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    Annamaria Morara

    IL LIBRO DI INGLESEPercorsi di lingua e civilt ingleseper gli utenti dei CTP

    La Linea Edu


    Loescher Editore - Vietata la vendita e la diffusione

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    Loescher Editore - Torino - 2013

    http://www.loescher.it Edizioni La Linea - Bologna - 2013


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    La Linea Edu

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    Questo testo esce nel momento cruciale di trasformazione dei CTP in CPIA a seguito del DPRn. 263 del 29 ottobre 2012. Nel nuovo assetto didattico-organizzativo lofferta formativa verr

    strutturata per livelli: in particolare il percorso di 1 livello sar finalizzato al conseguimentodel titolo di studio conclusivo del primo ciclo di istruzione e - a seguire - al raggiungimentodella certificazione attestante lacquisizione delle competenze di base connesse allobbligo diistruzione, relativamente agli insegnamenti comuni a tutti gli indirizzi degli istituti professio-nali e tecnici. In questo mutato scenario, la prova di lingua straniera entra a far parte delleprove scritte obbligatorie dellEsame di Stato di 1 livello.

    Il testo propone un percorso intensivo per condurre studenti true beginnersfino al livello A2del Common European Framework, operando una selezione dei contenuti grammaticali e dellefunzioni linguistiche sulla base dei contesti comunicativi pi rilevanti per gli studenti adulti.

    La scelta degli argomenti, dei personaggi, del materiale semiautentico stata effettuata apposi-tamente per gli studenti dei CTP: persone adulte, in maggioranza straniere, che rientrano nelpercorso di istruzione con un grande investimento personale e con il proprio bagaglio cultu-rale che lapprendimento della lingua inglese potr fornire occasione per condividere.

    Il percorso articolato in due moduli, A1 e A2, organizzati ciascuno tematicamente in 5 unitdidattiche e complessivamente in 18 Lessons, che il docente potr utilizzare in maniera fles-sibile, sulla base della competenza dimostrata in ingresso dagli studenti. Agli studenti gi inpossesso di competenze rapportabili al livello A2, il secondo modulo del testo offre comun-que materiale sufficiente per il consolidamento e per avviare un percorso individualizzato dipotenziamento.

    Ogni Lesson si apre con un dialogo che propone il contenuto linguistico in maniera chiarae in un contesto appropriato e rilevante. Esercizi di comprensione orale e scritta, attivit di

    pair worke di role playingpermettono di sviluppare tutte e quattro le abilit, non trascurandoquella di reading comprehension abbinata sia a domande Vero/Falso che a domande aperte, inprevisione della prova desame. Ogni Lessoncomprende una sezione che riassume con un lin-guaggio accessibile il contenuto grammaticale e un elenco del nuovo lessico pi significativo.Lappendice del testo offre ulteriore materiale per attivit comunicative adatte a consolidare edutilizzare in maniera realistica la lingua appresa.

    Sul web il docente trover il Teachers bookcon le indicazioni metodologiche, la soluzione degliesercizi, le tracce audio e i testi degli ascolti. Sono forniti anche entry testse test sommativi.Sempre sul web sono disponibili esercizi mirati in particolare al recupero e al raggiungimentodegli obiettivi minimi.



    Le tracce audio del volume sono scaricabili allindirizzo web


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    UNIT1 Parlare di s e degli altri

    Lesson1 Hello! p. 6/you/he/she, Smple Present to be(1), artcoo ndetermnatvo a/an, numer cardna 1/100.

    Lesson2 My names Shabir p. 14

    t/we/you/they, Smple Present to be(2), sostantv pura (1),some

    (1), aggettv quaficatv e uso d very, Where from?, What s t/arethey?, aggettv possessv sngoar, afabeto.

    Lesson3 Shabirs family p. 22Domande con Wh-e How, possessvo s, aggettv possessv pura,ths/that,sostantv pura rregoar (2).

    Lesson4 Ive got a cold p. 32Smple Present to have, mperatvo.

    UNIT2 Descrivere lambiente

    Lesson5 An English class p. 43Where?, preposzon d uogo (1), When?, What tme?, at, on, n,

    from to, numer ordna, gorn dea settmana, mes, stagon, date.

    Lesson6 Home sweet home p. 57 There s/are,some(2), any, How many?, preposzon d uogo (2).

    Lesson7 Shopping p. 66A lot/a lttle/a few/not many,some(3) con sostantv uncountables,How much/many?, comparatvo d maggoranza, superatvo reatvo,these/those, prezz nea moneta ngese.

    UNIT3 Parlare di lavoro e di routine

    Lesson8 I can do it p. 76Can/cantper abt, possbt e mpossbt, can ? perpermesso, can you?per rcheste, What about+ sostantvo, Would

    you lke+ nome/verbo (1), very well.

    Lesson9 Do you like it? p. 86Smple Presentto lke, lke+ -ng, pronom persona oggetto.

    Lesson10 Shabirs new job p. 94Smple Present, domande Wh-con Smple Present, avverb dfrequenza, How often?

    Lesson11 Sorry, Im busy p. 103Present Contnuousper descrvere azon n corso, Present Contnuousper mpegn futur programmat.

    UNIT4 Parlare del passato

    Lesson12 Past and present p. 113Past smple to be, Would you lke+ nome/verbo (2),good/bad at,dlove to/Sorry, but, Yes, please/No, thanks.

    Lesson13 A difficult day p. 122 Past smpleverb regoar e rregoar.

    Lesson14 Life histories p. 132 Past Smplee domande Wh-, ago.

    Lesson15 An accident p. 140Past Contnuous, dfferenza tra Past Contnouse Smple Past, must/mustnt.

    UNIT5 Descrivere progetti e responsabilit

    Lesson16 A difficult decision p. 149Be gong toper ntenzon future e azon prevedb, Whats theweather lke?

