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Page 1: 4 Weeks Detox Your Home in · processed snacks (organic ones!), or even using the conventional toothpaste we received after a dentist visit (the kids love it, and it makes tooth-brushing

Detox Your Home in 4 Weeks

A Good Stuff GuideUpdated September 2016

By Maia JamesWith Colleen Webb

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Copyright 2016 Maia James

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

First Edition, 2014

Gimme the Good StuffPO Box 24Bausman, PA 17504http://gimmethegoodstuff.org

Although the author has made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at time of publication, the author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Manufacturers change the ingredients in their products frequently; always read labels or call companies to verify.

This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of health professionals. The reader should regularly consult health professionals in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

All Illustrations Copyright 2014 Graham Locke Goss

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Preface: Why This Matters 1

Introduction 2

Action Chapters

Week 1: Clean Up Your Housecleaning 5 Week 2: Purge Your Plastics 6 Week 3: Make Over Your Personal Care 8 Week 4: Purify Your Air & Water 10

Afterword 11 A Special Offer for You 12

Shopping Lists 13

About Maia & Colleen 24

Index of Product Categories 25

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PrefaceWhy This Matters

For decades, we’ve been hearing about how polluted the world is. What you might not know is that, in many cases, the air inside our homes is even more polluted than the air outside, thanks to harsh cleaning products and emissions from furniture and plastics. This is scary, especially when you consider how much time you and your family spend living and sleeping inside! Fortunately, there are key steps you can take to make your home and your lifestyle healthier—and they don’t involve brushing your teeth with baking soda.

If you’re reading this book, it’s because you want to choose the healthiest options for you and your family. You know you can’t simply trust every label that claims products are “safe,” “natural,” or “eco-friendly,” as these terms are largely unregulated. You have to look beyond the surface. But how are busy parents supposed to figure out what’s legit and what’s not? I know how time consuming and frustrating it can be—you’re running on three hours of sleep and trying to figure out how to spell (let alone pronounce!) “phthalates.”

I created this four-week action plan to empower you to make the most important changes for you and your family. We’ve identified the priorities and taken all the guesswork out of it for you.

Are you ready to clean up your home, reduce your exposure to the Bad Stuff, and fill it with Good Stuff? Let’s get started!

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How I Got Here

When I was pregnant for the first time in 2009, I received dozens of baby products from my friends and family—from expensive French diaper cream to those strange teepee things to put over the penis during diaper changes. I was already committed to a pretty healthy prenatal lifestyle; I ate organic food, and I stopped dyeing my hair and painting my nails. The next logical step was to look into the ingredients in the products I planned to use for my baby. It didn’t take much digging before I realized, much to my dismay, that even “natural” products from brands I trusted had scary ingredients—chemicals linked to everything from ADHD to leukemia.

So I started researching everything—shampoo, mattresses, paint for the nursery, car seats, laundry detergent, diapers…nothing escaped my scrutiny. Soon, friends began to reach out to me because they’d heard I was amassing lists of “Good Stuff” for babies and pregnant women. They wanted to know which products passed the “Maia test.” And so, shortly after the birth of my son, I gave birth to a website, gimmethegoodstuff.org, where I provided these lists in the form of Safe Product Guides.

Scary Stuff

Once you realize how many unregulated chemicals there are in most personal care products, cleaning supplies, toys, and more, it’s impossible—although tempting—to just stick your head in the sand. The good news is that there is lots of safe stuff on the market—it’s just a matter of being able to identify it! That’s where Gimme the Good Stuff comes in.

So what makes something the Good Stuff? Here are some of the things you won’t find in anything we’ve approved:

Artificial fragrances. Phthalates aren’t the only problem with scented products, although they are the most notorious. Synthetic fragrance blends can contain hundreds of hormone-disrupting chemicals, and companies aren’t required to disclose any of them on the label!

Bad plastic. Because evidence is mounting that BPA substitutes may be at least as damaging as BPA, any Good Stuff contains only minimal amounts of non-leaching plastic and is entirely free of all plastics whenever possible.

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Synthetic colorants. Linked to ADHD and other disorders, artificial dyes are definitely not the Good Stuff. I don’t need bright green shampoo; do you?

