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Korean War

23rd Infantry Regiment - Command Report - July 1953

2nd Infantry Division

Korean War Project Record: USA-77

Folder: 070023

Box: 07

File: 23

National Archives and Records Administration

College Park, Maryland

Records: United States Army

Unit Name: Second Infantry Division

Record Group: RG407

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project 2ID-00301139

Korean War Project 2ID-00301140

, :REPRODUCED AT '~'"'<', NATIONAL ARCHIVES' lJtCLA~IrltU \ '. Aut1orily ~0 7&5' 1°} .

; s1 iSA . ~~ARA o<-t~ Mrr , ·-------------

·--·-------.,...--~---. I •l. .

r ~ •' . i,: SECRET ;·


HE.ADQU .:~R TF.RS 23d Inf[!.ntr~r Regiment ilPO 2JJj

StmJECT: Commo:r.d Report for month of July 1953 Reports Control Syrnl1ol GSCPO-(RI)

'IlL.llU: Chi of, 2J.•my Fieltl Fo1•cec Fort !~~on roe, Vir g.1 nfa

TO: lha .Adjutnnt Gcner~:~l Department of the Army ~eshington 25, D.c.


14 .tugust 1953

a. During tho pe1"iod 1-27 July 1953, the 23n Infentry Regiment was responsible :e'er :~he ~Jain Battle rosi tions from CT455413 to GT516408. l.f}e Regiment vras at.t.ed1ed t0 the 3d US Infentry Di v.i.sicn on 11 July and on 14 Ju.ly ret.m·ned to control or the 2d US Infantry Di vlsj.on, assuming responsibility of tho ontlre sector.

(1) '.U1e J.st Bnttolion WM in reserve vi.cinit;y CT490.305, improving Wyoming Battle Positions during the hours of daylight. On 14 July 1953, ;qi th K Com!_:lv.uy ettnched, ·Lhe battalion re1ievecl the G.E.F. Datt~llon, 15th Infantt'y on the Ma.l.n. Battle rosition from ET498421 to CT)16.t.oS, including Outpost Harry. This battrlion we.s alerted and prep­ared to rel.i.ave elements of the )lsi.; ROK Regiment, both .frontline bett.~l­icns o:r the 23d and the G.E.F. Battdion.

(2) The 2d Datt.elic\n was ln blocking position ·vicinity CT497362 until 4 July 1953, .at wh1dl time they ~eHeved the 3d Battalion on the Hain Battle Position frum CT454413 to CT479t;17. On 5 JUly, G Company rol:i.eved I CO!rpa:r.;>' on Outpont Tom ..

( J) 1!1e )J and :Trench BattalionD lvere in defensive position on the ~~ai.n Battle Pool tlon tho 3d l3£rtt:lion w~.s relieved by the 2d Battcl.­io.n on 1. Jnly 1S53 <:~nd l'(Wt:rting ·&o the blC~cktng position vlcinity . CT499365.


Korean War Project 2ID-00301141

utt.:LA~lrltu ~ Aulh01ity MilO 73> fO l , :> Sy ~A NARA Oat~ t}))Jf7 ·

~---····----~· ___ ..... - ... - ,_ l.~- J .. /

Ltr, Subj: Command Report for month ·of July, Hq 23d Inf Regt, dtd 14 Aug 53

(4) Medical Company vicinity CT511301.

(5) Tank.Comp~ vicinity CT491Jl2.

(6) Heooque.rters and Headquarters Company vicinity CT4$6327.

(7) Service Company vicinity CT505294. On 14 July 1953, Service Canpany moved to vicinity CT522328 and Service Trains vicinity CT520JJ6.

(8) Heavy Mortar Company was in generaL support ~cinity CT47511J2, with the 1st platoon in direct support of the 3d Battalion; the Jd platoon was in direct suppm•t of the 15th Infantry Regl.ment, returning to regimental cont.rol at 140825! JUly 1953 when the lst Battalion relieved the G.E.F. Battcl.ion, 15th Infantry.

(Q) D Company, 2d .Engtneers was in direct support. vicinity CT514319.

(10) 37th Field Artillery Battalion was in direct support.

(ll) One (1) platoon B Company, 82d AAA Battalion was in direct support.

