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Page 1: 3rd Intermediate Class

Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Education

3rd Intermediate Class

نكليزيةاة الغةة اإ لم النموذجية نماذج الاس ئلة الوزارية مع الاجوبة

لغصف الثالث متوسط -:س تاذاعداة ال

حسن عبيس المياليMobile:-

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Page 2: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 1 -

Republic of Iraq- Ministry of Education Feb. 2017 Examination in English for Intermediate schools Time: 3 Hours Note: Answer all questions. Reading Comprehension Q1) A) Read these texts carefully. (15 M) I work as a fire fighter in the fire station in my city. Yesterday I arrived at the fire station at 6 a.m. I checked everything as usual. Our first call was at 8 o'clock. We were called to an accident on the ring road. The police helped us to get there fast. One car was on fire and another car was upside down on the road. Fortunately, the driver of the burning car was standing by the side of the road. However, the driver of the other car was trapped. We put out the fire quickly and got the second driver out. He was badly injured. Then at the same night we were called at 12 o'clock because there was a fire in a big mall in the middle of the city. When we got there, the fire was burning strongly. The heat was terrible and some people were trapped inside. We put out the fire and we could go into the building and saved all the people. But some people had to go to the hospital. At the end of the day I was tired and upset about the accidents. Now answer (Five) of the following questions: 1. When did the fire fighters arrive at the fire station? 2. What happened to the two cars? 3. Was the driver of the burning car injured badly? 4. Who helped the fire fighters to go to the place of the first accident? 5. No body died in the two accidents? (True / False) 6. Some people were trapped in the burning mall, but all of them were saved. (True / False) 7. The writer was happy and relaxed at the end of that day. (True / False) B- Answer (Five) of the questions below using the information from your text book: (10 M) 1. The "panther 3.0D" has seats for eight people. (True /False) 2. Before the falconry, the Bedouin used to eat a lot of meat. (True / False) 3. Lucy's brother is very clumsy and is always having silly accidents. (True / False) 4. Where can Marsh Arabs be found? (Answer) 5. From an early age, Ibraheem was interested in ................... (Complete) 6. Where did the Iraqi minister of education arrive? (Answer) Q2) Grammar, Functions and Punctuation (25 M.) A- Complete the following sentences: (Choose 5 only) (10 M) 1. How about (visit, visiting, to visit) our sick friend? 2. What will happen if you (come, came, comes) late to school? 3. Which is (the, more, the most) fastest living thing? 4. Eaten too much is very bad for (our, ours, us) health. 5. Hilla is greener than (It used, it used to, used to) be. 6. I would like (going, go, to go) to the park this afternoon. B- Do as required: (Choose 5 Only) (10 M) 1. He is fat. He's .................... fat. (Make this sentence more polite) 2. Invite your friend to come to the school graduation party. (Use: would you like) 3. Let's play tennis. (Accept) 4. Apologize to your teacher for being late for the first lesson. 5. 15:10. Tell the tune. 6. She has ...................... hair. (Re-arrange the adjectives: black, beautiful) C- Punctuation: (5 M) Re - write the sentence below using capital letters and punctuation marks. ali cant travel to basra next friday

اقلب الصفحة

اسئلة التمهد لسنة 2017

Page 3: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 2 -

Q3) Vocabulary, Spelling. (25 Marks) A- Fill in the gaps with words or phrases from the list below: (Choose 5 Only) (5 M) [ look after, wages, airbags, hunt, careful, naughty, spectacles ] 1. Cars have ............. so that people can be safe in crash. 2. The ............. in some jobs are not very high. 3. I need ............... to see clearly when I'm reading. 4. I have to ............. my sick mother. 5. Owls ............ and kill small animals at night. 6. My brother is very ............... and causes a lot of problems. B - Match the verbs in list (A) with the suitable endings in list (8). (Choose 5 only) (5 M) List A: 1. win 2. score 3. do 4. borrow 5. brush 6. spend List B: a. story from your friend b. Shopping in the mall c. a goal in the match d. much money to buy tools e. a medal in the race f. your teeth every morning. C- Write words that match those definitions. (choose 5 only) (5 M) 1. Something you do in your spare time ................ 2. The fastest bird in the world ............... 3. Activities like running, jumping and swimming ............... 4. Words and pictures to help sell things .............. 5. You can clean your teeth with .............. 6. Rice and wheat, for example .............. 7. A factory for changing sugar or oil from the natural state ............. D- Spelling: Write the missing words. (Choose 5 Only) (10 M) 1. I, my; they, ....................... 2. car, by car; foot, ........................ 3. look, looked; lose, ....................... 4. good, bad.; safe, ........................ 5. long. longer; fit, .......................... 6. Iraq, Iraqi; Japan, ..................... Q4) Story time: Answer the following questions: (Choose 5 only) (10 M) 1. Why had Kareem been saving up for months? 2. What was the special thing attracted Salam's attention? 3. Lucy played Samara in tragedy play. (True / False) 4. How many times Kareem had read Al - Nawab's poems? 5. The deer found a remote grass field in forest to give birth. (True / False) 6. What did Salam take with him on Tuesday? · 7. Al-Sabah Newspaper makes a special offer to five young students from local schools. (True / False) Q5) Writing: (15 Marks) Choose either (A) or (B): A) Write an e-mail. Invite a friend to attend an event (birthday party / join a picnic / visit monuments and museums). Tell your friend about the date and the time of the event.

B) Write about your life. Make use of these questions: - Where were you born? where do you live now? Who is in your family? - What were you like and what did you use to do before you started school? - How do you feel about intermediate school? what lessons do you enjoy? what do you do outside school? - What job would you like do? why? do you like to go to university? why? why not?

Page 4: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 3 -

اجوتة اسئلة التمهد لسنة 2017

Q1/ A) 1- At 6 a.m. yesterday. أو They arrived at the fire station at 6 a.m. yesterday. 2- One car was on fire and another car was upside down on the road. 3- No, he wasn't. 4- The police. 5- T 6- T 7- F B) 1- T 2- F 3- F 4- In the south-east of Iraq. 5- in animals. 6- In London.

Q2/ A) 1- visiting 2- come 3- the 4- our 5- it used to 6- to go

C( Ali can’t travel to Basra next Friday.

Q3/ A) 1- airbags 2- wages 3- spectacles 4- look after 5- hunt 6- naughty Q4/ 1- To be the first one to buy the new book by his favourite poet. or To buy the new book from AL-Nawab. 2- A young boy was taking his old father, who was in a wheelchair. 3- F 4- At least twice. 5- T 6- Notebook and camera. 7- F

Q5/ ( )الإجاتة عل احد الفرعن الانشاء ) A. دعوة صدق( الثانة )امل انشاء الوحدة B. الراتعة )عن حاتن( انشاء الوحدة

C) 1- hoppy 2- falcon 3- sports 4- adverts 5- toothbrush 6- crops 7- refinery

B) 1- a bit 2- Would you like to come to the school graduation party? 3- Yes, let's. 4- I'm sorry. او I'm sorry for being late. 5- It's fifteen ten. او It's ten past three. 6- beautiful, black

B) 1- e. a medal in the race 2- c. a goal in the match 3- b. shopping in the mall 4- a. story from your friend 5- f. your teeth every morning 6- d. much money to buy tools

D) 1- their 2- on foot 3- lost 4- dangerous 5- fitter 6- Japanese

Page 5: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 4 -

Republic of Iraq- Ministry of Education Jun. 2017 Examination in English for Intermediate schools Time: 3 Hours Note: Answer all the questions. Reading Comprehension (25 Marks) Q1) Read this text carefully. Once an English family was living in China. One evening an important Chinese officer visited them. It came later and later and he still did not go, so his hostess had to invite him to have dinner with them. But she had very little food in the house, so she quickly went to the kitchen to speak to her Chinese cook. He said, '' It is all right. You'll have a good dinner." When they sat down to eat, the hostess was surprised, because there was a lot of good food on the table. After the dinner, she ran to the kitchen to ask the cook how he had made such a good meal in a very short time. He said, '' I didn't make, it, madam. I sent one of the servants to the Chinese officer's house and he brought back the Chinese officer's dinner. A) Now answer (Five) of the following questions: (10 M) 1. Did the English family have much food in their house? 2. When did the Chinese officer visit the English family? 3. Where was the English family living? 4. Why was the hostess surprised? 5. Who brought back the Chinese officer's dinner? 6. Why did the hostess run to the kitchen after the dinner? B) Describe the following sentences whether they are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5 M) 1. The English family invited the Chinese officer to come to their house in the evening. 2. The hostess was very shy because the dinner was bad. 3. The Chinese officer had the dinner with the English family that night. 4. The hostess asked the cook to go and bring the dinner from the officer's house. 5. The Chinese cook didn't make that good dinner. 6. The cook bought the dinner from the Chinese officer's house. C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: (10 M) 1. The "Panther 3.0D" is actually very cheap. (T / F) 2. Lucy's brother fell in the pool with all his clothes on. (T / F) 3. How fast can some falcons dive? (Answer) 4. How will the teaching and learning take place in future? (Answer) 5. Ibrahim lived in a ................ when he was a child. (Complete) 6. Where were the first Asian Games held? (Answer) Q2) Grammar and Functions. (20 M.) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M) 1. Use (I'd love ...............) to express your preference concerning playing tennis. 2. Make a suggestion for your little brother about where to spend the holiday. (Use" How about ... ") 3. Invite your friend to come to your birthday party. (Use "would like") 4. She's short. She is ................... short. (Make the sentence more polite.) 5. Define a doctor. 6. A bear is not as fast as a lion. (Re- write the sentence below. Use "faster") A lion is ................... a bear. 7. Apologize to your teacher for being late for the class. B) Fill in the blanks with the correct choice: (Choose 5 only) (10 M) 1. Many animals are useful to .................. (our / ours / us) 2. I lost my wallet in the mall. My wallet ................. in the mall. (was losing / was lost / lost) 3. Which is ................... fastest living thing? (more / the most / the) 4. That is the man ...................... was stopped by the police. (who / where / which) 5. If I had lots of money, I .................. buy a new car. (would / will / am) 6. Sami played ...................... (well last week in the race / well in the race last week / in the race last week well)

اقلب الصفحة

اسئلة الدور الاول لسنة 2017

Page 6: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 5 -

Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks) A) Write words that match these definitions. (Choose 5 only) (5 M) 1. It makes cars, boats and plane move .......................... 2. People who are not children .................... 3. It talks a funny story.......................

4. A factory for changing sugar or oil from natural state .................... 5. Activities like running, jumping and swimming ...................... 6. Words or pictures to help sell things ………......……

B) Match the words in List (A) with the suitable words in List (B): (Choose 5 only) (5 M) List A: 1. do 2. kick 3. score 4. win 5. have 6. read List B: a. a game b. a story c. shopping d. a rest e. a goal f. a ball C) Choose the correct choice: (5 only) (5 M) 1. The panther is (quite / really) fast. You have to be careful. 2. Cars have GPS so that you (can't / can) be lost. 3. A bat is not a bird, but it can (fly / bite) like a bird. 4. I'm too (strong / weak) to carry that heavy box. Can you help me? 5. A (pilot / mechanic) is someone who works in a garage and repairs cars. 6. You should always drive (careful / carefully) in the crowded streets. D) Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and punctuation marks. (5 M) reem cant go with her sister nadia to arbil next week Q4) Story time: A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M) 1. What was Kareem's dream? (Answer) 2. To the right, the deer spots ................. approaching. (Complete) 3. Who agreed to visit the old university professor? (Answer) 4. Kareem has been saving up to .................. (Complete) 5. The deer focuses on giving birth to a new life. (T / F) 6. Who was the lucky boy last summer? B) Spelling: Write the missing words. (Choose 5 Only) (10 M) 1. good X bad; beautiful, ....................... 2. I, my; they, ......................... 3. tall, taller; thin, …................…...

4. Iraq, Iraqi; India, .............................. 5. happy, unhappy; important, ………............….

6. want, wanted; fly, ....................... Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either (A) or (B): A) Write an e-mail describing a friend to a relative. Write about his / her appearance and character. These words and phrases may help you: creative / helpful/ curly brown hair / friendly / kind / good fun / tall / sporty / hard working ...... lessons / hobbies / nice looking.

B) Write a paragraph about a career of a real person: Talk about his / her name / job / career history / his hobbies / his plans for future ........ Now he / she is good at / not good at .....

Page 7: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 6 -

الأجوتة النموذجة لسنة 2017 الدور الاول Q1/ A) 1- No, it didn't. أو No, it didn't have enough food in their house. او No. 2- One evening. او The Chinese officer (he) visited the English family one evening. 3- The English family was living in China. او In China. 4- Because there was a lot of food on the table. 5- One of the servants …..................

6- To ask the cook how he had made such a good meal in a very short time.

C) 1- F 2- F 3- 240 kph 242 او

4- the teaching and learning will take place in future over computers which are connected to the internet in student's own homes. 5- small village in the south of Iraq. 6- The first Asian Games were held in the Indian Capital, New Delhi. او New Delhi. او In India.

