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47 Cent Power Leads What is worth 47 cents that can change a person's life? A letter, of course. Once upon a time, people bought stamps by the rolls, and the result were mailboxes full of life. Letters from distant family members and friends; postcards from overseas, birthday cards and holiday greetings, and many other items, jam-packed mailboxes full of life. Today, we go to our email inbox or Facebook page where we can read a simple: "Happy Birthday". Gone are the days we can hold something tangible in our hands after a friend or family member spent time at the local Hallmark sifting through cards that made them laugh and/or cry, just so they could find the perfect card for you. Gone.

But we still crave physical mail. We still hope there will be some life, something exciting, waiting for us in our mailboxes. Yes, we do. You better believe we do. Go to any neighborhood where mailboxes are cluttered together, and you can see people conversing as they sift through the one or two grocery store ads and coupons. They converse because that is all that is left to do at the mailbox. But why go to the mailbox at all, just for those grocery ads received once a week?

Because of hope. Hope that there will be something of importance, something of meaning that is much lost today via Facebook and emails…

Thus, though mailboxes have gone empty, or nearly empty, we still open them day after day. Maybe it's habit, or maybe it's, as suggested, hope... In this case…

Hope to sell that vacant piece of property.

Hope to find an excellent buyer.

Hope to move on with one's life after getting cash, cash, cash!

That's right. Snail mail is equivalent to hope for a lot of people, and it is in this hope you will find your opportunity. Crazy? Not so much. Real? Quite a lot.


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So, here we are... why should you use direct mail?

Essentially, direct mail allows you to be more personable, which is missing in our virtual world. Your direct mail will also fill someone's hope to sell a property to a worthwhile buyer. This document is your guide to make direct mail your key to a successful real estate business. This document is your guide using direct mail to make more money in real estate in far less time. Am I crazy to share it with you for a single dollar? Yes. But a lot of people have called me crazy. It does not matter, though, because you need to be the purple cow in your market. You need to be the crazy one and start using direct mail now while everyone else continues to use social media. Don’t get me wrong, social media is useful and can very well be complementary to direct mail, but in this industry, to get ahead, you have to stand out... and social media just doesn't cut it. You want to be something tangible that the Seller can hold in his hand and place on his refrigerator rather than an email that is easily deleted or sent to Spam.

Are you ready to find out how crazy I am to sell you this information for $1.00? And do you want to know what that information will include? Well, in this booklet, you will learn all about the following:

1. What sellers care about most when deciding to sell a property.

2. What your goals should involve.

3. What seller funnels are and how to use them.

4. What direct mail should entail, including its content and its look.

5. What your telephone script should look like.

6. What results you should aim for in order to assure Rock Star status!

Now, let's begin!


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Sellers & What They Want; Turning Concerns into Benefits

Sellers are funny creatures. They want to sell, and yet they don't want to sell if the buyer doesn't demonstrate certain qualities or provide certain assurances. Sellers have concerns that can range from anything to everything, but there are four common concerns that sellers share. These concerns must be the focus of your direct mail. Indeed, they must be the focus of all your communications.

Before telling you what these concerns are, know one thing first: Sellers do not -- I'll say it again: do not -- care about you. Yes, that's right. Don't cry; just get over it. No matter how charming or convincing you are... No matter how beautiful or stylish you are... No matter where you come from or who you know... Sellers could give two cents about you. In fact, sometimes your charm can be a put off. If a seller thinks you're acting smarter or better than he is, then you can kiss your sale goodbye. Muaah.

Don't believe for one minute either that your personality or popularity can sway a seller unless -- and only if -- you can turn a seller's concerns into benefits to them.

So what are Seller's concerned about?

1. Not getting the full amount of what their property is worth (or what they believe their property is worth).

2. Having to put too much financial resources and time into the property just to sell it.

3. Having to wait to long to sell and, in the meantime, having to fear that the sale will not go through.

Just think: when a seller sells a property, a small chunk goes to the realtor in the form of a commission. The seller never wants that because he


Tip: Sellers do not care

about you.

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believes that commission is his money... after all, it was his property that was sold. And why would a seller want to spend his weekends repainting, re-doing, replacing or repairing this or that when the buyer will likely change it all anyway? The time wasted is pointless. None of us want to waste time. Finally, as a seller, it sucks to have to wait a month or two months or longer in some cases just to close on the sale. Anything could happen within that time. Anything. From a freakin' tornado to the buyer's loan not going through.

