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2. Where they live The Niemen live in California. WHAT REGION? They lived in a worm area. Kadden, you need to read about the region your Indians lived in and type description of the region here. 3. Natural resources What natural resources where in your Indian region? How did they use these natural resources for trading, food , housing other? 4. Works cited Helped collect food. Built houses. Fed kids. Making baskets. 5. The climate The climate was worm dry and wet. The lived by lakes and water. 6. Housing The hade teepees for housing. They used trees for housing to. They also used plants what kind of plants? 7. Food The Niemen ate shaman what is Shaman And hunted large animals What animals? an? And small animals. 8. Depending on tribe They help each other. The men have a job . Women stay home. 9. Work sighted Hunting animals. Making baskets. Making teepees.

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