Q2/ A) 1- I'd love to play tennis. 2- How about watching a film. 3- Would you like to come to my birthday party? 4- a bit. 5- A doctor is someone who helps sick people and usually works in a hospital. 6- faster than 7- I'm sorry. او I'm sorry for being late.

Q3/ A) 1- an engine 2- adults 3- Comedy 4- refinery 5- sports 6- adverts

D) Reem can't go with her sister Nadia to Arbil next week.

Q4/ A) 1- To be a famous poet. 2- A hungry lion. 3- A group of alumni from different Iraqi provinces. 4- To be the first one to buy the new book by his favourite poet, Al Nawab. او To buy the new book from Al Nawab. 5- T 6- Salam Ahmed.

B) 1- ugly 2- their 3- thinner 4- Indian 5- unimportant 6- flew

Q5 / ( الإجاتة عل احد الفرعن -:الانشاء) A. وصف صدق( الاول انشاء الوحدة( B. (لشخص حمم السادسة )مهنة انشاء الوحدة

B) 1- F 2- F 3- T 4- F 5- T 6- F

B) 1- us 2- was lost 3- the 4- who 5- would 6- well in the race last week

B) 1- c. shopping 2- f. a ball 3- e. a goal 4- a. a game 5- d. a rest 6- b. a story

C) 1- really 2- can't 3- fly 4- weak 5- mechanic 6- carefully

Page 8: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 7 -

Republic of Iraq- Ministry of Education Jun. 2017 Examination in English for Intermediate schools Time: 3 Hours Note: Answer all the questions. Reading Comprehension (25 Marks) Q1) Read this text carefully. On last Saturday, Laith and Sameer got up early and had breakfast. Then they put on their helmets and went to the Baghdadi Museum by their bicycles. They left Laith's house at half past seven. While they were cycling, they saw a big car near a corner. Then a lorry turned the corner very fast. "Look out!" said Laith. Suddenly Sameer fell off his bicycle. The driver stopped. Sameer was unconscious! The driver phoned for an ambulance and the police. "Hurry up! I hit a cyclist!" After a short time, the police arrived and then an ambulance came to the place of accident and took Sameer to the hospital. A doctor made general check up to Sameer's body and the nurses looked after him. When Sameer woke up in the hospital on the next day, the doctor asked him some questions. Then the doctor said, "You are lucky." "Your helmet saved you. It protected your head." A) Now answer (Five) of the following questions: (10 M.) 1. How was Sameer carried to the hospital? 2. What happened to Sameer near the corner? 3. Who called for the ambulance and the police? 4. Where were Sameer and Laith going on Saturday? 5. What were they wearing when they rode their bicycles? 6. Why was Sameer lucky? B) Describe the following sentences whether they are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) 1. Sameer stayed in the hospital unconscious for a week. 2. A doctor examined Sameer's body in the hospital. 3. Sameer was unconscious because he was wearing a helmet. 4. The driver was helpful and called for the ambulance and the police. 5. Laith and Sameer didn't arrive at Baghdadi Museum because of the accident. 6. The lorry was moving very slowly round the corner. C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: (10 M.) 1. Children are interested in the "Panther 3.0D" and they sit in the back and try the electric seats and windows. (T / F) 2. Lucy's brother is very clumsy and is always having silly accidents. (T / F) 3. How did the Bedouin use to hunt on? (Answer) 4. …....………. is used as transport in the marshes. (Complete) 5. When Ibrahim left school, he .................. at Cairo University. (Complete) 6. Where and when was Ibn Al-Haitham born? (Answer) Q2) Grammar and Functions. (20 M.) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. He is lazy. He is ……...........… lazy. (Make the sentence more polite) 2. What's your favourite colour? (Express your preference. Use "white") 3. 16.05 (Tell time) 4. A bear is bigger than a wolf. (Re-write the sentence. Use "small") A wolf is ….................……

5. Define a doctor. 6. What do you say when you ask someone to show you the way to the park? 7. I'm sorry. I just dropped the orange juice on the table. (Respond to the apology) B) Complete the sentences below with the suitable choices: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. Ali ran (in the race fast yesterday / fast in the race yesterday / fast yesterday in the race). 2. My uncle (has been / will be / have been) in Lebanon for two years. 3. Snakes (can find / can be find / can be found) in deserts. 4. I'd rather (helping / help / to help) my mother in the kitchen. 5. If there was a spider in the room, I (will / would / am) put it outside. 6. Have you read (an / a / the) English book?

قلب الصفحةا

اسئلة الدور الأول خارج العراق لسنة 2017

Page 9: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 8 -

Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks) A) Write words that match these definitions. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) 1. You can clean your teeth with this ........................... 2. Something you do in your spare time ............................. 3. A funny book, film or play ............................... 4. Three or more people waiting in a line ................................ 5. Hobby is to sit by a river with a long thin rod ............................ 6. Information about sun, rain and temperature …….....................………

B) Match the words in List (A)with the suitable words in List (B)to make compound nouns: (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)

List A: 1. air 2. video 3. sun 4. shop 5. insect 6. litter List B: a. roof b. bin c. game d. proof e. bag f. assistant C) Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the list below: (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) (look after, hardworking, gum, species, grow, regulate) 1. Elephants …..............……. very big, but it takes many years. 2. The Caliph of Egypt needed Ibn AL-Haitham to …............……. the flooding of the River Nile. 3. Forty …...............……. of birds can be found in the marshlands. 4. My brother is very ……….............….... He always does extra homework. 5. Sudan is the world's main producer of Arabic ……............……...

6. the nurses ……............…… the patients in the hospitals. D) Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and punctuation marks. (5 M.) im so happy to meet salwa and nadia in hilla next monday Q4) Story time and Spelling A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. What was there for customer number 50? (Answer) 2. At last the deer gives birth to a .......................... (Complete) 3. Why did alumni decide to visit the old university professor? (Answer) 4. Kareem had read Al - Nawab's poem and found them ...................... (Complete with one word) 5. The deer focuses on giving birth to a new life and doesn't think of dangers. (T / F) 6. What did the editor say to the reporters? (Answer) B) Spelling: Write the missing words. (Choose 5 Only) (10 M.) 1. good X bad; difficult, ..................... 2. look, looked; grow, ....................... 3. clean, cleanest; sad, …...............…...

4. Iraq, Iraqi; Egypt, ............................. 5. I, me; we, …...........……….

6. car, cars; roof, ....................... Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either (A) or (B): A) Write an e-mail. Invite your friend to attend your birthday party: Tell him / her about the place / the date and the time of the birthday.

B) Write about a TV program. Use these words about the TV program: very interesting / about ... / very funny / the report was amazing / give details about ... / useful information about ....

Page 10: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 9 -

اجوتة امتحان اللغة الانولزة - خارج العراق - الدور الاول لسنة 2017

Q1/ A) 1- He was carried by ambulance. أو An ambulance took Sameer to the hospital. او By ambulance. 2- He fell off his bicycle and was unconscious. 3- Laith. 4- They were going to the Baghdadi Museum. أو They went to the Baghdadi Museum. أو To the Baghdadi Museum. 5- They were wearing their helmets. أو Their helmets. 6- Because his helmet saved him and protected his head.

B) 1- F 2- T 3- F 4- T 5- T 6- F

Q2/ A) 1- a bit. 2- My favourite colour is white. او I prefer white. 3- It's five past four. او It's sixteen five. 4- A wolf is smaller than a bear. 5- A doctor is someone who helps sick people and usually works in a hospital. 6- Can you tell me how to get to the park? 7- Don't mention it.

Q3/ A) 1- toothbrush 2- hobby 3- Comedy 4- queue 5- fishing 6- weather

D) I'm so happy to meet Salwa and Nadia in Hilla next Monday.

Q4/ A) 1- He will get to meet Al-Nawab. 2- healthy fawn. 3- They heard that he was very sick. 4- interesting 5- T 6- A big new restaurant is opening in Baghdad next Tuesday.

Q5 / (الانشاء الإجاتة عل احد الفرعن)

A. ايمل دعوة لصديق( الثانية انشاء الوحدة( B. ترنامج تلفزون( الخامسة انشاء الوحدة(

B) 1- easy 2- grew 3- saddest 4- Egyptian 5- us 6- roofs

B) 1- e. bag 2- c. game 3- a. roof 4- a. f. assistant 5- d. proof 6- b. bin

C) 1- grow 2- regulate 3- species 4- hardworking 5- gum 6- look after

C) 1- T 2- F 3- On camels 4- Mashhoof. 5- wrote a book 6- In 965 in Basra

B) 1- fast in the race yesterday 2- has been 3- can be found 4- help 5- would 6- the

Page 11: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 10 -

Republic of Iraq -Ministry of Education July: 2017 Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time: 3 Hours Note: Answer all the questions. (Reading Comprehension ( (25 Marks) Q1) A) Read this text carefully: My name is Tariq Salim. I am Libyan and I arrived in Baghdad yesterday. I came to study medicine at Baghdad University. This is my first visit to Iraq. I arrived at Baghdad International Airport at ten o’clock last night after a nice journey. Then I took a taxi to the hotel. I'll stay in it for a few days before I move to a university hall. I couldn't go out to see Baghdad that night because I was very tired. The next day I woke up early and after I had eaten my breakfast, I decided to go and see the people at the university. In the garage l asked a man to show me the way to the university. Then I took the first bus. After one hour, the bus came to the last stop but the university was not there. I asked the bus-driver about the university. The driver told me that the university was on the other side of the city and I had taken the wrong bus. Now choose the most suitable answer: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. Tariq came to Baghdad to .................... (a. see the ruins b. study medicine c. visit some friends) 2. Tariq couldn't get to Baghdad university because he .................................. (a. was very tired b. couldn't catch the bus c. took the wrong bus) 3. Tariq arrived Baghdad Airport in the .............................. (a. morning b. evening c. afternoon) 4. The journey was ......................... and Tariq enjoyed it. (a. nice b. horrible c. terrible) 5. Tariq was from ...................... (a. Libya b. Lebanon c. Iraq) 6. Tariq visited Iraq ............................... (a many times b. for the first time c. two years ago) B) Describe whether the following statements are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) 1. Tariq came to Baghdad by plane. 2. He decided to stay in the hotel for few days before moving to a university hall. 3. Tariq asked the hotel manager to show him the way to the university. 4. Tariq took a taxi to the university. 5. After he had eaten his breakfast, he decided to go to bed. 6. The bus-driver told Tariq that he had taken the wrong bus. C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: (10 M.) 1. The “Panther 3.2D” has seats for eight people. (True / False) 2. Lucy’s father falls in the pool with all his clothes. (True / False) 3. ls blanket weaving still popular in many homes? (Answer) 4. Before falconry, the Bedouins used to eat a lot of meat. (True / False) 5. Marsh Arabs live in arched houses built from ........................... (Complete with one word) 6. Ibraheem was not interested in animals before he went to school. (Truth / False) Q2) Grammar and Functions. (20 Marks) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. Huda enjoys playing tennis. (Negative) 2. How about (go) to the mall? (Correct the verb) 3. Ali fell down and broke ............................ leg. (Use the suitable pronoun) 4. Cows are (as big as, bigger than, the biggest) goats. (Choose) 5. Let's go for a picnic today. (Accept) 6. Did you bring the book I asked for? Choose the suitable answer: (Oh, I'm sorry / that's Ok. / I forget) B) Choose the correct answer: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. If there were no spiders, there .......................... be more insects. (a. will b. would c. can) 2. Nada has .......................... hair. (a. beautiful curly black b. black beautiful curly c. curly black beautiful) 3. I don’t mind flies. (a. So do I. b. Neither do I. c. Neither am I.) 4. That is the girl ........................ won the top prize. (a. which b. whose c. who) 5. Can I have ................. apple, please? (a. an b. a c. the) 6. I ...................... my uncle two days ago. (a. am going to see b. see c. saw)

اسئلة الموصل - الدور الاول - لسنة 2017

Page 12: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 11 -

Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks) Vocabulary: (15 Marks) A) Choose words from the box below that suit the following definitions: (Choose 5 only) (5 M)

(comedy, athletics, weather forecast, hobby, brush, adults) 1. We can clean our teeth with this ......................... 2. Information about sun, rain and temperature ...................... 3. Something you do in your spare time ...................... 4. People who are not children ..................... 5. Activities like running, jumping and swimming ..................... 6. A funny book, film or play .................... B) Match the words in List (A) with the suitable words in List (B): (Choose 5 only) (5 M) List A: 1. information 2. insect 3. swimming 4. disc 5. litter 6. sun List B: a. proof b. brakes c. bin d. desk e. roof f. pool C) Fill in the blanks with the suitable words (a, b or c): (Choose 5 only) (5 M) 1. A .............. is someone who takes care of sick animals. (a. policeman b. fire fighter c. vet) 2. Farooq is studying law at the university. He wants to be a .................. (a. lawyer b. doctor c. mechanic) 3. Salwa can’t go now. She is ................ the dinner because her mother is ill. (a. cooking b. painting c. helping) 4. Hazim ................. a goal in the final match yesterday. (a. played b. scored c. sent) 5. A bat is not a bird but, it can ............... like a bird. (a. walk b. bite c. fly) 6. Cars have CD player so that the driver can ........... (a. sing a song b. listen to music c. let light in) Punctuation: (5 Marks) D) Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and correct punctuation marks. (5 M) batool cant meet all her friends in mosul next friday Q4) Story Time and Spelling: (20 Marks) A) Story Time: (Choose 5 only) (10 M) 1. Describe Kareem’s character. (Answer) 2. What did Salam Ahmed want to be? (Answer) 3. The Alumni went to the professor's house by (bicycles / rickshaw). (Choose) 4. The pregnant dear was surrounded by dangers when she was about to give birth. (True / False) 5. Salam took his notebook and a camera with him and went to the restaurant on Tuesday. (True/ False) 6. Kareem had read all of Al-Nawab's poems at least twice and found them very boring. (True /False) B) Spelling Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. good X bad; expensive, ....................... 2. do, did; get, …….......…...