For the seller, selling a piece of property can be a pain. In fact, it can be downright frightening or nerve wrecking. Most just want the property taken off their hands BUT FOR the concerns listed above.

Until one day... the seller reaches into his mailbox and something happens: magic. Your magic. Your words on that simple postcard present to them the hope they have been waiting for. Sugarplums will dance in their heads.

You. Are. The Seller's. Lifesaver. Those magical words just turned fear into benefits.

So, how do you turn a seller's concerns into benefits for them,

which essentially benefit you to buy their property?

In your communications -- ALL COMMUNICATIONS -- you MUST offer or reiterate the following:

1. That you will buy their house for TOP DOLLAR;

2. That you will buy their house "As Is";

3. That you can close quickly; and

4. That the Seller does not have to pay a


Tip: You need to turn sellers' concerns

into benefits!

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realtor commission.

These four assurances are what sellers want in order to sell a property. They make the Seller feel as though he is getting the best deal without having to put in a whole lot of effort. He will be able to sleep again at night.

With these four benefits, the Seller will secretly be thinking you are the crazy one! You will use these benefits as your selling/marketing secret. Use them. Use them. Use them. Make sure each communication revolves around them.

The Goal: What it is & how to get it.

The ultimate goal of direct mail is getting the Seller's attention; getting the Seller to contact you ASAP. That's what these four benefits will manage to do just for you!

Maximize your chances of purchasing a great opportunity by utilizing these 4 benefits in your direct mail. That's all it takes. Nothing more.

But you would be amazed at how many people fail to do so, and thus fail to become a Rock Star Real Estate investor!

It's not just about what you say, but when and how you say it!

Timing is just as important as the words. Look, we are all busy, and it's easy to get excited one minute and then have something else pull our attention away. You need to have a game plan.

The rest of this guide will help you with that.


Goal: Get your phone to ring off the hook by incorporating

these 4 Seller benefits into your direct mail (and

overall marketing strategy)!

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Seller Funnels How to Plan Your Strategy

Look, you know that nothing works well without planning and strategizing. You can't get from A to B successfully if you don't have a clue how to do it. Riding on the wing of luck won't help either. Sure, you could get lucky with one sale, but it'll be all downhill after that. A plan is necessary. It is instrumental. It is basic 101.

A seller funnel is what we use to plan our investment strategy. Never for a second believe you can succeed if you skip this step. Do not be lazy. Do not be a wise-guy. Do not assume because you know what that makes out of you and me.

What is a Seller Funnel?

A seller funnel is a process or steps to take to achieve your end goal to sell a product or service. In this case, your end goal is to sell the service of buying someone else's property.

Though a seller funnel may sound easy enough, but to create a dependable seller funnel takes time and effort. And I might just be that stupid to share it with you. My hard work given to you for just $1? Stupid. Plain and simple.

There are certain characteristics about my Seller Funnel that you should follow. Of course, you can customize your seller funnel to meet whatever needs you have, but much of it should include these characteristics in order to attain success. This thing was not designed over night. It is not the result of a whim. It is the result of planning, putting into practice and revising over time to produce a seller funnel that works.

Real results, real success, is made only through trial and error. This seller funnel is the result of our trial and error.


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What does a Seller Funnel do?

First, a seller funnel organizes your steps and acts as a checklist to ensure you have completed everything that needs to be done.

Second, it provides a way to analyze your results so that you can keep improving and build your business.

Features of Our Seller Funnel

1. Our seller funnels are always created using a mind-mapping program.

A great tool for building seller funnels is a mind map. I use XMind, which is an Open Source program downloadable online at http://www.xmind.net. You can download the free version, or upgrade to the professional program by purchasing it. Your choice, just use it.2.The steps of a funnel should be timed appropriately.

Our timing formula: (1) Start off strong; (2) Ease up; and then (3) End strong.

* More about this formula will be provided in the example to be provided later in this guide.

3. A seller funnel can run on any timeline you want. My example takes 30 days.

Note: A timeline is different from the timing formula. No matter what the timeline, you must always start off strong, ease up, and then end strong.

