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Three Emperors League

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Realpolitikforeign policy based on calculations of power and

the national interest-brought about the unification of Germany. And the unification of Germany caused Realpolitik to turn on itself.

After its unification, Germany became the strongest country on the Continent, and was growing stronger with every decade, thereby

revolutionizing European diplomacy. According to all the traditions of Realpolitik,

European coalitions were likely to arise to contain Germany's growing, potentially

dominant, power.

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Germany was between the 3 Huge superpowers:

Russia – Becoming StrongerFrance – Defeated but still strong

Austria – Austrians supported the idea of becoming the part of Germany but

Bismarck did not

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1872 – was the bases of formation of Three Emperors League

Julius Andrássy, Otto von Bismarck, and Prince Alexander Gorchakov.

In June, 1873 Austria and Russia signed treaty to help each other in case of need. In October Germany joined the alliance

but they did not mention Balkan territories.

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Balkan CrisisIn July, 1873, Herzegovina together with

Bosnia rebelled against Ottoman Empire;Serbians Supported This rebellion; Why?

Bosnia Herzegovina declared unification with Slavs;

Russians? Panslavist?

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Three Emperors League decided the conflict by consultation; Everyone agreed that the case should be

decided by 3 states: Which states?Soon Other states also joined the League just to decide

the crisis?Which one?

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May 7, German and French consuls were assassinated in Ottoman Empire

so The decisions had to be taken. Gorchakov Proposed a meeting of

Austria, Russia and Germany

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Berlin CongressMay 13, 1976 was issued Berlin

Memorandum It was a set of reforms against Ottoman Empire; If this Reforms did not

work then The league was obliged to take “Effective Steps”

Benjamin Disraeli? What about his political position?

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In 1876, June 30, Serbia and Montenegro also rebelled against Ottoman Empire; Russia was helping Serbia by financial means and volunteers;

In July Russian and Austrian Emperors met in Reichstag; They just negotiated the following:

-Not to interfere in Conflict -If Ottoman Empire won Status quo (before the war) would be restored;-If Ottoman Empire was defeated The league would not allow formation

of Slav nation states in Balkans;-Russia should return Bessarabia

-Austria-Hungary should gain Bosnia and Herzegovina;

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In April, 1876 Bulgarians rebelled against Ottomans; Turkey responded with appalling

brutality; Russians exaggerated the case and the newspapers in England covered the news of

Bulgarians; Disraeli could not go against his people’s opinion;

He called for Turkey to stop brutality; He declared the status quo (before the rebellion) of

Serbia What about Bismarck’s political position?

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Disraeli encouraged the Ottoman Turks to reject the Berlin Memorandum and to continue their depredations in the Balkans. Despite this show of British firmness, Disraeli

was under severe domestic pressure. The Turks' atrocities had turned British public opinion against them. Disraeli felt obliged to accede to the London

Protocol of 1877, in which he joined the three Northern courts in calling on Turkey to end the slaughter in the Balkans and to reform its administration in the region. The Sultan, however, convinced that Disraeli was on his side no matter what formal demands were made,

rejected even this document. Russia's response was a declaration of war.

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Whenever the conflict in Ottoman Empire was on the top Russians found the right

moment to start the war against ottomans and gain Territories;

They needed Austria’s Neutrality;Who could guarantee Austrian’s Neutrality?

His respond?

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Finally Russia started secret negotiations with Austrians and agreed on Reichstag

articles:Bosnia – Austrians;

Not to allow formation of Slavic nation statesRussia gained Bessarabia

In 1877, January 15 the alliance was signed;

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Six European stated again warned Ottoman Empire to stop suppression;

In 1877 Russians signed the alliance with Rumania to use Rumania’s road for battle;On April 24 Russia and Rumania declared

war on Ottoman Empire; What about England? (Financial Support)

England also asked Austria for Military Support;

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Gorchakov: “Alliances does not have any strength”

In 1877, December 10, Pleven lost the war;They asked England for help in Negotiation

but Russians responded:“Just Ottoman Empire and Russians should

negotiate” January 31 the alliance was signed but

Russians still continued attacks

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Led by general and diplomat Nicholas Ignatyev, Russian troops arrived at the gates

of Constantinople. Disraeli moved British warships into the Dardanelles; At that point,

Ignatyev shocked all of Europe by announcing the terms of the Treaty of San Stefano (signed

on 3 March 1878) which would emasculate Turkey and create a "Big Bulgaria." Extending

to the Mediterranean Sea, it was widely assumed, would be dominated by Russia

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Ignatyev's Treaty of San Stefano raised the possibilities of Russian control of the Straits, which was intolerable to Great Britain, and Russian control of the Balkan Slavs, which

was intolerable to Austria. Both Great Britain and Austria-Hungary, therefore, declared that the Treaty was unacceptable. It increasingly

appeared that the Balkans would become the fuse to set off a general European war;

Bismarck reluctantly organized a congress in Berlin, the only capital to which the Russian

leaders were willing to come.