. b. At OS0225I July 1953, a 2d Battalion patrol was fired upon by an estimated fifteen (15) enemy, employing small 3l'ms and PPSH fire and hand grenades. lhe friemUy forces returned fire employing small. arms, grenades and flares and also directing artillery ond mortar. 'lhe action ceased at 024DI. The S'..tpport grrup reached the patrol at 0235 and the alert gr0t1p at 0310, swept the area. .At 0530, the screening patrol was fired upon by machine gull from Hill 31'7 and Jackson Heights. 'Ihe patrol directed at•tillery fire and silenced the machine gun. Friendly casu~~ties were. one (1) KIA and twelve (12) '111l.A. Enemy casualties were an estimeted one (1) KIA end eight (8) VTIA.

c. On 10 July 1953, a French patrol engaged three (J) enemy in a ·small arms and hand grenade firefight, the area was screened with negative results. At 1102.30!, a red flare vicinity CT486429 started an~:enerny probe with simultaneous artillery and mortmo fire trom several points towards Outpost Dick. An estimated five hundred (500)" rounds fell on the Outpost while the friendly forces emplo.yed mortar, tank 8nd 1Uad 50s. The action ceased at 03371. A screening petrol returned at 0700! with negati vo results. 'l!:stimr-ted enemy casual ties were one (1) KIA and five ( 5) ~.A. Friendly casualties were four (4) rru ••

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Korean War Project 2ID-00301142

.. l Utt;A~~Q· -~~~/0 J ~, --. ( Autio1ity a/11 /CO . .

~ Sy 1S,4 ~~ARA Oat~ V>/.97 ·----····--·--· -·-· ... - ..... --· \

Ltr, Subj:

d. At 1702401 July 1953, an estimated enemw platoon engaged Outpost Tom with smell firms; friendly forces directed small Brms, morter end artillery the enemy withdrew. ·A canbat patrol swept the erea and found four (4) enemy KIAs and two (2) 'JLO agents. .A daylight petrol brought in one {l) enenw WIA. At 170.3261 French listening post engaged an unknown number of enemy and af'ter an exchange of smell arms fire both groups withdrew. 1be French brought in two { 2) enemy KIAs. Total enemy casualties for the actions were four (4) c~1nted KIA and an estimated fort,r-five (45) ~A.

e. At 1723301 July 1953, an unknown number enemY were engaged by a French ambush patrol and enemy withdrew. .At 2/J)OI an estim~ted enemy platoon atte.cked the sa"lla patrol from the North, East end South. ~e French closed the embush and forced the enemy to withdrew in disorder. towards Jackson Heights. Enemy casualties were six ( 6) KIA and .Sixteen (16) WLA.

r. A Tank Raid, Operation Brietenberg, was conducted by Tank Company (-) 23d Infantry on 2.3 July 195.3.. '!he mission was 8 destruction and annihilation mission vicinity Outpost Dick ( CT486432) wi t4 predetermined targets on Old Charlie, Jackson Heights, Iron Horse and Hell' a Gate. 'lhrea (J) t~~s, as a maneuver element, ~ovad out at 0900 to the lett of the ridge running to Outpost Dick. These tanks were over watched by four (4) t~~s and two (2) M-l6•s. The tanks manau .. oTered north one' thousand (1,000) meters from the LD, but beyond this point, because of sand and mud from previous rains, the trail was impassable. Vlithdrawin~ fifty {50) to one hundred {100) yards, the tanks conducted their .firing. Overwe.tching tanks and heavy mortars engaged targets during the same period. Results of the .firing were: .four (4) bunkers destro.yed; two (2) bunkers damaged; three (3) caves damaged by direct hits; two (2) machine guns and one (1) recoilless rine destroyed; two (2) secondary e~loaions; one hundred seventy-five (175) yards of commo trench damaged; one (1) CP dampged; and an estimated eight· (8) enemy m:As.

g. During the month an active d.sylight end night patrolling program was carried out. One hundred thirty-eight (1.38) patrols were dispatched, with the mission to furnish security f01• the l'egimentel front, including Outposts Tom, ntck and Harry. Due to the intensity end aggressiveness of our patrolling, the regiment was able to dominate the ground to our .front, in sane place up to two thousa..'1d, five hundred ( 21 500) yards.