As noted, it will take you 30 days to complete my Seller Direct Mail Funnel. Again, you can have whatever timeline you choose, but be warned:

• A timeline shorter than 30 days may not give sellers enough space or time to (1) consider your offer; and then (2) contact you.


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Plus, a shorter timeline could put way too much pressure on a seller to act faster than he wants. Look, if you can't wait it out until the seller is comfortable, then forget it. The seller will resist any pressure he feels, and that means too bad so sad for you.

• A timeline longer than 30 days may give the seller way too much freakin' time to think about your offer. While the seller is thinking, someone else may be doin'.

For example, maybe someone else comes along and offers more than the selling price? The seller may just eat that up. So, the longer the timeline, the more time there is for something to happen... and that something just might not be in your favor.

Remember, people are busy, or forgetful, or lots and lots of other things. You do not want to appear pushy and yet you do want to keep reminding them of the opportunity before them to sell their properties to you. Thirty days, or a month, that's what the data suggests works best. Try it, and you just might see how it works well for you.

1. Typically, our Seller Funnel is broken down into 7 steps.

That's it. 7 steps. Seven is your lucky number.

7 Steps of a Seller Funnel for Direct Mail

Step 1: Direct mail via postcard 1. Mail a postcard immediately to everyone on your list introducing who you are and incorporating the 4 benefits to the Seller.

Step 2: Direct mail via postcard 2.     Mail a reminder postcard 4 days after postcard 1 to identify yourself once again and explain why you are contacting them.

Step 3: Direct mail via postcard 3.      Mail another reminder postcard 6 days after postcard 2 to reinforce the 4 benefits to the Seller(s).



t Off



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Step 4: Direct mail via letter 1. Mail a Realtor letter 5 days after postcard 3 to approach potential Sellers from a different angle.

Step 5: Direct mail via letter 2. Mail a reminder Realtor letter 7 days after letter 1 to re- identify who the Realtor is, who you are, and what your purpose is.

Step 6: Direct mail via postcard 5.  Mail a postcard 7 days after letter 2 to remind the Sellers (1) of your interest in the property; and (2) of the benefits to them should they enter into a contract with you.

Step 7: Direct mail via postcard 6. Mail a FINAL NOTICE postcard 2 days after postcard 5 to advise potential Sellers of the urgency of the matter and that time is of the essence.

All in all, the seller funnel should:

• be created using a mindmap;• incorporate my timing formula;• have a 30-day timeline, and • include the above 7 steps.

* A more specific version of the above Seller Funnel will be provided in the next section.







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Direct Mail The List. The Cost. The Look.

This section will provide you an overview of how to create a direct mail list, what the costs of direct mail will average, and how direct mail should be presented to best maximize results.

The Direct Mail List

To begin your direct mail strategy, you need a list of potential sellers. In order to be as effective and efficient as possible, this list must also be as accurate as possible. My experience suggests that ListAbility provides the most accurate mailing lists. There are, of course, other companies you can use, but why try them and waste your money when we already know ListAbility is the best out there?

Simply go to http://www.listability.com and click on the [Get Started Now] button to start the process! The price for a list starts at $20.00 per 1000 units. There are several features to help you target your area as well as to enhance the report. It's all pretty much self-explanatory. You don't need to be a genius, just find the site and enter some zip codes.

Once you have the list, upload it to a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) program. We use Buyers on Fire, which is specifically designed for homebuyers and investors. Having your list in an organized and manageable fashion cannot only save you time but will allow you to work at your best. As you input information, Buyers on Fire will help you determine your best leads so that success is literally at your fingertips.


Tip: Always add yourself to the list so you know when to expect calls and so you

know what step went out in the mail. This essentially

acts as a reminder or checklist.

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The Costs of Direct Mail

Typically, I create lists averaging 3000 names/properties. You can do more or less, depending on your own finances and time. For a 3000-property list, I usually spend $85.

As for the direct mail itself, the following figures are per each postcard/letter. So, the costs will vary depending on the size of the list.

Costs per postcard/letter:

• 42 cents per mailed postcard, which includes the 34 cents for the postage.You can use an online store program, your own software, or go to a local store to generate your postcards.

