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Page 1: 30 Proven Techniques Intenet Marketing

30 Proven Techniques In

Internet Marketing


Page 2: 30 Proven Techniques Intenet Marketing


Welcome to Simplymyservices.in “30 Proven techniques In

Internet Marketing” Presentation. This presentation will provide

you with information to quickly and effectively plan, build,

maintain and promote your online business.

All websites are constantly faced with the need to increase the number

of visitors they receive. A website is ideally a business existing online

which requires web consumers to visit the site and buy the products

offered by the business. If a business is not able to draw in web users to

its site; its web presence suffers significantly and the business itself

suffers from little or no generated income. A website strives to reach out

to the highest numbers of web users to increase the chances of these

web users translates to business consumers. Online marketing efforts

are highly structured to target Google, Facebook and Yahoo as a source

of web consumers.www.simplymyservices.in

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1. Social Network Marketing

Online marketing efforts have been extended to social networks which boast of

high web subscribers. Facebook is currently the leading social network by the

number of global web users who have subscribed to it. Businesses are also

turning to the social network when it comes to expanding their marketing efforts.

Businesses open fan pages and allow the social network subscribers to freely

interact with them.

The platform allows a business to inform consumers about their latest sales or

new products which they offer. The social network users can respond to the

advertisements posted by the business on its fan page and ask questions

directly to the business. The business like wise answers consumer questions

and can generate a pool of contacts from the social network users who are fans

of the business page. The business then sends newsletters and other special

information directly to these users' emails or inbox on the social network.


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2. Understand Optimal Keyword

Quality is really more important than those ugly keywords. Not that keywords

are ineffective, or unimportant, but... they're less important than a good quality

article with some serious purpose and value. Now that I've said that, I want you

to remember that writing a good quality article means you're using keywords

that will help get your article located on the Internet, either via search engine

optimization, or via site searches. Your reader can't gain anything from quality he/she can't find.


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3. Understand Quantity vs Quality

No matter what anyone tells you quality ALWAYS usurps ugly irrelevant

quantity. If you're writing lousy, ugly articles with no value and no quality in the

article, they won't be read, nobody will click your link, and quite honestly, you're

wasting cyber space. Get the rocks out of your head and put some serious

effort into writing quality articles. You can write high quality and high quantity, it takes work and self application. Just do it!


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4. Know the Value of Quality Back Links and Quality Content

Organic search engine optimization requires HIGH-Quality back links and

HIGH-Quality content. Without these two items, any optimal search engine

placement you get is liable to disappear with an ugly Google slap or worse, total

exemption from the search engines. If they don't like you, they can and will

block your ugly carcass. Don't forget that and don't tread on their toes. Do what

you have to do to maintain a high-quality site with good content as best practice and you'll be fine.


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5. Set Your Site Apart from Look Alike Copy Cat Sites

Bring new, original content to the table and you'll find your readers appreciate

your efforts, as do the search engines. “If you're not passionate about a topic,

then you should probably not be managing a website on it”. And... I agree.

How often you post valuable information makes a big ugly difference. Don't

have time to do a daily post? Schedule your posts out a week in advance and

post them all in one day. Your audience deserves your attention, give it to them by way of frequent, high-quality posts on your website.


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6. Search Engine Spiders

Spiders are also known as "bots". They penetrate a website and copy

information that is sent back to the search engine's database. All the major

search engines - Bing, Yahoo! Search, Google, etc. - use this technology. Once

on a website page, a spider records links and dispatches additional spiders to

follow them and copy the content that they find there. The process is continual

and results in huge search engine databases of tens of billions of pieces of information.


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7. Insight To Local Social Media Marketing Services

In local social media marketing services, you should widen the opportunity to

interact with your prospective local clients by linking your site to popular social

networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Yelp, Flickr

and more. Adding videos in YouTube, uploading images in Flickr or creating

business pages in Facebook or spreading service information through repeated

Tweets in Twitter are some of the prospective ways that will contribute in

making your business popular in the online periphery. Furthermore, maintaining

and updating blog and responding to blog comments of your consumers are

another effective way of optimizing your website in the online arena. Local SMM

is the easiest ways through which you may add a personal touch to your business.


