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Catholic Mission Community of the

Sacred Heart & St Margaret Mary, Leicester

26th Sunday of the Year 27th September 2020

We Livestream Sunday Mass both on Facebook and on our YouTube

channel at 11am do join us! @sacredheartparishleicester

Gathering for Weekend Masses we presently celebrate Saturday evening Vigil Mass in church at 6pm, (facemasks must be worn) and Sunday Mass at 11 am celebrated on the School Playground in our ‘Pop-up-Church’ as well as livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube. There will be only parking for elderly or disabled– please walk to church– no lifts can be given to anyone not in your household. There are no toilet facilities available on Sunday. Sunday collection can be put into the collection box before Mass begins. The new Government guidelines allow us to carry on celebrating Public Worship with more than six people as we are able to put into place safety measures including self-distancing. However if you are attending Mass as a group with others it must not be in a group more than six. The only exception to this is if your household or support bubble is more than six.

Gathering for Weekday Mass together - Mass will be celebrated in SH church on Tuesday 10.30am, Wednesday 6.30pm, Thursday 10.30 am and Friday 6.30pm. The church will open half an hour before Mass and close afterwards for cleaning. Facemasks should be worn. Please let us know of weekday Mass intentions If you would like to come to any of the weekend or weekly Masses please email the Parish Office. Please follow the instructions of the stewards who ensure that we can safely open for public worship. St Margaret’s Community Mass at the Polish Church, Wakerley Road on Monday evenings at 7pm. If you would like to attend this Mass please email Ted Keller on [email protected]

Sacrament of Baptism & First Holy Communion children please contact the Parish Office to arrange a date for your celebration and to understand the restrictions that need to be followed.

Parish Giving There are a few options to choose: If you would like to set up a monthly standing order then download the form from the parish website, (on side bar under ’Supporting your parish’) fill in and send it to us or contact the Parish Office and we can give you the information you need as well as the opportunity to Gift Aid your offerings. The Gift Aid form is also available to download from the website. Thank you to those who have moved from envelopes or collection to standing order. You can transfer money on a weekly/monthly basis into our Parish Account : Sacred Heart Leicester RCP Account number: 00949284 Sort Code: 30-15-97. Please put your name (e.g. D Smith) in the payment reference and if you normally donate by envelope then add the envelope number too. If this is for a Mass intention please indicate that this is a Mass intention. The Collection tin - we cannot pass baskets around during Mass so please put any collection money into the tin before any Mass at the entrance desk which will be counted later. If you have been collecting money then please give to a steward in an envelope marked ‘Sunday Collections’ or put in the Collection tin before Mass begins or give into the Presbytery. Thank you to all who have been so generous in ensuring that we have financial support for the parish during this time.

Thank you to the Leicester City Council Business Resilience Fund who have awarded us an extra £3,000 to cover lost earnings

Sacred Heart & St Margaret Mary, 25, Mere Road, Leicester LE5 3HS

Parish Priest: Fr John Lally Assistant Priest: Fr Emmanuel Abbem*

(*resident at Our Lady of Good Counsel, 15, Peebles Way, Rushey Mead LE4 7ZB. Tel 0116 2661621)

Parish Deacons: Rev Bill Myers, Rev Séamus O’Looskan Priest in residence: Fr John Tavares

Parish Administrator: Mrs Ann Hoey 25 Mere Road, Leicester LE5 3HS

Tel: 0116 262 4645 or 0116 251 1437 E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.sacredheartchurchleicester.co.uk

Facebook, YouTube & Instagram: @sacredheartparishleicester

Safeguarding Representative: Ms Margaret McGrath 0116 2735715

N.R.C.D.T. A Registered Charity

SH Live! If you would like to donate towards the cost of the instalment of the cameras and software then either use the QR Code (open your phone camera and click on the message that comes up which should take you to the mygiving donation page) or visit www.dioceseofnottingham.uk and click on the online giving icon. Search in the drop down for Sacred Heart & St Margaret Mary, Leicester and then you are able to donate! Money can also be given in an envelope marked ‘SH Live!’ Thankyou to all who have donated so far!

This week Monday: St Lawrence Ruiz & the Philippine Martyrs Tuesday: St Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, the Archangels Wednesday: St Jerome Thursday: St Therese of Lisieux Friday: The Holy Guardian Angels

Our Prayers are with Deacon Richard Beben who was ordained to the permanent diaconate this week at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Mickleover in Derby. May God bless his ministry.

Congratulations on your First Holy Communion to

Ethan Noronha. May Jesus be your constant friend and

companion and may you grow to love him more as you discover

how enormous his love is for you.

Welcome in Baptism to Harrison Thomas Dewick

Responsorial Psalm 24: Remember your mercy, Lord

Readings for next weekend: 27th Sunday in OT

Isaiah 5:1-7 Philippians 4:6-9 Matthew 21:33-43

CAFOD Family Fast Day this year will be held on Friday 8th October.

Next weekend we will give details how you can donate to this important

way that we can show solidarity with our brothers and sisters in need.

See www.cafod.org.uk or follow CAFOD on Facebook

Hymns for Sunday Mass Welcome, all ye noble saints of old As now before your very eyes unfold The wonders all so long ago foretold. God and man at table are sat down.

Elders, martyrs, all are falling down; Prophets, patriarchs are gath'ring round. What angels longed to see now man has found: God and man at table are sat down.

Who is this who spreads the vic'try feast? Who is this who makes our warring cease? Jesus, Risen Savior, Prince of Peace. God and man at table are sat down.

Beggars, lame, and harlots also here; Repentant publicans are drawing near. Wayward sons come home without a fear. God and man at table are sat down.

Worship in the presence of the Lord With joyful songs and hearts in one accord. And let our Host at table be adored. God and man at table are sat down.

When at last this earth shall pass away, When Jesus and his Bride are one to stay, The feast of love is just begun that day. God and man at table are sat down. This is my body, broken for you, bringing you wholeness, making you free, take it and eat it and when you do, do it in love for me. This is my blood poured out for you, bringing forgiveness making you free. Take it and drink it, and when you do, do it in love for me. Back to my Father soon I shall go Do not forget me, then you will see I am still with you, and you will know you’re very close to me. Filled with my Spirit, how you will grow You are my branches, I am the tree If you are faithful, others will know you are alive in me. Love one another, I have loved you and I have shown you how to be free serve one another, and when you do do it in love for me.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, holy is the Lord God almighty who was and is and is to come; holy, holy, holy is the Lord.

Jesus… Worthy… Glory…

I will sing, I will sing a song unto the Lord. (3x)

Alleluia, glory to the Lord.

Allelu, alleluia, glory to the Lord.

Allelu, alleluia, glory to the Lord.

Allelu, alleluia, glory to the Lord.

alleluia, glory to the Lord.

We will come, we will come as one before the Lord (3x)

Alleluia, glory to the Lord.

If the Son, if the Son shall make you free, (3x)

you shall be free indeed.

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy (3x)

Alleluia, glory to the Lord.

Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, (3x)

that Jesus Christ is Lord.

In his name, in his name we have the victory (3x) Alleluia, glory to the Lord

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