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  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    42 Best Ways To Lose Stomach Fat Fast

    This fantastic list of42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast includes all the tips you

    need to lose that belly fat thatve been bugging you for months or even years.

    According to 2011 statistics, 90% of US adult population are not happy with theirabdominal muscle tone and they would gladlyhave aflatter stomach or lose that

    stomach fat altogether. Not only is belly fat unflattering, butit has been scientifically

    linked to many health problems such as bloating, heartburn, diabetes, heart disease,

    stroke etc. (and you thought havinga muffin topwas the worst part!). The goodnews islosing stomach fatand gettingaflat tummy or even getting those fabulous six

    pack abs is not as difficult and unachievable as many people think.

    As a person who successfully got rid ofstomach fat quickly in the recent past, Im hereto give you 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast that truly work. I promise you that

    if you start implementing these effective ways for losing abdominal fat one by one, youllget the perfect stomach you always wanted before you know it! So, lets get started!

    que han estado molestandole

    poblacion adulta

    seria de su agrado tenero perder

    por completono solo es poco halagadora la grasaabdominal..

    sino que ademas

    se ha (a sido)

    distension abdominalacidez


    Y ud penso que tener

    Un muffin top (los bordes de un scon

    o budincito)Fue la pero parte

    Es que perder grasa del estmago yconseguir un

    que con xito se deshizo de

    que realmente funcionan.

    obtendr elantes de darse cuenta.

    Por lo tanto, vamos a empezar!

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    1. Make a plan

    Before you do your first sit-up or dump that Cola down the drain, you need to make a

    plan for your weight loss. Losing belly fat takes some work, and you have to put

    together a realistic plan you can refer to once you start your weight loss program.

    Youre not going to lose all the fat around your waist in 3 days, and you will definitely

    need to break some sweat before you achieve your goal. Just remember, that itscompletely doable and if you put a bit more time into it and keep implementing these

    best ways to lose stomach fat fast, youll get the body you wanted before you know it.

    So, just make a realistic list of things you are going to do to start losing that stomach fat

    (by picking minimum10 ways to lose belly fat described below), add 3 deadlinesyou

    could use as a check point (for instance, 1, 2 and 3 weeks after you start your weight

    loss journey). Once you have done that, make sure you are consistent with the routinesyouve chosen, make notes, to see which changes you are stickingto and which aregiving you problems. Replace the ones that just dont work for you with new routines

    from these 42 ways to lose belly fat fast.

    Rememberto checkyour progress weekly and add 3-5 new ways to lose stomach fat

    every consequent week. If you follow the instructions from the above, youll lose thatstomach fat in a matter of weeks!

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    Derrame la(gaseosa) cola por el drenajeUd tiene que hacer

    Al que pueda referirse una vez que comienze



    Un poco mas de tiempo en estoImplementa continuamente

    Ud obtendraantes de darse cuenta.


    PlazosQue puede usar como punto de control

    Por ejemplo

    Que ha elegido

    Se apegaReemplaze aquellos que sencillamente no funcionan con ud.

    ControlarCada semana consecuentemente

    Anteriormente mencionadas

    En cuestion de semanas!

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    2. Carry water everywhere to start losing stomach fat

    Whether youre on a weight loss journey, youre trying to lose belly fat, or youre justtrying to be healthier, its always a good idea to keep well-hydrated, and to do that, youll

    want to keep a bottle of water with you everywhere you go. Sipfrom itevery now andthen, and youll feel fuller, more invigorated, and youll also bea lot less likelyto

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    indulge ina sugar-laden soda or juice if youre not thirsty! This is a sure way to lose

    stomach fat fast, try it for a week and youll see what a difference it makes!

    Ya sea

    Deseara tener

    Sorba (de beber) de ellaDe vez en cuando

    Tambien seraMucho menos probable que

    Se permita


  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    3. Color your plate

    Did you know thatthe more colorful your meal, the more healthful its likely to be?Think about it: carrots, peppers, spinach, tomatoes: theyre all brilliant colors, and theyre

    all very healthful choices! Keep your plate colorful and youre well on your way tolosing

    that belly fat!

    Sabias que.

    Cuanto mas colorida es tu

    mas probable es que sea saludable.

