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Subject and Course: Social


Lecturer: T. Shankar

Submission date: 12 May 2014

Group / Session: Monday ( 8.00am-11.00am)

Name Student ID Number

Yong Seen Yee 0315883

Patricia Kong Weng Yee 0315837

Siew John Loong 0315871

Rifa’I Nusair 0316507

AcknowledgementFirst, we would like to express our gratitude to our Social Psychology

lecturer, Mr. T.Shankar for all the guidance throughout this assignment.

Your guidance and advice are far by without a doubt, brilliant and it has

helped us so much throughout the process of accomplishing this challenging


Secondly, we would like to thank all the participants who are involved

directly and indirectly in this assignment for providing us all the necessary

information for this assignment, and to Sunway Shopping Center, specifically

Cold Storage supermarket, for providing us all the aid we need when we are

shooting the video.

Last but not least, we would also like to thank our group members who

had given their full cooperation and sparing their time to fully contribute and

participate in the process of creating the video and the report despite their

busy schedule.


Content Page

Front cover 1

Acknowledgement 2

Table of content 3

Introduction 4

Method 5 – 7

Discussion 8 – 9

Appendices 10 – 13

Back cover 14

INTRODUCTIONThis video shows the presence of social psychology concepts in our daily life.

People have classical conditioning once they have been through a certain kind

of experience numerous times.

In this video, we exemplified scenarios of doing one's daily routine ; How one

could know the exact place of the product, how one could think that the other might

have the same thought and how persuasions could easily change one's perspective.


1. Apparatus & Materials :

The apparatus and materials that were used during the shooting were a

camera and a laptop to edit the video and creating the report.

2. Procedure :

• 10th February 2014, we were assigned as a team for this project. We

then created a whatsapp group in order to have an efficient project

discussion and schedule. A Facebook group was also created later

after that so that we could send documents.

• 13th April 2014, we started our first discussion and we all chose a

concept that we think would be in our video. After a few minutes of

choosing, we started giving ideas but none of the ideas have a strong

vibe to relate to the concept that we'd chosen. So we decided to head

home and thought about a suitable idea.

• 23th April 2014, we had a discussion about the idea in our whatsapp

group. Finally we created an idea where it involves around our daily

life. A script was created soon after that.

• 10th May 2014, we planned the time to film and the venues in the

whatsapp group. We planned according to our class schedules as

there are several session that varies and also we were consist of two

different courses which are QS and Archi's.

• 13th May 2014, right after our lecture ended, we headed off to our

venue and we were given a brief about the video as in how the starting

would be like and where and when one would appear in the video. The

video filming took about 3 and a half hours as there were several NG's

made. As there were several passerby and promoter whom interfered

and distracted us, we did our best and the filming was successfully

finished. Later that night, we had another discussion in whatsapp

where we distribute parts like who will the person in charge of directing,

video editing, creating the presentation slides and last but not least the


• 26th May 2014, it was our last discussion so we decided not to do it in

the whatsapp group but instead face to face. We met in the 24/7 room

where we had a check on the finalized video. After watching the overall

video, we discussed about the report and the slides.

• 28th May 2014, each of us sent our respective parts of the report and

one was then chosen to print and bind it. We then checked the slides

and did some rehearsing.

DISCUSSIONOur main topic is to compare between 2 different type of cheese which is

Chesdale cheese (Rich in Calcium) and Kraft cheese (High in Calcium). In this video,

we have 4 actors and 1 cameraman which consist of Seen Yee as consumer A,

Yuen Xi as consumer B, John as the promoter, Patricia who acted as a passer-by

and last but not least Rifai as a cameraman. Our 5 social psychological concepts

from 5 different chapters are Social Perception, Social interaction, Peripheral

Persuasion; Classical conditioning (the mere exposure effect) ; Social Influence; the

framing heuristic and false consensus.

