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Page 1: [30] Sep 2013 - Village Diary & Newsletter

Celebration of Flowers in the Church at Hempstead Fête




Barningham Hall – now 401 years old

© Clive Rammell© Geoff Harris

Page 2: [30] Sep 2013 - Village Diary & Newsletter

Editor: Ian Summers, 14 The Knoll, Hempstead, Holt NR25 6TJ 01263 710702 [email protected]

Sub-editor: Su SummersProduction: Thomas Wormald

Village Correspondents:Baconsthorpe: Ro Hardingham 577262Barningham: Sara Buxton 577207Hempstead: Betty Hart 712726Matlaske: Florence Hunt 577363Plumstead: Julie Brown 577447

Add your own contentwww.isdata.co.uk/cgi-bin/post.pl

Copy date20th of the month preceding publication

Postal Subscriptions£10 per year – Corinne Youngs 577263

AdvertisingAnnual: Contact: Mrs D Spalton 711117

One-off or special requirement: Payment by the copy date. Contact: The editor

For Sale & Wants: £1 per 20 words (free if proceeds to Newsletter) Contact: The editor

Village Web Sitebarninghamgroup.co.uk

Back numbers:barninghamgroup.co.uk/newsletter

ChurchwardensBaconsthorpe: Tessa McCosh 577611Barningham: Mary Wortley 577246

Brian Clements 570293Hempstead: Ann Udale 713656

Su Summers 710702 Matlaske: Florence Hunt 577363

Thomas Courtauld 577250Plumstead: Thomas Wormald 577239

John Durdin 577234

Village Diary & Newsletter

Community Information and Services

Mobile Library Every fourth ThursdayMatlaske 12:20 pm Old Post OfficePlumstead 13:00 pm Walnut Farm

Baconsthorpe 14:25 pm Council Bungalows 15:45 pm Old Post Office 16:05 pm The Street

Hempstead 15:00 pm Hare and Hounds 15:20 pm Telephone kiosk

See www.libraries.norfolk.gov.uk

Holt Library 9 Church Street, Holt NR25 6BB Tel: 712202

Mon–Wed, and Sat: 9:30 am to 1 pmFri: 9:30 am to 6 pm

Books can be dropped off out of hours in the letterbox labelled ‘bookdrop’ in the blue door.

Post Office Baconsthorpe Village HallTuesdays 12:30 pm to 4 pmFridays 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

For a full range of services offered at this branch and all other enquiries call 712139.

Norfolk Constabulary 101 for non-urgent calls Holt Safer Neighbourhood Team

e-mail: [email protected] Community Support Officers:

Baconsthorpe & Matlaske PCSO Guy SladeHempstead PCSO Rachel HowardPlumstead PCSO Jason Ford

Police Direct about crime and policing issueshttp://tinyurl.com/cra3u4j

Dog Warden516085 (out of hours 513811) [email protected]

Norfolk Carers Helpline – 0808 808 9876 Mon–Fri 8 am to 8 pm. Free and confidential listening, support and information for family carers. www.norfolkcarershelpline.org.uk

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the newsletter. The newsletter apologises if contributed material is not published due to space constraints. All facts are

believed to be correct at time of publication. The editor reserves the right to amend material.


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ThanksThank you to all my friends from Baconsthorpe, Hempstead and surrounding areas who have continued to support me in my move to Aylmerton, and have shown such compassion for the loss of my beloved Wolfhound and companion, Conall. For anyone who has moved away from an area, it is so comforting that you can still rely on the support of old friends. And some of those friends are local advertisers from my old area, whose services I have asked for because I felt comfortable with their integrity and understanding. I thank the editor and his lovely wife for emotional support and for making me smile. There is a lovely church here at Aylmerton – please come and see the stained glass windows. Conall visited that as well as North Barningham Church! From an old but grateful friend. J

Proposed Solar FarmGenatec Ltd have applied for planning permission for the construction and operation of a solar farm at Pond Farm, Bodham (North Norfolk DC PF/13/0960 with closing date 11 Sept). Comments are invited from local residents, parish councils and council members. There would be no noise or emissions generated by the equipment. The solar panels are fixed and have no moving parts.

For any additional information about the proposal or if you have any comments please do not hesitate to contact either David or John via telephone or the Genatec website. David: 07901 917434;; John: 07771 727414 www.genatec.co.uk

Hempstead Artist’s Owl

I think you’ll agree that this is a splendid owl sculpture. It was created by Mike Thody to welcome visitors to Pretty Corner. And what a dramatic entrance it makes!

Help for Small Businesses To help small north Norfolk businessesfind new customers on-line, training courses are being run at Victory Housing Trust, North Walsham at a special price of £25-40. These are intended to help the self-employed and small business learn the skills needed to win new businesses on-line. To keep up with competition, a small business has to be far more on-line savvy than they had to be a few years ago. Even as little as three years ago, it was enough to simply have a website. It’s not any longer. As a business, you need to know how to drive visitors to your website, know what your website should be doing to engage those visitors and learn how to turn those visitors into valuable customers.

