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No 433/PP/GRO/RCH/15/8380

Advanced Mission Concepts: R&D for a Galileo Regional


Open procedure


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1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS………………………………………………………………………………. 4

1.1. DESCRIPTION OF TASKS .................................................................................................................................. 4

1.1.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 4

1.1.2. Purpose of the contract ................................................................................................................ 8

1.1.3. Tasks Description ....................................................................................................................... 10

1.2. BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................................................. 19

1.3. REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 19

1.3.1. Progress Reports ......................................................................................................................... 20

1.3.2. Technical deliverables and meetings ......................................................................................... 21

1.3.3. Executive summary .................................................................................................................... 23

1.3.4. Final report ................................................................................................................................. 24

1.3.5. Report format and publication ................................................................................................... 24

1.4. LIST OF ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................................................... 25

2. CONTRACTUAL CONDITIONS………………………………………………………………………………26

2.1. NATURE OF THE CONTRACT .......................................................................................................................... 26

2.2. STARTING DATE OF THE CONTRACT AND DURATION OF THE TASKS .............................................................. 26

2.3. TERMS OF PAYMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 26

2.4. GUARANTEES................................................................................................................................................ 26

2.5. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................................................. 27

2.6. SUBCONTRACTING ........................................................................................................................................ 27

2.7. JOINT OFFERS ............................................................................................................................................... 28


3.1. DATE AND PLACE OF OPENING OF THE TENDERS ........................................................................................... 30

3.2. CONTACT BETWEEN THE TENDERER AND THE COMMISSION ......................................................................... 30

3.3. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SUBMISSION OF TENDERS ......................................................... 31

3.4. NO OBLIGATION TO AWARD THE CONTRACT ................................................................................................. 32

3.5. DATA PROTECTION ....................................................................................................................................... 32

3.6. OPPORTUNITIES FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED ENTERPRISES ................................................................... 33

4. FORM AND CONTENT OF THE TENDER ..................................................................................................... 34

4.1. HOW TO SUBMIT A TENDER ........................................................................................................................... 34

4.2. STRUCTURE OF THE TENDER ......................................................................................................................... 34

4.2.1. Section One: Administrative information .................................................................................. 35

4.2.2. Section Two: The Exclusion Criteria Form .............................................................................. 36

4.2.3. Section Three: Evidence relating to the selection criteria ........................................................ 36

4.2.4. Section Four: Technical proposal ............................................................................................. 37

4.2.5. Section Five: Financial proposal ............................................................................................... 37

5. ASSESSMENT AND AWARD OF CONTRACT………………………………………………………………40


5.1.1. Declaration ................................................................................................................................. 40

5.1.2. Grounds for disqualification ...................................................................................................... 40

5.1.3. Evidence ...................................................................................................................................... 41

5.1.4. Administrative and financial penalties ...................................................................................... 42

5.2. STAGE 2 - APPLICATION OF SELECTION CRITERIA (SELECTION OF TENDERERS) ............................................. 42

5.2.1. Selection criteria ......................................................................................................................... 43

5.2.2. Evidence of the economic and financial capacity of the service provider(s) ............................ 44

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5.2.3. Evidence of the technical and professional capacity of the service provider(s) ....................... 44

5.3. STAGE 3 - APPLICATION OF AWARD CRITERIA (ASSESSMENT OF TENDERS) ................................................... 45

5.4. INFORMATION FOR TENDERERS ..................................................................................................................... 47

5.5. AWARD OF THE CONTRACT ........................................................................................................................... 47

6. ANNEXES…………………………………………………………………………………………………………48

6.1. EXCLUSION CRITERIA FORM (INVITATION TO TENDER NO 433/PP/GRO/RCH/15/8380) .............................. 49

6.2. DRAFT SERVICE CONTRACT .......................................................................................................................... 51

6.3. MODEL GUARANTEE .................................................................................................................................... 52


433/PP/GRO/RCH/15/8380) ........................................................................................................................ 55

6.5. SUBCONTRACTOR / LETTER OF INTENT 433/PP/GRO/RCH/15/8380 ............................................................ 56

6.6. POWER OF ATTORNEY .................................................................................................................................. 57

6.7. CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED ............................................................................................. 61


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1.1.1. Introduction

The Galileo programme is Europe's initiative for a state-of-the-art GNSS (Global Navigation

Satellite System) infrastructure, providing a highly accurate, guaranteed global positioning

service specifically designed for civilian purposes. While providing autonomous navigation

and positioning services, Galileo will be at the same time compatible with Global Positioning

System (GPS) - USA and Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) - Russia, the two

other already deployed global satellite navigation systems as well as with Beidou, the

announced Global Chinese system.

The fully deployed system established under the Galileo Programme will consist of 30

satellites (Walker 24/3/1 operational slots in MEO plus 6 in orbit spares) and the associated

ground infrastructure.

When fully operational, Galileo will offer four Services to its users worldwide:

an open service (OS), which is free of charge to the user and provides positioning and

synchronisation information intended mainly for high-volume satellite navigation


a commercial service (CS) for the development of applications for professional or

commercial use by means of improved performance and data with greater added value

than those obtained through the open service;

a public regulated service (PRS) restricted to government-authorised users, for sensitive

applications which require a high level of service continuity;

a search and rescue support service (SAR) contributing to the global COSPAS-SARSAT

system by detecting distress signals transmitted by beacons and relaying messages to


In addition, Galileo will also contribute by means of its open service signals and/or in

cooperation with other satellite navigation systems, to integrity-monitoring services aimed at

users of safety-of-life applications in compliance with international standards.

The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) is the first pan-European

satellite navigation system. It augments the United States’ Global Positioning System and it

makes it suitable for safety critical applications such as flying aircraft or navigating ships

through narrow channels. Consisting of three geostationary satellites and a network of ground

stations, EGNOS achieves its aim by transmitting a signal containing information on the

reliability and accuracy of the positioning signals sent out by GPS.

EGNOS is already operational and it is offering the following Services:

an open service (OS), which is free of charge to the user, and provides positioning and

synchronisation information intended mainly for high-volume satellite navigation

applications in the area covered by the EGNOS system;

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a service for the dissemination of commercial data, namely the EGNOS Data Access

Service (EDAS), to promote the development of applications for professional or

commercial use by means of improved performance and data with greater added value

than those obtained through its open service

a safety-of-life service (SoL) aimed at users for whom safety is essential; this service,

which is provided free of direct user charges, fulfils in particular the requirements of

certain sectors, namely the civil aviation, for continuity, availability and accuracy and

includes an integrity message alerting the user to any failure in, or out-of-tolerance

signals from, systems augmented by the EGNOS system over the coverage area.

EGNOS, and SBAS concept in general, falls within the category of regional services since it

provides signals in space that enable/enhance specific applications in the geographical area

covered by its constellation, that is, basically, Europe (but that could be extended to other

specific regions). The same happens with the other existing SBAS, each designed to provide

services in a limited geographical area: the WAAS covers North America, the GAGAN serves

India, MSAS Japan, etc.

The possibility of further developing Galileo regional services, in parallel to the Galileo

global component and beyond EGNOS, had been foreseen in the initial Galileo concept.

Indeed, a certain amount of bits within the I/NAV navigation message (the one modulating

E5—b and E1—B signals) were reserved for the External Regional Integrity System (ERIS),

meant to allow European regional authorities to use Galileo as source of navigation

information for regulated, mostly safety-of-life related applications specific to each area. This

capability was tightly coupled to the originally planned Galileo’s global integrity service and

when this service was re-profiled also the ERIS service had to be re-profiled.

The idea of providing differentiating/enhanced services in specific geographical areas has

been recently proposed again as one possible mission evolution direction in the frame of the

on-going process lead by the Commission, aiming at the definition of the next generation of

Galileo (Galileo Second Generation, G2G).

A fundamental objective of the EGNSS programmes, as expressed in the EU Regulations1, is

in fact to maximise the socio-economic benefits for European citizens of European satellite

navigation systems: the development of enhanced regional capabilities over European

territories, especially for Galileo users only, is a potential mission evolution direction to be


As shown by the most recent GSA Market Report2, many downstream services and

applications exist for which the currently planned EGNSS capability is not sufficient to fulfil

specific user requirements, especially in terms of available SIS to all users. For example,

while Galileo performance requirements are specified for users in an open sky environment, a

relevant percentage of European citizens lives in urban areas (“Towns and cities across the


December 2013 on the implementation and exploitation of European satellite navigation systems and repealing

Council Regulation (EC) No 876/2002 and Regulation (EC) No 683/2008 of the European Parliament and of the


2 Available at http://www.gsa.europa.eu/market/market-report

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European Union provide a home to more than 70 % of the EU‑28’s population”3) where

availability may be often constrained by the limited number of satellites in view and by GNSS

signals affected by severe attenuation, multipath and near-far interferences. A solution able to

guarantee high performance and continuity of EGNSS services in adverse environments, such

as urban canyons, strong noise levels or high latitudes, would therefore represent a good

candidate for an EGNSS Regional Service. Such a regional service capability over Europe

might be implemented through the use of alternate satellite orbits (e.g.

IGSO/GEIO/GEO/Quasi-Zenith), complementing the planned Galileo MEO constellation.

Almost all market segments are interested in enhanced navigation services. Road applications

are an example of market segment that would greatly benefit from an European GNSS

Regional Service able to guarantee a better availability in urban canyons. Several applications

(e.g. eCall initiative) are on the short-term horizon and will push GNSS to deliver higher

performances in urban areas. Moreover, applications requiring positioning to the correct road

will evolve into applications that can provide lane-level guidance which in turn means higher

accuracy is needed to support “lane keeping” capability or even integrity services (with

low/medium performances) might be necessary to support “collision avoidance” applications.

The Location Based Services (LBS) market segment also shows increasing need for enhanced

SIS to provide universal location across all environments, especially urban areas, with the

accuracy becoming an important factor especially for commercial applications. For example,

the ability to locate users in front of particular shops opens new possibilities for location

based advertising. On top of this, a greater need for assurance and verification of precise

positioning and timing information of mobile phone platforms will be required to support

eCash, eCommerce transaction authentication and other similar applications.

The availability of enhanced signals with better accuracy is expected to benefit the Maritime

GNSS user community as well, since it would enable specific ports operations and offshore

applications throughout the European Region.

Enhanced visibility and better accuracy are not the only improvements a regional service

might enable. A regional service capability may also be used for the distribution of integrity

information (for example, ARAIM Integrity Support Message or broadcasting EGNOS

SBAS messages, especially at high latitude, that are not covered by the current EGNOS

constellation of GEO satellites) and high precision timing information and has the potential to

support the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) through transmission of PPP correction data, as

well as to expand the intra-system communication capabilities or to implement Short Message

Communication services for early alert or post-catastrophe resilience and first aids.

Moreover, while in a multiconstellation environment it is clear that many users will improve

their performance by combining satellites from several constellations, there will still be

Galileo-only users, i.e. CS and PRS users4, for which Regional Services could be the essential

tool for ensuring the availability of the respective signals in specific difficult environments

given that such users cannot take advantage of the benefits of the multi-constellation

3 “Eurostat regional yearbook 2014: Focus on european cities”, 06/10/2014.

4 Galileo PRS are not part of this H2020 action, as it will be subject of other specific actions.

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approach. The same holds for those applications that cannot exploit multi-constellation for

security constraint.