Toxic preservatives. Preservatives can be some of the most noxious ingredients in skincare and cleaning products. Parabens and BHA are preservatives you may already know to avoid; both are linked to cancer. Even many natural brands use neurotoxic methylisothiasolinone and other hormone disruptors.

Formaldehyde. One of the more ubiquitous scary ingredients out there, carcinogenic formaldehyde is found in everything from baby shampoo to wooden furniture to clothing (and nope, you won’t see it on a label).

Anti-bacterial bad guys. Triclosan and the like may be responsible for the growth of super bugs—as well as endocrine disruption and possibly tumor growth, too. Fortunately, the FDA recently banned triclosan from soap and body wash, but not from toothpaste and other products where it is commonly found.

Scary surfactants. Many foaming agents that are “naturally derived” are not necessarily safe—although some are. We’ve done the research on what’s toxic and what’s not, and none of the Good Stuff ever contains sodium laureth sulfate, cocamidopropyl betaine, or any of the “PEG” chemicals.

There are many more sketchy ingredients that I won’t get into, because talking about scary toxins really isn’t much fun, and our focus here is on the Good Stuff. Check the glossary on our website for more info on Bad Stuff ingredients.

How We Find the Good Stuff

I, along with the help of a team that includes my parents, both of whom are certified Holistic Health Coaches, as well as several freelance researchers and writers, do exhaustive research to find the Good Stuff. We identify key product categories for home, family, and personal care. Then we call companies and find out everything we can about their products, including things like what ingredients they use, where the ingredients are sourced, how they are manufactured, and what is in the packaging.

If a product passes this level of scrutiny, we try it out to make sure it actually does its job; the purest product is not Good Stuff if it doesn’t work as well (or at least almost as well) as the conventional stuff! And call me choosy, but I also want products that are appealing—I like things that look chic and smell clean. Most of the Good Stuff doesn’t smell of patchouli, though we do sell some patchouli soaps that people really love!

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Stay Sane

Because I’ve made it my personal and professional mission to find the purest products out there, people are probably surprised if they see my kids playing with plastic toys, eating processed snacks (organic ones!), or even using the conventional toothpaste we received after a dentist visit (the kids love it, and it makes tooth-brushing so much easier that I’m letting it slide!). That’s the “stay sane” part of my life and business, and it applies to you, too.

We can’t escape every known toxin; indeed, some are simply beyond our control. Our job is to do the best we can and control what we can without driving ourselves (and everyone around us) insane or making our kids completely neurotic.

The Good Stuff Online Store

While I employ some flexibility when it comes to the products we use in our day-to-day family life, my standards for the Good Stuff online store are much stricter. Since I began my research in 2009, I’ve identified a long list of concerning ingredients. Nothing I recommend in this book or on my website, or sell in the store, contains these chemicals or problematic natural ingredients (because not everything that’s natural is safe—just consider arsenic or tobacco!).

The products in the store are all Good Stuff that I use or would use. They have been thoroughly researched and vetted. We are picky and vigilant. In several cases I’ve either stopped carrying a line because the formula changed to include an ingredient I didn’t like, or I only carry part of a line because only some of their stuff qualifies as Good Stuff. I only sell Good Stuff we stand behind 100%.

Let’s Get Detoxing!

Now that you know a little bit more about my background and my business, let’s focus on you! The quick-start guide that follows will walk you through a simple four-week program, including explanations of exactly what do to, how to do it, and which truly nontoxic products you should buy.

I hope you find this process simple and straightforward, and that it’ll help you breathe easier! Let’s get started.

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Week 1: Clean Up Your HousecleaningThe first step in detoxing your home is to stop actively polluting it. Your go-to cleaning products might leave every surface sparkling, but they’re probably also degrading the quality of your indoor air. Even many “natural” cleaning and laundry products contain chemicals you don’t want to be breathing or getting on your skin.

Because of “trade secret” laws, manufacturers are not required to disclose what’s in their cleaning products, so reading labels won’t necessarily help. Often, you’ll just see something vague, like “plant-based surfactant.” Commit this week to cleaning up your housecleaning and using only truly Good Stuff.

Priority One: Replace all house cleaning and laundry products with Good Stuff. You don’t have to switch over to your grandmother’s vinegar-based recipes in order to have a clean and safe living environment. Truly natural products do exist, and they actually work, too. Pick and choose from our shopping lists at the end of this book.