Digital marketing agency Search Fruits, is delivering three training courses designed to overcome some of these obstacles at the Victory Housing Trust’s Head Office in North Walsham. There are two courses on 15th October and one on 29th October 2013. To view the details look on-line here: searchfruits.co.uk/our-services/training-courses/training-at-victory-housing-trust or email [email protected] for more information. Spaces are limited.

When the white missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we hadthe land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened themwe had the Bible and they had the land.Desmond Tutu***** America is the only country where a significant proportion of thepopulation believes that professional wrestling is real but the moonlanding was faked. David Letterman**** I'm not a paranoid, deranged millionaire. God dammit, I'm a billionaire. Howard Hughes***** Men are like linoleum floors. Lay 'em right and you can walk all overthem for thirty years.~ Betsy Salkind***** The only reason they say 'Women and children first' is to test thestrength of the lifeboats.~ Jean Kerr***** I've been married to a communist and a fascist, and neither would takeout the garbage.~ Zsa Zsa Gabor**** You know you're a redneck if your home has wheels and your car doesn't.~ Jeff Foxworthy***** When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a newwife.~ Prince Philip***** A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing.~ Emo Philips.***** Wood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it yourself.~ Harrison Ford***** The best cure for sea sickness, is to sit under a tree.~ Spike Milligan***** Lawyers believe a man is innocent until proven broke.~ Robin Hall***** Kill one man and you're a murderer, kill a million and you're a conqueror.~ Jean Rostand.***** Having more money doesn't make you happier. I have 50 million dollars butI'm just as happy as when I had 48 million.~ Arnold Schwarzenegger.***** We are here on earth to do good unto others. What the others are herefor, I have no idea.~ WH Auden***** In hotel rooms I worry. I can't be the only guy who sits on the furniturenaked.~ Jonathan Katz***** If life were fair Elvis would still be alive today and all theimpersonators would be dead.~ Johnny Carson***** I don't believe in astrology. I am a Sagittarius and we're very skeptical.~ Arthur C Clarke***** Hollywood must be the only place on earth where you can be fired by a manwearing a Hawaiian shirt and a baseball cap.~ Steve Martin***** Home cooking. Where many a man thinks his wife is.~ Jimmy Durante***** As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind - everypart of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder.~ John Glenn**** If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on theirfeet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat?~ Steven Wright***** America is so advanced that even the chairs are electric.~ Doug Hamwell***** The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone.~ George Roberts***** If God had intended us to fly he would have made it easier to get to theairport~ Jonathan Winters*****

Join us onFriday 2nd Aug

at Ash Tree Farm, The Street, Baconsthorpe NR25 6LF

10:30 -­-­ noonBring & Buy – Good Coffee & Scones

Proceeds to the Newsletter

Norfolk Constabulary sends a variety of messages to the public, in the form of e-newsletters, crime updates and crime prevention advice. This is through a scheme called Police Direct. If you have not already subscribed I thought this may be beneficial for your parish magazine/newsletter. The Scheme allows you to be kept up to date with news from your policing team including the latest priorities they are working on, the actions they have recently taken and information about how offenders where you live have been brought to justice as well as local crime and crime prevention advice. You can register by completing and returning the attached application form or via the website www.norfolk.police.uk and select Police Direct. Once registered you can receive messages from the Constabulary direct to your email inbox, mobile, landline or fax. If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me on the above telephone number or email [email protected]. Yours faithfully Teresa Futter

’Quote of the month

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

Mae West


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Unit 8 Sawmill Close, The Street, Felthorpe, Norwich NR10 4BH

Garden & Home Helpers

All basic help for you in your house or garden

by husband and wife team from Matlaske.

We can do the whole job or simply help you to

complete a task. Hourly or fixed-­‐rate prices

from £8. References available.

07909 183190 07950 822802

Lloyd DurhamIndependent Family

Funeral Directors

01263 713113 (24 hours)11a Avenue Rd, High Kelling NR25 6RD Email: [email protected]

Funeral Director:

Helen Wickes BSc, dipFD NAFD

Page 5: [30] Sep 2013 - Village Diary & Newsletter

Church Matters


Church MattersChurch Services

1 Sep Trinity 14 9 am Eucharist Plumstead Church10:45 am Mattins Matlaske Church

8 Sep Trinity 15 9 am Eucharist Baconsthorpe Church10:45 am Mattins Barningham Winter Church

15 Sep Trinity 16 9 am Eucharist North Barningham Church*10:45 am Mattins Plumstead Church

22 Sep Trinity 17 9 am Eucharist Matlaske Church10:45 am Benefice Harvest Festival Baconsthorpe Church

29 Sep Trinity 18 St Michael 9 am Eucharist Barningham Winter Church4:30 pm Choral Patronal Evensong Plumstead Church

6 Oct Trinity 19 9 am Eucharist Plumstead Church10:45 am Mattins Hempstead Church

Weekday Holy Eucharist You are most welcome to join us every Thursday morning at 10 am in Matlaske Church for Holy Eucharist

