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  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    Instruction SetArchitectures


    Null and Lobur. The Essentials of Computer Organization andArchitecture. Chapter

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    !hat distinguishes instruction sfrom each other"• Operand storage:

    • Stac# structure

    • $egisters

    • %oth

    • Number of e&plicit operands per instruction

    • Operand location 'combination of operands allo(ed per instruction)• $egister*to*register

    • $egister*to*memor+

    • ,emor+*to*memor+

    • Operations• T+pes of operations

    • !hich operations are allo(ed to access memor+

    • T+pe and size of operands• Addresses

    • Numbers- or

    • Characters"

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    esign decisions

    •Instruction set must match the architecture

    • /actors• Amount of space a program re0uires

    • Comple&it+ of the instruction set• Amount of decoding necessar+

    •Comple&it+ of the tas#s performed b+ the instruction

    • Length of the instructions

    • Total number of instructions

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures



    Short 2s. long instructions• Short:

    • less space and fetched 0uic#l+

    • Limits the number of instructions as (ell as the size and number of operands

    • /i&ed length 2s. 2ariable length• Easier to decode but (aste space

    • ,emor+ organization a1ects instruction format

    • E.g. Is the memor+ b+te*addressable"

    • /i&ed length but e&pandable (hen it comes to the number of operands 'e&paopcode)

    • Number of addressing modes

    • %ig*endian or little*endian"

    • 3o( man+ registers"

    • 3o( should the+ be organized"

    • 3o( should operands be stored in the C45"

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    Internal storage in the C45

    • Three possible choices in ho( to store data in the C45• Stac# architecture

    • operands are in a stac# '(ith operands at TO4)

    • /acilitates e2aluation of e&pressions

    • No random access- therefore code produced is ine6cient

    • Stac# causes a bottlenec#

    • Accumulator architecture

    • One operand is implicitl+ in the accumulator

    • $educes comple&it+

    • ,emor+ tra6c is high

    • 7eneral*purpose register '74$) architecture

    • Longer fetch and decode times

    • 5seful for machines (ith slo( memories

    •  Three t+pes

    • ,emor+*memor+

    • $egister*memor+

    • Load*store

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    Number of operands and instrulengths• /i&ed length

    • !astes space

    • /ast

    • %etter performance (hen pipelining is used

    • 8ariable length• ,ore comple& to decode

    • Sa2es storage space

    • Compromise: t(o or three instruction lengths. Instruction lengths must be cthe (ord length of the machine. If unaligned- space is (asted.

    • Common instruction formats• Opcode onl+

    • Opcode 9 address

    • Opcode 9 ; addresses

    • Opcode 9 < addresses

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    Comparison of architectures=treatment of opcodes•

    Stac# architecture• Opcodes ta#e operands from top of stac#

    • Intermediate results are put in top of stac#

    • 4ro2ides a mechanism for parameter passing

    • $e0uire a 45S3 and a 4O4 instruction- both of (hich are allo(ed a operand >

    • 45S3 > retrie2es a data 2alue from memor+ > and places it at TO4 of stac#.

    • 4O4 > retrie2es remo2es the element at the TO4 of stac# and puts it in memo

    • E6cient for e2aluating long arithmetic e&pressions in re2erse 4olish'$4N) a#a postfx notation

    • Onl+ certain instructions are allo(ed to access memor+? all instructuse operands from the stac#.

    • ,ost instructions contain onl+ opcodes.

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    E&panding opcodes

    Number of operands is dependent on the instruction length• Not all instructions ha2e the same number of operands.

    • E&panding opcodes: compromise solution bet(een rich set opcodes 'opcodes (hich contain a comple& set of instructioha2ing short opcodes

    • Short opcode: man+ operands

    $ich set: all the bits can be used for uni0ue instructions• E&ample: @*bit instruction format ma+ ha2e at least t(o po

    • *bit opcode follo(ed b+ three *bit addresses '(here the addressregister and there are @ registers)

    • *bit opcode follo(ed b+ a ;*bit address '(here the address ma+memor+ location).