The previously mentioned fundamental objective of the EGNSS programmes expressed in the

GNSS Regulation, the user needs/market drivers sketched above, and the necessity to start

defining the next generation of Galileo and EGNOS Systems motivate this H2020 action in

the frame of which the contractor will study possible concepts of EGNSS Regional Service

(ERS) focused on Galileo OS and CS and specifically oriented towards Galileo-only users,

together with a look for synergies with EGNOS, in particular for the dissemination of SBAS

messages (with possible ISM dissemination for future ARAIM as well).

It is to be noted that the term ERS covers in fact for one or more services to be provided over

the European territories.

The study will be conducted around a set of scenarios, four already defined by the European

Commission, plus one or more proposed by the Contractor.

In each scenario a number of services featuring improved/new capabilities which can be

provided through an ERS are to be considered. The provision of the different potential

services (e.g Open Service in urban areas with a given level of performance, broadcast of

EGNOS data) can be studied individually service by service. In any case, a comprehensive

analysis in which a number of services are considered together must be developed for the

already defined scenarios (plus one or more proposed by the Contractor), including the

corresponding Roadmap.

Three of these scenarios, as detailed later on, are incremental in terms of services, in the sense

that, for example, the second scenario includes the first one and add to it some further

capability. The four already defined scenarios are the following:

Scenario 1a

Assuming global, open-sky Galileo PVT performances comparable to that expected

for the modernized GPS (considering a target SISE/URE≤25 cm and the current GPS

constellation), the ERS proposed for this scenario (ERS1a), shall enable the

provision of such enhanced performances for GALILEO Open Service and

Commercial Service users in adverse environments over the European territory

(including higher latitudes and the arctic).

Scenario 1b

The ERS proposed for this scenario (ERS1b) shall enable the provision of GALILEO

Open Service and Commercial Service in adverse environments over the European

territory (including higher latitudes and the Arctic) with PVT performance

comparable to that expected for the modernized GPS (considering a target

SISE/URE≤25 cm and the current GPS constellation).

In this scenario, the above level of performance is explicitly required for the ERS,

while a more relaxed level of performance can be considered for the global service.

The objective for this scenario is to consider the ERS in combination with a less

performing global service (compared to 1a), in order to understand which level of

performance for the global service can be achieved with the constraint of maintaining

basically unaltered – or with minor variations – the Galileo global CAPEX and

OPEX costs.

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Scenario 2

The ERS proposed for this scenario (ERS2) shall fulfil the requirement of scenario

1a and shall provide on top:

The capability to broadcast auxiliary data to facilitate acquisition, and to

possibly improve other performance aspects for the Galileo services.

The capability of using multi-modal data and integrity monitoring data as

required for safety critical applications (dissemination of ARAIM ISM).

The capability of disseminating EGNOS SBAS messages (especially in view of

the extension of EGNOS SBAS coverage to higher latitudes and the arctic).

Scenario 3

The ERS proposed for this scenario (ERS3) shall fulfil the requirements of scenarios

1a and 2 and, on top of that, shall further improve Galileo-only Open Service and

Commercial Service PVT solutions accuracy in adverse environments over the

European territory (including higher latitudes and the arctic) to values better than that

expected for the modernized GPS (considering a SISE/URE≤10 cm and the current

GPS constellation).

The services comprised in these scenarios are considered the core services to be addressed

within this project. The contractor shall elaborate these scenarios as detailed in the following

sections, and may enrich them with other proposed services when relevant, taking into

account its own capabilities and the market perspectives, leveraging on the core services of

each scenario. The contractor shall also identify additional scenarios (at least one) on top of

the four already provided and present the concepts to the European Commission, together

with the four mandatory scenarios. Such additional scenario(s) may include core services or

others. In this perspective, the tenderers are strongly invited to already describe and

substantiate their ideas of additional services/scenarios within their proposal (refer also to the

award criteria in Section 5.3).

It should be noticed that the inclusion of SBAS messages and/or ARAIM ISM as foreseen in

the second scenario has to be understood not as a request to study all the implications of the

possible geographical extension of the EGNOS service nor the possible deployment of a

complete ARAIM service but to analyse the possibility, accompanied by a solid trade off

study, of disseminating the SBAS messages and/or ARAIM ISM through the regional

services versus the current dissemination through GEOs (in the case of EGNOS).

In order to develop this project in a comprehensive manner, the contractor shall carefully take

into consideration the existing Regional Services provided by other RNSS and their evolution

trends, as well as previous studies on regional components, that might influence or justify

certain choices for the European ERSs definition. As well, they will properly justify the

need/convenience of the regional approach to the services proposed versus a possible global


1.1.2. Purpose of the contract

The purpose of this contract is to define and study an EGNSS Regional Service focused on

Galileo OS and CS and specifically oriented towards Galileo-only users, together with a look

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for synergies with EGNOS, in particular for the dissemination of SBAS messages (with

possible ISM dissemination for future ARAIM as well). The Contractor will develop their

concept designs, will elaborate the corresponding roadmaps, will highlight their major impact

at the level of Galileo mission requirements and will evaluate them against a predefined set of

criteria. The logic of the study is sketched in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Study logic

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1.1.3. Tasks Description

This contract includes the execution of the following tasks:

Task 1: Management

Task 2: Identification of EGNSS Regional Services for Europe

Task 3: Analysis of ERS for Europe and implementation trade off

Task 4: ERS for Europe: implementation roadmaps

The activities are basically split into three phases. During the first phase, complete and state-

of-the-art background information will be collected about regional service concepts, to

support the subsequent definition of a set of EGNSS Regional Services for Europe. At the

same time, the basic scenarios described in the previous section will be characterised in detail,

specifically in terms of definition of the targeted adverse environments and operational

conditions. This phase ends with a first issue of the mission requirements derived from each

scenarios and with the definition of the proposed ERS concepts that properly cover the

requirements of each scenario. This first phase coincides with Task 2 of the contract (as

described in section

The second phase comprises two subsequent sub-activities. To start with, the ERS concepts

defined in the previous phase shall be analysed from several different points of view, as

explained in the next sections. An analysis shall be provided justifying the regional approach

to the fulfilment of scenarios’ requirements with respect to a possible global approach.

Factors such as the flexibility provided by the regional system for quick implementation,

testing and validation of new service feature should be considered. Other important

characteristics of the proposed set of ERS shall be addressed, such as their relevance in terms

of user needs and addressed market size, their competitiveness or synergy with respect to

alternative technology, etc.

Following this analysis, carried out for each ERS proposed, the contractor shall study

different possible system-architecture options for each ERS and perform a trade-off analysis

to support their preferred option. This trade-off shall consider, for each ERS, the use of

IGSO/GEO satellites as one of the options for the implementation. This second phase of the

activity coincides with Task 3 of the Contract (as described in section

The third and last phase of the activity comprises the preparation of an implementation

roadmap for each ERS where the proposed services shall be described end-to-end in terms of

system architecture, concept of operations, operational interfaces, service provision scheme,

exploitation model, risk analysis and mitigation, etc. (as described in section

Finally, in this same third phase, the various ERS will be evaluated against a set of pre-

defined criteria, to provide conclusions in terms of most promising ERSs for Europe and of

recommendations for future, in-depth studies, especially at system level. This third phase of

the activity will be developed within Task 4 of the contract (see section

The extension and depth of the system architecture analysis shall not go beyond the strict

needs of the goal of this action as detailed in the next sections, specifically for the elaboration

of the roadmaps and final comparison among scenarios, including cost assessment.

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The activities associated with these tasks and their outcomes are described in detail in the

following subsections. TASK 1 – Management

The task consists in providing the overall management for the contract. The main activities to

be performed over the duration of the contract are:

Contractual management

Organisation and coordination of internal communication flow

Documentation management

Tracking project status

Establish and maintain the travel plan

Review and verification of deliverables

Organisation of progress meetings (calling notice, agenda, chairing and reporting)

Identify needs for interfaces with external entities

Ensure coordination between the different activities as necessary

Ensure the timely execution of tasks and the finalisation of the activity within the

planned time frame.

Various documents are foreseen to be delivered in the scope of this work package, namely

Project Management Plan, Progress Reports, Final Reports and Executive Summary:

Ref Title Delivery date5

D1100 Project Management Plan T0 + 1 month

D120x Progress Reports T0 + 4, 8, 11, 14, 18 months

D1300 Executive Summary T0 + 21 months

D1400 Final Report T0 + 21 months

Table 1: Deliverables related to Task 1

5T0 represents the date of the kick-off meeting. The Delivery Date indicates the date of the meeting during which

a deliverable will have to be presented/discussed. As explained also in sections 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, all deliverables

will have to be made available to the European Commission at least 15 days in advance to such date.

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12 TASK 2 – Identification of EGNSS Regional Services for Europe

At the beginning of Task 2, complete and state-of-the-art background information shall be

collected about regional service concepts, to support the subsequent identification of a set of

EGNSS Regional Services for Europe covering the predefined scenarios and to be analysed in

the subsequent tasks. The outcome of this initial analysis shall be reported in a deliverable

document titled “GNSS based Regional Services: overview”.

Then, starting from the high-level definition provided in this Technical Specifications, the

contractor shall define in detail the scenarios that the proposed ERS will have to cover (the

four basic scenarios plus at least one additional scenario introduced by the contractor itself).

Particularly, the relevant adverse environments and operational conditions shall be described

in order to enable a proper specification of target performance for the proposed services for

each scenario and to allow the future assessment of their compliance to the committed service

performance target values. As an example of operational conditions definition, in section 6.8

the operational conditions of Galileo Open Service in open sky environment are provided.

Various examples exist in literature of urban canyon models as well as of models for other

adverse propagation environments6. The contractor shall analyse the relevant literature and

propose a set of models describing (at least) the urban, urban canyon, dense forest and

constrained mountainous environments, tailoring and improving, if deemed necessary, what

already available.

The environmental conditions are a fundamental element to properly define the services to be

provided, as they establish the conditions under which the defined level of performance must

be fulfilled. They need to be tuned according to the user needs, and they will become

therefore an important outcome of this project, together with the mission requirements

described below.

Once the scenarios have been precisely detailed, a preliminary derivation of the mission

requirements specific to each scenario shall be provided. These requirements shall be

reviewed and fine-tuned after the consolidation of each ERS implementation, at the end of

Task 4.

Mission and top-level technical and operational requirements shall be identified in order to

completely define the ERS Services:

ERS Services Requirements: coverage, environmental conditions (multipath and

interference, jamming), user masking angle, availability, accuracy (for position,

velocity and timing), continuity, Time to First Fix, etc.

ERS Implementation Requirements: Control Centre, Space Segment, Ground

Segment, User Terminal Requirements, Interfaces with External Entities/Service

Providers, compliance with regulations, lifetime and replenishment, RAMS, etc.

6 Marais, J.; Godefroy, B., "Analysis and optimal use of GNSS pseudo-range delays in urban canyons,"

Computational Engineering in Systems Applications, IMACS Multiconference on , vol.1, Oct. 2006

R. Klukas; G. Lachapelle; C. Ma; G.-I. Jee, “GNSS penetration into the mass market will generate new services

in particular in urban areas”, IEE Proc.- Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol 150, Issue 4, Aug 2003

R. Ercek, P. De Doncker, F. Grenez, “Study of Pseudo-Range Error Due to Non-Line-of-Sight-Multipath in

Urban Canyons”, ION GNSS 18th Intern. Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division, Sept 2005, Long Beach

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ERS Operations Requirements: Operational Modes, Operational phases,

requirements for the ERS operators, maintenance, etc.

Requirements for the verification and monitoring to ensure proper provision of

the services

Signal-In-Space Interface Control Document (SIS ICD) Requirements.