From the RectoryThe Rectory Matlaske NR11 7AQ 577455 (any day but Wednesdays)

My dear friendsGiving Thanks

On Sunday, 22nd September we shall celebrate our Harvest Festival at Baconsthorpe Church. The Farming Community has been very busy during the last few weeks making sure that All is safely gathered in. The fruits of their labours are abundant – the harvest of garden and orchard also looks promising. We have much to thank God for – a working in harmony of the Creator with us, the created.

We also give thanks (tinged with sadness) as we say ‘Goodbye and God Bless you’ to Geoff and Mary Wortley who are moving to Hampshire. They have both contributed so much to the life and witness of our Parishes. Geoff has been a great strength in our Benefice, Holt Deanery and the Diocese. Mary has been an excellent churchwarden at Barningham Winter. Above all, both have been loyal and caring friends to many. Do come and say ‘Goodbye’ at the Harvest Service.

God bless you all

* An explanation for why Hempstead does not have a church service in SeptemberWe were scheduled to have a Eucharist service on the 15th, but the churchwardens have donated it to North Barningham to coincide with Heritage weekend (which seems very appropriate). It was going to be a problem for Hempstead with our Hempstead Arts Exhibition & Sale in the village hall. We hope Hempstead churchgoers will support the service in North Barningham for their special occasion.

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24 Gladstone Place, Briston01263 860333

Family Butcher

Poulterer & Game DealerLicensed to sell Wines & Spirits

In-­town Butchery at Larners of Holt01263 710000

Fresh Bread & Cakes from our own bakeryWeekly Deliveries in our refrigerated vans



Septic Tank Emptying Service

01263 577523

Forestry Contractor

Upwood FarmNorth BarninghamMatlaskeNorfolk NR11 7LA


We also hold £5 million public liability and damage waiver;; fully trained experienced operations.7 Stonefield Road, Baconsthorpe NR25 6LP

01263 577746 or 07769 914335 tgl-­‐‑[email protected]

Any outside work undertaken from concreting, digger/dumper operations, fencing, patios, bases, footings, oversights, drainage, treatment plants, soakaways, connections, trenching, some BT, electric, gas and water, kerbs and driveways, landscaping, hedges and grass cutting and turfing. Big Green Waste Bag: We deliver a 1 ton bag;; you fill it with garden waste, give us

a call;; it’s picked up and exchanged if needed. Nettles/brambles/weeds/grass, hedge and tree cuttings. Why risk scratching and marking your car wasting time and fuel. Bags can be used for other things by arrangement only. £9 for 1;; £16 for 2.

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one-tenth share. Believe it or not I remember paying a sum for Tithe Redemption in the late 1960s to end this iniquitous ‘poll’ tax.

When I came here I was interested in the old records so I consulted the vicar, Francis Allen, as to what we had. He directed me to the Church Cope Chest in the Vestry. ‘The Key’s under the flower pot’*. It was amazing what was there: births, deaths and marriages going back to 1538 in varying degrees of legibility. Now, quite rightly in the Norfolk Record Office, although they had to survive the fire in the Central Library in 1994. A fat tome also listed all the fields in the Tithe Census with details of owner, tenant, name of field and size in acres, roods, polls and perches (I would give a prize for the first definition of these but too many of you are on the ‘net’.) But the map itself was missing. So I asked Francis what had happened to it. ‘Oh, it’s too big to fit in the Hempstead Chest so we keep it in Baconsthorpe – the key’s under the candlestick.’ I shudder to think now, that I drove up to Baconsthorpe and took away this priceless document for two to three months.

It is this map which causes me to dispute the position of the Manor of Netherhall;; Losehall being the one next to the church. Robin Carver, on page 3 of his brilliant book Hempstead – A Norfolk Village, places this as being on the site of Hempstead Hall which is today at the north end of Narrowgate drift. At the south end of the drift the map has four fields with the suffix Narrowgate. My addled brain says this is a modernisation of Nethergate and that it is in the next valley where the manor stood. Mind you, I am quite pleased I do not farm two fields near Selbrigg which are called Burnt Hills and Small Hopes. The maps for the our other villages must be just as fascinating. * Michael, if you still put the keys under the flower pot then you

had better update your security.