3. small, smaller; thin, ................. 4. I, my; we, ……...........……

5. car, by car; foot, .................... 6. Iraq, Iraqi; India, …….............…...

Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either A or B: A) Write an e-mail describing a friend. The following points may help you: His / her name, his / her age. his / her favourite subject, his / her hobbies, his / her likes and dislikes, His / her appearance, his / her personality.

B) Write about your life. Make use of these questions: Where and when were you born? Where do you live now? Who is in your family? Which class are you in? What subject do you like? Do you have friends in your school? Are you working hard now? What job would you like to do? Will you go to university?

Page 13: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 12 -

اجوتة اسئلة الموصل - الدور لااول - لسنة 2017


A) 1- b) study medicine. 2- a) was very tired 3- b) evening 4- a) nice 5- a) Libya 6- b) for the first time


A) 1- Huda doesn’t enjoy. 2- How about going 3- his 4- bigger than 5- Yes, let’s 6- Oh, I’m sorry


A) 1- brush 2- weather forecast 3- hobby 4- adults 5- hobby 6- comedy

D) Batool can’t meet all her friends in Mosul next Friday.


A) 1- hard-working, quiet, imaginative 2- He wanted to be a reporter. 3- rickshaw 4- True 5- True 6- False

Q5/ (ءلانشاا:- )الاجاتة عن احدي الفرعن A) صدك صفو عناوتب الوحدة الاول ءنشاا B) حاته عن انشاء الوحدة الراتعة اوتب

B) 1- cheap 2- got 3- thinner 4- our 5- on foot 6- Indian

B) 1- would 2- a. beautiful curly black 3- Neither do I. 4- who 5- an 6- saw

B) 1. information → d. desk 2. insect → a. proof 3. Swimming → f. pool 4. disc → b. brakes 5. litter → bin 6. sun → roof

C) 1- c. vet 2- a. lawyer 3- a. cooking 4- b. scored 5- c. fly 6- b. listen to music

B) 1- T 2- T 3- F 4- F 5- F 6- T

C) 1- True 2- False 3- No, it isn’t 4- False 5- reeds 6- False

Page 14: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 13 -

Republic of Iraq - Ministry of Education Aug. / 2017 Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time / 3 Hours Note: Answer all the questions. Reading Comprehension (25 Marks) Q1) A) Read this text carefully. Erna Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow. She is going to set out from the French Coast at five o’clock in the morning. Erna is only fourteen years old and she hopes to set up a new world record. She is a strong swimmer and many people feel that she is sure to succeed. Erna’s father will set out with her in a small boat. Mr. Hart has trained his daughter for years. Tomorrow he will be watching her as she swims the long distance to England. Erna decides to take short rests every two hours. She will drink something but won’t eat anything solid. Her school friends will be waiting for her on the England Coast. Among them will be Erna’s mother, who swam the channel herself when she was a girl. Now answer (five) of the following questions: (10M) 1. Who trained Erna to swim for years?

2. What does Erna want to set up?

3. How will Mr. Hart set out with his daughter tomorrow?

4. What did Erna’s mother do when she was a girl?

5. Will Erna’ mother be waiting for her daughter tomorrow?

6. Where is Erna going to swim tomorrow?

B) Describe whether the following statements are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5M) 1. Mr. Hart feels that she is not able to succeed, so he will be trained her tomorrow.

2. Erna will start from the English coast to the French Coast.

3. Erna’s mother was a strong swimmer and succeeded to cross the Channel.

4. She decides not to eat any solid food as she swims the long distance to England.

5. Her father hopes to get a new world record so he will set out in a small boat.

6. Erna’s friends will be waiting her on the French Coast.

C) Answer (five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: (10M) 1. Where is the professor Heyerdahl from?

2. Some young men are more interested in the engine of “panther 3.OD.” (True / False)

3. Samara’s brother is very clumsy and he is always having ………………. (Complete)

4. There could soon be no rare birds because of falconry. (True / False)

5. What do Marsh Arabs raise?

6. Where were the first Asian Games held?

Q2) Grammar and functions. (20 Marks) A) Do as required: (10M.)

1. I like green colour. Do you? ……….………….., I prefer ………….…… (Complete: preference)

2. Nadia plays tennis well. (Question)

3. Phones are less expensive than tablets. Rewrite the sentence: Tablets are …….…....…..…….. than phones.

4. She’s bad at volleyball. Make the sentence more polite: She’s ……….……….………………… at volleyball.

5. Invite your friend to come to your brother’s wedding.

6. Apologize for your headmaster / headmistress for being late for first lesson.

7. (17:10). (tell the time)

B) Complete the following sentences with the correct choice. (Choose 5 only) (10M.) 1. If there (were, was, are) no spiders, there would be more insects.

2. A bear is not (faster, as fast as, fastest) a lion.

3. Many animals are useful to (us, our, ours).

4. I’d rather (go, gone, to go) to the beach and play football.

5. Ali has got a (brown beautiful curly, beautiful brown curly, beautiful curly brown) hair.

6. Crops such as rice, barley and wheat (grown, are grown, is grown) by the marsh Arabs.

اسئلة الصف الثالث متوسط لسنة 2017 الدور الثان

Page 15: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 14 -

Q3) Vocabulary and punctuation: (20 marks) A) Choose the words from the list below that match the definitions: (Choose 5 only) (5M.)

(export, advertisement, queue, quiz show, weather forecast, predator) 1. Words and pictures to help sell things.

2. Things that a country produces and sells to other countries.

3. Information about sun, rain and temperature.

4. A question and answer programme.

5. A bird that hunts or kills other birds.

6. Three or more people waiting in a line.

B) Match the words in List (A) with the suitable words in List (B): (Choose 5 only) (5M.)

List A: 1. shop 2. information 3. straight 4. car 5. talk 6. Head List B: a. hair b. show c. teacher d. assistance e. park f. desk C) Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the list below: (Choose 5 only) (5M.)

(patience, deserts, of, careful, look after, flat, top) 1. Holland is very ………………….., so people there often ride bicycles.

2. Football is the ………………. Sport in many countries.

3. Many falconers arrive in the ……………...…. and valleys of Muthanna.

4. Ali has a lot of ………………………. With young children.

5. Sarah has to ………....………… her sick mother.

6. Rafal is afraid …………….…… dogs.

D- Punctuation: (5 M.) Re-write the following sentences using capital letters and punctuation marks. hi mona. have you seen reem Q4) story time and spelling: (20 marks) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)

1. The priority of deer was to give birth to her fawn. (True / Talse)

2. When the professor went to the kitchen, what did he return with?

3. How old was the lucky boy “Salam”? (Answer)

4. Kareem had read all of Al-Nawab’s poems and found them boring. (True / False)

5. Did the customers watch the old man with love and respect? (Answer)

6. Where are the Alumni from? (Answer)

B) Spelling: (10M.)

Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) 1. good X bad; old X ……......……… 2. do, did; lose, ………………..…. 3. small, smaller; heavy, ………...……..…... 4. I, my; she, …................………. 5. slow, slowly; good, ……......……………. 6. Iraq, Iraqi; Sudan, …………........…… Q5) Writing Component: (15 Marks) Choose either A or B: A) Write an e-mail to your friend, inviting him / her to your school graduation part next Sunday.

Tell him / her about the date and the place of the party.

B) Write about a simple event that happened to you: Make use of these notes:

What type of event was? When and where it happened / who was with you? What happened after that?

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 15 -

الأجوتة النموذجة لامتحان اللغة الإنولزة للصف الثالث متوسط الدور الثان لسنة 2017

Q1) A)

1. her father (Mr. Hart)

2. a new world record.

3. in a small boat.

4. She swam the channel herself.

5. Yes, she will.

6. Erna is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.


1. F

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. T

6. F

Q2) A)

1. I don’t, I prefer white.

2. Does Nadia play tennis well?

3. Tablets are more expensive than phones.

4. She’s not very good at volleyball.

5. Would you like to come to my brother’s wedding?

6. I’m sorry.

7. It is five ten. او It is ten past five.

Q3) A)

1. advertisement

2. exports

3. weather forecast

4. quiz show

5. predator

6. queue

D) Hi Mona. Have you seen Reem? Q4)


1. True

2. He returned with a large pot of coffee and assortment of cups.

3. He was 15 years old.

4. False

5. No, they didn’t.

6. from Iraq

C) 1. Norway 2. True 3. Silly accidents 4. True 5. Marsh Arabs raise domestic buffalo, some sheep and cattle. 6. India

B) 1. were 2. as fast as 3. us 4. go 5. beautiful curly brown

6. are grown

B) 1. d. 2. f. 3. a. 4. e. 5. b. 6. c.

C) 1. flat 2. top 3. deserts 4. patience 5. look after 6. of

Q5) الأجاتة عن فرع واحد. -:الانشاء A- اوتب امل ال صدمن تدعوه ال حفلة تخرج المدرسة )انشاء الوحدة الثانة(

B- )انشاء الوحدة الثامنة( لناوتب عن حدث تسط حصل

B) 1. new 2. lost 3. heavier 4. her 5. well

6. Sudanese

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 16 -

Republic of Iraq- Ministry of Education Aug. 2017 Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time: 3 Hours Note: Answer all the questions. Reading Comprehension. (25 Marks) Q1) Read this text carefully. Captain Ben has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service. The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a 'Pilatus Porter'. This wonderful; plane can carry seven passengers. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. Captain Ben's first passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains. Since then, Captain Ben has flown passengers to many unusual places. Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. Captain Ben has just refused a request to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean. Ben thought that the trip was too dangerous. A) Now answer (Five) of the following questions: (10 M) 1. Where was the first trip of Ben's unusual taxi? 2. What is the small plane called? 3. Who was the first passenger to fly to Welsh mountains? 4. What has Captain Ben bought to begin a new service? 5. What places can the small plane land on? 6. Why did Captain Ben refuse to fly to the lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean? B) Describe the following statements whether they are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5 M) 1. The taxi can carry more than seven passengers. 2. Captain Ben flew from Swiss to Birmingham. 3. Captain Ben's plane can carry passengers to many unusual places. 4. The most surprising thing is that the plane can land anywhere. 5. No one wanted to travel by Captain Ben's plane. 6. Captain Ben has just flown to an island in the Atlantic Ocean. C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: (10 M) 1. How many seats does the "Panther 3.0D" have? 2. Samara's brother spills his drink at lunch and then he ……............…... (Complete) 3. Can sometimes a hobby turn into a job? 4. The Bedouin used to eat a lot of meat before falconry. (True/ False) 5. How long did it take to build the Tigris? 6. Marsh Arabs live in arched houses build from ……….................. (Complete) Q2) Grammar and Functions (20 M.) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M) 1. Saleem fell down and broke ……............... leg. (Use a proper pronoun) 2. Sameer is fat. Make the sentence more polite. Sameer ….............…….

3. Define a mechanic. (Use: repair cars) 4. Let's go to the park. (Accept) 5. 14:10 (Tell the time) 6. Express your dislike concerning spiders. B) Choose the correct choice: (Choose 5 only) (10 M) 1. A vet is someone …….............… takes care of sick animals. (a. which b. where c. who) 2. Cotton and sugar …..............……. in Sudan. (a. is grown b. are grown c. grown) 3. If there ……..............…. more mosquitoes, we would get more bites. (a. are b. was c. were) 4. How about …...............…. to the mall. (a. go b. going c. to go) 5. It rained ……............

(a. last night heavily in Baghdad b. heavily in Baghdad last night c. in Baghdad heavily last night) 6. Iraq is greener than …............…. be. (a. it used to b. it was used c. it used)

اقلب الصفحة

اسئلة الدور الثان خارج العراق لسنة 2017

Page 18: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 17 -

Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks) A) Write words that match these definitions. (Choose 5 only) (5 M) 1. The fastest bird in the world ….................…….

