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Page 1: 3 A b o u t O u r C o m p a n ymedia.firabcn.es/content/areaExpositor/S046011/2044944... · 2012-10-30 · Sunlighten vs. Traditional Saunas Sunlighten saunas use infrared heat rays
Page 2: 3 A b o u t O u r C o m p a n ymedia.firabcn.es/content/areaExpositor/S046011/2044944... · 2012-10-30 · Sunlighten vs. Traditional Saunas Sunlighten saunas use infrared heat rays

3 A b o u t O u r C o m p a n y

5 H e a t i n g Te c h n o l o g y

7 H e a l t h B e n e f i t s

9 m P u l s e T M S e r i e s

1 5 S o l o S y s t e m ®

1 6 E n h a n c e m e n t s & O p t i o n s

1 7 S a u n a M a i n t e n a n c e

1 9 W a r r a n t y I n f o r m a t i o n

2 1 C o n t a c t I n f o r m a t i o n

“It ’s easy to see just how benef ic ia l infrared waves are to our health

and why l i fe on earth is so dependent upon the sun. I t doesn’t just

warm the body, i t act ivates many essential body funct ions as wel l .”

- Dr. David Williams

One of the world’s leading authorities on natural healing

w w w . s u n l i g h t e n . e u - i n f o @ s u n l i g h t e n . e u

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3 A b o u t O u r C o m p a n y

5 H e a t i n g Te c h n o l o g y

7 H e a l t h B e n e f i t s

9 m P u l s e T M S e r i e s

1 5 S o l o S y s t e m ®

1 6 E n h a n c e m e n t s & O p t i o n s

1 7 S a u n a M a i n t e n a n c e

1 9 W a r r a n t y I n f o r m a t i o n

2 1 C o n t a c t I n f o r m a t i o n


Page 4: 3 A b o u t O u r C o m p a n ymedia.firabcn.es/content/areaExpositor/S046011/2044944... · 2012-10-30 · Sunlighten vs. Traditional Saunas Sunlighten saunas use infrared heat rays

Corporate Headquarters in Overland Park, KS

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Tr u s t i n a C o m p a n y T h a t C a r e s

Founded in 1999, Sunlighten™ produces and sells infrared saunas for therapeutic benefit

for both residential and commercial use. We were established with one distinct purpose: to

perpetuate the shift away from disease treatment and towards disease prevention. Sunlighten

has won numerous awards, including The KC Chamber’s 2008 Top Business of the Year, Ingram’s

2008 Best Companies to Work For, and several other distinctions. Our energy efficient saunas

can easily be assembled and installed anywhere without the use of tools.

R e s e a r c h a n d D e v e l o p m e n t

Sunlighten conducted extensive market research to determine what customers want in an

infrared sauna. This insight became the genesis of our focus on creating infrared saunas that are

both beautiful and effective.

T h e S u n l i g h t e n C o m m i t m e n t

We have taken the time, effort and consideration to research every aspect of our custom-built

saunas to best meet the needs of our customers. We know our saunas inside and out, and are

confident in offering the highest quality product on the market.

C l i n i c a l l y Te s t e d Te c h n o l o g y

Our proprietary Solocarbon® & Solocarbon® Custom Spectrum™ heaters provide 7x more

effective detoxification than those found in traditional saunas AND are the only infrared

technology backed by clinical data shown to reduce blood pressure, increase core temperature

and aid in weight loss.

R e c o m m e n d e d b y H e a l t h E x p e r t s

We offer the line of saunas used by more wellness providers and endorsed by more health

professionals than anyone due to our ability to safely and most effectively deliver the sun’s

naturally healing radiant heat.

E s t a b l i s h e d & P r o v e n L e a d e r

We are the leaders in the infrared sauna industry, in business to help others through

continued technological innovation, best-in-class product quality and unsurpassed

customer service.



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Solocarbon® Custom Spectrum

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I n f r a r e d L i g h t

Infrared light (experienced as heat) is the natural radiant heat emitted by the sun.

It is 100% safe and even used to warm premature babies. Picture yourself feeling

the sun’s rays on a warm day. That is what it is like to be in a Sunlighten™ sauna.

This comforting heat warms you from the inside, for a deep and detoxifying sweat.

S u n l i g h t e n v s . Tr a d i t i o n a l S a u n a s

Sunlighten saunas use infrared heat rays instead of steam, as is used in traditional saunas.