Bertie’s Ramblings Did you ever pay the Tithe!I have always been fascinated by maps: from the modern Ordnance Survey back to those lovely old ones where the cartographers filled their oceans with mermaids and sea serpent. One of my favourites is a copy of a 1728 estate map of Green Farm, Hempstead, commissioned by John D Wood. It has a minute sketch of Green Farm House, very much in the present form. The south end and the wings are obviously later additions. So, when was the main house built? Interestingly, where Mo Williams now lives at Garwood, the field is described as Newbiggins Land. So 1728 must be very nearly the date it was built? Hempstead Church is still shown with its original tower which fell down and was rebuilt in 1744, a few years before it was demolished by the Hempstead Follies.

A field near Hempstead Hall is named as Hammonds Six Acres. When I came here in 1965 it was known as Hammersons, which is not so far out. The two fields north of the farm are described as Orchard which probably meant Cider which means scrumpy. My grandmother in Wymondham always used to make a 45-gallon barrel every year. In a good year it was delicious. I remember one evening at dinner I suggested we had another glass and she came out with the classic reply: ‘We might just as well sleep under the table as on top of it!’ But the gem is the 1839 Tithe Map from the time when all England was surveyed so that the Church could take their

When the white missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we hadthe land. They said ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened themwe had the Bible and they had the land.Desmond Tutu***** America is the only country where a significant proportion of thepopulation believes that professional wrestling is real but the moonlanding was faked. David Letterman**** I’m not a paranoid, deranged millionaire. God dammit, I’m a billionaire. Howard Hughes***** Men are like linoleum floors. Lay ‘em right and you can walk all overthem for thirty years.~ Betsy Salkind***** The only reason they say ‘Women and children first’ is to test thestrength of the lifeboats.~ Jean Kerr***** I’ve been married to a communist and a fascist, and neither would takeout the garbage.~ Zsa Zsa Gabor**** You know you’re a redneck if your home has wheels and your car doesn’t.~ Jeff Foxworthy***** When a man opens a car door for his wife, it’s either a new car or a newwife.~ Prince Philip***** A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing.~ Emo Philips.***** Wood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it yourself.~ Harrison Ford***** The best cure for sea sickness, is to sit under a tree.~ Spike Milligan***** Lawyers believe a man is innocent until proven broke.~ Robin Hall***** Kill one man and you’re a murderer, kill a million and you’re a conqueror.~ Jean Rostand.***** Having more money doesn’t make you happier. I have 50 million dollars butI’m just as happy as when I had 48 million.~ Arnold Schwarzenegger.***** We are here on earth to do good unto others. What the others are herefor, I have no idea.~ WH Auden***** In hotel rooms I worry. I can’t be the only guy who sits on the furniturenaked.~ Jonathan Katz***** If life were fair Elvis would still be alive today and all theimpersonators would be dead.~ Johnny Carson***** I don’t believe in astrology. I am a Sagittarius and we’re very skeptical.~ Arthur C Clarke***** Hollywood must be the only place on earth where you can be fired by a manwearing a Hawaiian shirt and a baseball cap.~ Steve Martin***** Home cooking. Where many a man thinks his wife is.~ Jimmy Durante***** As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind - everypart of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder.~ John Glenn**** If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on theirfeet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat?~ Steven Wright***** America is so advanced that even the chairs are electric.~ Doug Hamwell***** The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone.~ George Roberts***** If God had intended us to fly he would have made it easier to get to theairport~ Jonathan Winters*****

Continued next month

Example drawn by Nick Adams

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Thank you to the anonymous sponsor of this edition of Village Diary & Newsletter

Thank you to everyone who has supported our Coffee & Gossip events in Hempstead – you help to keep our Village Diary & Newsletter solvent.

Next time it is on Friday, 12 April.


Join us onFriday 3rd Aug

at Ash Tree Farm, The Street, Baconsthorpe NR25 6LF

10:30 -­-­ noonProceeds to the Newsletter

Thank you to the anonymous sponsor of this edition of the Newsletter

12 April

Home LoverIt was dull in MayWhen I went astrayAnd visited friends down Devonshire way.I didn’t careFor so far from YareAnd only politeness held me there! But I went to CleyIn early JulyWhen wild rose blushed and the tides were high.The blackbird pipedIn the inland dellsBy Walsingham, Warham and Wighton and Wells. It rained in JuneWhen I went to Troon(They said it was something to do with the moon).The chilly sceneWas all grey and green,My only comfort to say I’d been! So I went to CleyIn early JulyWhen cattle by the Glaven ’mid meadowsweet lieAnd scent of elderIs weaving spellsRound Sheringham, Salthouse and Stiffkey and Wells. I’ll always rememberNorth Wales in SeptemberWith sepia peaks in cloud-topped splendour.I looked with aweupon all I sawAnd my heart fled back to a marsh-fringed shore! So give me CleyIn early JulyWhen mallow in Morston is banked waist high.And oh! for the taleThe wild tern tellsBy Brancaster, Burham and Blakeney and Wells! Joan Watson-Cook