    Lesson17 A better job p. 158 Have to, dfferenza tra dont have toe mustnt, Smple Past have to.

    Lesson18 A lot of things to dop. 167Present Perfect




    , (not


    , dfferenza traPresent

    Perfecte Smple Past,snce/for, have you ever?

    Everyday conversation p. 178, Information gap p. 185, Irregular verbs p. 192.

    Loescher Editore - Vietata la vendita e la diffusione

  • 5/28/2018 30890 Preview



    Presentars, chedere e fornre nformazon persona (1), compare un moduo con datpersona, sautare.

    Chedere e fornre nformazon persona (2), ndcare a nazonat, dentficare oggett, fareo speng, ordnare bevande.

    Chedere e fornre nformazon reatve aa famga, compare un moduo con propr datdentficatv.

    The UKThe Brtsh Roya Famy

    Descrvere probem d saute e consgare rmed, dare struzon, descrvere fiscamente epersone, scrvere una ma d presentazone.

    Warnng sgnsMchee Obamascampagn aganst obesty

    Chedere e fornre ndcazon d uogo e d tempo.Openng hoursnformaton

    Chedere e fornre nformazon su d una abtazone prvata e una zona dea ctt, chedere efornre ndcazon strada.

    Bryant Park n New York

    Descrvere quantt, chedere e fornre prezz, comparare e caratterstche de generamentar, ordnare n un fast food.

    Engsh food

    Descrvere abt, chedere permesso, fare rcheste educate, prendere un appuntamento,nvtare, accettare, rfiutare.

    The Lbrary of Congress

    Chedere ed esprmere gust e preferenze, descrvere a propra e atru personat. Lesure tme n the UK

    Descrvere routne e frequenza. A part-tme ob

    Descrvere azon n corso, descrvere mpegn programmat, prendere un appuntamento.Festvas around theword

    Parare d esperenze a passato e d bografie persona, nvtare, offrre, ordnare arstorante.


    Descrvere azon concuse ne passato, scrvere una ma da un uogo d vacanza. Hoday paces

    Coocare event persona ne passato, chedere e fornre nformazon su azon passate. Rosa Parks

    Descrvere o svogmento d avvenment ne passato, esprmere dovere e obbgo. Es sand

    Descrvere progett, ntenzon persona e azon che stanno per accadere, parare de tempoatmosferco, fornre sempc nformazon geografiche.

    Geography of the UntedKngdom

    Parare d mpegn quotdan e d compt avoratv, rspondere per scrtto a unnserzone davoro.

    Job advertsements

    Descrvere azon non ancora/g svote o svote n un tempo non ancora trascorso, parare desperenze, scrvere messagg, compare un CV. A Currcuum Vtae

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    6 six

    1 1 Legg e ascota.

    2 Osserva dat persona rportat qu sotto: che cosa devono dre Bruno Stoca, AnnaSubbota e Khad Bouzd per presentars?



    UNIT 1 Parlare di se degli altri

    Heo! amTed Ross.

    amtwenty-nne and ammarred.

    am fromthe Unted Kngdom. amfrom the capta, London. am a tax drver.

    Nce to meet you!

    H! mMessa Kent.

    mffty-fve but m notmarred. m

    snge.m fromAustraa. mfrom Sdney.m a nurse.

    Nce to meet you too!

    Name BrunoSurname StocaAge 41Country Poand (Warsaw)Marta Status dvorced

    Job mechanc

    Name AnnaSurname SubbotaAge 37Country Russa (Moscow)Marta Status marred

    Job shopassstant

    Name KhadSurname BouzdAge 24Country Morocco (Fes)Marta Status snge

    Job buder

    n ngese preferbeusare a formaabbrevatamnvece d am.

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    Hello! 1

    seven 7

    3 Scrv tuo dat e po presentat a compagn d casse.







    preferbe usarea forma abbrevatayourenvece dyou aree you arentnvece d you are not.

    4 Che cosa rcord dee presentazon de tuo compagn d casse? Rpet a ch sedutovcno a te suo dat persona.

    Es.You areMara. Youreforty-one but you are notmarred: youresnge.

    Yourefrom Ukrane. You arentfrom the capta.

    Yourea housewfe.

    5 Non t rcord dat de compagn? Fa domande drette e avra e rsposte!Es.- Are you Mara ?-Yes, am.

    - Are youmarred? - No, m not. m snge.

    - Are you from Ukrane? - Yes, am.

    - Are youfrom the capta? - No, m not.

    - Are youa shop assstant? -No, m not. m a housewfe.

    6 Rspond ae domande.a.Are you from tay? ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

    b.Are you a student? ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

    c.Are you marred? ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

    d.Are you twenty-nne? .....................................................................................................................................................................................

    7 Scrv tre domande per tuo nsegnante d ngese e po pongee.a. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

    b. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

    c. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

    Nee domandebsogna scambare aposzone dea personacon quea de verboessere: you aredventaare you?

    n ngese nons usa Le dcortesa ma soo

    tu (you).

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    A1 UNT 1 Parlare di s e degli altri

    8 eight

    8 2 Legg e ascota. John, ths s my frend Ayman. He s

    from Egypt. Hes a tourst gude.

    Nce to meet you, Ayman. m John,

    your Engsh teacher.

    Nce to meet you too, John. Are you from Caro, Ayman?

    No, m not. m from Gza.

    And ths s Aona, she sfrom Russa.

    Shesa secretary.

    Heo Aona. Nce to meet you.

    Heo, John. But m not a secretary: m a nurse.

    9 Dopo aver rascotato a tracca 2, rspond ae domande.Es. - s Ayman from Egypt? - Yes, he s.

    - s Ayman a teacher? - No, he snt.

    a.s Ayman a gardener? ....................................................................................................................................................................................

    b.s he from Caro? ................................................................................................................................................................................................

    c.s Aona from Ukrane? ...................................................................................................................................................................................

    d. s she a nurse?......................................................................................................................................................................................................e.s John an Engsh teacher? ..........................................................................................................................................................................

