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  • PH 152 Diagnostic Mycology

    March 13, 2013 Prof. T. de Guzman

    Liana, PL, Jo, Laine, RJ 1 of 5


    Medyo mahaba but thats just because maraming pictures. And sorry for the blocks of text, yun talaga yung nilagay ni maam

    sa presentation niya. Dont be discouraged! Kaya natin ito! Push natin yan!

    -PL & Liana

    [note: most of the pics in this trans were the same ones maam used in her ppt]

    Advantages in Diagnostic Mycology

    Factors influencing emergence and reemergence of fungal infections

    1. Use of broad-spectrum anitbiotics 2. Immunosuppressive therapy 3. Heroin addiction 4. Severe underlying causes

    *Global warming due to climate change may influence the behaviour of microorganisms. This is why theres emerging and re-emerging orginisms INTRODUCTION

    The correct identification of fungi is of great importance in: o Clinical setting o plant pathology

    there are now emerging fungal plants pathogens that are becoming human pathogens

    usually saprophytes o biodeterioration o biotechnology o environmental studies

    New cases of Fungi affecting humans and animals; even plants (2011)

    Myceliophthora thermophila is a thermophilic mold commonly found in:

    silage (in drainage)

    wood chips


    There are rare reports of infection (that mimic aspergillosis)

    o Case of mimicking invasive aspergillosis was diagnosed in an immunocompromised ptx in France

    Cryptococcus gattii some regard this as a variant of C.

    neoformans o but is a separate species as of now o but maam said as of now considered siya as a

    separate species)

    Human nail pathogens in the genus Arachnomyces

    Arachnomyces kanei, (arachno= spider) was described for isolates obtained form abnormal nails of patients

    Plant pathogens causing human infection

    Macrophomina phaseolina, a plant pathogen

    Reported for the first time as the cause of disseminated infection in a Canadian man, originally from Sri Lanka,

    who received a renal transplant in India

    Patient subsequently succumbed to invasive infection with a different but related fungus, Neoscytalidium dimidiatum (formerly Scytalidium dimidiatum)

  • Liana, PL, Jo, Laine, RJ 5 of 5

    Molecular data confirmed the identification of both fungi o Revealed that they are related species within the

    ascomycete family Botryosphaeriaceae

    (How did he become infected? The instruments were probably contaminated)

    Mycoleptodiscus indicus, a fungus found in tropical or sub-

    tropical regions

    Causing septic arthritis of the knee in an otherwise healthy Canadian male o septic meaning haematogenous dissemination

    Fungal infection was diagnosed in Canada but thought to have been contracted while the patient was inCosta Rica o probably through direct inoculation through injured

    skin o The fungus was isolated from synovial fluid and

    identification was confirmed by DNA sequencing. A soil fungus causing fungemia in an immunocompromised host

    Graphium basitruncatum, a fungus known previously from

    soil in Solomon Island and Japan

    Was reported as the cause of fungemia in an immunocompromised patient from Canada.

    The fungus was isolated repeatedly from blood cultures and it spread to the skin resulting in necrotic skin ulcer

    LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS OF FUNGAL INFECTIONS (note: sabi ni maam, ah wag na to but she went on reading and discussing this slide anyway, so your call)

    Clinical suspicion from physical or clinical manifestation of the patient

    History of travel

    Immune status- is he immunocompromised?

    Selection of appropriate specimens


    Direct microscopic examination

    Invasive diagnostic procedures i.e. biopsy, aspirates Serologic tests for antigen, antibody or metabolites

    Antifungal susceptibility testing- hard in the Philippines

    Interpretation of laboratory results

    Communication with the physician

    Communication with the laboratory


    Classification systems of organisms are historically based on observable characteristics o the phenotypic approach o phenotype: expressed characteristic/ morphological


    Classification and identification of fungi, relies mainly on morphological criteria both in culture and in microscopy (unlike other important pathogens such as bacteria or viruses)

    Cultural Morphology/Characteristics

    A. fumigatus

    Aspergillus sp. Culture (which you may mistake as penicillum)