. . . h. A Prisoner of War captured in the vicinity of Outpost Tom

definitely identified the .following units in contact with the 2Jd Infantry: the 1J7th Infantry Regiment s.nd elements of the l36th Infantry Regiment of the 46th Infantry Dh"ision o1i the 16th CCF P.:r:my Corps.

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Korean War Project 2ID-00301143

.. : UtvA~~O~~~fO} \·--. ; Aut1crily a111 /D:J .

I; Sy <SA t~ARA Oat~ V>./97 - J '--·-··-·--· , ___________ ~ . -

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Ltr, Subj: Command Report far month of July, Hq 23d Inf Regt, dtd 14 Aug 53

i. 'Ibe enemy continued an active defense across the regimental front and increased the intensiveness of his patrols. Six thousand, nine hundred sixty-nine ( 6,8,;16) rounds of light artillery and morte.r fire we1•e received, the maxi.mu.'ii for one day eight hundred seventy-eieht (878) rounds, no enemy air activity and few enemy contacts were made.

j. On 27 July 1953, the regiment staL·ted extensive preparations to move to Post Armistice OUtpost Positions. 'Ihe cease-fire was effective at 272145I. 'A Compacy, 72d Tank Battr.lion CBIDe under control of the regi­ment at 2722JOI. During the evacuat.ion of the old Main Battle Position an e~losion occurred in a temporary MP used for the collection of atlll1ll,Ul­ition evacuatl:ld from Outpost Harry under supervision of C Company. 'Ibis accident resulted i·n two (2) killed from B Company, four (4) MIA from C Company and t}l..irtaen (13) wounded. ·

k. From 28-31 July 1953 the regiment orge~zed, occupied and began fortifications ru1d roadblocks on Post Arw~stice Outpost Lines, with two (2) battalions forw~~·d and the French Battelion in Regimentel Reserve. 'lhe 2d Battr•lion was attached to the .38tJ1 Infantry effective ))21.001. All available manpower and transportation was utilized to remove fortifications and materials from the Demilitarized ?.one. 'Ibis particular phase was known as Operation Roll Back. Tne following material was recovered in a period or twenty-two ( 22) hours:

(1) Bunkers:

(a) Prefcbs

{b) T.imbers

(c) Logs

( 2) :Vire:

(a) Concertina

(b) Barbed

( o) Chicken Wire

140 wooden

49,326 feet

58,400 feet

731 rolls

418 reels

J, 780 yards

{3) Commun:tc:etion Wire: 325 miles, 90 miles rehabilitated

(4) Pickets: 13,816

( 5) Sand Bags: 112,800

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Korean War Project 2ID-00301144

DECLASSlt-lt:u I ~ Aut1ority /{ALQ7&7/0 1 ··".-.

! Sy <SA- . ~~ARA Oat~ 1lf.C[Z_ : · ·

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'. '• l.REPRODUCED AT TTT-.:c. NATIONAL ARCHIVE ·- 'i __ :~ ~,., ·:~t-~ 7< . ' '.--.<,~-~?:·1~~-- ~ "/ ~<


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Ltr, Su.bj: Command Report for month of JUly, Hq 23d Inf Regt·, dtd 14 .Aug 53

( 6) Duck Bo:erds: 1, 727 ysrds

(7) C~ouflage Netting: 8 rolls.

. l. (1) Replacements and hospital returnees for the month of July totaled seven hundred forty-nine (749) enlisted men end twentyMfive (25) of"ficers.

( 2) 'lbirty-two (32) ol'fi cer s and five hundred seventy-eight (572) enlis'l:;ed men were lost as a result or rotation, transfers end casuel­ties.

(J) Ca;:malties fca- the period 1-31 July 1953 totaled seventyM four (74) as follows:

(a) KIA - 5

(b) WIA - 64

(c) MIA - 4 (Missing in the C Coo.pany emmo storage explosion on 28 July 1953.)

(4) 'Dle regiment on 31 July 195.3 was at 112.5% strength and the attached French Battilion was at 100.4% strength.

•.. m. (1) Six ( 6) officers and seventy (70) enlisted men ;vere on R & R during the month.

(2) The Red cross serviced one hundred eighty-seven (1S7) cases dm•ing the period and has extended its se1•vices to attached units.