The detailed description of the scenarios, including the definition of the adverse environments

and of the operational conditions, together with this initial set of mission requirements thereof

derived shall constitute the deliverable document titled “Scenarios for European GNSS

Regional Services”.

The defined requirements will be justified and the justification included in a Justification File

as an Annex to the deliverable “Scenarios for European GNSS Regional Services”.

Finally, as conclusion of this Task 2, for each scenario a set of ERS shall be identified that

completely fulfil the requirements/core services previously identified for each scenario. Each

ERS will be a portfolio of upstream services to be provided either by the system itself or by

EGNSS Regional Service Providers through the EGNSS Regional Service Infrastructure, that

could complement and enhance the OS and CS to be provided by Galileo, thus enabling

new/improved downstream services, i.e. applications.

More specifically, the activities to be performed under this task shall include:

1. The identification and review of Regional Services, taking into account at least the

following input:

o The content of this Tender Specifications.

o The user needs and market analysis available in the most recent GSA Market


o The existing regional services provided by other RNSS providers.

o The regional services planned by other RNSS providers.

o Previous existing relevant studies.

o The specific know-how of the contractor.

2. The detailed description of the scenarios to be covered by the EGNSS Regional

Services, including the characterisation of the targeted adverse environments and of

the operational conditions assumed. At least, urban, urban canyon, dense forest and

constrained mountainous environments shall be precisely characterised.

3. The derivation, for each scenario, of the respective Mission Requirements enabling

the achievement of the foreseen capabilities and performances, following the list

provided above, in this same section.

4. The definition of a set of ERS, covering all the scenarios described in Section 1.1.1.

plus at least one additional scenario defined by the Contractor, able to fulfil the

objectives of maximising the induced benefit of EGNSS for the European citizens

while guaranteeing them uninterrupted services, taking as reference the time period


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The work done in the frame of Task 2, as already explained, will flow into two deliverables,

listed in Table 2. The first one, “GNSS based Regional Services: overview”, shall report the

work carried out on point 1. The outcome of the study of the last three points shall be

collected into the second deliverable “Scenarios for European GNSS Regional Services”.

Ref Title Issue Delivery Date

D2100 GNSS based Regional Services: overview 1 Due at T0+3 months

D2200 Scenarios for European GNSS Regional Services 1 Due at T0+4 months

Table 2: Deliverables related to Task 2 TASK 3 – Analysis of ERS for Europe and implementation trade-offs

Task 3 comprises two subsequent sub-activities, to be carried out separately for each ERS.

To start with, each ERS shall be analysed in order to gather all the necessary information to

correctly assess all ERSs against a given set of criteria, at the conclusion of the study.

Important characteristics of the proposed set of ERSs shall be addressed, such as their

relevance in terms of user needs and market size, their convenience in terms of regional

versus global provision, their competitiveness or synergy with respect to alternative

technology, etc.

Subsequently, for each ERS, implementation options shall be proposed and traded off, to

finally identify the preferred solution in each case. Within this part of the study, the

Contractor shall identify and qualitatively study the need for technological development

related with the identified ERS implementation option, the need for enabling

components/facilities that are external to the current EGNSS infrastructure, the impact of the

implementation of the identified ERS on the Galileo or EGNOS infrastructure and its

consequences in terms of costs.

Concerning this last point, a useful example to clarify the concept is the one of IGSO. The use

of satellite(s) in IGSO as part of a proposed ERS could in principle lead to a simplification of

the Galileo Ground Segment. In fact, a significant number of ground stations (i.e. of

observations) is needed to perform an accurate OD&TS process. Now, interoperability

between an IGSO constellation and MEO GNSS would provide additional observations, since

such measurements may be available. These additional measurements, in turn, would improve

the geometrical conditions significantly allowing a substantial reduction in the number of

required ground stations with the subsequent reduction of both the deployment and operation

costs of the Galileo Ground Segment.

Similarly, the existence of IGSO satellites might in principle allow even a resizing of the

MEO constellation that could again lead to overall cost saving.

This system-related part of the study is aimed at ensuring that all the elements are gathered

that are required for a proper trade-off among the various ERSs implementation options, for

the elaboration of the implementation roadmap and for the ERSs evaluation against criteria.

The level of detail in the description of the different implementation architecture options shall

be adequate to this goal.

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More specifically, the activities to be performed under this task shall include:

1. To justify the proposed regional approach in response to the requirements of the

scenarios, versus a possible global approach.

In the case of ARAIM ISM and EGNOS SBAS data, comparative analysis will

be done with respect to the option of disseminating the messages through the

global constellation, by making use of currently available bandwidth in the

navigation signals.

In case of regional services based on Galileo OS, special attention shall be

devoted to their trade off with solutions based on the multi-constellation


2. To compare the proposed ERS with those implemented by other systems as collected

within the review of Regional Services, in Task 2, highlighting and appraising the main

differences and commonalities.

3. To demonstrate in which way and to what extent each ERS identified answers to user

requirements and technology evolutions and trends presented in the GSA Market report7.

Special attention shall be devoted to analyse the benefits for higher latitudes and

Arctic regions, especially in the case of the ERS covering Scenario 2.

4. To characterise, for the timeframe 2020-2040, the expected panorama of alternative (to

GNSS) navigation/navigation-related technologies to be taken into account as either

competitors or complements of the identified ERS.

To perform an initial study on the opportunity to exploit synergies between the

identified ERS solutions and the alternative navigation/navigation-related

technologies identified.

5. To identify possible alternative system architecture for each ERS and perform a trade-off

among them and identify a preferred solution. This trade-off will consider at least as one

of the options the use of IGSO/GEO satellites for the implementation of each ERS. The

extension and depth of this analysis shall be commensurate to the objective of properly

trading-off among the various implementation options, of elaborating the

implementation roadmaps and of evaluating ERSs against the given criteria. The

following issues will also have to be especially addressed:

The need of enabling components/facilities external to the currently planned

EGNSS FOC infrastructure, including the respective interfaces. In case they

exist, the Contractor shall analyse how the access to such components could be

granted and under which conditions, identifying the best solution to ensure the

requested level of performance of the proposed services.

The need of enabling technology development. In case they exist, the contractor

shall present an initial technological roadmap demonstrating the feasibility for

those technologies to reach the requested TRL in time for the implementation of

the ERS in the assigned time frame, assessing any associated technological risk.

Possible IPR issues shall be also taken into account.

EGNSS FOC infrastructure elements (including interfaces with ERS specific

facilities) impacted by the implementation of the suggested ERS, making a

7 Available at http://www.gsa.europa.eu/market/market-report

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distinction between minor and major impacts and indicating the expected

consequences in terms of complexity and cost saving/increase in the CAPEX and

OPEX of such elements.

The demonstration that any possible impact on the EGNSS FOC system of the

ERS implementation selected ERS preserves the compatibility with the Galileo

first generation.

The outcome of this Task 3 shall be reported in a set of deliverables, one for each scenario for

which an ERS is developed. Each document will be titled “Proposal for EGNSS Regional

Services – Scenario i”, where “i” will be the number of the specific scenario covered by the

proposed ERS (1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4 and so on, if the case). The title of the deliverable should be

completed by adding the name of the ERS or of the scenario it refers to, if defined. These

deliverables will be produced in parallel, each one divided into two subsequent issues (see

Table 3 or Table 6). The first issue, due at T0+8, will report the outcome of the study

answering to points 1 to 4 of the above list, for each ERS, while the second issue will

comprise also the results of the work done on point 5.

While for each scenario a comprehensive analysis for ERS, in which the corresponding

number of services are considered together, must be developed on the specific deliverable

(which will ultimately include the Roadmap, as per Task 4), the analysis can be built on the

study of the provision of the individual services (e.g Open Service in urban areas with a given

level of performance, broadcast of EGNOS data).

This is preferable since it would help to understand the logic of the complete scenario and

since in that case the synergies amongst services must be explicitly considered and described

when building the complete scenario.

Ref Title Issue Delivery Date

D3100 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1a 1 Due at T0+8 months

D3150 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1b 1 Due at T0+8 months

D3200 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 2 1 Due at T0+8 months

D3300 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 3 1 Due at T0+8 months

D3i00 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario i 1 Due at T0+8 months

D3100 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1a 2 Due at T0+14 months

D3150 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1b 2 Due at T0+14 months

D3200 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 2 2 Due at T0+14 months

D3300 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 3 2 Due at T0+14 months

D3i00 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario i 2 Due at T0+14 months

Table 3: Deliverables related to Task 3 TASK 4 - ERS for Europe: implementation roadmaps

The objective of Task 4 is to produce an end-to-end implementation roadmap for each ERS.

Leveraging on the outcome of the previous tasks, a comprehensive roadmap for the

implementation of the ERS towards the service provision shall be prepared, where the

proposed services will have to be fully described, in terms of system architecture, concept of

operations, operational interfaces, service provision scheme, exploitation model, etc. Each

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implementation roadmap will be inserted in the respective D3xxx deliverable “Proposal for

EGNSS Regional Services”, as final section of each document.

Taking into account this final part of the study as far as the ERS definition is concerned, the

Mission Requirements initially set within Task 2 shall be revised, generating an updated issue

of the “Scenarios for European GNSS Regional Services” deliverable. Finally, in this last

Task, the various ERS will be evaluated against a set of pre-defined criteria, listed here below,

to provide a conclusion in terms of most promising ERS for Europe and of recommendations

for future, in-depth studies, especially at system level. This evaluation, conclusion and

recommendations will be delivered as last chapter(s) of the “Scenarios for European GNSS

Regional Services” document.

More specifically, the activities to be performed under this task shall include:

1. Elaboration of an implementation roadmap towards service provision for each ERS. Each

Roadmap shall contain at least the following sections:

o EGNSS Regional Service Definition

Operational Roles and Responsibilities

Service Provider(s)

Final Users and Downstream Market Short Description

ERS Exploitation Model

o ERS High Level System Architecture (to the extent required for final ranking)

Ground segment

Space segment

User segment

o ERS Concept of Operations

o ERS Operational Interfaces

o ERS Activity Breakdown Structure

o ERS Implementation Schedule

2. Review, in the light of the ERS roadmaps, of the Mission Requirements initially identified

within Task 2.

3. Evaluation of the ERS against a set of criteria

o The criteria to be used will be:

Expected benefits

Socio-economic: the direct, indirect and induced economic effects of

the additional economic activity resulting from the ERS introduction,

both at the system and device level (e.g. value-added, jobs, salaries,

taxation, profit, etc.), including the effects of the ERS implementation

for European firms and industries, such as: increased industrial

activity (added-value, or profit), enhanced competitiveness, increased

market share and long-term productivity improvements.

Public utility benefits generated at the level of:

o User: a range of welfare improvements resulting from the use

of the ERS-enabled improved/new services of the GNSS


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o Society: a range of externalities which benefit European

citizens other than the user resulting from the use of the new

/enhanced capabilities of EGNSS derived by the

implementation of ERS.

o Environment: a range of externalities which benefit the

environment other than the user resulting from the use of the

ERS-enabled new/enhanced services (e.g. increased precision

in Precision Agriculture leading to reduced distribution of


Impact on EU competitiveness

Taking into account the whole value chain involved: from components

manufacturer to receiver manufacturer, system integrators and

downstream service providers.

Strategic relevance

Taking into account the political and strategic objectives of the European

Union when deciding the implementation of an European GNSS (see, for

example, the European Commission’s document “SEC(2011)1446


The Contractor is encouraged to suggest additional criteria if deemed convenient.

o Identification of the most promising ERS, supported by a thoroughly justification of

the choice.

o Provision of recommendations for future studies in terms of specific issues identified

during the activity but out of the scope of the current contract (such as in-depth

system study, in-depth analysis to support specific, low-level architecture trade-offs,

more targeted market analysis to cover specific user segments, etc.).