Infrared gently heats the body from within instead of heating the air. It has the ability

to penetrate the surface of the skin, which gives your body overall radiant warmth.

raditional heaters only heat the air, which can become extremely hot and

uncomfortable in which to breathe.

C a r b o n v s . C e r a m i c H e a t e r s

Sunlighten’s carbon-based heating technologies emit more infrared energy at

a lower surface temperature. This leads to pain relief, better circulation and more

effective detoxification, among several other benefits. In addition, there are no

cold spots, as occur in saunas using ceramic rods.

Carbon Surround, and Solocarbon® Custom Spectrum

While Carbon Surround is the best infrared therapy in its class, Solocarbon® is the

most advanced and beneficial technology available. In fact, Solocarbon has been

clinically shown to raise core body temperature nearly 3º in a 30 min. session.

This is important, because raising core body temperature is the catalyst for nearly

all of the health benefits associated with infrared therapy. With the introduction of

Solocarbon® Custom Spectrum™, Sunlighten now offers a heating technology

capable of delivering near, mid and far infrared to more precisely target a myriad

of personalized health concerns.



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Clinically-backed weight loss assistance

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Sweating is the body’s safe and natural way to heal, stay healthy and

detoxify. In a Sunlighten sauna, the average person sweats out 20%

toxins and 80% water, while in a conventional sauna, the average

person only sweats out 3% toxins and 97% water.

Weight Loss

Studies have shown a 30 minute infrared sauna session can burn

upwards of 600 calories. As the body works to cool itself while using

an infrared sauna, there is a substantial increase in heart rate,

cardiac output and metabolic rate.


Sunlighten saunas deliver the ultimate experience in relaxation. With

the most therapeutic infrared heat found in Solocarbon® heating tech.,

our saunas are guaranteed to help you relax in comfort with an

invigorating sweat that will have you feeling stress-free with each session.

Pain Relief

Clinical research on pain has shown evidence of heat responsive pain

or HRP, which encompasses several common pain conditions that

can be specifically treated with the use of our infrared heat therapy.

Blood Pressure Reduction

Sunlighten’s Solocarbon® heaters were shown in a clinical study by

the University of Missouri Kansas City in 2005 to lower blood pressure

from a 30 minute infrared sauna session three times per week.

And much more...



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mPulse™ eMPOWER in Teak

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The mPulse Series from Sunlighten™ is the world’s first line of smart infrared

saunas, wirelessly capturing & measuring heart rate and calories burned. Each

model comes equipped with a 7” LCD touch-screen & ergonomic floating

benches. The mPulse Series also features customizable, full-spectrum infrared

heat capable of addressing a variety of research-backed health benefits. And

FSC-certified wood, bamboo strand heater covers, and energy efficiency make

this the clear green choice!

m P U L S E T M S E R I E S

mPulse™ aSPIRE in Basswood


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mPulse™ cONQUER in Teak

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Solocarbon® Custom Spectrum™ Heating Technology

The most advanced heater on the market, it gives you personalized access to the health benefits associated with the full spectrum of infrared heat.

Bio-Feedback Capabil it ies

Built-in monitor measures heart rate and calories burned. Data is wirelessly transmitted to a personal wellness website, where progress can be tracked.

LCD Touch-Screen Control Panel

This intuitively simple interface allows you to choose exactly the health benefit you want for a given session. You can even watch DVDs on this full color 7” screen.

Ergonomic, Floating Benches

A chiropractor was consulted in designing a bench that minimizes stress points and floats for additional legroom. Plus, it’s easy to remove for stretch poses.

FSC-Certif ied Wood

Whether you choose basswood, cedar or teak, take comfort in knowing that the wood used to build your sauna has been replanted in a sustainable forest.

Carbonized Bamboo Cover Backrests

This eco-friendly strand fabric not only provides ultimate comfort & support, but it is anti-bacterial to neutralize odors and improve air quality.

Fully Dimmable Lighting

The interior halogen lights can be used for reading at full brightness, and can also be dimmed to set a more relaxing mood to help you unwind.