Priority Two: Ditch your broom. Flame retardants and other toxins hide out in household dust, and sweeping puts plumes of this dust into the air. Instead, use a vacuum or wet mop to banish dirt and toxins.

Extra Credit Step: Invest in a HEPA-sealed vacuum that really traps toxins. Some vacuum cleaners themselves contain toxins, so you’ll want to make sure you get a vacuum that is certified by RoHS, a European standard that limits heavy metals and certain flame retardants in electronics. See our shopping list for recommendations of the best vacuum brands.

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Week 2: Purge Your PlasticsNow that your cleaning products are actually clean, we’ll take a look at another major source of indoor air contamination: household plastics.

BPA, short for bisphenol A, is an industrial chemical used in hard plastics and random things such as paper money, receipts, and the lining of cans. It’s made headlines in recent years due to research that identifies it as an endocrine disruptor and possible carcinogen.

Responding to customer concerns, many manufacturers have started using BPA-free products, and you’ve probably seen the “BPA free” label on all kinds of things. Unfortunately, additional research suggests that BPA substitutes (such as BPS) may be just as harmful as BPA, and potentially even worse. Similarly, companies are finding sneaky substitutes for the hormone-disrupting plasticizers known as phthalates.

Bottom line: You should consider all plastics to be suspect. What to do? Devote this week to weaning your household off plastics. Don’t be intimidated by the fact that your home is probably full of plastic stuff; we’ll focus on finding healthy substitutes for the products that matter most.

Priority One: Reduce the chemicals leeching into your diet by replacing food- and drink-related containers with non-plastic products. (Baby bottles are a must.) Think glass, stainless steel, and silicone. Note that you won’t be able to prevent all your food from touching plastic, so focus mostly on hot or warm foods (as this increases chemical leaching). See our shopping list for our favorite plastic-free food storage solutions.

Priority Two: Replace the soft-plastic products (which often contain phthalates) that spend a lot of time in your baby’s mouth; we’re talking about bath toys, pacifiers, and teethers. Opt for those made from natural materials, such as wood or rubber. See our shopping list for the best brands.

Priority Three: Replace your polyvinyl chloride (PVC) shower curtain or liner with a safe alternative. Just one toxic shower curtain can release enough volatile organic

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compounds (VOCs) to seriously compromise your indoor air. See our shopping list for safer shower curtain ideas.

Extra Credit Step: Rethink your food. Most of what we eat comes in contact with plastic at some point in its processing. The less processed the food, the less contact it’s had with toxic chemicals. When shopping, look for products in glass containers rather than plastic tubs. Do more with fresh produce. Experiment with recipes for your favorite prepared snacks. Check out our blog for some healthy snack ideas for kids.

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Week 3: Make Over Your Personal CareYour skin is your largest organ. You’ve probably heard this before, but consider the fact that, in addition to producing and excreting substances, it can absorb them, too. Ironically, the very products we use to care for our skin through cleansing and moisturizing may be exposing us to many unhealthy chemicals.

Everyday toiletry items—including those formulated for babies and children—are filled with toxic ingredients. Added synthetic fragrances are often the biggest offenders, and manufacturers don’t have to disclose exactly what’s in their fragrance blend. You’ll just see “fragrance” or “parfum” listed in the ingredients, but often this means dozens of chemicals, hormone-disrupting phthalates usually among them.

Other chemicals that you want to avoid include most synthetic preservatives; chemical sunscreen ingredients like oxybenzone; and a lot of foaming agents (such as cocamidopropyl betaine) that you'll find in soaps, shampoos, and toothpastes, some of them even “naturally- derived.”

As with household cleaning products, “natural” claims on labels are often misleading. With this in mind, we dedicate this week to making over your household’s collection of personal-care products.

Priority One: Get the Good Stuff for your little ones. Due to their small size and developing immune systems, babies and children are more sensitive to toxins. Swap out conventional hair- and skincare products for truly nontoxic options. See our shopping list at the end of this book for my picks.

Priority Two: Now, for the adults—replace the products that stay on your skin for extended periods, that you use on large areas of your body, and that you use daily or almost daily. (In other words, I’m more worried about your body lotion than your special-occasion lipstick.) When it comes to makeup, focus on the products that cover more of your face. See our shopping list for some truly safe products that also perform well.

