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Page 1: 4 Rules of eating that decrease stress and feel good

4 Simple Dietary Guidelines for Healthy, Joyful, Guilt-free Eating

1. Don’t stop eating bad things – increase the

good stuff!

The problem: A lot of us take the fun and

enjoyment out of eating by making the main

focus avoiding bad stuff.

The solution: Stop thinking about what not to

eat – forgive everything you do from here on.

Then, simply add something healthy. If your

focus used to be, “okay, I can’t eat this thing

that I love”, it should now be “okay, I’ll eat this

thing that I love and add this healthy thing”.


Feel good when eating, whatever you’re


If you want to simplify, and remove the guilt and stress around, eating for those you love, it will take you 1 sec to share this with your friends, done by blicking on the links to the right (I know, they are beautiful)

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The problem: A lot of us have learned to

connect negative feelings to eating. We eat

really badly, and beat ourselves up over it

(sometimes even feeling like the day is lost, and

stop taking things seriously that day, because

“I’ve failed anyway”).

If we have our bar set high – for our diet – and

fail to live up to that, we beat ourselves up over


But, the question is… does feeling bad ever help

us…? No – all feeling bad does is make us reach

for doing things that make us feel comfortable.

…And one of those things is food. So we eat

badly, feel bad about it, and eat more bad stuff.

How you feel while eating has a bigger effect

than what you’re eating. Why…? Because,

feeling stressed/sad/overwhelmed because of

what you’re eating will likely turn into a habit,

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and feeling like that several times every day is

really, really bad.

The solution:

First of all, just relax. You’re eating what you’re

eating, and you can choose to do it or not to do

it. If you choose to do it, then let it go and

realize that this is where you’re at right now –

you’ve been eating badly, your eating habits

have not been awesome, and now you’re taking

steps in the right direction.

So, what can you do to feel really good while

eating, aside from forgiving yourself…? Relax

and just eat. What I mean is, don’t think about

everything that has happened during the day,

or that might happen or what this or that might

mean, but just taste the food, breathe and take

a time to unwind.

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3. Accept that this is where you’re at, right now,

in your diet

Remember, implementing habits takes a long

time. If you take the “have to get it handled

now”, you’re heading toward burnout and a

100% guaranteed failure as far as the habit

goes. That stress will, by far, beat out any

health benefits eating the stuff would have

given (and, will remain once you’ve failed the

habit – which probably won’t be long).

Instead, use the first rule – to add good stuff

rather than eradicate bad stuff – and then just

sit and relax, knowing that just progressing

forward, taking small steps at a time, and

relaxing while eating will take you further than

anything else (and that the progression only

accelerates with time).

4. Healthy stuff is way tastier than you think (and

it gets better)

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The problem: When thinking about eating

better, one of the main concerns that come up

is “I guess I’ll have to get used to food that

doesn’t taste great”. And that’s a problem, but

based on very loose grounds.

The solution: First of all, healthy stuff can be

prepared in a million really, tasty ways. So, if

you like frying things, fry something healthy! It

still tastes fried. If you want to make sure to eat

greens but dislike the “green” taste, make some

incredibly simple salad dressing – from 2 parts

olive oil, 1 part vinegar and spices - and pour

over it.

The solution: This may be the most powerful,

and certainly most surprising truth: our taste

changes. It’s really, really hard – when sitting

there, trying to chew on wet, slimy spinach – to

think that you’d ever enjoy it. But, again: it can

be improved with dressing. And… over time, if

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you just start to eat healthier, and gradually

decrease dependency on sugar, you will start

deeply appreciating the taste of something

fresh, something alive and most of all, you’ll

appreciate the way it makes you feel


So, what do you think…? Not that it’s important – your thoughts on some random dude’s approach to eating – but how will this affect day-to-day reality for you…? I mean, will you read something like this – with the potential to let go of food-connected guilt, make what’s good for you something you want to eat and more – and forget about it..?