Patented Magne-Seal™ Assembly

Prolong cabinetry, increase sturdiness and assemble your sauna in a snap with our patented magnetic system. No visible clips or screws!









m P U L S E T M S E R I E S F E A T U R E S










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m P U L S E T M S E R I E S

EXTERIORwidth 43.6 in.depth 41.6 in.height 76.6 in.*weight up to 570 lbs.power 120v, 1800w,15a

a S P I R E

INTERIOR37.6 in. W x 35.6 in. D x 71 in. Hbench 21.8 in.heaters 6



b E L I E V E

EXTERIORwidth 51.7 in.depth 47.6 in.height 76.6 in.*weight up to 690 lbs.power 120v, 1800w, 20a

INTERIOR45.7 in. W x 41.6 in. D x 71 in. Hbench 21.8 in. heaters 8HEATER SURFACE AREA3773 sq. in.

c O N Q U E R

EXTERIORwidth 70.6 in.depth 47.6 in.height 76.6 in.*weight up to 842 lbs.power 240v, 2400w, 20a

INTERIOR64.6 in. W x 41.6 in. D x 71 in. H bench 21.8 in.heaters 11HEATER SURFACE AREA4963 sq. in.



Available in: Hypoallergenic Basswood


Available in: Hypoallergenic Basswood


Available in: Hypoallergenic Basswood

Canadian Cedar Teak

Teak Teak

w w w . s u n l i g h t e n . e u - i n f o @ s u n l i g h t e n . e u

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b E L I E V E

INTERIOR45.7 in. W x 41.6 in. D x 71 in. Hbench 21.8 in. heaters 8HEATER SURFACE AREA3773 sq. in.

INTERIOR64.6 in. W x 41.6 in. D x 71 in. H bench 21.8 in.heaters 11HEATER SURFACE AREA4963 sq. in.

e M P O W E R

EXTERIORwidth 85.6 in.depth 70.6 in.height 76.6 in.*weight up to 1310 lbs.power 240v, 3840w, 20a

INTERIOR79.6 in. W x 64.9 in. D x 71 in. Hbench 21.8 in. heaters 17




Available in: Hypoallergenic Basswood

Canadian Cedar



d I S C O V E R

EXTERIORwidth 70.6 in.depth 70.6 in.height 76.6 in.*weight up to 1088 lbs.power 240v, 3840w, 20a

INTERIOR64.6 in. W x 64.6 in. D x 71 in. Hbench 21.8 in.heaters 14HEATER SURFACE AREA5863 sq. in.


Available in: Hypoallergenic Basswood

CanadianCedar Teak

*Optional Hidden Feet add 2 inches


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Solo System®

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S O L O S Y S T E M ®

M o d e s o f U s e

Enjoy a personal sauna treatment anywhere, with the portable and affordable Solo

System®. The unique double-dome Solo with optional Solo Pad® allow you to focus

infrared heat where you need it most. Lie down to experience comfort and relaxation.

Breathe in fresh air as you are immersed in a comforting blanket of Solocarbon® heat,

the only infrared technology clinically shown to provide key health benefits.

Sauna for One. To Go.

The Solo System® can be used on a massage table, bed or floor. Set one of the

domes on end to use while sitting up, watching TV or reading. Lie on your back and

experience deep-tissue penetration. When finished, you can stow the Solo System®

in a closet or corner of a room.

length 72.0 in.width 26.5 in.height 1.4 in.weight 10 lbs.power 120v, 380w, 3.2aheaters 2

S O L O PA D ®S O L O ®

length 69.0 in.width 28.0 in.height 18.0 in.weight 68 lbs.power 120v, 960w, 8aheaters 5




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E N H A N C E M E N T S & O P T I O N S

S O S o u n d Te c h n o l o g y This ground-breaking add-on technology is the heartbeat within your Sunlighten

sauna. It uses sound waves to create a musical massage that harmonizes all

the systems of the body, expediting the relaxation response to help

you “melt” into your sauna.

B i o - F e e d b a c k & O n - C a r e I n t e l l i g e n t Te c h n o l o g ySunlighten features bio-feedback accessories that wirelessly capture and measure

your heart rate and calories burned, and provide access to a personalized

wellness website. With On-Care Intelligent Technology, you’ll enjoy

automated heater diagnostic monitoring and elite level customer support.

C h r o m o t h e r a p y L i g h t i n gEnjoy the healing benefits of color and light therapy in your Sunlighten sauna.

This feature is available in any of our wooden models.