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Priority Three: Replace the adult personal-care products that you rinse off immediately, such as bathing products. See our shopping list for my favorites.

Extra Credit Step: Adopt the habits of everyday detoxing. Many popular detox programs can be quite restrictive and intimidating. However, there are three simple things you can do to help your body detox on a daily basis:

1. Give your body at least 12 hours to fast every night while you rest, which is your body’s natural time for detoxing. So if you finish eating dinner at 8:00 p.m., you shouldn’t eat breakfast before 8:00 a.m.

2. Start each day by drinking warm water with lemon to flush your system. 3. Your digestion is at its peak when the sun is highest in the sky, so eat your heaviest

meal at midday. Breakfast can be fairly large, but dinner should be as early and light as possible.

If you’d like to sign up for a more intensive detox program, email Suzanne Weaver-Goss, Gimme the Good Stuff’s resident health coach at [email protected].

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Week 4: Purify Your Air & Water

By the time you’ve made it to Week Four, you’ve done a lot to make your home and lifestyle cleaner, greener, and safer. This week we’ll take a few more crucial steps to purify your indoor environment.

Priority One: Get cleaner water. Chlorine and fluoride, chemicals commonly added to municipal water supplies, have been linked to serious health problems, from impaired cognitive development in children to cancer. These are just two of thousands of toxins in our water supply. Private wells are not immune. Invest in an effective water filtration system for your kitchen sink and shower.

Priority Two: Open the windows to let in some fresh air! In cities, certain air pollutants tend to be at their lowest levels in the morning, so open your windows first thing and then close them up around 3:00 p.m.

Priority Three: Leave your shoes at the door. Commit your family to a “No Shoes Inside” policy to avoid tracking in toxins—such as coal tar, lead, and various pesticides—from outside.

Priority Four: Buy houseplants. Plants do double duty by absorbing airborne toxins and producing clean oxygen. You’ll want about one six-inch plant per 100 square feet of indoor space, or a minimum of 15 plants for a 2,000 square-foot home. The NASA Clean Air Study identified the top air-filtering plants. To get the most comprehensive air-filtering effect, opt for a variety of plants from our list at the end of this book.

Extra Credit Step: Reduce the toxic load on your body by going vegetarian, even if just for a couple of days a week. Many toxins become more concentrated higher up the food chain, accumulating in the fats found in dairy and meat—including those from organic animals. Opting for more plant-based foods orients your diet toward the less toxic end of the food chain. Email our certified holistic health coach, Suzanne Weaver-Goss, at [email protected] to talk about delicious and easy-to-prepare vegetarian meals.

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AfterwordIf you’ve followed through on most of the suggestions outlined in this book, you’ve made a huge step toward improving the safety of your home environment. Congratulations! What we’ve focused on here are the most important—but also easiest to implement—changes, so we hope you feel an increased peace of mind. Take a moment to appreciate your efforts and celebrate the results!

What’s Next?

If you’re really on a roll and you want to keep detoxing, here are some additional ways get more Good Stuff in your life:

Good furnishings. When it comes time to replace upholstered furnishings, rugs, window treatments, mattresses, and bedding, choose products made of natural fibers, such as latex, cotton, down, and bamboo, and those that specify that they are free of flame-retardant chemicals. When buying new wooden pieces, look for solid wood rather than particleboard or plywood. You can check our Safe Sofa Guide and Safe Mattress Guide for my picks for the best upholstered items. (If you decide to buy a Viesso or Ekla sofa, each company has agreed to give my readers 10% off so mention Gimme the Good Stuff for your discount!). Finally, if you want to replace your carpet with natural wool, we love Earthweave. Contact [email protected] if you’d like to receive samples.

Good baggies. Take it to the next level with food storage and bag the plastic bags and plastic wrap! They are so handy, but there are good alternatives, including Bee’s Wrap or Graze Organic snack bags.

Good toys. Go another step with toys and opt for natural materials, such as wood and wool. We love Nova’s selection of natural toys, and we also have a small collection of nontoxic toys in our online store.

Good air...even more of it! Like plants, charcoal can have a natural air-filtering effect. Check out these products if you want to give your indoor air an extra scrub. For an even more robust air filtration system, particularly if you suffer from allergies or chemical sensitivities, you might consider an Austin Air system.

