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  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    Børge Schantz, Principal Contrib



  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    Biblical MissionariesOur Goal

    We will look at mission frstand oremost as God’s means

    or commu-nicating the gospel.

    ission is a core part o God’sso!ereign acti!it" in the

    process o redeeminghumanit".#e will stud" how God’s

    eternal purpose has $een

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    Biblical MissionariesContents

      & The Missionary Nature of God  ' Araha!" The #irst Missionary  ( The $n%i&e%y Missionary  ) The 'onah Saga

      * E(i%es as Missionaries  + Esther and Mordecai  , 'esus" The Master of Missions  )ross*)u%tura% Missions

      +eter and the Genti%es&/ +hi%i as Missionary&& +au%" Bac&ground and )a%%&' +au%" Mission and Message

    &( Must the Who%e Wor%d -ear. 

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    Biblical MissionariesLesson ,0 August &*

     1esus2 3he aster of  


  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


     Jesus: The Master of Missions4e" 3e5t

     1ohn '/2'& 6I7

    8Again 1esus said0 9:eace $e

    with "ou; As the

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


     Jesus: The Master of Missions>uick Look

    &. ission in the O%dTesta!ent

    (Isaiah 42:1, 6, 7'. ission in the Ne/

    Testa!ent (Matthe!1":24

    (. ission to the Wor%d

    (Matthe! 2#:1$, 2%

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


     Jesus: The Master of MissionsInitial #ords

    A))OR0ING to the Gospels0 1esus underwent the radical

    change into human orm

    necessar" or %is mission tosucceed.

    In 1esus Christ0 the meaning ohistor" comes into ocus0 thetotal mission acti!it" o God

    $ecomes coherent0 and the

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


     Jesus: The Master of Missions&. ission in the Old 3estament

    Isaiah )'2+0 , 64178 9I, the Lord0 ha!e called ?ouin righteousness0 and will hold

     ?our hand@ I will keep ?ou andgi!e ?ou as a co!enant to the

    people0 as a light to theGentiles0 to open $lind e"es0to $ring out prisoners rom the


  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    1& Mission in the 'l Testa)ent  1esus in the Old 3estament

    According to %is ownpurpose and grace which was

    gi!en to us in Christ 1esus

    $eore time $egan= (2 Ti)&1:#, $ *+J& 3his show that

    the plan or our redemptionhad $een ormulated long0long ago.

    o0 it is no wonder that all

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    1& Mission in the 'l Testa)ent  3he esire o Ages

     1esus Christ is Lord o $oththe church and the world. %iscoming is a ulfllment o the

    Old 3estament e5pectationso a sa!ed communit" that

    would e5tend ar $e"ond the 1ewish people. 3his uni!ersalmission o Christ as a!ior o

    all nations was repeated at

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    1& Mission in the 'l Testa)ent  3he esire o Ages

    Luke '2&/2 - .I brin/ 0ou /ootiin/s of /reat o0 !hich !illbe to all people& 3 

    Luke '2(/0 (&2 - .oursal5ation !hich ou ha5e

     prepare before the face ofall people& 3 

    Luke (2+2 - .ll esh shall see 3

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    1& Mission in the 'l Testa)ent  3he esire o Ages

     1ohn &2'2 - .The 9a)b of 8o!ho taes a!a0 the sin of the

    !orl& 3 6o uestion0 1esus came asthe a!ior or all humanit".

    #hat does this truth mean orus in the conte5t o missionD

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


     Jesus: The Master of Missions'. ission in the 6ew 3estament

    atthew &*2')6417

    8 9I was notsent e5ceptto the lost

    sheep o thehouse oIsrael.’ =

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    2& Mission in the *e! Testa)ent  3o the 1ews

    Bet/een %is frst pu$licappearance and %is

    crucif5ion0 1esus ocused %is

    ministr" almost solel" on the 1ewish people. Apparentl"0

     1esus wanted to awaken the 1ewish people to their place0purpose0 and role in God’s

    o!erall mission or lost

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    2& Mission in the *e! Testa)ent  3o the 1ews

    %ere is an important $i$licalprinciple or esta$lishing

    mission. 3he frst mo!e is to

    creating a center in order toesta$lish a sta$le geographical

    and cultural $ase2 the 1ewishpeople.#hen that has $een

    accomplished0 mission should

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    2& Mission in the *e! Testa)ent  3o the Gentiles

    Although 1esus spent themaEor part o %is time amongthe 1ews0 %e made clear in %is

    teaching and ministr" that %ismission was uni!ersal. 3he

    gospel should $e preached tothe nations0 with Israel as theinitial $ase.

    The sa%3ation of the

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    2& Mission in the *e! Testa)ent  3o the Gentiles

    att *2&(0 &)2 - .ou are thesalt of the earth&&&the li/ht of

    the !orl& 3 ark &)22 -The /ospel is preache throu/hout the

    !hole !orl&3 Luke &)2'&0 '(2 - .8o&&&to the


  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


     Jesus: The Master of Missions(. ission to the #orld

    atthew '2&0 '/ 64178 9Go thereore and makedisciples o all the nations0

    $aptiFing in the name o the

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 7 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


     Jesus: The Master of Missions

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