( 3) 'Jhe G:..'tS handled thirty-six (36) bodies during July, including Chinese. -

, (4) Special Service presented one (l) Korean USO show w:t th appl1 0:xima.tely five hund.1'cd (500) in attendance. The PX cash sales totaled $56,000.00 for the month of July.

n. Two (2) meJor tactical moves took place during the period, each involving considerable logistical effort. The first move required assumption of an e.ddi tiontLt sector oi' the Main Battle Position fnd a shift of ell field trains. Upon moving into the new sector, battle f'j_eld recovery of much property W!~S eft'ecd:,ed. .Appro:rlmately five hundred (500) empty 55-gallon oil drums, thirteen (13) reels of' Spiral four (4) cable and thir·ty-fi ve (35) camcun age nets wer.:~ discovered and either turned in or put to use.

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Korean War Project 2ID-00301145

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itx·, Sul)j: Comm8.11d Report .L'Ol· month of July, llq 23d Inf Regt, dtd 14 Aug 53

o. J.h.e second l:l.Oi!e involved. with<'lrawal from the Demilitarized zm1e and silvaging large quantities of engineer fortification m8terial and copuno wire. Addi tic,nal trucks were obtained and approximately one hundred (100} tl:ucka were employed continuously for a thr-ee (3) day period. Normal. logistical and administrative support was reduced to a minumum.

p. Cost conscic-.. u:mess received continued emphasis dm•ing the pel·iod, by publishing notices concerning sal'h:lge, frequent inspection of boots to determin.e weor OE:J.'l~' enough so repair could oo accomplished, vehicle maintenarwe and closer cmtl•ol of vehicle use. Statements of Chcrges tott1lec.l one bU1d.red seventy-two (172) dollars during the period. On one (1) ocecsion. a.': m•r.v tent cle.saii'ication team inspected over one htmdret..l. (100) squo.d ten·ts on position, thus saving some twenty (20) truck tJ.·ips ·oo the rec.r .c.nd u ccrl'aspondiEg e;qJendi ture of mon-hours. Small arms on position were also inspec-ted 1::y Ordnance personnel to determine sorvicea.~):1J~i t~1 •

q. '.ihe las·t and sost sign:if1ca'lt ecticn prior to cessa.tion of hostilities was ccnducte<l tv Tank Camp an~·, 23d Inf rntry. Capt~in I:Ierry J. Prieten1x:l'g, Com.J'.landing.

l'• :ll1o mi;:;dcn of the Tv.nk Cor!lpacy (-) was t..o conduct a raid with a desb;uction aml annihilation n1issicn vicini t~r Outpost Dick ( C'r486432), with predetermined targe·t;s on Old Charlie (CT.4S943l), Jackson Heights ( GT4784J5), Iron I~ or so ( CT!/17 443) and Hell's Gate ( CT477 4'51) •

s. Reconnaissance ·(;he previotls two (2) nights indic~ted the trail as pl•ac·ticcl.J.y irclpassible s·t.ert.ing abou.t on.e hundred fifty (150) yr'Ids from tb.e LD. '.llle t.L•I:lil is i'l011ked lJ:· steep g:rr.des on the right (East) fla:nk ar,d rice pauili.es Oll the left ( Viest) flank. Not withstanding these discOUl•aging l'aports, ·iihe 1'ank Company was still order\'ld to conduct th~ raid; howavel·, the num't-er· of ·tanks ill the maneuvering element was reduced fl'cm five (5) ·:.o ·hlu•He (3). :Lhe tlu'ee (3) tanks, ·'as a mcneuver element, moved ou.t at 0900 to the left of the ridge running to Ou:i;post Dick. 'n1ese 'tanks maneuvered nort.U cl.ong an abandoned ta~~>J.l uuti.l they reached a position to the left i'l'Ont of Outpost Dick, one thousand (1,000) ~eters from the LD. Beyond this point the tanks could 11ot maneuver. 'lhe footing on t.'IJ.e trail wns a ::ti.xiure of sand and mud nuOJda i~>:pv.asnble b;>· recent reins.