    Ud estara bien encaminado a

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    4. Cut out fast food its an absolute must for having a flat tummy

    Fast food is the worst culprit in the battle against stomach fat. Its convenient, sure, but

    its loaded with calories and fat, and those calories and fat head straight to our problemareas, ourbellies and butts! Skip the fast food, or at least opt for healthier fast food

    options, like salads (without fried chicken or calorie-rich ranch on them) instead offries.

    Butif you are really set on losing stomach fat fast, avoid the fast food altogether.

    Elimina las comidas rapidas, es absolutamente necesario para tener un estomago plano.Pero culpableComodo

    Se dirije directamente

    VientresEvita, omite

    En lugar

    Papas fritas

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    Evitapor completo

    5. Cut out soda

    A serving of soda contains more calories than a large banana, with none of the

    nutritional value. many of those calories come from high fructosecorn syrup, which our

    bodies dont really know how to process, and which often ends up turning into bellyfat. Ditch the soda and save those calories for something much better for burning belly



    Banana grandeJarabe de maiz de alta fructosa

    No sabe muy bien

    Y que a menudo se acaba convirtiendo enDescarta

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    6. Doing your weight bearing exercises one of the best

    ways to lose stomach fat fast

    If you thinkyoull need to spend the rest ofyour life doing sit-ups and crunches only,so you can burn belly fat and keep it off, thats not quite true. Youll need to doall sortsof exercises, in moderation, including weight bearing exercises, like brisk walking,jogging, and the like. Remember, overall fitnessandnutrition is the key for losing

    stomach fat, and making sure it doesnt come back!


    Ejercicios basados en peso

    Tendra que pasar el resto de..Para de esta forma poder

    Mantenerse en forma

    Tendra que hacer todo tipo de

    Caminata ligera, troteSimilares

    Estado fisico

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    7. Do your non-weight bearing exercises, too!

    In addition to the weight bearing exercises to help you burn belly fat, youll also need toadd non-weight bearing exercises, like biking and rowing. These two (weight bearing

    and non-weight bearing), combined with weight training and cardio, and some yoga

    thrown in for good measure, will give you a lifetime offitness and good health andof course willmelt that belly fat awayfor good!


    Realizados en su justa medida

    Toda una vidaEstado fisico

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    derretiran ..aleluya!

    8. Dont be complacent!

    your stomach shouldn't be a waste basket

    Once youve got the body you want (no belly fat in sight!), that doesnt mean its time to

    rest on your laurels. Dont stop exercising. Dont stop eating right. Keep up with yourplan, and youll keep your new hot body!


    No debe ser

    A la vista

    Siga con

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    9. Dont starveyourself! It wont help you lose stomach

    fat faster.

    Starvingyourselfwill not help you burn belly fat. Cut calories, by all means, especially

    the empty calories, but to be healthy, and lose belly fat, you need to eat well. Starvingyourself is dangerous, terribly unhealthy, and it wont work anyway!

    Muera de hambre

    No le ayudara a perder

    Morirse de hambrePor todos los medios

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    10. Dont deprive yourself, either!

    In addition to not starving yourself, dont feel you have to deprive yourself all the time

    either just because you want to lose stomach fat. Is this carte-blanche for eating anentire carton of Ben & Jerrys? No. But you CAN have a small dish, once in a while, to

    keep the edge off your cravings, and to remind yourself that life is good! Now, couldthere be a better way to lose stomach fat? :)

    Tampoco se prive a si mismo (viene en relacion al titulo anterior)Ademas de

    Solo porque

    Plato de vez en cuando

    Para mantener a raya sus antojosPodria haber

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    11. Dont give up on your goal to lose stomach fat fast

    After a couple of weeksyou might find that youre not losing weight or inches anymore.What gives? Dont give up, sweetie! Thats just a plateau, a sign your body is

    adjusting to all of the positive things youre doing. Keep going! Youre getting there!You are now much closer to losing all that stomach fat than ever!

    No te rindas


    Podrias parecerQue sucede?


    Una senal de que tu cuerpo se esta adaptando

    Adelante!lo estas consiguiendo (vas por buen camino)

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    12. Dont try to isolate

    Its a scientific and biological fact: you absolutely cannot isolate one set of muscles andlose fat just in that one spot, and that includes belly fat. If theres a product or pill that

    promises otherwise, its a scam, straight up. To lose stomach fat, you need to change

    your diet and exercise habits, all over. Its that simple. Truly!