If, as outcome of this activity, one or more ERS concepts will be selected for implementation,

the needed studies for an in-depth design and development of their architecture will be then

carried out under the supervision of the European Space Agency.

This final activity will not generate new documents; rather new issues of existing ones will be

delivered (see Table 4). Specifically, the implementation roadmaps (point 1 in the above list)

will be inserted as additional sections within the D3xxx series of deliverables, each one in the

respective “EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario” document. This third issue of the deliverable

is in turn split into two versions, a draft version and a final version. This is done to provide an

additional opportunity to the Commission to follow in detail the development of this important

last part of the study.

The update to the Mission Requirement (point two of the above list) will be implemented

directly in the deliverable D2200 “Scenarios for European GNSS Regional Services”, giving

rise to a second issue of the document where also the evaluation of ERS against the proposed

criteria, the conclusion and recommendations will be included (point three of the above list).

Also for D2200, this second issue of the document is split into two versions, to be delivered to

the Commission in two steps, as reported in Table 4.

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Ref Title Issue Delivery Date

D3100 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1a 3 draft Due at T0+18 months

D3150 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1b 3 draft Due at T0+18 months

D3200 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 2 3 draft Due at T0+18 months

D3300 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 3 3 draft Due at T0+18 months

D3i00 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario i 3 draft Due at T0+18 months

D2200 Scenarios for European GNSS Regional Services 2 draft Due at T0+18 months

D3100 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1a 3 final Due at T0+21 months

D3150 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1b 3 final Due at T0+21 months

D3200 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 2 3 final Due at T0+21 months

D3300 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 3 3 final Due at T0+21 months

D3i00 Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario i 3 final Due at T0+21 months

D2200 Scenarios for European GNSS Regional Services 2 final Due at T0+21 months

Table 4: Deliverables related to Task 4


This Action will be conducted under the EU Framework Programme for Research and

Development Horizon 2020 (H2020).

More specifically, the H2020 Work Programme for 2015 contains a section (section 7)

dedicated to GNSS Evolution, Mission and Services related R&D activities. Within this

section, there are five different topics for R&D, being the first one intended for Advanced

Mission Concepts.

The reason for the Advanced Mission Concepts topic is to provide the means for actions that

will ultimately help to satisfy the EU strategic objective to guarantee uninterrupted GNSS

services for Galileo and EGNOS and to maximise the benefits for European civil society.

In this sense, it is of key importance to anticipate and assess the changes in the global GNSS

context and usage, so as to identify the corresponding impacts on the definition of the GNSS

services and the related mission objectives.


Execution of the tasks begins after the date of the Kick-off meeting (T0).

A project kick-off meeting will take place in Brussels, at the latest 15 days following the

signature of the contract, in order to settle all the details of the activities to be undertaken.

Within one month after the kick-off meeting, the Contractor will be requested to provide a

Project Management Plan.

The Project Management Plan will contain the first version of the Travel Plan and of the Risk

Management Plan (including the Risk Register). The Travel Plan and the Risk Management

Plan will then be updated in every Progress Report (see next section).

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Any material to be presented or distributed to parties outside the Contract (slides, etc.) will

have to be authorised by the Commission.

1.3.1. Progress Reports

Progress Reports showing the progress of the work shall be submitted to the Commission at

least 15 days prior to each Project Milestone (see Table 5).

Progress reports shall reflect the progress on the different tasks including technical aspects, as

well as administrative status and shall include as a minimum the following items:

status of the work accomplished in the preceding period, currently performed work and

planned work for the next period;

problems, limitations or unexpected points, if any, that have arisen;

list of deliverables submitted for that period (if applicable) and foreseen for the next


Risk Register and Risk Management Plan;

Travel Plan

Action Items list – AIL - (including action owner, responsible and deadline), where all

actions decided during Progress Meetings are reported and tracked until their closure.

The AIL will be unique, for the whole duration of the project.

Ref Title Delivery Date

D1201 Progress Report 1 T0+4 months

D1202 Progress Report 2 T0+8 months

D1203 Progress Report 3 T0+11 months

D1204 Progress Report 4 T0+14 months

D1205 Progress Report 5 T0+18 months

Table 5: Calendar of Progress Reports

The Commission shall have twenty days from each Project Meeting to approve or reject the

respective Progress Report. Within 20 days of receiving the Commission’s observations, the

Contractor will submit the requested additional information or another report, if the case.

The progress reports for T0+8 months (D1202) and T0+14 months (D1204) shall be

submitted to the Commission together with the related invoice, according to articles I.4.2 and

I.4.3 of the draft service contract.

The contractor will also prepare and send to the Commission on a monthly basis a brief

report, in the form of an email, summarising the status of on-going activities, emphasizing

possible issues, risks and respective mitigating actions, particularly with respect to the

accomplishment of the planned time schedule.

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1.3.2. Technical deliverables and meetings

As described in the previous sections, a number of deliverables are requested to report the

work done in the frame of this contract. The name and content of each deliverable have been

defined within each Task’s description. In Table 6, all the deliverables requested during the

execution of the contract are reported for convenience, together with the related meetings. For

completeness, Table 6 contains also the management deliverables. All documents will have to

be delivered to the Commission at least 15 days prior to the meeting in which those

deliverables have to be presented.

Each deliverable due within this H2020 action can be classified as either ERS-specific

deliverable or general deliverable. The ERS-specific deliverables are devoted to one ERS

each and develop during Task 3 and Task 4 of the activity, being delivered to the Commission

in subsequent issues. Each issue includes new content, related to the work accomplished

within the previous reporting period, as explained in sections,, and

Issue 3 is in turn split into two versions, a draft version and a final version. This is done to

provide an additional opportunity to the Commission to follow in detail the development of

this last and important part of the activity.

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line Meetings Place


ID Report title Issue Payment

T0 Kick-off

Meeting EC Authorisation of the start of project activities



T0+1 - - D1100 Project Management Plan -

T0+3 - - D2100 GNSS based Regional Services: overview 1

T0+4 Progress

Meeting 1 EC



Progress Report 1

Scenarios for European GNSS Regional Services


T0+8 Progress

Meeting 2 EC







Progress Report 2

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1a

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1b

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 2

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 3

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario i









T0+11 Progress

Meeting 3



D1203 Progress Report 3

T0+14 Progress

Meeting 4 EC







Progress Report 4

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1a

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1b

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 2

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 3

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario i









T0+18 Progress

Meeting 5 EC








Progress Report 5

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1a

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1b

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 2

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 3

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario i

Scenarios for European GNSS Regional Services

3 draft

3 draft

3 draft

3 draft

3 draft

2 draft














Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1a

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 1b

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 2

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario 3

Proposal for EGNSS Regional Services – Scenario i

Scenarios for European GNSS Regional Services

Executive Summary

Final Report

3 final

3 final

3 final

3 final

3 final

2 final


Payment of the

balance (40%)

Table 6: List of meetings and deliverables

The contractor is free to propose additional trips within Europe when considered necessary for the completion of the tasks.

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In Figure 2 below, the relations among Tasks, deliverables, project meetings and timeline is

provided in graphical format.

Figure 2: Relation among Tasks, deliverables, project meetings and timeline

1.3.3. Executive summary

The contractor shall submit an Executive Summary to the Commission at the latest 21 months

from the date of the kick-off meeting. The Executive Summary will comprise, within

approximately 10 pages, a self-standing and brief description of the scope of the activity, the

work done, the results obtained and the recommendations thereof.

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Ref Title Delivery Date

D1300 Executive Summary T0+21 months

1.3.4. Final report

The contractor shall submit a final report to the Commission at the latest 21 months from the

date of the kick-off meeting. The report shall be submitted to the Commission for analysis

together with the related invoice.

The Final Report shall include as a minimum the following items:

list of all submitted deliverables

list of all meetings attendance

status of all accomplished work

list of all problems, limitations or unexpected points

an assessment of the risk management

list of all coordination issues

Ref Title Delivery Date

D1400 Final Report T0+21 months

The Commission shall have 45 days from receipt to approve or reject the Final Report. Within

20 days of receiving the Commission’s observations, the Contractor will submit additional

information or another report.

1.3.5. Report format and publication

Reports shall be drafted in English; 3 copies of the reports shall be supplied in paper form and

one copy in electronic form, MS Word and pdf.

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AIL Action Items List

ARAIM Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring

CS Commercial Service

EC European Commission

EDAS EGNOS Data Access Service

EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service

EGNSS European Global Navigation Satellite System

ERIS External Regional Integrity System

ERS European GNSS Regional Service

EU European Union

FOC Full Operational Capability

G2G Galileo Second Generation

GAGAN GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation system

GEIO Geostationary Eccentric Inclined Orbit

GEO Geostationary Orbit

GLONASS Global'naya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema

GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System

GPS Global Positioning System

GSA European GNSS Agency

IGSO Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit

IPR Intellectual Property Right

ISM Integrity Support Message

LBS Location Based Service

MSAS Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System

MEO Medium Earth Orbit

OD&TS Orbit Determination and Time Synchronisation

OS Open Service

PPP Precise Point Positioning

PRS Public Regulated Service

PVT Position, Velocity, Time

RAMS Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety

R&D Research & Development

RNSS Radio Navigation Satellite System

SAR Search And Rescue

SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation System

SIS Signal-In-Space

SISE Signal-In-Space Error

SIS ICD Signal-In-Space Interface Control Document

SoL Safety of Life

TRL Technical Readiness Level

URE User Range Accuracy

WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System

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This present procurement procedure - Advanced Mission Concepts: R&D for a Galileo

Regional Service – is for the award of a service contract.


The contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last

contracting party. It is expected to be signed in Q4 2015.

The duration of the tasks shall not exceed 21 months, starting as from the kick-off

meeting date (T0).

The execution of the tasks may not start before the contract has been signed. The period

of execution of the tasks may be extended, only with the written agreement of the

contracting parties, before the end of the period originally stated in the contract.


Payments shall be made in accordance with Articles I.3, I.4 & II.15 of the draft service

contract (Annex 6.2).

The payment scheme will consist of

one pre-financing of 20 %,

one interim payments of 20 % (at T0 + 8 months)

second interim payment of 20 % (at T0 + 14 months)

and the balance of 40 %.

The schedule and the procedure for the approval of payments and the documents to be

submitted are described in Articles I.4, II.15, II.16 and II.18 and in Annex I to the draft

contract referred to above.

The Commission reserves the right to pay less than the amount foreseen in article I.3.1

and Annex II (financial offer) of the contract according to tasks performed.


The Contractor may be required to provide a guarantee for pre-financing of 20 % of the

amount specified under I.3.1 of the contract, in compliance with article II.15.5 of the

draft contract. The Commission reserves the right to cancel the pre-financing foreseen,

according to its management risk analysis or in the case the awarded tenderer refuses

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such pre-financing guarantee, and to modify the final version of the contract


A model guarantee is provided in annex 6.3 of these tendering specifications.


The place of performance of the tasks shall be the Contractor's premises or any other

place indicated in the tender, with the exception of the Commission's premises.


Subcontracting is defined as the situation where a contract has been or is to be

established between the Commission and a contractor and where the contractor, in order

to carry out that contract, enters into legal commitments with other legal entities for

performing part of the service. However, the Commission has no direct legal

commitment with the subcontractor(s).