Our website features additional Safe Product Guides and a blog that tackles questions on healthy living and features recipes. Sign up for our newsletter if you’re not already in the loop.

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A Special Offer for You

Would you like personalized recommendations from our resident experts? As a reader of this book, enjoy 50% off a two-part consult, normally priced at $400. This is the perfect way to follow-up on the important changes you’ve already made.

For $200, here’s what you’ll get: Maia will spend 30 minutes with you on the phone, identifying more key ways to

detox your living environment and answering any specific questions you have. You’ll receive a follow-up email within two days of your phone session, which will

outline specific strategies, to-do’s, and shopping lists that Maia will create just for you.

Next, you’ll schedule a 45-minute strategy session with Suzanne Weaver-Goss, a certified holistic health coach who helps busy moms understand the confusing world of natural foods. Suzanne will help you address your health concerns, such as weight loss, sugar addiction, getting your kids off junk food, or increasing your energy levels.

Within two days of your call with Suzanne, you’ll receive a follow up email with specific strategies and recipes that Suzanne determines are appropriate for your unique situation.

Please email [email protected] to schedule your consults. We look forward to getting to know you!

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Shopping ListsThis section features detailed shopping lists of Good Stuff in a variety of categories, listed week-by-week:

Week 1: Clean Up Your Housecleaning Week 2: Purge Your Plastics Week 3: Make Over Your Personal Care Week 4: Purify Your Air & Water

The product recommendations included in these lists are very specific. Please note:

A recommendation for a product is NOT an endorsement of the company’s entire line!

Some companies make some great, natural products, while other products by the same company might contain questionable or downright toxic ingredients. We’ve put a double asterisk (**) next to products from companies where this is particularly the case.

Look for the for my top pick. These products are our personal favorites.

Where to Buy the Good Stuff

Most of these products are widely available online and at natural food stores, regular grocery stores, and drug stores. Many manufacturers also sell directly from their websites.

For your convenience, throughout the shopping lists we have included links to product listings on the Gimme the Good Stuff online store and Amazon.com, where applicable. As we continue to identify more and more Good Stuff, we add these products to our store offerings. That said, I am someone who hates pushy sales people, and I never want my readers to feel pressured into purchasing from me. My job is to tell you what I think is the safest, and the products I use in my own home. I’m much less concerned with where you purchase the Good Stuff, although for those of you who are customers as well as readers—thank you!

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Week 1 Lists: Clean Up Your House CleaningPriority One—Cleaning Products

Choose products category by category from the lists below.


All--Purpose Cleaner Aussan Natural All Purpose Cleaner Better Life All-Purpose Cleaner Eco-Me All-Purpose Cleaner GreenShield Organic All-Purpose Cleaner/DegreaserMamaSuds All-Purpose Cleaner

Floor Cleaner Aussan Natural Floor CleanerBetter Life Floor Cleaner Eco-Me Floor Cleaner Simple Green Naturals Floor Care

Glass Cleaner Eco-Me Glass Cleaner Citra-Solv Citra Clear Window & Glass Cleaner** GreenShield Organic Glass CleanerBetter Life Glass Cleaner

Multi---Purpose Scrub Eco-Me Lemon Fresh Scrub Cleanser Ecover Natural Cream Scrub**Tandi’s Naturals All-Purpose Scouring Powder Zum Clean Sink & Surface Scrub**

Toilet Bowl Cleaners Earth Friendly Products Toilet Cleaner** GreenShield Organic Toilet Bowl CleanerMamaSuds Toilet Bombs

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Tub & Tile CleanerBetter Life Kitchen & Bath Scrubber Eco-Me Lemon Fresh Tub & Tile Cleaner Seventh Generation Natural Tub & Tile Cleaner**


Dish SoapBetter Life Dish Soap Eco-Me Dish Soap Tandi’s Naturals Solid Dish Soap

Dishwasher Detergent Better Life Dishwasher Gel Eco-Me Fragrance Free Auto Dish Soap GreenShield Organic Automatic Dish DetergentMamaSuds Automatic Dishwasher Detergent Seventh Generation Automatic Powder—Free & Clear** (avoid gel version)

Dishwasher Rinse AidEcover Rinse Aid** Seventh Generation Rinse Aid—Free & Clear**


BleachEco-Me Laundry Whitener, Brightener Green Works Chlorine-Free Bleach** Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Bleach**