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The Congress was scheduled to assemble on June 13, 1878. Before it met Great Britain and Russia had already

settled the key issues in an agreement signed on May 30. The "Big Bulgaria" was replaced by three new

entities: a much-reduced, independent state of Bulgaria; the state of Eastern Rumelia, an autonomous entity that

was technically under a Turkish governor but whose administration would be overseen by a European

Commission; the rest of Bulgaria – Macedonia-reverted to Turkish rule. Great Britain promised Austria that it

would support Austria's occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and assured the Sultan that it would

guarantee Asiatic Turkey. In return, the Turkey gave England the use of Cyprus as a naval base. The main function of the Congress was to give Europe's blessing

to what had already been negotiated.

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On 18 June, 1881 – Second Three Emperor’s League –Neutrality except the

conflict with Austria and Russia

In 1881, The alliance between Austria and Serbia was signed.

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Italy was angry about territorial division from the Berlin Congress; Italy had claims over Tunis but Tunis was granted to France; It

encouraged the alliance between Italy, Austria and Germany – signed in 1882,

May 20.

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Alliance – Germany, Austria, Italy:-Germany and Austria defended Italy from

France;-Italy defended Germany from France;

-Three of them defended each other in case of attack;

-They kept neutrality in case any of them were involved in the battle;

-In Austria-Russian conflict Italy kept neutrality;

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In 1883, October, Austria and Germany signed alliance with Rumania - his action was against Russia, so Three Emperor’s

League was under threat; Reason of the alliance:

Rumania was against Russia because Russia took from them Bessarabia;

Austria was against Russia because of Balkans;

What about Bismarck?

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BulgariansBulgarians desired to develop their country; They wanted to have a economic cooperation with Austria – to built a railway that connected Constantinople with Vienna; •In 1881 Serbia was involved in this project;•In 1883 Bulgaria was involved in this project;

That was a very bad news for Russia who planned the same railway development;

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In 1886 Russia refused to prolong Three Emperor’s League. Bismarck knew that, Russia would sooner or

later drift into an alliance with France. Bismarck now came up

with his last major initiative, the so-called Reinsurance Treaty.

Germany and Russia promised each other to stay neutral in a war

with a third country unless Germany attacked France, or Russia attacked


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William II's first diplomatic move along what turned into a fated course came in 1890, shortly after he had dismissed Bismarck, when he rejected the

Tsar's offer to renew the Reinsurance Treaty for another three-year term. By rejecting Russia's

overture at the very beginning of his rule, the Kaiser and his advisers pulled the perhaps most important

thread out of the fabric of Bismarck's system of overlapping alliances. Three considerations

motivated them: first, they wanted to make their policy as "simple and

transparent" as possible; second, they wanted to reassure Austria that their

alliance with it was their top priority; finally, they considered the Reinsurance Treaty an

obstacle to their preferred course of forging an alliance with Great Britain.

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Ending the Reinsurance Treaty brought about exactly the opposite situation: limiting Germany's options promoted

Austrian adventurism. Abandoning the Reinsurance Treaty not only caused Germany to lose leverage vis-a-vis

Austria, it above all increased Russia's anxieties. Germany's reliance on Austria

was interpreted in St. Petersburg as a new predisposition to support Austria in the


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On 18 March, 1890 Bismarck resigned. In 1897, one year before his death he

assumed:“After 20 years of the death of Frederick the

Great there was a Great war; we are going to face the same tragedy after 20

years of my death if everything will go on the way it is going on now”

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Bismarck sowed the seeds not only of his country's achievements, but of its twentieth-

century tragedies.

Napoleon's tragedy was that his ambitions surpassed his capacities; Bismarck's tragedy was that his capacities exceeded his society's ability to

absorb them. The legacy Napoleon left France was strategic paralysis; the legacy Bismarck left

Germany was inassimilable greatness.

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