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  • 8/12/2019 30 Essential Feminist Books





    A vindiction of the rights


    Little women


    Partnership Everybody can do it!

    essential feminist books



    Mary Wollstonecraft is widely regard

    A single, financially independent motwas entirely unheard of, she wrote

    calling for women to be educated so t

    than mere wives. The 1792 to

    encouraging excessive emotion in wo

    Louisa May Alcott's novel, set at the

    Civil War, focuses heavily on th

    independence, and many of the fema

    determined, some with the support of

    Dorothea Brooke, the protagonist o

    novel, aims to achieve more in her l

    tells her she is capable of.


    d as the first feminist.

    er at a time when thisdensely packed text

    at they could be more

    e indicts men for


    time of the American

    issue of women's

    e characters are self-


    George Eliot's 1869

    ife than what society

  • 8/12/2019 30 Essential Feminist Books


    A room of ones own

    The second sex

    The Golden Notebook

    The Feminine Mystique

    In the prelude to the 1929 book, Vi

    that Shakespeare might have had an

    but that we'll never know of her tal

    never afforded the same education a

    he, as a man, was. The entire book e

    feminine discourse in literature.

    Simone De Beauvoir pioneered gend

    text, introducing the difference

    physiological state) and gender (som

    to do).

    Doris Lessing's 1962 novel raised con

    and deals with women's sexua

    assumptions about their relationship

    wishes for it to be a humanist, rathe

    and was surprised that, for years wo

    what she said, but had never written it

    This 1963 book launched the secon

    Betty Friedan takes apart the myth

    housewife that had been proliferate

    Everything that makes your life bett

    started here.

    ginia Woolf explains

    qually talented sister,

    nts because she was

    nd acknowledgement

    plains the need for a

    r studies in this 1947

    between sex (our

    thing society tells us

    sciousness of women,

    lity and questions

    s with men. Lessing

    than a feminist text,

    men had been saying


    d wave of feminism.

    f the postwar happy

    by the mass media.

    r than Betty Draper's

  • 8/12/2019 30 Essential Feminist Books


    Scum Manifesto

    I know why the caged bi


    Sexual politics

    The female eunuch

    Our bodies ourselves

    In 1967, the feminist movement had g

    radicals to appear. Valerie Solanas's i

    for the whole male sex to be elimi

    better known for her attempted murde


    Maya Angelou's autobiography mai

    knowledge and strength of character c

    racism and abuse. However, the 196

    woman overcoming much adversi

    possessed and dignified.

    Kate Millett's 1970 book was the

    feminist literary criticism. Millett cri

    Henry Miller and Norman Mailer's fiof relationships, complaining that t

    patriarchal way. The book caused muc

    In Germaine Greer's 1970 book, she

    know how much men hate them,encouraged by men to hate themselves

    In 1971, the Boston Women's Heal

    women's health manual was prod

    women. Using a friendly, familiar

    includes first-person anecdotes from

    all sorts of health situations. The t

    controversy by addressing then-taabortion and transgenderism.

    ained enough pace for

    dictment of men calls

    ated. She is perhaps

    of Andy Warhol.

    nly deals with how

    an help one overcome

    9 tome also shows a

    y to become self-

    rst text of academic

    tiques DH Lawrence,

    tional representationsey discuss sex in a

    h ire amongst men.

    ays that women don't

    and that women are.

    th Book Collective's

    ced by women, for

    approach, the book

    omen who have had

    xt also caused some

    oo issues such as

  • 8/12/2019 30 Essential Feminist Books


    Fat is a feminist issue

    The color purple

    The Cider House Ruler

    Fried Green Tomatoes at

    Whistlestop Cafe

    The Beauty Myth

    Susie Orbach's 1978 book exami

    disorders and how a focus on weigh

    subjugating women. A must-read fo

    cycle of dieting and binge-eating.

    Alice Walker's 1982 book, which

    Stephen Spielberg into an Oscar-wi

    story of a black woman in 1930s Geo

    struggle, both in America and in Afri

    recognition as individuals who de


    John Irving's story of two abortioni

    reproductive rights as a necessity.