• $1.15 per mailed letter, which includes the 47 cents for the postage.This estimate could be as low as 89 cents if you create the letters in-house. I, however, don't want to waste my time licking envelopes, so I send this task offsite. The best provider to create my Realtor Yellow Letter is Yellow Letters Complete. Yellow Letters Complete is located at http://www.yellowletterscomplete.com. This site is specific to real estate investors and provides you with all-inclusive services.


Tip: Make your first direct mail piece as cheap as possible because it is this

step that helps you scrub the addresses and target your leads.

Tip: When letters are done in-house, the date stamp on the letter will indicate from which city the letter originated. This detail further

personalizes the letter. What is so nice about Yellow Letters Complete is it will send completed letters to you so that you may take them to the

local Post Office.

Small details matter. Making things personal is key.

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The Look of the Postcards and Letters

You have heard it before, and you will hear it here: Presentation matters. Yes, indeed it does. We have talked about personalizing the experience as part of the key to interesting sellers in your service. That same concept is used when we create "the look" of the postcards and letters. It's all about being the seller's friend or neighbor and not about being a corporation out to take advantage of a seller.

The Postcards

The appearance of the postcards should be as follows:

o Use yellow background;o Use black ink and a clean font;o Use 4.25x6 size; o Use both sides of the postcard, except for the Final Notice postcard; ando Always have the address of the property you want to buy on the postcard.

Yellow Letter

The appearance of the letter should be as follows:

o Use yellow paper;o Use lined paper (or at least make it appear as lined paper by using such services as provided by Yellow Letters Complete);


Tip: Plain postcards get better responses than pretty postcards. Do not

waste time and money on cool graphics or other hotshot looking postcards; stay simple and be personable.

Our data suggests ugly postcards pull much better results than pretty postcards. Strange but true!

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o Hand-write the message (or at least make it appear as hand-written by using such services as provided by Yellow Letters Complete).

Ultimately, your goal is to make the letter (and below envelope) look as though your grandmother wrote it. That's the feel the look should give.

The Envelope

The appearance of the envelope should be as follows:

o Use invitation size, but the color is up to you;o Hand-write the mailing address for best results;o Use a return address label for a slight professional appeal - make sure it is colorful and/or festive according to the season or holiday.


Goal: You want to express a feeling of familiarity and neighborliness simply

by the appearance of the letter and envelope!

Hand-written.Regular paper.

Nothing special.

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The Content/Copy

People like words they can relate to, not big flashy words that can create a feeling of inferiority. Do not talk above any seller. If you do, sellers will think that you think you are better than them. You need to be genuine.

To further personalize your relationship with the seller, use your own name. In addition to your own name, you can also use:

o My partner and I...o My wife and I...o My brother and I…

This type of language provides a downhome feel that most of your Sellers will relate to. So, yes, throw your charm away and get downhome. I mean, wouldn't you rather sell something to a family than a corporation? Besides, corporations aren't


Tip: The return address is important.

• Do not use a PO Box because this cancels out the personal appeal.• Always use a local address so the Seller believes you, too, are local - even if you are not.• Always use a real address, preferably an office address. • Try not to use suites, building numbers, etc. • Never use your personal address.

If you do not have an office or do have a suite/building number, you can rent a real address (a PO Box) from the local UPS store. UPS allows you to use their address without the need to use your personal PO Box.

Tip: You do not want to come

across as an outsider or a corporation wanting to take

advantage of a seller!

You do want to come across as an insider helping out a


Be conversational, not corporate.

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popular these days... if they ever were. People think they steal and lie, but a neighbor? A neighbor is honest and has your back. A neighbor won't trick you. The Stamp

Use forever stamps! This is simply a practical solution and is more personal than a post office's red ink-stamp.

The Basic Seller Funnel

You now know what the steps are and what the postcards and letters should like

like. To recap, the following is the basic seller funnel. This will get you started and on your way to successful property investment.

You should copy, use, abuse, re-use this seller funnel as much as you desire. It is yours for the taking; do not pass this up!

Day 1 Mail Absentee Owner postcard no. 1.

• Use yellow postcards.• Use your name.• Use both sides of the postcard.• Provide the applicable property address.


Reminder: Always use the 4 Power Phrases (aka 4 Seller Benefits) in your



1. You will provide TOP DOLLAR for the seller's property.2. You will purchase the property "as is".3. You will not require a realtor commission.4. You will close within 3 days.

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• Use a local return address.• Use a tracking number.• Use conversational language.• Use the 4 Power Phrases!

