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  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori






    The new Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended is about to be released, itwas announced already and among the new features there is one

    really special that is the Repouss. This new feature or tool will

    allow us to create 3D objects extruding texts, selections, paths and

    layers masks. It's a really powerful tool and I had the chance to try it

    and now I will share with you one of my first experiments with it.

    In this tutorial I will recreate an image of a tutorial I did for Digital Arts Magazine last

    year which I used Photoshop and Illustrator to create a 3D text with a girl on top of it, the tutorial was the

    . So this time I will do everything using just Photoshop CS 5 Extended with the

    Repouss. I also want to mention that I'm still learning these new features/tools and I will try to share as much

    as I can with you guys and if you are using the beta of Photoshop feel free to share with us as well.

    Step 1

    Open Photoshop CS 5 Extended and type with the Horizontal Type Tool (T) type the word 3D using Impact

    April 26, 2010 from

    3D Type with Repouss in

    Photoshop CS5 Extended


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  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    Step 3

    This is the 3D text I wanted, in the past I would have to use another software like Illustrator or a 3D app such

    as Cinema 4D, now I can do that in Photoshop.

    have a lot of graphic and web design, a bit of

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    Sound Design is a weekly series of articles we

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    1 9/19/2011

  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    Step 4

    To add and edit textures is pretty easy as well. As in Photoshop CS 4 we have the 3D palette where we can

    edit our 3D objects, you can access this palette going to Window>3D. Select the 3D object and then you will

    have the 3D front Inflation, 3D front Bevel, 3D extrusion... all of these are the areas where you can apply

    materials. Select the 3D Extrusion Material and the on Diffuse click on the folder next to the color (1) and

    select Open Texture. The texture will be open in a new window like when you edit a Smart Objects. So in this

    window you can create your material

    I'm using a brick texture from Shutterstock, you can find it . So adjust your texture in terms of colors then

    save this file. Photoshop will automatically updates the 3D object adding the texture. If you want to make the

    bricks smaller just click again on the icon next to the color and select Edit Texture. A dialog box with Texture

    Properties will open where you can adjust the UV Scale and Offset. I used 10 for the U and V Scale.

    The last thing here is apply the same texture to the Bumpmap (4). Simply repeat the same thing. The bump will

    add depth to the texture like the displacement map where the light areas go up while the dark areas go down.

    Step 5

    Now select the 3D Front Inflation Material and repeat the same thing we did in the previous step, this time

    however I'm using another texture, a concrete one which was courtesy of and you can find it


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  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    Step 6

    Once you changed the materials this will be the result you will have. As you can see the whole process was

    much easier than if you have to do that using different tools and them exporting and importing in Photoshop.

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    1 9/19/2011

  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    Step 7

    As you can see there is light as well. Yes you can add lights to make your scene more realistic. In this first part

    I have only one light. It's a Point Light with Intensity of 2. It also creates shadows, where I've changed to

    100% of softness to make the shadows really soft.

    Step 8

    In this step I s tarted mixing the 3D object with 2D objects, in this case a photo I took from an airplane when I

    was traveling. I wanted to give a sort of warm feeling to my image so firs t I went to Image>Adjustments>Hue

    and Saturation and changed the Hue to -10, the Saturation to -65 and the Lightness to 10. Then I went to

    Image>Adjustments>Color Filter. I selected orange for the color and 50% density. Then at last, I went to

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  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Gradient Fill. I used grey and black for the gradient with Radial for the

    Style, so the grey would be in the center of the radial gradient. After that I changed the Blend Mode of this

    Gradient Fill to Color Dodge to create the sun behind the 3D text.

    Step 9

    Add a new layer on top of the other layers including the 3D object. Then make sure you have black and white

    for the color and go to Filter>Render>Clouds . Change the Blend Mode to Color Burn.

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    1 9/19/2011

  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    Step 10

    With the Eraser Tool (E) delete parts of the layer leaving just the bottom part of the layer. Use the image below

    for reference.

    Step 11

    I have already shown you how to create clouds using the Brush Tool (B), so let's do it again. Add a new layer

    on top of the others and go to Window>Brushes. For the brush settings use the image below for reference.

