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Page 1: 49407 Birds:49407 Birds - Keep Scotland Beautiful · This beautiful 32-page full colour booklet is full of fascinating information about how to attract birds to your garden all year

gardenGarden for Life is helping everyone growcloser to nature by exploring, enjoying andcaring for biodiversity in gardens throughoutScotland.

Supporters of the project include: British Trust for Ornithology; BTCV;Beechgrove Garden (Tern TV); Butterfly Conservation Scotland; Buglife;Biodiversity Implementation Team (SNH); Bumblebee Conservation;Community Food & Health (Scotland); Dobbies; Federation of City Farms &Community Gardens; Grounds for Learning; Growth Forth; Keep ScotlandBeautiful; Plantlife Scotland; Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh; RSPBScotland; Rural Projects; Scottish Allotments & Gardens Society; ScottishGovernment Biodiversity Team; Scottish Natural Heritage; Scottish WildlifeTrust; The National Trust for Scotland; Trellis.

This leaflet has been produced for Garden for Life by RSPB Scotland andScottish Natural Heritage.

Photography supplied by: www.rspb-images.com

© Scottish Natural Heritage 2006CC02k0608

ISBN 1 85397 487 0

Berries, shelterInsectsBerries, shelter, nestingShelter, nestingSeedsBerries, shelterBerries, shelter

Berries, shelter, nestingBerries, shelter, nestingSeedsFruit, insectsSeedsFruit

Berries, shelter, nestingShelter, insectsSeedsSeedsShelter, insects

This beautiful 32-page full colour booklet is full of fascinating informationabout how to attract birds to your garden all year round. From the everydayresident to the infrequent visitor, this booklet will help you identify and learnmore about their habits, feeding requirements and favourite plants. It’s amust for all, whatever your level of interest. Only available from the RSPB.

Please send me my FREEcopy of the The Birds in Your Gardenbooklet(BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE)

(Mr/Mrs/Ms) Initials Surname



Tick box if under 18 Are you an RSPB member? Yes/No

If yes, membership no:

Send to RSPB Scotland HeadquartersDunedin House, 25 Ravelston Terrace, Edinburgh EH4 3TP

If you are not a member of the RSPB, please read the following:We promise not to send your details to anyone else. The RSPB and RSPB Sales Ltd. would like to postyou further information about our conservation, campaigning and fundraising activities. The RSPBmay review your details and use them for market research and analysis. If you prefer us not to useyour details this way please tick here. * This booklet can only be sent to addresses in the UK. One booklet per household.

The RSPB is the UK-WIDE charity working to secure a healthy environment for birds and wildlife,helping to create a better world for us all.

Registered Charity No: 207076 06-07 Code: 1NG-SCO-002

Everyone with a garden, from asmall patio to a large expanse,has a potential home for anamazing variety of birds – anature reserve on your doorstep.In return for shelter, a place tofeed and to nest, birds will bringcolour and life to any garden.

Biodiversity is the variety of life onearth, and gardens make animportant contribution tomaintaining it. Many of our birdsnow rely on gardens as a vitalstronghold. Without care, evenour most familiar garden birds candisappear. In 1990 there was anaverage of eight house sparrows

in each British garden. In 2006 thishas dropped to only five. Its shyerand scarcer relative, the treesparrow, decreased by more than95% between 1970 and 2003, but isstill found in some Scottish gardenswhere they c an find food, shelter andnesting sites.

Birds, Gardens and Biodiversity

A free book just for you

Plants to attract birds:BarberryButterfly bushCherry* Clematis Cornflower*CotoneasterFirethorn

Hawthorn*Holly*HonestyHoneysuckle*Michaelmas daisyRoses

Rowan*Silk-tassel bushSunflowerWallflowerWillow*

Berberis, several speciesBuddleia spp.Prunus padus oraviumClematis montanaCentaurea cyanusSeveral speciesPyracantha,several varietiesCrataegus monogynaIlex, several varietiesLunaria annuaLonicera periclymenumAster novi-belgiiRosa canina* and rubrifoliaSorbus aucupariaGarrya ellipticaHelianthus annuusCheiranthus cheiriSalix caprea

Plants for birds

The plants in your garden provide birds witha place to hide, to find food and if you arelucky, to build a nest. The more varied yourgarden, the better it will be for wildlife.Remember that birds can be gardeners’allies - many species, such as the blue tit,feed on greenfly and other insects.

• Lawns are good for thrushes looking forworms

• Densely packed borders provide coverand insects for shy birds

• Shrubs and trees provide safe perches and fruit to eat

• Ponds an d marshy areas are a magnet for wildlife of all kinds

A helping hand

There are other simple ways that you canmake your garden more welcoming to birdsall year round.

• Bird tables and bird feeders provide awelcome source of food for many birds

• Consider putting up nest boxes insheltered places

• All birds need a source of water - itdoesn’t have to be a pond!

forbirdsand you’ll never be short of visitors.

Gardening for birds, and biodiversity, can make a real difference.

*These species are native to Scotland.

Cert no. SGS-COC-004203

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Page 2: 49407 Birds:49407 Birds - Keep Scotland Beautiful · This beautiful 32-page full colour booklet is full of fascinating information about how to attract birds to your garden all year


WrenThe tiny wren feeds on insects and spiders,and needs dense cover to hide in.

birdsand you’ll never be short of visitors.

StarlingAs well as worms and grubs from the lawn,the Starling will feed at the bird table.Scotland’s most frequent garden bird.

Blue titThis agile bird takes seeds and nuts fromthe birdtable, but also eats insects.

