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England (in English: England) is one of the constituent nations of the United Unido.1 2 3 The country is bordered by Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the northwest, the Celtic Sea is to the southwest, while the North Sea is to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental Europe. Most of England comprises the central and southern part of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic. The country also includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight.The area now called England was inhabited by humans for the first time during the Upper Palaeolithic period, but its name comes from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled during the fifth and sixth centuries in the region. England became a unified state in AD 927, and since the Age of Discovery, which began during the fifteenth century, the nation now has a significant cultural and legal impact on the rest of world.4 The English language, the Church Anglican and English law (the basis for the legal systems of common law in many other countries around the world) developed in England, and the parliamentary system of government the country has been widely adopted by other nations.5 The Industrial Revolution began in eighteenth-century England, transforming its society into the first industrialized nation world.6 The Royal Society of England laid the foundations of experimental science moderna.7

O Palcio de Westminster, sede do Parlamento do Reino Unido.



Scotland (in English: Scotland and Scots, Scottish Gaelic Alba) is one of the nations that make up the UK2 3. It occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain, bordered by England to the south and is bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west and the North Channel and the Irish Sea to the southwest. Moreover part of Great Britain, the Scottish territory includes over 790 islands. The adjacent territorial sea in the North Atlantic and the North Sea contains the largest oil reserves in the European Union. The capital Edinburgh is one of Europe's largest financial centers.

O Parlamento escocs a assembleia legislativa nacional da Esccia.



Wales or simply Wales (Welsh: Cymru; in English: Wales) is one of the nations that make up the United Kingdom and its capital is Cardiff. Currently, Wales has an autonomous parliament in the UK within.The Romans built forts in Wales, and left there historical and cultural brands. Caerleon, built a beautiful fortress, amphitheater site considered the most well kept and held in Britain. The country has never been invaded by the Anglo-Saxons, because of his people, who had great desire to protect their land, and due to the mountainous terrain, which prevented the passage. Wales remained Celtic and his people continued to speak the Welsh language even after the Celtic elements of neighboring England and Scotland have gradually disappeared. The Wales name is proof of that, as comes from a Germanic root word that means foreigner and is thus associated with the names of several other European regions where the Germanic peoples were introduced with non-Germanic cultures.

Town centre



Northern Ireland (English: Northern Ireland; Irish: Tuaisceart ireann, in Ulster Scots: Norlin Airlann) is a constituent country of the United Kingdom, the only non-located in Britain. Located, as its name suggests, in the north of the island of Ireland, shared with the Republic of Ireland, an independent and sovereign country.The Government of Ireland Act 1920 (Government of Ireland Act 1920), approved by the UK parliament made Northern Ireland an autonomous political entity in 1921. Faced with divergent requirements of Irish nationalists and unionists for the future of the island of Ireland (the first did an autonomous parliament who ruled the island, the latter did not want any autonomy), and fearing a civil war between the two groups, the British government led by David Lloyd George passed the law, creating two Irelands with internal autonomy: Northern Ireland, which would continue under the UK domain, and the Republic of Ireland (also known as Eire), independent.

Belfast, capital e maior cidade do pas.


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