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3rd Joint Committee MeetingE&P and Gas Market Committee

(USA Triennium 2015-2018)

St Petersburg, Russia Federation

October 11, 2016


Welcome back everyone!


Exploration & Production (E&P) Committee

Open 3

• Focus on the Exploration & Production (E&P) ofConventional and Unconventional Natural Gasresources, leveraging on the latest technologicaladvances and best practices as well as the challenges inaccessing the resources.

• The committee will also investigate the Next Big Thingin E&P of Natural Gas, in discovering and exploitingnew gas resource opportunities and future E&Ptechnologies for the natural gas.

Scope & Deliverables for E&P-1


The modern state of exploration and

production conventional

resources of natural gas

Potential new hotspots for E&P of

conventional resources

Technological advances in E&P of

conventional gas

Social Acceptance to access the remaining

conventional hydrocarbon prospecting

Scope & Deliverables for E&P-2

Key success factors in North America – What are the “pillars”?

Unconventional gas potential outside North America

• World resources – Data from literature & databases (EIA, WMc, IEA, IHS, SPE…)

• Focus on 4 countries (Argentina, China, Russia, Algeria) & specific large basins

Exporting conditions/pillares out of North America

• Focus on 4 countries : Argentina, China, Russia, Algeria & specific large basins

Assessing technological advancement that allows the success

• Focusing on shale and tight (same technologies used)

• Technologies impacting two leverages : reserves per well & well cost

• Dedicated part to CBM (technology is different)

Unconventional (shale gas, tight gas, CBM & hydrates)


Scope & Deliverables for E&P-3


New supply sources: Deep Gas, Methane Hydrate,

Digitization and the implication to the E&P Industry :

• Big Data/Analytics, Mobility/Collaboration, Cloud/3D, Intelligent Hardware

• Transport - Autonomous / Self Driving• Artificial Intelligence - Virtual

Assistance, AI consciousness, AI/ML• Workforce of the future - Robotics,

Cyborgs, nano-augmentation

• Material Science - Nanorobotics, programmable matter

• Interfaces - AR/VR, volumentric displays, brain-computer interfaces

• Quantum ComputingSecurity - Block & Chain, Crypto & Privacy

• Pervasive Connectivity – Google(Project Loon), Facebook(Internet.org)

Gas monetization techniques: NGH, NGV, GTL

Discussion with Accenture and PetronasICT

Discussion with CNPC and JOGMEC (?)

To find interested parties to contribute

Time & Date Agenda

Day 1 – Tues, 4 Oct 2016

16:30 – 18.00 pm

Study Group Breakout - E&P Committee Briefing by Secretary, E&P Committee Recap of 2nd Committee Meeting Takeaways Alignment with the update from CC Meeting Progress Update by Workstream Leaders

Update by EP 1/2/3 Leaders Discussion on relevant topics to be highlighted in the Committee

Report and WGC Sessions

18:00 - 19:00 pm Departure for Dinner

19:00 – 21:00 pmOfficial Dinner

E&P Committee Meeting Agenda


Time & Date Agenda

Day 2 – Wed, 5 Oct 2016

09:00 – 10:30 amStudy Group Sessions (continue) Finalization of Call for Papers topics/ abstract

10:30 am Coffee Break & Networking

11:00 – 12:30 pmStudy Group Sessions (continue) Discussion on study group report – finalization of topics

12:30 pm Lunch

14:00 – 16:00 pm

E&P Committee Closing Session Brainstorming on call for papers rating mechanism Conclusion by Workstream Leaders

Progress Milestone Proposed topics for Call for Papers

Next Meeting Presentation by Accenture

16:00 pm Coffee Break

16.00 – 17.00 pm Joint Plenary Session - Conclusion

Day 3 – Thur, 6 Oct 2016

09:00 – 14:00pm Technical Tour to city of Kronshtadt on the Pipeline Crossing Station

E&P Committee Meeting Agenda


Recap from 2nd E&P Committee Meeting – Buenos Aires

Updates from Workstream Leaders Presentations

Call for Paper topics

EP-1 : Kate• Finalized EP-1 Scope and Deliverables• Challenges for Conventional Resources• Opportunities & Solution for Conventional


EP-2 : Philippe• Completed the report on key success

factors in North America• To continue on Unconventional gas

potential outside North America• Exporting conditions/pillars out of North

America• Assessing technological advancement that

allows the success

EP-3 : Lenny• Update on longer term trends in E&P

industry and global megatrends • Topics under consideration for further


• Digital and the impact on E&P by Melissa Stark• Natural Gas upstream profitability in the low oil

price environment by Alexey Semenov


Industry Insight Technical & Innovation Centre

EP-1 The potential of conventional gas resources development

Technologies advances for mature gas fields lifecycle extension

EP-2 How unconventional gas will affect the world energy market?