House sparrowNow much less common than it used to be,the House sparrow relies on our gardens.

Great titThe Great tit will feed on nuts from feeders.

GreenfinchUses its heavy beak to crack open seeds andgrain.

RobinOne of our most familiar birds, feeds onseeds, berries and insects.

BlackbirdThe brown mottled female and the strikingblack male both feed on lawns.

ChaffinchUsually seen feeding on the ground, onseeds and grain.

49407_Birds:49407_Birds 8/5/09 12:24 Page 2

Page 3: 49407 Birds:49407 Birds - Keep Scotland Beautiful · This beautiful 32-page full colour booklet is full of fascinating information about how to attract birds to your garden all year

gardenGarden for Life is helping everyone growcloser to nature by exploring, enjoying andcaring for biodiversity in gardens throughoutScotland.

Supporters of the project include: British Trust for Ornithology; BTCV;Beechgrove Garden (Tern TV); Butterfly Conservation Scotland; Buglife;Biodiversity Implementation Team (SNH); Bumblebee Conservation;Community Food & Health (Scotland); Dobbies; Federation of City Farms &Community Gardens; Grounds for Learning; Growth Forth; Keep ScotlandBeautiful; Plantlife Scotland; Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh; RSPBScotland; Rural Projects; Scottish Allotments & Gardens Society; ScottishGovernment Biodiversity Team; Scottish Natural Heritage; Scottish WildlifeTrust; The National Trust for Scotland; Trellis.

This leaflet has been produced for Garden for Life by RSPB Scotland andScottish Natural Heritage.

Photography supplied by: www.rspb-images.com

© Scottish Natural Heritage 2006CC02k0608

ISBN 1 85397 487 0

Berries, shelterInsectsBerries, shelter, nestingShelter, nestingSeedsBerries, shelterBerries, shelter

Berries, shelter, nestingBerries, shelter, nestingSeedsFruit, insectsSeedsFruit

Berries, shelter, nestingShelter, insectsSeedsSeedsShelter, insects

This beautiful 32-page full colour booklet is full of fascinating informationabout how to attract birds to your garden all year round. From the everydayresident to the infrequent visitor, this booklet will help you identify and learnmore about their habits, feeding requirements and favourite plants. It’s amust for all, whatever your level of interest. Only available from the RSPB.

Please send me my FREE copy of the The Birds in Your Garden booklet(BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE)

(Mr/Mrs/Ms) Initials Surname



Tick box if under 18 Are you an RSPB member? Yes/No

If yes, membership no:

Send to RSPB Scotland HeadquartersDunedin House, 25 Ravelston Terrace, Edinburgh EH4 3TP

If you are not a member of the RSPB, please read the following:We promise not to send your details to anyone else. The RSPB and RSPB Sales Ltd. would like to postyou further information about our conservation, campaigning and fundraising activities. The RSPBmay review your details and use them for market research and analysis. If you prefer us not to useyour details this way please tick here. * This booklet can only be sent to addresses in the UK. One booklet per household.

The RSPB is the UK-WIDE charity working to secure a healthy environment for birds and wildlife,helping to create a better world for us all.

Registered Charity No: 207076 06-07 Code: 1NG-SCO-002

Everyone with a garden, from asmall patio to a large expanse,has a potential home for anamazing variety of birds – anature reserve on your doorstep.In return for shelter, a place tofeed and to nest, birds will bringcolour and life to any garden.

Biodiversity is the variety of life onearth, and gardens make animportant contribution tomaintaining it. Many of our birdsnow rely on gardens as a vitalstronghold. Without care, evenour most familiar garden birds candisappear. In 1990 there was anaverage of eight house sparrows

in each British garden. In 2006 thishas dropped to only five. Its shyerand scarcer relative, the treesparrow, decreased by more than95% between 1970 and 2003, but isstill found in some Scottish gardenswhere they c an find food, shelter andnesting sites.

Birds, Gardens and Biodiversity

A free book just for you

Plants to attract birds:BarberryButterfly bushCherry* Clematis Cornflower*CotoneasterFirethorn

Hawthorn*Holly*HonestyHoneysuckle*Michaelmas daisyRoses

Rowan*Silk-tassel bushSunflowerWallflowerWillow*

Berberis, several speciesBuddleia spp.Prunus padus or aviumClematis montanaCentaurea cyanusSeveral speciesPyracantha,several varietiesCrataegus monogynaIlex, several varietiesLunaria annuaLonicera periclymenumAster novi-belgiiRosa canina* and rubrifoliaSorbus aucupariaGarrya ellipticaHelianthus annuusCheiranthus cheiriSalix caprea

Plants for birds

The plants in your garden provide birds witha place to hide, to find food and if you arelucky, to build a nest. The more varied yourgarden, the better it will be for wildlife.Remember that birds can be gardeners’allies - many species, such as the blue tit,feed on greenfly and other insects.

• Lawns are good for thrushes looking forworms

• Densely packed borders provide coverand insects for shy birds

• Shrubs and trees provide safe perches and fruit to eat

• Ponds an d marshy areas are a magnet for wildlife of all kinds

A helping hand

There are other simple ways that you canmake your garden more welcoming to birdsall year round.

• Bird tables and bird feeders provide awelcome source of food for many birds

• Consider putting up nest boxes insheltered places

• All birds need a source of water - itdoesn’t have to be a pond!

forbirds and you’ll never be short of visitors.

Gardening for birds, and biodiversity, can make a real difference.

*These species are native to Scotland.

Cert no. SGS-COC-004203

49407_Birds:49407_Birds 8/5/09 12:24 Page 1

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