    10 n coppa osservate dat persona deeserczo 2 e provate a porre e domandenecessare per ottener.

    Es.- s Bruno Stoca from Poand? - Yes, he s.

    Nee rsposte brev affermatvenon s usano abbrevazon.

    preferbe usare e forme abbrevatehese shesnvece d he se she s.

    11 Legg testo e ndca con se e affermazon sono TRUE (vere) o FALSE (fase).Heo! m Jama and hes my brotherAhmed. m Moroccan but nowm n tay.My brother s n Casabanca. m 22 and my brother s 26. Hes marred to Wahba

    and hes a tax drver.


    a.Shes Wahba.b.Shes n Morocco now.c.Shes marred to Ahmed.d.Jama s 22.e.Ahmed s snge.

    f.He s a student.

    brother = frateonow = adesso

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    Hello! 1

    nine 9

    13 Qua saut userest n queste stuazon?

    Heo! How are you?

    m fne thanks! And you?

    m fne too, thank you!

    Good mornng, students!

    Good mornng Mrs Jones!


    Bye! See you!



    D E

    B C

    12 3 Legg, ascota e rpet.

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    A1 UNT 1 Parlare di s e degli altri

    10 ten


    ARPersone soggetto singolari

    taano ngese tua ngua


    tu you

    u he

    e she

    4 Numbers. Ascolta e ripeti.


    n ngese nee rsposte brev dopo S/Nos deve aggungere soo soggetto e verbo.

    Nee rsposte brev affermatve non s usanoabbrevazon.


    Taduc taano un, uno, una. S usa smp davant aa pofsson.

    Es. m ateacher; Marta s ahousewfe. S p a paoa c sgu a comnca con una

    vocae (a, e, , o, u) s usa nvece an.Es. Mke s an eectrcan; Brad Ptt s an actor.

    Il verbo essere / be(1aparte)

    Persone soggetto sngoar - forma affermatva

    taano ngeseformaabbrevata tua ngua

    o sono am m

    tu se you are youre

    u he s hes

    e she s shes

    Persone soggetto sngoar - forma negatva

    taano ngese formaabbrevata tua


    o non sono am not m not

    tu non se you are not you arent

    u non he s not he snt

    e non she s not she snt

    Domande Rsposte brev

    Are youtaan? Yes, am.s hea teacher? No, he snt.

    s shemarred? Yes, she s.

    10 ten

    20 twenty

    30 thrty

    40 forty

    50 ffty

    60 sxty

    70 seventy

    80 eghty

    90 nnety

    100 one hundred

    1 one

    2 two

    3 three

    4 four

    5 fve

    6 sx

    7 seven

    8 eght

    9 nne

    10 ten

    11 eeven12 tweve

    13 thrteen

    14 fourteen

    15 ffteen

    16 sxteen

    17 seventeen

    18 eghteen

    19 nneteen

    20 twenty

    21 twenty-one22 twenty-two

    23 twenty-three

    24 twenty-four

    25 twenty-fve

    26 twenty-sx

    27 twenty-seven

    28 twenty-eght

    29 twenty-nne

    30 thrty

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    eleven 11


    14 nsersc a persona: , she, he(x 2) oyou.a.Heo! ...................am Monca.b.Ths s Paoo: ...................s a mechanc.c.

    Robert s Amercan,...................

    s from New York.d.Nce to meet ..................., Angea!e. Heena? Yes, ...................s a secretary.

    15 Coega con una frecca e domande ae rsposte.a.- s he a buder?b.- How are you?c.- s she marred?d.- Are you taan?

    e.- s John an Engsh teacher?

    1.- Fne, thanks, and you?2.- No, m not. m from Abana.3.- Yes, she s.4.- No, he snt. Hes an eectrcan.

    5.- Yes, he s.

    16 Competa con a forma de verbo essere approprata: m(x 2), are(x 2), arent, s(x 2)o snt(x 3).

    a.- ...................you Bruno Stoca? - No, ...................Ted Ross.

    b.She ...................marred, shes snge.

    c.Ayman ...................from Caro.

    d.- s Khad a buder? - Yes, he ...................

    e.Messa Kent ...................fifty-four, she ...................fifty-five.

    f.- How ...................you? - ...................fine, thanks.

    g.You are taan but you ...................from the capta: you are from Boogna.

    17 Scrv n ettere rsutato dee operazon.a.forty four = ................................

    b.eeven + tweve = ................................

    c.one hundred seventy-seven = ................................

    d.thrteen + thrty = ................................

    e.nnety + nne = ................................

    f.eghty ten = ................................

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    A1 UNT 1 Parlare di s e degli altri

    12 twelve

    18 5 Ascota daogo e ndca con quae dee aternatve corretta.a.Martna s Romanan. taan.

    b.Martna s from Rome. from Catana.

    c.Wam s an Engsh teacher. an Engsh student.

    d.Wam s from Scotand. from Austraa.

    e.n tay Martna s a student. a shop assstant.

    19 6 Ascota tre daogh e abbna ae mmagn corrspondent, rportandone numerone pano.

    20 Legg testo e ndca con se e affermazon sono TRUE (vere) o FALSE (fase).Marcs 25 and s Brtsh. He s a unversty student n Sdney: Sdney s a bgcty nAustraa. Marc s not snge: hes marred to Angena.


    a.Marc s Austraan.b.Hes a unversty teacher.c.Sdney s a sma cty.


    d.Sdney s n Austraa.e.Marc s marred.f.Angena s snge.

    bg = grande

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    1Practise Your English

    thirteen 13

    21 Corregg e nformazon sbagate rspetto a testo deeserczo precedente.a.Marc s Austraan. .............................................................................................................................................................

    b.Marc s a unversty teacher. .......................................................................................................................................

    c.Sdney s a smacty. ........................................................................................................................................................

    d.Sdney s n the USA. ........................................................................................................................................................

    e.Marc s snge. .......................................................................................................................................................................

    f.Angena snt marred. .....................................................................................................................................................