2. A question and answer program ….................…...

3. Another word for a writer …......................

4. Someone who writes about events for a newspaper ….......................

5. A factory for changing sugar and oil from their natural state …........................

6. It makes cars, boats and planes move …........................

B) Write the following words under the correct headings: (Sports) and (jobs) (5 M) 1. actor 2. boxing 3. carpenter 4. swimming 5. architect C) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words from the list below: (5 only) (5 M) (advice, to, episode, well-known, population, transport, survivor) 1. Lucy really enjoyed filming the latest ....... because they go away as a family on a holiday. 2. Traditional boats (Mash hoof and Tarrada) are used as ……….................

3. Most of the ...... in Libya live in and around the capital, Tripoli. 4. Nawal Ramzi was a ................ dentist. 5. A dentist will give you a good ................. about how to look after your teeth. 6. There are disc brakes .................... help you stop quickly. D) Punctuation. (5 Marks) Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and punctuation marks. nadia bought a beautiful little black french table Q4) Story time: A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M) 1. How did Kareem find Al-Nawab's poems after he had read? (Answer) 2. When the labour pains begin, the pregnant deer focuses on giving birth to a new life. (True/ False) 3. What did the son buy his father? (Answer) 4. Who agreed to visit the old university professor? (Answer) 5. What was Kareem's dream? (Answer) 6. The son looked at his father with love and respect. (True/ False) B) Spelling: Write the missing words. (Choose 5 Only) (10 M) 1. good X bad; dark, ......................... 2. small, smallest; hot, ........................... 3. Iraq, Iraqi; Japan, …............…...

4. slow, slowly; comfortable, ....................... 5. is, was; try, …….............…….

6. I, my; it, ........................... Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either (A) or (B): A) Write about your life. Make use of these questions and notes below: How old are you? Where do you live? Your family. Where do you study now? What do you feel about school? What subjects do you like? What are your hobbies? What job would you like to do? Why?

B) Write about country. Make use of these notes: The name / The capital / The site / The population / The crops / the animals / the exports …

Page 19: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 18 -

الأجوتة النموذجة للامتحان الوزار - خارج العراق - الدور الثان 2017 Q1/ A) 1- From Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains. 2- Pilatus Porter. 3- A doctor. 4- A small Swiss aeroplane. أو An unusual taxi. 5- It can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. 6- Because he thought that the trip was too dangerous.

B) 1- F 2- F 3- T 4- T 5- F 6- F

Q2/ A) 1- his. 2- Sameer is a bit fat. 3- A mechanic is someone who repairs cars. 4- Yes, let's. 5- It's two ten. أو It's ten past two. 6- I hate spiders.

Q3/ A) 1- falcon 2- quiz show 3- author 4- journalist 5- refinery 6- engine

D( Nadia bought a beautiful, little, black French table.

Q4/ A) 1- He found them very interesting. أو Very interesting. 2- True. 3- Some food. 4- A group of alumni from different Iraqi provinces. 5- To be a famous poet. 6- True.

Q5 / الانشاء الإجاتة عل احد الفرعن) ) A. الراتعة )عن حاتن( انشاء الوحدة B. الساتعة )عن دولة او تلد( انشاء الوحدة

B) 1- light أو bright 2- hottest 3- Japanese 4- comfortably 5- tried 6- its

B) Sports: boxing, swimming Jobs: actor, carpenter, architect

C) 1- episode 2- transport 3- population 4- well-known 5- advice 6- to

B) 1- who 2- are grown 3- were 4- going 5- heavily in Baghdad last night 6- it used to

C) 1- Eight seats. 2- slips in the puddle. 3- Yes, it can. 4- False 5- Two months. 6- reed.

Page 20: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 19 -

Republic of Iraq - Ministry of Education Oct. 2017 Examination in English for Intermediate schools Time: 3 Hours Note: Answer all the questions. Reading Comprehension (25 Marks) Q1) Read this text carefully. Taj Mahal lies in India. It is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It has got very beautiful pools and gardens. It is pink in the early morning, white at midday and moonlit at night. Taj Mahal was the grave (tomb) for Mumtaz Mahal, the wife of the king Mahal. She was very beautiful and was the love of his life. She died in 1629 after the birth of their fourteenth child. The king didn't eat for eight days after her death and his black hair turned white. He decided to build a tomb in her memory. The master architect Ustad was from Turkey, Abdul Haq from Iran produced all the writing on the walls. The king decided to build the tomb near the Red Fort, the Royal Palace. Tai Mahal has got four minarets, a dome, a mosque and four small rivers. The builders built the whole building from white marble. A) Now answer (Five) of the following questions: (10 M) 1. Where does Taj Mahal lie? 2. What is the colour of Taj Mahal at midday? 3. When did the wife of the King die? 4. Why didn't the king eat for eight days? 5. Who was the master architect of Taj Mahal? 6. How many minarets does Taj Mahal have? B) Describe the following sentences whether they are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5 M) 1. Taj Mahal is the most beautiful garden in the world. 2. The king and his wife has got 14 children. 3. After the death of his wife the king was very sad. 4. The builders built Taj Mahal from marble. 5. The Turkish architect produced all the writing on the walls. 6. Mumtaz Mahal was the love of the King's life. C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: (10 M) 1. How long did it take to build the Tigris? (Answer) 2. How many seats does the "Panther 3.0D" have? (Answer) 3. Do we need a lot of patience in blanket weaving hobby? (Answer) 4. There would soon be no rare birds because of falconry. (True / False) 5. Rice, wheat and barley are known as …..............……. (Complete) 6. Ibraheem moved to Baghdad when he was 17. (True / False) 7. The capital of Sudan is Khartoum. (True / False) Q2) Grammar and Functions. (20 M.) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M) 1. What's your favourite hobby? (Express your preference. Use "fishing") 2. I fell down and broke …........... hand. (Use the proper noun) 3. Apologize for your father for coming late. 4. Fareed is bad at English. (Make this sentence more polite.) Freed is ........................ 5. Let's play a game of chess. (Accept) 6. What do you say when you ask someone to show you the way to the hospital? 7. Define a fire fighter. (Use: puts out the fire in the buildings and cars) B) Choose the correct choice: (Do 5 only) (10 M) 1. How about ...................a TV film? (a. watch b. watching c. to watch) 2. If there ................... no spiders, there would be more insect. (a is b. are c. were) 3. Which is ................... cleverest student in the class? (a. the b. a c. the most) 4. Zahraa did................................

(a. well yesterday in the exam b. in the exam well yesterday c. well in the exam yesterday) 5. My watch ..................in the market last week. (a. stolen b. was stolen c. is stolen) 6. We enjoy ........................ near the beach. (a. camping b. camped c. to camp)

اسئلة الدور الثالث لسنة 2017

Page 21: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 20 -

Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks) Vocabulary (15 marks) A) Choose the words from the list that match these definitions. (Choose 5 only) (5 M) (falcon, flat, refinery, hobby, ancient, talk show) 1. very old. 2. without mountains. 3. conversations between famous people. 4. A factory for changing sugar and oil from natural state. 5. the fastest bird in the world. 6. something you do in your spare time. B) Match the words in List (A) with the suitable words in List (B): (Choose 5 only) (5 M) List A: 1. borrow 2. win 3. do 4. kick 5. watch 6. drive List B: a. gymnastic b. a story c. television d. a car e. a ball f. a medal C) Choose the most suitable answer: (Do 5 only) (5 M) 1. My house is (next to / over) the park. 2. If you get a better job, you can (pay / earn) more money. 3. Ibrahim was (interesting / interested) in animals from his early age. 4. Lucy is an (actor / actress) in new TV comedy. 5. Nurses look after (the patients / the doctors) in the hospitals. 6. I was very excited because my favourite team (won / lost) 4 – 1. D) Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and punctuation marks. (5 M) ammar didnt buy this brown egyptian suit from the mall last monday Q4) Story time: A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M) 1. What does the deer focus on when the labour pains begin? (Answer) 2. What was Kareem's dream? (Answer) 3. The son looked at his father with disgust. (True / False) 4. What did the professor return with when he went to the kitchen? (Answer) 5. How old was Salam Ahmed? (Answer) 6. How many times had Kareem read Al - Nawab's poems? (Answer) B) Spelling: Write the missing words. (Choose 5 Only) (10 M) 1. good X bad; dark, ......................... 2. do, did; spend, ........................ 3. Iraq, Iraqi; Lebanon, …...........…...

4. slow, slowly; happy, ................ 5. car, cars; box, ……......…….

6. small, smaller; helpful, ............... Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either (A) or (B): A) Write about your life. Make use of these questions: How old are you? Which class are you in? Where do you live? What do you feel about school? What subjects do you like? What are your hobbies? What job would you like to do? Why?

B) Write about a TV program. Use the following phrases in your paragraph: very interesting / about …... / very funny / the report was amazing / give details about the program / Did you make use of it? How?

Page 22: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 21 -

الأجوتة النموذجة الدور الثالث لسنة 2017

Q1/ A) 1- In India. 2- White. 3- In 1629 after the birth of their fourteenth child. 4- Because of the death of his wife. 5- Ustad. 6- Four minarets. Q2/ A) 1- I like fishing 2- my 3- I'm sorry. او I'm sorry for coming late. 4- Fareed is not very good at English. 5- Yes, let's. 6- Can you tell me how to get to the hospital? 7- A fire fighter is someone who puts out the fire in the buildings and cars. Q3/ A) 1- ancient 2- flat 3- talk show 4- refinery 5- falcon 6- hobby D) Ammar didn't buy this brown Egyptian suit from the mall last Monday. Q4/ A) 1- The deer focuses on giving birth to a new life. 2- To be a famous poet. 3- False. 4- A large pot of coffee and an assortment of cup. 5- Fifteen years old. 6- At least twice.

Q5 / ) احد الفرعنالانشاء )الإجاتة عل ) A. عن حاتن( الراتعة انشاء الوحدة( B. عن ترنامج تلفزون( الخامسة انشاء الوحدة(

B) 1- light 2- spent 3- Lebanese 4- happily 5- boxes 6- more helpful

B) 1- b. a story 2- f. a medal 3- a. gymnastic 4- e. a ball 5- c. television 6- d. a car

C) 1- next to 2- earn 3- interested 4- actress 5- the patients 6- won

B) 1- b. watching 2- c. were 3- a. the 4- c. well in the exam yesterday 5- b. was stolen 6- a. camping

C) 1- Two months. 2- Eight seats. 3- Yes, we do. 4- True 5- crops 6- False 7- True

B) 1- F 2- T 3- T 4- T 5- F 6- T

Page 23: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 22 -

Republic of Iraq - Ministry of Education Feb. 2018 Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time: 3 Hours Note: Answer all questions. Reading Comprehension Q1/ Read the following passage carefully. A) Tariq is in the third intermediate class. He is 15 years today and he is having a birthday today. Tariq is wearing a new white suit and tie. His family brought a lot of cake, juice and candies to celebrate their son's birthday's party. His family also decorated the Gest and dining rooms and invited their relatives. Tariq send emails of invitation to his friends to attend his birthday party. His father and mother bought their parents a new mobile phone and a watch to him. His friends will come and bring their presents. Tariq and his family, relatives and his friends are going to have a nice time together. They are going to eat, drink, sing and take photos. Now Tariq and his parents are receiving the guests. He is busy but he feels very excited. Now answer FIVE of the following questions: 1- What's Tariq having today? 2- Why did Tariq send emails of invitation to his friends? 3- What colour is Tariq's suit? 4- Who are going to have a nice time together? 5- How does Tariq feel? 6- What did Tariq's family bring to celebrate his birthday? B) Describe whether the following statements are true or false. (Choose 5 only) 1- Tariq's perants sent emails to Tariq's friends. 2- Tariq is in the first intermediate class. 3- No one of his family will celebrate Tariq's birthday. 4- Tariq wears a new white suit and tie in his birthday party. 5- His friends will bring a lot of cake, juice and candles to his party. 6- Tariq's family decorated two rooms of their house and invited their relatives. C) Answer FIVE of the following questions using the information from your textbook. 1- Before falconery the bedouins used to eat a lot of meat. (true / false) 2- Ibrahim was interested in animals from an ................... (complete) 3- Ibn AL-Haytham was born in 965 in ................... (complete) 4- The Panther 3.0D has seats for 8 people. (True / False) 5- Where were the first Asian Games held? 6- Can sometimes a hobby turn into a job? Use of English Q2/ Grammar, function and punctuation. A/ Do as required. (Choose 5 only) 1- Mazin visits his uncle every weekend. (Negative) 2- Sara is bad at English. (Make the sentence more polite) Sara .................... at English. 3- (15:5) (Tell the time) 4- I like swimming, do you? ............... I prefer....................... (Complete the preference, use "tennis") 5- Define a doctor. (treat sick people) 6- How about (send) an email to our friends? (Correct) B) Choose the correct answer. (Choose 5 only) 1- Some bacteria are useful to ................... (a. ours b. us c. ours) 2- I saw the man ................... house was sold yesterday. (a. who b. which c. whose) 3- I would help you with your work if I .................. spare time. (a. have b. had c. has) 4- I'd rather ................. at home because of the coldness. (a. stay b. stayed c. to stay) 5- Selma has .................... and brown eyes. (a. straight hair black b. straight black hair c. hair straight black) 6- Crops .................... by the marsh Arabs. (a. grow b. are grow c. are grown)