Korean War Project 2ID-00301146

UtliLI-\~Q!~~~ OJ ~---. Auticril)' _UAL /a.7 I . .' ..

r Sy BA ~ARA Oat~ i)Ll[L ! ·~--···-·--· -·-····- . ··-·

Ltr, Subj: COl:1mmd Report for month o.f July, Hq 23d Inf' Re[~t, dtd 14 .tru.g 53

t. : .. t tlJis poin·t the led tcnk bellied up in the loose sand c:.nd mu.d and t:ppe~:red in d::·ngel' of ·r:eeomi'1g im,.,obi1ized. '.Ihe t>'lO (2) following t.r•.nks were immedictel;,· clo::;ad up, hc!olced up in tancem and dra;$od the leed te.nk cut. Tha t~~nks ~ithdre·.'! :'-'i"·t:; (50) to c•no hundred (100) yarc1s end i'l'0111 ·this ventage point conducted their firing. From this point they \"fere not atle to fire on the r<1'·eJ.'.s·~ slppe of Old Chcrlie or on Hell's Gate. Unnl'le to ~ovo fcrw<::rd the t.cn~:s took up firj ng positions and engaged tvrgets previously de,:;ignateJ end tt:rgets of op;-·orturlity. Over vwtching tanks and hea~r.? r:ort[rs engaged tErgets uuring the same pe::.·iod. The results of' the firing wera: fcv.r {4) l'unkers dest~'O~'ed; two (2) bunkers dcmaged; tlu·ee (3) cevea d::Jn~;;eu 1.::;;: direct H.ts; -b·:o \2) 1'1:lchlne guns ~:nd one (l) recoilless rifle des·I:Jl·oyed; two ( 2) s9condrr:.'J e7plosions; one hundrerl seventy-five (175) .. '.rr.rd_.c:; of CO'r:""<'~1o "h•,~n~h ri .,,,,,::-,d • ~Y>d O'"~"" (1) f'D c.~ <·•n"' ··e·-'~ ... _ <;u_ -. ""., .. .&. -(.;.1 ... <,;.-.u""" ' (..>.tJ -'-Q 1.4 ..... J.v~:.) -..

u. .Estimated enemy e~enditures were 12'1 rO'I.rnds r~.~.=~s of ".n'• c ··"' ••" '"'"'(, 1"' V1.U.1U. • ;_,v , ,!,.t_ I' \.i J <.>! 1.1 •. 0

mOJ.·t~'l' wm·e f'i1'et1 '!:-..:-l the CC? ct 2309501 J1::;;: 19 .J3.

a. nadio:

c&stwlties were eight (B) VJIA. flmmunitlon of ?&rrn PE, 2,000 rounds of' • 50 cr.l MG, 500 ronnd:J of 4. 211 IIE. OcJ.y three (3) rounds of d'.::.r}.nG the 't'r·id. The ta.nks rehu•ned to the LD

(1) D:iscU.s:don: D,u.·jng d0f'cnsive oper?tlons in 2n extended f'rm1t r:i th "'n c ci::i -,re re~·l'ol p:-:·oc.r ,.,;n in nfi'ect, o de::'in:i.te need fo1• adc1i tional r:odios has 1:-'0en o;v:Hcrcod. A1diti~":~nd l'iW-10 r>nd PRG-6 radios were needed to maintain corrt2ct ·vi 'f.;h t.he nunv.;;:cou.s p'·trd;:; :nd listening posts, both d8y end night., orerrt.:r;.1 ln the d·"':'el"s:.ve sc;ctc·r. lhe added radios permit closer contzol ui' theil' e.cti viti r:s r:1d r rvpic ~ernCJ of eerly morning for the I!ldn Dcttle Pcsl tic.~11.

~r Lis::ued ar.::


( 2) Reco:--r.end ~c tiol": 'lhd r>d•~i il rnd rRG-10 and PRG-6 rrdios nector prop0rty· t.o ~~nits ir. d.c:rense.

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Korean War Project 2ID-00301147

utGLA~Irltu I Authority NA!O 7&9"!0 1 : . · .... ·

1 Sy BA- . ~~ARA Oat~ 1/)./97 J ·

•.---.... ----- ·-·--·---- - . ~-

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,. '• ~REPRODUCED AT Tur;: NATIONAL ARCHIVE ~ .. :··4·;_ ~- ' __ ... ___ -~ .. , .. ~-:~?;5}({1-l"