    The most important part is the Texture where you will selec the clouds pattern. It's also important to notice that

    if you increase the size of your brush you will have to increase the scale of the brush texture.

    ype with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended | Abduzeedo | Graphi... http://abduzeedo.com/3d-type-repouss-photoshop-cs5

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  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    Step 12

    Select the Brush Tool (B) and white for the color, then with the brush we created start painting some clouds.

    First paint just a few clouds like the image below (1-2)

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  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    Step 13

    Select a light brown now for the color and paint more clouds, especially over the white clouds we created in the

    previous step.

    Step 14

    Now select white again for the colors and paint more clouds. The idea of this 3 steps was to add depth to our

    clouds by adding some dark areas using the light brown.

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    21 9/19/2011

  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    Step 15

    Import a photo of a person to add to our scene, I'm using a photo of a girl sitting on a chair which was courtesy

    of , you can find it . After that extract the background of the image and copy it and paste it in

    our design. Select just the girl and the chair and then go to 3D>Repouss>Current Selection.

    Step 16

    The idea here is to create a 3D object from a 2d photo so we can position it and create some shadows, but

    also to play and learn with the Repouss tool. Change the Depth to 0.1 and the scale to 1. Remove the

    materials leaving only the front one. Now a very important detail, over the Internal Constraints, change the

    Type to Hole, that will create wholes in the areas that were transparent, otherwise Photoshop would render a

    big solid and it would ignore those transparent areas.

    Once again rotate, move and scale your object until you find the right position. You can do that later on as well.

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    21 9/19/2011

  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    Step 17

    In order to create a 3D scene with the 3D text and the girl we will have to merge them in one 3D layer. To do

    that is simple, select the 3D layers and go to 3D>Merge 3D Layers. By doing that you will create one 3D layer

    only with both objects. So over the 3D Palette you will see the 3D text and the Girl objects where you will be

    able to edit them like scale, rotate, move and change the extrude options as well.

    ype with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended | Abduzeedo | Graphi... http://abduzeedo.com/3d-type-repouss-photoshop-cs5

    21 9/19/2011

  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    Step 18

    Now the most important thing to do is to adjust your objects in your 3D scene (1). Move the lights so you can

    illuminate the scene properly and play around with other objects. As I mentioned before I'm still learning so the

    best thing to do is try different things, render a preview to see how it looks and try again.

    To see all the 3D objects click on the little icon at the bottom of the 3D palette, the one with the eye and select

    Show All. (2)

    Step 19

    The best thing with the Repouss tool is that you can edit the 3D object anytime during your design process, so

    if you think a different position might look better you can do it or try a different illumination everything is

    ype with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended | Abduzeedo | Graphi... http://abduzeedo.com/3d-type-repouss-photoshop-cs5

    21 9/19/2011

  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori



    ConclusionOnce you position all your 3D elements there's one extra step to do that is different from the Photoshop

    workflow which is render the 3D object using the Raytrace Final mode. Photoshop then will render the object

    and create the shadows and details, it usually takes a few minutes to do that, but it's a necessary process. If

    you are used to other 3D softwares you already know that.

    So basically in this tutorial/making-of I showed you a little bit of this incredible new tool that comes with the new

    Photoshop CS5 Extended. There are lots of things to learn and practice but I'm sure the Repouss will be very

    useful for those, like me, that are trying to mix 3D objects with photos and other 2D objects that we are used to

    do in Photoshop.

    Download the Photoshop File

    Text Ad: Looking for exam help? Download our dumps and demos to pass

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    your real exam in a hassle free way.

    About the author

    Abduzeedo is a blog about design. There are all sorts of articles for those who want to look for inspiration. Also

    you will find very useful tutorials for the most used applications out there, with a special selection of Photoshop

    Tutorials and Illustrator Tutorials. You can get in follow us via Twitter at



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    ype with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended | Abduzeedo | Graphi... http://abduzeedo.com/3d-type-repouss-photoshop-cs5

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  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    ype with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended | Abduzeedo | Graphi... http://abduzeedo.com/3d-type-repouss-photoshop-cs5

    21 9/19/2011

  • 8/4/2019 3D Type with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended _ Abduzeedo _ Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutori


    ype with Repouss in Photoshop CS5 Extended | Abduzeedo | Graphi... http://abduzeedo.com/3d-type-repouss-photoshop-cs5

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