    22 Guarda e nformazon e scrv a presentazone d Angena.

    23 Scrv a traduzone dee paroe nea tua ngua.

    V O

    C A B U L A R Y


    capta ......................................................................................................

    marred ...................................................................................................

    snge ........................................................................................................

    a teacher ................................................................................................

    a tax drver ..........................................................................................

    a gardener.............................................................................................

    a student ................................................................................................a nurse .....................................................................................................

    a buder .................................................................................................

    a shop assstant ................................................................................

    a mechanc ...........................................................................................

    a housewfe ..........................................................................................

    brother ....................................................................................................

    a secretary ............................................................................................

    aneectrcan .......................................................................................

    ths .............................................................................................................

    but ..............................................................................................................

    and .............................................................................................................

    too ..............................................................................................................

    m fne ....................................................................................................m from ..................................................................................................

    thanks ......................................................................................................

    Mrs Jones ...............................................................................................

    good mornng .....................................................................................

    see you ....................................................................................................

    now ............................................................................................................

    sma =pccoa/o










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    14 fourteen

    1 7 Legg e ascota brano, po rspond ae domande.Heo! My name s Shabr and m from Pakstan. m a computer

    engneer but now m unempoyed, so m gong tothe UntedKngdom, to London, next week. My cousn A s n London. Hes a

    shop assstant at Besco: t sa very bg supermarket. tsa good ob.

    a.s Shabr a computer engneer?b.Where s Shabr from?c. s he n Pakstan now?d. sA n London?e. s A a computer engneer too?f. What s Besco?g. s t a good ob?

    My name is ShabirLESSON2

    Es. - Where s Shabr from? - Hes from Pakstan. Hes Pakstan. - s he from samabad? - Yes, he s. - s Susan Amercan? - Yes, she s. - s she from New York? - No, she snt. Shes from Chcago.

    m gong to=andnext week=a prossmasettmana

    t s = ts. t un pronomesngoare che susa per e cose.

    2 Legg dat d acune persone provenent da vare part de mondo, po, n coppa con uncompagno, eserctat con domande e rsposte, come neg esemp.

    Country Natonaty

    tay taan

    Ukrane Ukranan

    Romana Romanan

    Country Natonaty

    Chna Chnese

    Cuba Cuban

    Egypt Egyptan

    Country Natonaty

    Tunsa Tunsan

    Abana Abanan

    Russa Russan

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    My name is Shabir 2

    fifteen 15

    3 Rspond ae domande.a.Where are you from? ..................................................................................................................................

    b.s your teacher Brtsh? ..............................................................................................................................

    c.Wheres A from? ...........................................................................................................................................

    4 8 Che cosa c nea vaga d Shabr? Whats n the sutcase?Scrv numerodeoggetto ne quadratno.Po ascota brano e rpet ad ata voce.

    La formaabbrevatad where swheres.

    a passport an Engsh dctonary a mobe

    two sweaters some shrts somefamy photos

    a whte T-shrt a book some socks

    a present some pens a acket

    a cap a watch some maps

    a harbrush a sandwch an umbrea

    two tckets

    some= acun, de, dee

    Sngoare Puraeacap some capsa watch some watchesadctonary two dctonares

    5 Competa con a forma corretta d sngoare o purae.

    Sngoare Purae







    Sngoare Purae






    pass port



    9 18 17


    11 14


    8 2 13 16193




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    A1 UNT 1 Parlare di s e degli altri

    16 sixteen

    6 n coppa eserctatev con domande e rsposte sug oggett deeserczo precedente,come neesempo.

    Es. - What s t? - ts a acket.- What are they? - They are sweaters.

    7 n coppa rpetete eserczo precedente usando g aggettv suggert, come neesempo.

    Es.- What s t? - ts a sma cap.- What are they? - Theyre some nce famy photos.

    bg(grande) new (nuovo) good(buono) cheap(economco) nce (carno, smpatco)sma (pccoo) od(veccho) bad(cattvo) expensve (costoso) ugy(brutto)

    8 n coppa fate domande sug oggett seguent, come neesempo.Es. - s t a bg house? - Yes, t s.

    - Are they new shoes? - No, they arent. They are od shoes.

    pronome theytraduce ess, oro.S usa per g oggettpura e per e persone.


    aggettvo noncamba, non ha purae.

    9 9 Legg e ascota daogo.


    Tea or coffee?

    Tea, pease.

    Sugar or mk?

    Ony emon, pease.

    Anythng ese?

    No, thanks. m ok.

    Here you are, sr.

    Thank you.

    Youre wecome.

    sr = sgnoremadam = sgnora.S usano percortesa, quandonon s conosce


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    My name is Shabir 2

    seventeen 17

    10 Competa daogo e rpeto n coppa con un compagno. A drnk, sr/madam?

    Yes, ........................................

    Lemon or orange uce?


    ce? A sandwch? .......................................

    Anythng ese?


    Here ........................................ , sr/madam.



    11 10 Ascota e competa daogo. Thats a nce photo! Are they your frends?

    Yes, ...................................................... . We are very good frends.

    The grs very ...................................................... . Whats hername? Fatma, her name s Fatma.

    Wheres she from?


    Are you from Morocco, too?

    No, ...................................................... . m from Pakstan.

    And the other person n the photo, whats hsname? Hs names A.

    .................................. a reatve? Yes, he s. Hes my cousn.

    And ...................................................... ?

    My names Shabr.