W a t e r - R e s i s t a n t C o v e r For outdoor use, protect your sauna and keep your lifetime warranty intact.

W h i t e G l o v e S e t u p Available for the mPulse™, Sit back and let our trained

professionals deliver and install your sauna on site.

w w w . s u n l i g h t e n . e u - i n f o @ s u n l i g h t e n . e u

Page 19: 3 A b o u t O u r C o m p a n ymedia.firabcn.es/content/areaExpositor/S046011/2044944... · 2012-10-30 · Sunlighten vs. Traditional Saunas Sunlighten saunas use infrared heat rays

S O S o u n d Te c h n o l o g y This ground-breaking add-on technology is the heartbeat within your Sunlighten

sauna. It uses sound waves to create a musical massage that harmonizes all

the systems of the body, expediting the relaxation response to help

you “melt” into your sauna.

B i o - F e e d b a c k & O n - C a r e I n t e l l i g e n t Te c h n o l o g ySunlighten features bio-feedback accessories that wirelessly capture and measure

your heart rate and calories burned, and provide access to a personalized

wellness website. With On-Care Intelligent Technology, you’ll enjoy

automated heater diagnostic monitoring and elite level customer support.

C h r o m o t h e r a p y L i g h t i n gEnjoy the healing benefits of color and light therapy in your Sunlighten sauna.

This feature is available in any of our wooden models.

W a t e r - R e s i s t a n t C o v e r For outdoor use, protect your sauna and keep your lifetime warranty intact.

W h i t e G l o v e S e t u p Available for the mPulse™, Sit back and let our trained

professionals deliver and install your sauna on site.



S p u n g i To w e l

Protect your investment with Spungi® microfiber towels. They are soft,

absorbent and easy to clean.

S p u n g i R o b e

Slip into ultimate luxury and comfort with this premium microfiber robe.

Made from some of the softest material you can buy, it is perfect for before

and after sauna use.

S p u n g i B o d y W r a p

A must have! This generous 29 inch long wrap with partial elastic top

and adjustable closure fits men & women, and is perfect for sitting

on wooden benches.

S p u n g i E y e B a g

Release tension around your eyes and brow with our microfiber eyebag.

It comes with a removable, washable cover.

S p u n g i H a i r W r a p

Wrap your wet or dry, long or short hair. Simply slip over your head,

twist then loop.


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“ I f y o u w a n t t o l i v e w e l l , y o u n e e d t o u s e a S u n l i g h t e n

s a u n a . I t w i l l h e l p y o u m a x i m i z e y o u r m e t a b o l i s m , r e m o v e

t o x i n s , a n d r e d u c e i n f l a m m a t i o n a n d s o r e n e s s . I t ’s a g r e a t

s e c r e t t o e x t r a o r d i n a r y p h y s i c a l h e a l t h . ”

- Jorge Cru i se , Creator o f the 3 Hour D iet

w w w . s u n l i g h t e n . e u - i n f o @ s u n l i g h t e n . e u

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EU Residential

Lifetime Warranty on Wood & Electronics

2 Year Warranty on Stereo

EU Commercial

5 Year Warranty on Wood & Electronics

2 Year Warranty on Stereo


Contact Your Local Sunlighten Representative


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“ Yo u a n d y o u r c o m p a n y h a v e r e p r e s e n t e d y o u r s e l v e s w i t h

e x c e l l e n c e . Yo u r s a l e s p r e s e n t a t i o n , t i m e l y a n d p a t i e n t r e s p o n s e

t o m y q u e s t i o n s , e a s e i n f i n a n c i n g , e x p e d i e n t d e l i v e r y a n d

p r o d u c t q u a l i t y a l l h a v e e x c e e d e d m y e x p e c t a t i o n s . O u r f r i e n d s

t o l d u s t h a t b a s e d o n t h e i r e x p e r i e n c e , w e w o u l d n ’ t b e

d i s a p p o i n t e d . W e l l d o n e t o y o u a l l ! ”

- D o n E m e r s o n , Va l u e d C u s t o m e r

w w w . s u n l i g h t e n . e u - i n f o @ s u n l i g h t e n . e u

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Sunlighten EuropeLekestraat 259190 Stekene

BelgiumTel : + 32 (3)779.90.92Fax: + 32 (3)779.90.93

www.sunlighten.eu / [email protected]

Your Authorized Sunlighten dealer :

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