·"cr"R .. EJ·r ~)~ l.. v /;1 ·. f,

'rCUR ITY lNFORMATIO!\i l'10nth e" July, Hq -~3d Ini' J.egt, dtd 14 A.lg 53

(1) Dicc:liJ25.cq·!: ::::·~:-cnd_(~r3_ ·r1c:.'~:?~nsi"\re ~r011t~ees in hil-l terrr.in err~pl1cs5.z~.3 c 11eo.1 -~c::c r-:~:7_j·~J.-:'r~~~l r-;c(ct··rn. The positions occtlpiat11;y tl1:i.s , reglmerr: 't:ere in tJ1o 1~""':-~e{:I::,·~-t:: prc .. -i_r'"'11~:.r c~r thr~ llTiem::. i\s v result, instFn- \: ·1 ... ~ne-o;1:" t,i·-..:-~) ·~·-~_-/'! ?.:·. -r-1 •-;:"~ ~~-11:1 ·il'1 Pr:-1 n·:!·r·.-1 t·:n T'ff,-•(1 t\.:'!1[\'t.-'"'!.r't."'~r't~; to 't"\~o"''ran"" Sl'l·"'~"' etp o·r Jc; •.. -'~-~·-' J._ (7;1-· ....... -~-....,):-·'' -'----·-· • ·-·· ...:. _ ..... _ •. ~.... ......... --~-- ~--w .-·-···''-,:)l:J<..-.; _, 1.----.Lvvv ti..J 1 .-t 1_,;...1.•.)"', --·

the oc~~postc~ ~'_d\~~-tj_ov~_,_-1 [':)~~·~ .. ~ ~ra only eve.i1r.hle Lro~ mc')rtfrs ..-rh1cli r:~cC!n­pli.:11~~::?d ~Jt.:ls :-::j no: Gn ~-Jc~r_,f t0l:.~·~ :-.. ::~ r- rr-!suJ~t, tl1E.l t,ctFl ~ort:--r~ :tn th.e ~~ea:l~e11+~ ~!-~~1 to ,_A in~rr---··s-~~a to nc.~;-f:, ~1h~se re!1_u1.roments.

(:::) i~~~::~~""r'~no~t.i.on: 1l1.at additioJlal morta.ro he ir,s-nad fJS

r:-cp·c.rf,y t!i ~-~1~.1.~~<~- ('\:-~ ~~{'(!,!\Se.

( 1.) D~<:~lJ ::t ~:1 !._,:·:: ~~~J.~j_.l~ c ~~·.bl c ,e:ri t:d tb.i s :r:: .::tment rAcei vr:?.r.1 n?~77 0"- 3 Sn~lrern~r-'p(~.~-.. :· ~r:.:.·)1V;0J.. 0:r,_ pctro1 :·'}:. l:t~·~.errtng ~csts rnCi ~utposts 1--.~e(:·n~P.rv~or~ 1-~::: -:~n:'t~~---:~-~;~c:c-~C' :·:·.1 ri! ~~f'{'t·::::;·r~.:t·:r,:?! ~er-n~ r1r' ~r~~~tr.·rin~~ en~m:i"" r'!(l'!~­

!T'.ent, G~-"1.r ... ~ ,-:-~.--.r!i_: .. ~~:;r;.,1 .. nc f·!T3 inf'lj_ct.ln: t1l1l.,prj,~{-; cr~r:.r.·l.t,ios on ~.he ~n~rr!:''\t 3n~-r~~l"!~~c~·:_-;G~1 11.c'";r0 1.r:,t1 tn 5_n:::r'A ... !>:"<~ ccn-f'1.-~1or:~-;e j_n .1-b-~~ l";i,:j~ent~l ~-~r?C,lri.ty·

r:::"st-~·~r! r:-111;3 r. !1~!:'~~ r~c;c:~~.'O:SS'! ~~ r.t..t.:~_t"tl(~~3 1--:,,. C.("TI1~~~ .-;~""'tl"'Ols.