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    E&panding opcode: E&ample

    SpeciBcations 'instruction format has @ bits)• instructions (ith three addresses

    • instructions (ith t(o addresses

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    An implementation of thespeciBcations•

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    !hat if the speciBcations are:

    ;*bit instruction format• There are D registers.

    • Instructions cannot access memor+ directl+.

    !ill these support• instructions (ith < registers

    • ; instructions (ith register

    • @ instructions (ith registers

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    Instruction T+pes

    • ata ,o2ement

    • Arithmetic Operations

    • %oolean Logic Instructions

    • %it ,anipulation Instructions

    • InputFOutput Instructions

    • Instructions for Transfer of Control

    • Special 4urpose Instructions

    Orthogonalit+• No redundanc+ in instructions

    • Instruction set must be consistent

    • Addressing modes of operands must be independent from the operands

    • Conse0uences:• /acilitates language compiler construction

    • Long instruction (ords

    • Longer programs

    • ,ore memor+ use

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    Address ,odes

    Immediate addressing: 2alue follo(s the opcode• irect addressing: 2alue obtained b+ the speciBed m

    address in the instruction• $egister addressing: register is used to specif+ the operan

    • Indirect addressing: bits in the address Beld specif+ a•

    $egister indirect addressing: register contains the pointer• Inde&ed addressing: inde& register is used to store a

    added to the operand• %ased addressing: a base address register is used to store

    • Stac# addressing: operand is assumed to be on the s

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    8ariants of pre2ious addressingmodes•

    Indirect inde&ed addressing: Indirect and inde&eaddressing are used at the same time

    • %aseFo1set addressing: Adds an o1set to a specregister and adds this to the speciBed operand Ga pointerH- leading to the address of the actual oto be used in the instruction.

    • Auto*increment and auto*decrement: automaticincrements or decrements the register used- thureducing the code size

    • Self*relati2e addressing: computes the address o

    operand from the current operation

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures



    /etch*decode*e&ecute: normall+ each cloc# pulse controls a• !hat if the steps are bro#en do(n into smaller steps- and so

    can be performed in parallel"• ,inisteps:

    . /etch instruction

    ;. ecode opcode

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    3o( pipelining (or#s

    Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle Cycle ! Cycle

    S S; S< S S S@


    S S; S< S S S@

    Instruction ;

    S S; S< S S S@

    Instruction <

    S S; S< S S


  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    Speedup computation

    Speedup is a1ected b+ the number of stages.• /or a k *stage pipeline

    • Assume a cloc# c+cle time of t  p- i.e. it ta#es t  p time per stag

    • Assume n instructions 'tas$s) to process.

    • Thus- it ta#es Tas# k  & t  p time to complete

    • The remaining n – 1 tas#s emerge from the pipeline one pethus the total time for these tas#s of 'n – 1)t  p.

    • Thus- to complete n tas#s using a k *stage pipeline re0uires

    'k  & t  p) 9 'n  1) t  p  'k  9 n  1) t  p 


    k  9 'n  1) cloc# c+cles

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    Speedup computation

    !ithout a pipeline- for n instructions re0uire nt n c+(here t n k & t  p 

    • To compute speedup- (e di2ide the time re0uired no pipeline b+ the time re0uired if there is a pipeli

     Thus as - (e see that approaches n- (hich results theoretical speedup of 

    (here k  is the number of stages in the pipel


  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    Constraints of pipelining

    $esource conKicts 'structural hazards)• ata dependencies

    • Conditional branch statements• 4roposed solutions

    • %ranch prediction

    •ela+ed branch 'compiler resolution through a rearrangememachine code)

  • 8/19/2019 4 Instruction Set Architectures


    Sample of codes (ith the preB& propert+

    I4 addresses

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