At the level of the liability towards the Commission, tasks provided for in the contract

may be entrusted to subcontractors, but the contractor retains full liability towards

the Commission for performance of the contract as a whole.


The Commission will treat all contractual matters (e.g. payments)

exclusively with the contractor, whether or not the tasks are performed by a


The Commission will privilege direct contacts with the contractor, who is

responsible for executing the contract;

Under no circumstances can the contractor avoid liability towards the

Commission on the grounds that the subcontractor is at fault. The contractor

remains notably fully responsible for timely execution.

A contract which includes subcontracting is subject to certain general conditions in

particular the provisions on subcontracting, checks and audits, and confidentiality.

Where justified by the subject matter of the contract, a statement of confidentiality may

be required to be submitted to the Commission. The subcontracting arrangement

between the contractor and his subcontractor is supposed to render directly

applicable all those contractual obligations with regard to the Commission to the


Consequently, the bid must clearly identify the subcontractor(s) and document their

willingness to accept the tasks and their acceptance of the terms and conditions set out

in paragraph 3.3, in particular article II.18 of the standard service contract by returning

the form in annex 6.5, filled in and signed.

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Tenderers must inform the subcontractor(s) and include in their sub-contracting

documents that Article II.18 of the standard service contract (Annex 6.2) may be

applied to sub-contractors.

Once the contract has been signed, Article II.7 of the above-mentioned service contract

shall govern the subcontracting.


A joint offer is a situation where an offer is submitted by a group of tenderers. If

awarded the contract, the tenderers of the group will have an equal standing towards the

Commission in executing a supply, service or works contract.

The Commission will not request consortia to have a given legal form in order to be

allowed to submit a tender, but reserves the right to require a consortium to adopt a

given legal form before the contract is signed if this change is necessary for proper

performance of the contract. This can take the form of an entity with or without legal

personality but offering sufficient protection of the Commission’s contractual interests

(depending on the Member State concerned, this may be, for example, a consortium or a

temporary association).

Grouping of firms must nominate one party to be responsible for the receipt and

processing of payments for members of the grouping, for managing the service

administration, and for coordination. The documents required and listed in the present

specifications must be supplied by every member of the grouping, the checklist in annex

6.7, will help verifying the level of information to be provided according to the role of

each entity in the tender.

Each member of the grouping assumes a joint and several liability towards the


The offer has to be signed by all members of the group. However, if the members of

the group so desire they may grant an authorisation to one of the members of the

grouping. In this case they should attach to the offer a power of attorney (see model in

annex 6.6). For groupings not having formed a common legal entity, model 1 should be

used, and for groupings with a legal entity in place model 2.

The contract will have to be signed by all members of the group. If the members of

the group so desire, they may grant authorisation to one of the members of the grouping

by signing a power of attorney. The same model as above duly signed and returned

together with the offer (see annex 6.6) is valid also for signature of the contract.

Partners in a joint offer assume joint and several liability towards the Commission for

the performance of the contract as a whole.

Statements, saying for instance: “that one of the partners of the joint offer will be

responsible for part of the contract and another one for the rest”, or “that more than one

contract should be signed if the joint offer is successful”, are thus incompatible with the

principle of joint and several liability. The Commission will disregard any such

statement contained in a joint offer, and reserves the right to reject such offers without

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further evaluation, on the grounds that they do not comply with the tendering


An economic operator can only participate once as a tenderer, whether as single

tenderer, lead organisation in a consortium/joint bid or partner in a consortium. The

economic operator may however agree to act as a subcontractor in a distinct bid

from which it is participating as either of the aforementioned options. However, such a

situation is not advisable for the high potential of conflicts of interest it may generate.

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These specifications follow the publication of a contract notice in OJ S.


Tenders will be opened at 14:30 on 10.09.2015

at the following location:

Office address:

European Commission

Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

EU Satellite Navigation Programmes, Legal and Institutional Aspects (J2)

Office address: Avenue d'Auderghem 45

B-1049 Brussels, Belgium

An authorised representative of each tenderer may attend the opening of the bids.

Companies wishing to attend are requested to notify their intention by sending an e-mail

to [email protected] at least 48 hours in advance.

This notification must be signed by an authorised officer of the tenderer and specify the

name of the person who will attend the opening of the bids on the tenderer's behalf.


Contacts between the Commission and the tenderers may take place only in exceptional

circumstances and under the following conditions only:

Before the final date for submission of tenders:

* The Commission may, on its own initiative, inform interested parties of any error,

inaccuracy, omission or other clerical error in the text of the call for tenders.

This information will be published solely via e-tendering, at the internet address

indicated in the contract notice and repeated below:


* Potential tenderers may request clarifications with regard to the tender documents

and the nature of the contract.

The requests for additional information may be made exclusively through e-

tendering by following the link indicated in the contract notice and repeated below:


Insofar as it has been requested in good time, the additional information will be made

available to all economic operators interested in this call and logged in e-tendering

no later than six calendar days before the final date for the receipt of bids or, in the

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case of requests for information received less than eight calendar days before the

final date for the receipt of bids, as soon as possible after the request for information

has been received.

Potential tenderers are encouraged to formulate, at least six days before the time limit

to submit tenders, any remark, complaint or objection they would have in relation to

all aspects of this call for tender in order that the Commission can evaluate the need

for corrective measures and implement them before the submission of tenders.

The answers to the requests for additional information will be made available solely

via e-tendering at the address indicated in the contract notice and repeated below:


Contracting authorities are not bound to reply to requests for additional information

made less than five working days before the deadline for submission of tenders.

After the opening of tenders:

If clarification is requested or if obvious clerical errors in the tender need to be

corrected, the contracting authority may contact the tenderer provided the terms of

the tender are not modified as a result.


The present tender documents are drawn up in respect of the Financial Regulation

applicable to the general budget of the European Union (Regulation (EU, Euratom) No

966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on the

financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and repealing Council

Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002), as well as its Rules of Application

(Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1268/2012of 29 October 2012 on the

rules of application of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European

Parliament and of the Council on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of

the Union).

Participation in this tendering procedure is open on equal terms to all natural and legal

persons from one of the EU Member States and to all natural and legal persons in a third

country which has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public

procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement. In addition it is open to all

natural and legal persons in a third country that is associated to H2020. The

Commission refuses tenders submitted by operators in third countries which have not

signed such agreements for the present call for tender.

Submission of a tender implies acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in this

invitation to tender, in the tendering specifications and in the draft contract and, where

appropriate, waiver of the tenderer's own general or specific terms and conditions. It is

binding on the tenderer to whom the contract is awarded for the duration of the contract.

Once the Commission has accepted the tender, it shall become the property of the

Commission and the Commission shall treat it confidentially.

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The Commission shall not reimburse expenses incurred in preparing and submitting


The Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities or, where appropriate, the Vienna

Convention of 24 April 1963 on Consular Relations shall apply to this invitation to


Variants are not allowed.


This invitation to tender is in no way binding on the Commission. The Commission’s

contractual obligation commences only upon signature of the contract with the

successful tenderer.

Up to the point of signature, the contracting authority may either abandon the

procurement or cancel the award procedure. This decision must be substantiated and the

tenderers notified.

No compensation may be claimed by tenderers whose tender has not been accepted,

including when the Commission decides not to award the contract.


If processing your reply to the invitation to tender involves the recording and processing

of personal data (such as your name, address and CV), such data will be processed

pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to

the processing of personal data by the European Union institutions and bodies and on

the free movement of such data. Unless indicated otherwise, your replies to the

questions and any personal data requested are required to evaluate your tender in

accordance with the specifications of the invitation to tender and will be processed

solely for that purpose by Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry,

Entrepreneurship and SMEs/J2. Details concerning processing of your personal data

are available on the privacy statement at the page:


You are informed that for the purposes of safeguarding the financial interest of the

Union, your personal data may be transferred to internal audit services, to the Court of

Auditors, to the Financial Irregularities Panel and/or to the European Anti-Fraud Office


Data of economic operators which are in one of the situations referred to in Articles

106, 107, 109(1)(b) and 109(2)(a) of the Financial Regulation8 may be included in a

central database and communicated to the designated persons of the Commission, other

institutions, agencies, authorities and bodies mentioned in Article 108(1) and (2) of the

8 Council Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25

October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union

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Financial Regulation. This refers as well to the persons with powers of representation,

decision making or control over the said economic operators. Any party entered into the

database has the right to be informed of the data concerning it, up on request to the

accounting officer of the Commission.


The Directorate General for internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs has

the task to promote opportunities for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) and

is aiming in its activities to facilitate the activities of SMEs. In this context, SMEs are

particularly encouraged to submit tenders either on its own if feasible or by

constituting a tender using either of the options mentioned in paragraphs 2.6 and 2.7.

The Enterprise Europe Network provides advice on tender opportunities and training

in relation to procurement, which may be of assistance to newly initiated tenderers.

Please refer to the following web-site for further details:



The Commission has further published a brochure on "Doing business with the

European Commission – Tips for potential contractors":


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Tenderers shall observe precisely the indications in point 1 and 2 of the invitation to

tender in order to ensure their tenders are admissible.

Evidence of timely submission by post or courier service will be constituted by the

date of dispatch, the postmark or the date of the deposit slip. In the case of hand-

delivery, the signed and dated receipt will serve as evidence.

Late delivery will lead to the non-admissibility of the tender and its rejection from

the award procedure for this contract. Offers sent by e-mail or by fax will also be

non- admissible. Envelopes found open at the opening session will also lead to non-

admissibility of the tender. Consequently, tenderers must ensure that their bids

are packed in such a way as to prevent any accidental opening during its mailing.


Tenders must be perfectly legible so that there can be no doubt as to words and


Tenders must be clear and concise, with continuous page numbering, and assembled

in a coherent fashion (e.g. bound or stapled, etc.).

Tenders must be written in one of the official languages of the European Union.

Tenders must include all the information and documents requested by the

Commission in order to assess the tender. In order to help tenderers presenting a

complete tender, a checklist of the documents to submit is provided in annex 6.7.

This checklist does not need to be included in the tender but we encourage to use it in

order to ease the assessment of the tenders;

Prices must be established in euros.

All tenders must be presented in five sections:

Section one: Administrative information

Section two: The exclusion criteria form

Section three: Evidence relating to the selection criteria

Section four: Technical Proposal – Addressing technical specifications and award


Section five: Financial Proposal

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4.2.1. Section One: Administrative information

Tenderers may choose between presenting a joint bid (see 2.7) and introducing a bid

as a sole contractor, in both cases with the possibility of having one or several

subcontractors (see 2.6).

Whichever type of bid is chosen, the tender must stipulate the legal status and role of

each legal entity in the tender proposed and the monitoring arrangements that exist

between them and, failing this, the arrangement they foresee to establish if they are

awarded the contract (see 2.6 and 2.7).

a) To identify himself the tenderer must fill in a Legal Entity Form and a Financial

Identification Form:

The Legal Entity Form is to be signed by a representative of the tenderer

authorised to sign contracts with third parties.

The form is available for individuals, private entities and public entities at the

following address :



The Legal Entity Form must be accompanied by all the information indicated in the

form. When neither this form nor the evidence to be attached to them includes the

following information, the tender must include:

For private and public entities:

a legible copy of the notice of appointment of the persons authorised to represent

the tenderer in dealings with third parties and in legal proceedings, or a copy of

the publication of such appointment if the legislation which applies to the legal entity

concerned requires such publication. Any delegation of this authorisation to another

representative not indicated in the official appointment must be evidenced.

For Individuals:

Where applicable, a proof of registration, as prescribed in their country of

establishment, on one of the professional or trade registers or any other official

document showing the registration number.