“Staying Alive”Fun Quiz & Social Evening With Raffle

Come & Join Us on

Friday 20th September at 7 pmThe Stables, Barningham Hall

To raise funds for a defibrillator

For Matlaske & surrounding area

Admission £5 per person

Includes Jacket Potato & filling

+ 1 Free Drink

Organisers, Marion & Jim Shepherd

Blacksmiths Cottage, Matlaske

Tel 01263 577521

Page 9: [30] Sep 2013 - Village Diary & Newsletter


When the white missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we hadthe land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened themwe had the Bible and they had the land.Desmond Tutu***** America is the only country where a significant proportion of thepopulation believes that professional wrestling is real but the moonlanding was faked. David Letterman**** I'm not a paranoid, deranged millionaire. God dammit, I'm a billionaire. Howard Hughes***** Men are like linoleum floors. Lay 'em right and you can walk all overthem for thirty years.~ Betsy Salkind***** The only reason they say 'Women and children first' is to test thestrength of the lifeboats.~ Jean Kerr***** I've been married to a communist and a fascist, and neither would takeout the garbage.~ Zsa Zsa Gabor**** You know you're a redneck if your home has wheels and your car doesn't.~ Jeff Foxworthy***** When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a newwife.~ Prince Philip***** A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing.~ Emo Philips.***** Wood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it yourself.~ Harrison Ford***** The best cure for sea sickness, is to sit under a tree.~ Spike Milligan***** Lawyers believe a man is innocent until proven broke.~ Robin Hall***** Kill one man and you're a murderer, kill a million and you're a conqueror.~ Jean Rostand.***** Having more money doesn't make you happier. I have 50 million dollars butI'm just as happy as when I had 48 million.~ Arnold Schwarzenegger.***** We are here on earth to do good unto others. What the others are herefor, I have no idea.~ WH Auden***** In hotel rooms I worry. I can't be the only guy who sits on the furniturenaked.~ Jonathan Katz***** If life were fair Elvis would still be alive today and all theimpersonators would be dead.~ Johnny Carson***** I don't believe in astrology. I am a Sagittarius and we're very skeptical.~ Arthur C Clarke***** Hollywood must be the only place on earth where you can be fired by a manwearing a Hawaiian shirt and a baseball cap.~ Steve Martin***** Home cooking. Where many a man thinks his wife is.~ Jimmy Durante***** As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind - everypart of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder.~ John Glenn**** If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on theirfeet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat?~ Steven Wright***** America is so advanced that even the chairs are electric.~ Doug Hamwell***** The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone.~ George Roberts***** If God had intended us to fly he would have made it easier to get to theairport~ Jonathan Winters*****

PuzzlesSound the same but differentHow many pairs of words can you find:• Which sound the same;;• Are spelt differently;; and• Do not mean the same thing.For example pair and pear. But poor and pour are not accepted because they don't quite sound the same. Nor are judgment and judgement – although they are not spelt the same they mean the same thing.

Turn this into a competition where each contestant scores for each pair of such words. Three words that fit the criteria counts for three pairs and four would count for six pairs.

Answer to last month’s puzzleCounter MovesAnswers: 15, 24, 35. To continue the sequence, next add on 13, then 15, then 17 etc. Eventually you would find that 120 moves are required if there were 10 of each colour.

For SaleBargain – Panasonic DVD Recorder bought in February and hardly used. Cost £230 new and now for sale at £120. 01263 577282.

Baconsthorpe Village HallIdeal for Parties and Receptions

Fully equipped Kitchen with Matching Crockery for 100 settingsNew Tables and Chairs

Large Main Hall or Committee Room

Charges: £8 per hour£25 deposit will be required to cover

damages or breakages

To book contactMrs Doris Hill 01263 577489

Ivan’sPainting & Decorating


Established: 199201263 821304 or 07534 455301

Bed and BreakfastBlacksmith’s Cottage

Baconsthorpe Emma Youngs

01263 570 252 or 07884 432 412tinyurl.com/ckwzo6p


Sheringham: 01263 824444Holt: 01263 710088

Freefone: 0800 734 44 44

[email protected] www.stuarts-taxi-and-travel.co.uk


Page 10: [30] Sep 2013 - Village Diary & Newsletter


Weekly EventsMondays * 7:30 pm Baconsthorpe Line Dancing 711320Tuesdays † 10 am Hempstead Charcoal Drawing 711282Tuesdays ‡ 10 am Baconsthorpe Diocesan Play Van 07918 027092Tuesdays * 7:30 pm Baconsthorpe Indoor Bowls 711320

* Not on Bank Holidays † None during September ‡ During school terms

Monthly Events5 Sep Thu @ 12:20 pm Mobile Library See page 2 for times 6 Sep Fri @ 10:30 am Hempstead Coffee & Gossip Village Hall