    Histoplasma capsulatum culture


    classical LM methods have been enhanced by: o Nomarski differential interference contrast

    phase/ contrast microscopy cells are LIVING

  • Liana, PL, Jo, Laine, RJ 5 of 5

    o Fluorescence o Cytochemistry/histochemistry

    Cyto: cells of the fungi Histo: demonstration of the fungus in the tissue

    through histopathological techniques o Development of new staining techniques

    Alejandro Posadas first described C. immitis in Argentina Domingo Ezcurra first case to manifest coccidioidomycosis; his head is kept in a jar in a museum

    C. immitis

    common in San Joaquin Valley (California) but can be present in the arid regions of the US o When going to the savannas, you may inhale this C.

    immitis Brown males are more susceptible

    Candida sp.

    note the pseudohyphae

    Cryptococus neoformans stained to show the THICK, BIG,


    India-ink preparation is used primarily to examine CSF for the presence of the encapsulated yeasts o Ex. Cryptoccocus neoformans

    This is an india ink preparation from an exudates containing encapsulated budding yeasts.

    ELECTRON MICROSCOPE - Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)

    of cell wall cross sections reveal significant differences between: Ascomycetous and Basidiomycetous yeasts

    - Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

    Increased availability has greatly facilitated identification at the species level of some

    ascomycetes - Freeze fracturing

    has revealed fine details of wall layers of conidia or ascospores

    freezing using the nitrogen gas - Fluorescence microscopy

    To generate chlamydospores/chlamydoconidia of Candida

    you must culture in CORN MEAL AGAR as opposed to the regular fungal agar - Sabarauds

    Dextrose Agar/ Potato Dextrose agar


    - presumptive diagnosis - use of special stains - Periodic-acid-Schiff (PAS) - Gomori-methenamine silver (GMS)

    Pneumocystis pneumonia caused by Pneumocyst carinii (previously classified as protozoansremember patho!) DIAGNOSTIC PITFALLS

    When using GMS stains, normal tissue structures can appear as yeasts or hyphae o Neurosecretory granules o Collagen fibers, with one even showing a

    psedoseptum o In speciments w/ few organisms, hyphae cut

    transversally can appear as yeasts that may have pseudobudding

  • Liana, PL, Jo, Laine, RJ 5 of 5

    E TEST

    Left: test for sensitivity of Aspergillus to Itraconazole at different concentrations o In this case, the Aspergillus was resistant

    Right: test for sensitivity to Voriconazole o Sensitive! (strip with clearing zone around it)


    Determination of protein concentration on microtiter plates (changes color like in ELISA)

    Application of separated peptides to a sample carrier for Mass spectrometry


    Physiological and biochemical techniques are applied, as has routinely for years not for the filamentous

    Growth rates on defined media under controlled conditions are also valuable in studies o for complex genera like Penicilium

    Commercially available kits such as the API system SEROLOGICAL TARGETS

    Serology methods utilize the reactions and properties of serum o Antibodies use of commercially available antigens o Antigens use of specific antibodies

    Fungi usually extrude exo-antigens

    exo-antigens are secreted out antigens are inherent in their body

    Why use serology? Because its faster than culturing the organism! Available serologic tests *remember that fungus are spores-bearing (lalo na C. immitis) so they are part of biosafety level 3 Antibodies

    - Immunodiffiusion: antigen-antibody reactions through diffusion

    - ImmunoCAP

    IgE & IgG can be detected

    ABPA (Antigens in Bronchopulmonary Aspirates of): o asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD, cavitary


    Test principle: measurement of specific IgE antibodies w/ ImmunoCAP ISAC

    o results in a broad spectrum allergen profile on a molecular level

    - Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST): IgE are detected

    Antigens - Latex Agglutination

    was used a long time ago in detection of Cryptococcus neoformans antigens in CSF and blood

    - Radioimmunoassay (RIA) Antibodies and antigens - Complement fixation (remember 151!) - Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS 2011