    Lo contrarioEstafa, directamente

    En todo, totalmente.


  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    13. Drink a glass of water before you eat

    If youre thirsty, youre going to eat more. Isnt that strange? But its true. So before

    you sit down to eat, drink a glass of cool water, wait a few minutes, then dish out your

    sensible portion and begin to eat. Much better! Youll be surprised at how effective this

    way to lose stomach fat is. Give it a try!

    Vas a comer mas, no es esto extrano?

    RepartePorcion razonable

    Comienza a comer


  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    14. Eat 5 small meals a day to lose stomach fat fastRatherthan eating three large meals every day, switch to five smaller meals: a lightbreakfast, a mid-morning snack, a light lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, and a balanced

    dinner. Smaller portions, more often, will keep you from feeling hungry. And by the

    way, when I say snack, of course I mean something healthful, not a Twinkie! This

    way to lose stomach fat does not require a lot of sacrifice, all you need to do is figure outa schedule for your meals, and, with time youll be surprised at how eating 5 meals aday will become your new healthy lifestyle habit.

    En lugar de comer tres comidas grandes al da.

    ms a menudo, evitar que sienta hambre.


    determinar un horario para las comidas,con el tiempo usted se sorprender de cmo comer 5 comidas al da se convertir en su

    nuevo hbito de estilo de vida saludable.

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    15. Give yourself 20 minutes to feel full after the meal

    it's hard to beat a person, the never gives up

    Did you know that it takes a few minutesfor your tummy to realize its full? Thatswhy its important to eat slowly and take little breaks between the courses. Otherwise,

    youll end up over-eating, undoing all of the diet magic you accomplished that day,and thats not what you want if you need tolose that stomach fat fast.

    Nunca se da por vencido.

    se toma unos minutos Su estomago para darse cuenta que esta lleno.

    Por eso es importanteen el transcurso

    Terminara por comer en exceso


    lograda ese da

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    16. Get the right fit!

    No matter how thin you are, if youre wearing jeans that are too small, youre going to

    have unsightly muffin top so make sure you have the right fit, even if it meansgoing up a size or two, and you may not need to burn asmuchbelly fat as you

    thought! Now, this is probably the easiest way to lose stomach fat fast, but bear with

    me, there are many more ways that will actually require action.

    Consigue el ajuste correctoUsted va a tener desagradables muffin top (los bordes de un scon o budincito)incluso si ello significa subir una talla o dos

    puede que no necesite quemartanta como pensabaten paciencia conmigoen realidad se requiere

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    17. Get your cardio going for losing stomach fat faster!

    While weight bearing and non-weight bearing exercise is important to help you lose bellyfat, youll also need to add cardio to your routine. Try for 20 minutes a day, 5 days a

    week. What counts as cardio? Anything that makes your heart pound hard for thatentire 20 minutes: bouncing on the trampoline, dancing your butt off, running, you

    name it! Any cardio is good if you are determined to lose that stomach fat fast.

    Pon tu cardio en marcha

    Su corazon palpite duro por un total de


    Sacarse el culo bailando. (butt off)

    Lo que sea (una forma de etc)

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    18. Have a specific goal in mind for your weight loss

    In any endeavor, its important to have a goal, and keep it in mind. Make sure your goal

    for losing stomach fat is realistic, and write it down, repeat it: its your new mantra. Thisgoal will keep you motivated on the days when you dont want to exercise, and when that

    pint of Ben & Jerrys is calling your name.



  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    19. Ignore the hype when it comes to commercialproducts for losing stomach fat fast

    Let me say this once and for all: if a special diet plan, a pill, or a piece of workout

    equipment promises to help you burn stomach fat fast, its a lie, no matter which

    celebrity says it works. The absolute only way to burn belly fat fast is to change yourdiet and exercise sound familiar? Its the second time Ive said something like this in

    this list. Its that important. Be skeptical of new products that promise miracles. Theyre a

    waste of your time and money!