18 Sep Wed @ 7:30 pm Hempstead Film Club See Hempstead News 26 Sep Thu @ 10 am Baconsthorpe Textile Group Contact: 577263

Special Events2 Sep Mon @ 7:30 pm Hempstead PC Meeting In the Village Hall

12 Sep Thu @ 7:30 pm Baconsthorpe VH Meeting In the Village Hall 13 Sep Fri @ 7 pm Baconsthorpe Jumble Sale

Any Jumble can be left at the village hall at any time.14–15 Sep 10 am–5 pm Hempstead Arts Exhibition See ad opposite

14 Sep Sat @ 9 am Churches Cycle RideThe annual Sponsored Cycle Ride in aid of the Norfolk Churches Trust. Cycle/walk to as many churches as you can sponsored by the good citizens of the parishes and beyond before 5 pm. All money raised will be divided equally between Norfolk Churches Trust and the church of your choice. Details from:

All Saints’ Hempstead: Yvette Gibson 712460St Peter’s Matlaske: Wendy Riches 577736

14 Sep Sat @ 1 pm Plumstead BarbecuePeople of Plumstead – the time is now (if not before!) to say ‘Yes, we are coming!’ to the village BBQ on Saturday 14th September at 1pm, Church Farm House. All you have to do is fill in and return your form and donation right this minute – no pressure – to secure your place on the day for probably the best food ever! You’ll love it! – Plumstead Events Group

20 Sep Fri @ 7 pm Matlaske Fun Quiz Evening See full-page ad Staying Alive? Your starter for 10. Ticket £5. Raffle. Teams of four persons but please still come on your own because others will be looking to join a team – Raising funds for village defibrillator covering Matlaske area.

21 Sep Sat @ 9 am Plumstead Police Surgery Bus shelter until 10 am21 Sep Sat @ 10 am Hempstead Police Surgery Bus Shelter until 11 am

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23 Sep Mon @ 7:30 pm Matlaske PC Meeting In St Peter’s Church25 Sep Wed @ 7:30 pm Baconsthorpe PC Meeting

In the Village Hall. All welcome.27 Sep Fri @ 6:30 pm Barningham – Michael Brunson OBE

In conversation about his broadcasting career with Steve Benson at Baconsthorpe Village Hall. Tickets £12.50 (preferably in advance) including wine and canapés from John Perks 577359. In aid of Church Funds.

Further Ahead11 Oct Fri @ 7:30 pm Baconsthorpe – Pat Neirney and Danny

A new show of songs and comedy – and very good fun all round. Tickets£6 (includes Tea/Coffee, cold drinks and light refreshments) from John 711320 and Evelyn on 577315 or any other committee member. If you missed them last time please try to come this time as you will be in for a very enjoyable evening.

Hempstead Village Hall NR25 6TL


14–15 Sept 2013

10 am–5 pm


In aid of Hempstead Church Funds

Over 20 Artists

Over 120 Exhibits

plus unframed items & cards


Page 12: [30] Sep 2013 - Village Diary & Newsletter


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Phone Dave: 07825 544045

01263 711850 (evenings)

Page 13: [30] Sep 2013 - Village Diary & Newsletter

Back numbers of newslettersbarninghamgroup.co.uk/newsletter

General NewsMovingAfter several months of waiting and several weeks of nail-biting delays we heard yesterday that our house has been sold, contracts exchanged, and a date for our move to Hampshire set for Tuesday 24th Sept. Mary and I both hope we have a chance to say our goodbyes in a more convivial way before then but if not we thank you most sincerely for the friendship and fellowship you have given us during our time in Norfolk, and especially in the church communities which we have so enjoyed being a part of. You and Norfolk will always have a special place in our hearts. We will circulate our new address in due course although at the moment it could be a tent somewhere!

Much love Geoff & Mary Wortley

Keep cars secureDuring the first weekend of August a car parked on Cherry Tree Road cul-de-sac, Plumstead, showed signs of an attempted break in, there were no valuables in the car and it has been assumed that the theft of the car was the aim. Please be vigilant about keeping cars and property secure. KO’L-L

Baconsthorpe NewsEvents in Baconsthorpe

12 Sep 7:30 pm VH Meeting13 Sep 7 pm Jumble Sale25 Sep 7:30 pm PC Meeting26 Sep 10 am Textile Group

More details on centre pages

Baconsthorpe 200 Club£25 Roger Hall;; £10 Freda England, £5 Angela Gillard and Mrs Lubbock.

Coffee MorningThank you to everyone who helped;; and who came to the Coffee & Gossip at Ash Tree Farm. Despite an unusual downpour we made £82 towards the newsletter funds.


Village Hall NewsThe lack of people at our 50/50 Auction was very disappointing. We worked hard for weeks trying to make it a varied sale of Lots but all the hard work didn’t pay off, so that was probably our last unless anyone comes forward to take it on.