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8. Article Marketing Produces Massive Traffic

Have you ever wondered why some articles just jump to the first page of Google

while others stay unnoticed and never get the recognition they deserved in the

first place? For some it can be very annoying that they have used hours on

writing this incredible content article but it never makes it the spotlight. The

name of the game is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. This means that you

write an article with all the tweaks and techniques that makes search engines

like Google rank it high for a specific keyword. So lets say you want to have en

article that gets seen 50-100 times a day by different individuals or unique

visitors. Imagine what this could do for your business or your personal brand..

Imagine having multiple articles like this out there an watch your particular business grow exponentially..


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9. Local SEO Through Google Places and Yelp

Using local search has become one of the most valuable and simple ways to

gain more leads and clients from simply being listed locally where people are


With the development of platforms like Google places, Google maps, Yelp, and

other regional based search networks, it's not to difficult to see the direct value

provided to local businesses who show up in results where their competitors



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10. How A Google Places Can Help Your Local Search Marketing

� The Internet is the number one place people go to search for


� You create your Google Places page to speak for your business and

to your target audience.

� Your Places page can be optimized for maximum search engine


� A Google Places page acts as more than just a yellow pages listing.

� Places is optimized for mobile searching.


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11. Organize Web Pages In A SE Crawler Friendly Manner

Part of SEO involves organizing your web content in such a way that it's easy

for the search crawlers to locate all the content. When you have a well

structured and well organized site, the search bots will be able to find all the

content quickly and index them. That will lead to an increase in web traffic.

The problem that search crawlers face is that they sometimes have difficulty

locating pages that are deep in a website's organizational structure. A deep

crawl is required to find such content and deep crawls tend to take a much

longer time. Here is how you can ensure that all your web pages be found

quickly in a deep crawl.


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12. How SMM Compliments SEM?

The biggest difference between SEM and social media marketing (SMM) seems

to be who you are talking to or trying to reach. This is not entirely true because

SEM is designed to reach real people just as much as social websites. It is just

not as direct as social media websites allow.

Your ultimate goal is always to reach real people who can make decisions that

bring your profit. Social media sites allow you to reach these people directly

through their Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook accounts, but SEM requires a less

direct approach. You have to first be recognized and ranked by the search

engine spiders (or bots) in order to finally reach those real people.


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13. Increase Page rank through Forum?

� Tip 1: Network with other relevant forums and exchange links.

� Tip 2: Article marketing. Page rank is mostly about link popularity.

� Tip 3: Web directory submissions. Web directories are certainly not dead yet!

� Tip 4: Promote your forum on social networking site.


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14. Submit New Website URL And Sitemap?

You should be using your blog or site to the best of its capabilities and posting

helpful hints, tips, and articles, among other forms of media, that people in your

niche market will want to see. By doing so, you turn your site into something

more than an online business card. You turn it into a potentially profitable

empire. In order to take advantage of the notoriety that will surely come, you

must be listed with the big three: Yahoo!, Bing, and Google. But how can you

make that happen?

First things first, you need to submit your URL and sitemap to all three

locations, so they know there is something more than a dummy site in place.

Once you start making updates on a frequent basis, you will notice that it affects

your ratings in a positive way. The better your posts are, the better your

rankings will be, but only if you also properly embrace the concept of search

engine optimization. www.simplymyservices.in

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15. Press Releases - Why to Include Them ?

By submitting your press release to distribution services you increase the

number of back links to your site with relevant content through the newswire

services and the web sites to which they distribute content. Just one simple act

of submitting a single press release through a distribution service gives your site

several relevant in-bound links from trusted websites all over the internet.

Wait...Hold up... You don't think you have anything to write about that is news-

worthy? Actually you do. You can submit one about pretty much anything. You

can announce a new product or service, announce a new service area,

announce a new hire... anything. You can even submit one about your blog.

Don't have a blog yet? Sit down a take a few minutes to start a blog, write your

first blog entry and then submit one about it. Press releases are simply too

important to not distribute.