    No, Shabr, S-H-A-B--R. And whats your name?

    Sean, S-E-A-N. ...................................................... , Sean?

    m from Scotand, n ......................................................

    12 n coppa ponete domande e fornte e rsposte sue persone nea foto deeserczoprecedente, come neesempo.

    Es. - Whats hs name? - Hs name s Shabr.- Wheres he from? - Hes from Pakstan.

    her= d ehs= d ua reatve= un parente

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    A1 UNT 1 Parlare di s e degli altri

    18 eighteen


    ARPersone soggetto plurali

    taano ngese tua ngua

    no we

    vo you

    oro-ess they

    Il verbo essere / be(2aparte)Persone soggetto pura- forma affermatva

    taano ngeseformaabbrevata tua ngua

    no samo we are were

    vo sete you are youre

    oro sono they are theyre

    Persone soggetto pura- forma negatva

    taano ngeseformaabbrevata


    no non samo we are not we arent

    vo non sete you are not you arent

    oro non sono they are not they arent

    Domande Rsposte brev

    Are youfrends? Yes, we are.

    Are they teachers? No, they arent.

    it is taduc sso/a . S usa p g oggtt per g anma. La sua abbrevazone ts.

    Es. ts a beautfu car.- s t your sweater? - Yes, t s. / - No, t snt.

    Plurale dei sostantivi (1aparte) purae de nom s forma aggungendo una -saa

    n d nom sngoa. Non s pu usa adavanta un nom pua: n qusto caso s pu usasome.Es. a sweater some sweaters

    a tcket some tckets


    Per motv d suono, nom che finscono con -s, -sh,-ch, -ze -xformano purae aggungendo -es.Es. a brush some brushes a box some boxes

    a dress two dresses

    What is it? What are they? n ngesewhat ?sgnca c cosa ?

    Es. What s t? Che cos? What are they? Che cosa sono?

    Gli aggettivi A dfferenza detaano, n ngese aggettvo deve

    essere messo davant a nome a cu s rfersce.Es. a fast car unauto veoce

    G aggettv nonhanno purae e nonhannofemmne o masche.Es. an expensvedress some expensve

    dresses P tadu moto davant a un aggttvo s usa

    very.Es. a sma house a very smahouse

    Gli aggettivi possessivi singolari

    my mo / ma / me

    your tuo / vostro / tuo / vostr

    hs suo (du), sua, suo

    her suo (d e), sua, suo

    Come tutt g aggettv, anche possessv sononvarab.

    Where from? S usa per chedere a nazonat, oppure a ctt

    d povnnza. Taduc domand D dov s?Da dov vn?Es. - Whereare you from? - m from tay. / -

    m taan.

    - Wheres Esa from? - Shes from Messna.

    Attenzone! A dctonary some dctonares,mentre: a key some keys.

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    nineteen 19



    Lafabeto ngese composto da 26 ettere.

    13 11

    Ascota e rpet.

    A [ e ]B [ b: ]C [ s: ]D [d: ]

    E [ : ]F [ ef ]G [ g: ]H [ etc]

    [ a ]J [ ge ]K [ ke ]L [ e ]

    M [ em ]N [ en ]O [ ou ]P [ p: ]

    Q [ ku: ]R [ ar: ]S [ es ]T [ t: ]

    U [ u: ]V [ v: ]W [dabu]

    X [ ecs ]Y [ ua ]Z [ zed ]

    14 Fa o speng d queste sge.FBI BMW NCIS NBC BBC TV SOS CD NYC GPS VIP FAQ CIA


    15 nsersc a forma corretta de verbo essere.a.Heo! .............................A.

    b.No, we .............................taan, we ...................................................... from Romana.

    c.- .............................she your frend? - No, she .............................

    d.t .............................a very expensve car.

    e.They .............................good eectrcans.

    16 Trasforma e fras n domande, po aggung a rsposta seguendo ndcazone traparentes.

    a.You are a new student. (Yes)


    b.They are marred. (No - snge)


    c.Jack s from the USA. (No - Canada)


    d.ts a very nce day. (Yes)


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    A1 UNT 1 Parlare di s e degli altri

    20 twenty

    17 Rscrv e fras nserendo correttamente aggettvo tra parentes.a.Ths s my frend Marco. (od)


    b.ts a sandwch. (good)


    c.Hes a teacher. (bad)


    d.They are shop assstants. (very nce)


    18 Vog a purae e fras, come neesempo.Es.Hes a bad student. They are bad students.

    a.ts an expensve watch. ....................................................................................................................................

    b.- What s t? - ts a sma spder. ....................................................................................................................................

    c.m a good secretary. ....................................................................................................................................

    d.My new frend s from a bg cty n Span. ....................................................................................................................................

    19 Scrv dee fras utzzando g eement ndcat, come neesempo.Es.Heen / Pars / French Heen s from Pars. Shes French.

    a.Maro / Modena / taan ....................................................................................................................................

    b.Theresa / London / Brtsh ....................................................................................................................................

    c.Pedro and Ana / Acapuco / Mexcan ....................................................................................................................................

    d.Mke / Vaona / Abanan ....................................................................................................................................

    e.Sad and Jama / Casabanca / Moroccan ....................................................................................................................................

    20 Competa con aggettvo possessvo approprato scegendoo fra:your, our, her(x 2) o hs.a.- s ths .............................sutcase? - Yes, ts .............................sutcase, thanks.

    b.- Whats ............................. name? - ts Suzanne. Shes Amercan.

    c.- What are they? - They are .............................shoes (d Shabr).

    d.They are my frends Anne and Kate. Anne s a teacher and Kate s .............................cousn.

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    Practise Your English

    twenty-one 21


    21 Competa e fras con aggettvo p approprato: bg, sma, new, cheap, beautfu, expensve.a.My ...........................car s very ............................

    b.An eephant s a very ...........................anma!

    c.m from Pars: ts a ........................... cty.

    d.A Ferrar snt a ...........................car.

    e.A spders a ...........................nsect.