We have a very enjoyable evening ahead on Friday the 11th of October at 7:30 pm with the return of Pat Neirney and Danny – see diary on centre pages.

Reminders: A Jumble Sale on Friday the 13th September at 7 pm;; and our Village Hall Meeting on Thursday the 12th September at 7:30 pm. All welcome – come and have your say. J R Cooper

Barningham NewsEvent in Barningham

27 Sep 6:30 pm Michael Brunson OBEMore details on centre pages

CongratulationsWe send very many congratulations to Mary Hook who will be 100 on the 5th September. Mary has for many years been a loyal and active member of Barningham PCC (and is still is). Her knowledge and memories about the church are most appreciated at the meetings.Do you remember...Barningham Hut? Also known as ‘Home Hut’, it was situated in a small plantation at Barningham Winter nearly opposite the Dairy Farm there. However, just to confuse matters somewhat, there was also another ‘hut’ located on the road between Matlaske school and the Northfield Road junction, at a site that was used as a prisoner-of-war camp. This hut appeared to be utilised mainly for the storage of materials.

Returning to the first building mentioned – this was a largish wooden structure raised off the ground, and was in existence certainly from the early 1930s if not earlier. Its use was similar to that of a village hall. Despite the remoteness of its rural location,

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Quote of the monthSurprises are foolish things. The pleasure is not enhanced, and the inconvenience is often considerable.

Emma (1816), Jane Austen

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Page 15: [30] Sep 2013 - Village Diary & Newsletter

various functions were held there regularly, including dance and film shows. The writer (when very young) clearly remembers attending one of these to see a Disney film that was put on for the local youngsters. Mervyn Gibbons informs me that as a lad he was at the hut for a Christmas Party c1936 when presents were distributed. He remembers it well mainly because he didn’t receive one for whatever reason! In 1948 the hut was put to quite an unusual use: that of providing accommodation for a family who had been evicted from their tied cottage. As the children of this family were school friends of mine, I have never forgotten this incident and the trauma it caused. When the hut’s days at Barningham appeared to be numbered it was dismantled and re-erected at Kelling Hospital where it served as a social club there. An interesting example in recycling you could say.

With thanks to Carol Cooper, Diana Spalton and Mervyn Gibbons for their input into this article. Arthur Pentney

Hempstead NewsEvents in Hempstead14–15 Sep 10 am Arts Exhibition

18 Sep 7:30 pm Film Club21 Sep 10 am Police Surgery

More details on centre pages

Hempstead Fête‘Best Ever!’ was the official verdict on the 1979 fête which, thanks to the commitment and hard work of the people who took part, gave a lot of pleasure to its visitors, and in the process netting £514;; then as now shared equally between Village Hall and Church. Now that the dust has settled on this year’s fête it is worth recording a few facts and figures. From placing of first fête Notice in Newsletter to checking that the Playing Field was clear of debris on the day following the fête no fewer than 66 tasks were allotted and efficiently performed. On the fête week-end 17 people were involved in shifting between Village Hall and Playing Field seven tents and awnings, 48 tables and 15

The seventh season of Hempstead Film Club begins on Wed, 18 Sept and then on third Wed of each month, except for December, until and including May, with our ever-­green programme of classic comedies and Westerns.

Last year’s programme starred Cary Grant, Irene Dunne, Katherine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Gregory Peck and Rosalind Russell in a clutch of sophisticated screwball comedies made in Hollywood between 1937 and 1956, Will Hay in an English farce from the 40’s, John Cleese in one from 40 years later. And Henry Fonda, starring in John Ford’s masterpiece My Darling

Clementine. Our 2013/14 season will feature Carole Lombard, Claudette Colbert, Ginger Rogers, and Shirley MacLaine in a series of sparkling comedies, as well as John Wayne in another Western masterpiece.

New members welcome: annual subscription £5 single, £8 family but you can join at any time for a full year of films. The details of this year’s programme are in the Village Hall porch. Contact: 712460.

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May Feast




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68 chairs, together with truck loads of books, bric-a-brac, and provision for serving 250 cups of tea, cakes and biscuits. Seven stalls and 13 sideshows were staffed by 38 villagers and friends from Baconsthorpe and Edgefield. The hard work and commitment of those volunteers, and of all the uncountable people who baked cakes and scones, donated raffle and tombola prizes, plants and produce, books and bric-a-brac, devised new side-shows and decorated the Church provided pleasure and entertainment for hundreds of appreciative visitors, in the process raising £2701 and, most important of all, cementing sociability and enhancing the sense of community which makes Hempstead more than a post-code.