The Financial identification form shall be duly filled in and signed by an authorised

representative of the tenderer and his or her banker. A specific form for each

Member State is available at the following Internet address:



b) The tender must include a statement confirming the validity of the tender

(preferably in blue ink) signed by the authorised representative.

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c) The tender must indicated the name of a contact person in relation to the submission

of the bid.

All tenderers, as part of a consortium or a joint bid if applicable, must provide

their legal entity files as well as the necessary evidence. Only subcontractors are

requested to provide solely the legal entity file without evidence.

Economic operators already registered as a legal entity in the Commission’s files

(i.e. they are or have been contractors of the Commission) are not obliged to

provide the evidence requested in the form, on condition they indicate in their offer

the references of the procedure and the Commission’s department for which this

evidence was already provided.

In case of a joint tender or a tender presenting subcontracting, only the co-

ordinator is obliged to return the financial identification form.

4.2.2. Section Two: The Exclusion Criteria Form

Tenderers or their representatives shall provide a declaration on their honour, duly

signed and dated in which they:

- state whether or not they are in one or more of the situations referred to in Articles 106

and 107 of the Financial Regulation and detailed in the form;

- undertake to submit to the Commission any additional document relating to the

exclusion criteria, that the Commission considers necessary to perform its checks,

within seven calendar days following the receipt of the Commission's request.

To this end, tenderers must fill in and sign the form in Annex 6.1 to these specifications.

Where the bid involves more than one legal entity (including subcontractors), each

entity must provide the form.

Any total or partial omission for which one or more legal entities involved in the

tender are responsible may lead the Commission to exclude the tender from the

procedure, in accordance with Articles 106 and 107 of the Financial Regulation.

4.2.3. Section Three: Evidence relating to the selection criteria

Tenderers must provide proof of their economic and financial capacity by submitting

the documents stated under paragraph 5.2.2 below.

They must equally provide proof of their professional and technical capacity by

submitting the documents required under paragraph 5.2.3 below.

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4.2.4. Section Four: Technical proposal

Tenderers must include in their bids the technical proposal addressing all aspects

detailed in the technical specifications set out in section 1.

The technical proposal must respond to these technical specifications and provide, as a

minimum, all the information needed for the purpose of awarding the contract.

The following aspects should be taken into consideration when drafting the tender:

(a) methodology for implementation;

(b) reasons for the proposed methodology;

(c) how do you intend to build on and link with previous activities (where applicable);

(d) project management and procedures for internal evaluation;

(e) level of involvement and activity of other stakeholders;

(f) role of each partner (in case of a consortium, joint bid and/or use of subcontractors);

(g) team proposed for implementation of the contract. The composition of the team,

which will be implementing the project must be properly described. Team staff should

be singled out by function (E.g. project managers, administrator, secretary, expert,

technical assistant);

(h) a plan of action with description of activities and their timing.

Due consideration should also be given to the award criteria and method as stipulated

under section 5.3 in this document.

Please note that, to grant equal treatment of all tenders, it is not possible to modify

offers after their submission in relation to the technical and financial proposals.

As a consequence, incompleteness in this section can only result in negative impact

for the evaluation of award criteria. Please note also, that proposals deviating from

the technical specifications may be rejected for non-conformity.

The technical specifications and the tenderer’s bid shall be integral parts of the

contract and will constitute annexes to the contract.

4.2.5. Section Five: Financial proposal

Tenderers must use the following format to formulate their financial proposal:

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Price component Unit price Quantity Total

Human resources

Person X (role)

Person Y (role)


Subtotal (1)


Item X

Item Y


Subtotal (2)

TOTAL (1+2)

The tenderer's attention is drawn to the following points:

(1) prices must be expressed in euros;

(2) prices should be quoted free of all duties, taxes and other charges, i.e. also free of

VAT. The European Union Institutions are exempt from such charges in the EU under

Articles 3 and 4 of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European

Union of 8 April 1965 (OJ 152 of 13 July 1967). Exemption is granted to the

Commission by the governments of the Member States, either through refunds upon

presentation of documentary evidence or by direct exemption.

For those countries where national legislation provides an exemption by means of a

reimbursement, the amount of VAT is to be shown separately. In case of doubt about

the applicable VAT system, it is the tenderer's responsibility to contact his or her

national authorities to clarify the way in which the European Union is exempt from


(1) Prices shall not be conditional and be directly applicable by following the

technical specifications;

(2) Prices shall be fixed and not subject to revision;

(3) The reference price for the award of the contract shall consist of the amount in

payment of the tasks executed, as stated in Article I.3.1 of the contract.

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For each category of staff to be involved in the project, the tenderer must specify:

the total labour costs;

the daily rates and total number of days (man-days) each member of staff will

contribute to the project, per each task;

other categories of costs, indicating the nature of the cost, the total amount, the unit

price and the quantity. Flat-rate amounts should be avoided. If, exceptionally, they are

used, specimen quotations for the flat-rate amounts must be provided;

During the execution of the tasks, the contractor will be required to travel to attend meetings

with the Commission in Brussels. The contractor is free to propose additional trips within

Europe when considered necessary for the completion of the tasks. For details please see

Section 1 of the present tender specifications, particularly Section 1.3.

The expenses related to travel shall be included in the amount in payment of the tasks

executed, as they will not be reimbursed separately by the contracting authority.

Bids involving more than one legal entity must specify the amounts for each legal


The Commission will reject tenders where no technical offers or financial

offers are proposed.

Non-conformity with the technical specifications in Section 1 will also result

in rejection from award.

The Commission reserves the right, however, to request clarification or

additional evidence in relation to the exclusion and selection stages after the

opening within a time-limit stipulated in its request and in the conditions

explained in section 3.2.

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The assessment will be based on the information provided in the tender. The Commission

reserves the right to use any other information from public or specialist sources.

This assessment will be performed by applying the criteria set out in these specifications.

To award the contract, the assessment of admissible bids (see paragraph 1 and 2 of the

Invitation to tender) will be carried out in three successive stages. Only bids meeting the

requirements of one stage will be examined in the next stage.

The aim of each of these stages is:

(1) to check, in the first stage (exclusion criteria), whether tenderers can take part in the

tendering procedure and, where applicable, be awarded the contract;

(2) to check, in the second stage (selection criteria), the technical and professional

capacity and economic and financial capacity of each tenderer who has passed the

exclusion stage;

(3) to assess on the basis of the award criteria the technical and financial offers and

establish a ranking list, by order of merit, of all tenders having passed the exclusion

and selection stages, as well as the quality thresholds set for the assessment of the

award criteria.


5.1.1. Declaration

As mentioned above under paragraph 4.2.2, tenderers or their representatives shall provide

the form in Annex 6.1 duly signed and dated in which they declare:

- not to be in one or more of the situations referred to in Articles 106 and 107 of the

Financial Regulation and detailed in the form;

- to undertake to submit to the Commission any additional document relating to the

exclusion criteria, that the Commission considers necessary to perform its checks, within

seven calendar days following the receipt of the Commission's request.

5.1.2. Grounds for disqualification

In accordance with Articles 106 and 107 of the Financial Regulation, tenderers shall be

excluded from the selection and award procedures if they do not satisfy criteria a) to f)

specified in the standard form in annex 6.1.

If a tenderer is a legal person, criterion b) and criterion e) specified in the standard form in

annex 6.1. apply not only to the tenderer, but also to the natural persons having power of

representation, decision-making or control over this legal entity.

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In addition, contracts may not be awarded to tenderers who, during the procurement

procedure are subject to a conflict of interest (criterion g) or are guilty of misrepresentation

in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of

participation in the contract procedure or fail to supply this information (criterion f) or fall

into one of the situations as specified under criteria a) to f).

If a member of a consortium is subject to exclusion, the rest of the consortium

shall be excluded.

If a subcontractor is subject to exclusion, the tender shall be excluded.

5.1.3. Evidence

The tenderer to whom the contract is to be awarded shall provide, within the 15 days

following the receipt of the letter informing him of the proposed award of the contract and

preceding the signature of the contract, the following evidence confirming the declaration

referred to in paragraph 5.1.1:

1. The Commission shall accept as satisfactory evidence that the tenderer to whom the

contract is to be awarded is not in one of the situations described in point (a), (b) or (e)

of Article 106 (1) of the Financial Regulation, a recent extract from the judicial

record or, failing that, an equivalent document recently issued by a judicial or

administrative authority in the country of origin or provenance showing that those

requirements are satisfied;

2. The Commission shall accept, as satisfactory evidence that the tenderer is not in the

situation described in point (d) of Article 106 (1) of the Financial Regulation, a recent

certificate issued by the competent authority of the State.

3. Where the document or certificate referred to in paragraph 1 & 2 is not issued in the

country concerned and for the other cases of exclusion referred to in Article 106 of the

Financial Regulation, it may be replaced by a sworn or, failing that, a solemn

statement made by the interested party before a judicial or administrative

authority, a notary or a qualified professional body in his country of origin or


4. Depending on the national legislation of the country in which the tenderer is established,

the documents referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 shall relate to legal persons and/or

natural persons including, where necessary, company directors or any person with

power of representation, decision-making or control in relation to the tenderer. This

would be the case when the national legislation concerned gives juridical responsibility

of the acts committed by a legal entity (moral persons) to their legal representatives. The

tenderer shall provide information on the ownership or on the management, control and

power of representation of the legal entity whenever necessary for the proper

understanding of the evidence submitted or whenever the Commission requests it.

5. Where they have doubts as to whether tenderers are in one of the situations of exclusion,

the Commission may itself apply to the competent authorities referred to in paragraph 3

to obtain any information they consider necessary about that situation.

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The Commission may waive the obligation of a tenderer to submit the documentary

evidence referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 if such evidence has already been

submitted to it for the purposes of another procurement procedure and provided that

the issuing date of the documents does not exceed one year and that they are still

valid. In such a case, the tenderer shall declare on his honour that the documentary

evidence has already been provided to the Commission in a previous procurement

procedure and confirm that no changes in his situation have occurred. He shall

indicate in its tender all the references necessary to allow the Commission services to

check this evidence.

You may refer to the e-Certis web-site listing the certificates available in EU

Member States:


5.1.4. Administrative and financial penalties

By returning the form in Annex 6.1, duly signed, tenderers confirm that they have

been notified of the following points:

Administrative or financial penalties may be imposed by the Commission on

tenderers who are in one of the cases of exclusion provided for in 5.1.2 above after

they have been given the opportunity to present their observations.

These penalties are detailed in Article 109 of the Financial Regulation (EU, Euratom)

966/2012 and Article 145 of the Rules of Application of the Financial Regulation.

We invite tenderers to read carefully these two articles.


This part of the tender concerns the criteria and evidence relating to the technical and

professional capacity and economic and financial capacity of the service provider(s)

involved in the bid. It should also contain any other document that the tenderer(s)

wish(es) to include by way of clarification.

An economic operator may rely on the capacities of other entities, regardless of

the legal nature of the links which it has with them. In that case, evidence must be

provided that it will have at its disposal the resources necessary for performance of

the contract, for example by producing a clear undertaking on the part of those

entities to place those resources at its disposal.

If the economic and financial selection criteria are fulfilled by relying on a third

party, the contracting authority may demand, if that tender wins the contract, that this

third party signs the contract (becomes a contractor) or, alternatively, provides a joint

and several first-call guarantee.

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If the third party chooses to sign the contract, the contracting authority should ensure

that it is not in exclusion situation and it has access to the market.