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16. SEM Blog: A Versatile tool for Advertising

Blogs are now a common method for companies to communicate information to

both new and existing customers. They may be posted daily, weekly, or as new

products become available. Search Engine Optimization by social media is a

newer approach being added to these advertising tools. This type of media is

designed for social interaction via Internet. It includes web-based as well as

mobile communication technologies.

Tools designed for this interaction create a place for interactive dialogue

between individuals by allowing users to generate their own content. This

information can then be exchanged between members of a particular site.

Social media has the capability to reach both small and large audience groups.

It is different than traditional media because it is public accessible, easy to

utilize, immediate, and can be changed at any time..


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17. Facebook Is Forcing Everyone To Stay In Sync With Their Internet Marketing Trends?

Facebook has currently even made branding easier with the power to tag

products in posts, allowing companies to build additional publicity by

implementing an interactive experience for their followers and bring more

individuals to their page. Facebook members are being tracked and studied

from all across the web, and the findings are being used by the site to refine

more relevant advertising and aim campaigns at the right individuals by

monitoring their tendencies and likes.

Making it so that most every button you press builds information on how to cater

to your particular online surfing experience, Facebook is taking Newton's Law of

Motion which says that with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

and taking it to new heights. You're equipping Facebook with everything they

need to build a campaign that caters directly to your needs by sharing and

"liking" data, and by doing so, is evolving the realm of online advertising as we

view it. www.simplymyservices.in

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18. Viral Marketing Creates a Friendly Network

Viral Marketing is an effective online marketing tool wherein customers are

involved in spreading the marketing message to other people in their peer group.

The businesses send information, interactive games, video clips, promotional

emails and any digital media to a customer, who in turn will be encouraged to

distribute it to others.

� Offer an Incentive:

� Referral is not an opt-in:

� Personalized referral email:

� Analyze the results:

� Continuously endorse friendly referrals:


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19. Title Tags

If you are at all familiar with SEO then I’m sure you would have seen this one

coming. The fact is, and this has been proven time and time again, what you put

in your title tags is the most influential variable to determine how your pages

show up in natural (organic) search results. During this process recommended

that you optimize for only two to three key phrases per page. The key phrases

that start the title tag (the ones on the left) have the most power, so should be

selected very carefully. Example (Wedding Favors – Wedding Party Favors –Bridal Shower Favors)


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20. Keyword Density

Keyword density is the percentage of times your keywords appear on a given

page. There is no strict rule or percentage to aim for but offered a very sound

practice to determine what works – copy what your competitors do. Search for

your key phrases, the phrases you want to show up for in the search engines

and see what the current top result site’s keyword density is. Test out the

keyword density of your competitors pages and your pages. See how the

number one site handles their keyword density – how often in title tags, heading

tags, alt tags, body content and other areas of their site certain keyword

phrases appear and then copy their techniques. Once you have your on-page

keyword density equal or better than your competitors then all you have to do is worry about your off-page SEO to beat them (and test test test!).


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21. Site Structure

Site structure covers the way your site is linked together internally. However I

think there is one really important thing to mention regarding site structure and I

know would agree with me – it’s your sitemap – whether you have one to begin with and how you structure it.


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22. Internal Links

You have to remember that Google treats each webpage as a single page, not

as a part of a website, so when it comes to linking to your own pages it’s very

important you take great care to optimize your keyword linking methods. The

beauty of this technique is that you can control it, it’s an on-page technique that

in lets you add back links to your own pages.

The two most important things to consider is how you anchor your internal links

(what phrases you use to link) and that you take advantage of all the

opportunities to link your pages together. Make use of a footer by linking to all

your most important pages using the appropriate anchor text keyword phrase

(especially your sitemap) and make sure your navigation structure links with keywords, not just blanket statements like “click here”.


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23. Links

Links to your site is the most important Off-Page SEO technique. Simple but

true. Incoming links are what determines your natural search engine placement.

Yes all the On-Page SEO techniques will influence the variables but the links

will determine the strength of your web pages to compete for the top places in

search engine results pages. The more strength, the higher in the search

engines your web pages will be.

