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Page 1: 2ND ANNUAL FREEDOM 5K November 11, 2017 Freedom 5K ...addictionhealingctr.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Newsletter_10.17_FINAL.pdfSandy McCann started volunteering at the Mission



The Westminster Rescue Mission exists to advance the Kingdom of God by proclaiming God's Word and by partnering with local churches, businesses, social service organizations, caring supporters, and volunteers in order to provide ministries of relief, rescue and other services for individuals and families in need.

I was born into an alcoholic family. My father would go on a drunken spree 2 or 3 times a year. My mom said he would have a hard time coming off of them. When he did, his boss would let go the 3 people they hired to cover when he was gone. My dad died when I was 5. I know my mom did the very best she could do

raising me, although the father figures in my life all seemed to be alcoholics. I grew up thinking that waiting out in a car for them, or even spending hours on a bar stool drinking sodas was normal stuff.

My Testimony | By JOe

2ND ANNUAL FREEDOM 5K November 11, 2017

Join us for the 2nd Annual Freedom 5K supporting the

life-saving, life-changing work of the Westminster Rescue Mission.

Volunteer Opportunities are available


"The Westminster Rescue Mission has enhanced and

brought out new things I have learned about myself, so I

believe I will be more of a man leaving than I was walking up

that walkway to the Mission. Thank you to the community and

the staff for your support. And I thank God for blessing me and

for giving me a better look at my life and why I am still here."

Race Sponsorship Opportunities

back in the bars, but with new rules. He would pay me not to tell my mom.

Around this time I started selling drugs. I thought I had arrived. I thought money was power. I have spent many years of pain enduring that wrong perception that money is power. The fast lane became the normal and so did the consequences for the way I was living. Everything I swore I would not do, I was finding that I would do. Jails, institutions, and overdoses were happening back to back. My life was going out of control and sometimes I could see it and sometimes I could not.

Somehow, which I believe to be God, I had the strength to call the Mission. This was on Thursday, February 2, 2017. When I walked up the walkway to enter the Mission, I was scared sick. One question




PAGE 2 Spotlight on Mission Partners Legacy Giving Statistics

PAGE 3 Welcome to New Board President and Members Volunteer Spotlight

PAGE 4 2nd Annual Freedom 5K Mission Needs List MISSION NEEDS LIST Driver for Food Program and Cargo Van We recently had to scrap 2 cargo vans that were no

longer safe to drive. They had been donated to us and served as workhorses in our food program for smaller local runs. We are in great need of a replacement vehicle. This will be used in conjunction with our refrigerated box trucks.

With 42 stores and restaurants to pick up surplus food from every week, each vehicle is needed. Especially during the growing season, with the added donations of produce received, WRM may be a pipeline for 20,000 lbs. of food each week for people in need. If you are a man with a good driving record, and are willing to volunteer one morning per week, WE NEED YOU to work with our residential clients in this program to serve the community. Call 410-848-2222 ext. 16 to speak with Brian.

Last Mile Marker Sponsorship Still Available!

I was asked during the interview was what do I want to get from being at the Mission, and I said I didn’t want to die alone. I meant, I wanted to know God before I die. Since then, my relationship with God has grown and grown. I read the Bible. I’ve learned that I have a conscience. I’ve learned that I’m really not Tough Tony, but I am Marshmallow Joe, and I like that person better. Early on in the Program, I was relieved of a weight I had been carrying when I confessed about an accident I was in once when leaving a bar. This was an “AH HA” moment in my life.

For More Information, call 410-848-2222 ext. 19

I really care about helping people in the community and I enjoy helping people, which is what the Mission is all about. The Westminster Rescue Mission has enhanced and brought out new things I have learned about myself, so I believe I will be more of a man leaving than I was walking up that walkway to the Mission. Thank you to the community and the staff for your support. And I thank God for blessing me and for giving me a better look at my life and why I am still here.

- continued from cover

- continued on pg. 4

OLD GLORY: Mile Marker Sponsor ($2,500)

Stars and Stripes ($1,000)

Liberty ($500)

A New Day in Christ www.westminsterrescuemission.org SEPT | OCT 2017

As I got older, I spent more time with my oldest sister, so I started to do what she did – drink, smoke pot, and hang out with people way older than I was. By the time I was 12 or 13, I was doing a lot of different drugs. When I was in middle school, my mom was dating a painter who was a drunk and I worked for him. Now I found myself

Page 2: 2ND ANNUAL FREEDOM 5K November 11, 2017 Freedom 5K ...addictionhealingctr.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Newsletter_10.17_FINAL.pdfSandy McCann started volunteering at the Mission

she worked with large institutions, government agencies and construction managers. She also serves on the board of Carroll Community College Foundation, and is a member of Bonds Meadow Rotary and P.E.O. International (a philanthropic education organization).