    Fannie Fligg's 1987 novel, which wa

    starring Kathy Bates, is a celebration

    Southern female storytelling traditio

    Couch awaken to feminism by waycrisis.

    In 1991, Naomi Wolf wrote a ri

    burgeoning plastic surgery industry

    cosmetics market. This is an intriguin

    much time, money and health is sa

    stay in step with whatever the c

    peddling as the norm.

    nes women's eating

    is used as a way of

    anyone caught in a

    as later adapted by

    nning film, tells the

    rgia. It deals with the

    ca, of women to gain

    erve fair and equal

    sts presents women's

    s adapted into a film

    of the strength of the

    s, and shows Evelyn

    of a mid-life identity

    oste to the newly-

    nd the already huge

    g analysis of just how

    rificed by women to

    osmetics industry is

  • 8/12/2019 30 Essential Feminist Books


    Gender Trouble

    The red tent


    Feminism is for Everybo

    Following on from Simone De Be

    extrapolated gender studies in 1994,

    stating that women are not born to w

    born to wear boots, and that all gend

    affected as a drag queen's stage show.

    Anita Diamant's story focuses on Di

    and Joseph's sister in the Bible.

    character who is so sidelined in the Ol

    speaks up for all of the womentendency to focus on male achieveme

    Annie Liebovitz and Susan Sonta

    celebration of women from all wa

    Liebovitz's classic style, it capturesvictims, athletes, politicians and

    Elizabeth Taylor, Jerry Hall, Gwyne



    bell hooks' 2000 book introduces a

    theory of feminism rooted in co

    wisdom of experience. She wishes

    equality and tackles issues likeviolence, race, class, and work with

    She calls for a feminism free from div

    auvoir, Judith Butler

    ith an academic text

    ar skirts, men are not

    r is a performance as

    ah, Jacob's daughter

    reathing life into a

    d Testament, Diamant

    orgotten by history'sts.

    g's photobook is a

    lks of life. Shot in

    iners, domestic abusecelebrities such as

    th Paltrow and Ellen

    opular, male-friendly

    mon sense and the

    everyone to unite in

    reproductive rights,humour and honesty.

    sive barriers.

  • 8/12/2019 30 Essential Feminist Books


  • 8/12/2019 30 Essential Feminist Books



    The future of feminism

    How to be a women


    In her memoir, Tina Fey provides fur

    can and will be as funny, if not funni

    give a damn if men don't agree. S

    difficulties of managing a balance b

    her family.

    Sylvia Walby's 2011 academic text

    suggestions that feminism is dead, a

    yet comprehensive critical review o

    feminism, explaining why they have g

    The part-memoir, part-tirade against

    modern outlook on feminism, repack

    stigma attached to the f word. It also

    one of Britain's most revered columnis

    Albertine is the first and so far onl

    critic Jacqueline Rose. It is a parallel

    and events from Marcel Proust'sIn Se

    The beautiful orphan Albertine comes

    austere young Marcel at a Normand

    on holiday with friends. She soon be

    destructive affair with the young man,

    his Paris apartment. His jealousy an

    bisexual attraction to others cause

    gynocentric revisiting of Proust, i

    imagining, giving Albertine a voice sh

    her proof that women

    r than men, and don't

    e also discusses the

    tween her career and

    eatly responds to all

    d provides a succinct

    recent treatments of

    ot it wrong.

    'The Man' presents a

    ging it to remove the

    tells you a lot about


    novel of writer and

    ovel, using characters

    rch of Lost Time.

    into contact with the

    seaside hotel, whilst

    comes embroiled in a

    trapping them both in

    her strong will and

    both unhappiness. A

    t is a feminist re-

    e has been denied.

  • 8/12/2019 30 Essential Feminist Books


    The womens room The Women's Roomis a novel by American feminist authorMarilyn French, published in 1977.The Women's Roomhas

    been described as one of the most influential novels of the

    modern feminist movement. Its instant popularity brought

    criticism from some well-known feminists that it was too

    pessimistic about women's lives and too anti-men.

    The Women's Roomis set in 1950s America and follows the

    fortunes of Mira Ward, a conventional and submissive

    young woman in a traditional marriage and her gradual

    feminist awakening. The novel met stark media criticism

    when published but went on to be an international best


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