اسئلة الامتحان التمهد لسنة 2018

Page 24: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 23 -

Q3/ Vocabulary and Punctuation. Vocabulary. A) Choose words that match these definitions from the list below. (Choose five only) (quiz show, adults, queue, fuel, documentary, refinery) 1- It makes cars, boats and plane move. 2- A question and answer programme. 3- A factory for changing sugar and oil from their natural state. 4- People who are not children. 5- Three or more people waiting in a line. 6- It gives information about one subject. B) Match the words in list (A) with the suitable words in list (B). (Choose 5 only) List (A): 1. curly 2. information 3. talk 4. insect 5. disc 6. head List (B): a. show b. proof c. teacher d. hair e.desk f. brakes C) Complete the following sentences with the suitable words. (Choose 5 only) 1- The car has air conditioning to help you (listen to music / keep cool) 2- Nurses look (for / after) patients in the hospitals. 3- TV presenters have to speak (carefully / careful). 4- His dreams was to be a famous (poem / poet). 5- Muna (cooks / eats) the dinner every day because her mother is ill. 6- Hisham (scored / played) a goal in the final match last week. D) Rewrite the following sentences using capital letters and punctuation marks. are you a movie fan no im not Q4/ Story time & Spelling. A) Story time. Do as required. (Choose 5 only) 1- How old was Salim Ahmed? 2- There is a big prize for the customer .................... (Complete) 3- How did the deer face the negative thoughts and dangers? 4- After Karim had read AL-Nawab's poems, he found them very ................... (Complete) 5- The deer was boxed in by her (a. labour pains b. natural predators) (Choose) 6- The alumni are from different Iraqi provinces. (true / false) B) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) 1- long, longer; sad, ....................... 2- Iraq, Iraqi; Lebanon, ...................... 3- I, me; they, ....................... 4- happy, sad; beautiful, ........................ 5- slow, slowly; easy, ......................... 6- do, did; laugh, ............................ Q5/ Written Component Choose either A or B: A) Write an email describing a friend to a relative. Write about: his / her appearance and character. Make use of the following words: creative, helpful, short black hair, friendly, kind, good fun, sporty, hard-working, his / her favourite lesson / hobbies.

B) Write about a country making use of these points: the name of the country, its capital, site, population, crops, animals, exports, imports.

Page 25: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 24 -

اجوتة اسئلة الامتحان التمهد للثالث المتوسط ٨١٠٢Q1/

A) 1. he is having birthday. 2. to attend his birthday party. 3. White suit. 4. Tariq, his friends, his family and his relative. 5. He is very excited. 6. A lot of cake, Juice and candle. Q2/ A) 1. Mazin doesn't visit… 2. Sara is not very good at English. 3. It is three five 4. I don't. I prefer playing tennis. 5. A doctor is someone who treats sick people. 6. A wolf is smaller than a bear 7. How about sending… Q3/ A) 1. fuel 2. Quiz show 3. Refinery 4. adult 5. queue 6. documentary D) Are you a movie fan no? I’m not.

Q4/ A) 1.15 years old 2. number 50 3 . with calmness 4 . interesting 5 . natural predators 6. true

Q5/ :الاجاتة عن فرع واحد( -)الانشاء A) . )وصف صدق( الاول الوحدة انشاء

B) . )عن دولة او تلد( الساتعة وحدةلانشاء ا

B) 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F

C) 1. F 2. an early age 3. Basra 4.T 5. New Delhi 6. Yes, it can

B) 1. us 2. Whose 3. had 4. To stay 5. b 6. are grown

B) 1. Sadder 2.Lebanon 3.Them 4.ugly 5.easily 6.laughed

B) 1.Curly hair 2.information desk 3. disk brakes 4.talk show 5.insect proof 6.head teacher

C) 1.Keep cool 2.After 3.Carefuly 4.poet 5.cooks 6.Scored

Page 26: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 25 -

Republic of Iraq -Ministry of Education Jun. 2018 Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time: 3 Hours Note: Answer all the questions Reading Comprehension (25 Marks) Q1) A) Read this text carefully. When the plane came near to the airport, everyone knew that something was wrong the plane was shaking strongly through the air the passengers fastened their seat-belts but they were suddenly thrown towards. Then the flight – attendant appeared, she looked very pale but was calm. She told the passengers that the pilot felt sick and couldn’t continue flying and asked if any of the passengers knows how to drive a car. After a moment a man went into the pilot’s cabin. He took his seat and listened carefully to the instructions sent by radio from the airport below. The man guided the plane towards the airfield. He did his best but the plane shook strongly when it touched the ground and after a long run it stopped safely. Outside, a lot of people rushed towards to congratulate the pilot on the safe landing. Now answer (five) of the following questions: 1. How did the fight – attendant look when she appeared? 2. Could the man land safely in the airport? 3. Why did a lot of people rush towards the plane after landing? 4. What did the fight – attendant tell the passengers? 5. Did the passengers fasten their seat – belts? 6. Why was the plane shaking through the air? B) Describe whether the following statements are (True) or (False). (Choose 5 only) 1. The passengers knew that something was wrong when the plane was far from the airport. 2. The fight – attendant was pale because the passengers didn’t fasten their seat – belts. 3. The pilot felt sick so he couldn’t fly the plane. 4. The plane touched the ground strongly and burned. 5. The flight – attendant asked the passengers if there was anyone who could treat the pilot. 6. The man guided the plane and listened carefully to the instructions sent from the airport. C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your textbook. 1. Sudan has a coastline on the Mediterranean sea. (T / F) 2. What was Ibn Al – Haitham’s famous book called? 3. Samara’s brother is older than her. (T / F) 4. The “Panther 3. 2 D” has seats for ...................... (Complete) 5. How do many people fine fishing? 6. What crops are grown by the Marsh Arabs? Use of English (40 Marks) Q2) Grammar, Functions and Punctuation (20 M.) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. Define a doctor. (Use: treats sick people) 2. Express your dislike concerning flies. 3. Phones are less expensive than tablets. (Re-write the sentence) Tablets are ........................ than phones. 4. (15:5) (tell the time). 5. She’s bad at physics. She’s ......................... at physics. (Make the sentence more polite) 6. Invite your friend to go with you on a picnic. (Use: “would you like”) B) Fill in the blanks with the correct choice: (Choose 5 only) 1. He broke his leg playing football. His leg .......................... in the football match. (a. was breaking b. broke c. was broken) 2. Hilla is greener than .......................be. (a. it used to b. it was used c. it used) 3. If there .....................no spiders, there would be more insects. (a. are b. was c. were) 4. Mazin bought the house ....................garden is very beautiful. (a. who b. whose c. which) 5. The Bedouin used .............. falcons to catch birds for food. (a. their b. there c. them) 6. A mouse is not ............... a rat. (a. bigger b. biggest c. as big as)

اسئلة الدور الاول لسنة 2018

Page 27: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 26 -

Q3/ Vocabulary and Punctuation (20 Marks) Vocabulary (15 M.) A) Choose words from the list below that match the following definitions: (Choose 5 only) (5.M)

{ predator, hobby, weather forecast, quiz show, flat, exports} 1. a question and answer programme 2. things that a country produces and sells to other countries 3. without mountains 4. a bird that hunts or kills other birds 5. information about sun, rain and temperature 6. something you do in your spare time B) Match the words or phrases in list (A) with the suitable words in list (B). (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) List A: 1. play 2. score 3. repair 4. put out 5. take care of 6. borrow List B: a. cars b. some books c. a goal d. sick people e. a computer game f. fires C) Complete the following sentences with the suitable words between brackets. (Choose 5 only) (5M.) 1. Cars have GPS so that you (can’t / can) be lost. 2. My brother is very (hard working / lazy). He always does extra homework. 3. I was looking (for / after) my shoes so I came late. 4. Cows and goats (make / produce) milk. 5. If someone is unable to walk easily, they may need a (spectacles / wheelchair). 6. There were no chairs so we have to sit on (the / a) floor. D) Punctuation (5 M.) Re-write the following sentences using capital letters and punctuation marks: my mother is afraid of dogs so am i Q4/ Story time & Spelling (20 Marks) A) Story time: Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. When the professor went to the kitchen, what did he return with? 2. Kareem’s dream was ........................... (Complete) 3. What was the priority of the deer when it was surrounded by dangers? 4. What did the editor say to the reporters? 5. To the right what does the deer spot approaching? 6. The son looked at his father in disgust. (True / False) B) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) 1. happy x sad; beautiful x ................... 2. Iraq, Iraqi; Sudan, ............... 3. long, longer; heavy, ......................... 4. I, me; he, ............................. 5. look, looked; win, ...................... 6. Book, books; wife, ........................ Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either A or B: A) Write an e-mail. Invite your friend to attend your graduation ceremony in your school. Tell him / her about the date and the time of the ceremony.

B) Write about a TV. Program. / about ... / very exciting / the information was amazing / give details about ...

Page 28: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 27 -

اجوتة اسئلة الدور الاول النموذجة لسنة 2018

Q1/ A/ 1. She looked very pale but was calm. 2. Yes, he could. 3. to congratulate the pilot on the safe landing. 4. She told the passengers that the pilot felt sick and couldn't continue flying. 5. Yes, they did. 6. because the pilot felt sick and couldn't continue flying. B/ 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T

Q2/ A/ 1. A doctor is someone who treats sick people. 2. I don't like spiders, I hate spiders. 3. Tablets are more expensive than phones. 4. It's three five. او It's five past three. 5. She's not very good at physics. 6. Would you like to go with me on a picnic?

Q3/ A/ 1. quiz show 2. exports 3. flat 4. predator 5. weather forecast 6. hobby

D/ My mother is afraid of dogs. So am I.

Q4/ A/ 1. A large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups 2. to be a famous poet 3. to give birth to her fawn 4. A big new restaurant is opening next Tuesday. 5. A hungry lion 6. F

Q5 الاجاتة عن فرع واحد -الانشاء: A/ ( جتخر حفلة رلحضى شخص ةعىدانشاء الوحدة الثانة) B/ (ىنتلفز ترنامج عن وتةا) انشاء الوحدة الخامسة

B/ 1. ugly 2. Sudanese 3. heavier 4. him 5. won 6. wives

B/ 1. was broken 2. it used to 3. were 4. whose 5. their 6. as big as

C/ 1. F 2. optics 3. F 4. eight people 5. more relaxing than sitting next to a beautiful lake or river. 6. Rice, wheat and barley.

B/ 1. play → e 2. score→ c 3. repair→ a 4. put out→ f 5. take care of→ d 6. borrow→ b

C/ 1. can't 2. hardworking 3. for 4. produce 5. wheelchair 6. the

Page 29: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 28 -

Republic of Iraq -Ministry of Education Jun. 2018 Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time: 3 Hours Note: Answer all the questions Reading Comprehension (25 Marks) Q1) Read this text carefully. My daughter, Jane, is fifteen years old. She never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year we were travelling across the channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more but they will certainly travel faster. The last letter of her pen friend contained an invitation to Jane to visit Holland and stay there for a week. Jane told me that she had accepted the invitation. A) Answer (Five) of the following questions: 1. Do the girls write to each other regularly now? 2. Where were the writer and his daughter travelling? 3. What did Jane throw into the sea? 4. What did the last letter contain? 5. When did Jane receive the first letter? 6. How long will Jane stay with her pen friend in Holland? B) Describe the following statements whether they are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) 1. Finally, both the girls decided to use the post office because letters will travel faster. 2. The writer and his daughter were travelling by plane. 3. Jane used to receive a lot of post-cards from a girl of her age in Holland. 4. Jane will stay with her pen friend for a week in Holland. 5. Jane’s penfriend has the same age as Jane. 6. She told her father she had refused her penfriend's invitation. C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: 1. Samara's brother fell in the pool with all his clothes on. (True / False) 2. Ibn al- Haitham was born in (Baghdad / Basra) (Choose) 3. When did the Asian Games begin? (Answer) 4. How fast can some falcons dive? (Answer) 5. Most ………............ live in arched houses built from reeds. (Complete) 6. What did Ibrahim look after for his father? (Answer) Q2) Grammar and Functions (20 Marks) A) Do as required. (Choose 5 only) 1. In the desert, a camel is more useful than a horse. (Re-write the sentence) In the desert, a horse is not as …………............ as …....................………. 2. Define firefighter. Use (Puts out fires) 3. Huda is bad at physics. (Make the sentence more polite) She is ……..............… at physics. 4. I like eating fish. Do you? .......................... I prefer ……............…. (Complete: Use “chicken) 5. Cows are bigger than goats. (Rewrite the sentence using small) Goats ….............…. cows 6. Invite your friend to have a cup of tea with you (Use: would like) 7. (14:5) Tell the time B) Choose the correct choice: (Choose 5 only) 1. Salim ……......…... his friend two days ago. a. will meet b. is going to meet c. met 2. They don’t like horror stories. …………..............….. a. Neither do I. b. So do I. c. Neither am I. 3. You'll miss the bus if you ……............…... get up soon. a. won’t b. don’t c. didn’t 4. Shatha has ………....… hair and brown eyes. a. straight black beautiful b. beautiful straight black c. black beautiful straight 5. My mother's wallet …........……. at the mall yesterday a. was stolen b. stole e. was stealing 6. The story …..........……. I borrowed from Mona was interesting. a. who b. where c. which