    22 Legg testo e rspond ae domande.They are Pamea and Antono. They arent marred becausePamea s veryyoung: shes 18. John s 23 and hes a student. Pamea s a student, too.

    Theyre Mexcan, but theyre n tay n the photo.

    a.Are they marred? ..................................................................................................................................

    b.Are they od? .............................................................................................................................................

    c.s Pamea a secretary? ........................................................................................................................

    d.Where are they from? .........................................................................................................................

    e.Are they n Mexco n the photo? .................................................................................................

    spder= ragno

    because = perch

    23 Scrv a traduzone dee seguent paroe nea tua ngua.

    V O

    C A B U L A R Y


    computer engneer ...................................................................

    ob .......................................................................................................

    bag .....................................................................................................

    bg .......................................................................................................

    next week ......................................................................................

    unempoyed .................................................................................

    sma ..................................................................................................cheap ................................................................................................

    nce ....................................................................................................

    beautfu .........................................................................................

    dress ..................................................................................................

    expensve .......................................................................................

    ugy ....................................................................................................

    new ....................................................................................................

    bad .....................................................................................................

    emon/orange uce ................................................................

    youre wecome ..........................................................................

    pease ...............................................................................................

    here you are .................................................................................

    mk ....................................................................................................sugar .................................................................................................

    ce .......................................................................................................

    house ................................................................................................

    sutcase ...........................................................................................

    shoes .................................................................................................

    car .......................................................................................................

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    22 twenty-two

    1 12 Legg e ascota daogo, po, ne dsegno, scrv nome dee persone.

    chdren= bambn. sngoare chd.

    sdopo nome de

    possessore traduce d.

    Shabirs familyLESSON3 and thss a photo of my famy. What a beautfu famy!

    Thanks, Sean. Who sthe man wth a te? Hes my brother Adnan. How od s he? Hes 39. Whats hs ob? Hes an offce worker. Whosthe gr n a ong dress? Shes Sabrna. Shes Adnans wfe. Whats her ob? Shes a secretary. Shes a very nce gr. And they are my parents,

    my mother Dba and my father Azz: they are retred now. How od are they? They are sxty-sx. And the chdren? They are my nephews. They are Adnan and Sabrnaschdren.

    The boy s nne: hs names qba, and ths s hs sster Magda,shes tweve. m qba and Magdas unce.

    And ths s you? Yes, thats me n the mdde.

    ths = questo/aWho? = C?

    te = cravattaHow od? = Quant ann?Whats ob? = C avoo fa?

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    Shabirs family 3

    twenty-three 23

    2 Rspond ae domande.a.Whos Adnan?b.How od s he?c.Whats hs ob?

    d.Wos Dba?e.How od s she?f. s she a secretary?

    3 Scrv atre domande su famgar d Shabr, po pone a tuocompagn.



    5 Com a tua famga?Competa o schema,modfcandoo secondo anecesst, po descrvo aun compagno.

    4 Ora competa nom d parentea.

    Per dre nono so s usaespressone dont know.



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    A1 UNT 1 Parlare di s e degli altri

    24 twenty-four

    6 13 Ascota daogh e numera e mmagn neordne corretto. ALLAEROPORTO AT THE ARPORT


    Ascota daogo, controa e nformazon deeserczo precedente e corregg quee


    7 13 Ascota daogo d nuovo e rspond ae domande.a.How s Shabrs mother? ......................................................................................................................................................

    b.What s Seans ob? ......................................................................................................................................................

    c.How od s Sean? ......................................................................................................................................................

    d.s he famous? ......................................................................................................................................................

    e.Whos Sarah? ......................................................................................................................................................

    f. Whats her ob? ......................................................................................................................................................

    g. s t Shabrs first vst to London? ......................................................................................................................................................

    h.Whats the name of the paace? B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    8 Shabr n posta per aprre un conto corrente postae. Competa moduo d rchestacon dat fornt.






    Pakstan Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mss. 29 MARITAL STATUS marred computer engneer 020 47910331 MOBILE07624551993 56, Tempeton Road SW9 9HY shabr_gab gma.com SIGNATURE Shabir Galib

    = at_ = underscore. = dot

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    Shabirs family 3

    twenty-five 25

    10 Pon a un compagno e domande de daogo che ha ascotato neeserczoprecedente e competa modeo che segue con e nformazon ottenute.

    Possessivo: s staduc d n sgncato d posssso. s segue nome de possessore. Rspetto

    ataano a poszone de nom nvertta:prmaqueo de possessore e poqueo deacosa posseduta.

    Es. Lautomobe nuova d Mara.Marasnew car.

    A cugno d Shabr.A s Shabrscousn.

    Se a cosa posseduta n comune da p persone,ssegue soo utmo possessore:

    Es. fig d Azz eDba. Azz and Dbaschdren.

    S nom d posssso pua, occo sooapostrofo .Es. My parents od car.

    Plurale dei sostantivi (2aparte) Na lsson 2 abbamo vsto c pua d

    nom s forma aggungendo una s a nomesngoare. Le prncpa eccezon a questa regoasono:

    a man (un uomo) men (uomn)a woman (una donna) women (donne)a person (una persona) peope (gente, persone)a chd (un bambno) chdren (bambn, fig)

    Domande che iniziano con Wh- eH- What? C cosa? Qua?

    Es. Whats your name/ob/teephone number/address?

    What s t?

    Who? C?Es. Whos that person?

    How is/are Com sta/sta/stanno?

    Es. How are you? How old? Quant ann?

    Es. How od are you?

    This / That This( questo/questa) e that( queo/quea)

    hanno soo sgnficato sngoare.

