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Page 1: 4th Lecture Effective Telephone Skills-OCPS

Effective Telephone Skills

Hello, Your Paycheck is CallingYour Phone Skills Can Market Your

Unique Brand

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It Pays to Remember!

There are interesting statistics that show people develop a perception about you within the first 30 seconds of a phone

conversation and their final opinion of you in the last 30 seconds….

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Begin and end a call with greater confidence and efficiency

Take clear and concise messages Demonstrate techniques for positive listening

and speaking

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Standard Greeting “Good Morning, Emma Whitfield speaking” This will ensure that the caller has the name

of the correct person

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Basic Telephone Skills

Effective communication and speaking skills Tone of Voice:

FLAT AND INDIFFERENT: bored, lack of interest in job, not interested in caller or in conversation

ENTHUSIASTIC: Vice Versa CARING: interested in caller, wants to help COLD: hostile, hates job, wants to be anywhere, but here

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WORD CONTENT: Keep jargon to a minimum in order to avoid

confusing clients/ customers Use language they understand!

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PACE: You need to speak at a rate that can be understood,

and how the customer responds will effect this- A slower rate of speech may indicate confusion or

fatigue A faster rate of speech may indicate anger or


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Effective Listening Skills Pay Attention Assess caller’s level of expertise Can save a lot of time! Echo important points Take notes

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Answering Calls Effectively

Answer the phone promptly Within 3 rings is standard practice

Identify the Department and yourself immediately Let the caller hear you smile!

Smiling conveys a pleasant tone to your voice Using the caller’s name helps build rapport

Transfer calls only when you have to Try to resolve the caller’s problem yourself whenever

possible. Explain why you want to transfer

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Think about your words and how they might be received “ He’s not in yet” The caller thinks: whats wrong with

this guy, cant he get on work on time? “He’s in a meeting” The caller thinks: Oh Yes, just

giving me the run around! “She’s still at lunch” The caller thinks: must be nice to

take such long lunches “ I don’t know when he’ll be back” The caller thinks,

nobody knows what's going on in that department!

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Taking Better Messages

Get complete information Use a notepad Record date and time

Spell names accurately Don’t be afraid to ask how names are spelt- people will

be flattered! What does the caller want?

A return call? When is good time to call?

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Ask, can you help? This does 2 things: It provides you with information about

the purpose of call that you can pass on in that message or it may eliminate the necessity for a return call if you can help the caller with the information required

Take responsibility, follow through! Its amazing how lax people are about returning calls and

following up enquiries Its OK to say, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out for you”,

BUT ensure that you follow this up by calling them back with an answer to their query

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Useful Tips To Remember(recap)

Breathe! Before you pick up the phone, take a deep breath. Most of us are what they call "shallow breathers". We take small breaths

in and out and therefore, sound tired when we answer the phone. The goal is to sound like you like your job and you are glad they called. Practice taking a very big breath and answering the phone at the top of

that breathe. You will continue speaking on the exhale of that breath and the caller will hear energy in your voice! You can also practice it when you are making a call and start your breath as the phone is ringing on the other end.

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Identify yourself Give your full name and function and or the name of your company.

Since they have taken the time to call you, you may answer the phone this way; "Thank you for calling Merchandise Concepts, this is Anne Obarski, how can I make it a great day for you

Tip! It will help if you slow down when you answer the phone or when you call to leave a message

How many times have you had to re-play your answering machine to understand what the person was saying or the phone number that rattled off too fast?

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Be Sincere People call us on the phone to have a problem answered. Whether it is to

get driving directions, or hours of operation or questions about our merchandise, they have a question and want it answered quickly, intelligently and politely

It is important to put the customer's needs ahead of ours. Have you ever been in a store and you were just about ready to put your things down on the counter to pay for them and the employee says, "You'll have to go to another register, I am going on break now".

A customer will remember how attentive you were to their needs when they are asked to make a referral!

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Listen attentively Put everything down when you answer the phone! Easier said than done,

isn't? How many times have you been in your office answering email, talking on the phone, listening to your Ipod and sipping on a Starbucks?

Me too. Shame on us. Customers don't like to be ignored and by multitasking, we are not focused on the customer's wants and needs.

Visualize the person, even if you don't know them so that you remind yourself you are engaged in a two-way conversation.

If you still have trouble listening, start taking notes on what they are saying By taking notes you can verify with them as well as yourself, the important

points of the conversation and the action items that needed attention.

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Outcome If the phone call has been successful, the first 30 seconds

established a positive perception about you through voice, and tone and focus.

The last 30 seconds will be when the caller finalizes their opinion about you.

You can make that a positive experience by thanking them for calling, reviewing the problem you were able to solve and then most importantly, thanking them for their continued business.

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I find myself on airplanes frequently with my speaking schedule. Recently I have noticed that no matter what airlines I am flying that the pilot has "air time" with the passengers on each flight. The words are all about the same. They share the weather in the city we are headed to, the time we should be arriving, the details about the lavatories and not to congregate in the aisles, as well as the great flight attendants, and then they always say something like this, "We know you have a choice when you travel and we are happy that you have chosen to fly with us, and we appreciate that. We ask that if your future travel plans involve flying that you will think of us first. So sit back, relax and enjoy the on- time flight to wherever".

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The pilot set up the outcome in the passenger's minds by stating it up front. He started by building a trusting relationship with the passengers that he couldn't see, by coming across as very approachable. Then he told us the important things we should know about the flight and who would help us if we had a problem and then in conclusion, he asked for our repeat business. Trust for me is built on the sound and the sincerity of the pilot's voice.

That isn't that much different than when your employees talk to your customers. To build a strong business, you need to have repeat and referral business. What easier way than to ask for their continued business at the end of each and every phone call.

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The way you speak over the telephone conveys 85 percent of your message, so by focusing

on the previous 5 tips you and your employees can make it a smooth flight in your business each and every time your

phone rings!!!

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Good telephone skills mean more satisfied clients, colleagues, customers

More business, more MONEY! They are just as important as face-to-face communication

skills Effective telephone skills mean problems are solved

more quickly and efficiently Good speaking and listening skills give customers a more

positive image of you, your brand and your company!

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