    Publicidad/propagandase trata de

    de una ves por todas

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    20. Ignore the scale

    I hate the scale. We all think of it as the end-all, be-all of weight loss measurement ,

    but its not. First of all, as women, our weight is prone to fluctuate a little on its ownwith our own natural cycles. Also, as we build lean muscle and lose stomach fat, well

    actually gain a little weight, though were losing inches. Ignore the scale. Or, if you just

    cant help yourself, keep the weigh-ins to a minimum, maybe once a week or every two


    Todos pensamos en ella como el fin de todo, el todo en la medicin de la prdida de pesoEn primer lugar


    un poco por su cuenta

    msculo magroEn realidad va a ganar

    a pesar de que estamos


  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    21. One of the best ways to lose stomach fat knowing your portions

    Do you know how big a serving size ought to be? Try this: pour what you think is oneserving of cold cereal into a bowl, then measure it against what the side of the box says is

    a serving. Most of us pour double what the suggested serving size is! And worse,

    restaurants tend to serve more than twice the serving size, especially in meat and in fats.A serving of meat ought to be about the size of a deck of cards. Most restaurants serve a

    portion of chicken or beefthats at least twice that be sure you know what a servingsize looks like, and save the rest for left-overs.

    Conocer sus porciones

    Debe serVerter

    Mas del doble

    Mazo de cartas

    Que es al menos el doble de eso

    lo que es una porcion.(como es eltamano de una porcion)

    el resto para sobras.

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    22. Maintain good posture to start losing stomach fat

    If it were easy, everyone would be thin

    Want a quicktip to make it look like youve lost inches, even when you havent (yet)?

    Suck your tummy in, put your shoulder back, keep your head up, and, with this good

    posture, youll look(and even FEEL) much fitter its even easier to breathe this way!In a wayyoull be toning your abdominal muscles, and as you know they are essential

    in losing stomach fat faster.

    todos serian.

    para hacer que parezca que has perdido

    te veras

    mucho mas en forma

    incluso es ms fcil de respirar de esta manera

    En cierto modo estas tonificando

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    23. One word: swim!

    I know I sound like a broken record, but if you dont exercise regularly, youll never lose

    belly fat. One of the best ways to exercise, and the most fun this summer, is to swim! The

    water resistance provides superb low-impact forjoints and muscles, and its fantastic

    cardio, too! Anyone can do it try it and you wont believe how much more toned yourbelly will be!


    Articulaciones y musculosNo podras creer

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    24. Read the labels (even on diet food)

    Even the foods that are supposed to be designed for dieters can be loaded with nasty

    chemicals and even far more calories than we need. Always check the labels on the food

    and drinks youre about to have and again, make sure you know what a serving size

    is! Its crucial for losing stomach fat fast.

    Quimicos repugnantes

    mucho masAsegurese de que sabe lo que es una porcion

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    25. See a pro

    Your doctor, personal trainer and plastic surgeonshould NOT be last resorts in yourefforts to lose belly fat. Before starting ANY exercise regimen or diet plan, see yourdoctor, especially if youre diabetic orif you have had an eating disorder in the past.

    And a personal trainer can be a friend indeed in your battle against the belly bulge

    they know even more tips and tricks than I do, and theyre always willing to help! And

    once you lose weight, you might still want to tighten things up (loose skin), and thats

    where aplastic surgeon can help.

    Consulta a un profesional


    No deben ser los ultimos recursos

    Si a tenidoEn verdad


    Ellos saben aun mas que yo


    Tras haber perdido peso

    Todavia podria querer ajustar cosasPiel flacida

    Ah es donde un

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    26. Strengthen your core

    Your belly muscles are part of a network of muscles called your core, and theyre vitally

    important to fitness and good health. Do exercises specifically to strengthen your core,and youll not only burnbelly fat, youll also have better posture, and youll befar less

    likelyto eversuffer from back pain what a bonus!


    No solo estara quemandoY seras

    Mucho menos propenso

    Que nuncaA sufrir dolores de espalda

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    27. Substitute the sweets to lose stomach fat faster

    I have a terrible sweet tooth, so its always a challenge for me to cut sweets from my

    diet. I learned a trick, though: sometimes its possible to substitute the sweets I crave

    with something better! Fresh berries orsweet plums, frozen juices, even dried fruits

    without added sugar all of these make my sweet tooth happy, without adding the

    extra sugar and empty calories that I usually get from sweet treats. Try this way to lose

    stomach fat fast and see how beautifully it works!

    Tengo un gusto terrible por los dulces (tengo un diente dulce terrible)Un desafio para mi recortar los dulces

    Me tiento con algo mejor.