If several service providers are involved in the bid, each of them must have the

professional and technical capacity to perform the tasks assigned to them in the

tender and the necessary economic and financial capacity.

This rule applies to all legal entities once they have chosen to be tenderers. If the

tender includes subcontractors, the Commission reserves the right to request

evidence of their economic and financial capacity if the tasks subcontracted represent

a substantial part of the contract.

5.2.1. Selection criteria



1.1 Sufficient economic and financial capacity to guarantee continuous and

satisfactory performance throughout the envisaged lifetime of the contract.

1.2 Sufficient financial capacity in relation to the pre-financing foreseen under

the contract.

1.3 Reliability of the mitigating measures presented to cover possible

deficiencies in the evidence presented for the above criteria.


2.1 Proven experience of at least 5 years in system design and analysis of satellite


2.2 Proven experience of at least 5 years in the field of the satellite navigation

2.3 Proven experience of at least 3 years in the field of the SBAS systems

2.4 Proven experience of at least 3 years in the field of the high accuracy services

based on satellites navigation systems

2.5 Proven experience of at least 3 years in assessment of user needs and

evaluation of socio-economic benefits and impacts of the services provided by

complex systems, such as satellite navigation systems

2.6 Capacity to work and communicate efficiently in English (written and oral)

These criteria will be assessed on the basis of the documents referred to in 5.2.2 and


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5.2.2. Evidence of the economic and financial capacity of the service provider(s)

All tenderers must provide proof of their economic and financial capacity by

submitting the following documents:

a) A full copy of the concerned legal entities’ annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and

loss account, notes on the accounts and auditors' remarks when applicable) of the last

two years, as approved by the general assembly of the company and, where

applicable, audited and/or published. These documents must be signed by the

authorised representative of the tenderer;

b) Alternatively to a), by filling Annex 6.4, consisting of an extract of the concerned

legal entities’ annual accounts (balance sheet, profit and loss account, notes on the

accounts and auditors' remarks when applicable) of the last two years, as approved

by the general assembly of the company and, where applicable, audited and/or

published. These documents must be signed by the authorised representative of the


c) a statement of overall turnover and turnover concerning the tasks, supplies or services

covered by this contract for the last three financial years;

d) Appropriate statements from banks or evidence of professional risk indemnity

insurance, for legal entities facing the impossibility to fully present evidence a).

If, for some exceptional reason which the Commission considers justified, a tenderer

is unable to provide one or other of the above documents, he or she may prove his or

her economic and financial capacity by any other document which the Commission

considers appropriate. In any case, the Commission must at least be notified of the

exceptional reason and its justification in the tender. The Commission reserves the

right to request any other document enabling it to verify the tenderer's economic and

financial capacity.

The Commission may waive the obligation of a tenderer to submit the documentary

evidence referred to in paragraph 1 if such evidence has already been submitted to it

for the purposes of another procurement procedure and provided that it complies with

the requirements of the present call for tenders. In such a case, the tenderer shall

indicate in the tender reference to the contract and Commission service for which the

evidence has been provided, in order to allow the Commission services to check this


5.2.3. Evidence of the technical and professional capacity of the service


The ability of service providers to perform services will be assessed in particular

with regard to their know-how, efficiency, experience and reliability as specified in

paragraph 5.2.1.

Evidence of the technical and professional capacity of the providers involved in the

tender may be furnished on the basis of the following documents:

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a) the educational and professional qualifications of the service provider or contractor

and/or those of the firm's managerial staff and, in particular, those of the person or

persons responsible for providing the services or carrying out the tasks. The Europass

curriculum vitae format

(http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/documents/curriculum-vitae) shall be filled in

and signed, by each person involved in the execution of the tasks foreseen in the

tender. The precise contractual link with the tenderer will also be described.

This evidence refers to selection criteria 2.1 - 2.6.

b) an indication of the proportion of the contract which the service provider may intend

to subcontract.

By submitting a tender, each legal entity involved therein accepts the possibility of a

check being carried out by the Commission on its technical capacities and, if

necessary, on its research facilities and quality control measures.

In addition, all tenderers are informed that they may be asked to prove that they are

authorised to perform the contract under national law, as evidenced by inclusion in a

professional or trade register or a sworn declaration or certificate, membership of a

specific organisation, express authorisation, or entry in the VAT register.


The contract will be awarded to the tender offering best value for money. Best value

for money will be determined according to the following qualitative award criteria

and relevant weighting.



Qualitative award criteria Weighting



1. Understanding of the objectives

- Demonstration of the level of understanding of the objectives and

of the environment under which the project is conducted (10 points)

- Risk analysis, discussion of problematic areas (10 points)


2. Quality and adequacy of proposed work

- Quality of the proposed team and adequacy of the allocation of the

tasks within the team members as well as their interfaces (10 points)

- Adequacy, clarity and completeness of the overall approach

proposed for identification of EGNSS Regional Service for Europe

(15 points)

- Adequacy, clarity and completeness of the overall approach

proposed for analysis of the ERS for Europe and implementation


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Tenderers scoring

* less than 60 % in the overall points total or

* less than 50 % in the points awarded for a single criterion

will be excluded from the rest of the assessment procedure.

Tenders presenting a total price superior to the maximum amount of 700.000 €

will be excluded.

Taking into account the price presented in the financial proposal, the following

formula will be applied to determine the tender offering best value for money:

trade-offs (15 points)

- Level of innovation and creativity and of quantifiable positive

impact on European Citizens of the EGNSS Regional Services (to be

already identified by the Tenderer at the proposal stage) beyond the

core services and the predefined scenarios, described in this Tender

Specifications. (10 points)

- Adequacy of the proposed approach to trade off the regional vs the

global solution for the EGNSS Regional Services to be studied (10


3. Adequacy of management

- Adequacy of the Work Package Descriptions and adequacy of the

effort allocated to each Work Package, as well as adequacy of the

overall planning (10 points)

-Adequacy of reporting, quality control and risk management (10



Total number of points 100

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Final Evaluation


The Commission will inform tenderers of decisions reached concerning the award of

the contract, including the grounds for any decision not to award a contract or to

recommence the procedure.

If a written request is received, the Commission will inform all rejected tenderers of

the reasons for their rejection and all tenderers submitting an admissible tender of the

characteristics and relative advantages of the selected tender and the name of the

successful tenderer.

However, certain information may be withheld where its release would impede law

enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest, or would prejudice the

legitimate commercial interests of economic operators, public or private, or might

prejudice fair competition between them.


The procurement procedure is concluded by a contract signed by the parties. In this

case, the General Terms and Conditions applicable to service contracts referred to

above shall apply.

After the period of validity of the tender has expired, conclusion of the contract shall

be subject to the tenderer's agreement in writing.

The Commission shall not sign the contract with the successful tenderer until a

standstill period of 10 calendar days has elapsed, counting from the day after

simultaneous dispatch of the notification by electronic means to all tenderers

(successful and unsuccessful).

After the award, during standstill period, the Commission will request to the tenderer

proposed for award the evidence on exclusion criteria defined in section 5.1.3. If this

evidence was not provided or proved to be unsatisfactory the Commission reserves

the right to cancel the award procedure or to change the award decision to the benefit

of the next best ranked tenderer on condition that he satisfies with the provision of

the evidence on exclusion.

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Declaration of honour on exclusion criteria and absence of conflict of interest

(Complete or delete the parts in grey italics in parenthese)

[Choose options for parts in grey between square brackets]

The undersigned (insert name of the signatory of this form):

in [his][her] own name (for a natural person)


representing the following legal person: (only if the economic operator is a legal person)

full official name:

official legal form:

full official address:

VAT registration number:

declares that [the above-mentioned legal person][he][she] is not in one of the following


(1) is bankrupt or being wound up, is having its affairs administered by the courts, has

entered into an arrangement with creditors, has suspended business activities, is the

subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or is in any analogous situation

arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

(2) has been convicted of an offence concerning professional conduct by a judgment of

a competent authority of a Member State which has the force of res judicata;

(3) has been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the

contracting authorities can justify including by decisions of the European Investment

Bank and international organisations;

(4) is not in compliance with all its obligations relating to the payment of social security

contributions and the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the

country in which it is established, with those of the country of the contracting

authority and those of the country where the contract is to be performed;

(5) has been the subject of a judgement which has the force of res judicata for fraud,

corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation, money laundering or any other

illegal activity, where such activity is detrimental to the Union's financial interests;

(1) is a subject of an administrative penalty for being guilty of misrepresentation in supplying

the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in a

procurement procedure or failing to supply this information, or having been declared to

be in serious breach of its obligations under contracts covered by the Union's budget.

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(Only for legal persons other than Member States and local authorities, otherwise delete)

declares that the natural persons with power of representation, decision-making or control9

over the above-mentioned legal entity are not in the situations referred to in b) and e)


declares that [the above-mentioned legal person][he][she]:

(2) has no conflict of interest in connection with the contract; a conflict of interest could arise

in particular as a result of economic interests, political or national affinity, family,

emotional life or any other shared interest;

(3) will inform the contracting authority, without delay, of any situation considered a conflict

of interest or which could give rise to a conflict of interest;

(4) has not granted and will not grant, has not sought and will not seek, has not attempted

and will not attempt to obtain, and has not accepted and will not accept any advantage,

financial or in kind, to or from any party whatsoever, where such advantage constitutes

an illegal practice or involves corruption, either directly or indirectly, inasmuch as it is an

incentive or reward relating to award of the contract;

(5) provided accurate, sincere and complete information to the contracting authority within

the context of this procurement procedure ;

acknowledges that [the above-mentioned legal person][he][she] may be subject to

administrative and financial penalties10

if any of the declarations or information provided

prove to be false.

In case of award of contract, the following evidence shall be provided upon request and within

the time limit set by the contracting authority:

For situations described in (a), (b) and (e), production of a recent extract from the judicial record is required or, failing that, a recent equivalent document issued by a judicial or administrative authority in the country of origin or provenance showing that those requirements are satisfied. Where the tenderer is a legal person and the national legislation of the country in which the tenderer is established does not allow the provision of such documents for legal persons, the documents should be provided for natural persons, such as the company directors or any person with powers of representation, decision making or control in relation to the tenderer.

For the situation described in point (d) above, recent certificates or letters issued by the competent authorities of the State concerned are required. These documents must provide evidence covering all taxes and social security contributions for which the tenderer is liable, including for example, VAT, income tax (natural persons only), company tax (legal persons only) and social security contributions.

For any of the situations (a), (b), (d) or (e), where any document described in two paragraphs above is not issued in the country concerned, it may be replaced by a sworn or, failing that, a solemn statement made by the interested party before a judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a qualified professional body in his country of origin or provenance.

If the tenderer is a legal person, information on the natural persons with power of representation, decision making or control over the legal person shall be provided only upon request by the contracting authority.

Full name Date Signature

9 This covers the company directors, members of the management or supervisory bodies, and cases where one

natural person holds a majority of shares. 10 As provided for in Article 109 of the Financial Regulation (EU, Euratom) 966/2012 and Article 145 of the Rules

of Application of the Financial Regulation

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[Financial institution/Bank (Letterhead)]


European Union

Represented by the European Commission

Directorate-General […] – [Unit]

B – 1049 Belgium

Reference: Contract [N° and exact title]


We, the undersigned [name and address of the financial institution or bank] (hereinafter referred to

as "the Guarantor") hereby confirm that we give the European Union, represented by the European

Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission"), an unconditional, irrevocable and

independent first-demand guarantee consisting in the undertaking to pay to the Commission a sum

equivalent to the amount of:

EUR [in figures: …] (in words: … EUR)

upon simple demand, for guarantee of the pre-financing(s) stipulated in the contract (N°/exact title,

hereinafter referred to as the "contract") concluded between the Commission and [name and

address], (hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor").