Incidentally, this year’s fête was the best ever. No getting away from that! AT

CongratulationsTo Linda and Robin West on their Golden Wedding Anniversary on 24th August. Robin was born in Hempstead and has lived here all his life. He can remember walking to the water mill to buy bread which was baked twice a day – approximately 400 loaves – by Donald Newell Brothers (Pat Newell’s Uncle). Most of the men lived and worked in the village. There was eight farms, one agricultural contractor, two pubs, post office and a shop in Emma’s front room. P

ThanksThank you to every one who contributed to our Celebration of Flowers in the church on fête day. The church looked, and smelled, wonderful, with flowers, paintings, photographs and art works contributed by our many friends. Special thank you to Ian who responded to the churchwardens’ requests for ‘quotes on cards’, notices and posters with characteristic good humour and to Keith who put together the slide show of stunning flower photography. And finally, to the children who adorned the porch with lovely arrangements in jam jars. If you didn’t come and see it, you missed something very special, as well as a really fun fête. S

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It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled

Mark Twain

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Hempstead 200 Club£25 L Quin;; £10 N Sanders;; £5 G Day, S Rudd and G Gurney.

Congratulations to Robin Carver

The Royal Norfolk Show President, Jake Humphrey, presented 19 prestigious awards at this year’s show. Jake said it was a humbling occasion and that it felt that they were celebrating the unsung heroes of Norfolk who just do outstanding service for their county. Amongst the recipients was Robin Carver from Hempstead.

CongratulationsWell done to Nick Sanders for achieving A* in maths, and A in both biology and chemistry at A-level.

He will be going to UEA in the autumn to study Forensic and Investigative Chemistry.

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Photo: Archant Norfolk

Page 18: [30] Sep 2013 - Village Diary & Newsletter

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13th Costume & Textile Fair

In the Hall at Wolterton ParkNear Erpingham, North Norfolk NR11 7LY

“Country House Weekend”Saturday & Sunday

14th & 15th September 201310.30 am—5 pm

Vintage clothes, textiles, jewellery, beads, threads, etcDisplays reflecting Country House weekend

Table Top Sale in marquee

Saturday and SundayScenes and commentary on Country House Weekend

SundayOrganics Garden Day

Sale of “Christmas Decorations”Proceeds to Young Carers

Refreshments in marquee in hall gardenAdmission £5 : children under 16 free

Telephone 01263 584175/[email protected]

In aid of Norfolk Textile Projects

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It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled

Mark Twain

Matlaske NewsEvents in Matlaske

20 Sep 7 pm Fun Quiz Evening23 Sep 7:30 pm PC Meeting

More details on centre pages

CondolencesTo Fil and Pete on the death of Fil’s Mother who lived in Sheringham.

Matlaske FêteI’ve been told that Matlaske Fête turned out to be the usual enjoyable occasion;; only the second time since we moved here that I’ve missed it! Marion and Jim Shepherd very kindly acted as Treasurers in my absence and the grand sum of £1,683 was raised altogether.

A big ‘Thank you’ to Thomas and Amelia Courtauld for organising the event as usual in Barningham Park. David Wooff

CongratulationsOn September 5th the Postman will be making a special delivery to Mrs Mary Hook, Jubilee Cottage, Matlaske from – The Queen! It’s not every day that someone in the area celebrates their 100th birthday.

In 1935 Mary moved from Baconsthorpe to Matlaske and she can tell many interesting

stories about the history of the village and about the different people who have lived here. We have all enjoyed sitting in Mary’s tea garden for the annual fête and it’s a great tribute to her energy and hard work that it always looks so attractive.

No doubt we shall hear a lot more about the birthday celebrations after the event but we wish Mary a very Happy Birthday in advance.

FarewellAt the end of this month Ted and Jean Wisken will be leaving Matlaske and going to live in Briston. They have spent nearly twenty years in Matlaske and during that time Ted’s handiwork has been seen in many gardens in the area. We wish them a happy retirement in their new home.

Plumstead NewsEvents in Plumstead

14 Sep 1 pm Barbecue21 Sep 9 am Police Surgery

More details on centre pages

WelcomeA warm welcome to Steve and Carolyn who have moved into Acorn Cottage and to Chris and Jess who live in Tudor Cottage.

10 Sep Tue @ 7 pm Edgefield Film ClubEdgefield Arthouse & World Cinema Club, The Green, NR24 2AL – Whale Rider – An upbeat film set in the glorious setting of New Zealand – Film starts at 7:30 pm after ice cream. £3.50 from Angie 587446 or Dawn 587379.

14–15 Sep 10:30 am–5 pm 13th Costume and Textile Fair See full-page ad24 Sep Tue @ 7 pm Being Christian Beyond Church

Online Learning at Diocesan House, 109 Dereham Road, Easton NR9 5ES. What does it mean to be Christian in today’s secular workplace, in voluntary work or the community? These are some of the issues we will discuss during this on-line course – Suggested donation £10 – Please book in advance: Casper James01603 882335, [email protected]

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