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Hi, My name is Aaron and I‘m with Penny Stock Research, today were

reviewing our recently published article…

Are you looking to build your personal wealth?

I assume you are… otherwise why be a subscriber to Penny Stock Research and

read about these various investment strategies.

Look, everyone wants to see their personal wealth grow and grow… but

how do you do it? What’s the best way?

Well I did what millions of people do every day, I googled it.

Unfortunately, the information I found was downright gross. People were

suggesting you go out and work micro jobs. Others talked about living below your means… not a bad idea but not

exactly the way to wealth.

Still others commented about paying off your mortgage early and investing your

free cash in bonds.

Again, great ideas, but not what I’m thinking.

To be honest, I think I can answer this better…

If you ask me, I see three things everyone must do to build massive wealth. First

you need to get educated, you must invest, and you need to use leverage.

Let me explain these in better detail.

Look, if you want to build massive wealth in your life you’ve got to get educated. And No, I don’t mean rushing out to the local community college and signing up for classes. I mean educate yourself on

how to make money.

This is one area that the public education system falls flat on its face.

Growing up my teachers never taught me about managing money, writing checks,

mortgages, investing, or the stock market.

Nope, not one bit.

My father taught me about budgeting and managing money. My grandfather taught me about investing and the markets. And

my decade on Wall Street taught me about arbitrage and trading

I was lucky to get that education… but most people never get the learning they


To build massive wealth in life you need to be a student of money. You must know

how the world works.

And you must learn how to make money. Learn from people who are already doing

it… not those in an ivory tower!

That brings us to tip number 2

To build massive wealth, you’ve got to get your money working for you. You need to think of your money like little workmen.

Every day you send them to the construction site. And they need to build your assets, and make you more money!

What should you invest in?

That’s up to you. The best guidance I can give is focus on your area of education. What did you learn, who is teaching you how to make money. That’s your area of

focus… and that’s where you should invest.

Maybe it’s real estate, or dividend stocks, or penny stocks. Wherever your skill lies, you need to focus on those investments.

Now here’s a bit of real world advice.

Hard as it is to believe, once you figure out a way to make money… you’ll get


I’ve seen it time and time again.

Once you have a method for creating wealth, stick to it, and do it over and over

again. No matter how boring it gets. Years later you’ll thank me for this one bit

of advice.

And now we have tip number three…

Leverage is one of the most powerful money multipliers in the universe… and if

you want massive wealth, you’ve got to learn to use leverage.

HOWEVER, don’t just rush out and start borrowing money.

Yes, you can get leverage from borrowing money - and using it in the right ways…

But that’s not the only way to create leverage.

You can also leverage equipment, and people, and technology.

Here’s what I mean… If you have an asset… any asset… think of the different

ways you can leverage it.

I know one small business person who had a group of employees… they were

his assets.

Instead of treating them like employees, he turned them into partners. He made

each one responsible for their own products and sales. Instead of one

business with 8 employees, he now had 8 businesses being run by 8 strong

managers, and they split the profits.

Our businessman turned people into leverage… and is now starting to reap the


Think creatively and you’ll be sure to find many different ways to create leverage in

your business and your life.

So there you have it… three ways to build massive wealth.

Don’t listen to the pundits. You’re not going to skimp and save your way to wealth. You’ve got to work for it...

Have you created massive wealth in your life? If so, how are you doing it? Leave

me a comment on the website!

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