How technology can make unconventional gas production resilient?

EP-3 • Innovations that stimulate new gas demand• Big Data and Analytics to Create Value• Nanotechnology and super materials to push

the boundaries of gas value chain competitiveness

• Technologies and innovations that transform operational performance and workforce productivity

• Gas Resource DiversityOpen

Highlights from Coordination Committee Meeting: Apr 2016 – Durban, South Africa



• Gas and Renewable Energies• Environmental Footprint Mitigation• Earning Social License• Technology and Innovation• LNG• Unconventional Gas Resource *• New Markets and Opportunities

* The CC Chair also stressed the importance of the work on conventionals. Discussions today are normally about unconventionals and IGU has to balance this to make sure that the policy makers do understand that there are still huge conventional resources and the industry is still discovering more

POLICY POSITIONS TO BE DEVELOPED • Methane Emissions (flaring, onshore,

gas/LNG value chain • Industry Investment in Carbon Mitigation

(energy efficiency and CCS) • Relative Economics of Gas (including

position factoring externalities, pricing (hubs) and industry efforts to reduce cost)

• Economic Benefits of Gas (covering energy poverty, coal lobby position and resource exploitation)

• The sustainability and non-technical risks of hydraulic fracturing

• Energy Access and Gas Market Development in Developing Markets (including risk sharing, capacity and domestic market obligations)

• Exploration of gas in environmentally, socially sensitive areas

The conference programs will be developed using market

based and audience friendly approach

• Technical & Innovation Center• Formerly known as Interactive Showcase, provides opportunity for more technical

and in depth papers presentation

• Keynote Sessions• Available for CEOs, Top Management

• Luncheon Addresses• Focus on key individuals or key topics

• Current Issues Debates• Formerly known as Strategic Panels, focus on discussions and debates on strategic


• Industry Insights• Formerly known as Technical Session, a forum for IGU Committees and Task Force

to present the culmination of the TWP


Focus on two integral programs of WGC 2018


Overview • Speakers - Committee members, Call for Papers selection or through specific invitations to other industry experts by the Committee Chair and members

• Speakers - Committee Members or authors selected from the Call for Papers

• Located on the Exhibition Floor

Objective • Focus on the topics being studied by the Committees and Task Forces.

• Opportunity for more technical and in depth papers to be presented.

• Audiences would include Trade Visitors and Exhibitor

Topic Selection • Min of 3 separate sessions.• All topics will relate to the overall

theme of Fueling the Future as reflected in the three areas of strategic importance: Access, Markets, and Social License.

• Can be more technical than Industry Insights Program, however they must still meet the goals of being timely and topical offering solutions to some of the challenges facing the industry

Session Structure • Presentation or Panel Discussion• Committee Report Summary

• Presentation or Panel Discussion• Demo Sessions [applies to New

Technology sessions only]

Industry Insights Technical & Innovation Center


Industry Insight Sessions

Open 13


Presentations 15 minute PowerPoint Presentation per speaker Question & Answers from audience following


Panel Discussion

Speakers given 5 minutes to position themselves within session topic

No PowerPoint slides are required for this session Dynamic debate and discussion facilitated by the session

moderator Question & Answers from audience

Technical and Innovation Center

Open 14


Presentations 10 minute PowerPoint Presentation per speaker Question & Answers from audience following


Panel Discussion

Speakers given 5 minutes to position themselves withinsession topic

No PowerPoint slides are required for this session Dynamic debate and discussion facilitated by the session

moderator Question & Answers from audience

Demo Sessions[applies to New Technology sessions only]

15 Minute interactive demonstration of new technology Opportunity for Speaker to actually show audience how

new technology looks, feels and works. Questions & Answers from the audience facilitated by the


Key Dates for WGC 2018

Dates Milestones

Feb – May 2016Spring Meetings: Committees are to familiarise themselves with these guidelines. Begin initial thoughts on sessions and topics

October 2016Fall Meetings: Committees to put forward a preliminary list of topics to be included in

the Call for Papers

December 1, 2016 Committees to confirm Session Titles

February 2017 CWC to prepare guidelines for call for paper submission

April 3, 2017 Call for Papers Launch

September 7, 2017 Call for Papers Closes

Fall 2017 CC Meeting Paper selection process to be discussed

October 1 – November 10, 2017 Paper Reviewing

November 27, 2017 Author Notification

March 9, 2018 Author Final Paper Deadline


Progress Update from Workstream Leaders


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