering: Onicon with flow conditioner

u. VRF (VRV) Systems: Daikin (No Equals or Substitutions)


A. Record Drawings: As-built drawings indicating the final field installation of the

mechanical and plumbing systems shall be provided to the County in the latest

AutoCAD and .pdf formats.

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2020 Version Rev. 2 - 10/8/2020

EXHIBIT 230000-A





1. BDCD Project Manager to coordinate with Facilities Management Department (FMD)

to provide the current staff rates.

2. BDCD Project Manager to coordinate with Facilities Management Department (FMD)

to confirm the Parts Cost are current.

3. Maintenance costs are per year.

Equipment Staff Rate

Note 1 Hours Total Parts

Parts Cost (2018 Costs)

Note 2

Air Cooled Chiller <40T $0.00 12 Coil cleaner, contactors, MISC $100.00

Air Cooled Chiller >40T $0.00 15 Coil cleaner, contactors, MISC $100.00

Water Cooled Chiller $0.00 18 Contactors, MISC, $300.00

Cooling Tower $0.00 18

Water Treatment - Single Closed Loop $0.00 14 chemicals $1,500.00

Water Treatment - Single Open Loop $0.00 14

Condensing Boiler $0.00 12 Break down kit for winter service $1,200.00

Inline Pump $0.00 2 oil, grease $30.00

Base Mounted Pump $0.00 3 coupling, grease $50.00

Rooftop Packaged RTU DX Gas Fired <10T $0.00 12 Filters $400.00

Rooftop Packaged RTU DX Gas Fired >10T $0.00 12 Filters $400.00

rooftop Packaged RTU Heat Pump <10T $0.00 10 Filters $400.00

rooftop Packaged RTU Heat Pump >10T $0.00 10 Filters $400.00

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Equipment Staff Rate

Note 1 Hours Total Parts

Parts Cost (2018 Costs)

Note 2

Indoor AHU - Chilled/hot water $0.00 8 Filters $400.00

Kitchen Make-up-Air Units Gas Fired $0.00 4 Filters, heating parts $100.00

DOAS units - Flat Plate HX $0.00 4 Filters $600.00

DOAS units - Heat Wheel $0.00 4 Filters $600.00

Outdoor Condensing Units >10 T $0.00 8 Coil cleaner, contactor $200.00

Split System AC Units $0.00 3 Coil cleaner, contactor $75.00

Split System Heat Pumps $0.00 3 Coil cleaner, contactor $75.00

VAV terminal - Shut-off, Electric $0.00 2

VAV terminal - Fan Powered, Electric $0.00 2 Filters $20.00

VAV terminal - Shut-off, Hydronic $0.00 2

VAV terminal - Fan Powered, Hydronic $0.00 2 Filters $20.00

Fan Coil Unit - 2 Pipe Floor Mounted $0.00 1 Filters $20.00

Fan Coil Unit - 4 Pipe Floor Mounted $0.00 1 Filters $20.00

Fan Coil Unit - 2 Pipe Above Ceiling $0.00 2 Filters $20.00

Fan Coil Unit - 4 Pipe Above Ceiling $0.00 2 Filters $20.00

Exhaust Fan - Roof Mounted $0.00 3 belts, grease $20.00

Exhaust Fan - Inline above ceiling $0.00 1

VFD - Wall Mounted, separate from packaged equipment $0.00 2

DDC Controls ($/SF) Yearly Service contract value $850,000 $0.00 360

This is divided between 4 contractors on 5 BAS systems

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Equipment Staff Rate

Note 1 Hours Total Parts

Parts Cost (2018 Costs)

Note 2

DDC Controls ($/SF) FMD staff $0.00 12

FMD staff make sure the panels are clean and check alarms

Top Related