o.- ~n.;l1~ef:··:t1 r~::_"G:r.'til1~ :~1~p::;l:~_("-:f~: (J.~ ~)j ~JC:IJ~;;_:~ r:n~ £~et'(1 1.;-:~ ~~: r]t1r'in5 t.e lt·c1t Cf dr!?f't1.ne Sllpplies

to ~·-:.c~t +.1-;~ a!='~-'\~ ···tt 0nrl :--nrl :T_ :-,to1.11. g0nc;-~ :-tt"'(l1~1_"'C'C~Pnts o-r :J!J? reD, ment on def'Gn-~.c :n 1-.11:? f~~l\"~.~0~ ... :_.~ ~:1.'"tP!=·t1.nn, CI•nr:::~!: pcr1cils, acc~t.··t.n .... n~ o·uerl.ay pt.iper Pr~ mc:-d:. cr:tt.J .. ~~ .. ~J.~ 1.1c l,~:·;1_~1.8}_tlic1~~ -~e-x' h~sj_c rnto"!"u=-t,)_c ~11.0\~.~nce o~ t.l1ese ~u-~·!""!1 ~l ~ -c-; ~ ~ ~"i ... ~ n~~.r05., ~"':J ~~~ ~1.lJ -~:-:'! ~--~c1 t .;: ·~'~t.~. 1.111 C'~l~_s 811 ort S11!'';'lJ1 r)f th j?.SE.~ :: tems hES C~UR,>' 5.l"UJf'-t'j_r.1.f~l.,.~ oro:;_.,::-c 1~-:~ ~~·!;; Jn ;;O!n('? 1.~31::,~.-)c~Be

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dlocntion rccor0i ng to

TI1l0 x'ec1.~e~1t r..,~ .. 11 J."'('!itl:T h ~.:1 t-~ol "'~ (1 ") Tflt:!l: :--~11:3 ~r-r t.·,.ol "'~ (12) l{~O e;rllon '""Pt~r -:re nnt. I'Vdlr,..,Je rcl:Htj_on"'l trdlors 11re

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l l 1 . ~


Korean War Project 2ID-00301148



Ltr, Subj: Ccmman2 Report fer

c. Hortars:

i ,_

' "' /



.. .,.

l"lonth of July, Hq ~~3{1 Ini' Regt, dtd 14 Aug 53

(1) Discussion: .E:,tended ·defensive :front~?ges in hil-l terrein empha::::izes c. need for dditicn~l mortrrs. 'llie positions occupied by this ,. regiment ·nere in the i~;1edide pro::d.rnit,y of the enemy. As a result, instan- \ tc.neous high :F,gle fire ~~nd :ilhtnination wes necessary to prevent surprise or ' the ·outposts. J,dcUtiond rir~') rrrs only e.vailablEl from m01•tt:>rs which scccm­plished t.his mission ~-acqurt'?ly. As !? result, the totcl mortr-rs in the · regiment hr>d to ,.,A inc:rr:-·,.-sed to meet these requirements.

r -· ( ~) f~E?C(Immend:etion: 1hat additional mortars be issued as ~~ctor property -t.l") 1m1.ts ()[1 r~orense.

d. !:.'!-.3 Snipersco~es:

(1) D:iscussi en: Dnrint; this !'ericd this regiment received n;'!~ r.~-.3 Snipm•scopes. rersonnel on patrols, listening posts r,nd outposts reem~ent1e0 the sn:5.perscotle ns en ef'fecti ve me::ns of' mcni taring enem~r move­

. ment, giv:i.ns C"rly ;_;rrn:i.ng 13Ud inf'licting surprise cnsuelties on the enemy. Snipcrscopes hr:ve led to 1.ncrersed confidence in the regimentel security s~rstem plus ~ mCT(1 pgg:rossi vn rtti tnde hy ccmbtJt nstrols.

1( (scopes up to R,acOT1rnendr:ti or~:

re T1rdc. ~het the cortplote isr:rue of r!l- 3 Sniper-

o- Et1G"'il!et:r c1:L"ai'ting supplies: (1) D-lscus:';}cn: There is ~ definite lr,ck of dl~E.fting supplies

to meet thA opt"r,-,tion£1 2nd j_ntellignnce requirements of the regiment on def'ense 1n the C1J.rrc>nt si'b:et:ton. Grepse pencils, acetr-te r>nd overl?y" pEiper ere most cl':i.ticr-1. 'Ihc :re:mid tions for bt:>sic r.ntomeUc r,llow,gnce of these sur.T:'lie~ hr,vc nevar h8on f'i,l18d f'nd r ccntlmJous short SU!)ply or these i tams h2s ceused i nef'ficien·~ 0pi3J:' t'U ons in some instnices ..