Dryer Sheets/Balls Attitude Reusable Dryer Cloth** Mountain Green Natural Dryer Sheets Seventh Generation Natural Fabric Softener Sheets** Dryer Balls (also make clothes dry faster)

Fabric SoftenerEcover Fabric Softener** GreenShield Organic Fabric Softener

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Laundry Detergent Better Life Laundry Detergent Eco-Me Laundry Detergent GreenShield Organic Laundry Detergent MamaSuds Liquid Laundry Soap (contains borax) Paleo Skincare Citrus & Tallow Concentrated Laundry SoapTandi’s Naturals Concentrated Laundry Soap

Stain Remover Green Works Oxi Stain Remover** OxiClean Laundry Baby Stain Soaker or Versatile Stain Remover**


Air Fresheners Aura Cacia Aromatherapy Mist or Room Diffuser Eco-Me Vitamin-Infused Air Fresheners Essence of Vali Botanical MistsMoso Natural Air Freshener, Filter, and Purifier

Liquid Hand Soap CleanWell Natural Antibacterial Liquid Hand Soap Eco-Me Foaming Hand SoapMamaSuds Lemon Hand Soap Zum Wash Natural Liquid Soap** (avoid Frankincense & Myrrh scent)

Extra Credit—Vacuum Cleaners

Look for brands that are RoHS compliant and make sealed HEPA models, such as:BissellDysonMiele

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Week 2 Lists: Purge Your PlasticsPriority One—Food and Drink Containers

Trade out your plastic containers for those made of glass, stainless steel, or silicone. Silicone is an inert material that does not react with food or beverages, or produce any hazardous fumes. It is nontoxic, hypoallergenic, and does not promote bacteria or fungus growth. Still, since silicone is a synthetic polymer, I don’t heat food in it, and I still consider glass my first choice for anything that will contain food.

Baby BottlesComotomo silicone baby bottles Klean Kanteen stainless steel baby bottles

Pura Kiki stainless steel baby bottlesLifefactory glass baby bottlesDr. Brown’s glass baby bottles

Food Storage ContainersGlass: Pyrex, Rubbermaid, and Duralex make sturdy glass storage containers. Avoid food contact with plastic lids, especially if food is hot.Silicone: Eco-Vessel SmashBox Collapsible Lunch Boxes are very portable.Stainless Steel: LunchBots Clicks stainless steel leak-proof containers and Innobaby stainless steel bento boxes.

Sippy Cups Eco-Vessel Insulated Stainless Steel Sippy

Lifefactory Glass Bottle with Sippy Lid Pura Kiki Stainless Steel Sippy Cup (sippy and straw options)Thermos Foogo Cup (sippy and straw options)

Water Bottles Bkr Water Bottle

Klean Kanteen stainless steel water bottles Lifefactory glass bottles

Pura Kiki Insulated Sports Bottle

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Priority Two—Teethers, Bath Toys, and Pacifiers

Bath ToysBegin Again Bathtub Ball

Hevea Natural Raw Rubber Bath Toys Rich Frog Natural Latex Rubber Duck

Pacifiers Avent Silicone Pacifiers** Hevea Rubber Pacifiers Natursutten Rubber Pacifiers Playtex Silicone Pacifiers**

Teethers Camden Rose Wooden Teethers and Rattles Hevea teethers Natursutten Chill-It Teether RaZ-Berry Silicone Teether Sophie the Giraffe and other rubber products from Vulli Under the Nile Ring Toy/Teether

Priority Three—Shower Curtains

Look for shower curtains and liners that are made of fabric, such as Bean Products Hemp Shower Curtain or the Hotel White Fabric Shower Curtain Liner from Bed, Bath & Beyond.

