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Page 1: 4 reasons why SOA is the problem

SOA is theProblem

4 Reasons Why

The Connected Citizen Initiative

Page 2: 4 reasons why SOA is the problem

Everything should be made as simple aspossible but not simpler.


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Too Complex!So many potential points of failure...

Traditional integrated systems are tightly-coupled and highlyinterdependent. A change in one system impacts all theothers.

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Lessonsfrom Object-Oriented

Program Design

Page 5: 4 reasons why SOA is the problem

1. Abstraction

Traditional SOA joins systems together using hundredsor even thousands of unique services with individualinterfaces.

A well-conceived integration layer can replace thesewith less than a dozen standard, abstracted services.

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2. Encapsulation

Traditional SOA wears its complexity on its sleeve byexposing hundreds of interdependent parameters.

An integration layer exposes relevant functionality justin time, using the credentials of the user and the state of underlying application data and processes.

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3. Modularity

In traditional SOA consistency is not guaranteedbetween services. Every service must be implementedindividually.

An integration layer provides a small set of consistent,predictable services to perform any available underlyingfunction.

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4. Hierarchy

Traditional SOA services expose all their parameters atonce leading to unwieldy integration proxies. If the typeof any parameter changes the entire integration canbreak.

An integration layer brokers incremental access tounderlying services, providing only the detail necessary.

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For more information on architecting an integrationlayer that solves the SOA problem, visit us.

To be part of the solution, join us!


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