"It’s easy to write a check to support Christ’s work. It’s very different and more difficult, to personally serve those in need. At the same time, each day I see the disastrous effect that the opioid epidemic is having on families, our community, and our country. If ever there were a time of need, now is it, and I can’t think of a better answer to this problem than the Westminster Rescue Mission."

New Board Member Greg Pinkard is co-founder and partner of Pinkard Properties, which provides real estate services to local and institutional clients nationwide. Greg’s nearly thirty years of experience are steeped in the fundamentals of high quality asset

management for all types of commercial real estate. For many years, he was fully responsible for the oversight of all property management activities at Colliers Pinkard.

Greg is a graduate of St. Lawrence University. He currently serves on the France-Merrick Foundation as a member of the Board of Directors, on the B & O Railroad Museum as Trustee and on the Advisory Council for the Institute of Integrative Health.

“I think the mission of WRM is one of the most critical needs in our community today…”







Meet New Board President Ron Shaw was born and raised in Carroll County on his grandparent’s dairy farm near Taylorville, graduating from South Carroll High School. He (and his twin brother Robert) were accepted at Harvard University. After graduating from

Harvard cum laude, Ron returned to Maryland to attend the University of Maryland School of Law, where he served on the Law Review, and graduated with honors.

Since 2010, Shaw & Morrow, P.A. has been located in Hunt Valley, Maryland specializing in medical malpractice defense, personal injury, criminal defense and Medicare and Medicaid fraud in all the state and federal courts across Maryland. Before becoming the chair, Ron had served on the board of trustees of the Westminster Rescue Mission since 2015.

“Upon learning of the Mission’s faith-based work serving needy and hurting people in the community, I was honored to be asked to join the Board.”

New Board Member Theresa Bethune is the owner and president of InfoPathways and Freedom Broadband, an Information technology firm and internet service provider. She is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University, and attended the University of Maryland School of Law.

Prior to owning her businesses, Theresa spent 23 years in the building automation/facilities management industry, where


The Kahlert Foundation was established in 1991 by William "Bill" E. Kahlert. Bill was a very giving and generous man with a passion and desire to make a difference in the communities where he lived and worked. Bill was co-founder of Evapco Inc., a worldwide

manufacturer of evaporative cooling products. Evapco’s corporate office is in Taneytown, Carroll County, MD.

Bill Kahlert's son, Greg, now serves as president of the foundation. Greg, following his father’s example is also a very generous man and his support of the Mission has been inspiring. Greg shared, “what initially interested us in supporting the Westminster Rescue Mission was the food pantry. On a monthly basis the food pantry serves 700 unduplicated households and distributed over 1,070,000 lbs. of food in 2016. That's a lot of food! The Westminster Rescue Mission is helping so many Carroll County families.”

The Kahlert Foundation supports many worthwhile causes in the community and our primary focus is in the area of health care. Some examples include Carroll Hospital, Access Carroll, Mission of Mercy and Hospice.

“Not everyone can afford good health care and organizations like Access Carroll and Mission of Mercy provide free check-ups and prescriptions. This can be life-saving.”

Another area of high interest is the proposed plan for a new Veterans Center in Westminster. “I am very passionate about giving back to our veterans that defend our country for us and help make it the greatest nation in the world.”

We, at the Mission, are very grateful for the generous support of the Kahlert Foundation.

Sandy McCann started volunteering at the Mission in early January 2017. Through her work at LifePoint Church she learned about the work of the Mission. Previous to serving here, she had no idea

how much need there was in the Carroll County community.

Initially, she served one day per week in the Food Pantry and one day serving in the Store. Now she spends two days per week sorting and organizing the donated items that the Mission Store receives.

She loves to see men’s lives changed through the residential recovery program. Often past clients come into the store to share what they are doing now. Hearing their success stories is the “sweetest” part of her day.

Sandy loves that the Mission does everything in its power to waste nothing! Every attempt is made to repurpose the donations and sell them in the Mission Store. If some items are not resalable, the Mission bales and sells for pennies on the pound. Being a good steward of all that God provides is key to the work of the Mission.

Sandy grew up in Virginia. She and her husband, John are proud parents of three adult children. She founded H.U.G.S. (Help for Uniquely Gifted Souls) at LifePoint to serve parents of children with special needs. Fifty families participate now in the H.U.G.S. ministry.

We are so grateful for Sandy’s heart to serve others and thank God for bringing her to serve at the Mission!

Hope is Palpable at the Mission

2017 YEAR TO DATE VOLUNTEER HOURS 33 Volunteers have served 4,415.5 hours

Legacy Giving Did you know that many people choose to make a gift through their will to charities that have been very important to them? There are plenty of advantages to making a gift to a charity like the Westminster Rescue Mission through your will or another gift plan—tax savings and benefits, an opportunity to share your personal values and so much more. If you're interested in learning more about how YOU can make a charitable gift to support the Mission, we're here to help with FREE, no obligation information. Please contact the development office, at 410-848-2222 ext. 18.

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