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reasons why your CRM strategy should be built on high-quality data3

“Gartner estimates that poor quality of data costs an average organisation $13.5 million per year, and yet data governance problems -which all organisations suffer from- are worsening.” – Gartner Newsroom, February 2, 2015 “Gartner says CIOs and CDOs must ‘digitally remaster’ their organisations” gartner.com/newsroom/id/2975018

Quality data creates success.

It’s also the foundation of superiorCustomer Relationship Management.

Better data will...

01.Boost marketing effectiveness. Bad addresses and inconsistent data in enterprise systems can debilitate your marketing efforts.

With accurate, precise customer information, you can construct more relevant and appropriate segmented marketing campaigns with measurable results.

02.Drive sales productivity.Sales teams spend too much time reconciling records, wrestling with poor information or looking for data stuck in a silo.

Connect, cleanse, and enrich different sources to monetize your data, so sales can focus on new customer acquisition.

03.Improve customer service.When inconsistent data from multiple sources feeds your applications and customer service agents, your customers won’t be yours for long.

Arm customer service reps with the most complete and accurate information from a single, trusted customer centric view.

To find out more about the ROI of data quality, download this white paper.

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