I'"'';· .,.,e,r-1·,-,."'"C'i ""·-l o11· m, at ..,.,,.J.hor.! i:ld <>lloc..,tion according to \ ''" .. v·-· ... _.-·-·". ,. ...... • .u.c .:cu.v .. i z~ .... a

~ctually be issued to ro:::;imentr:l units.

(1) Dir;~ussion: 'lhi;;> regiment currently hPs twelve (12} wAter trri10rs; the ~d!: cells 'for 'bHel ve (12) 400 gellon weter Ii' the TC'(:'S ·trr·i1ers e-re not evr-ile.ble eddi tiond trai.lers are

r.1ee1~ -~11e ~'!?te:r. rccrl:l .. I'eTnents of this rnli t.

( 2) Ilec::-m.nen·-3 :·-1;1 on: 'Thct TOS!:E water trdlers r,a issued.

j I


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.I 1 i !


Korean War Project 2ID-00301149

Ut:CLA~IrltU \

; Aut1orily tYAt07&7 /0} :'':~ .~ ; Sy ~A ~~A~4. Oat~ 1/)./92 t ·---·-~-·-·-· - .... -----

)-~" v ~ tR L' ~~ ' ~ __ \i.Ji u \~ L ~ ~-'

-. 8\JR r·;{ 11 iFORMATIOi\

Ltr, Subj: Cc.mnand ll.epor·tfo.t' month of July, Hq 23d Inf H.agt, dtd 14 Aug 53

g. ShoweJ.' s:

_ (1) Di sc~s;;::lon: In U1e ccr:.·ent defensive situation a need i'Ol' additional aho\ve.I' ulli ts in forword &reas h.:::cs been indic~ted. lhe l'eginentol shower urti. -L i:n tl:.e Serdea '.i'l:ains <:1~:ea because of its distance from the using units did not adeq~oLately service t.hem. Enemy observetion denied truck mcver:.;eD·t c~Ul'ing <lt~J~ligllt. :UH~ ·l:.l·oops during the night were tncticully clispo<.Jeu ar:d unD~·le to sho01er. .11 need exists for an eight (8) head shower unit in each fo:L'Wb:S.'d batl:.elion al.'ea. 'll1ere, showers would per­r;u·t units on position ';u rJ:.m'.·er <:> ITil.;h hii;;11ei• proportion of their personnel. Troops ccultl infiltl•ate Cluri::.g daylight hours to t."le showers. 'lhe. pe1•sor1nel would be in Lho clo;::a p:.•o:d.mi L,'/ ,_,f their positions. Jl1ey would not be e:-:.posed to enemy tiaylie;:t obsel'VaLion wi1ile !'1vVlEg to the re[:l' vnd the time loss would be much reJ.uceu.

Le &d sho1:er units 1::e mE de inDccessi ble defense

(1) D:Lsc;.:G::dc!: 'lhe t:-3) end E-75 cnl'riers were used to resupply outpost positions in the regimental sector. 'Jhese tracked vehicles diu ·t;d; r.:e:·t ·;.;Le requil·e!nents fer rosu_p;-11;)-' mis::ions. 'lhe r.i-39 lacks cargo capacity aa1 <iue to t,l:.e di:l'i'icul·li t~rrain W[;S su.bject to numerous nachanicc~ f tilm•es. :Pb•l::; shortnges m;:;de ·the breakdo;;ms critical. '111e rt.-75' although the cargo bell i;:; mvre ado::ru.cto, .3!:-ill uoes not hvvo r1unes~'~ry cru.1 go space for t.he l:Jis.:;i;.:H requiroll undel' the circu;ustnnces and the center post between the ...:l&:'i ~~1cll rear Js.c.r;;J :n.c:-;:0s looding dii'flcr:lt.. 'l1le Cl•itict:U. sllOl'tage of parts, pH:d,ic:..:lal'lj· l'eplacements for weak sprokets, led to the operational less o.r th.eco ce.l"1'icl,s.

( 2) Recc~aP.endat.ion~ lht.d:; full tl·ocked armored carriers, lF.-rge ecsily acces:-;i1le crrgo bod be avoilal-le as sector property to f\ et l'equire this type oi' ve{licle for resupply of isolated positions. --..

~·D~ \J.L.!.J.:.IIJ .L..t..:&Lt.. ,(;~ ... :l.>..::.J...rJ.:I.:.·~

GGlol:lol Inf

with units



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