One day, Seen Yee (consumer A) and Yuen Xi (consumer B) went to the

supermarket to do some grocery shopping they have already planned out what to

buy and they also know exactly where are the products could be found as they often

shop in that supermarket. For example, they need to buy some shampoos so they

headed straight to the shampoo area without needing to ask the staff where the

shampoos are. This is called Classical conditioning (the mere exposure effect).

Secondly, Yuen Xi headed over to the cheese section and grabbed the Chesdale

cheese without any hesitation, thinking that Seen Yee for sure would want this

brand instead of the other brands offered. After that, Yuen Xi headed back to Seen

Yee only to find her rejecting Chesdale and want Kraft cheese instead. This is called

false consensus.

Thirdly, Seen Yee said that Kraft cheese is better because it is “High in

calcium” while Yuen Xi claim that Chesdale is better because it is “Rich in calcium”.

What was seen through here was social perception. Fourthly, when they

both have reached the cheese area and was dabbing among themselves, John

(promoter of Chesdale) popped out and started promoting the pro of Chesdale to

Seen Yee. This is called Social Interaction. Yuen Xi and John tried to persuade

Seen Yee to buy the

‘Rich in calcium’ cheese as they thought that the word ‘rich’ sounds better than

‘high’. This called peripheral persuasion as Yuen Xi and John just commented

according to their own opinions but not based on the arguments and contents.

After Seen Yee seemed to finally agreed to buy Chesdale in defeat,

John and Yuen Xi left in satisfaction, but before Seen Yee left, Patricia

(passer-by) walked pass seen Yee and told her that Patricia herself prefer

Kraft. Seen Yee agreed and little did Yuen Xi and Johns knows but Seen

Yee privately was going to buy Kraft anyway and she had just put up an act

to agree to buy Chesdale. This is called social influence. Lastly, actually in

reality, both brands of cheese may have the same level of calcium, but

having one which says “High n calcium” and the other “Rich in calcium”

sounded better to different people and misleading and affected their way of

thoughts. This is called the framing heuristic.



Discussing and planning the video and scheduling the time of filming etc etc

NG's during the filming

John is seen waiting at the cheese product station when Yuen Xi was filming her part

John is seen again in the video passing by Yuen Xi while filming

Patricia was smiling and looking into the camera after passing by SeenYee who greeted her

Seen Yee playfully sticks out her tongue at Yuen Xi after choosing the cheese product and bought it back to the trolley

Seen Yee looked into the camera while acting



Seenyee and Yuenxi is shopping in the supermarket

Scene 1: seenyee and yuenxi reached the supermarket and they want to first buy

some shampoo so they headed straight to the shampoo area

Scene 2: while seenyee and yuenxi is grocery shopping, suddenly seenyee look over

to yuenxi and ask her to get the cheese because they want to make sandwiches later

for dinner. (cheese image in a bubble)

Scene 3: yuenxi headed over to the cheese section to grab the cheese and she say 2

different type of cheese, one saying “Rich in calcium” the other “High in calcium”,

yuenxi took “Rich in calcium” without hesitation thinking that seenyee will want this

for sure.

Scene 4: yuenxi headed back to seenyee only to find her asking yuenxi why she

choose “Rich in calcium instead” instead of “High in calcium” and say she doesn’t

want the “Rich in calcium” (picture of the brand crossed out and “High in calcium”


Scene 5: yuenxi shrugged her shoulders in a confuse manner and ask why

Scene 6: seenyee say “High in calcium” because it’s higher in calcium than “Rich in

calcium” while walking towards the cheese area

Scene 7: Both have reached the cheese area and a “Rich in calcium” and John

(promoter) popped out and started promoting the advantages and good points of

“Rich in calcium”

Scene 8: seenyee and yuenxi both looking stupidly at John and seenyee nod her

head in defeat, agreeing to buy “Rich in calcium” instead of “High in calcium”

Scene 9: yuenxi started walking off towards the casher. Patricia (as an aunty

passerby) came towards seen yee. And due to the fact that Patricia is more

experienced than seen yee, seen yee believes Patricia and finally chose the

Kraft cheese product.

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