If the Commission gives notice that the Contractor has for any reason failed to reimburse pre-

financings paid by the Commission, we, acting by order and for account of the Contractor, shall

undertake to immediately pay up to the above amount, in EUR, without exception or objection, into

[Option 1: a bank account designated by the Commission] [Option 2: the following bank account:

(…)], on receipt of the first written request from the Commission sent by registered letter or by

courier with acknowledgement of receipt. We shall inform the Commission in writing as soon as

the payment has been made.


1. We waive the right to require exhaustion of remedies against the Contractor, any right to withhold

performance, any right of retention, any right of avoidance, any right to offset, and the right to assert

any other claims which the Contractor may have against the Commission under the contract or in

connection with it or on any other grounds.

11 The footnotes are internal instructions for the authorising officers only and must be deleted before the guarantee is signed.

[Plain text]: items to be filled in. [Text in italics]: these items are optional and may be deleted depending on the context of the


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2. Our obligations under this guarantee shall not be affected by any arrangements or agreements made by

the Commission with the Contractor which may concern his obligations under the contract.

3. We shall undertake to immediately inform the Commission in writing, by registered letter or by

courier with acknowledgement of receipt, in the event of a change of our legal status, ownership or



This guarantee shall come into force upon its signature. If, on the date of its signature, the [first] pre-

financing has not been paid to the Contractor, this guarantee shall enter into force on the date on which

the Contractor receives the [first] pre-financing.


1. We may be released from this guarantee only with the Commission’s written consent.

2. This guarantee shall expire on return of this original document by the Commission to our offices by

registered letter or by courier with acknowledgement of receipt.

3. [Option 1: This must occur at the latest one month after the payment of the balance under the contract

has been made or three months after the issuance of the corresponding recovery order.12]

[Option 2: This must occur at the latest during the month after the pre-financing under the contract

has been cleared through interim payment[s].]

[Option 3: This must occur in any case, at the latest, on (indicate a precise date13).]

4. After expiry, this guarantee shall become automatically null and void and no claim relating thereto

shall be receivable for any reason whatsoever.


Option 1

1. This guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law applicable to the


2. The courts having jurisdiction for matters relating to the contract shall have sole jurisdiction in

respect of matters relating to this guarantee.

Option 2

Any dispute concerning this guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Law

[of the country of establishment of the [Contractor][Bank]] and fall within the sole competence of the

[corresponding national] Courts.


The rights arising from this guarantee may not be assigned [without our written consent].

12 In any case, this period should never be reduced.

13 This mention has to be inserted where the law applicable to the guarantee imposes a precise expiry date.

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Done at [insert place], on [insert date]

__________________ [__________________]

[Signature/ [Signature/

Function at the Financial Institution/Bank] Function at the Financial Institution/Bank]

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NO 433/PP/GRO/RCH/15/8380)

Financial and Economic Capacity Overview

Currency : EURO Figures (000)

N* (* most recent

figures available) N-1 N-2

Total Balance Sheet


Amounts due by commercial customers


Amounts owned by the company


Amounts due to commercial suppliers




Bank accounts, cash at hand







You may add any data that you would consider of vital relevance for your organisation and

for the understanding of the above figures.

Comments: Please explain BRIEFLY important variations from one year to another if

appropriate. In case of negative equity or repeated losses, please explain how the future of the

organisation will be ensured.

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The undersigned: ………………………………………………………………………….

Name of the company/organisation: ………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Declares hereby the intention to collaborate in the execution of the tasks subject to the

above call for tender, in accordance with the terms of the offer to which the present form is

annexed, if the contract is awarded to … …. (name of the tenderer).

Declares hereby accepting the general conditions attached to the tendering specifications

for this call for tender, and in particular art. II.18 in relation with checks and audits.

Full name Date Signature


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Agreement / Power of Attorney



We the undersigned:

– Signatory 1 (Name, Function, Company, Registered address, VAT Number)

– Signatory 2 (Name, Function, Company, Registered address, VAT Number)

– …..

– Signatory N (Name, Function, Company, Registered address, VAT Number),

Each of them having the legal capacity required to act on behalf of his/her company, HEREBY


In case the European Commission awards [Framework] Contract …. (« the Contract ») to

Company 1, Company 2, …, Company N (« the Group Members »), based on the joint offer

submitted by them on … ….. for the supply of ….. and/or the provision of services for … (« the

Supplies and/or the Services »).

(1) As co-signatories of the Contract, all the Group Members:

(a) Shall be jointly and severally liable towards the European Commission for the performance

of the Contract.

(b) Shall comply with the terms and conditions of the Contract and ensure the proper

execution of their respective share of the Supplies and/or the Services.

(2) To this effect, the Group Members designate Company X as Group Leader. [N.B.: The

Group Leader has to be one of the Group Members]

(3) Payments by the European Commission related to the Supplies or the Services shall be

made through the Group Leader’s bank account .[Provide details on bank, address,

account number, etc.].

(4) The Group Members grant to the Group Leader all the necessary powers to act on their

behalf in connection with the Supplies and/or the Services. This mandate involves in

particular the following tasks:

(a) The Group Leader shall sign any contractual documents —including the [Framework]

Contract, [Specific Agreements] and Amendments thereto— and issue any invoices

related to the Supplies or the Services on behalf of the Group Members.

(b) The Group Leader shall act as single point of contact for the European Commission in

connection with the Supplies and/or the Services to be provided under the Contract. It

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shall co-ordinate the provision of the Supplies and/or the Services by the Group Members

to the European Commission, and shall see to a proper administration of the Contract.

Any modification to the present agreement / power of attorney shall be subject to the European

Commission’s express approval.

This agreement / power of attorney shall expire when all the contractual obligations of the Group

Members towards the European Commission in connection with the Supplies and/or the Services

to be provided under the Contract have ceased to exist. The parties cannot terminate it before that

date without the Commission’s consent.

Signed in ………… on ……….. ………













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Agreement / Power of Attorney



We the undersigned:

– Signatory 1 (Name, Function, Company, Registered address, VAT Number)

– Signatory 2 (Name, Function, Company, Registered address, VAT Number)

– …..

– Signatory N (Name, Function, Company, Registered address, VAT Number),

Each of them having the legal capacity required to act on behalf of his/her company, HEREBY


In case the European Commission awards [Framework] Contract …. (« the Contract ») to

Company 1, Company 2, …, Company N (« the Group Members »), based on the joint offer

submitted by them on … ….. for the supply of ….. and/or the provision of services for … (« the

Supplies and/or the Services »).

(1) As co-signatories of the Contract, all the Group Members:

(a) Shall be jointly and severally liable towards the European Commission for the performance

of the Contract.

(b) Shall comply with the terms and conditions of the Contract and ensure the proper

execution of their respective share of the Supplies and/or the Services.

(2) To this effect, the Group Members have set up under the laws of ……. the Group ….. (« the

Group »). The Group has the legal form of a .….. [Provide details on registration of the Group:

VAT Number, Trade Register, etc.].

(3) Payments by the European Commission related to the Supplies or the Services shall be made

through the Group’s bank account . [Provide details on bank, address, account number, etc.].

(4) The Group Members appoint Mr/Ms ……. as Group Manager.

(5) The Group Members grant to the Group Manager all the necessary powers to act alone on

their behalf in connection with the Supplies and/or the Services. This mandate involves in

particular the following tasks :

(a) The Group Manager shall sign any contractual documents —including the [Framework]

Contract, [Specific Agreements] and Amendments thereto— and issue any invoices related

to the Supplies or the Services on behalf of the Group Members.

(b) The Group Manager shall act as single point of contact for the European Commission in

connection with the Supplies and/or the Services to be provided under the Contract. He/she

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shall co-ordinate the provision of the Supplies and/or the Services by the Group Members

to the European Commission, and shall see to a proper administration of the Contract.

Any modification to the present agreement / power of attorney shall be subject to the European

Commission’s express approval.

This agreement / power of attorney shall expire when all the contractual obligations of the Group

Members towards the European Commission in connection with the Supplies and/or the Services

to be provided under the Contract have ceased to exist. The parties cannot terminate it before that

date without the Commission’s consent.

Signed in ……... on ……….. ………













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The purpose of the table below is to facilitate the preparation of the tender by providing an

overview of the documents that must be included (marked by ) depending on the role of each

economic operator in the tender (coordinator/group leader in joint bid, partner in joint bid, single

contractor, main contractor, subcontractor).

Some of the documents are only relevant in cases of joint bids or when subcontractors are

involved. Additional documents might be necessary depending on the specific characteristics of

each tender.





or or


leader in

joint bid



in joint


Single or





Power of attorney of partners in joint bid indicating

the group leader (see annex 6.6) 1

Letter of intent of subcontractor (see annex 6.5) 1

Legal Entity Form (see section 4.2.1)

Download the form from :




Supporting documents for the Legal Entity File Form 1

Financial Identification form (see section 4.2.1)

Download the form from:




Exclusion Criteria form (see section 5.1.1 and annex

6.1) 2

Evidence of Economic and financial capacity (see

section 5.2.2 and annex 6.4) 3

Evidence of Technical and professional capacity (see

section 5.2.3)

Go to the following page to fill in the CV:




The following sections must be provided in the bid, their absence would mean rejection of the

bid for incompleteness:

Description Sec-

tion Coordinator or single tenderer

Technical Proposal (see section 4.2.4 and 1.) 4

Financial Proposal (see section 4.2.5) 5

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No intentional jamming


The ionospheric delay on any satellite signal path will not exceed the equivalent of a

vertical total electron count of 50 TECU. The vertical scintillation index (S4) on any

satellite signal path shall not exceed 0.2.


The tropospheric delay on any Satellite signal path will not exceed the equivalent of a

zenith path length increase of 2.70 metres.


The multipath conditions will not exceed the limits obtained when the following

parameters are applied to the Galileo Reference Multipath Model for User Receivers:

Average delay 50 ns;

Linear decay slope 10 dB/µs;

Doppler bandwidth 4 Hz (rural pedestrian), 140 Hz (rural vehicle); 0.0025 Hz (fixed)

Multipath power (relative to unobstructed line-of-sight path) -7.2 dB.

For aeronautical applications the multipath conditions will not exceed the limits described

by the aggregate of the three following components when applied to the Galileo Reference

Multipath Model for User Receivers:

Refractive Component with zero delay: Power spectrum (with total power -14.2 dB) described


Pproc (dB) = k0 + b2 . e b3.|f|


k0 = -55.3

b2 = 50

b3 = -1.5 (Hz-1


Fuselage Reflective Component with 1.5 ns delay: Single spectral line at -14.2 dB plus power

spectrum described by

Pproc (dB) = k1 + b2 . e b3.|f|

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k1 = -99

b2 = 50

b3 = -1.5 (Hz-1


Ground Reflective Component with 10 ns delay: Gaussian power spectrum with total power -

15 dB described by

PGr(dB) = 20 . log10 (k . e -f² / 2 ²


where =

2.3 Hz for E5a

2.4 Hz for E5b

3.1 Hz for L1.


Levels of external interference power density at the input of the receiver will not exceed -

141.3 dBW in any 1 MHz.

For aeronautical applications, the nominal RF interference environment shall be as follows:

Levels of external interference power density at the input of the receiver will not exceed that

caused by full deployment of the ICAO DME system in the “E5a” and “E5b” frequency

bands, plus up to -141.3 dBW in any 1 MHz from other sources.

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