    Incluso frutos secos sin azucar anadida

    Hacen feliz a mi golosoDulce golosina

    Que bien funciona!

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    28. The perfect push-up?

    No, the perfect push-up isnt at Victorias Secret, its in the gym (or even at home)! Didyou know that a push-up, done correctly, is the perfect exercise? Its good cardio (if youdo enough of them together), its great forstrengthening your core, and it even helps

    build lean muscle in all of your other muscle groups. Marvelous! How many push-ups

    can you do correctly?

    juego de palabras, push up es la flexion lagartija, y el corpino que aumenta el bustoSi hace los suficiente de ellos en una serie.



  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    29. Try reverse sit-ups

    This is one of my favorite exercises, and I always love to share it! Sit on an inclinebench, then lay back HALF-WAY, then come back up. Its sort of a reverse sit up,

    and its a lot harder than it sounds! Add these to your work-out routine, and youll see

    what I mean!

    Banco inclinado

    Recuestese a medias (a medio camino)

    Vuelva a incorporarseEs un modo de encogimiento inverso

    Veras a lo que me refiero!

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    30. Work together!

    Why is it always easier to diet or exercise with a friend? Im not sure why, but its true.

    Enlist the aid of a work-out or diet buddy, and burn belly fat and lose inches together!

    You can inspire each other, help each other, and even have a little friendly competition.

    Consigue la asistencia

    CompaneroUnos a otros

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    31. You need to eat more meals and more often to losethat fat

    Dont get too excited because at the same time you need to reduce the size of your

    portions. Eating 5-6 small meals per day will first of all prevent you from binging orovereatingat meal times and it also keeps your metabolism running as it is constantlyburning up food. Check out 5 Tips on Eating Often and Losing Weight for more


    No te emociones demasiado

    En primer lugar

    Atracones o comer en excesoEn las comidas

    Ya que esta constantemente

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    32. Never skip breakfast

    Skipping breakfastcan actually be one of those things that cause stomach fat! If you

    dont eat after many hours of sleeping your body goes into starvation mode. This is

    bad news forshedding belly fat as it slowsyour metabolism down in an effort to saveenergy and burn less calories. In fact a lot ofdietitians advice that the best breakfast isa heavy one.

    See what great healthy breakfast options you have in 15 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

    Saltearse el desayuno

    puede ser en realidad una de esas cosas que provocan la grasa del estmago

    modo inanicion


    ya que ralentiza tu

    de hecho muchos de losel mejor desayuno es uno pesado

    Vea las magnificas opciones para un desayuno saludable que tiene

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    33. Carefully monitor the food you are eating

    One of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast is to try and eat more fat burning foods such

    as brown rice, whole grains, vegetables, natural fruits, skimmed milk, lean poultryormeat, seafood and egg whites. Im sure you already knowall the ones to avoidas they

    are likely to be your favourites! The list includes pizzas, burgers, deep fried foods,bakery foods, fatty meats and all products that contain lots of sugar. Learn which foods

    are the worst in 10 Worst Foods for Your Hips

    Seguimiento cuidadoso de los alimentos que comeCereales integralesSkimmed milk

    Aves o carnes magras

    Pescados y mariscosUsted ya sabe

    Todos los que debe evitar

    ya que es probable que sean sus favoritoscarnes grasientas

    que contienen mucha

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    34. Eat slowly its an easy yet surprisingly effective

    way to lose stomach fat fast

    Get into the habit oftaking smaller bites and chewing them slowlybecause that willensure that you consume fewer calories and do not over-eat. How? Well, it takes our

    brain about 20 minutes to register that we are full. So if you dont take your time to eat,

    chances are youre eating past the point where youre full. Eating slowly gives youenough time to realize when you should stop. It also leadsto better digestion and lets

    face it, you enjoy your food more that way.

    Comer despacioSencilla pero sorprendentemente eficaz

    Adquiera el habito

    Tomar bocados mas pequenos

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    Masticarlos lentamentePorque esto le asegura consumir menos

    No comer en exceso.

    Si no se toma su tiempo para comer

    Es probable qu este comiendo mas alla del punto donde ud esta lleno

    Para darse cuentaDebe detenerse

    Tambien conduce a unaSeamos sinceros

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    35. Do the most effective exercise efficiently

    Cardiovascular exercises are the ones thatget your heart thumping and the fat

    burning, so cardio workouts such as brisk walking, jogging, aerobics and cycling are the

    best ways to lose stomach fat fast. If you exercise before breakfast your body will burnthe excess fat in your body as there is no food available to burn , making it the besttimeto burn offthat belly fat. To know which ones are the most effective, check out these

    exercises for losing stomach fat fast.