    Nea ngua d tutt gorn, that vene usatospesso a posto d t.Es. Thats a good dea! = ts a good dea!

    Gli aggettivi possessivi plurali our nostro/nostr/nostre your vostro/vostr/vostre ther d oro

    A dfferenzadetaano, perchedere ets usa verboesseree non verbo avere.







    R A M M A R

    Where... from? p. 18

    Your = tuo/tua p. 18

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    26 twenty-six

    11 Sosttusc e paroe sottoneate con g aggettv possessv our, hs, her, ther, formandouna nuova frase, come neesempo. Se necessaro mett verbo a purae.

    Es.Ths s Maras new car. Ths s her new car.

    a.Ths s Shabrs frst tme n London. .........................................................................................................................

    b.Azz and Dbashouse s very od. .........................................................................................................................

    c. Sarahs ob s very nterestng. .........................................................................................................................

    d.My famy and your famy are very bg. .........................................................................................................................

    e. Hs name s very compcated, my name s too. .........................................................................................................................

    12 Competa con hso hes.

    a.Whats ______ name? ts Sean.b.______ my cousn A. ______ address s 56, Tempeton Street, London.

    c.______ from Scotand.

    d.______ mobe phone s very expensve.

    13 Sosttusc aggettvo sottoneato con nome de possessoree possessvo s.

    Es.Her car s new. (Mara). Maras car s new.

    a.Hs ob snt nterestng. (Adnan)


    b.Ths s ther new address. (Shabr and A)


    c. Her teephone number s very ong. (Sarah)


    d.Ther sutcase snt very heavy. (Sean and Sarah)


    14 Scrv a fanco dee fras se ssta per soppure traduce d ne sgnfcato d possesso.a.My fathers name s Paoo. ............................................................................................................................

    b.Yes, shes marred to Ncoa. ............................................................................................................................

    c.Londons a very bg cty. ............................................................................................................................

    d.Our cousns office s n Centra London. ............................................................................................................................

    heavy= pesante

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    Practise Your English

    twenty-seven 27


    15 Rspond ae domande.a.How od are you? ..........................................................................................................................

    b.Whats your ob? ..........................................................................................................................

    c.Whats your address? ..........................................................................................................................

    d.s your mobe phone number 333.81456720? ..........................................................................................................................

    e.Are you from a bg cty? ..........................................................................................................................

    f.Whats your mothers name? ..........................................................................................................................

    g.Whos your bestfrend? ..........................................................................................................................

    h.s she/he taan? ..........................................................................................................................

    16 Scrv e domande ae rsposte che seguono.a. ..................................................................................................................................................... ? Shes my sster Janet.

    b. ..................................................................................................................................................... ? No, t snt my car. ts Roberts.

    c. ..................................................................................................................................................... ? They are fine, thank you.

    d. ..................................................................................................................................................... ? We are from tay.

    e. ..................................................................................................................................................... ? ts 347.8801935.

    f. ..................................................................................................................................................... ? They are 7 and 12.

    g. ..................................................................................................................................................... ? Hes a tax drver.

    h. ..................................................................................................................................................... ? No, she snt.

    17 Vog a purae e seguent fras.a.Hes my chd. .....................................................................................................................................................

    b.m a nce person. .....................................................................................................................................................

    c.Shes a beautfu actress. .....................................................................................................................................................

    d.ts an expensve car. .....................................................................................................................................................

    e.Are you her cousn? .....................................................................................................................................................

    18 Competa testo con ther, they, shes, he s, hs(x 2), her, s(x 3).Shabr ....................brother s Adnan. .................... 39 and hes an offce worker. .................... wfe s a very nce

    gr: .................... name s Sabrna. .................... a secretary. Adnan and Sabrna .................... chdren are qba and

    Magda. qba s nne, .................... sster Magda s tweve. Shabr s ....................unce.

    Shabr ....................pants a Dba and Azz: .................... are retred and they are sxty-sx. They are a very

    happy famy.

    best= mgore

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    A1 UNT 1 Parlare di s e degli altri

    28 twenty-eight




    20 The famy. Scrv a traduzone dee seguent paroe nea tua ngua.grandmother ......................................... grandfather ............................................... = grandparents .....................................

    mother ...................................................... father ............................................................. = parents ..................................................

    son ............................................................... daughter...................................................... = chdren ..................................................

    brother ...................................................... sster ............................................................. wfe .............................................................. ..

    husband ................................................... unce .............................................................. aunt ................................................................

    nephew ................................................... cousn ..........................................................

    brother-n-aw .................................... sster-n-aw .............................................

    21 Rspond ae domande.

    a.Who s your fathers brother? My ...............................................................................................................b.Who s your mothers mother? My .............................................................................................................

    c. Who s your fathers son? My ........................................................................................................................

    d.Who are your ssters chdren? My ............................................................................................................

    e. You are marred. Who s your spouse? My ............................................................................................

    f. Who are your mother and father? My .....................................................................................................

    g.Who are your unce and aunts chdren? My ......................................................................................


    19 Legg testo e guarda o schema che rappresenta a famga d Maro. Per ognpersona dea famga, scrv nome e a reazone rspetto a Maro neo schema.

    Ts s Maos famy. hs fat, Davd, s a

    mechanc and hs mother, Teresa, s a housewfe.They are retred. Maros brother, Enrco, s

    marred to Govanna. Govanna s Maros


    Shes a shop

    assstant n a musc

    shop. Maros sster,

    Eena, s 34. Her

    husband Caudo s a tax drver: he s Maros

    brother-n aw. Crstna, sabea and Paoo are

    Eena and Caudos chdren.They are Maros nephews.




