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Week 3 Lists: Make Over Your Personal Care

Priority One—Personal Care Products for Babies & Kids

Body Lotion for Babies & Kids Acure Organics Baby Bare Lotion Babo Botanicals Lavender Meadowsweet Calming Moisturizing Lotion Earth Mama Angel Baby Lotion Farmaesthetics Nourishing Lavender Milk L’Occitane Shea Butter Mom & Baby Balm**

Conditioner/Detangler for Babies & Kids Babo Botanicals Berry Primrose Instantly Smooth Detangler California Baby Hair Conditioner Nature’s Paradise Organic Kids Gentle Detangler

Diaper Cream Acure Organics Baby Buns Diaper Cream Babo Botanicals Oatmilk Calendula Soothing Diaper Cream Kimberly Parry Organics Bum Butter Miessence Baby Bottom Mist Sierra Sage Organic Miracle Baby Balm

Shampoo and Body Wash for Babies & Kids Acure Organics Bare Baby 4-in-1 Foamer Babo Botanicals Lavender Meadowsweet 3 in 1 Calming Shampoo, Bubble Bath & Wash Earth Mama Angel Baby Shampoo and Body Wash Farmaesthetics Fine Herbal Cleanser Nature’s Paradise Baby Organic 2 in 1 Foaming Shampoo & Body Wash

Sunscreen for Babies & Kids Babo Botanicals Sheer Zinc Continuous Spray Badger SPF 30 Baby Kabana Green Screen SPF 35

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Soleo Organics All Natural Sunscreen

Toothpaste for Babies & Kids Jack N’Jill Natural Toothpaste Poofy Organics toothpaste Redmond Earthpaste

Priority Two—Adult Personal Care Products That Stay On

Anti-Aging Facial Products Acure Organics Line Eraser Balm Acure Organics Radical Wrinkle Complex Green Goo Repair Balm Soapwalla Restorative Facial Serum Tata Harper Rejuvenating Serum

Body Lotion for Adults Acure Body Lotions Christina Maser Olive Oil Body Lotions Dr. Bronner’s Organic Magic Lotion Farmaesthetics Nourishing Lavender Milk Red Barn Green Farm Lotion

Deodorant Lafe’s Twist-Stick Deodorant Primal Pit Paste Soapwalla Deodorant Cream

Facial Moisturizer for Adults Acure Facial Lotions Farmaesthetics Nourishing Herbal Cream Desert Essence Daily Essential Facial Moisturizer Kiss My Face Under Age Ultra Hydrating Moisturizer** Miessence Skin Conditioners Weleda Almond Intensive Facial Cream**

Lip Balm Badger Lip Balm Sticks Neutrogena Naturals Lip Balm** Sierra Sage Sweet Honey Lip Balm Tandi’s Naturals Herb Garden Lip Balm

Page 24: 4 Weeks Detox Your Home in · processed snacks (organic ones!), or even using the conventional toothpaste we received after a dentist visit (the kids love it, and it makes tooth-brushing


Makeup That Goes on Whole FaceMakeup products have long lists of ingredients, and within a given line, certain colors of certain products may have one or two iffy ingredients. Some of the stuff is Good Stuff, and some of is Okay Stuff. Products from the brands listed below are heads above those from conventional brands. If you like makeup, you’ll find your purest options from companies like these: Inika Jane Iredale Beautycounter

Nail PolishSadly, no nail polish is truly nontoxic. However, the brands below skip the worst ingredients found in mainstream polish. Use a nail buffer on bare nails for a totally natural shine, and make nail polish an occasional treat. Butter Zoya

Sunscreen for Adults Babo Botanicals Sheer Zinc Continuous Spray Kabana Green Screen SPF 35 Soleo Organics All Natural Sunscreen

Priority Three—Adult Personal Care Products That Rinse Off Immediately

Bar Soaps Badger Bar Soaps Christina Maser Handmade Goats Milk Soaps Dr. Bronner’s Soap Farmaesthetics Bath and Beauty Bars Kiss My Face Pure Olive Oil Bar Soap** Pangea Organics Bar Soaps** Tandi’s Naturals Bar Soaps Tom’s of Maine Soap**

Body Wash for Adults Acure Organics Exfoliating Mint Body Wash Farmaesthetics Fine Herbal Cleanser Zum Wash Natural Liquid Soap (avoid Frankincense & Myrrh scent)

Facial Cleanser for Adults Acure Organics Facial Cleansers Desert Essence Face Wash Emergin C Aromatic Cream Tea Cleanser**

Page 26: 4 Weeks Detox Your Home in · processed snacks (organic ones!), or even using the conventional toothpaste we received after a dentist visit (the kids love it, and it makes tooth-brushing


Week 4 Lists: Purify Your Air & WaterPriority One—Water Filters

Filtering pitchers mainly get out stuff that tastes bad or looks gross. That’s nice, but if you want your water to be truly clean, you’ll need something more robust. We’ve done the research and selected a line of filtration systems that remove toxins like chlorine, chloramines, heavy metals, iron, aluminum, hydrogen sulfide, chemicals, DBPs (disinfection by-products), THMs (trihalomethanes), HAAs (haloacetic acids), MTBE, VOCs, many pharmaceutical products, and more. You can get filters that go under your sink, on your counter top, and on your showerheads.