    Son los quePonen a tu corazon intenso.Por lo que es el mejor momento


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    36. Drink, drink and drink again!

    Keeping your body hydrated is essential to lose stomach fat fast because, if you are

    dehydrated your liver wont function and the fat burning process wont be as effective.

    Drink lots of water and also hot green tea neutralizes the effects of fatty foods

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    37. Get more sleep if you want to lose stomach fat

    you do not always get what wish for, you get what you work for

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    If you are not sleeping at least 7-8 hours pernight you will find it difficult to find the

    energy to work out and eat well. Studies show people who are constantly tired have

    slower metabolisms. So, make sure you get a good night sleep every night!

    Duerme mas

    No siempre obtienes lo que deseas, obtienes lo que trabajaste.Te resultara dificil encontrar

    Asegurate de obtener

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    38. Cut down or eliminate alcoholconsumption

    Because of the effects alcohol has on the liver, drinking alcoholic drinks slows down the

    bodys natural fat burning process. An occasional glass of red wine is probably the bestoption as not only is it low-carb but ithas some other health benefits.

    El consumo de alcohol

    Ya que no solo es

    Sino que ademas estePosee algunos otros

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    39. Take the long way to lose stomach fat more rapidly

    Try to resist taking short cuts in order to increase your movement and metabolism. Park

    in the space furthest away from the entrance, take the stairs instead of the lift and

    when possible walk and leave the car at home. This is definitely one of the best ways tolose stomach fat fast!

    Tome el camino largo para perder grasa del estmago ms rpidamenteCon el fin de

    Mas alejadoUse las escaleras en ves de el ascensor

    Cuando sea posible, caminar y dejar

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    40. Reduce your salt intake

    Excessive consumption of salt makes the body retain water. This makes the abdomen

    appearbloated. We can get enough salt from our diet without needing to add it to ourfood. Alsojunk food contains a lot of salt and is best eliminated in order to lose excess



    InchadoPodemos obtener

    Comida chatarra

    Lo mejor es eliminarla

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    41. Avoid stress

    Fit, shine, strong, vigorous.

    You may find it surprising but stress can cause weight gain. Not just because we are

    more likely to stress eat, but when our body detects stress it releases a lot of hormones

    that cause changes in metabolism. Bad news for belly fat!


    Estar en forma, lucirse.Puede resultar sorprendente

    No solo porque

    Mas propenso a hacer hincapie en comerSino que

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    42. Stay motivated to lose stomach fat fast!

    How can any of these best ways to lose stomach fat fast work if youre not motivates?

    Think about what could help you stay motivated. Keeping a food diary,joining anexercise class orrewardingyourselffor small successes are great ways to keep you onyour toes. But most importantly, if you do hit a low, dont punish yourself orbinge.

    Just start afresh and keep a picture of those dream abs handy!

    If you can stay motivated and on track, I guarantee you that these Best Ways to Lose

    Stomach Fat Fastwill work! Dont put too much pressure on yourself, though,just startimplementing these ways to lose stomach fat fast one by one. Youll be surprised at

    how easy it really is. And in just a couple of days youll notice thatyou have started

    losing stomach fat already! So why not start today? Make a promise to yourself and

    pickthe first way to lose stomach fat fast youd like to start with. And if you have any

    tips on best ways to lose stomach fat fast are, you are most welcome to share them in thecomments! When it comes to weight loss, there can never be too many tips!

  • 8/3/2019 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast


    Mantener la motivacion paraComo puede cualquiera de estas mejores maneras de

    Piense en lo que podria mantenerle motivado.



    Recompensese a si mismoMantenerte motivado

    Si toco fondo, si tiene un bajonSe de un atracon.

    Con solo comenzar de nuevo

    Es utilQue estas


    Debe comenzar

    Usted se sorprender de lo fcil que es en realidad.Se dara cuenta de que

    Que ya ha comenzado a perder grasa del estomagoEscogaCon la cual ud le gustaria comenzar

    Cuando de se trata

    Nunca puede haber demasiados consejos.

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