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So, again – how will this become part of your life…? And it’s not about following these exact rules (although I have to say they are pretty badass), but about following something that keeps you from whatever you’ve been held back by before (and, god forbid, mainstream media’s health brain wash). If you’d my feedback on plugging these rules into your life, I’m more than happy to give it to you. If you’d like it, just hit me up (and why not add me!) on: Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @LetUsReinvent

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simon.hasto.9

Linked-in: https://se.linkedin.com/pub/simon-hästö/23/22/b65

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You and I know the pain people are in when it comes to "diet" (no matter how that pain might look or feel). If you want these people to enjoy easier, less guilty & progressively more healthy eating, then why not do them a favor & share this doc on social media? Takes 2 sec & you just need to click below:

More of My Resources Below

(You'll learn how to enjoy yourself to sleep, an inspiring, enjoyable & relaxing step-by-step morning ritual, a simple 3-step method to make working out simple, common sense and relaxed... And there are also ways to make your job more exciting/inspiring/fun & incredible business resources)

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The Enjoy-Yourself-to-Sleep Method If you have trouble sleeping (getting to bed or falling asleep) and/or would love to end every day doing anything you love, that relaxes and excites you, you can find out how to do that in a way that induces sleep, at no cost, by clicking here

Enjoyable & Relaxed, Step-by-step Morning RitualDo your mornings start out relaxed, focused on bringing in the best nutrition – for your body, mind and soul – in a way that is time/energy effective, while inspiring, relaxing and enjoyable…? If not, try this for free

The Simple, Relaxed, Common Sense Approach to Working Out

If you're tired of:

Wasting your time trying to make sense of the "free" (time-, energy- and peace-of-mind wasting) youtube workout videos (and getting nowhere)

...feeling, embarrassed, stared at or ripped off by sharing-nothing-valuable personal trainers, in the gym...

...And you want to build a gym-independent life-time workout skill, using a method where working out is fun, relaxed and interesting

...Then just click here

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Maybe, at this point, you’re saying to yourself, something like it “Damn, it would be awesome if everything having to do with health could be this relaxed, forgiving and common sense…” If you like the health-approach, here, in these free resources - the simplicity, the breathe of fresh air, the focus on enjoyment, the acceptance of mistake, the clarity - then you'll love what I have to talk to you about now... It's something created for people like you - people with an actual life, who want to live life more than anything else, but at the same time know life is 10x better with great health. ...And is stuck in a huge dilemma.

I created a simple,incredibly low time-requirement health course,all about living an amazing life without having your health suffer (in fact, taking simple steps to an amazing life is, in my approach, what gives amazing health; which is just as cool as it sounds).

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…Simple, that doesn’t take a lot of time or work, where you just dothe absolute most important things and forget the rest even exist (what would that do to stress levels, and how much more energy would you have to put on what you actually want to have energy for; how much more enjoyable would the ice cream be, how much more of your nights could you count as “magical” because you let go of that nagging, “is this healthy” voice, when eating or drinking or something, because you knew the 20% that made 80% of the difference and you kept it to that…? How much more could you enjoy people, and they enjoy you, if you didn’t have this constant, unconscious or conscious, health-nagging, and could instead just let go).

…Where you didn’t have to go spend hours learning abouthealth, because the homework had already been done by somebody else, who condensed it into bite-sized pieces for you to just go and apply (how much time, mental energy and positive emotions does this free up for the person who has to be healthy yet hates the thought of studying minutiae..? And what kind of experiences could that bring into her life, which were made impossible by the dread, boredom and overwhelm of trying to fit a million health-pieces together)

…A health approach which was forgiving and all about enjoying yourself(where the worst mistake is forgiven while it happens; where we are free to enjoy our guilty pleasures*)

*which makes sense as shame has been proven to be the numberone reason we go to comfort food; we feel bad, need comfort, so we go to food that comforts us

This is about health as something:

The Amazing-Life-Amazing-Health System

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…Health as something you achieve, not through“eating right” or “working out” (only), but via making sure you have amazing experiences in your life and making sure you feel inspired and grateful as often as possible …Something you reach simply by trying things out, to seewhat works, and then continue to do more of that (constantly aiming to do it all in a fun, inspiring way). If you’d like to read about an opportunity (starting at $1) to try just that approach, click on this link

If you feel crazy, and want to try the $1 trial right away, you can just send $1 to PayPal account [email protected] – along with a mail, to that same address, so I know where to send the first week’s material . There is no catch whatsoever to this; it makes perfect sense for me to offer one week for $1, because all I personally have to do is send you an email (and, as I know just how awesome this method is, I’m pretty sure there’s a good chance you’ll want to continue). However, this opportunity will certainly not be available forever. It all depends on the amount of maintenance it requires (it it requires anything but the bare minimum, will I really offer this at $1? Makes no sense)

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If you’d prefer to talk to me personally - about this opportunity, and/or have with questions about the sleep habit solution – then feel free to contact me via:

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @LetUsReinvent

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simon.hasto.9

Linked-in: https://se.linkedin.com/pub/simon-hästö/23/22/b65

Skype: Search for [email protected]

If your productivity isn’t where you’d like it to

be (and maybe that’s not a lack of getting

things done, but simply a lack of enjoyment or

excitement about life… Or if your business isn’t

where you’d like it to be; whether that’s

moneywise, in how it feels or the impact it’s

making for the people it touches, then you’ll

like the resources below…

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Productivity Resources Free resources If your 9-5 holds you back, by any of the following: ...Making you feel like a sheep, ...Having you do things that have nothing to do with what you're called to in life, ...ridiculously underusing your capabilities

Or in any other way that feels like a waste of time, energy and your incredible potential, then this is for you. This is a document where I gave a woman feedback on her to-do:s that day, in a way that:

...Turned a repetitive activity into excitement (perfect for a lot of 9to5:s),

...turned cleaning into a workout

...and gave meaning where you’d never think you’d find it.

If you're not in a 9to5, but still wish to get productive, then you should know that this feedback radically improved the productivity of a multimillionaire (I gave him feedback on his specific tasks, which you can get, too). Check it out here: https://www.dropbox.com/home/simon%20h%C3%A4st%C3%B6.com/other%20services/More%20than%20Survive%20Your%209-5/Tasklist%20Turbo%20Examples?preview=Patty%2C+Tasklist+Turbo+Example.pdf

Paid Solutions This is where you can get feedback like the one I gave the woman above:


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Copywriting Resources Free resources If you’re sick and tired of “sales” holding you back – by making you feel:

sickly uncomfortable…

…sleazy and like someone you’re not,

…feeling like you’re doing something you wouldn’t want to do toyour soul mates

…And that this keeps you from delivering what your people need, and fromyou getting the money to do what you live for, then this is for you:


5-step honest conversation copywriting formula

If you’re tired of copywriting being something that makes you feel:

…confused, like you don’t know how to start

…overwhelmed, because there seems to be so much to do, or

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…distanced from the very people you want to help most, then trymy 5-step honest conversation copywriting formula, by clicking here

Paid solutions If you want my personal help, to turn your copy into friendly, conversational magic, you could try my inspiring, fun and very educational 3-step back-and-forth feedback service, which you can learn more about here:


If you’ve liked the friendly, communicative, inspiring and helpful tone of the conversation in here, you might want to hear about how to make it a natural part of your own writing (through “installing” an enjoyable, relaxed copywriting practice as a natural, takes-no-extra-time part of your everyday life). If so, have a look here

Again, if you’d prefer to talk to me personally - about absolutely anything in here – then feel free to contact (and add!) me via:

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @LetUsReinvent

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simon.hasto.9

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Linked-in: https://se.linkedin.com/pub/simon-hästö/23/22/b65

Skype: Search for [email protected] Again, if you want others to enjoy easy, guiltfree & progressively more healthy eating, then why not do them a favor & share this doc on social media? Takes 2 sec & you just need to click below:

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