A more sound search engine marketing strategy is all about quality over

quantity. Get your site listed in the best directories – DMOZ (the open directory

project) and Yahoo! – and then slowly, but consistently build incoming links from

good relevant sites. This pattern is considered more natural and hence is

rewarded with better organic search engine results. Yes it takes longer and you

better be a patient bunny, but it will lead to better results in the long term. It’s all

about spending your time finding the 20% of links that will give you the 80% of results.


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24. Page Rank

Pointed out that 1000 low quality and low PageRank backlinks generated in a

short period of time will not be nearly as good as a handful of high PageRank

incoming links added over many months. The emphasis is on oh-na-tur-al. Don’t

follow the crowd and exchange links with anybody and everyone that comes

asking for a link.

It can be especially difficult for a commercial site with no interesting content (for

example, nothing but sales pages) to get quality incoming links. No self-

respecting, high PageRank site will have a good reason (besides money) to link

to a site that is just selling something. Okay yes Apple will probably have no

problems getting quality links to its iPod pages but that’s obviously not a position most businesses enjoy.


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25. Page Reputation

Every website has a reputation value and incoming links determine that

reputation, however it’s not about the number of incoming links but the quality

and reputation of the sites that link. The reputation of a mainstream news site,

for example CNN, is quite high and will have incoming links from other high

reputation sites. If you get a link from CNN then your reputation will rise.

Basically it’s measure of a site’s value based on the network of sites linking to

that site going back multiple levels of the network.


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26. Anchor Text

In most cases people linking to your pages will use the title of your article, or

part of the title, as the anchor text and as such you need to be extra careful

when deciding how to name your articles. Yes usability and marketing comes

first – you want to grab the attention of human beings with a tempting title, but if

you can get some good keywords in there too you will be killing two birds with one stone.


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27. Link Popularity

Difference between Google and Yahoo! regarding the top variables in their


Google – 1.Title Tags, 2.PageRank and 3.PageRep

Yahoo! – 1.Title Tags, 2.Keyword Density and 3.Link Popularity

Now I can’t verify that in any manner but it does make for some interesting

discussion. This shows that Google cares more about quality and Yahoo! cares

more about quantity, but I’m sure there is a lot more to it than that. I’ll leave it up

to you to test this theory on your sites.

Link Relevancy and ‘Do Keywords In Domain Names Matter?’


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28. Meta Tags

Everyone will tell you that meta tags don’t matter, they do. The biggest thing

they matter for is click-through though. There will be a lot of times when Google

will use your meta description as the copy that gets pulled with your search

listing. This can help to attract the visitor to visit your web site if it is related to

their search query. Definitely a much overlooked (as of late) ranking factor.

Getting indexed by search engines and ranking well is just the first step. The

next, and biggest, step is getting that visitor that searched for your keywords to want to click on your search listing.


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29. Domain Names

It can help to have keywords you are interested in ranking for within your

domain, but only as much as the title, heading and content matters. One very

important factor that is coming to light is that domain age is important. The older

the site or domain, the better it is not spam and can do well in search results.

The domain age definitely isn’t a make or break factor but it does help quite a bit.


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30. Heading Tags

When you are laying out your site’s content you have to be sure that you are

creating the content flow in such a way that the heading tags are based on

prominence. The most prominent of course being the h1 tag, which says

“this is what this block of copy is about. Making sure you understand

heading tag structure is very important. You only want to have one (or two) h1

tags per a page. It is important to not just throw anything into an h1 tag and hope you rank for it.


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Congratulations! After reading the information in this guide, you should be better

informed about the overall process of getting your advertising your online


The best advice may be to start slowly and grow your site to meet the needs of

your business.

We hope that you feel well informed about techniques for internet marketing for

your business. We would like to invite you to see how Simplymyservices.in can

help you to create a winning online business.


Page 34: 30 Proven Techniques Intenet Marketing

Simplymyservices.in FeaturesEverything you need to START Internet Marketing for your businesEverything you need to START Internet Marketing for your business:s:

� Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing

� PPC, Adwords Advertising

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� B2B Product Listing

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� Directory Submission

� Video Distribution Service

Call us at +91 9892 108 127 or visit us at www.simplymyservices.in

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