اسئلة الدور الاول - خارج العراق - لسنة 2018

Page 30: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 29 -

Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks) A) Choose the words from the list below that match the following definitions. (Choose 5 only) (talk show crops, weather forecast, brush, athletics, exports) 1. You can clean your teeth with it. 2. Things that a country produces and sells to other countries. 3. Information about sun, rain and temperature. 4. Activities like running, jumping and swimming. 5. Conversation between famous people. 6. Things that farmers grow. B) Match the verbs in List (A) with the suitable words and phrases in List (B). (Choose 5 only) List A: 1. have 2. go 3. score 4. do 5. repair 6. win List B: a. the broken car b. a point c. a rest d. fishing e. a game f. homework C) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words or phrases from the list below. (look after, of, so that, episode, population, vet) (Choose 5 only) 1. Cars have CD players …..........…… the drivers can listen to music. 2. Lucy really enjoyed filming the latest ……. because they go away as a family on a holiday. 3. The person who takes care of sick animals is called a …………........... 4. Fareed is afraid …....…… dogs. 5. Mariam should …........…... her little brother while her mother is away from home. 6. Most of the …..........…. in Libya live in and around the capital, Tripoli. D) Re -write the sentence below using capital letter and punctuation marks. did tariq travel to egypt last march Q4) Story Time and spelling: (20 Marks) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) 1. Who agreed to visit the old university professor? (Answer) 2. What's the name of the new book Kareem wants to buy? (Answer) 3. How did the deer face the negative thoughts and dangers? (Answer) 4. On Tuesday, Salam took his ………......... (Complete) 5. Kareem was the lucky customer who won the big prize. (True / False) 6. The boy bought his father (Complete) B) Spelling: (10 marks) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) 1. good × bad; dangerous × …...........……. 2. small, smaller; noisy, ….........………… 3. Iraq, Iraqi; France, ………..............… 4. slow, slowly; good, ………............…… 5. do, did; fly, ………................…. 6. I, my; we, ……….................…. Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either A or B A) Write about your life. Make use of the following questions and notes: How old are you? Where do you live? Your family. Where do you study now? What do you feel about school? What subjects do you like? Your hobbies? What job would you like to do? Why?

B) Write an e- mail to your friend. inviting him / her to your brother's wedding at the next weekend. Tell him / her about the date, the time and the place of the ceremony. 5 M. 5 M. 10 M. 10 M. 5 M.

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 30 -

اجوتة اسئلة الدور الاول - خارج العراق - لسنة 2018

Q1/ A/ 1. Yes, they did. 2. across the channel. 3. She threw the bottle into the sea. 4. An invitation to Jane to visit Holland. 5. Ten months later. 6. for a week.

B/ 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. False

Q2/ A/ 1. as useful as a camel 2. A fire fighter is someone who puts out fires. 3. not very good 4. I don’t. I prefer chickens. 5. are smaller than 6. Would you like to have a cup of tea with me? 7. It’s five past two. او It’s two five.

Q3/ A/ 1. brush 2. exports 3. weather forecast 4. athletics 5. talk show 6. crops

D/ Did Tariq travel to Egypt last March?

Q4/ A/ 1. A group of alumni from different Iraqi provinces. 2. Islands of Salt. 3. With calmness. 4. note book and camera. 5. True 6. Some food.

Q5/ واحدالاجاتة عن فرع -:الانشاء A) . الراتعة )عن حاتن( انشاء الوحدة

B) . الثانة )امل دعوة لصدق( انشاء الوحدة

B/ 1. c. met 2. a. Neither do I. 3. b. don’t 4. b. beautiful straight black 5. a. was stolen 6. c. which

B/ 1. safe 2. noisier 3. French 4. well 5. flew 6. our

C/ 1. True 2. Basra 3. In 1951 4. 240 kph 5. Marsh Arabs 6. Goats and chickens

B/ 1. c. a rest 2. d. fishing 3. b. a point 4. f. homework 5. a. the broken car 6. c. a game

C/ 1. so that 2. episode 3. vet 4. of 5. look for 6. population

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 31 -

Republic of Iraq -Ministry of Education Sep.: 2018 Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time: 3: Hours Note: Answer all the questions. Reading Comprehension (25 Marks) Q1) Read this text carefully. A mountain is an area of land over 300 meters high. Mountains are millions of years old. Different animals and plants live in different parts of a mountain. It is very cold and windy at the top of mountains and there is a lot of ice and snow. Also there is no much oxygen so no plants can throw there. In the middle part of a mountain, a lot of evergreen trees grow. They are called evergreen because they keep their leaves all year More types of wild animals can live here such as deers, wolves, bears, and birds. At the bottom of mountains, it is not so cold therefore many animals and plants live there including trees which lose their leaves in winter. People also build

towns and villages here. Mountains can be very difficult to cross and climb because of the snow and ice. Tourists

visit mountains for the beautiful sights and skiing. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. A) Answer (Five) of the following questions: 1. Why are plants in the middle part of a mountain called evergreen? 2. What is the weather like at the- top of mountains? 3. In what part of mountain can people build their towns and villages? 4. Tourists visit mountains for …………...………. (Complete)? 5. Can people live at the top of mountains? 6. What is a mountain? B) Describe the following statements whether they are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) 1. No plants can grow at the top of mountains because there is a lot of oxygen. 2. Because of the ice and snow, mountains can be very difficult to cross or climb. 3. The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. 4. Deers, wolves, bears, and birds are wild animals 5. There isn’t much oxygen in the middle part of a mountain. 6. There are many animals and plants at the bottom of mountain. C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: 1. Samara's brother is very clumsy and he's always having........................ (Complete) 2. How often are the Asian Games held? (Answer) 3. The Bedouin used to eat a lot of meat before falconry. (True / False) 4. Marsh Arabs live in arched house built from concrete and bricks. (True / False) 5. Ibrahim's small village was in...................... when he was child. (Complete) 6. Libya is mostly desert and always very hot. (True / False) Q2) Grammar and Functions (20 Marks) A) Do as required. (Choose 5 only) 1. Najat goes to the mall every weekend. (Question) 2. I like playing football. Do you? ……........…….. I prefer ……........……... (Complete. Use: "tennis") 3. Make suggestion to your little brother who has a toothache. (Use: " see the dentist") 4. Monkeys are more intelligent than bears. (Re-write the sentence using: as...as) Bears are not ………...…..

monkeys. 5. Define a policeman. (Use" protects people from the criminals) 6. Her father bought Layla a new camera last week. (Complete the sentence in passive) Layla ……..…….. a new camera last week. B) Choose the correct choice: (Choose 5 only) 1. Mazin drove ……..............….. (a. carefully yesterday in the trip b. yesterday carefully in the trip c. carefully in the trip yesterday) 2. They don't mind spiders. (a. Neither did I. b. Neither do I. c. So do I.) 3. There were no chairs so we have to sit on ……….............….. floor. (a. the b. a c. an ) 4. If I was going to a wild place, I ……..............…….. my father first. (a. told b. will tell c. would tell ) 5. My family decided to buy the house ….............……….. has a big garden. (a. where b. whose c. which) 6. I have lived in this village ….....….........…….. I was three years old. (a. since b. for c. from )

لسنةلثاني ا ورلدااسئلة (2018)

Page 33: 3rd Intermediate Class

حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 32 -

Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks) A) Choose the words from the list below that match the following definitions. (Choose 5 only)

(vet, advertisement , ancient , documentary , fishing, exports) 1. To sit by the river with a long, thin rod. 2. It gives information about one subject. 3. Things that a country produces and sells to other countries. 4. Someone who takes care of sick animals. 5. Very old. 6. Words or pictures to help sell things. B) Match the verbs in List (A) with the suitable words and phrases in List (B). (Choose 5 only) List A: 1. do 2. draw 3. listen to 4. win 5. have 6. fly C) Complete the following sentences with the suitable words between brackets. (Choose 5 only) 1. I'm too (strong / weak) to carry that heavy box. Can you help me? 2. TV. presenters have to speak (clearly / quickly) therefore people can understand them. 3. If you get a better job, you can earn / lose) more money. 4. Cars have GPS (because / so that) drivers can't be lost. 5. A (firefighter / doctor) is someone who works in a hospital or surgery and helps. 6. Ibrahim was interested (of / in) animals from an early age. D) Re -write the sentence below using capital letter and punctuation marks. I d like to accompany firas to turkey next november Q4) Story Time and spelling: (20 Marks) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) 1. What did Salam Ahmed want to be? (Answer) 2. What was the pregnant deer surrounded by when labour pains began? (Answer) 3. The alumni fully understood the moral lesson and made their ……....................…….. (Complete) 4. Did many customers watch the old man with love and respect? (Answer) 5. Kareem's dream was to be a famous doctor. (True / false) 6. The name of the new book Kareem wants to buy is ……................…….. (Complete) B) Spelling: (10 marks) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) 1. book, books; knife, ................................ 2. small, smaller ; good, …........................….. 3. clean, cleaned; leave, …............................. 4. happy, sad; hardworking, ……....................... 5. Iraq, Iraqi; Spain, .................................... Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either A or B A) Write about country. Make use of these notes: The name of the country / its capital / the site / the population / the crops / the climate / the exports ... B) Write about your life. Make use of these questions and notes below: Your name / you live in / your father, mother, sisters and brothers / Where do you stay now? / What do you feel about school? / the subjects you like and dislike / your hobbies / what do you want to be? Why?

List B: a. a picnic b. a medal c. the plane d. a map e. gymnastics f. the radio

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 33 -

الاجوتة النموذجة لسنة 2018 الدور الثانQ1/ A/ 1. because they keep their leaves all year round. 2. It's very cold and windy at the top of mountains and there is a lot of ice and snow. 3. at the top of mountains. 4. for the beautiful sight and skiing. 5. No, they can't. 6. A mountain is an area of land over 300 meter high. B/ 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. True

Q2/ A/ 1. Does Najat go to the mall every weekend? 2. I don't. I prefer tennis. 3. Why not see the dentist? 4. Bears are not as intelligent as monkeys. 5. A policeman is someone who protects people from the criminals. 6. Layla was bought a new camera last week.

Q3/ A/ 1. fishing 2. documentary 3. exports 4. vet 5. ancient 6. advertisement

D/ I'd like to accompany Firas to Turkey next November.

Q4/ A/ 1. A reporter. 2. A hunter, forest fire and a lion. 3. former professor feel happy. 4. No, they didn't. 5. False. 6. Islands of salt.

Q5/ :الاجاتة عن فرع واحد -الانشاء A/ )انشاء الوحدة الساتعة )اوتب عن تلد B/ (حاتنانشاء الوحدة الراتعة )اوتب عن

B/ 1. knives 2. better 3. left 4. lazy 5. Spanish 6. angrily

B/ 1. carefully in the trip yesterday. 2. Neither do I. 3. the 4. would tell 5. which 6. since

C/ 1. silly accidents 2. Every four years 3. F 4. F 5. the south of Iraq 6. F.