Day 3 Mail Absentee Owner postcard no. 2.

Same as above, but you can mix the wording up a bit.

Day 9 Mail Absentee Owner postcard no. 3.

Same as the above, but mix it up. Add an extra note or P.S. to the postcard. Maybe make the tone a little more urgent.

Day 14 Mail Realtor Yellow Letter - letter no. 1.

The yellow letter from the realtor is a great aspect of this funnel. It allows you to come at the seller from a different, more professional angle. You should use a new tracking number in this letter.

From our experience, the Yellow Realtor Letter pulls results like crazy. I mean crazy. Tracking it with a new number will help you ensure that you are doing it right.

Day 21 Mail Owner Letter - Real Estate - letter no. 2.

The second letter is a follow-up letter from the Realtor. This letter is more professional in style and uses a letterhead instead of yellow lined paper. This aspect of the funnel adds credibility in the mind of the Seller of both you and the Realtor.




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Even though this is a professional style letter, continue to use conversational language.

Day 28 Mail Absentee Owner postcard no. 4.

This postcard is not unlike the other reminder postcards. It serves simply as a follow-up to the Realtor letters.

Day 30 Mail Absentee Owner postcard - FINAL NOTICE.

The final postcard is the end-all/be-all. It does everything mentioned above but you use only the front side of the postcard. Keep it short but make sure the Seller knows this is it: the FINAL NOTICE.

Each of our postcards and letters are unique and come at the Seller from a different angle. You should do the same. Trial and error and tweaking here and there will turn you into a testing food! No doubt about it.

I had to test and tweak this seller's funnel over and over again just to reach a response rate of 26%! Chances are you will have to do your own testing and tweaking, but do not get discouraged. Trial and error is the best teacher.

The funnel's overall goal, and nothing more, is to get you phone calls. Period. That simple. And this method will do just that. Follow it. Do not take short cuts. Do not skip a step.

Test. Test. Test.

The Importance of Return Mail

Okay. So you had a pretty big list and sent out lots of postcards. It's likely return mail will clog your own mailbox. DO NOT THROW ANY OF IT AWAY!!!!


Goal: Get a phone call!

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In fact, return mail may prove to be your most profitable find.

Return mail may point you to absentee owners, who in turn may end up being the sellers who are most interested in your services.

What do you need to do with return mail since you will NEVER throw it away?

Look at it. That's what you do. You need to get the correct address and update your database.

The post office either wrote on it as undeliverable, or better, it might have placed a yellow label on it. This label will likely provide the seller's new address.

• Undeliverable Mail with a New Address Label

Place all return mail with new addresses in one pile and then update your seller's list with the correct addresses so that you can use them for the next Direct Mail batch.

• Undeliverable Mail without a New Address Label


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For those pieces of return mail without a new address, skip trace them using a service such as Lexis Nexis. Again, once the results are found, update your seller's list with the correct addresses so that you can use them for the next Direct Mail batch.

Tracking Numbers & the Telephone Call

So you have sent out at least your first postcard according to the Seller Funnel... You must stay on track with the Seller Funnel's timeline. In the meantime, you will also be awaiting your first phone call. For best results, use tracking numbers and be ready for the call.

Tracking Phone Numbers

You should use tracking numbers - NOT YOUR PERSONAL PHONE NUMBER. Tracking numbers will not only provide you a sense of privacy, but will also allow you to track calls for analysis later. For each mail piece that goes to the seller, you can use a new tracking number. By using a different tracking number for each mail piece/step, you will be able to identify which postcard or letter resulted in the best responses and which ones did not.

I use Buyers on Fire because, as stated earlier, it is an all-inclusive program. As part of the package, you get tracking numbers. How cool is that? Life made simple.

The Phone Call

The ultimate goal of the seller funnel is to get phone calls... as many as possible. When that goal is reached, and your phone rings off the hook, you need to be prepared. And I've already done it for you!

Use the script-less script. What does that mean? It means know what to say but don't sound like a robot!

Basically, keep it simple. Natural (even if semi-scripted). Personal. Conversational.


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First of all, it is best to answer all calls live. The second best option is voicemail. Never use a call center. To do so would take away from all you did to make this process more personal between you and the Seller!