Priority Four—Houseplants

These common houseplants are air-filtering superstars. They should be readily available from your local plant shop or nursery.

Heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron oxycardium)Elephant ear philodendron (Philodendron domesticum)Cornstalk dracaena (Dracaena fragans 'Massangeana')English ivy (Hedera helix)Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)Janet Craig dracaena (Dracaena deremensis 'Janet Craig')Warneck dracaena (Dracaena deremensis 'Warneckii')Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina)Golden pothos or Devil's ivy (Scindapsus aures or Epipremnum aureum)Peace lily (Spathiphyllum 'Mauna Loa')Selloum philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum)Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema modestum)Bamboo palm or reed palm (Chamaedorea sefritzii)Snake plant or mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata'Laurentii')Red-edged dracaena (Dracaena marginata)

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About Maia

Maia James has a lifetime of experience in natural living. She grew up in Vermont in a household without a TV or microwave, where her family followed a vegetarian diet and eschewed most Western medicine. Now a parent herself, Maia strives to find the balance between the convenience of a standard American childrearing style and a more natural—but often more difficult—approach. Maia launched Gimme the Good Stuff to help conscientious but overwhelmed moms easily understand the potential risks of a range of kids’ products, and to give them access to safe alternatives. Maia lives in New York City with her husband and two sons. She is a blogger for The Huffington Post, and has appeared on The Dr. Oz Show. Contact Maia at [email protected].

About Colleen

Colleen Webb grew up right down the road from Maia in Vermont, often wearing Maia’s hand-me-downs. She was fortunate to have parents who liked to raise a lot of their own food, be active outdoors, relax on weekends, and sit down to family dinners every night. After leaving home for college, Colleen soon realized that this healthful lifestyle was not the norm. She’s lived around the U.S. and the world since then, gathering more wellness wisdom along the way. She is a writer, consultant, coach, and health educator. Colleen lives with her husband and two young children wherever the adventure of military life takes them.

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Index of Product CategoriesFor a quick reference, check out this alphabetical list of product categories featured in our shopping lists.

AAir freshener 16All-purpose cleaner 14Anti-aging facial products 20

BBaby bottles 17Bags, snack 11Bar soap 21Bath toys 18Bleach 15Body lotion

Adult body lotion 20Baby/kid body lotion 19

Body wash Adult body wash 21Baby/kid body wash 19

Bottle, water 17

CCharcoal air freshener/purifier 11Cleanser, facial 21Conditioner

Adult conditioner 22Baby/kid conditioner/detangler 19Cups, sippy 17

DDeodorant 20Diaper cream 19Dishwasher detergent 15Dishwasher rinse aid 15Dish soap 15Dryer sheets 15

FFabric softener 15Facial cleanser 21

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Filter, water 23Floor cleaner 14Food storage containers 17 Furnishings 11

GGlass cleaner 14

HHouseplants 23

LLaundry detergent 16Liquid hand soap 16Lip balm 20Lotion (see body lotion)

MMakeup 21Mattresses 11Moisturizer

Body lotion (for adults) 20Body lotion (for babies/kids) 19Facial moisturizer 20Intensive moisturizer 20

NNail polish 21

PPacifiers 18 Plants 23

SScrub, multi-purpose 14Soap

Bar soap 21Dish soap 15Liquid hand soap 16

Shampoo Adult shampoo 22Baby/kid shampoo 19

Shower curtains/liners 18Sippy cups 17

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Snack bags 11Stain remover 16Storage containers, food 17 Sunscreen

Adult sunscreen 21Baby/kid sunscreen 19

TTeethers 18Toilet bowl cleaner 14Toothpaste

Adult toothpaste 22Baby/kid toothpaste 20

ToysBath toys 18Natural toys 11

Tub & tile cleaner 15

VVacuum cleaners 16

WWater bottles 17Water filters 23

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