B/ 1. do → e 2. draw → d 3. listen to → f 4. win → b 5. have → a 6. fly → c

C/ 1. weak 2. clearly 3. earn 4. so that 5. doctor 6. in

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 34 -

اسئلة الدور الثان - خارج العراق - لسنة 2018Republic of Iraq- Ministry of Education Sep. / 2018 Examination in English for Intermediate schools Time / 3 Hours Note: Answer all the questions. Reading Comprehension. (25 Marks) Q1) Read this text carefully. People often collect things like stamps, books and records. They are common. But the strangest collection is that a man who collected 1500 clocks in his house. When you enter his house, you find clocks in every room of his house. The living-room is surrounded by shelves which were filled with clocks. Because there is not space for so many clocks, the man filled several bags with clocks and stored them in the garage. His wife suffers every day from the work she has to do, for it isn't easy to dust several hundred clocks. She also complains about the noise. Each clock keeps its own time, so that the alarm sounds can be heard anytime during the day and the night. She thinks there's something worse than dust and noise, she never knows what time it is! A) Now answer (Five) of the following questions: (10 M.) 1. What's the living-room surrounded? 2. Why does the wife suffer every day from the work? 3. What's the hobby of the man? 4. Does the wife always know what time is it? 5. How many clocks did the man collect? 6. What things do people often collect? B) Describe the following sentences whether they are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5M.) 1. The wife hears the alarm sounds during the day and the night. 2. The man stored several bags filled with books in the garage. 3. The wife feels happy and proud of the collection of clocks. 4. Because each clock keeps its own time the alarm sounds can be heard. 5. The wife can easily dust several hundred clocks every day. 6. The man's collection of clocks in his house is common. C) Answer (5) of the following questions using the information from your text book. (10 M.) 1. Why is Panther 3.0D a really safe car? 2. In the first episode, what did Samara's brother accidently put in his mother's tea? 3. How did the Bedouin use to hunt before falconry? 4. Marsh Arabs raise domestic ..................., some sheep and ................... (Complete) 5. What did the sport minister open in Basra? 6. In the supper school, there will be ................. and .................... (Complete) Q2) Grammar and Functions (20 Marks) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. Ahmed helped his father yesterday. (Negative) 2. Define a nurse. (Use: "takes care of sick people in hospitals") 3. Express your dislike concerning flies. 4. The dawn is more beautiful than the night. (Re-write the sentence, use "less beautiful") The night .................. the dawn. 5. I'm sorry I just dropped some tea on the table. (Respond to apology) 6. Rana fell down the stairs and broke ................... hand. (Use the proper pronoun) B) Choose the correct choice: (5 only) (10 M.) 1. If I was bitten by animal, I ................... to a doctor. (a. will go b . went c. would go ) 2. Traditional boats ................... as transport by the Marsh Arabs. (a. are used b. are using c. have use ) 3. The police arrested the thief ................. stole the money. (a. which b. who c. where) 4. Methaq played ...................... (a. well in the match last week b. well last week in the match c. in the match last week well) 5. Kut is greener than .................... be. (a. it used b. it used to c. it was used) 6. They'd rather ..................... football on the beach. (a. to play b. playing c. play)

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 35 -

Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation (20 Marks) Vocabulary (15 M.) A) Choose words from the list below that suit the following definition (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) [ flat, hobby, advertisement, documentary, reporter, stork ] 1. it gives information about one subject. 2. a tall long-legged bird. 3. someone who writes about events for a newspaper. 4. words or pictures to help sell things. 5. without mountains. 6. something you do in your spare time. B) Match the verbs in List (A) with the suitable words or phrases in List (B): (5 only) (5M.) List A: 1. do 2. cook 3. borrow 4. put out 5. watch 6. spend List B: a. the match b. sometime c. dinner d. shopping e. some books f. the fire C) Fill in the blanks with the suitable words or phrases from the list below. (Choose 5) (5 M.) [ wing , popular , quite , celebrated , clumsy , gum ] 1. In 2015, UNESCO ................... Ibn al-Haitham's achievements in optics, Math and astronomy. 2. Sudan is the world's main producer of .................. Arabic. 3. Football is the most ................... sport in many countries including Iraq, the UAE and the UK. 4. I found a bird with a broken ......................... in our garden. 5. The exam was ...................... difficult but not like the one last year. 6. Her brother is very........................ and always having silly accidents. D) Punctuation: (5 Marks) Re-write the following sentence using correct capital letters and punctuation marks: (5 M.) is he a pilot No he isnt Q4) Story Time & Spelling: (20 Marks) Story time: (10 Marks) A) Do as required :( Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. The alumni understood the moral lesson of the professor and went back to Iraq as wiser men. (True / False) 2. The deer gave birth to healthy fawn and overcame all the negative thoughts and danger. (True / False) 3. Why was the boy's father dropping food on his shirt and trousers? (Answer) 4. What was Kareem's big prize? (Answer) 5. To the right, the deer spots ....................... approaching her. (Complete) 6. What is the name of the new book Kareem wants to buy? (Answer) Spelling: (10 Marks) B) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. Iraq, Iraqi; Russia, …………… 2. bad, badly; happy, ……...........……… 3. small, smaller; useful, ………..............…… 4. old, new; expensive, ………..........…… 5. I, me; they, ……............……… 6. go, went; send, ………...........…… Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either A or B: A) Write an e-mail describing a friend to your brother Wisam. Write about his/her appearance and character. These words and phrases may help you: cool/good at load of things/ hard working sporty- tall/short, brown, curly hair/talkative / good fun/kind. B) Write about TV program. Make use of these words: Yesterday I watched very useful / about computers, athletes; wild animals, strange events or bad accidents / very funny / fearful / amazing useful information about .... / I can make use of .... / writing a report to my teacher

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 36 -

اجوتة اسئلة الدور الثان - خارج العراق - لسنة 2018 Q.1) A- 1. The living-room is surrounded by shelves which were filled with clocks. 2. She has to do, for it isn't easy to dust several hundred clocks. 3. collect clocks 4. No, she doesn’t. 5. The man collected 1500 clocks. 6. People often collect things like stamps, books and records. C- 1. because there are airbags for the driver and passengers and other safety features. 2. he accidently put salt instead of sugar in his mother’s tea. 3. The Bedouin used to hunt on camels. 4. Marsh Arabs raise domestic buffalo, some sheep and cattle. 5. He opened a new sports city in Basra. 6. sports facilities, a science park, a museum and a mosque. Q.2) A- 1. Ahmed didn’t help his father yesterday. 2. A nurse is someone who takes care of sick people in hospitals. 3. I don’t like flying. 4. The night is less beautiful than the dawn. 5. That’s Ok. 6. her Q.3) A- 1. documentary 2. stork 3. reporter 4. advertisement 5. flat 6. hobby Q.4) A- 1. True 2. True 3. Because he was very old and weak. 4. He will get to meet AL-Nawab. 5. a hungry lion 6. Islands of salt

Q.5) الاجاتة عن فرع واحد الانشاء A- الاول عن وصف صدق انشاء الوحدة

B- الخامسة عن ترنامج تلفزون انشاء الوحدة

B- 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. False

B- 1. c. would go 2. a. are used 3. b. who 4. a. well in the match last week 5. b. it used to 6. c. play

B- 1. d. 2. c. 3. e. 4. f. 5. a. 6. b.

C- 1. celebrated 2. gum 3. popular 4. wing 5. quite 6. clumsy

D- Is he a pilot? No, he isn’t.

B- 1. Russian 2. happily 3. more useful 4. cheap 5. them 6. sent

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 37 -

اسئلة الدور الثالث - لسنة 2018

Republic of Iraq - Ministry of Education Oct. / 2018 Examination in English for Intermediate schools Time / 3 Hours Note: Answer all the questions. Reading Comprehension (25 Marks) Q.1) Read this text carefully. One day, Rasha's school organized a celebration on mother's day. Rasha and her friends were happy to take part in the celebration. The school decided to produce a play. Rasha’s role in the play was a grandmother with grey hair. They decided to display it on that day. The play was fantastic and everybody was happy and they clapped a lot. Rasha and other students were excited but when Rasha left the stage, her friend Rana pushed her on the stairs. Rasha fell down and hurt her leg. She couldn’t walk so the headmistress brought a big board and put Rasha on it. Then they carried her to the nearby hospital. The doctor saw her and said that she must have an X-ray to make sure. A little later a nurse came and told Rasha that there was nothing serious and she could leave the hospital. A) Now answer (Five) of the following questions: (10 M.) 1. Who pushed Rasha on the stairs? 2. What was the role of Rasha in the play? 3. Why did the school celebrate that day? 4. Did Rasha break her leg? 5. Why was everybody happy and they clapped a lot? 6. What did the nurse tell Rasha? B) Describe the following sentences whether they are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) 1. The school celebrate the birthday of the headmistress that day. 2. They put Rasha on the board because she could not walk. 3. Rasha’s job was an actress and she played different roles on the theatre. 4. Rasha left the stage because she fell down and hurt her leg. 5. Rana was the headmistress of the school. 6. Rasha had to have an X-ray so the doctor could make sure. C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book. (10 M.) 1. The “Panther 3.2D” is actually very expensive. (True / False) 2. Pierre helped Ibrahim to ........................ (Complete) 3. Has Iraq won any medals in the Asian Games? (Answer) 4. Samara is the name of the girl Lucy plays. (True / False) 5. The sport’s city took (one / two / three) years to build. (Choose) 6. What is Libya’s main product? (Answer) Q.2) Grammar and functions (20 Marks) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. A bear is bigger than a wolf. (Rewrite the sentence: Use “as ... as”) A wolf is not ..................................... 2. Define a pilot. (Use: “flies a plane”) 3. You are a movie fan. (Make question) 4. Sorry I just dropped some orange juice on the table. (Respond to apology) 5. (16:10). Tell the time. 6. I like tennis. Do you? .......................... I prefer .......................... (preference. Use: football) B) Choose the correct choice: (5 only) (10 M.) 1. Crops such as barely, wheat and rice (are grow / grow / are grown) in the marshes. 2. That’s the engineer (who / which / where) designed the house. 3. Nada bought a (nice green French / green nice French / nice French green) dress. 4. There are disc brakes in every car (because / so / to) help you stop quickly. 5. Sameer (comes / came / will come) to the party if he has spare time. 6. I have lived in this house (since / for / ago) ten years.

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 38 -

Q.3) Vocabulary and Punctuation. (20 Marks) Vocabulary (15 M.) A) Choose words from the list below that suit the following definition (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)

{ reporter, character, advertisement, cartoons, falcon, narrow } 1. Funny picture. 2. Opposite of wide. 3. A person who writes about events for a newspaper. 4. The fastest birds in the world. 5. A person in a book , film or play. 6. Words or pictures to help sell things. B) Match the verbs in list (A) with the suitable words or phrases in list (B): (5 only) (5 M.) List A: 1. go 2. understand 3. spend 4. score 5. borrow 6. watch List B: a. the afternoon b. a camera c. a point d. television e. fishing f. the question C) Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the list below. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) { healthy, spectacles, on, architect, difficult, grow } 1. Go straight ..................... until you get the traffic lights. 2. Elephants ........................... very big but it takes many years. 3. His dream was to be famous ........................ . 4. At university some courses are quite easy and others are very ........................ . 5. Nawal is helping people in her city to have .............................. teeth. 6. I need ..................... to see clearly when I’m reading. D) Punctuation: (5 marks) Re-write the following sentences using correct capital letters and punctuation marks. (5 M.) They re not afraid of spiders neither am i Q.4) Story Time & spelling: (20 Marks) Story time: (10 Marks) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. The pregnant deer is trapped by the fire and fast flowing river. (True / False) 2. Salam’s first report was about the touching story of the boy and his father. (True / False) 3. What is the new collection of Al-Nawab’s poems called? (Answer) 4. Kareem had been saving up for months to be ................. . (Complete) 5. The Alumni went from the city centre to the professsor’s house by (train, plane, rickshaw). (Choose) 6. What did Salam take with him when he went to write his first report? Spelling: (10 Marks) B) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. good, bad; fast, .......................... 2. look, looked; worry, ....................... 3. long, longest; useful, ............................... 4. I, me; she, .......................... 5. Iraq, Iraqi; Algeria, ........................ 6. go, going; stop, ............................. Q.5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either A or B: (15 M.) A) Write an e-mail describing your friend. These notes may help you: his, her name / his, her age / the class / his, her personality: kind, friendly, helpful / his, her likes and dislike .... drawing – football – swimming B) Write an imaginary story based on something you have read or seen on TV. Make sure of the following

items: funny / horrible / unexpected / sad or happy / your feelings.

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 39 -

اجوتة اسئلة الدور الثالث – لسنة 2018


A- 1. Rana 2. A grandmother 3. Mother's Day 4. No, she didn't 5. Because the play was fantastic. 6. There was nothing serious and Rasha could leave the hospital. B- 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. False 6. True Q.2 A- 1. as big as a bear. 2. A pilot is someone who flies a plane. 3. Are you a movie fan? 4. That's O.k. or Don't mention it. 5. It is four ten. or It is ten past four. 6. I don’t. I prefer football. Q.3 A- 1. Cartoons 2. Narrow 3. Reporter 4. Falcon 5. Character 6. Advertisement C- 1. On 2. Grow 3. Architect 4. Difficult 5. Healthy 6. Spectacles Q.4 A- 1. True 2. True 3. Islands of Salt 4. The first to buy the latest book by his favourite poet. 5. Rickshaw 6. A notebook and camera.

Q.5 الاجاتة عن فرع واحد الانشاء A- الاول عن وصف صدق انشاء الوحدة

B- خالة متنة عل شئا ما لراته او شاهدته عل التلفازالثامنة النموذج الثان حول لصة انشاء الوحدة

C- 1. False 2. Learn French 3. Yes, it has 4. True 5. Three 6. Oil

B- 1. E 2. F 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D

D- They're not afraid of spiders. Neither am l.