    - Sandwich-ELISA


    Mannan o because the structure of the wall of the fungus

    are composed of glucose and mannose which are very antigenic

    - High-resolution CT-scan (Computed Tomography) - Ultrasound - Bronchoalveolar lavages

    washings of lower and upper respiratory tract - Biopsy techniques - Blood Cultures - Fungitell

    kit to detect the B-1-3-D-glucan structure of fungi

    - PCR

    for identification of the organism through amplification of the gene/DNA encoding for something

    gene coding for 16S rRNA usually the one used for identification

    Aspergillus precipitin test

    [picture: line of identity, line of partial identity, non-identity]

    Strong reactions: indiciative of Aspergilloma Exo-antigen Identification System

    For the culture of Blastomyces, Coccidioides and Histoplasma by immunodiffusion


    IgE, IgG, ABPA (asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD, cavitary disease o Ex. of cavitary disease Aspergiollosis causing

    fungus ball & histoplamosis

  • Liana, PL, Jo, Laine, RJ 5 of 5


    Widely distributed in nature (fungi, yeast, algae, bacteria, and plants

    Not present (or low) in: o Cryptococcus species o Zygomycetes

    o Humans because we dont have that on our cell wall

    Exo-antigenthat can be shed

    May also be used in candidiasis or fusariosis G test

    For broad spectrum detection of fungal infection

    Specific test for (1,3) B-D-glucan present in most fungal

    cell walls

    Relies on the factor G component of horseshoe crab amoebocyte lysate which is sensitive to glucan

    Very sensitive test

    (+) result: clotting of the crabs blood (no need to know the principle involved)

    Fungitell Assay

    Highly sensitive, rapid diagnostic test

    Detects (1-3)-B-D-glucan in serum in as little as one hour DIAGNOSIS OF INVASIVE DISEASE

    Galactomannan (GM) o Polysaccharide component of cell wall o Highly immunogenic antigen o Present in most Aspergilli o Exo-antigen that can be detected in serum,

    Broncheoalveolar Lavage or CSF

    Monitoring of GM during antifungal therapy allows progression of teatment to be measured

    Several commercially available ELISA tests o Platelia, Pastorex

    HOWEVER GM presence in patients blood is determined by multiple factors o Sensitivity of GM detection depends on the site of

    infection o Certain antibiotics may give false positive result

    ampicillin, amoxicillin, amoxicillin- clavulanate Aspergillosis should also be confirmed by other diagnostic

    tools such as CT scan


    Antigen test MANNAN Highly immunogenic anitgen

    Immunologically more active than B-glucan

    Polysaccharide component of the cell wall of Candida

    Positive results may be obtained 2- 15 days before positive blood culture

    Commercially available ELISA tests o Like Pastorex and Platelia

    HOWEVER!! Negative results of tests do not mean exclude infection

    Antibody Test

    Sensitivity ~80% in immunocomponent individuals

    Anti candida antibodies may also be present in healthy individuals and cause false positive results


    Primary aetiological agent: C. neoformans

    Diagnosis: only based on detection of capsular polysaccharide antigen (glucuronoxylomannan)

    NO antibody tests performed

    Several tests:

    Latex agglutination o PREMIER Cryptococcal antigen assay

    Enzyme immunoassay o Pastorex, Crypto Plus, IMMY Latex Cryptococcus

    antigen assay

    Marker Method Availability

    IgA, IgG, IgM ELISA Commercial kits

    Galactomannan ELISA Commercial kits

    Glucan Colorimetric Commercial kits

    Glucan ELISA Investigational

    DNA PCR Investigational

    *According to maam these do not hold true anymore, pero diniscuss pa rin niya eh LATERAL-FLOW DEVICE FOR RAPID SERODIAGNOSIS OF INVASIVE ASPERGILLOSIS

    - like a pregnancy test - 2 bands: positive

    Last trans of our first year na puro majors! Sobrang bilis no? After this medyo makakahinga na tayo then last year in PH! Haha. Thank you for an awesome year, 2014!

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