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Global GIP International Business

Company Interaction

venerdì 2 maggio 2014

Script ExampleHi, John. Jim here from AIESEC.

Identify yourself immediately, or the contact will hang up on you. Let them know if you are calling thanks to a previous contact with an umbrella association in which they are members

Did I catch you at an OK time?

This question demonstrates respect for their time and an understanding that your phone call is not the only thing on their plate for the day. You may feel that asking this question sets you up to hear a "no," but don't worry: Whether they say, "Yes," "No," or "No, but go ahead," the next statement makes the response entirely moot.

John, I'm sure you're busy and I want to respect your time, so I'll be brief.

This statement still allows you to continue regardless of how they initially responded to you, rather than rescheduling another time to call. This is a good thing, because you've finally got a prospect on the phone, so the last thing you want to do is hang up and attempt to catch them at another time.

venerdì 2 maggio 2014

Script ExampleThe reason for my call is this. We just helped several SMEs (refer to existing companies if you actually partnered with them) as your, that are active in export/import scenario (or even that wants to start an internationalisation process or that have strong business relationships with countries abroad etc.) in... ( just refer to one of your current partner experience, or list one or more of the following benefits: Talent from the country of expansion; Faster and smoother expansion;Lowered cost of expansion; Multiculturalism in the workplace; Increase the international network identifying potential partners abroad; Bring foreign knowledge and technology within national company.)

The purpose of these sentences is to create a compelling reason for the person on the other end to continue the conversation. Note that you've said nothing about how the benefit was achieved. At this point, the customer doesn't care about your specific product; the customer only wants to know what to expect if the conversation continues.

Now, you may be wondering if we can do this for you, too. Well, depending on what you're currently doing ( you can highlight here some of their activities/plans/projects related with imports/exports/internationalisation) , I don't know if you have a need for our services.

This eliminates a potentially adversarial posture, lowers their resistance, and brings down their guard. It lets customers know you're not trying to force down their throat something they may not need or may not be ready for.

venerdì 2 maggio 2014

Script ExampleBut with your permission, lets talk for a few minutes to determine if there is anything we're doing that you could benefit from.

This statement opens up a dialogue so that you can get permission from the prospect to have a preliminary conversation. At that point you can ask clarifications about what you got to know about the company to understand if the Global Internship International Business product would be suitable for them. Ask questions such as:

• Did you plan to expand your business in other countries?

• How many active departments do you have currently abroad?

• What would say about your company’s involvement in the international market?

• Have you looking for interns in the last year? (and so on)

Would you be comfortable spending just a few minutes with me on the phone now, if I stick to this timetable?

This establishes a timeline, letting the prospect know that you're taking accountability for the length of the call, that you're respecting their time, and that you're not going to keep them on the phone. This tells the prospect not to assume that the call will drag on for eternity.

Describe briefly terms and benefits of the Global Internship International Business product.venerdì 2 maggio 2014

Script Example

Email Secret: Customise the first few lines of your email as much as possible.

"Good morning Mr./Mrs (name of the person you are writing to), (your full name) here from AIESEC.

I've seen on your website that you are planning to start a new business in The netherlands/ I got to know from Mr. X, responsible for...in the US SME association, that you are starting a process of internationalisation and so on...

AIESEC is an international talents provider and we've helped a lot of companies in this area, and I think you'll find it useful if we talk."

venerdì 2 maggio 2014

Script Example

“Good morning Mr X.

I hope this email finds you and rest of the INT Company team well.

I am X responsible for... in AIESEC, and we provide to companies the access to a pool of international talents.

Given the international structure of your business, I thought our global internship program could be a great resource for INT Company. I’d love to introduce myself and our services if you have a few minutes for a quick chat sometime next week?

Thank you and talk to you soon.”

venerdì 2 maggio 2014



1. What do I want? Your purpose is selling the Global Internship International Business.

2. What do they want? Be aware about their national and international structure, their performances and especially about their current or future involvement in the international market. Research with which countries they work the most in terms of international trades and if they are currently recruiting profiles suitable to the ones that you can provide.

venerdì 2 maggio 2014



3. What do they expect? Showcase concrete improvements/results that your current partners have achieved thanks to AIESEC support, example of talented profiles that they would get, etc.

venerdì 2 maggio 2014



Ex of questions that company might ask:

• How much it’ll cost? Be prepared about pricing policy, discounts, but also about internship’s terms such as salary, taxes that company should pay, VISA expenses etc.

• How immigration procedures work? Be fully aware about your national legislation concerning immigration, VISA issues with specific countries, procedure’s costs and duration.

• Who will be responsible for the profile selection? How will work the candidates screening? Set clear expectation with the company, defining together how managing the recruitment flow.

• From which countries these profiles are coming? Be always updated about current EPs supply. If at the moment you know that there aren’t EPs from the country the company is interested in, suggest the possibility to structure a specific recruitment based on company need.

venerdì 2 maggio 2014

Partnership TipsSMEs Associations can be both TN takers and intermediaries between AIESEC and SMEs.

Their role in usually about:

• Representing and promoting the interests, needs and opinions of their member companies to institutions;

• Supporting their members legally, academically and technically;

• Creating a network among their members and putting them in contact with entities that can provide services and opportunities.

venerdì 2 maggio 2014

Partnership Example“ SMEs association is committed to:

✦ Place the logo/banner of AIESEC on the home page of their web-site;

✦ Reserve a space for a presentation about AIESEC and the Global Internship International Business program, during events that involved SMEs;

✦ Advertise events/activities of AIESEC in their channels;

✦ Promote the agreement signed with AIESEC, within the local chapters of the SMEs association, inviting them to collaborate with the local offices of AIESEC;

✦ Include in the newsletter addressed to SMEs the opportunities that AIESEC offers to companies.”

venerdì 2 maggio 2014

Partnership Example AIESEC is committed to:

✦ Place the logo of SMEs association in the "partner" section of its website;

✦ Include a presentation of SMEs association in the "partners" section of its website;

✦ Promote among AIESEC local offices the agreement concluded at national level with SMEs association, inviting them to collaborate with the SMEs association local chapters ;

✦ Invite a representative of SMEs association as speaker during employer branding events;

✦ Provide special favorable conditions, such as price discounts, for SMEs that are members of the SMEs association and who want to join the Global Internship International Business.

venerdì 2 maggio 2014

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