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    twenty-nine 29



    22 Legg testo po ndca con se e affermazon sono TRUE (vere) o FALSE (fase).My nams Suya, im fom inda, but my om s n Dubn now, t capta of iand. im a cook n a

    famous stauant n t cnt of Dubn: t Taj Maa. its a typca indan stauant. My daugt

    Ana s the manager there and her husband Tony s n the restaurant staff too. TRUE FALSE

    a.Surya s Brtsh.b.Shes a cook.


    c. The restaurants name s Bur Maha.d. Tony s Suryas son.

    23 Regg testo deeserczo precedente e corregg e affermazon fase, rscrvendoe nean modo che sano vere.

    a.Dubn s t capta of t UK. ................................................................................................................................

    b.The restaurant s n the cty centre. ................................................................................................................................c.The Ta Maha s a typca Brtsh restaurant. ................................................................................................................................

    d.Ana s Suryas daughter. ................................................................................................................................

    e. Surya s Tonys wfe. ................................................................................................................................

    f.Tony s the restaurant manager. ................................................................................................................................

    24 Rordna daogo.

    a.Nce to meet you, Heen. m Lucas.b.m Heen.

    c. Heo! Whats your name?

    d.No, m from Mexco. Where are you from?

    e.Whats her ob?

    f. Are you Engsh, Lucas?g.m from Abana.

    h. s your famy n London?

    . My sster Mcaea s n London.

    . Shes a shop assstant.

    25 Legg testo e rspond ae domande.Ths s a photo of Brad Ptt and Angena Joe. Brad Ptt s a famous

    actor and fm producer. Hes from Okahoma, n the USA. Hes 50and s stsng hs engagedto fm star Angena Joe. Angenasfather s a famous actor too: John Voght. Angena s 38 and shes

    from Caforna. They are a happyand rch coupe, but they supporthumantaran causes. Of ther sx chdren, four are adopted.

    producer= produttorest= ancoraengaged= fdanzatohappy= fece

    rch= rcco

    coupe= coppasupport humantaran causes=sostengono cause umantare

    adopted= adottato

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    A1 UNT 1 Parlare di s e degli altri

    30 thirty

    a.Who are they? ......................................................................................................................................................

    b.Are they marred? ......................................................................................................................................................

    c.What s Brad Ptts ob? ......................................................................................................................................................

    d.s Angena famous too? ......................................................................................................................................................

    e.Who s Angenas father? ......................................................................................................................................................

    f.s ther famy bg? ......................................................................................................................................................

    26 Legg testo e rspond ae domande. THE UK

    The Unted Kngdom s the unon of four

    regons: Engand, Scotand, Waes and

    Northern reand.They are not ndependent countres, butthe Unted Kngdom s. The bg part of

    the sandof reand s an ndependentRepubc.

    The UK s a consttutona monarchy,and QueenEzabeth s the presentQueen of the Unted Kngdom. Queen

    Ezabeth s the Head of State, butParament has the rea power.

    Ezabeth s the Queen of 15Commonweath Reams too: Austraa,

    New Zeaand, Canada, Jamaca, Antgua

    and Barbuda, Beze, Papua New Gunea,

    St Chrstopher and Nevs, St Vncent

    and the Grenadnes, Tuvau, Barbados,

    Grenada, Soomon sands, St Luca and

    The Bahamas.

    country= Stato, Paesesand= soaconsttutona monarchy= monarcha costtuzonae

    Queen= RegnaHead of State= Capo d Statohas the rea power= ha vero potere

    a.s the UK a monarchy? .......................................................................................................................................

    b.s the Repubc of reand part of the UK? .......................................................................................................................................

    c.Whos Queen Ezabeth ? .......................................................................................................................................

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    3Skills & Culture

    thirty-one 31

    27 Legg testo e rspond ae domande. THE BRTSH ROYAL FAMLY

    Queen Ezabeths famy s very bg and mportant. She s marred to Php, the Dukeof Edmburgh,

    and her daughter and three sons are marred too. Her son Chares s PrnceWams father. KateMddeton, now Duchessof Cambrdge, s Prnce Wams wfe. Chares s her to the throne.

    a.How od s Queen Ezabeth? ..........................................................................................................................

    b.s Php Queen Ezabeths husband or father? ..........................................................................................................................

    c.Who are Chares, Andrew, Edward and Anne? ..........................................................................................................................

    d.Who s Prnce Harry for Wam? ..........................................................................................................................

    e.Whos Catherne Mddeton? ..........................................................................................................................

    Duke = DucaPrnce = PrncpeDuchess = Ducssaher to the Throne=erede a trono

    Prncess = Prncpessa

    Cama Duchessof Cornwa

    Prncess Dana01/07/1961 - 31/08/1997

    Prnce Harry Catherne MddetonDuchess of Cambrdge

    Andrew Duke of York Prnce Edward Prncess Anne

    Queen Ezabeth21/04/1926

    Php Dukeof Edmburgh

    Chares Prnceof Waes

    Wam Duke ofCambrdge

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    32 thirty-two

    1 15 Ascota e rpet.


    HEALTH PROBLEMSa headache



    a sore throat

    a temperature

    a cough

    a broken eg/arm

    a pan n (my) eg/hand/foot

    a cod


    2 16 Legg e ascota daogo. Whats the matterShabr? Are you ok?

    No, m not ok. m . have gota terrbe cod.

    Oh dear, m so sorry! Have you gota temperature, too?

    Maybe im not su. ve gota sore throat and a headache. You havent gotust a cod, youve gotfu.

    Reay? Thats too bad!

    Ok, reax. Here, drnk a cup of hot tea and takean asprn.

    Thanks. Have you got tabetsfor my throat too?

    Sorry, havent.

    Ive got a coldLESSON4

    La formaabbrevata d

    he has got

    hes got.

    3 Dopo aver etto testo deeserczo precedente ndca con se e affermazon sonoTRUE (vere) o FALSE (fase).


    a.Shabr snt ok.b.Hes got ust a cod.c.A has got some tabets.

    = maatomaybe = forse

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