This telephone script is like no other. And like no other, I mean, it is not robotic. Who wants to speak to an impersonal person? Not me. I'd hang-up. And so will the seller!

There are essentially 2 script-less scripts: (1) the live answer call; and (2) the return voicemail call.

The Live Answer Call SCRIPT

Seller: Yea, I'm calling you about a postcard that I just received.

You: Cool. How many bedrooms and baths does your house have?

Seller: 3 Bed. 2 Bath.

**Note** Many times this is where the Seller's life story is told. Listen to it all and NEVER interrupt the Seller. Remember: you are basically his friend, his local neighbor, someone who wants to help him rid himself of


Tip 1: You do not want to sound like you are filling out a form by asking a

question, such as, "What's your email address?" and then pausing to actually write it down. The Seller will sense it. This will make the Seller feel unimportant as well as make him believe you are some corporation

out to trick him.

Tip 2: Do not discuss mortgage or any other similar matter. That can and will

be done in your face-to-face appointment.

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his property. Listen to his story. Even laugh with him, if the story calls for it.

You: So, tell me what's the address of your house?

(The Seller will likely not recall the zip code.)

Seller: 123 Main Street in (City)...

You: Cool. I love that area and have actually bought many homes there in the past. Is the house occupied right now?

Seller: No.

You: How much are you asking for 123 Main Street?

Seller: I dunno. Tell me what you'll give me.

You: Well, I'm definitely interested in it... When's a good time we can go look at it?

The Return Voicemail Script-less Script

You will see below that the primary difference in the script is the opening. You want to keep it as natural and conversational as possible to keep the Seller's attention.

You: Hey, this is John Cochran, and I was calling you back on the postcard that you received.

Seller: Yea.

You: Cool. How many bedrooms and baths does your house have?

Seller: 3 Bed. 2 Bath.

**Note** Many times this is where the Seller's life story is told. Listen to it all and NEVER interrupt the Seller. Remember: you are basically his friend, his local neighbor, someone who wants to help him rid himself of


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his property. Listen to his story. Even laugh with him, if the story calls for it.

You: So, tell me what's the address of your house?

(The Seller will likely not recall the zip code.)

Seller: 123 Main Street in (City)...

You: Cool. I love that area and have actually bought many homes there in the past. Is the house occupied right now?

Seller: No.

You: How much are you asking for 123 Main Street?

Seller: I dunno. Tell me what you'll give me.

You: Well, I'm definitely interested in it... When's a good time we can go look at it?

A Word about Results & Improving your Business

Finally, you did it. You followed this guide and completed one full cycle? How did you do? Was it worth it? What do the results say? In other words: Were you stupid to pay $1 for this guide? Or was I stupid to sell it to you for $1? You tell me.

Results: Is it worth it? This business is totally a numbers game. If the numbers are not there, and you are not able to make it happen, then it might be best to get out. But if you use this system as instructed, the latter fate will not be your fate.


Goal: The ONLY reason for a phone conversation is to book a face-to-face meeting.

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But you have to put the effort into it. Nothing is free. Nothing happens magically. Hard work results in real results.

The Rock Star Status Scenario First of all, the average costs are minimal. But the average response rate is also minimal. You can expect 3% of the seller's from your list to contact you. Then, you can expect to close on only 3% of the properties belonging to 3% of the seller's who contacted you. If you initially sent postcards to 3000 people, then that translates into 90 calls and 2.7 properties.

How does this translate into profit for you? If you invested $3000 into the process and if each of the properties you closed on netted you $10,000 each, then you made $27,000. That's on the low end, too. So smile. Put it in the make or funnel it back into your business.

Worth it? Again. You tell me. But I say: You killed it with direct mail and can officially call yourself a Rock Star!

The Analysis: What was good and what wasn't?

If your results were not as good, or if you simply want to improve, then analyze the results.

With the tracking numbers, you can see which postcards/letters worked or didn't work.

Maybe it was the fourth card that generated so much response? Look at that postcard and see how it was different from the others. Maybe the yellow letter got you the most responses. What did you say in it? Is it something that could be used in a postcard, too?

You can also go back and analyze the process step-by-step.

Did you follow through on each step? Did you time everything appropriately? Did you send out both realtor letters? Make sure everything was in place and on time.

Analyze and start again. Remember: you are a testing fool. Test. Test. Test. Until you find out what works best for you.


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