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33RD WEEKThe lanugo (body hair) begins to disappear.

The baby inside is now about 4.4 pounds and around 17.5 inches in


Amniotic fluid is at its highest level during the pregnancy.

Neurons and synapses are developing in huge numbers.


•While most of the bones are hardening, the skull is quite pliable and not

completely joined, to move slightly to make birthing easier.

•At week 33 of pregnancy, if the baby is a boy, his testicles will be

descending from his abdomen into his scrotum. Sometimes one or both

testicles won't move into position until after birth.

•The baby drinks about a pint of amniotic fluid a day.

•The diameter of the head is about 8.5cm.

34TH WEEKGastrointestinal system is incompletely developed.

Fetal size: weight almost 5 pounds by this week.

Head and Neck

Gums now have ridges which may look like teeth. Head may now

position (head-down) into pelvis getting ready for delivery.


Gastrointestinal system is very immature and will not mature until

three or fourth years after birth. Baby stores about 15% of weight in

fat to keep temperature of body warm. Baby still receives and

eliminates nutrition through umbilical cord.


Limbs begin to dimple at elbows and knees and creases form

around wrists and neck.


Skin appears light pink because of blood vessels close to its



•Fat accumulations plumps up the arms and legs this


•Eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping.

•The fingernails are now completely formed.

•Antibodies from the mother’s blood are being

transferred to the baby at week 34 of pregnancy. These

immunities continue to build until birth. Then breast milk

will add even more protection against disease.

•The baby may have already turned to a head-down

position in preparation for birth.

•Fingernails have reached the end of the fingertips now.


•The body of the baby is growing round due to developing fat layers.

•The baby's reflexes are coordinated.

•About 90% of babies born this week survive.

•Baby may push up against your ribs and make you a little

breathless. But soon, as the baby prepares for its

delivery, the baby drops into the pelvis and you will be

able to breathe again.

•The testis have completely developed in the males.


36TH WEEKAbdomen

Body is round and plump as new fat stores are made to

keep the body temperature above maternal turns toward

light sources in what is known as the orienting

response. Intestines accumulate a considerable amount of

meconium which is usually eliminated shortly after birth. If

birth is delayed, the fecal material will appear in the

amniotic fluid.


Space limitation continues to restrict fetal movement.

Limbs are bent and drawn close to body. Bones are flexible

and ossification, hardening, progresses. At birth the tibia,

the longer of the two bones in the lower leg, is usually

completely ossified into bone.


-The baby's body is becoming chubby as fat layers build.

-Contractions in the womb maybe felt, called Braxton Hicks contractions.

-This week the baby may drop into the birth canal, this is called 'lightening' or 'dropping’.

-The only organ still to mature is the lungs


-His skin is growing smooth and, shall we say it, "baby" soft.

-His gums are very rigid at week 36 of your pregnancy. It won't be many months before you'll see his teeth.

-She has a fully developed pair of kidneys and her liver has begun processing some waste products.


•She is official full term now but can still benefit from extra days in the womb.


The water could break at any time.


•Abdomen is large and round as the fetal liver starts to produce red blood cells.

HeadSkull is not fully solid as the five bony plates, known as fontanels (little fountains), are still separate and can be pushed together. Birth may mold and elongate the fetal head, a safety precaution to reduce the skull's diameter for an easier birth, without damaging the fetal brain. After delivery, the baby's head returns to a rounded shape. Eyes have no tear ducts yet, they appear a few weeks after birth.ThoraxChest is more prominent. Lungs begin to increase production of surfactant to keep alveoli open.AbdomenFetal abdomen is large and round mainly due to the liver which is producing red blood cells.SkinLast of vernix usually disappears, but may remain until birth. Skin becomes thicker and paler (white or bluish pink) and each day the fetus gains 1/2 ounce (14 g) of fat.


-At 39 weeks pregnant, the lanugo has mostly disappeared, but you'll probably find a bit on her shoulders, arms and legs and in those protected little bodily creases. It will vanish completely on its own in time.

-The lungs are maturing and surfactant production is increasing and fully prepare.

-The body continues laying on the fat stores that will help regulate his body temperature after birth. In addition to normal fat, he is accumulating a special "brown" fat in the nape of his neck, between his shoulders and around organs. Brown fat cells are important for thermogenesis (generating heat) during his first weeks.


•The average baby is about 20 inches and weighs about 7.5 pounds .

•The baby has reached its final birth position.

•It will be cramped inside your uterus for much movement.

•The baby will continue to punch and kick but lower in your abdomen, under your pelvis.

•The head is about 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter.

40TH WEEKFetal size: weight about 7.5 pounds . AbdomenFifteen percent of body is fat, eighty percent of which is underneath the skin, the other twenty percent surrounds the organs.

LimbsAt the time of birth, the baby has a total of 300 bones. Some bones will fuse together later, which is why an adult has only 206 bones.

AbdomenFetal abdomen is large and round mainly due to the liver which is producing red blood cells.

Nervous SystemA fetus can display more than seventy different reflex system behaviours which are automatic and unlearned behaviours necessary for survival.

40TH WEEK•Approximately 60 - 75 percent is water!

•The lungs will continue developing until birth. They are manufacturing large quantities of surfactant which works to keep the air sacs open.

•The baby continues to grow; her hair and nails longer as well. You may need to trim those fingernails soon after birth or protect her face from scratches with mittens.

•Small breast buds are present on both sexes at week 40 of pregnancy.

•Contractions can begin at any time.

Thank you………

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