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8/8/2019 4 9 ORC Overview

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Enhance teaching

and learning for Ohioschools and universities

ORC MissionORC Mission



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standards-basedbest practices inmathematicsscience


ORC MissionORC Mission

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Serves as a trusted

source ofeasily accessiblepeer-reviewedhigh-quality and

effective resources

ORC MissionORC Mission

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ORC iff r :t lit f r s r s

ORC iff r :t lit f r s r s

P r-r vi w

Oh i A mi Con t n t St nda rd sVa ri t of r s ou r s fo r t ach in gand l a rn in gRich co ll c ti on of in str uc ti ona land rofe ssiona l r e sou rce sS ec ia l fea t u re s on t he sit e

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ORC Typesof Resources

ORC Typesof Resources

Variety ofresources forteaching and


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Special ProjectsSpecial ProjectsIn partnershipwith the Ohio

Department of

Education andthe Ohio Boardof Regents


Adolescent Literacy In Perspective

Stan d ar ds Fi r s t

Oh ioWIN S

Oh io M athemat ics L earn ing Co nduc to r

catalyst OH IO R e sou r c e s

R e sou r c e s i n E arly C h ild hood

Oh io P athway s

Li tera c y K-5 W eb si te

P r o gram Mod el s

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Standards FirstStandards First

Identifies ORC resourcesto connect academic andcareer-technicalstandards to a real-world contextCorrelates Career FieldTechnical ContentStandards with AcademicContent Standards

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OhioWINSO hio Writing Institute Network for SuccessOhioWINSO hio Writing Institute Network for Success

Makes success in higher education an achievablegoal by improving student skillsAligns writing resources to English Expectations forCollege ReadinessCollege English Department faculty work with K-12teachers and high school students to master Ohio'sEnglish Language Arts Standards

Created by the Ohio Board of Regents and

funded by the State of Ohio

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Literacy K-5WebsiteLiteracy K-5WebsiteCollections ofresources

Virtual bookshelfReadingcomprehensionstrategy modules

Rich, standards-aligned resourcesfor grades K-5

Fu nd e d by the Oh ioD epartment of Educ at io n,

O ffic e of Li tera c y

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ca t a l st OH IORe sou rce sca t a l st OH IORe sou rce s

Enha nce s l ea rningthr ou gh th e u se o ft ec hn o lo g

Int e gr a t e s t ec hn o lo gint o st a nd a rds-b a se dt eac hing

De ve lo pe d b th e O hio Boa rd o f Re ge nts,O hio De pa rtm e nt o f Ed uca ti o n, e Tec hO hio ,a nd O hio Lea rning N e tw o rk in p a rtn e rship withth e thirt ee n st a t e u niv e rsiti e s

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Ohio PathwaysOhio PathwaysSupports the implementationof career-field pathwayswithin local districts

Guides the design anddissemination of career-technical curriculummodelsProvides Inquiry-BasedInstructional UnitsOffers professionaldevelopment

Funded by the Ohio Departmentof Education, Office of Career Technical

and Adult Education, through a CarlPerkins grant

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RECResources for Early Childhood Education

RECResources for Early Childhood Education

Web-based resourcesfor early childhoodeducators, working with children birth to age 5

Collection of lessons and other resources alignedto the early learning standardsExemplars for interdisciplinary project planningMaterials for parents and family-schoolconnection

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Another Tasty TreatAnother Tasty Treat

Let·s find an activity for my 2 year old son, SeanResources for Early ChildhoodLet·s look for a math activity appropriate for infants& toddlersWhat about something edible?#6357 Tasty Treats

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Ohio ResourceCenterOhio ResourceCenter

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Ohio Resource Center for Mathematics, Science, and ReadingOhio Resource Center

for Mathematics, Science, and Reading

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Thanks for a Great Day!Thanks for a Great Day!

HOMEWORK for tomorrow:Instructors must wear shoes with toes (no sandals,flip flops, etc.).Instructors complete registration, orientation &release form for Cleveland Food Bank (online or onpaper).

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