B- 1. Are grown 2. Who 3. Nice green French 4. To 5. Will come 6. For

B- 1. Slow 2. Worried 3. Most useful 4. Her 5. Algerian 6. Stopping

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 40 -

اسئلة التمهد لسنة - 2019Republic of Iraq-Ministry of Education Feb. 2019 Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time: 3 Hours Note: Answer all the questions. Reading Comprehension (25 Marks) Q1) Read this text carefully: Linda went to a huge shop to look for a new dress last week. She took her little boy Jalal. He was more than one year old. When she reached there, she put her little boy on a chair and said, “Don't move, Jalal.” After a short time, Linda looked around. She was sure it was only a minute later, Jalal was not there. She ran round the shop looking for him and calling his name. But there was no good. She ran outside and looked up and down the pavement but there was no sign of him. She was sure he was under a car. She was very frightened. Then two women came round the corner with Jalal. He was laughing. The two women were looking for a policeman because they knew he was lost. They found him standing by Zebra Crossing a hundred meters from the shop. He walked all that way alone. Linda was very happy to find him with no broken legs and arms. At last Linda promised that she would never take her eyes off him again. A) Now answer (Five) of the following questions: (10 M.) 1. Where did Linda take her little boy? 2. Why were the two women looking for a policeman? 3. What did Linda promise to do with her little boy? 4. How old was Jalal? 5. Where did the women find Jalal? 6. Was the little boy crying when the two women brought him? B) Describe whether the following statements are (True) or (False( (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) 1. Linda went to a huge shop to look for her little boy, Jalal. 2. She was very frightened and she was sure Jalal was under a car. 3. Jalal walked from the chair to the Zebra Crossing alone. 4. Linda found her little boy with broken legs and arms. 5. At last Linda could buy a beautiful dress from the shop. 6. Linda put Jalal on a chair and told him not to move. C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: (10 M.) 1. How long did the sport's city take? (Answer) 2. Weavers use wool only to create beautiful patterns. (True/False) 3- What's the name of the girl Lucy plays? (Answer) ........... live in arched houses built from reeds. (Complete) 5. There's loads of space inside " Panther 3.0D. (True / False) 6. Tripoli is the capital of …….............… (a. Sudan b. Egypt c. Libya) (Choose) Q2) Grammar and Functions. A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. Farouq (be) in the north of Iraq last month. (Correct the verb) 2. Gold is more expansive than silver. (Re-write the sentence as follows, Use: “cheap”) Silver …….….. than gold. 3. Define a lawyer. (Use: “advises people about law”) 4. Hind is bad at history. She's not .................. at history. (make the sentence more polite) 5. 13:10. Tell the time. 6. I, to Syria, in the holidays, by bus, travelled. (Put in order to make sentence) 7. let's play tennis, (Accept this suggestion) B) Choose the correct choice: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. Huda has ……...........….. hair. (a. brown beautiful curly b. beautiful curly brown c. beautiful brown curly) 2. Cars have air conditioning ……........…… help you keep cool. (a. to b. because c. so) 3. In falconry sport too many rare birds (a. killed b. might kill c. might be killed) 4. You ……............….., the exam if you don't study hard. (a. would fail b. will fail c. failed) 5. Do you know the name of the town ………..................…. he was born. (a. which b. who c. where) 6. Some bacteria are useful to us ……...........……….. (a. our b. us c. ours)

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 41 -

Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks) A) Choose the words from the list below that match the following definitions. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) (crops , fawn , documentary , falcon , author , queue ) 1. another word for a writer. 2. the fastest bird in the world. 3. a young deer in the first year 4. things that farmers grow 5. three or more people in line 6. it gives information about one subject. B) Match the words in List (A) with the suitable words or phrases in List (B). (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) List A: 1. drop 2. grow 3. understand 4. do 5. fly 6. lose C) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words from the list below: (Choose 5 only) (5 M.) [praised , equipment , owls , into , opportunity , zoology] 1. His novel was translated ………...........……. Latin and many languages. 2. School is good ………..........……. to prepare for a university education. 3. Ibrahim studied ………….........…. at Cairo university. 4. Young people should be ……….............……., when they help the older generation. 5. …….............………. hunt and kill small animals at night. 6. The new clinic of Nawal Ramzi uses modern ……….........……… D) Punctuation: (5 Marks) Re- write the sentences below using correct capital letters and punctuation marks. (5 M.) would you like to swim in the pool yes, i'd love to Q4) Story Time and spelling: (20 Marks) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. What made the Indian professor feel happy? (Answer) 2. Why did the father drop food on his shirt and trousers? (Answer) 4. The pregnant deer is boxed by a hungry lion approaching her. (True / False) 5. The pregnant deer focuses on the negative thought and dangers. (True / False) 6. The Alumni went from the city centre to the professor's house by (plane / train / rickshaw). (Choose) B) Spelling: Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (10 M.) 1. good, bad; noisy, ..................... 2. look, looked; try, .......................... 3. long, longer; wet, ……..............…….. 4. I, my; they, …....................…… 5. Iraq, Iraqi; Australia, ……..................…….. 6. book, books; story, ……..................……. Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either A or B: A) Write about country. These items may help you: It lies ... It's capital. It's population. It's crops, animal. It's exports. B) Write an e- mail of invitation: Invite your friend, Salam to go to the national theatre. There is a good play on next Saturday 25" November at 6 a.m. The price of the ticket is 25000 IQD. You'll get tickets on the internet. Tell him to let you know if he is ready to come.

List B: a. gymnastic b. the lesson c. the plane d. some water e. the game f. vegetables

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حسن عتس المال -اعداد الاستاذ: -مادة اللغة الانولزة للصف الثالث متوسط لجوتة الا الاسئلة الوزارة معنماذج Page - 42 -

اجوتة اسئلة التمهد - لسنة 2019

Q.1 A- 1. To a huge shop 2. because they knew he was lost. 3. Linda promised that she would never her eyes off him again 4. More than one year 5. They found him standing by Zebra Crossing 6. No, he wasn't B- 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T

Q.2 A- 1. was 2. is cheaper 3. A lawyer is someone who advises people 4. very good 5. It's one ten. Or It's ten past one. 6. I travelled by bus to Syria in the holidays 7. Yes, let's.

Q.3 A- 1. author 2. falcon 3. fawn 4. crops 5. queue 6. documentary

Q.4 A- 1. The alumni fully understood the lesson. 2. Because he was very old and weak 3. be a famous poet 4. true 5. false 6. rickshow Q.5 الاجاتة عن فرع واحد الانشاء A- الساتعة عن دولة او تلد انشاء الوحدة

B- الثانة امتل دعوة لصدق انشاء الوحدة

C- 1. Three years 2. False 3. Samara 4. Arab Marshes 5. True 6. Libya

B- 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. b

B- 1. d 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. e

D- Would you like to swim in the pool? Yes, I love to.

B- 1. noisier 2. tried 3. wetter 4. their 5. Australian 6. stories

C- 1. into 2. opportunity 3. zoology 4. praised 5. owls 6. equipment

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Republic of Iraq -Ministry of Education Jun. : 2019 Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time : 3: Hours Note: Answer all the questions. 2019 ( الدور الاول) Reading Comprehension (25 Marks) Q1) Read this text carefully.

Martin worked in a factory in a big town. He liked fishing very much, and was very good at it. Whenever he was free, he went down to a small river behind the factory and tried to catch fish, but there were very few there because the water was dirty. Then in his holidays he went to the seaside and stayed in a cheap hotel. On his first day he fished in the sea and caught a lot of fish. He was very happy. He gave them to the hotel. They cooked them for all the guests and they enjoyed them very much. After that, he did this every day. But when Martin got his bill at the end of the week, he saw on it : ‘’ For oil to fry fish ( 7 days ) :

£ 3.50.’’ A) Answer (Five) of the following questions: 10.M 1. What was Martin's hobby? 2) Why were there very few fish in the small river? 3. Where did Martin go on his holiday? 4. Why was Martin very happy on the first day of his holiday? 5. Did Martin sell the fish to the hotel? 6. Where did Martin stay during his holiday? B) Describe the following statements whether they are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) 1. Martin caught a lot of fish in the sea. 2. The small river was in front of the factory that Martin worked in. 3. He was very bad at fishing. 4. Martin had to pay£ 3.50 for oil to fry the fish. 5. Whenever Martin is free, he went to the seaside to catch fish. 6. The guests enjoyed eating the fish Martin gave to the hotel. C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: (10. M) 1. 11 The Panther 3.0D II has no standard features. ( True / false) . 2. Pierre helped Ibrahim learn French. ( True / False ) 3. How long did the sports city take? 4. The first Asian Games were held in .. .... .. .. . ( a. Iraq b. India c. Qatar ) 5. Ibn AI-Haitham was born in .......... in ............. (Complete) 6. Who are the Bedouin? 7. What crops are grown by the marsh Arabs? 02) Grammar and Functions. (20 Marks) A) Do as required. (Choose 5 only) 1. There is an escalator in the mall. ( Question ) 2. Zeid is unfriendly. ( Make the sentence more polite) 3. A bear is bigger than a wolf. ( Rewrite the sentence. Use : ‘’ as ... as ") A wolf ....... . 4. ( 16.10 ). ( Tell the time) 5. My favourite game is football. Agree to his preference. 6. Agree to your friend's suggestion to study English together? B) Choose the correct choice: (Choose 5 only)

1. Hana'a bought two .......... shirts last week. ( a. nice French cotton b. nice cotton French c. French nice cotton ) 2. If Haitham passed his exam, he .......... the university. (a. will join b. would have joined c. would join) 3. We don't like .......... noise in the classroom. (a. make b. making c. makes) 4. Jamal drove his car ........... . ( a. carefully in the city yesterday b. in the city carefully yesterday c. carefully yesterday in the city) 5. The students .......... English at this moment. ( a. are reading b. will read c. were reading) 6. I have been living in this village .......... 2010. (a. for b. since c. ago)

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Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks) A) Choose the words from the list below that match the following definitions. (Choose 5 only) ( concert , engine , pilot , documentary , predator , tooth brush ) 1. someone who flies a plane .......... . 2. a bird that hunts and kills other birds ... ........ . 3. you can clean your teeth with this ………….. 4. it makes cars, boats and planes move ........... . 5. you go to one of these to hear someone sing or play music ........... . 6. it gives information about one subject ........... . B) Match the words in List ( A ) with the proper nouns or phrases in List ( B ): ( Do 5 only ) . List A: 1. charity 2. wind 3. car 4. graduation 5. video 6. swimming List B: a. game b. ceremony c. pool d. event e. park f. proof C) Complete the following sentences with the most suitable words: ( Do 5 only ) 1. A vet is a person who ( sells and buys I takes care of) sick animals. 2. Rafal can't help me now. She is ( cooking I drawning ) some pictures for the exhibition. 3. Cars have (airbags I GPS) so that drivers can't be lost. 4. Marsh Arabs ( raise I grow) buffalos, some sheep and cattle. 5. The old man needs ( spectacles I wheel chair) because he is unable to see clearly. 6. The player ( kicked I scored ) a goal in the extra time. D) Re -write the sentence below using capital letter and punctuation marks. i think muneer wont go to hilla next friday. Q4) Story Time and spelling: (20 Marks) A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) 1. What's the name of the new book Kareem wants to buy? (Answer) 2. The deer is trapped by .......... and ............. ( Complete ) 3. Because the father was very old and weak, he was dropping the food on his shirt and trousers.( True / False ) 4. Who was the lucky boy who won the special offer last year? (Answer) 5. Where are the Alumni from? 6. Did the Alumni understand the moral lesson of the different cups? B) Spelling: (10 marks) Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) 1. tall , taller ; terrible , .......... . 2. happy, unhappy polite, .... ...... . 3. I , me ; we , .......... . 4. car, cars ; story, .......... . 5. do , doing ; hit , .......... . 6. Iraq, Iraqi ; Egypt , .......... .

Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks) Choose either A or B A) Write an e-mail describing a friend to( your uncle Salim I or your aunt Rana). These words may help you: Your friend's name is ...... ... / creative / hardworking / good at / short / slim / black short hair / brown eyes. B) Write about a TV. program. These words may help you: Wild life / amazing / very exciting / about ... / useful information / It gives clear details ...

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2019لنموذجیة(الدور الاول)ا الاجوبة

Q1/ A) 1- fishing 2- because the water was dirty. 3- he went to the seaside. 4- he fished in the sea and caught a lot of fish. 5- No, he didn’t. 6- stayed in a cheap hotel Q1/ B/1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. True. Q1/C/ 1. False 2. True 3. Three years, 4. India. 5. in 965 in Basra, 6. They are people from the deserts of Arabia, 7- rice, wheat and barley. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Q2.A/ 1.Is there an escalator in the mall? 2. Zeid is a bit unfriendly. 3. A wolf is not as big as a bear. 4. It’s four ten (Or) It’s ten past four. 5. So am I. 6. Yes, lets. (Or) That’s good idea. B/ 1. a. nice French cotton 2. c. would join 3. b. making 4. a. carefully in the city yesterday 5- a. are reading 6. b. since …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Q3.A/ 1. pilot 2. predator 3- tooth brush 4. engine 5. concert 6. documentary B/ 1. 1. charity d. event 2. wind f. proof 3. car e. park 4. graduation b. ceremony 5. video a. game 6. swimming c. pool C/ 1- takes care of 2- drawing 3- GPS 4- raise 5. spectacles 6. scored D/ I think Muneer won’t go to Hilla next Friday. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Q4.A/ 1. Island of Salt . 2. The fire and fast-flowing river 3. True 4. Salam Ahmed 5- Two from Al-Muthana , two from Diyala , one from Tikrit and one from Dhiqar. 6. Yes, they did. B/ 1. more terrible 2.impolite 3. us 4. stories 5. hitting 6. Egyptian ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Q5. A/ اكتب انشاء عن وصف صدیق (یونت الاول( B/ اكتب عن برنامج تلفزیوني (یونت الخامس (

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